From MortgageOrb:
NAR: Home Price Growth Picked Up Steam Again in Q4
The national median single-family existing-home price was $410,100 as of the end of the fourth quarter, an increase of 4.8% compared with the fourth quarter of 2023, according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR).
That is up significantly from the end of the third quarter when the annual gain was 3.2%.
Regionally, and year-over-year, existing-home prices in the fourth quarter were up 2.1% in the South, 10.6% in the Northeast, 8.0% in the Midwest and 4.0% in the West.
Fourteen percent of the 226 tracked metro areas posted double-digit price gains, up from 7% in the third quarter.
”Record-high home prices and the accompanying housing wealth gains are definitely good news for property owners,” says Lawrence Yun, chief economist for NAR, in a statement. “However, renters who are looking to transition into homeownership face significant hurdles.”
In the past five years, from 2019 to 2024, the median home price rose by 49.9%, according to NAR’s data.
Housing affordability marginally improved in the fourth quarter. The monthly mortgage payment on a typical existing single-family home with a 20% down payment was $2,124, down 0.8% from the third quarter ($2,141) and down 1.7% – or $37 – from one year ago.
Almost 11% of markets (24 of 226) experienced home price declines in the fourth quarter, down from 13% in the third quarter.
“While recognizing many workers may not have the option to relocate, those who can or are willing to move may find more affordable conditions, especially given the wide variance in home prices nationwide,” Yun says.
We just received a tax bill for the neighbor’s house. 9,100€ each both for myself and my wife, which I believe is the fee for the city putting our ownership in the deed book. It is a percentage of the property sales price. The house we live in next door is registered as a ‘KG’ as part of our business. For personal reasons we bought the neighbor’s house in our own names as a couple. I trying to spend a couple hours every evening painting the two bedrooms upstairs which we’ll use for guests. Not much else to do in the evenings anyway as it is cold, rainy and overcast.
In the past five years, from 2019 to 2024, the median home price rose by 49.9%, according to NAR’s data.
Reading it yet again doesn’t distract. That’s just insane. If I was looking for a house these days, even I would wanna off a boomer.
cold, rainy and overcast
Chad, you gave me an idea for my next song. With your permission, I’ll trim the name of the song to “Overcast.” In fact, that’s a pretty good name for a band. Hmm.. The opening of the song could be something of a gentle rain falling as it slides into a dreary blues/fusion sound. I mean, The Doors and The Who used rain to open a song so… we can, too!
“ Regionally, and year-over-year, existing-home prices in the fourth quarter were up 2.1% in the South, 10.6% in the Northeast, 8.0% in the Midwest and 4.0% in the West.”
10.6% in the Northeast
8.0% in the Midwest
4.0% in the West
2.1% in the South
Fast Eddie,
This weather must drive the refugees that came from Africa absolutely nuts. A friend of mine retired in Valencia, Spain which is at the other end of the spectrum. The last few summers in Spain have been really hot and he had to have A/C installed. Electricity in the EU is not cheap nowadays!!!
Highest demand is in liberal, progressive blue Northeast
Lower demand is in conservative Maga territories.
NJ rightwingers hate living in the south and would never move to Oklahoma, Mississippi, Arkansas, Kentucky. They would even prefer Maoist Germany
Very Stable Genius,
I don’t know about Maoist, but Germany is certainly highly regulated. Lots of things can get you in trouble with the law. Saw an article in the local newspaper where a man was cited by the police for doing garden work on a Sunday! Yikes! You also aren’t allowed by law to store anything in your garage other than your car. I have no idea why, but whenever you see an open garage door the inside is totally empty.
That’s to make it difficult to hide Jews in there.
Germany sounds like a giant HOA…
Fast: Median sales price up 50 percent in 5 years, no wonder the young people are pissed.
Chad: Europe in the winter can certainly be dreary, overcast short days with long nights. That said, I know some people who go this time of year because it’s not crowded.
Juice Box,
It is a bit like a HOA. One that got a lot of people in trouble was you couldn’t cut down a tree larger than 20 centimeters without permission from the city. They luckily got rid of that one.
20 centimeters? lol….. the local councils there must be a horror. I have read they routinely decline large home construction or putting in privacy walls or shrubs etc.. Ed Sheeran declined for a swimming pool in UK, Conor McGregor declined for a large new home construction in Ireland. Imagine when the little guy wants to put on a small addition or a patio….
Buddy of mine in Morris county is already on the building and zoning shit list.
Put up a partial fence to block wetlands views, city flipped out, said it would create a flood risk being close to the canal. They told him that vegetative waste, branches, leaves would build up and create an issue.
So he cleaned the whole fucking canal with his bobcat.
City flipped to holy hell that he did it. He asked them when they last cleaned it, they couldn’t answer, he asked when it was scheduled to be cleaned, they couldn’t answer.
Redid the house (with permits), looks 100x better than anything in the neighborhood.
Though they completely flipped out when he reclad the deck – good god no permits. Deck was there, boards were rotted. Tear it down they say! Too close to the wetlands!
Same with a gazebo that was on the property, fixed it up, good god its the f*cking end of the world.
Says that the building department drives past his house every single day now looking for any reason.
He is close to just burning the house down and moving out of town.
Interesting story, seems to be a common theme in the whole state. I wonder which states are the most lenient. Probably the more rural and desolate, the better.
Ten 464
Dow drops more than 400 points after hotter-than-expected inflation report:
Live updates
Pia Singh
Brian Evans
Dow drops more than 400 points after hotter-than-expected inflation report:
It’s almost like we told you this was coming for 12 months
You could always move to Somalia if you find Germany too restrictive
Chad Powers says:
February 12, 2025 at 7:45 am
Very Stable Genius,
I don’t know about Maoist, but Germany is certainly highly regulated. Lots of things can get you in trouble with the law. Saw an article in the local newspaper where a man was cited by the police for doing garden work on a Sunday! Yikes! You also aren’t allowed by law to store anything in your garage other than your car. I have no idea why, but whenever you see an open garage door the inside is totally empty.
Trump took office and inflation immediately went UP.
But instead of fixing the economy, he spent his time banning DEI, renaming water, going to the Super Bowl and trying to put hotels on the Gaza strip.
We have a council that I call the “Council of Tree Elders” that insist you approve any tree to be cut down greater than 10 cm in diameter. They say no to everything. So, I just don’t contact them and do it myself. Supposedly, it’s a $600 fine for each tree you do if they find out. Doesn’t help that there are an entire line of dead ash trees the town planted in the neighborhood. You’d think they would say yes after a falling tree killed a kid this fall but apparently not. Meanwhile, Joe’s former DOE #2 lives behind me on a a “farm” and leveled I’m gonna guess 80 to 90 trees in his backyard last season.
What he should do is get them to fix the Healthcare YOY costs to something like -35% to make the overall rate go down.
Eggflation Is Back
Justin Lahart for the Wall Street Journal
The average price of a dozen grade-A eggs hit $4.95 nationally last month, Wednesday’s inflation data from the Labor Department showed.
That was above the previous record of $4.82, hit in January 2023, and was nearly twice as high as what a dozen eggs fetched a year earlier.
Are we blaming Trump for the shortages of eggs, or is that still on Sleepy Joe?
That was above the previous record of $4.82, hit in January 2023, and was nearly twice as high as what a dozen eggs fetched a year earlier.
I don’t believe I ever used the word ‘fetched’ in a sentence… until now. I think I will dedicate today to using the word ‘fetched’ as much as possible.
Very Stable Genius,
I can’t move at this point as we have a business here and a lot of my money is tied up here. We do have two backups in the US if we would be desperate. We own a short term vacation rental in Florida as well as a house in Hawaii which is rented out long term. The place in Hawaii is a money maker as the rent is $2,700 monthly. The place in Florida is break even so we might sell that in the coming year. Way too much overhead.
But instead of fixing the economy, he spent his time banning DEI, renaming water, going to the Super Bowl and trying to put hotels on the Gaza strip.
What was wrong with the economy?
Some data from CVS, from a guy I follow elsewhere:
CVS Health Corp (CVS)- parent of Aetna – reported Q4 2024 today.
Here are 16 key stats and financial metrics:
1/ Medicare Advantage Membership
-Grew from 3,460,000 to 4,447,000 – year-over-year (”YoY”)
-up 28.5%
(AEP results won’t show here until Q1)
2/ Medicare Supplement Membership
-Decreased from 1,343,000 to 1,282,000 – YoY
-down 4.5%
3/ PDP Membership
-Decreased from 6,081,000 to 4,882,000 – YoY
-down 19.6%
4/ Commercial Membership
-Grew from 18,339,000 to 18,851,000 – YoY
-up 2.8%
5/ Total Revenue
-Grew from $93.8 billion to $97.7 billion – YoY
-up 4.2%
6/ Total Operating Income
-Declined from $3.37 billion to $2.37 billion – YoY
-down 30%
7/ Health Care Benefits Segment Revenue
-Grew from $26.73 billion to $32.96 billion – YoY
-up 23%
8/ Health Care Benefits Segment Loss Ratio
-Grew from 88.5% to 94.8%
-due to increased Medicare utilization, unfavorable impact of 2024 star ratings, high acuity in Medicaid
10/ Health Care Benefits Segment Operating Cost Ratio
-Decreased from 16.0% to 13.4% of revenue
11/ Health Care Benefits Segment Operating Income
-Decreased from $266 million to $(757) million – YoY
-down 385%
12/ Health Services Segment Revenue
-Decreased from $49.1 billion to $47.0 billion – YoY
-down 4%
13/ Health Services Segment Operating Income
-Increased from $1.71 billion to $1.90 billion – YoY
-up 11%
14/ Pharmacy & Consumer Wellness Segment Revenue
-Grew from $31.2 billion to $33.5 billion – YoY
-up 7.5%
15/ Pharmacy & Consumer Wellness Segment Operating Income
-Decreased from $1.96 billion to $1.69 billion – YoY
-down 14%
16/ Valuation Metrics
-Market Cap: $69.2 B
-Price / Earnings Ratio: 13.96
I was planing on taking down a few trees this spring. I”ll risk a fine for no permit it is still cheaper than the tree service. They want like $800 bucks for a small tree and if it”s larger quite a bit more.
FYI Gemini flash 2.0 is out…did not take long for Google Gemini and Azure Copilot to bake in the Ads to the AI searches, several local advertisers on my tree removal search…
Long live the pay per click advertising model. $68 billion in the USA alone spent on PPC advertising.
It’s not just eggs. Read the report. When you impose tariffs, American companies raise prices to either make more profit or use the increases to pay the tariffs. After all, very little is made in America.
In other news. The Great one has already begun browbeating Powell into lowering interest rates to align with his tariffs. Clearly Trump does not know a single thing about how the economy works.
And in other news. Since the inauguration, the stock market is down.
Still waiting for the Greatness. Banning pennies and the ten transwomen collegiate athletes from competing with the men hasn’t exactly gotten us there yet, now has it. Oh wait, I forgot about Trump’s other great accomplishments. Renaming a body of water and a military base.
Tl;dr – people signing up for medicare adv. in record numbers. Thank you tax payers. But let us focus on the small potatoes.
On the tree thing. Montclair had one of those ordinances. As long as you replace the old tree with a new one, it’s okay for the most part.
The best way to have a tree removed is to wait for someone else to have one removed in the area. The chipper and chainsaws are so loud, you can’t miss them. Then walk over and ask them if they will do yours for $500. As long as it’s not in a tough to access place, or huge, they will say yes. Tree cutting, like car/matress shopping is extremely negotiable. If the crew and equipment are already there, it’s very simple to do another one if it’s an easy job.
Clearly Trump does not know a single thing about how the economy works.
Thank goodness O’Biden had a handle on the economy, fetched congress and demanded they pass the Inflation Abduction Act.
Just be careful taking down your trees. YouTube has a lot of videos of cut trees falling on cars, houses, etc. I had a couple of trees cut down in South Jersey before and it wasn’t cheap.
Princeton has the tree ordinance. In towns that did not have it, like mine, any time a new owner moves in, the first thing the morons do is cut down every remaining tree. The privacy I have from my neighbors is from my trees.. the neighbors all cut down theirs. I can sit in my backyard and not have anyone see me.
For every dead tree you cut down in Princeton, you need to plant 2.
Here you go Juice.
Lot’s of talk about how the tariffs are to blame. A duh….
Actually Gary, don’t mean to beat this dead horse again but most attribute Biden’s inflation to the ZIRP prior and the stimulus payments. Even still, inflation was lower both when Biden took office and when he left it, then it is now. And what is the cult leader proposing now? To lower interest rates.
Maybe Trump will suggest we just replace the dollar with $TRUMP meme coins. Hey, it worked for him brilliantly. Want to see inflation? Look at Trump’s bank account. Just don’t look at his tax forms since he claims he loses money every year.
Regarding trees, we held back on major renovations because of trees. I would rather live in a small house surrounded a lot of trees than a big house with no trees around.
They don’t shoot you for eating a hamburger there though. In America, it’s possible, and actually happened.
Chad Powers says:
February 12, 2025 at 7:45 am
Very Stable Genius,
I don’t know about Maoist, but Germany is certainly highly regulated. Lots of things can get you in trouble with the law.
Fired San Antonio police officer indicted for shooting teen as he ate hamburger in McDonald’s parking lot
December 2, 2022 / 8:01 AM EST / CBS/AP
A former San Antonio police officer who shot and wounded a 17-year-old as the teen put his car in reverse while eating a hamburger has been indicted by a grand jury on two counts of aggravated assault by a public servant and one count of attempted murder, prosecutors said Thursday.
