Tuesday Open Discussion

Heading down to Delaware for the day, and I should have already hit the road. Therefore:

Tuesday Open Discussion

You know the rules, have fun.

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224 Responses to Tuesday Open Discussion

  1. Cindy says:

    Frist…Happy days….

  2. jp says:

    It’s seemingly looking like a W-shaped recovery.

    Time to slowly leg into financials again?

  3. Cindy says:


    Goldman down…

    “Financial Crisis commission subpoenas Goldman Sachs, accuses bank of stonewalling on information”

    “Angelides said Goldman Sachs strategy appeared to be “a very deliberate effort to run out the clock” as the commission nears its deadline.”

    I guess they provided the commission with 2.5 billion pages of info. Just not the info requested – so they issued a subpoena.

    From another article – a quote: “We did not ask them to pull up a dump truck to our offices and dump a bunch of rubbish,” Angelides said.

  4. still_looking says:


    whatcha doing in Delaware?

    (Can you pick me up some tax-free stuff? :)

    just kidding…


  5. still_looking says:


    Joran van der Sloot confesses to killing girl in Peru.


  6. Final Doom says:

    Cindy (3)-

    Too bad GS owns Congress & the executive branch. Nothing will be done to them.

  7. Final Doom says:

    Things will start to go our way when these people understand there are guns trained on them.

  8. Cindy says:


    6 – Clot

    Still, I love this banner at TBP

    “Goldman Sachs Reputation Destruction Tour”

    These guys know the commission only has until December so they are dragging their feet. It doesn’t look great to have your name in the news for being a jerk every other day….

  9. NJGator says:

    Grim – Beware the heart of darkness. Heading there myself tomorrow. Sigh…

  10. Cindy says:

    I like the timing. With the financial bill being reconciled, the more bad press these big boys get – the better.

    And…that darn commission finally issued a few subpoenas. That is something in and of itself.

  11. Shore Guy says:


    Conde sends you to all the nicest places.

  12. NJGator says:

    Shore 11 – Too true. In recent years, my job has required regular travel to Yonkers, Wilmington and Wilton. Oh the glamourous life I lead! At least tomorrow’s trip is on the Acela.

    I am hoping my new responsibiities will at least allow me to return to camp cn at the SF and LA Ws.

  13. gary says:

    VENICE, La/WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama said he wanted to know “whose ass to kick” over the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, adding to the pressure on energy giant BP Plc as it sought to capture more of the leak from its gushing well.

    “I don’t sit around just talking to experts because this is a college seminar. We talk to these folks because they potentially have the best answer so I know whose ass to kick,” Obama said in an interview with NBC News’ “Today” to air on Tuesday.

    All I could say is thank goodness he’s been in charge since day one.

  14. freedy says:

    The Kenyan rules, and don’t forget that

  15. Sas3 says:

    Anyone seen this WaPo article?


    All the glorious WWII movies …

  16. Simply Ravishing HEHEHE says:

    Yeah, just be sure to move all the piles of campaign donations out of the way before you go kicking anything, we wouldn’t want you to hurt your foot.

  17. Final Doom says:

    Cindy (8)-

    They don’t care. Graft and campaign contributions trump reputation.

    These guys are into getting paid, not developing public image.

  18. Final Doom says:

    freedy (14)-

    Bojangles better not talk back to his massa, or he’ll get a right good whipping.

  19. gary says:

    Mr. President, I bet if you close your eyes, tap your heels together three times and say, “yes, we can”, you’ll stop that leak.

  20. Mr Hyde says:

    The funny thing about the oil leak…. Its illegal for you or me to use dispersant if we leak oil into a water way. There are big giant fines for that as it makes is much more difficult to clean up the oil.

    Now i’m not claiming conspiracy theory and i am not an expert on oil spills. But i haven’t ever seen a good explanation for why its better to cause the oil to mix with the water instead of staying separated on the surface where we can “relatively” easily clean it up compared to dispersed oil. Surface oil may kill birds and sea mammals, but sinking the oil to the bottom only shifts the death to bottom dwells and fish population which aren’t as visible as dead sea birds.

