Florida Fades

From Yahoo Finance:

Not just condos: Florida’s housing market is softening, especially along the southwest coast

Florida’s pandemic-era housing boom is finally starting to fade.

For-sale inventory in the state has reached the highest levels on record, and homes are staying on the market longer even as peak homebuying season kicks off. In many parts of the state, prices are starting to fall.

The turning market comes as migration to the Sunshine State slows, and a combination of hurricane fears, rising insurance and tax bills, and a steady supply of new construction has given buyers more leverage. While the state’s condo market has been in correction ever since new building laws took effect in the aftermath of the 2021 condo collapse in Surfside, Fla., the market for single-family homes is also starting to soften.

“Inventory and time on market has been dramatically increasing,” said Ben Grieco, a real estate agent in the southwestern city of Port Charlotte. “It’s not like buyers have left by any means, but there’s just so much to choose from that it’s really pushing prices down.”

Listings across the state usurped pre-pandemic levels in January, according to Realtor.com. As of last month, there were more than 168,000 homes active on the market. Residences in Florida spent an average of 75 days on the market, up 13 days from a year earlier, according to Redfin.

As of January, single-family home prices were falling the fastest in a cluster of cities on the southern Gulf Coast. Prices in Punta Gorda are down nearly 8% since January 2024, according to Zillow data. Thirty miles south, in Cape Coral, home prices have dropped 5.6% year over year.

Prices in North Port and the high-end, golf-focused city of Naples have also fallen by more than 3% in the last year.

This entry was posted in Demographics, Economics, Housing Bubble, National Real Estate. Bookmark the permalink.

43 Responses to Florida Fades

  1. Fabius Maximus says:


  2. Very Stable Genius says:

    UPDATED MON, MAR 17 2025
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  3. hughesrep says:

    East Coast of Florida everything is marching north. Jupiter was the hot spot, I spend some time playing golf there every year. All the current and planned development around Hobe Sound is probably the jumped the shark moment.

  4. Juice Box says:

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day! May your day be filled with luck and cheer!

  5. Dark Phoenix says:

    Happy Bill Burr day.

    Free Luigi.

  6. Dark Phoenix says:

    ‘murican legal system.

    America the circus, UltaBeautyOrangeFace Clown running the show after SloJoe wheezin’ geezer put off to pasture:

    Donald Trump declared his predecessor’s last-minute pardons ‘void, vacant and of no further force or effect’ as he warned that members of the House committee investigating the January 6 riots can now face prosecution.

    Trump claimed late Sunday night that because Joe Biden used an autopen the pardons cannot be enforced and even made the stunning suggestion they were signed without the former president’s knowledge.

    ‘The Pardons that Sleepy Joe Biden gave to the Unselect Committee of Political Thugs and many others are hereby declared VOID, VACANT AND OF NO FURTHER FORCE OR EFFECT because of the fact that they were done by Autopen,’ he posted on his Truth Social page.

  7. Comrade Nom Deplume, enjoying coffee brewed from Scouse and Gooner tears. says:

    It’s a beautiful morning. Made more so that it came at Arsenal’s expense.

  8. Comrade Nom Deplume, reluctant Constitutional Scholar says:


    It is actually an interesting theory–can a presidential action be effective if he had no cognition of it? I’m serious–this is serious.

  9. Juice Box says:

    Was an executive order issued? Shitposting on the internet does not count.

  10. Comrade Nom Deplume, who should have been President says:


    Remains to be seen. But I don’t know that an exec order can overturn a pardon, in part because there is a beneficiary to the pardon who can enforce his or her rights.

    Overturning prior exec. orders (other than pardons) should be unfettered IMHO because they are exactly that: orders to the executive branch. Somehow, people are asserting that they have rights to the outcome of exec. orders and winning in court, and that is some troubling precedent. Exec. orders should be both limited and reversible.

  11. Chad Powers says:

    There is a glut of short vacation term rentals in the Orlando area. Plus Disney has a ton of rooms they rent out. Our place doesn‘t even break even, which wouldn’t be so bad if we went twice a year to use the place ourselves. Utilities went up after the pandemic plus most other costs. Maybe the American Dream is dead.

  12. BRT says:

    word at the time was the last minute pardons were “blanketed” because they couldn’t even figure out all the specific people they wanted to in time. That’s already shaky legal ground to begin with. What’s more amusing is now we get the media blitz on why it’s so important to allow people to break the law under orders.