James Brennand, 28, was a rookie officer when he was fired and charged with the two counts of aggravated assault after shooting Erik Cantu on Oct. 2 in a McDonald’s parking lot.
Lib: Let’s keep in mind Trunp has been in office less than a month. Both Trump and Biden are guilty of excessive spending. And, you know well had Trump sat back and did nothing during the pandemic the howls from the left would have been deafening. The pandemic was unprecedented, and I believe had Hillary or any other Democrat been in office they would have done much the same as Trump, and probably even more.
As for rate cuts , there will be none this year. Trump can rage all he wants, but they ain’t happening. In fact Powell should be raising rates.
Shame a stray bullet didn’t hit Donald working the drive thru.
Of course 3b, but I’m gonna keep keeping score because Trump puts on a hell of a show before walking it all back.
So, I read this morning that Serena Williams did a Crip walk at the request of the rap dude who ‘sang’ during the SB halftime? Because both are from Compton? And Serena’s sister got whacked by the Crips but she danced anyway because this was some sort of ongoing feud with another rap dude and is bigger than her sister? Is this some sort underground Cosa Nostra type of thing? The biggest question is whether the NFL knew all this and allowed it anyway?
Lib: No arguments on that.
For every tree I’ve cut down, I’ve put up 10.
The only lifeline keeping the middle class from disappearing was China and places like Walmart that, no matter the fucced up public spending, allowed people to buy things and feel like humans.
Well, that ship has sailed. Not only are they going to have trouble with purchases, they now have massive additional taxes on them from their own stoooopid government.
This is the shite you storm the Capital over. But no, Americans are going to drink, take CBD, and abuse their partners from the stress over this.
America started out as a bunch of energetic patriots trying to start a new country fighing a controlling government.
It’s full of pussies now who f’n whine when someone doesn’t make their fries fast enough at a McDonalds. A country of VICTIMS.
Go to church. God will save you. Or maybe Orange hair guy will. Ask him if you can cut some trees.
Fast: According to some only “ deep thinkers” can appreciate the SB performance by that rapper guy. Also , some say his performance condemned sexual abuse of children. I don’t recall that, but I had no idea what he was talking/ rapping about. I thought the performance was rather gloomy and dull, but I am not up on rap/ modern culture.
Fast Eddie says:
February 12, 2025 at 10:49 am
So, I read this morning that Serena Williams did a Crip walk at the request of the rap dude who ‘sang’ during the SB halftime?
Yup. The whole production had hidden easter eggs, like him having a necklace with an “a” on it.
Get it, “A minor.” Another kick to Drake’s face.
I hope Drake gets him. And there is growing backlash over Kendrick now.
Also , some say his performance condemned sexual abuse of children.
He started that rumor about Drake.
It’s not about that topic in general, it was about Drake.
The biggest question is whether the NFL knew all this and allowed it anyway?
Not a question.
They knew. Drake has sued the UMG over this. It’s not hidden. Geezers might not know this, but it was mainstream knowlege.
They allowed it. The real question is can he sue and win damages over it being “artistic” and kind of allowed legally.
Again, legal allows some people to be abused, like our Morris County tree cutter.
Go ahead, try and sue Morris county. Good luck with that. Or the NFL. OR UMG
I think something has to be done about the amount of spending, corruption and waste coming from the federal government. Can Trump fix this likely impossible situation? Who knows? That being said, Trump will either be a huge success or a colossal failure. There won’t be anything in between.
BRT says:
February 12, 2025 at 10:55 am
For every tree I’ve cut down, I’ve put up 10.
Sell them to the people in California to rebuild their homes. Trump says the best trees come from America. They are the finest trees, the straighest trees, the strongest trees, no one makes a tree better.
Canadian trees used to be okay. Now they are a bit more expensive.
Take that insurance companies, it just cost you more to rebuild your California home.
Oh, and those loser Germans and Poles. I guess you can now sit at home since the auto plants are all shuttered. Soon you can kiss your healthcare and pensions goodbye, high gas prices and Trump’s f you pay me attitude (to be NATO members) is going to make things way more expensive there. You should have bombed Davos when they all landed with their private jets.
My progressive echo chamber friends said I was out of touch when I said the halftime show was the worst ever. Then they said I was racist. Which is strange because I loved last years rap performance with our heroes from yesteryear. I suppose it’s only young blacks that I have an issue with. Even though I like Kendrick’s recorded music. That halftime show was more Def poetry jam from 1989, than it was hip hop.
Chad Powers says:
February 12, 2025 at 11:08 am
I think something has to be done about the amount of spending, corruption and waste coming from the federal government.Can Trump fix this likely impossible situation?
No, he cannot.
You replaced one grifter, Democratic Biden, with another grifter, Republican Trump.
Trump is like the NJ State Trooper that handcuffed an innocent woman with a stroke accusing her of being drunk at 8am while she was going to work.
America was doomed before Trump, before Biden.
Boomer greed put this country in massive debt, and maximum arrogance.
It is both a financial and cultural problem here.
Sadly Phoenix, debt is hardly an American problem. But look how rich it has made all of us (said the Wall Street alchemists).
Make America Great Again- I guess those little fuckers should have gotten a job.
Detroit Police are investigating a tragic story where two children froze to death as they were living in a van at Greektown Casino.
FOX 2’s Jessica Dupnack learned that police are investigating the tragic death of two children – a 9-year-old and a 2-year-old – at Detroit’s Greektown Casino.
We’re #6!
Never went to Greektown, though I heard they have a lot of full pay videopoker.
A great country is where American children freeze to death while oligarchs like Musk’s children parade around the White House, and billions of TAXPAYER dollars are given to foreigners to buy weapons like the Green T Shirt.
I guess that is someone’s idea of great.
Lib: That’s how it works today, either confirm or stay silent, and so now you are racist, or MAGA, or whatever. Do not have an opinion different from the what the politburo of the left decides is the correct way to think.
Here’s another interesting one.
Phoenix: You are all up on this Drake rap feud thing, I don’t have a clue about any of it. I just thought the show sucked, as did the football, and the commentary.
I know. I thought it was good enough to honor the BLM movement and admit blacks were crucial to our development both economically and culturally. But once it pushed into reparations, defunding the police and crazy DEI policies everywhere, I knew things had swung to far. Sadly, my friends swallowed the identity politics hook, line and sinker.
I never did have an issue with affirmative action either, come to think of it. Though, I would always argue against keeping healthy, capable working age people on the dole.
It won’t be long before what was a Constitution is headed into the paper shredder.
Sometimes the pendulum swings a bit too far for the bearing that supports it.
Great job boomer.
So now it’s the blacks fault?
Oh, Snap!!!!!!!!!!
Rapper feuds are as old as rap itself. Just a bunch of nouveaux riche brothas and sistas jealous of each others ability to escape the ghetto. Middle class white rappers like MNM, Beastie Boys and Vanilla Ice stayed out of the hip hop wars. Of course, they all had parents who weren’t living on the dole.
Libturb: About all I know in Rap is Blondie ‘ s Rapture from back in the day. I believe it was the first Rap Video on MTV, but not the first rap song. I think there was one a couple of years before Blondie , Freddy something I believe, I forget it was years ago.
3b says:
February 12, 2025 at 11:28 am
Phoenix: You are all up on this Drake rap feud thing, I don’t have a clue about any of it. I just thought the show sucked, as did the football, and the commentary.
I work with young people. Plenty of surgeons that are younger than me. So we are force fed a bit of each other instead of being segregated. They learn the older stuff, you learn the newer stuff.
The game was awesome if you were an Eagles fan or hate the Taylor Swift/Kelce crowd.
Sucked for KC fans, or anyone who wanted to see a good game. Sucked for the older crowd who doesn’t listen to modern music. Sorry Lawrence Welk fans.
Geezer will move on, and be replaced by the youth. Just as nature intended.
This feud is a bit different though, but yes, rap has taken many out of the gutter. And that is a good thing. No one likes the poor, right?
Plenty of white Americans are just as jealous of the “nouveaux riche brothas and sistas” that blew right past them with rap music instead of going to college.
Money does that to people, doesn’t it? Just has that effect on them.
Libturd says:
February 12, 2025 at 11:32 am
Rapper feuds are as old as rap itself. Just a bunch of nouveaux riche brothas and sistas jealous of each others ability to escape the ghetto. Middle class white rappers like MNM, Beastie Boys and Vanilla Ice stayed out of the hip hop wars. Of course, they all had parents who weren’t living on the dole.
My son, who has excellent taste in music, agreed it sucked. But mainstream American youth thought it was high key, next level, fire and off the hook. Damn, Gina!
Lib: Way too far to the left, it’s a big but not only reason why the Dems lost. I was in favor of Affirming Action too, as a means to try and address the historical wrong inflicted on Black Americans. It then morphed into something else from there. And yes, healthy able bodied people should be working , not sitting home . That goes for all races/ethnicities. I know a few free loaders who have basically never worked for most of their adult lives. I could tell you some things they have done, but too long and too ugly.
I’m watching the Powell testimony. It’s so depressing to listen to all the fawking geriatrics fumble their way through speeches and questions which were clearly written by their staffers.
David Scott who represents Georgia is 79 years old. Seventy nine. He can’t even read a sentence without stopping in the middle to catch a painful wheezy breath. There’s a cause….. wheeze…. to these tariffs… wheeze….and there are other costs….. wheeze…. he tried to say “his decision making process” without stopping and sounded like the life was squeezed out of this.
The United States is as decrepit to its core as the hundred year old infrastructure that it rode into the new millennium on.
Phoenix: Lawrence Welk?? You must be referencing the really old boomers!! I don’t know why Taylor Swift was booed. I am not a fan of her music, but she is an incredible business woman, and supposedly is a good human being in real life.
Lot’s of poor whites in the South and Appalachia living on the dole too. These are the ones who are most afraid of immigration. Not to take their jobs, but don’t want to have to share their ill-begotten bennies.
It was Dre, a black man, that gave Eminem his chance. The big labels snubbed him:
When I was underground, no one gave a fuck I was White
No labels wanted to sign me, almost gave up, I was like
“Fuck it,” until I met Dre, the only one to look past
Gave me a chance and I lit a fire up under his ass
Helped him get back to the top, every fan Black that I got
Was probably his in exchange for every White fan that he’s got
There’s nothing wrong with Swift besides her music and lack of dancing ability. Otherwise, she checks out in my book.
Just because someone doesn’t like somthing doesn’t mean it sucks. To say so is arrogant, especially when plenty of others enjoy it.
I guess the air is cleaner at higher altitudes.
Some animals are more equal than others.
It’s more that people like what they like. That is the way you approach the subject. I like some rap, don’t like other rap. Doesn’t mean one sucks and the other doesn’t, just means one’s taste for something hits different.
I don’t have to like something to not disparage it. It’s art.
Yes, 13 Management makes it happen for her. Similarly, her legal advisors are the brightest minds in industry who go to bat for her, and their other clients. As someone with decade+ industry experience, it is never the artistic individual.
X Æ A-Xii
I think I might off myself now.
I like some of Swift’s music. She donated thousands of tickets to the Girl Scouts years ago, went to one of her concerts for free in the Meadowlands.
Was dreading that show going in, loved it after I left.
She is a class act. I was pleasantly surprised. A very well run organization.
Tried to like her newest stuff, it “doesn’t suck”, but it is not my taste. Plenty of my co-workers love it. Not for me.
I am not a “Swiftie” but she is alright in my book. I prefer people who try to lift others up rather than tear others down.
Hegseth I Europe says a return to Ukraines 2014 borders is unrealistic. Additionally, he says the Trump administration does see Ukraine joining NATO as part of the solution to ending the war.
Taylor Swift was booed by Eagles fans. Supposedly she was a former Eagles fan prior to finding the love of her life in KC. Eagles fans are brutal. The worst of the worst. Convicted murderers won’t mess with Philly fans. I remember seeing a little Philly fan on the internet, 8 or 9 years ago giving Santa the finger.
3b says:
February 12, 2025 at 11:50 am
Phoenix: Lawrence Welk?? You must be referencing the really old boomers!!
Lots of talent on that show. No way to hide lack of talent with technology.
The whole world of music changed the day Cher sang the song “Believe”
Trivia, no cheating. What was the thing about that song that changed the history of music forever?
Additionally, he says the Trump administration does see Ukraine joining NATO as part of the solution to ending the war.
No way will Putin allow that.
Heggie best go back to the drawing board.
Vanilla Ice was hung over a balcony and threatened to be dropped to his death by Suge Knight until he signed a contract. Dre found and produced Eminem. Beastie Boys were big before that whole rap feud thing really got going in the early 90’s.
I would think someone with your background as an East Coast rapper would know these things. Google doesn’t turn up the video?
My kids make fun of me because I don’t know the new guys, so I make them listen to Rock the Bells on XM when they are in the car with me.
Cher hated that song more than any other. Even though it restarted her career.
I never paid much attention to the rap wars. Always found them a waste of my limited brain cells.
I absolutely adored LL. Forget Oreos, eat Cool J Cookies. I’m Bad!
And Biz Markie –
One night at Latin Quarters I was standin’ at ease
I saw this gorgeous young lady that I wanted to skeez
I didn’t show enough that I really did want it
So, no half steppin’, I pushed up on it
Pulled out the gold cable and a knot that was phat
Had a spotlight beamin’ on my BizMarck hat
But when she stepped in the light and she got real close
I saw a tiny weeny booger on the tip of her nose
She was dressed real def and her body was hooked
But that dried up booger just ruined her look
I wanted to tell her about it but I couldn’t be bold
So I played if off and said “that’s a cute green mole”
I was hopin’ from that she would wipe it away
But she didn’t do nothin’ I guess she wanted it to stay
I said before you get my number, I don’t mean to diss you
But write it in your hand because your gonna need the tissue
Absolute brilliance. Taylor’s got nothing on the Biz.