    Of course the visual impact is much “nicer” when you use dispersants…..

  21. RentinginNJ says:

    Joran van der Sloot confesses to killing girl in Peru

    Ouch. Jail in Peru isn’t going to be very pleasant. He is going to wish he was found guilty in Aruba, doing his time in that nice prison right on the beach.

  22. Mr Hyde says:


    I cant wait to hear Bojangles explanation when his “worst case” (of the ell being sealed by late august/early sept) doesnt happen.

    My bet is it takes until sometime between Oct – Dec to shut the well down.

  23. Mr Hyde says:


    i wonder if they re-open the Aruba case. He may have another jail sentence waiting for him if he gets out of the peruvian prison.

  24. Outofstater says:

    Okay, so here I am in the midwest, in an area with 15% unemployment and we go to a restaurant last evening and the place is jammed. Nearly every table taken and judging by the size of the patrons, none of them have been cutting back on food lately. Same thing at Sunday brunch. The economy around here is terrible and yet people are still spending money to eat out? How bad does it have to get before people stop spending money at restaurants? Don’t they realize they could eat healthier and at about 1/3 the cost at home? I don’t get it.

  25. Pat says:

    Patsie: hopefully her grammar is better too….

    ;) Yeah, I noticed after submit that I deleted a couple of sentences there when editing. Fat finger that time, but my grammar is always a big hit at parties.

  26. Mr Wantanapolous says:


    Life is good when you receive 99 weeks of unemployment while living for free.

  27. Final Doom says:

    Fat people should be executed.

  28. Final Doom says:

    Let’s see how those lardasses do on The Biggest Loser when it’s a firing squad at the end for those who can’t make weight.

  29. Final Doom says:

    Of course, I’d much rather see a US Rollerball league…

  30. Confused in NJ says:

    19.gary says:
    June 8, 2010 at 8:13 am
    Mr. President, I bet if you close your eyes, tap your heels together three times and say, “yes, we can”, you’ll stop that leak.

    That only works if he wears ruby slippers.

  31. All "H-Train" Hype says:

    Senior van der Sloot will hear this for the next 35 years from his cell mates:

    Usted es mi novia ahora. Le venderé por una cajetilla de cigarros

  32. Barbara says:

    24. Outofstater

    I don’t get it either, two years ago I figured you’d see tumbleweeds in restaurant parking lots by now. We still can’t get a table on a Friday night at a mediocre feed bag.

  33. Final Doom says:

    Glory, glory Man United?

    LONDON — The American owners of Manchester United are $1.6 billion in debt, leaving their control of the club in doubt, the BBC reported Monday.

    The BBC said its investigation found the Glazer family’s debts are $570 million greater than previously known. Malcolm Glazer and his sons also own the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

    The Glazer family has been the subject of protests by a group of Manchester United fans who want it to sell the team.

    All the extra debt comes after the Glazers borrowed extensively against their shopping mall business in the United States. The extent of the debt could fuel a further revolt by a group of United fans who oppose the Glazers’ ownership.

    The Glazers took over United in 2005 in a leveraged buyout worth $1.4 billion.

  34. Final Doom says:

    Glazers no better off than that Housewife of NJ that looks like a cow in spandex.

  35. Confused in NJ says:

    27.Final Doom says:
    June 8, 2010 at 8:48 am
    Fat people should be executed

    Be more effective to FAT TAX them per pound over weight. Taking away ding dong money is more effective. We could add to the Cigarette & Alcohol Sin Taxes a whole host of other individual Sin Taxes including the FAT-TAX. The missing Under Arm Deoderant Tax will be a big summer time Tax revenue producer. And, the Failure to Speak Politically Correct Tax (FSPCT)should put us over the top. The cameras all over the country could be manned by people expert in lip reading to catch the Evil Dooers.

  36. Pat says:

    Doom, you admonish us cheapskate househunters because we can’t get tomorrow’s price today.