  13. RentL0rd says:

    Dark and Juice,

    Remember – if you don’t protect “them” from the law there will be no one to protect “you” when the time comes. It does not matter who “them” is.. it is up to us to make sure this Traitor does not get his way.

    History repeats itself – unless of course we can do something about it.

  14. Juice Box says:

    Rent- Why would one need protection from the Law?

  15. RentL0rd says:

    I didn’t say it right.. I meant protection according to the law (not from).

    Like the President doing whatever the heck he wants without regard to the court orders.

  16. BRT says:

    Rent, that idea sounds familiar…where have I heard it before about maybe 12 months ago?

  17. RentL9rd says:

    So, two wrongs are okay you say Brrrt?

  18. Dark Phoenix says:

    A crazy ex-wife perhaps?

    Juice Box says:
    March 17, 2025 at 10:01 am
    Rent- Why would one need protection from the Law?

  19. BRT says:

    Nope, but you have little justification complaining given the events leading up to this.

  20. RentL0rd says:

    False equivalency as always.

  21. RentL0rd says:

    Let’s put them side by side, shall we. List out what President Joe Biden did, and let us compare with what Traitor Trump is doing. With impacts and all.

    At least you don’t have proof to say President Biden ruined the economy.

  22. RentL0rd says:

    As someone in the academia, BRT, tell me what you think of this:


    I was deported once – from Canada to the US. A funny story looking back.. but wasn’t so back then.

  23. crushednjmillenial says:

    10:47 am – based on the vote in 2024, it appears that the voters didn’t like the inflation, so certainly some of those voters would say that Biden ruined the economy.

  24. RentL0rd says:

    But no proof. Which is my point.

    Propaganda does not equal truth.

  25. Dark Phoenix says:

    No one cares about truth in America. The whole country is based on lies.

    That’s why it’s legal for law enforcement to lie to you.

    No one prosecutes for it.

    America is built on pillars of salt, pillars of sand.

  26. Chi says:

    Debt Jan 2021 $28.4T
    Debt Jan 2025 $36.1T

    In 4 years (?!?) he pissed away 27% more on the credit card.
    All the proof you need.
    Easy to prop everything up when you spray money everywhere.

    RentL0rd says:
    March 17, 2025 at 10:47 am
    At least you don’t have proof to say President Biden ruined the economy.

  27. Chi says:

    Eddie /Phx: no kudos for the Chex Mix?

  28. RentL0rd says:

    Chi – so did Trump during his 1st presidency. Not a crime. Next?

  29. BRT says:

    Seems to me like a paperwork error that can be sorted out. I guess the wheels of the bureaucracy turn too slow for you now?

  30. BRT says:

    I knew a doctor who immigrated from Canada and setup a Neonatalogy practice in Ocean County. She was married with kids. She got deported in 1996 because of a paperwork error, they made her go back to Canada for a year while the husband held down the fort and the practice (he was also a neonatal doctor).

  31. Juice Box says:

    BRT- Did the doctor attend Hezbollah rallies/funerals in Lebanon and take pictures and attempt to delete them on their phone when stopped at the Airport?

    Seriously this Doctor travelled to Lebanon to attend this Hezbollah funeral/rally in a stadium, it was held five months after Hasan Nasrallah was killed..


  32. RentL0rd says:

    I was deported from Canada to the US many years ago due to a small clerical error. It could have been corrected easily – and the Canadian govt official (my client) was rushing to the airport to do this for me. But the Canadian immigrant officer – who just happened to wake up on the wrong side of the bed, decided he was not going to allow it. He wanted me back on the same flight back from Toronto to EWR.

    I flew back and held my meetings remote.

  33. Boomer Remover says:

    Rent, you really need to stop banging your head against the wall. You’re not going to change minds.

    The problem in this country is that instead of building a coalition type government, we rip it all down every four years and start anew. It’s likely that the cumulative effects of inflation during the old man’s term cannot be solely attributed to him, but when you’re torching sht down every four years, its easy to scapegoat the other party.

    The political system we’ve setup here is very much all of nothing. And now, with the crazy polarization, we really do burn it down every time the other party comes into power.