Lib: I will make a reasonable assumption that many of the poor whites in Appalachia/ South are living in squalor. The ones I know live in a nice comfortable house. They just leased/ bought a new car, neither one works. He just spends his time watching sports all day. The wife is the most stupidest person I have ever known. She has gotten stupider over the years.
Who cares what Cher hated.
Music forever changed with that song. Still no takers on the trivia?
Fine. Go ahead and cheat. Google it.
Gotta watch the angle of attack on that wing:
Credit card defaults are at their highest level since 2010 as consumers feel increasingly stretched.
As the Financial Times (FT) reported Sunday (Dec. 29), card lenders wrote off $46 billion in seriously delinquent loans in the first nine months of this year, a 50% jump over 2023. That’s the highest level in 14 years, the report said, citing industry data compiled by BankRegData.
These write-offs, the report notes, happen when lenders conclude it’s unlikely a borrower will repay their debts, and are considered a measure of major loan distress.
“High-income households are fine, but the bottom third of U.S. consumers are tapped out,” said Mark Zandi, the head of Moody’s Analytics. “Their savings rate right now is zero.”
Eagles fans are brutal.
The old Veteran’s Stadium had a jail.
The NFL had it’s heyday.
The Daytona 500 is this weekend though few here have any interest. Thursday night is two 60-lap duels on FS1 for a shortened taste of vroom vroom. On Sunday, the military will present it’s colors, then the invocation, the National Anthem, the fly over by a few military jets and then the aroma of race fuel and burnt rubber. Way too American for most of you guys here.
Michael Jordan and Brad Daugherty are charter owners, Pit Bull is a partial owner to a part time car and Emmitt Smith is a partial owner of a car in the Xfinity/Busch Series. Daniel Suárez is a Cup driver from Mexico, Eric Almirola is Cuban American from Florida and semi-retired from Cup, Rajah Caruth is a young black kid who drives the #5 Hendrick Truck, Bubba Smith drives the 23 for Denny Hamlin/Michael Jordan and I think Hélio Castroneves (Indy 500 winner) may be an entry this Sunday.
Can’t say there isn’t diversity. Everyone removes their hat and holds their hand over their heart during the National Anthem and reflects during the Invocation. It’s quintessential unity.
You never met my Ex wife. Consider yourself fortunate.
3b says:
February 12, 2025 at 12:20 pm
The wife is the most stupidest person I have ever known. She has gotten stupider over the years.
I drive rt 80 every day.
Going to work is like the Daytona 500 now.
Kinda fun yet a bit unnerving.
Some people on 80 make some amazing lane changes at 100+ mph.
No f’n roll cages either. Job security for me.
And no flag waving bullshite either. Mostly reliable Japanese cars and BMW’s doing the craziest stuff, with the boomers in the Buicks in the left lane.
re: “Ukraine joining NATO”
Was a non starter for Biden too folks. Then there is the rest of NATO. The United States, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Belgium, and Spain all have said in the media when asked NO over the last few years to allowing them to join.
How about Ukraine joining the EU??? They signed an agreement 11 years ago to allow them to begin the process…It’s a big NO right now and for the foreseeable future. Much longer than the bad orange man will be around that is for sure.
Ukraine should probably pivot and go for the Belt and Road instead and sell their mineral rights to China in exchange for protection from Russia. They aren’t going to get it from Europe that is for sure. EU expects the US to deploy their troops. Many European countries have no standing army or infantry with any kind of armor like tanks. They expect the US boys to die in the trenches first.
Watch some dash cam videos, or the PoPo pit maneuver stuff you wanna see real crashes. Eddie you will love this one.
“changed the history of music forever?”
I did like House of Pain from back in the early 90s. I think they only did about 3 albums, but they were unique.
Is the comment section on this site just a message board for 5-10 active people?
Biden and his ilk wouldn’t even talk to Putin. Just spent billons of taxpayer dollars in Ukraine.
Money that could have rebuilt California, North Carolina, and schools everywhere.
President Donald Trump announced he has spoke to Russian President Vladimir Putin to start negotiations to end the war in Ukraine.
Trump made the bombshell announcement in a lengthy post to his Truth Social account, declaring ‘the war must end.’ The two leaders spoke for 90 minutes on the telephone on Wednesday.
Fabius Maximus says:
February 12, 2025 at 12:40 pm
“changed the history of music forever?”
It kind of makes me think two things.
1. I can appreciate when progs get bent out of shape when Cheeto says something ridiculous, because this hits right in my Baileywick and it’s patently nonsense. That said it’s so off the rails that you just have to ignore it. That’s not an excuse that’s just a prescription.
2. I try to think about what is his motivation for saying this. I guess the idea is he wants to be on record advocating for lower costs which helps the common person as well as his rich benefactors.
Regardless, I want to stay in the position of just observing what’s going on and trying to analyze it, because the second he gets you annoyed or emotional, he knocks you off your game and that’s how he wins
Libturd says:
February 12, 2025 at
In other news. The Great one has already begun browbeating Powell into lowering interest rates to align with his tariffs. Clearly Trump does not know a single thing about how the economy works.
salfasano says:
February 12, 2025 at 12:42 pm
Is the comment section on this site just a message board for 5-10 active people?
Congratulations for being number 11.
the geriatric class loves to write hateful editorials in the WSJ describing Americas young as maoists
Boomer Remover says:
February 12, 2025 at 11:49 am
I’m watching the Powell testimony. It’s so depressing to listen to all the fawking geriatrics fumble their way through speeches and questions which were clearly written by their staffers.
Juice: Montenegro has been on the EU wait list since 2011/12. There are 34 requirements they have to meet before they are accepted into the EU. As of the end of 2024, they have addressed only 2 of the 34 requirements. Montenegro is corrupt so that is a big part of the problem, but it only has a population of 650k, less people than Bergen Co. There is no way Ukraine will be admitted to the EU anytime soon if ever, not to mention admitting Ukraine will bankrupt the EU in my opinion. They simply can’t afford it. Americans won’t put up with young Americans dying in Europe for Ukraine, or NATO, if the majority of the dying is done by Americans. European countries will need to spend more on defense, and the last of the neutral countries in Europe will need to reevaluate their continuing neutrality.
I lived in Germany for 8 months before I came to the US. It was an Interesting experience and I would go back. Renting an apartment was fun and I had to get someone from the IB side of the back to go into a branch with me to get a bank account opened to pay the rent.
The labor laws are nuts. People will get up and leave a meeting at 5pm. There was no overtime for employees. If you need overtime, you are understaffed so you have to hire. If you need to fire someone or reduce headcount its painful. In a strange way, that drives efficiency.
That all works well on cheap Russian gas.
yes, about real estate
salfasano says:
February 12, 2025 at 12:42 pm
Is the comment section on this site just a message board for 5-10 active people?
Trivia 2:
What was the original design of AutoTune really made for since it wasn’t music?
spent on Ukraine, yes true but money never left US. Spent on military industrial complex mostly in red states. No problem found by our fallen senator from KY. If that valve is stopped, who is gonna feed them?
I know Pixar was born out of oil exploration. Do I at least get extra credit?
Sure. But only because AutoTune was born for the same thing.
Partial credit given.
House of Pain’s Jump Around was mine, and quite possibly, all DJs choice record to get the party hoppin’. Cypress Hill’s, Insane in the Brain was probably my number 2. Tap the bottle and twist the cap was probably my distant third.
What is comical is that the Chinese specifically tariffed things they knew would hurt the Red states.
Not only are they hard workers, make some great food, but are quite comical as well.
njtownhomer says:
February 12, 2025 at 1:18 pm
spent on Ukraine, yes true but money never left US. Spent on military industrial complex mostly in red states. No problem found by our fallen senator from KY. If that valve is stopped, who is gonna feed them?
Libturd says:
February 12, 2025 at 10:46 am
“Shame a stray bullet didn’t hit Donald…”
Seek help. I have no doubt that this is how you honestly feel so congrats on having become a card-carrying leftist loon like Cher and Kathy Griffin. I bet you’d be embarrassed if your children knew that you wrote that.
“Chinese specifically tariffed things they knew would hurt the Red states.”
Donnie is hurting the red states more Alabama is in the FO stage with the impact NIH funding will hit the Crimson Tide. The University is the states biggest employer.
When it folds, Musk will buy the whole industry and call it something like Health-X
Why is no one talking about the Russian crypto guy who was freed?
In other news, did anyone count how many times Musk said “at a high level”? while his kid trying to distract the world? And wtf is a kid in the Oval Office when there is an announcement that thousands will lose their jobs? Can’t the single dad afford a baby sitter?
Oh, the whole “no line item” thing is a great way to distract the peasants. It seems to have worked beautifully. If there’s a line item payment with no attribution, you explore it and make sure some critical aspect in the govt function is not overlooked. AND THEN, you eliminate it. They even admitted they will make mistakes. I guess we have to see what the mistakes will be. WW3? More planes falling? Another pandemic?
And before you flame me – none of what I said above is untrue. Just questions which you should be asking before you respond.
Can’t the single dad afford a baby sitter?
Sit back and enjoy the show.
There is no blueprint on how an empire dies.
Maybe it starts with a child in the Oval office.
To be sung at Grim’s place at the right time:
Drink with me to days gone by
Sing with me the songs we knew
Here’s to pretty girls who went to our heads
Here’s to witty girls who went to our beds
Here’s to them and here’s to you!
Drink with me to days gone by
To the life that used to be
At the shrine of friendship, never say die
Let the wine of friendship never run dry
This guy has an interesting take. 100k subscribers in 9 months.–l1I?t=1
Check this out
3b says:
February 12, 2025 at 12:50 pm
Montenegro is corrupt so that is a big part of the problem, but it only has a population of 650k, less people than Bergen Co.
Ukraine is officially sold to Russia now.
So long allies.
I wonder what we gave up. Will we ever find out?
“Sit back and enjoy the show.”
The problem is that they just set fire to the theatre.
Chicago: Corruption seems to be a way of life in that part of the world, and this guy was supposed to be on an anti corruption crusade. I guess the temptation was too great.
The One Thing That Can Save America
By John Ashbery
Is anything central?
Orchards flung out on the land,
Urban forests, rustic plantations, knee-high hills?
Are place names central?
Elm Grove, Adcock Corner, Story Book Farm?
As they concur with a rush at eye level
Beating themselves into eyes which have had enough
Thank you, no more thank you.
And they come on like scenery mingled with darkness
The damp plains, overgrown suburbs,
Places of known civic pride, of civil obscurity.
These are connected to my version of America
But the juice is elsewhere.
This morning as I walked out of your room
After breakfast crosshatched with
Backward and forward glances, backward into light,
Forward into unfamiliar light,
Was it our doing, and was it
The material, the lumber of life, or of lives
We were measuring, counting?
A mood soon to be forgotten
In crossed girders of light, cool downtown shadow
In this morning that has seized us again?
I know that I braid too much on my own
Snapped-off perceptions of things as they come to me.
They are private and always will be.
Where then are the private turns of event
Destined to bloom later like golden chimes
Released over a city from a highest tower?
The quirky things that happen to me, and I tell you,
And you know instantly what I mean?
What remote orchard reached by winding roads
Hides them? Where are these roots?
It is the lumps and trials
That tell us whether we shall be known
And whether our fate can be exemplary, like a star.
All the rest is waiting
For a letter that never arrives,
Day after day, the exasperation
Until finally you have ripped it open not knowing what it is,
The two envelope halves lying on a plate.
The message was wise, and seemingly
Dictated a long time ago.
Its truth is timeless, but its time has still
Not arrived, telling of danger, and the mostly limited
Steps that can be taken against danger
Now and in the future, in cool yards,
In quiet small houses in the country,
Our country, in fenced areas, in cool shady streets.
Phoenix: Or maybe it starts with an old guy with early Alzheimer’s, or the guy before him who was incredibly full of himself, and hung on his every word as a pearl of wisdom. Who also loved lecturing and scolding the American people, or perhaps the guy before him, who got us into the quagmire of Iraq, because of his Daddy issues, he did a helluva job! Or perhaps it’s all of that and a poorly educated ill informed electorate on both sides Democrats and Republicans. As far as empires go, we did not last that long, and we were not all that big.
Last days of Rome. I felt that once. I was standing on roof of an old hospital in Crown Heights BKLN and it was July 4th. The sun was setting and the golden light was descending on the brownstones everywhere. I thought…this it. This is Rome. I shed a tear as I was overcome with emotion. I could hear various sounds coming from the thousands of homes that spread out below me. I wondered, is this what they saw as their empire faded? Thirty years later, I have my answer.
Njtownhome: The U.S. has provided 23 billion in non military assistance to Ukraine since July of 2023.
Cher’s autotuned “believe”
Dow drops more than 400 points after hotter-than-expected inflation report:
Breaking news, dip has been bought, again, just like it has been for 2 years straight
LAX, beautiful. and 3b, I didn’t think I would say this, but yours is a good verse too.
Like I said sometimes before, America is a young country. It’s seen nothing yet. That said, I don’t want to close my eyes to what’s happening…
I do need a good hobby this spring. Thinking of raising some silkies.
In his defense, hot women are expensive. Capital Grille ain’t good enough for the hotties of 2025.
Ajola Xoxa was found to have $1 million in the bank, and nearly 869 thousand euros, undeclared packages, were seized.