    You miss the forest on fat – like I miss it on SUV drivers and other individual purchase decisions that lead to dead seas.

    Anyway, you can’t get a skinny person today by shaming or by taxing because fat people have always felt shame and been taxed.

  37. Mikeinwaiting says:

    Read this in the comment section on Seeking Alpha in regard to RE. Dead on.

    o User 353732

    1. Homeownership rates are perhaps 5 to 10 % higher than can be justified either by the Capacity to own or the Willingness to endure the total cost of homeownership(including the psychological cost of zero or negative equity even though this creates no near term financial distress)

    2. The Ability to rent is also constrained for millions of households as falling after tax income( from all sources) coupled with rising cost of essential goods and services makes timely and consistent payment of current rents implausible

    3. Only when the Capacity and Willingness to own and the Ability to rent are aligned can residential (owner occupied and rental) real estate attain balance. Given the sustained perversion of real estate markets and the economic distortion of the industry, this balance may well be a decade away.

  38. RentinginNJ says:

    Mr Hyde

    They have already reopened the case. They are supposedly starting a new search for evidence.

    Other than saving face, I’m not sure what this does for Aruba.

    If I were Joran, I would confess to the Aruba killing and try and angle for a deal where I could serve some of the sentence in Aruba.

  39. Mr Hyde says:


    The average joe eats about the same diet that you feed cattle in a feedlot. Lots of grain, some preservatives, a smidgen of unidentified protein and little exercise. The result is the same.

  40. Mr Hyde says:

    Pat 36

    Start a new fad! Start hyping the gallons of gas/mile required to move around each extra pound of lard. Run with the whole “green” angle on it!!!!


    Murder and body disposal at sea is probably one of the easiest ways to get away with it and probably one of the hardest ways to find evidence.

  41. Pat says:

    Oh, that reminds me. Did you see this graph (2nd from top)?


  42. jj says:

    OMG I am such a Gleek, can wait for tonight.

  43. Pat says:

    O.K. I’ll bite.

    What are you trying to say?

  44. hughesrep says:

    That he really likes the Super Friends?

    Maybe he’s a furry and Gleek is his “charachter”?


  45. Orion says:

    Remember when BB said there would be no risk of contagion back in 2007?

    Now he says this:


  46. Jamal Van Jones says:

    Bojangles better not talk back to his massa, or he’ll get a right good whipping.

    Nice, we have now moved towards overt racist references! Glorious day!

  47. jamil says:

    prev thread
    “71. wow I missed that news story. Go back to Germany? I”

    This happens often for people who get their “news” from NY Times and other State Media outlets. First time you hear something is the day after the resignation..

  48. Outofstater says:

    #27 Execution might be a bit much but you would not believe the size of some of the people around here – so fat they have to have a scooter to haul themselves around WalMart to get their Doritos and Pepsi. I do think that airlines should charge by the pound. Step on a scale with every single thing you’re taking on the plane and pay accordingly.

  49. Mr Hyde says:


    And of course in our current society being morbidly obese “isnt my fault, I have a medical condition”.

  50. Al "Fat Thumbery" Gore says:

    Start stocking up on barbed wire.

    Its gonna get ugly. Those who own the gold make the rules.

  51. make money says:

    OUT 48,

    Anyone over 180 should pay a weight charge say $15 per pound. Watch everyone go on a diet before the summer vacation scheduled trip.

    Big and tall people get screwed but hey it aint cheap lifting you in the air and flying you at 30,000 ft.

    Just think of the fuel cost this airline will save since only featherweights will buy tickets. People over 180 pounds can fly American.

  52. make money says:

    Its gonna get ugly. Those who own the gold make the rules.


    If I’m making the rules then we ought to lower the population of the earth around 30%.

  53. Outofstater says:

    #49 Yeah right. In some cases, I think it may be a medical problem. There have always been morbidly obese people, but they were very few as a percentage of the population. Most obese people these days have a problem with their fork.
    #51 You use more fuel, you pay more. It’s called paying your own way, an increasingly alien concept.