  34. BRT says:

    I’ll wait for the facts to come out and final decisions to be made before I express outrage. I’m not programmed for insta-outrage or insta-support through headlines (real or fake) like the majority of the population.

  35. Chi says:

    Not unusual. 15-20 years ago friends and colleagues would get the cavity search every time they went to Toronto or Montreal with a laptop and looked like the consultant road warrior (which they were). Ontario and Quebec didn’t want people from south of the border doing high paid work in lieu of a local.

    RentL0rd says:
    March 17, 2025 at 12:32 pm
    I was deported from Canada to the US many years ago due to a small clerical error. It could have been corrected easily – and the Canadian govt official (my client) was rushing to the airport to do this for me. But the Canadian immigrant officer – who just happened to wake up on the wrong side of the bed, decided he was not going to allow it. He wanted me back on the same flight back from Toronto to EWR.

    I flew back and held my meetings remote.

  36. Dark Phoenix says:

    Build baby build!

    Twenty years ago, a prominent New Jersey real estate family’s plan to build 136 houses in the forest atop a mountain in West Orange, New Jersey was shot down by town officials who deemed it a public safety risk.

    Now, the town has given an initial greenlight to the same family for a new proposal: to build a larger development of almost 500 apartments on the same land. It’s more than three-and-a-half times the number of homes that the town had previously rejected

  37. Dark Phoenix says:

    Snooper must snoop.

    “We are reaching out to let you know that the Alexa feature ‘Do Not Send Voice Recordings’ that you enabled on your supported Echo device(s) will no longer be available beginning March 28, 2025,” the email reads.

  38. Libturd says:

    Boomer Remover.

    Well said. That’s exactly it.

  39. SmallGovConservative says:

    Boomer Remover says:
    March 17, 2025 at 12:48 pm
    “The problem in this country is that instead of building a coalition type government…”

    May have been a good thing at one time, before the Dem party was taken over by radical leftists, but no reasonable person would expect the R’s to find common ground with the modern Dem party, led by extremists and antisemites like AOC, Omar, Jeffries and Tlaib, and incompetent, tax-and-spend grandstanders like Gavin Gruesome, Fatso Pritzker and our own Corey B. Build a coalition with that gang? No way!

  40. SmallGovConservative says:

    Meanwhile on today’s main topic of Florida real-estate, a corroborating anecdote from here in SWFL; elderly neighbor is moving back to RI to be near family, and for the first time in my memory there are realtor signs in front of the unit. Typically — recently at least — units never reached the open market because they’re purchased by other existing owners or renters, or friends/relatives of existing owners.

  41. Fabius Maximus says:

    So Small, why would that be. Is it the Orange Messiah or Little Ronnie, the White Wellie Jackboot Governor of Florida?

  42. Fabius Maximus says:

    Eddie Ray, I thought you would be in to celebrate your Saudi Blood-stained trophy. The first in how many years?

    We havent seen you in here for a while. I was wondering how you and “Tax Prof for Jesus” were getting along implementing the Theocracy?

  43. RentL0rd says:

    Letter from a German scientist to his US counterparts received today (obfuscated some personal details):

    I have decided not to come to New York for the xxxx Editorial Board Meeting in June. It has nothing to do with xxxx, on the contrary. However, I am so appalled about what is happening in the US right now, that I find it impossible to visit your country and just do business as usual.

    It is obvious that the US government has decided to leave the path of democracy, throw out decades of achievements on human rights, doesn´t care about the law anymore and turn their back on former allies. As a former xxxx Scholar and an alumni of xxxx University I was always proud to have received an important part of my scientific training in the US. I am not anymore.

    There is not much that I can do as an individual except speak up against the morally completely corrupt US-government policies, boycott US-products wherever I can and support European efforts to become as much independent from the US as possible, economically, politically and militarily.

    I hope you understand that in this context, visiting New York in June would not be in line with my beliefs. It is therefore with deep regret that I cancel my participation in the June xxxx Editorial Board Meeting. I am afraid that this will also mean that I cannot fulfill anymore my duties as a Co-Editor of xxxx in a responsible way so that I will have to step down from this position.

    Dear friends of and at xxxx: This is one of the hardest decisions and letter to take and to write for a long time. As I mentioned at the beginning, this has nothing to do with xxxx or any of you. I tremendously enjoyed the intellectual and collegial spirit and I will miss you dearly.

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