Secondly, about $1 million worth of purchases have been found. These are what the media told us: they are dealing with Ajola’s “clothes”
Chicago says:
February 12, 2025 at 1:49 pm
Check this out
LAX says:
February 12, 2025 at 1:58 pm
The One Thing That Can Save America
By John Ashbery. Oops, I mean SGC, and Fast Eddie.
Make America Great Again.
Turn off the lights, turn off the lights
The Senate voted Wednesday to confirm former Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard as director of national intelligence, a major win for President Donald Trump as Gabbard had been among the most controversial of his Cabinet picks.
The vote was 52-48 mostly along party lines, though Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky joined Democrats in opposing the confirmation.
Gabbard faced concerns from several Republican senators over her lack of support for Ukraine; her shifting position on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act’s Section 702, a key surveillance and security tool; her 2017 meeting with former Syrian President Bashar al-Assad; and her past support for Edward Snowden.
McConnell appeared to reference some of Gabbard’s positions in a statement he released after voting against her, saying she has “a history of alarming lapses in judgement.”
“The nation should not have to worry that the intelligence assessments the President receives are tainted by a Director of National Intelligence with a history of alarming lapses in judgment,” McConnell said.
However, key swing Republican senators, including Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Todd Young of Indiana ultimately decided to back her confirmation.
Sounds like a ringing endorsement to me. The greatest so far. Well besides the pedophile that Trump backed and failed his background check.
Russian media references Tulsi Gabbard as “our girl”. Probably a coincidence.
Russian media references Tulsi Gabbard as “our girl”. Probably a coincidence.
Her real name is Tulsinishka Gabbaronov.
Trump picks an active Army lieutenant colonel, with top secret clearance, a woman, a democrat, former Congresswoman also born in Samoan to be National intelligence Director, and all you feckers can say is Russia, Russia, Russia?
It’s going to be a long four years for you folks buy some therapy in bulk.
Dear Cornellians,
Today, Cornell joined 11 other universities as a plaintiff in a lawsuit filed by the Association of American Universities, the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities, and the American Council on Education challenging the cuts to indirect costs associated with National Institutes of Health (NIH) grants. We take this unprecedented step due to the unprecedented nature and enormous impact of this action by the NIH.
For decades, the NIH has partnered with universities to fund facilities and administration costs associated with federal research. This arrangement has greatly enhanced biomedical research, led to innumerable medical advances, and created a virtuous cycle of discovery, innovation, and entrepreneurship that is the envy of the world. Such sudden and dramatic cuts imperil this extraordinarily successful partnership. While we welcome a thoughtful process of evaluation of indirect costs, if the research capabilities of America’s universities are destabilized and undermined in this way, no institutions will be capable of filling the void of discovery and innovation as a public good.
We remain deeply committed to research that enhances the lives and livelihoods of people in New York state and around the world in tangible and lasting ways. We look forward to partnering with the NIH to ensure that we fulfill that mission together.
A temporary restraining order issued today in a case filed by state Attorneys General means that Cornell will not immediately be affected by the NIH changes. Cornell and other university plaintiffs are proceeding with this lawsuit to ensure a long-term resolution.
Cornell is a world-class research institution dedicated to discovery and translating that discovery to benefit the public in all aspects of American life. Our foundational mission “to do the greatest good” is unwavering. We will continue to respond to developments with decisions aligned with our academic commitment and institutional values.
Michael I. Kotlikoff
Interim President
4:19 – Thanks Igor.
4:20 – Why do you think the Turtle opposed Gabbard? Why did she meet Assad. And oh, do you know where is Assad now?
And to anyone who said “Russia thing is getting old”.. what do you say to the sudden Russian love?
Our enemy is suddenly our friend and our friends are enemies. What are we?
Wow look at how the Democrats at the Democratic National Convention were cheering for a Russian spy in 2012!
This name is pronounced “Ah-YO-lah JOE-jah”
Phoenix says:
February 12, 2025 at 2:42 pm
Ajola Xoxa
Yeah, but how do you pronounce X Æ A-Xii?
What about the Fauci museum? Did the court mandate the funding for that?
Tulsi was talking orders from the Democrats at the time. For example the former speaker paved the way.
The Russian thing as I said is getting old, just real old. Hysterics at its finest.
3b – that’s because they all take a hysterical and hypocritical oath to join the party.
For the record,
I have never mentioned a single fear of the Russian’s thing.
Lib – It’s pronounced X AI A-Twelve…. It used to be X Æ A-12, but the god damm communists running California said the birth certificates are only allowed to use alphabetical letters.
X is the symbol for the unknown.
AE – is Star Teck Scotty pronunciation for AI….. “AE Captain”
A-12 is the apparently the aircraft the kid was conceived in..
BTW we never get to see his siblings Techno Mechanicus and Exa Dark Sideræl……
I should renew my subscription to US Magazine…Is that still around?
Just to be clear here there are 18 intelligence agencies. DNI came about under GHWB because of the Clusterfuck of 9/11. All the DNI does is take the various intel from those 18 agencies and make sure what is important bubbles up to the President.
Trump will probably expand the role, hence the fear that program spending will get cut.
BTW – When program spending for the wrong people gets cut you can expect the GOP to revolt….will it go as far as an impeachment started by the GOP? Too soon to tell…..
NY is up first…..
“The U.S. Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit against the State of New York, Governor Kathy Hochul, Attorney General Letitia James, and DMV Commissioner Mark Schroeder. The charges allege that New York’s policies, specifically around immigration enforcement, have contravened federal law. Attorney General Pam Bondi announced these legal actions in a press conference, emphasizing a new approach by the DOJ towards states not complying with federal immigration laws.”
If you want to make an argument – either for or against foreign involvement, you can provide some data point before you diss the other guy.
For example, there are reasons mentioned before that suggest Gabard may be compromised.
So before you say something is ‘getting old’, acknowledge that it is just your wishful thinking. Politicians like criminals will not give you evidence to your face. It is up to us to connect the dots.
Statement from NYC Comptroller Lander on the Trump Administration’s Illegal Reversal of FEMA Funding
February 12, 2025
“This morning, my financial team shockingly uncovered that President Trump and his crony Elon Musk illegally executed a revocation of $80 million in congressionally-appropriated FEMA funding from New York City’s bank accounts late yesterday afternoon. This is money that the federal government previously disbursed for shelter and services and is now missing. This highway robbery of our funds directly out of our bank account is a betrayal of everyone who calls New York City home.”
“New York City cannot take this lying down. I call on the Mayor to immediately pursue legal action to ensure the tens of millions of dollars stolen by Trump and DOGE are rightfully returned. If instead Mayor Adams continues to be President Trump’s pawn, my Office will request to work in partnership with the New York City Law Department to pursue aggressive legal action.”
Fab- will the hotels evict them before the “aggressive legal action” is over?
Answer will be coming soon.
“Cornell will not immediately be affected by the NIH changes”
The problem with that Cornell statement is that they are just going to ignore the court rulling. Cornell will be affected, the day the next payment is due and it doesn’t get sent. That’s what a lot of people don’t get about this, the damage is done. Elon has the data and control of the systems. A court can tell him to delete it, or continuing funding but who is going to enforce it and how.
Maybe 3b and Juice can tell us how these injunctions are going to be enforced as they always have an opinion on stuff like this.
The only one engaging in wishful thinking is yourself. You want her to be compromised so she is. Just more hysteria, sounds like the Mc Carthy era everyone and anyone is suspect.
We know how Eric Adam is held by the balls. I did not hear a squeak from the right wing nuts here about the pardon.
All of Trump and gang is compromised. You cannot spell Felon without Elon.
Fab: Don’t put words in my mouth, I never voiced any opinions on how any injunctions might be enforced, on any subject.
3b, follow the data.
Fab – Happy to help
“damage is done”
Fab you ignore “prima facie evidence” from BRT, our esteemed Educator.
He has flat out told the money is robbed from research. Which part don’t you understand?
Cornell has a 10 billion dollar endowment.. They will survive the bad orange man.
The justice department probe of Adams should have continued, and the mass pardons of the Jan 6 th crowd was wrong. If they were to be pardoned then it should have been on a case by case basis.
Of course the Democrats here will say that the Biden pardons including his Som were justified. As to paraphrase Biden the Republicans would not let it go. Talk about lack of self awareness.
Follow the data? This isn’t a scientific study, provide the proof that she is compromised, not just your opinion.
As for Russia Russia Russia, I have been calling Tulsi out for years. Even Bernie called her out today and she was one of his biggest supporters (Spoiler Alert: who would really benefit from a strong Bernie run?).
“an active Army lieutenant colonel, with top secret clearance, a woman, a democrat, former Congresswoman also born in Samoan to be National intelligence Director”
So there are the proof that shes qualified to be trusted especially on Russia.
I’ll still stick with this guy when it comes to Russia.
“Recruited by MI6 directly following his graduation from Cambridge and initially worked in London at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) from 1987 to 1989. worked for MI6 for a total of 22 years
From 1990 to 1993, worked under diplomatic cover as an MI6 officer in Moscow, serving at the Embassy of the United Kingdom in Moscow.
Spent time teaching new MI6 recruits, then returned to London between 2006 and 2009 where he headed the Russia Desk at MI6.
Counterintelligence specialist and was selected as case officer for Alexander Litvinenko. Participated in the investigation of the Litvinenko poisoning in 2006.
Included in a hit list of the Russian Federal Security Service, along with Sergei Skripal who was poisoned in 2018 by a binary chemical weapon Novichok
Rent – re: “Eric Adams balls”
Yup voters all democrats should recall him now…oh wait there is an election for mayor around the corner in November?
What will he promise the democrats not to primary him? Remember Andrew Cuomo might toss his hat in the ring….
Lib: Duly noted on the Russian thing.
3b 7:03,
The position is so important that even a guise of compromise is compromise itself. If you din’t understand that, you don’t understand how Intelligence works in the world stage.
Again….this comes directly from the NIH! If you choose to not believe, it’s because you can’t come to grips with the truth.
Last year, $9B of the $35B that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) granted for research was used for administrative overhead, what is known as “indirect costs.” Today, NIH lowered the maximum indirect cost rate research institutions can charge the government to 15%, above what many major foundations allow and much lower than the 60%+ that some institutions charge the government today. This change will save more than $4B a year effective immediately.
They listed Harvard as taking 69%, Yale at 67.5%, Hopkins at 63.7%
Fab – Trump took British naval secrets to Mar-a-Lago and kept them in the commode be stolen by the Russians!!
It’s 2025 and counting……
As for the “what about the research to cure diseases?” gut reaction that keeps happening on this issue….this policy limits the administration from raiding those grants and assures that the majority of the grant actually goes to working towards those goals instead of the rest of the .
And you of course do understand how intelligence works. You are a bona fide expert.
A pissing contest is coming between OrangeTurd and his turdets and the Judiciary.
A smart federal judge would be making discreet inquiries with blue states governors and the US Marshals Service.
The USMS is under the judiciary, not executive branch. A smart judge would issue Arrest Warrants to be executed by the USMS with instructions to jail them or remand to a friendly governor state prison for ignoring court orders LordTurd Musk, his Doge teenagers uncle squad, the OMB head, OPM head et al.
And let’s see where the dust settles.
BRT: It does not fit the narrative, so just deflect. That’s what happens with indoctrination on the left, and of course on the right too, but it seems to be worse on the left. Even with your background and experience, you are dismissed as not knowing anything, they know best.
3b, In argumentation theory, what you just did is called “ Tu Quoque Fallacy” or a deflection.
3b, you start of reasonably and then go off the rails. You must be an angry man. And stubborn at that.
7:14, the judge will give in. Before it gets too far, his family will be put at risk by the orange turd. He who knows how to play dirty.
You know what they say, when you fight with a pig, you both get dirty and the pig enjoys it.
“the money is robbed from research”
That is not the point, the point here is that the admin will ignore the courts and the money will not be paid in violation of the order.
Will it affect Cornell and its endowment, yes and no. No its big enough, but yes its not set up to cover short term cash issues, that cutting off NIH funding will have. I’ll leave Chi to cover that as a Subject Matter Expert.
Will it affect Alabama with no real endowment Hell Yes!
Rent: There you go with the name calling, and the suppositions on your part that I am an angry man. I am anything but an angry man, quite peaceful. As for stubborn, if that is because I don’t buy your hysteria and hyperbole and I don’t adhere to the current Democratic party manifesto, or the MAGA republicans, then yes I am stubborn.
In other news Israel is considering strikes on Irans nuclear sites, it says the danger has increased that Iran will soon be able to develop nuclear weapons. Trump might want to reconsider his Gaza thing.
“will the hotels evict them before the “aggressive legal action” is over?”
Yes and No. Hotel owners (who probably voted Trump) jumped all over this. Failing hotel, cheap government money, it was a good move for them. Now where do they go?
What gets me is that they are calling these Luxury Hotels. Here is one it looks like a HoJo across the street from LaGuardia. Given the construction of the last load of years it was a better move to take the migrants,-73.8799996,3a,75y,140.07h,98.47t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sEKtcFgSX-JfpzyZCl9sRwQ!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI1MDIxMS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D.
3b: yes 23 billion for rent for experimenting new toys for wars, depleting the old cache.
I understand that may be a bit more, but considering the billions shelled out to Israel and Egypt, it is nothing as we have actual utility proxy war in Ukraine. Also, this was the cost of stopping or blocking Russia. Think of the LNG profits without such event.
That said, USAID was meant for Agency for International Development. Not AID. When you develop nations, public opinions, you conduct your regular business with ease.