  54. jj says:

    Glee is the new GG. Big Season Ending Show tonight, they go to regional championships!!!

    I have to watch the must watch shows so I have something to chat about to the hot girls on the train in the morning. OOOHHHHH I am so sensitive, which means no teeth please!

  55. Mr Hyde says:


    Recent stats say that 3% of americns are morbidly obese (i.e. people of walmart, http://www.peopleofwalmart.com/)

    thats about 6.8 million people. Perhaps 1% of those have a true medical condition besides a fork dependency and that lonely hollow feeling inside that they try to fill by force feeding themselves Frito’s and Häagen-Dazs

    So about 6.7 million of those people have nothing but a fork dependency.

    I will once again put forth my suggestion of requiring that one be dropped in the middle of Alaska with a rope, machete and magnesium fire stater. If you make it out you get voting rights and citizenship. Problem solved except for the potentially overweight grizzly population that may develop in the Alaskan outback.

  56. Jamal Van Jones says:

    If I’m making the rules then we ought to lower the population of the earth around 30%.

    So, you are volunteering yourself and your family?

  57. dan says:

    Regarding Joran, I think both Peruvians and Arubans think Peru will be a nice jail for him.

  58. Outofstater says:

    #57 Yep, that is exactly what the vision of loveliness looked like in her scooter at WalMart. She had to have someone help her get a twelve-pack of Pepsi into her basket.
    As for interior Alaska, it could be tricky. Drop me near a river in summer and I might find my way out, if you added a lure and fishing line to the list of supplies. And some mosquito netting would be nice. In the bush in winter, no way.

  59. Fiddy Cents on the Dollar says:

    The most recent estimate of the World’s Population is around 6.9 Billion. The Earth’s resources cannot support that many people. We must find a way to stop the exponential population growth.

    The Islamic religion claims to have 1.7 Billion followers, or 25% of the world population. Many of these people hold extremist views against the Judeo-Christian majority.

    Our task is clear.

  60. freedy says:

    The guy is a Bojangles . Pure entertainment

  61. Mikinwaiting says:

    Fiddy 61 Nature has designed humans to take care of the problem. We kill each other with ever more effective means. Got war?

  62. Mr Hyde says:


    Yes, dropped in alaskan outback with a basic survival kit in late spring. Heck even offer a 3 week training class before you drop them off. The training camp wont really help those who probably wouldn’t make it anyway.

    just remember your priorities:
    shelter, water, fire, food. in that order.

    the funny thing is putting on 20 – 30 pounds before the drop would probably be to your advantage.

  63. Juice Box says:

    re#64 – Don’t think Grizzly Bears are cut out for the job they really don’t like blubber and generally flee when they encounter humans.

    Polar bears on the other hand aren’t skittish at all, as this guy found out.

    Warning: this guy survived the attack although he was partially eaten while sleeping in his tent.


  64. Mr Hyde says:


    Well, it looks like the Inuit guide’s skull did its job. i guessing he doesnt ever walk normally again.

  65. Mr Hyde says:


    I have heard that Kodiaks have no problem with fresh meat and behave similar to polar bears.

  66. Comrade Nom Deplume says:

    [57] hyde

    What is it about walmart that attracts the fatties? I went into a couple in NH a few months back, and OMFG, the tonnage there just confirmed what we suspected.

    The wife tells me that it is because walmart caters to them by selling in their sizes. I dunno.

  67. sas3 says:

    #61… “Many of these people hold extremist views against the Judeo-Christian majority.”

    Guys that advocate genocide here (genocide is genocide even it the victims themselves are extremist) probably never had to leave the suburbia. Your xenophobia against browns will only be matched by the brown stuff in your pants well before the SHTF.

    With all this “us” vs “them”, where does, say, EU fit into this J-C majority? They are nice Xtians, right? Where do the Saudis that actually financed 9/11 fit in? They will get to have 7% ownership in the new enterprise?

    There has been a pattern of Hindu Muslim riots in South India in ’70s to ’90s. They’d start out of nowhere, and just as suddenly stop when the Chief Minister resigned. It was always the common people that paid the price — random killings on the road, no way to get to work, exams canceled for students, etc.

  68. Juice Box says:

    Hyde, interesting choice on dropped on Kodiak Island where the Kodiak Bears are or out on the pack ice with Polar Bears, I would think you would have a better survival chance on Kodiak Island.

  69. Comrade Nom Deplume says:

    Agent: We’re with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

    Final Doom: [morosely] Let me guess… this isn’t about the alcohol or tobacco

  70. Comrade Nom Deplume says:

    From the Tao of Final Doom:

    “There are over 550 million firearms in worldwide circulation. That’s one firearm for every twelve people on the planet. The only question is: How do we arm the other 11?”

  71. Mr Hyde says:


    I dont discriminate. I suggested be bring the population down to about 1 billion (about an 80% population reduction).

    Besides with that much open space available for the remaining 1 billion, conflict and extremism will be much harder to come by. That level of population reduction also instantly makes peak oil/peak fresh water/peak resources a moot issue. at a population of 1 billion there are plenty of resources for all.

    The trick at that point is to not restart exponential population growth.

  72. Mr Hyde says:


    an 80% reduction of the human population also solves climate change issues.

  73. Libtard says:

    I bravely volunteer Jamil for your little population control experiment.

  74. Comrade Nom Deplume says:

    Tax News of the Day:

    Well, this should hasten some expatriation.

    “Report Warns Top Dividends Tax Rate
    On Track to Jump to 68 Percent in 2011

    The top tax rate on dividends will rise to 68 percent in 2011 when combined with the effects of the expiration of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, the new health care surtax, and the “double tax on corporate profits,” the Tax Foundation said in a report released June 7.
    The group said the double tax on corporate profits imposes a combined federal-state corporate tax rate of 39.1 percent on businesses as well as a top tax rate of 17.3 percent on dividends distributed to individual shareholders.
    “With the sunset of the 2003 Bush tax cut at the end of 2010, which will increase the federal dividend tax rate from 15 percent to 39.6 percent, and the new Medicare tax on investment income of 3.8 percent, the integrated effective dividend tax rate will rise dramatically to 68 percent,” the Tax Foundation reported.

    Tax Foundation Senior Fellow Robert Carroll said the total tax rate will make it the highest among all industrialized nations and will discourage productive capital formation, “ultimately reducing wages and living standards for U.S. citizens.”
    “The average rate among OECD member nations is about 44 percent and the average among the larger [Group of Seven] economies is about 47 percent. This is in addition to the high U.S. corporate tax rate of 39.1 percent, second only to Japan among industrialized countries,” he said.”

    Admittedly, this is the top tax rate, which very few people pay, but for a profitable privately-held or closely-held corporation, that means 2/3 of every dollar over a certain amount that isn’t reinvested in the business goes to the government.

  75. Mr Hyde says:


    I am still for the drop being in interior Alaska , on a river even. We can let nature make the kill. The grizzlies are fine with carrion and any other left overs would be handled by the rest of the savagers.

    I wonder how long it would take for wolves to develop a taste for human?

  76. Comrade Nom Deplume says:

    More Tax News of the Day:

    Lampert to Obama: Go Fcuk Yourself.

    “June 8 (Bloomberg) — Billionaire Edward Lampert may have found a way to shield himself from millions of dollars in taxes under legislation that would raise levies on profits at private- equity firms.

    ESL Partners LP, the Greenwich, Connecticut, hedge fund Lampert started more than 20 years ago, and affiliates distributed about $829 million of stock in Sears Holdings Corp., AutoNation Inc. and AutoZone Inc. to him on June 2, according to regulatory filings. The fund is scheduled to transfer more shares in the retailers to Lampert by the end of July.