That said, lets minimize or obliterate NIH, NOAA, NASA etc. Perhaps that time Red states like Alabama can understand the stress of their primary employer UofA and instead of shelling money like crazy for football coaches and stadiums, they can invest in the real work.
Now we are at the penny counting business, it is a testament that the empire is in serious decline.
You want her to be compromised so she is
Think about this. Why would I EVER want her (or anyone else) compromised? Why would I ever call her out as a Dem?
If she is compromised or just naivety, both are disqualifying.
Judge for yourself, A UTurn like that is not good.
When is Trump meeting with Kim Jong Un?
If there are any tips that Putin may have missed, this guy may be able to help oir own supreme leader.
Meanwhile Musk’s SpaceX gets a $40b contract today.
Nothing too see here folks…,
I don’t know where this guy finds them, but I swear, this page is like a wellspring of stocks that absolutely take off after everyone in the know has loaded up.
I passed on NNE at $7.
I just checked the site today and he has a bunch of new ones including GRRR and REKR which both had a ton of buy interest. Bookmark this and come back to these names in a few months
Don’t put words in my mouth
I didn’t, I said that I am expecting as always to weigh in with your opinion on issues like this. For me most of those are you carrying water for Donnie, with the Caveat that “But I didn’t vote for him!”
Funny I called left wing out on hedging both sides and he disappeared.
I think the convo betweeen Musk and Trump went something like this:
“Donald, look, we’re at a critical point. SpaceX is doing incredible things, we’re building the future, but to really make Mars a reality, I need a few billion more. Just a small, small investment, really. Pocket change for the government.”
“Elon, Elon, you’re a great guy, a tremendous guy. Everyone loves you. I love you. But let me tell you something—government money? It’s a mess, total disaster. They’re wasting it, throwing it away. I don’t give money. I make deals. That’s why I’m rich, you know. Very rich.”
“Yeah, but think about it. The government is bloated. Bureaucracy everywhere. AI could replace half of these people and do their jobs in milliseconds. We’re talking efficiency, cost-cutting, the whole shebang. We repurpose that wasted money into something real—Mars, off-world civilization, the survival of the species.”
“Now that’s smart. That’s very smart. But here’s what I’ll do—I give the government, you go find the dough. You’re a genius, I trust you. Just clean it up, make it beautiful. Like I did. Remember, I ran the country like a business. Best economy ever. Then Biden ruined it, very sad. But you? You could be the savior. The ‘AI President’—maybe one day. Who knows?”
“Interesting… So I just, you know, ‘optimize’ things a bit? Maybe lay off some people, shut down agencies that aren’t doing anything useful?”
“Exactly. The Deep State, the wasteful spending—it’s horrible. No one’s ever seen anything like it. If AI can do it better, do it. My people—great people, by the way—they’ll take care of the details. Just make sure there’s something for me, for my friends. You know, fair is fair.”
“Of course. You get your share. Just like, uh, a good partnership. Win-win.”
“That’s the art of the deal, baby. Just make sure it’s huge. Maybe we even slap my name on one of those Mars cities—Trumpopolis, maybe. Has a ring to it, doesn’t it?”
“Yeah… Sure. I’ll, uh, make a note of that.”
Adams “democrats should recall him now”
Yes, they should, he should go.
“Remember Andrew Cuomo” Met him at a wedding. Me and Mrs Fab ended up skipping round the person talking to father of the bride on the line as they had a probably a 4 minute conversation. Her father was so connected that a large group of friends went to the US Open Tennis, she drove and rolled up and said my daddy is X, where can I park. And it was, you can just leave it here.
So now here is something to watch. Remember Giuliani coming out with his October Surprise, that was her emails out of the NY FBI office, lets see how that Jan 6th FBI purge plays out!
“kept them in the commode be stolen by the Russians!!
It’s 2025 and counting……”
Ans there is no accountability, do you have a point here?
” Don’t put words in my mouth, I never voiced any opinions on how any injunctions might be enforced”
I did not put words in you mouth. I said that I am sure you will weigh in on this with you expertise as you do on any other comment in this space! Donnie needs that water carried!
Fab- we are related too..
How crazy is that?
Yet another plane fell from the sky. Anyone keeping count? Is it the 5th or 6th?
Fab you ignore “prima facie evidence” from BRT, our esteemed Educator.
He has flat out told the money is robbed from research. Which part don’t you understand?
I have a good friend who is a tenured biochemistry prof at a SUNY school. Her research (first as a post-doc, then as a professor) has been funded by various NSF and NIH grants for as long as I’ve known her (couple of decades).
She has told me that those admin costs that are “robbed from research” pay for labspace, utilities, maintenance, insurance, salaries for support staff… basically all the infrastructure that you need to have to do research.
She says that without those admin costs some universities and medical schools will be unable to afford to do research at all. She says the SUNY system is looking at an $80 million shortfall from this.
I’m sure she’s not as knowledgeable about these things as BRT…
“I am anything but an angry man” “I don’t adhere to the current Democratic party manifesto,”
So the question I’m trying to work out is “Where is your Rubicon?” You are like Leftwing, “When are the Dems ever going to appeal to me?” Meanwhile Rome is burning.
I ask, what the F, do Donnie and this incarceration of the GOP have to do, for you to say, “You know what, thats too far!”
Russia, Russia, Russia, at what point have you ever considered that the Steele Dossier is true? If not, what do you have to dispute it. Tonight we have you saying “provide the proof that she is compromised, not just your opinion”, right back at you, 9 years, show me anything in the Steele dossier that has been proven false. The only item questioned in that report is who had the Burner Phone in the Seychelles? Not that the phone was not there, but the person linked to the phone, could not have been there.
So again, “Where is your Rubicon?”
“Fab- we are related too..” Were you at that Wedding?
If we are related, I’m First Generation off the boat!
Fab: I don’t carry the water for Trump as you say. But, you do love saying that, everyone is suspect if they don’t adhere to your view. I asked you months ago, why you never criticize the Democrats, and you said you will when they do something wrong. So, in your mind the Democrats have done nothing wrong, nothing to be criticized for, no mistakes. That is pure party indoctrination. If anyone is carry water it is you for the Democrats, two big pails one for each arm.
“Luxury hotels in New York City including the Roosevelt, recipients of $59 million from FEMA to house immigrants, were a base of operations for Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua and served as a residence of the convicted killer of Laken Riley.”
“I don’t carry the water for Trump as you say” But you do, I just don’t think you realize it
“why you never criticize the Democrats”
I do, I criticized Tulsi, Joe Manchin, Kyrsten Sinema and others. Tonight I criticized Adams. I also hate Joe Lieberman with a passion. Quiz, what do all these have in common?
Quiz, what do all these have in common?
They all saw the light and distanced themselves from a tarnished, angry, resentful and bitter democrat party offering nothing but abuse, corruption, fake news and no common sense.
So I have to burn a Facebook friend. I worked with this guy for many years. He is super smart to the point he was an NYC chess champ in high school. In his IT field he is a Goat.
But a compete Trump head.
He is posting up how the Hay–Bunau-Varilla Treaty gives us rights to Panama. I am going to post how the Torrijos–Carter Treaty supersedes that and I expect him to cut the cord.
Fab: Why am I not surprised with your response. I will leave it at that.
Fast: Maybe they got tired of Liberal totalitarianism. You will agree or you are suspect.
Let me correct that. “They all saw the light” : and sold themselves to Crypto and Apollo and Joe was always in the pocket of the CT Healthcare companies.
“Fab: Why am I not surprised with your response. I will leave it at that.”
OK, No response, got it! In the words of Principal Skinner
3b: I’m just an uninformed, garbage mouth-breather. How can I possibly compete with the deep intellects to understand the depth of the constitutional crisis we’re facing?
Liberal totalitarianism, What the F is that? Really, that’s what you have?
“How can I possibly compete with the deep intellects ”
You mean you slept through Totalitarian democracy as well?
Fab no worries have a tournament all weekend trying to get my Son D-1.
So end of story on politics really, Donnie will overstep his mandate. GOP might send him packing? what else will happen?
Anyone can guess too
he is unpredictable.
She has told me that those admin costs that are “robbed from research” pay for labspace, utilities, maintenance, insurance, salaries for support staff… basically all the infrastructure that you need to have to do research.
That’s because she ignores the army of administration in the University. She also ignores all the money being siphoned to non-science departments. Oh wait…tuition pays for that right? Here’s a clue…reduce the admin…use tuition to maintain the university, use the grants to actually do research.
You mean you slept through Totalitarian democracy as well?
It was a two credit elective, I had no choice but to sleep.
Here OC1, since I’m so incredulous on the issue, take it from a professor in my department…
Richard H. Ebright
Feb 9
A 15% cap on indirect-costs rates probably is too low, but indirect-costs rates over 50% are unjustifiable, and indirect-costs rates over 60% are obscene.
Richard H. Ebright
Feb 7
At some institutions, the indirect-cost rate is greater than 80%:
Salk: 90%
Scripps: 89.5%
CSHL: 88.5%
There is no no defensible justification for non-uniform indirect-costs rates and absolutely no defensible justification for indirect-costs rates greater than 60%.
Btw, the entire Chem department at Rutgers was full of Liberals…and they were the biggest complainers on this issue as they brought in all the money and it was continuously jacked.
BRT, you know ypu are not the only one who ever got a grant from the NIH or worked at Rutgers, right
And 3b, the moment we present some facts, he deflects, attacks the messenger or back at the democrats.
Fast Eddie, trying to be relevant, pastes a headline from Fox News.
And SmallGov, between changing his diaper pledges his allegiance to the almighty trump.
Meanwhile, Russian oligarchs are making deals with cheto, the tech guys continue to be enamored by the new shiny toy on the block, selling their souls off. And agencies being ransacked by billionaires.
And oh, the planes keep falling off the sky.
This country is fucked and maybe it deserves it.
Only a strong correction and a recession will wake people up to their senses. I woke ip this morning telling myself I will be positive, and the ugly facts keep smacking me in the face
9:55 seems reasonable-
She says that without those admin costs some universities and medical schools will be unable to afford to do research at all. She says the SUNY system is looking at an $80 million shortfall from this.
How many tuition paying kids does SUNY reject from med school each year? Start there. Then, they can cut their entire DEI department and free up another $10 million likely. In 2006, Democratic governor Jon Corzine cut $160 million from Rutgers budget in the form of state aid. People claimed it was a death blow to research. Nothing bad happened. In fact, they put up 20 new buildings after that. Back then, all my professors were making $140k. Now they are all making $400k. Universities have been making it rain for the past 2 decades on high tuition. The money is there, they just need to shore up their budgets.
BRT, you know ypu are not the only one who ever got a grant from the NIH or worked at Rutgers, right
So you just didn’t even read Dr. Ebright’s tweets on the issue, did you? Either that or you just write them off as well because they don’t align with your world view? You had zero opinions on this issue prior to last week and didn’t even know it existed yet now you are all knowing on it.
No problem, good luck with the tryouts.
You do however answer one of 3b points. Why do HNW Bergen County go for Donnie.
Its quite simple, it doesn’t impact them so why should they worry? I live in what I call “Republican Hell”. I went to the Super Bowl Party at the Firehouse. Probably more than half voted for Donnie. Most (like Left) just couldn’t vote for a Dem.
I do however see progress in my town that gives me hope, they admitted their first Asian members . Given that the town has a double digit Asian population, that is progress. It took a while.
btw, I have no idea why you guys insist that the money needs to be siphoned off of NIH/NSF grants. Why don’t you just argue to fund it through another source?
“Then, they can cut their entire DEI department”
Here’s what people are missing about DEI. It is not about elevating mediocre minorities above their abilities, it is trying to stop highly qualified minorities being passed over for mediocre white candidates. People seem to have a blind spot for that.
“It was a two credit elective, I had no choice but to sleep.”
Yes I am tackling that same issue today. My kid is heading to college, but we have to work out what General Ed classes we will have to take (sleep through). This is confusing to me as when I came out of high school and went to my European College, it was assumed that you high school education covered those basics.
My kid is heading to college, but we have to work out what General Ed classes we will have to take (sleep through).
That’s easy, take the class with the most chicks.
I’ll wait to see where the savings go. I’m sure all of this is true.
GenEd was great for raising the GPA and improving your Jeopardy score.
What is sprach zarathustra?
Good night you filthy animals. Oh and Flab… Let the kid choose his classes.
On February 7, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced a policy return to historical precedent that would cap allowable “indirect costs” at 15% of the overall NIH research award—saving an estimated $4 billion annually. This action is already facing legal challenges: On February 10, a federal judge issued a temporary restraining order blocking the policy from taking effect. Regardless of the legal parameters, our focus is the wisdom of the policy of capping indirect costs for NIH grants. In our view, capping indirect costs is a sensible step to increase the efficiency of government funding for medical research and minimize universities’ bureaucratic bloat. However, federal policymakers should couple such a cap with less regulation and micromanagement of NIH funding to minimize recipients’ compliance costs.
Capping Indirect Costs
In an attempt to steer federal resources toward science and away from overhead, NIH’s policy change capped indirect costs, which cover general facility and administrative expenses. Unchecked indirect cost reimbursements provide incentives for universities to capture more funding as general revenue, with a questionable connection to the underlying research.
Before this change, if the NIH awarded a $1 million grant to a scientist, and the university claims its indirect cost rate was 50 percent, the NIH would send $1 million to support the scientist’s work directly, and another $500,000 for the university to spend on “administration.” As it stands, NIH spends one-fifth of the current $49 billion budget on indirect costs, implying an average indirect cost rate of around 25 percent.