    By taking direct ownership of the shares, Lampert would be taxed at the capital-gains rate of 15 percent when the stock is sold, rather than the ordinary income rate of 39.6 percent that his fund would have to pay under the bill, according to Robert Willens, whose New York-based firm analyzes tax and accounting rules for Wall Street clients. Lampert is ranked 316th on the Forbes list of world’s richest people, with an estimated net worth of $3 billion.

    “It’s totally an astute thing to do,” Willens said in a telephone interview. “It doesn’t take a fortune teller to predict that we are going to see a lot of this activity between now and the end of the year.”

  77. Comrade Nom Deplume says:

    [74] hyde

    “The trick at that point is to not restart exponential population growth.”

    A cause that kills off 80% of humans is probably one that will solve that problem too.

  78. Mr Hyde says:


    For those interested in a gold based economy, its not a problem with a global population of only 1 billion.

  79. sas3 says:

    Nom #69… There is a strong correlation between low income and obesity. Also between heavy internet surfing, but…

    One good way for population control, get everyone hooked on to internet, and in a couple of generations, we’ll see drastic reductions.

  80. sas3 says:

    Hyde, even now, properly designed cities and infrastructure will let the earth support even 10 billion people — just not at the level the average US person is used to.

  81. Libtard says:

    “for a profitable privately-held or closely-held corporation, that means 2/3 of every dollar over a certain amount that isn’t reinvested in the business goes to the government.”

    Better the government gets it than propping up some CEOs salary from 300 times the average salary of his employees to 350 times.

  82. Mr Hyde says:


    10 billion if we all live like Tibetan monks.

    Even living like tibetan monks we will still seriously over burden the major ecosystems.

    a lower population access to plentiful resources is a much better solution them breeding like rats and having a massive population with restrained access to resources.

  83. Simply Ravishing HEHEHE says:

    Didn’t Chrysler have a recall yesterday?

    GM recalling 1.5M vehicles over fire concerns


    When’s Congress going to call the CEO’s up to the hill for a beatdown? Oh yeah, I forgot, they aren’t Japanese.

  84. sas3 says:

    Hyde, one kid per couple — assuming 1x marriage in lifetime will reduce the population substantially in a few generations.

  85. Mr Hyde says:

    SAS3 87

    re 1 kid. I have seen the numbers run and in about 70 years (if i recall correctly) the 1 kid method would drop the human population by 50+% through natural attrition.

    just apply a massive tax for every child after the 1st one. it would reverse the current social pattern from the poor having more children and the wealthier less, to the wealthier having more then the poor.

  86. jj says:

    OK Ambac is considering doing a pre-pac. WTF is the common stock up today? Might be good news for senior bondholders. But common stock? Crazy

  87. Comrade Nom Deplume says:

    [82] sas3

    I’m living proof of the link between weight gain and sitting in front of a computer.

  88. Mr Wantanapolous says:

    “WTF is the common stock up today?”

    Short covering and lifting hedges.

  89. Comrade Nom Deplume says:

    [90] hyde

    Also, recall when Clinton signed off on welfare reform, one of the proposals was to start cutting off aid for multiple children so welfare queens would not be incentivized to pump out more little welfare check generators.

    I do believe the proposal went nowhere.

    There are also calls in tax circles to do away with deductions just for having kids.

    Either solution would have a disincentivizing effect, and would not be so Chinese drastic in its approach, an approach that produces horrific externalities (recently read a story on how a westerner watched in horror as a newborn girl in China was drowned at birth. Couldn’t finish reading it, it hurt so much. Please, no comments on this parenthetical).

  90. meter says:

    “I will once again put forth my suggestion of requiring that one be dropped in the middle of Alaska with a rope, machete and magnesium fire stater. If you make it out you get voting rights and citizenship. Problem solved except for the potentially overweight grizzly population that may develop in the Alaskan outback.”

    I can get on board with this.

  91. jj says:

    Hey chifi, when is CBOE IPO happening, we are getting close to 6-15 but have not heard anything more.

  92. Comrade Nom Deplume says:

    [84] libtard

    “Better the government gets it than propping up some CEOs salary from 300 times the average salary of his employees to 350 times.”

    We can certainly take that approach, and the dems would like to do just that.

    However, depending on the economics, you just incentivized the board to put the company up for sale. Most likely buyers will be foreign. You have now just converted the company to a domestic sub of a foreign corporation.

    Likely result is that management of sub gets taken to home country, production jobs moved offshore, and domestic sub is reduced to a domestic sales operation for ForeignCo.

    Careful what you wish for.

  93. Final Doom says:

    How about an armed overthrow of the US gubmint?

    We are so stupid that we deserve no less.

  94. chicagofinance says:

    jj says:
    June 8, 2010 at 1:01 pm
    Hey chifi, when is CBOE IPO happening, we are getting close to 6-15 but have not heard anything more.

    jj: trail goes cold after Memorial Day….the must be building the book and worried that the market is going to close on them. It sounds as if they are coming rich, so maybe they shot themselves in the foot….they may be using May volume as a selling pitch…

  95. jj says:

    heard they are doing a big road show now and have member bd’s turning off smart routers and pointing it at cboe to inflate and distort volumes as if that is not known on the street, then the want to pump it up above other exchanges PE’s. Next monday’s wsj they should be announcing and I heard more about GM’s fall IPO this week then their supposed 6-15 IPO

  96. Final Doom says:

    What will the CBOE matter when the entire financial industry fails and collapses in one giant selloff/bank run?

  97. Juice Box says:

    Comrade Norplant was floated back in the 90’s much more effective than cutting off checks and it went nowhere.

  98. Final Doom says:

    jj (100)-

    Fraud. It’s the American Way.

    “…member bd’s turning off smart routers and pointing it at cboe to inflate and distort volumes…”

  99. sas says:

    “The average joe eats about the same diet that you feed cattle in a feedlot. Lots of grain, some preservatives, a smidgen of unidentified protein and little exercise. The result is the same.”

    add to that.. they pump grain cattle with antibiotics as pretreatment and they feed you the TV cattle with pr*Zac and potato chips.

    results is the same.


  100. Final Doom says:

    BMO’s new advice: run for the exits.

    “In a surprising development, the most bearish, and easily most comprehensive, report that we have read in a long time comes from Canada, of all places, via BMO’s Quant/Tech desk. The report’s title is simple enough: Go To Cash – In Plain English. Not much clarification needed. Here is the gist: “We advocate switching out of equity positions and going to cash. The European sovereign debt crisis appears to be nowhere near over. The global credit environment is worsening. Cost of capital is going up and availability is going down. There are large gaps between where the credit market prices risk and where the equity market is priced. Equity is lagging the deterioration in credit conditions. Moves in currency, equity and commodity markets are mirroring the moves in the credit market. Global growth, in a credit-constrained environment, will slow. Profits will be squeezed by the higher cost of capital…We advocate a zero weight toward equity, and that investors convert their equity positions to cash.”


  101. sas says:


    you write them Georgia Guidestones?



  102. Confused in NJ says:

    Independent voters are the fulcrum by which elections now swing in America, but that has long been true in New Jersey. Here in the Garden State the number of unaffiliated voters total more than 2.4 million, dwarfing the number of registered Democrats (1.8 million) and registered Republicans (1 million).

    A recent survey by the Pew Research Center found evidence of the same political transformation taking place across the nation. The number of independent voters has soared to its highest point on record with 39 percent, up from 30 percent since the 2008 election. At the same time, the number of registered voters aligning themselves with the traditional parties has declined dramatically.

    Perhaps more significant is the fact that independents are now the youngest voting bloc overall with 44 percent of Americans born after 1977 identifying themselves as independent

    Interesting, 2.8M can vote in todays Primary, and 2.4M can’t. I think the system may need revision.

  103. Final Doom says:

    The whole system is set up to suppress voting. Nothing will change.

  104. Final Doom says:

    The best vote is a vote with a bullet.