Universities are the largest recipients of NIH grants. Johns Hopkins University received $843 million in NIH grants in 2023. That same year Yale University received $622 million in NIH grants—the amount they are reimbursed for “indirect costs” is in addition to the grant’s award amount. When publishing this new “indirect cost” policy, the NIH noted that Johns Hopkins’ indirect rate was 63.7 percent and Yale’s was 67.5 percent. In dollar terms, well over half a billion dollars was given to Johns Hopkins for medical research that didn’t actually go towards research. At Yale, two-thirds, or $420 million, of the $622 million given for medical research was not spent on the main purpose of the grant.
Indirect costs are defined by federal regulations as expenses related to “facilities,” which encompass the building and upkeep of facilities, and “administration.” Many critics of current NIH funding argue that the federal government should not be underwriting these costs or that universities should be using their multi-billion dollar endowments for these purposes. While there does seem to be a limiting principle to what can be considered within “facilities,” such limiting principle doesn’t seem to exist for “administration.” Administration is defined “as general administration and general expenses such as the director’s office, accounting, personnel, and all other types of expenditures not listed specifically under one of the subcategories of “facilities.” Notably, since 1991, the “administrative” portion has been limited to a cap of 26 percent of modified total direct costs—despite increasing administration requirements applied to federal research grants.
Once upon a time, government research grants actually capped indirect costs – at 8 percent in 1950, increased to 15 percent in 1958, and then to 20 percent in 1963—the cap was lifted in 1966.
Bottom Line
All taxpayer and American investment dollars should be spent as efficiently as possible. Currently, the status quo permits research funding to underwrite the growth of college administration and bureaucracy. Policymakers can debate whether 15 percent is the right target for a necessary and efficient amount of indirect costs to accompany the grant, but without question NIH’s new policy will mean taxpayers pay for more medical research and less subsidization of bloated college bureaucracies. The Trump administration’s bold action should be coupled with actions to reduce bureaucratic paperwork burdens. Scientists save and change lives in labs, not filling out paperwork.
BRT, you have lost your mind to think that research can continue the way it is by cutting back from 50 or 60% to 15%. Research will die.
Grad students are cheap. Post docs are cheap labor. And your claim that professors are making 400k is flat out wrong. Rutgers professors salaries are actually public domain. You know it is false yet you hyperbole. You have some beef with Rutgers. I think you were involved in some scandal that led you to be thrown out and taking the beef on all research.
Did you fuck a grad student?
I really have no idea what the proper “admin cost” should be.
But maybe before cutting it down to some completely arbitrary number (chosen by people with zero knowledge of the costs of doing scientific research) we could audit some grants and see where the money is actually going and how necessary those admin costs are? Then decide on what the proper admin cost should be?
And maybe apply those new admin costs to future grants so as not to screw up research already in progress?
Did you fuck a grad student?
Nothing wrong with f–king a grad student if you’re a student yourself.
I never did when I was in grad school, but I did f–k the department secretary (in the x-ray diffraction lab).
JJ (how I miss him!) isn’t the only one with some good stories. ;)
BRT is a right wing crank and a big RFK Jr fan and he teaches science so any sane brained person would know to disregard anything he says. Yet the real serious thinkers here think he is credible bc he feigns and exaggerates any experience and expertise he has outside of teaching physics. The same numbnuts who say there are no MAGA on this board.
Let’s say a professor is studying diabetes. He/ she gets an NIH grant. The admin costs have to cover for the cages and the staff to maintain the facility. In fact you need to prove you can conduct this research and have admin support and show what percentage of the grant will be admin. You need to show this BEFORE the grant is even given.
Only the big colleges have this support system and most community colleges don’t.
With 15% as admin costs, it is impossible to do such research.
Princeton, just released a report that it is impossible for most research to be conducted at 15% admin costs.
Trump and Vance want to kill all science research. Vance’s wife comes from a lineage of professors. He knows better. This is all on purpose not an accident.
Gutting America from within is what this admin wants to do.
*cages for the mice. Not grad students ;-)
We had a 236 post thread??!!! In 18 hours.
Nothing to see here.
Interesting: the State Department’s procurement forecast detailing a $400 million order for “armored Tesla” has now been edited to “armored electric vehicles.” The document shows the edit was made tonight at 9:12 p.m. — after it was highlighted in reports
Only Boomers have access to universal Maoist taxpayer funded healthcare.
“Patients who contest denials face a daunting process, but many are successful. ‘This appeal saved lives
Health insurers process more than five billion payment claims annually, federal figures show. About 850 million are denied, according to health-policy nonprofit KFF. Less than 1% of patients appeal. “
Scott Turner, the new secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, announced Friday that HUD’s staff was halting enforcement actions that further a “far-left gender ideology” when it comes to housing programs.
He said the 2016 rule was inconsistent with “what the Lord established from the beginning when he created man in His own image.”
Almost 90 minutes without another comment?
Fetch me more comments.
Vince McMahon gets a a pass from Trump…no charges filed case drooped by DOJ as his “estranged wife” is facing a senate confirmation meeting.
Not surprising, but it’s tempered by the amount of cancelled contracts in December. Highest ever.
Rent: Facts? What facts ! The Steele Dossier? Even The NY Times called its information “thin and sketchy “.
Fab: It wasn’t just the volunteer firemen in your town that voted for Trump. It was also lawyers, doctors, Wall Street types and other assorted highly educated and wealthy residents that voted for Trump .
As for the first Asian volunteer firemen, you seem to assume they were at one point kept out of the fire department, when perhaps they had no interest in joining in the first place for whatever reason. We just got our first female volunteer fire fighter. We have had a Korean American cop on the force for over a decade as well as a school board member.
Yeah, my buddy from the old neighborhood went to Law School. In 1990, there were literally no Korean-Americans getting a JD. The whole early part of his career he was the white elephant. All Korean parents of means expected their kids to be doctors.
Fast forward 20 years, he spent 20 years in NYC corporate law securities. Bidding war for him to open a Seoul office. All the chaebol want the American to shepherd their deals. He went from having a good solid career to serious coin. Sometimes it pays to be unconventional.
3b, why are so vehement about protecting cheeto? He is a crook plain and simple. No amount of facts will have you say it out loud.
Say it after me: “Trump is a crook”
SmallGov, you can sit this one out.
Ever heard of Rehlko? You will soon enough.
This is what happens to a company founded in 1873 when a group of vulture capitalists do their thing.
Enjoy your Rehlko faucets and generators. It’s over now.
Jersey Mikes kept it’s name, but was attacked by the vultures as well. I don’t go there, are the deals still the same?
Call them what they are, not entrepreneurs, or capitalists. They are Oligarchs.
When Trump is done destroying the American economy, other countries will be offering to bail America out if it is willing to give them it’s rare earth minerals, oil, and gas.
Munich Maga’s run over strikers in Germany.
What does that German sign say?
Asians don’t for the most part let their kids play football. They understand common sense better than other Americans that a brain is important to protect.
I read somewhere a while back down near Princeton that some high schools football programs were lost as they the increasing Asian population didn’t support football.
At least someone is thinking.
3b says:
February 13, 2025 at 9:24 am
Fab: It wasn’t just the volunteer firemen in your town that voted for Trump. It was also lawyers, doctors, Wall Street types and other assorted highly educated and wealthy residents that voted for Trump .
As for the first Asian volunteer firemen, you seem to assume they were at one point kept out of the fire department, when perhaps they had no interest in joining in the first place for whatever reason. We just got our first female volunteer fire fighter. We have had a Korean American cop on the force for over a decade as well as a school board member.
Princeton, just released a report that it is impossible for most research to be conducted at 15% admin costs.
But somehow possible to grow their endowment by more than whatever the difference is.
Oops, guess it was a different hater, possibly islamic.
I don’t understand why people just run over innocents for no reason.
The way I see it play out –
America will become a playground for the super rich from all over the world. The average american’s standard of living meanwhile will become worse than most other countries. Our natural resources and anything that can be exploited by other countries – meaning the rulers and super rich from other countries – like the Chinese oligarchs and the Russian yact owners, or even dictators from all over the world will have a stake in our pockets. Add crypto and the average american will just keep paying these leeches. And our government will fully support this robbery.
This Find Out phase is going to be long and painful.
I could see that happening. Boomer will be underground when it happens.
>> But somehow possible to grow their endowment by more than whatever the difference is.
This is like any other business – EXCEPT, the IP from the research is usually owned by the researcher and collaborators and not the university. A university is not Apple or Meta.
The university also by itself does not apply for grants or patents. Researchers do. Think of a college as an incubator and NIH, and indirectly the Americans, get to take part in it. Princeton for example is older than the country itself, and it has worked to provide America with amazing discoveries. You remove research and you gut america’s greatness in science, technology and even liberal arts.
and BRT, if you have indeed worked as a researcher at Rutgers, I don’t have to explain any of this to you. You, as well as the new administration, knows this. So, what’s the beef?
Don’t tell me it is to save money for the average american. There are bigger ticket items.
What’s the price of eggs again?
BRT – it’s a tax-exempt endowment of $34 Billion, over $4 million per student. It earns on average 9% year too so they have $3 Billion to play with.
Princeton’s indirect cost rate stood at 64 percent, way above average for sure. They got $58 million from the NIH last year. So $37 million was spent on indirect costs.
They cannot find $37 million? How about ring up Jeff Bezos?
eggs were $4.95 average in January 2025 under Joe Biden’s leadership.
I expect Trump will double it and make Chicken farming great again.
btw…private research grants have always capped the “admin and other” costs at 20%. So does the entire continent of Europe. You gotta wonder how they do any research over there.
Any place there is piles of money corruption will follow.
BRT – it’s a tax-exempt endowment of $34 Billion, over $4 million per student. It earns on average 9% year too so they have $3 Billion to play with.
Princeton’s indirect cost rate stood at 64 percent, way above average for sure. They got $58 million from the NIH last year. So $37 million was spent on indirect costs.
They cannot find $37 million? How about ring up Jeff Bezos?
They could always admit 100 more students to make up that shortfall. With such a legendary math department they could figure out a practical solution.
>> They cannot find $37 million? How about ring up Jeff Bezos?
$37 million is pocket change for what Princeton gives back to America. It’s a bargain.
Do you know how much Cheeto wants to give Larry Ellison and Sam Altman? $50Billion. That’s $50,000 Million.
And bear in mind, that any research that conflicts with industry can ONLY come from Universities. If you want to know why your grandkid has more propensity to be gay or be on the spectrum (responsibility : chemicals industry?) or ADHD ( responsibility: tech industry?), that can only be done in a Univ.
Get it yet?
So this is who profits, right??
This is like any other business – EXCEPT, the IP from the research is usually owned by the researcher and collaborators and not the university.
This is like any other business – EXCEPT, the IP from the research is usually owned by the researcher and collaborators and not the university. A university is not Apple or Meta.
You’re wrong on this. Any patents I did at Rutgers, which I have a few for Room Temperature Ionic Liquids I synthesized are 98% owned by the university. Some professors would work around this by making their own startups which is questionable on moral/legal grounds but I’ve seen it done.
Again, you are giving more money to the researcher. How you arrive at the conclusion that this prevents research is a logical wormhole in and of itself. The people making noise are the admins who are leeches on the system.
Who maintains your Room for the synthesis work you did? Who makes sure the equipment works as needed. There is some shavings that can be done at the college level on admin costs – on a case by case basis. But a blanket 15% would kill the chicken that lays golden eggs.
Trump’s call with Putin alarms Europe and shocks Ukraine
The announcement of the Trump-Putin call made no mention of Europe or of much of a Ukrainian role, playing into fears that their interests will fall by the wayside.
Does the 24hr clock begin now?
“Does the 24hr clock begin now?”
Maybe the clock runs on Health Care reform time? You know. We were promised a massive reform of ACA back in 2015.
But MAGA can do no wrong.
Propensity to be gay? I thought being Gay, was just the way someone was born? Are we saying now that if you are Gay, there may be some environmental reason for that? Oh the irony in that statement on so many levels.
3b, laying out the facts. We don’t know. Hence the question. We need more research and we cannot depend on private industry for all research.
The “propensity” – perhaps not best word here, could be on epigenetics.
But there you go again with the deflection. You always miss the forest for the trees.
Phoenix: It will be interesting to see what happens after the Trump/ Putin call. I bet the Europeans are secretly happy if some kind of settlement comes from this. The European countries and Biden never gave the kind of military support to Ukraine to actually have them have any chance of winning. It was only at the end of Biden’s term that he allowed long term missiles to be used to strike targets inside Russia. Biden was concerned about widening the conflict, perhaps he was right. But, if the Ukrainians were able to bring the war to Moscow and St. Petersburg, Putin might eased up on Ukraine due to pressure from the Russian people.
re: ” alarms Europe”
More like what we have to pay for this?
Secretary Hegseth just told Europe they will have to foot the bill approx 3 Trillion rebuilding effort for Ukraine and we are out of here too….. NATO which is majority US Troops will not be manning watchtowers along Ukraine Russian border like Zelensky wants.
The answer depends on the parents you had, what religious institution they belong to, and the environment you grew up in.
Well, not really. Those things just decide if you come out of the closet or not, if you internalize, etc.
I’m not gay, don’t understand it. But there is enough scientific evidence that it is a natural thing, happens in other species, so I guess they are indoctrinated as well. Haha.
It’s just another form of hate, like hating somene because of their religion, social status, race, or anything else you can think of.
Sorry, a bit late today. Got tied up doing actual work. The terror attack in Munich was by an Afghan asylum seeker who came to Germany as a minor I believe. He should have been well integrated by now. With German elections right around the corner this only helps the far right AfD party. I would be shocked if the asylum and immigration laws here aren‘t changed. Germany has a higher percentage of residents with an immigrant background than the US. The Munich Security Conference starts tomorrow. That will be some super tight security I‘m sure. Thank God Kamala Harris won‘t be attending this year. She made a fool out of herself on past visits.
Putin just needs to know something from history. Don’t trust America.
It’s reneged on one after another, and can be uprooted every 4 years when the people of America choose their new muppet.
He may make a deal with Trump, but I don’t think it will be easy on Ukraine.
I don’t blame him.
A big Dubai?
RentL0rd says:
February 13, 2025 at 10:42 am
The way I see it play out –
America will become a playground for the super rich from all over the world. The average american’s standard of living meanwhile will become worse than most other countries. Our natural resources and anything that can be exploited by other countries – meaning the rulers and super rich from other countries – like the Chinese oligarchs and the Russian yact owners, or even dictators from all over the world will have a stake in our pockets. Add crypto and the average american will just keep paying these leeches. And our government will fully support this robbery.
This Find Out phase is going to be long and painful.
11:35 Trump is making a fool out of every Republican voter. Which is worse?
11:37 the buzz “over there” right now is Putin will have free reign to expand his wars to Europe.
that’s the attraction for the Grifter in Chief
Phoenix says:
February 13, 2025 at 11:06 am
Any place there is piles of money corruption will follow.
Rent: No I don’t due the reflection thing, that is you. And, you are now saying that Gay people may be Gay, because of environmental factors. I don’t know much about clinical research, but I would be surprised if scientists were carrying out research to determine if being Gay could be caused by environmental factors. If you take that a step further, than the next step would be that being gay could be cured or eliminated going forward if the environmental factors were changed. I don’t think there is any research being conducted on what environmental factors cause people to be heterosexual, so why research on being homosexual? You bought up the topic of environmental factors possibly determining if people become gay. You can try and walk it back now, but that’s what you said.
re: “Munich Security Conference”
Vance and Hegseth will both be there… You can bet Zelensky who will be there also is going to be leaving with his tail between his legs. He wants to press the members for more funding, boots on the ground and well more war. The Europeans have for the most part don’t want to send their young men to the front lines to die. I don’t think he can convince any European country to do that much less the USA.
You are taking my words out of context and ignorant.
You miss the mark in understanding again, and trying to raise a topic that is not the main topic here. Always picking and choosing. I don’t want to get into a technical scientific discussion with you – you are too twisted for that.
The important thing here is, why do you do that? What makes you pick and choose outlier comments that suit your narrative? Again, what’s the beef?
Chad: As I understand it, the AfD is expected to get 20 percent of the German vote on Feb 23, that is a big number. This latest attack will perhaps increase their share of the vote.
Who maintains your Room for the synthesis work you did? Who makes sure the equipment works as needed.
The university that currently charges $30k per student. You don’t seem to realize, this is a money shell game. Like I said, there’s no reason it has to come out from a grant. A true liberal would argue, that’s great, more money for the researcher, and lets give them even more money for maintenance from another source.
Btw, Rent, what’s the ideal percentage for a university to take here? 20% 50%? 80%? You tell me, because it’s all over the place.
Rent: No, I am not. You are walking back what you said about environmental factors perhaps determining why people are Gay. I called you on it, period. You don’t have to get into the technical scientific discussion with me as there is no technical scientific discussion to be had, and if there was, I don’t think you have the background or qualifications to discuss it. People are born straight or gay, period. You believe there may be environmental factors that determine if people become gay. No amount of backpedaling on your part can change that.
In other news Kamala Harris is the favorite to be the next governor of California in 2026 if she decides to run.
The AfD will likely have the second highest vote total behind the CDU/CSU. The problem is they form coalition governments here. I think there has only been one election in post war Germany in which one party held power by itself. The CDU/CSU has said they won’t form a government with the AfD. It will be interesting how this plays out.
Chad: If not enough votes to form a coalition government then new elections? I read all the German parties have agreed not to go into coalition with the AfD, the same in France with their right wing National Front party. We are in turbulent times.
How awesome is it to see a Kennedy in a Republican administration! I believe we’re witnessing an unprecedented time in American history – the transition to new way of thinking, a fresh approach, a more business-like approach. Gone is the stodgy behemoth of ineffective government to leaner, faster, more proactive initiatives. Every day now seems to bring groundbreaking moments and new ideas. America is still number one!
There is a time line of a few weeks after the election to form the government. The political parties have to come up with a solution for forming a coalition government. There will only be one vote for the election. Whoever becomes Chancellor will be in a very weakened position in contrast to past leaders of Germany.
>> Btw, Rent, what’s the ideal percentage for a university to take here? 20% 50%? 80%? You tell me, because it’s all over the place.
It depends.
Thats for the researcher and college to determine. For example, if the science involves yeast vs mice the admin costs / maintenance costs would be different. Again, you know that. You just refuse to be honest with yourself on this issue
yeah well if you knew anything, the researcher has had zero say and it’s all the admin’s choice, and they keep taking more and more each year up from 20% to 60%. A cap solves this issue.
the Kennedys are gross. you can have em.
12:59 sounds reasonable.
Fast: RFK is a strange dude, and his stand on vaccines in general is concerning. It’s good to see the FDA is finally banning the use of red dye coloring which was banned years ago in Europe. I am sure there were better choices out there then RFK.
“How awesome is it to see a Kennedy in a Republican administration!”
Sharks all over the Gulf of America are in mourning.
“I am sure there were better choices out there then RFK.”
Yeah, like anyone else.
Pete just said we must make NATO great again (MNGA). Told EU states to up their ish to 5% of get rekkt.
We got maga, and myn-ga now.
Chad: I saw that the Austrian far right Freedom Party failed in their coalition talks with the Conservative party. As you know the Freedom party won the largest share of the vote, but not enough seats to form a government. I guess fresh elections will have to be called.
Boomer: With the exception of Poland at 4.7 percent, the other countries are no where near 5 percent from what I understand.
Tell me how they came up with 15% cap.
Especially if the current average is 60%
The only reason I can think of this draconiann cut is to kill research.
The same reason they have a wrestling woman to lead dept of education.
RentLord can Smell what the Rock is cooking!
I don’t know anything about the Austrian political system. Suffice it to say they used to have Kurt Waldheim who really was a Nazi in WWII. The little guy with the initials AH was also Austrian so there is also that.
3b, 11:57 – if you read carefully – I do NOT claim to be an expert at everything science. But THAT is the point. I don’t know. You don’t. This govt. doesn’t. We need scientists to do the research and tell us.
The govt needs to work with them to figure out appropriate levels of funding. Not hiring people with zero knowledge like RFK or WWF lady is the first step. And not passing caps with zero insight – WHILE at the same time, giving the cronies billions, IS NOT THE ANSWER.
Why TF, are you supporting these hires?
This is what is called an Inflection Point. It’s an amazing time to be alive IF you are working and making money. For everyone else that is struggling. It’s terrible.
But, I suppose it has always been like that. This has been an amazing year in my household. I’m really happy with my job and am sincerely grateful for it.
That being said, we got dropped from our homeowners insurance, my dog has an inoperable Sarcoma, and my sister just got laid off from her job. We watched LA burn in two areas that will more than likely never recover. Washington is a shithow.
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” so the saying goes.
Are you still planning to get a place in CR? Has your time table changed? Thx
KPMG just put out this piece on issues for elder care. Challenging issue to say the least
replace DOT with .
Private grants are capped at 20%, Europe is in the same ballpark. We can’t even get you to admit 60% is insane.
Rent: I never said I supported whatever hires you are referencing. My comment was on your comment about environmental factors determining one’s propensity to be gay. I believe and I thought the issue was agreed on years ago by the scientific community, that people are born gay, environmental factors have nothing to do with it.
Great share Nomad @2:20.
3b, I agree people are born gay – but it doesn’t matter what I believe. Let the research – science or other wise, find out. You cannot kill research, and that was my point.
Rent: Like I said you are back tracking as you realize what you said is problematic to say the least, and that of course again environment cause propensity to be gay. Again, your words, you are know saying let the research find out, and again I will say is there research being carried out to determine if environment increases ones propensity to be gay. You appear to think that there is . I don’t know, but would reasonably assume that if the scientific community is in overwhelming agreement that a person is born gay, then there is no need to study if there are environmental issues that determine one’s propensity to be gay, just like there would be no need to study if environment increases ones propensity to be straight. I think you know how bad your comment looks , and the reasonable takeaways one could interpret from your comment. I already know what that comment says to me, but I won’t say anything. I won’t say anything further on this. I suggest you do the same.
The plan is still on the table to have a place in Vegas and another in CR. Two things have delayed our plans a bit. First, I haven’t found an ideal school for the D in Vegas. He’s a bit of a unique case. Though pretty down the autistic spectrum, he has no behavioral issues whatsover, but still needs a one-on-one instructor to learn most things because he requires a lot of ABA to figure out what works and a bit of adaptive technology due to his lack of fine motor ability. Second, housing is disgustingly overvalued in Las Vegas. Even worse than it is here, if you can believe it. Costa Rica housing prices are behaving similarly increduosly. Though, the cost of living in both locales is significantly lower than here. I’m heading back out to Vegas in three weeks to keep looking as well as over Spring break in April. I’m guessing, when housing breaks, and I really expect it to. It will collapse rapidly and greatly in both locations. For now, we’ll just keep vacationing in those locations. There is incredible demand in Las Vegas for all kinds of health services since it grew so rapidly and Nevada offers next to nothing as it’s a blue state. Costa Rica keeps on plodding along with their high debt and strong services due to their progressive government.
Continuing to live in NJ is simply insane. Every which way you turn, new taxes are being created. Do you drive an EV? Pay the man! I read a new tax is being planned to pay for NJ Transit too.
2:47 – Lib – good update. Guess what, I found an area with WORSE taxes than NJ.
The SF peninsula. My Goooodness they are out of their minds.
Need help…
Client with twin 18 year olds. One of the twins totalled car. Insurance company has jacked the premiums on both kids now. Annual cost $17,000 to insure……
Any ideas? Thank you (loads) in advance….
I think Murphy said it best. If you can’t afford to live here, don’t. Obviously, wealthy people are content with surrounding themself with other wealthy people. This is what MAGA and Blue politicians have in common. Only MAGA has convinced the less well-to-do that they care about them. We’ll see what crumbs they see from all the savings. Me thinks they forget who uses all of the services they are cutting.
And what ever happened to conflict of interest in government? How the fuck can the CEO of a space company be put in charge of the accountability of it’s near only competitor? And receive new contracts at the same time? Oh right. MAGA can do no wrong. I nearly forgot.
In general you will start hearing tons about this crap in 2025….. it is all raw sewage…. anyone pitches this stuff to you, you know where they can shove it….
Along with greater revenue, alternative investments also carry risks, one industry lawyer noted.
FEB 10, 2025
By Bruce Kelly
LPL Financial Holdings Inc.’s recent rash of moves to bolster its alternative investment platform will not only expand the number of investment products financial advisors may sell to wealthy clients but also boost the firm’s ability to generate revenue in the future, according to industry observers.
LPL, which works with close to 29,000 financial advisors, for several months has been beefing up its ability to sell more alternative investments, which typically charge higher fees than plain-vanilla stock and bond mutual funds. The moves include hiring key personnel and expanding products available to advisors.
Such investments, including private equity funds, nontraded business development companies, and nontraded real estate investment trusts, also carry more risk and are designed for wealthier investors who can better stand those risks.
“This is nothing that different from the large custodians or wirehouses are doing with alternative investments,” said one senior industry executive who spoke confidentially to InvestmentNews about the matter. “LPL is just playing catch up. It really doesn’t impact the investor but squeezes margins on asset managers.”
“The new LPL suite will cost the fund manager some more to be on its preferred platform so the advisors can use the fund as a fee or advisory product,” the executive added.
And, along with the potential for greater revenue, alternative investments also carry risks, another industry observer noted.
“The focus is on making it easier to invest in alternatives by digitizing all of the subscription agreements and the process for advisors,” said Sam Edwards, a plaintiff’s lawyer. “This is undoubtedly a way for LPL to join the party and start selling these investments to retail clients to increase LPL’s revenue as well as the risk to its customers.”
In October, LPL said it was currently focused on improving its alternative investment and banking programs and capabilities to better attract wirehouse financial advisors, who are the most profitable in the financial advice industry and on average produce more than $1 million in annual fees and commissions.
“Over the course of 2024, our alternatives with selling agreements that are available for sale on our platform more than doubled as we exited the year with greater than 80 selling agreements,” LPL’s CEO Rich Steinmeier said at the end of last month during a conference call with analysts to discuss fourth quarter earnings.
In his discussion of alternative investments, Steinmeier declined to specify potential “monetization improvement,” meaning fresh revenue, that would translate into for the company.
“Our intention over the course of 2025 is to continue to grow that dramatically so that we sit in a fully competitive, best-in-class position in regard to our inventory available for sale with a custody platform that is second-to-none and with a selling process that we think is incredibly strong in the marketplace,” Steinmeier said.
“You put those three together, we think that advisors will get more comfortable on our platform positioning alternatives as a credible and important component of portfolios for their clients,” he added.
Motorized bicycles. Seriously.
Understand, but what about an insurance solution?
Libturd says:
February 13, 2025 at 2:55 pm
Motorized bicycles. Seriously.
The sister twin is getting hammered when she did nothing wrong….
Also, money is not an issue, but it still feels like a nosebleed.
Ten 452
In other news Americans continue to pile on debt at a furious pace. For the 4th quarter of 2024, Americans increased their mortgage and non-mortgage debt load by 93 billion dollars, with half of that coming from new credit card debt. American credit card debt stands at a record high of 1.2 trillion, a 7 percent increase from the prior year. Auto loans outstanding equals 1.65 trillion another record. I guess if they can supposedly service this debt, then who cares! But, still some sobering numbers in my view.
Lib: The Dems don’t care either, and you know that, they just do a better job pretending they care.
Two of my kids totalled their cars. They were used cars. One of them Inpaid out of pocket and did not claim insurance – which rhey would have totalled, and its back on the roads.
I own all the cars and my insurance went up. Adding home insurance gave me a small break, but it is still more than double of what it was.
My suggestion would be for him to have the kids drive cheap used cars till they build back their driving record. Also get that app from insurance that minitors their driving behavior. Take the defensive driving lesson.
Chatter rising in Muni land on potential congressional removal of federal tax exemption.
Is going to get worse now that the CFPB is kaput.
If they have the money, pay up is a business transaction.
Other option for them to use another residential address. A relative that is old and preferably does not drive. Is even better if out of state, of course they will have to get that state’s license but affects taxes, etc.
You can’t use a pobox, MVC might accept a new mailing drop like UPS and FedEx store if is not in their database base yet. But if they need to prove something to MVC they need to bring bank or utilities statements. So if you do it all needs to be done right.
But will allow them to use their parents vehicles as authorized guest drivers. Make sure to double check policy for coverage in this area.
3:36, Destroying CFPB is a clear indication where the govt stands – For or Against the citizens
motorized bikes only work if you have a house. Most apartments have banned them by now.
No kid, no matter how rich their family is, should be driving an expensive car. Owning and maintaining a beater is one of the most valuable lessons you can teach your kids.
Chifi, Rent gives the same advice I would. Defensive class can really help. I can’t believe what it cost to add my son to our policy and he has a clean driving record. Three years later and we are still paying that same fortune. We did catch a small break when we told them he lives at college in Florida at least.
Rich mommies get Xanax, poor mommies drink. I’m sure this helps jack up insurance rates, picking up your kid while on Xanax
problem with driving older cars is that many don’t have the safety features that you need to protect the most valuable asset you have. If you can afford to give your child, a new car with modern safety features, you should do it. just like boomers should be sent to the front lines before the young kids
don’t worry about the households in that debt they Are accruing. By American, be a patriot . Don’t worry if you can’t afford that house we’ll find you a hedge fund that will buy it for cash. Don’t expect the market price though
You know you are in trouble when the targeted item of Theft are Eggs
Shame that people don’t understand those Lithium/NiCad batteries. One that is well made and maintained is perfectly safe. It’s those Chinese knockoffs and people who do stunts and shake up the batteries real violently that are causing the problems. I got my son an electric scooter for college as his graduation gift. I did the research and found a very reliable brand. Heck, it’s even publicly traded. It’s nearing two full years of extreme use. He is on his third rear tire. The news has us thinking they all blow up. The truth is, the well made ones do not. He charges it illegally in his room. UF has a crazy scooter culture, btw. They are everywhere. It’s like UC Santa Barbara, where everyone bikes everywhere. So much so, the campus has designated bike paths between buildings.
Thanks Lib, agree on housing, everything reverts to the mean and will overshoot in both directions.
Has to be some AI being developed that will help your son. CC in Las Vegas does some brain health but I believe it is for adults given the demographics there but maybe they have a couple of people who have peds in their background.
Hope it all works out.
it’s not that they don’t understand. It’s that the Nazis that run apartment complexes. Don’t give a shit about anybody but themselves. The fucking clowns who run mine had a landscaper with a leaf blower at 5 AM blowing snow. I was really hoping to hear a gunshot and then quiet
i’m all out of sympathy for the stupidity And arroganceof this country
and if I looked out the window and saw that happen, I would do my best Sergeant Schultz imitation. “I zee nossing, I hear nossing.”
I disagree Phoenix. As long as it has a driver’s air bag, you are 99% of the way to max safety. The extra safety features in our luxury SUV are why my kid got rear ended. He becamed so reliant of the adaptive stearing and cruise control that he had to slam on the breaks when he happened upon a car stopped in a curving exit ramp. Of course, the car stopped fine. The person behind him in a non-luxury car smashed into him.
I think kids should learn to drive without any of the safety features before relying on them for this reason. They are far from fail proof.
I love the people who blow the snow off their driveway. If it is that light, it’s not that hard to push a shovel.
Inflation is out of control.
Current administration can’t manage the economy
LAX says:
February 13, 2025 at 2:12 pm
That being said, we got dropped from our homeowners insurance, my dog has an inoperable Sarcoma, and my sister just got laid off from her job. We watched LA burn in two areas that will more than likely never recover. Washington is a shithow.
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” so the saying goes.
Zoe British
the poorly educated can’t afford groceries but sure are deeply obsessed with the transgender
Phoenix says:
February 13, 2025 at 4:25 pm
You know you are in trouble when the targeted item of Theft are Eggs
Gator got laid off too.
Isn’t it great?
We’re not looking for any sympathy either. We are well equipped to handle this and she got a nice severance. If anything. We should be praised for having our financial house in order. LAX, I imagine yours is as well.
Again, inflation is hitting and the tariffs have hardly kicked in. Just wait until Trump lowers the corporate tax rate reducing government revenue (as it did last time). And yes 3b, the personal revolving debt numbers are starting to get as concerning as the price of eggs and gas. It will get much worse if and when the mass deportations occur.
4:21, agree with safety.
The biggest safety feature of modern cars is the mandated backup camera. I installed a solar backup camera in the older car for about a $100 and it works great.
One problem I have with newer cars is the visibility – which is not accounted for as safety, but it’s a big deal. And this may just be my opinion, but the older cars are made of better metal.
Even the unhoused prefer to live blue, progressive states.
The majority of unhoused, just like everyone else, don’t want to live in southern Maga controlled territories. They are too backwards
Libturd says:
February 13, 2025 at 2:54 pm
I think Murphy said it best. If you can’t afford to live here, don’t. Obviously, wealthy people are content with surrounding themself with other wealthy people. This is what MAGA and Blue politicians have in common. Only MAGA has convinced the less well-to-do that they care about them. We’ll see what crumbs they see from all the savings. Me thinks they forget who uses all of the services they are cutting.
And what ever happened to conflict of interest in government? How the fuck can the CEO of a space company be put in charge of the accountability of it’s near only competitor? And receive new contracts at the same time? Oh right. MAGA can do no wrong. I nearly forgot.
Another anti-safety feature of newer cars is the distracting big screen – that only seems to get bigger as the car gets newer. And if you buy a Tesla for your kid, you are mental.
4:43 the weather has a lot to do with where unhoused people end up. Access to drugs is also a feature. Florida had plenty of homeless when I was there many years ago. They would do frequent sweeps though and didn’t tolerate it. LA on the other hand is filled with encampments and some are close to residential areas and public parks. It’s a real problem.
We bought a 2018 Outback (with the flat 6) in anticipation of my daughter driving. She has zero interest in driving. Since she lives in a place with ample public transport and has an uber account she is fine. My wife tells me it is terrifying to ride with her as a passenger. So, it’s probably for the best. Meanwhile the Subaru has been my car and the workhorse. It’s a great piece of gear.
sadly, the number of unhoused people will dramatically increase during this administration
LAX says:
February 13, 2025 at 4:48 pm
4:43 the weather has a lot to do with where unhoused people end up. Access to drugs is also a feature. Florida had plenty of homeless when I was there many years ago. They would do frequent sweeps though and didn’t tolerate it. LA on the other hand is filled with encampments and some are close to residential areas and public parks. It’s a real problem.
the DEMs here aren’t handling it well though:
California’s governor Gavin Newsom was confronted while being probed at a press conference over the state’s spending of $24 billion to tackle homelessness.
Mr Newson led a conference on Friday announcing that California’s budget deficit is at least $45 billion and proposed various spending cuts to state worker jobs, education programs and health services.
He also proposed reducing funding for homelessness and housing initiatives by nearly $1.2 billion, including $474 million from an anti-foreclosure program to preserve existing affordable housing.
Very: Some very highly educated and wealthy towns in Bergen County voted for Trump, I assume that was the case in many wealthy areas across the U.S. Harris only won NJ by 5 points, and NJ is traditionally a blue state, and highly educated and wealthy.
It’s clear that Kamala wasn’t as popular as the DNC would have liked. I think you might have pointed out that appointing her was “undemocratic” as no one had a say. They did this and the stakes were so high that I think many, many voters are done with the DEMs. Now Kamala is being put forth as a the heir apparent to the Governorship in CA. That invites a GOP win here. It’s happened before.
It’s here that we have the current situation and the fact that the GOP is not exactly known for their economic prowess. I fully expect the economy to tank as has occurred under nearly every Republican administration since records have been kept.
Invest in guns. Invest in ammo, the wild West returns
Follow the money
Russian gas supplies to Europe via the TurkStream gas pipeline set a new record last week, according to data from the European Network of Gas Transmission System Operators (ENTSOG), the state-run TASS news agency reported Wednesday.
Your complaint about 5am snow clearing reminds me of a jury duty when a girl sued her landlord for not clearing her snow till 10am, and she slipped and fell after going out and returning inside the apartment. She lost her case with my jury because she wore rubber flip flops in doing so. If not, who knows. If snow wasn’t cleared early, you might slip and fall and sue your landlord, blaming his greed.
Sorry about your dog. Did the vet mention anything about turkey tail mushroom capsules? They supposedly slow down or stop the growth of some types of cancer in dogs.
LAC is for LAX
I regret reading this…… make her happy tomorrow….
Libturd says:
February 13, 2025 at 4:41 pm
Gator got laid off too.
Lib: Sorry to hear about Gator. I am sure she will find another position. What field was she in?
” Even The NY Times”
So the Old Grey Lady is now back to being a source of truth.
Sorry to hear. Hopefully its a smooth transition to whatever is next. As my sister says “The right job for you will be along at the right time and what’s for you will not go past you!”
No One
using a snowblower is acceptable. Using multiple leaf blowers is not.
220,000 probationary federal employees will get the boot.
Two Hundred Twenty Thousand – their fault? To be hired before Trump got office. Not because of their performance. Not because their job was not producing something meaningful. There was no analysis of their job function.
Does it have to be this way?
I wonder how many voted for cheeto.
Fab: I used it for illustrative purposes, as well you know.
I wonder how many voted for cheeto.
“My suggestion would be for him to have the kids drive cheap used cars till they build back their driving record. Also get that app from insurance that monitors their driving behavior. Take the defensive driving lesson.”
Buy beater cars and insure them with no collusion. Make sure you a car for every driver in the house and put the kids as named drivers on the beaters. That’s why I kept my 2007 Prius for one of my kids.
I would avoid the insurance monitoring apps.
Ship them off to college with the beater and go ghetto with The General for them.
I wonder how common this is
“Destroying CFPB is a clear indication where the govt stands”
Donnie tore it down in his last admin, so its nothing new.
“You know you are in trouble when ”
A loosey in a NYC bodega now means an egg.
“I think kids should learn to drive without any of the safety features ”
Lets send them back to life before power steering. My kids will all be able to drive classic with a stick.
“You know you are in trouble when”
You can get CNN anchors to say ‘Harry Bōlz’ on the air.
“Florida had plenty of homeless when I was there”
San Fran had plenty doing Black Heroin in the nice weather when I was living there.
Beer 10:12,
You want to believe the EPA head who does not believe in environment protection. That guy who is bought by oil and gas companies. The guy who parrots the talking points of the biggest climate changing polluters. That guy?
The only difference between US and Russia now is people falling off buildings. Although the Russian airplanes seem to be doing better floating in the sky.
“Some very highly educated and wealthy towns in Bergen County voted for Trump, I assume that was the case in many wealthy areas across the U.S. Harris only won NJ by 5 points, and NJ is traditionally a blue state, and highly educated and wealthy.”
Yes and again I’ll remind you as one of those residents of one of those wealthy towns in Bergen County, there is a reason I call this area “Republican Hell. Even with Donnie as the candidate, the HNW areas went for Harris, but there a lot (Hey Leftwing) that when it comes down to it can’t pull the handle for a Dem. The Moms Facebook groups in these towns are priceless. Highly educated, wealthy and for the most part barely functioning.
But back to the topic “Run the numbers.”
You have the outliers of Alpine and surprisingly Emerson going Donnie, everywhere else Harris took it. For me the biggest support I see for Donnie are those that will benefit, those that don’t give a$hit about the plight of their fellow man as it doesn’t affect them and these:
I used it for illustrative purposes
I like to fact rather that illustrate. So to go back to the question. What part of the Steele dossier has ever been disputed? I flagged up the only one point, which was who had the Burner phone in the Seychelles. We know, Donnie Jr owned the burner, but it was shown that he could not be there in person (Put me on the phone?). Who was in possession of it.
Loo how hard they have tried to discredit the report and Steel. Outside of the Dems paying for the report (that the GOP initiated) there has been no attack on the contents of the report. Do you thing that if there was anything in doubt they would have run it on Fox News 24×7.
An uptick in December delistings is the latest sign of dysfunction in America’s housing market.
Nearly 73,000 homes were pulled from sale after they failed to find a buyer in the final month of last year, data from real-estate analytics firm CoreLogic show.
Delistings tend to spike in winter when fewer people are actively looking for a home. But the trend last December was unusually strong, representing almost one in 10 properties on the market, and a 64% increase from the same month of 2023.
Elon’s kid tells Trump “You are not the president and you need to go away.”