  105. Mr Hyde says:


    you write them Georgia Guidestones?

    I’d tell you but…..

  106. jj says:

    At least I voted for the old guy and the chick from Alaska. That way you can’t blame any of this on me.

  107. Libtard says:

    The end IS near.

    I just received an email from Friendly’s introducing their,

    ‘New 100% Maine Lobster Roll!’

  108. nj escapee says:

    wow, maine lobster at friendly’s. it really must be TEOTWAWKI

  109. Shore Guy says:

    Not lobster in THESE shells (from CBS News):

    Crewman Aboard Fishing Boat Exposed To Mustard Gas

    Jun. 08, 2010

    BOSTON (AP) – A Massachusetts doctor treating a commercial fisherman who was sickened after his boat pulled up munitions tainted with chemicals says tests show he was exposed to mustard gas. Dr. Edward Boyer, a toxicologist at UMass Memorial Medical Center in Worcester, Mass., says the man had painful blisters on an arm and leg. He says the patient is “handling it very well.” The U.S. Coast Guard said the Massachusetts-based vessel, the ESS Pursuit, dredged up two shells Sunday about 45 miles south of Long Island. The crew threw the items back into the ocean when the man began developing blisters. The boat remains isolated off the coast of New Bedford. The U.S. military used the ocean as a dumping ground for munitions, including a mustard agent, from after World War II through the 1960s.


  110. Mr Hyde says:


    Google around, there is a fair amount of nuclear waste dumped off of the Massachusetts shore from the WWII period.

  111. Smathers says:

    111. Are you kidding? Who the heck do you think is to blame for this in the first place? Big O’ is just keeping policy as usual. Tax and spend. War war. Har har. Etc. Those two would have been worse.

    My favorite comment was the old coot saying in a debate that we should be like Ireland that has no corporate income tax. Oh yah dude. That’s great. And any personal income above 39,000 EU is taxed at 50%. And there’s a huge nationwide VAT that makes everything more 25% expensive than here. Well sure ‘nough, that’s for me.

  112. Essex says:

    112. Pizzeria UNO has Lobster Rolls too. I had one last weekend.

  113. jj says:

    Shares of Ambac touched an intraday high of $1.27 before pulling back after the company also noted that its liquidity may run out prior to the second quarter of 2011. In that event, Ambac said it may consider raising additional capital or a negotiated restructuring of its debt through a prepackaged bankruptcy. Lately, the stock was up 5 cents, or 4.9%, to $1.08.

    BTW the place the call “lunch” out east is only place to get a lobster roll.

  114. Rhymingrealtor says:

    Hi All!

    Its been a long time since I posted.However I have been reading pretty regularly. I notice your high horse has really gotten higher ( if thats possible) I remember when I started reading and I was a little hesitant to mention I was a realtor, because there was so much animosity toward our type. Lately the animosity had been toward government employees – which is another reason I was hesitant to post the animosity seems to have shifted toward those folk – of which I am now one, I am especially weary because I have more than one child – a husband on unemployment and can definitely be considered pleasingly plump! But I am thinking you guys really don’t notice how judgmental you sound so I have compiled some quotes from todays posts, when put all in one post….. well let’s see what you think – here they go

    Life is good when you receive 99 weeks of unemployment while living for free. ( Take it from me – not that good)

    Fat people should be executed.
    ( Who gets to shoot us?)

    Let’s see how those lardasses do on The Biggest Loser when it’s a firing squad at the end for those who can’t make weight. ( Oh the producers? )

    Be more effective to FAT TAX them per pound over weight. Taking away ding dong money is more effective. We could add to the Cigarette & Alcohol Sin Taxes a whole host of other individual Sin Taxes including the FAT-TAX. The missing Under Arm Deoderant Tax will be a big summer time Tax revenue producer. And, the Failure to Speak Politically Correct Tax (FSPCT)should put us over the top. The cameras all over the country could be manned by people expert in lip reading to catch the Evil Dooers. ( alrighty then)

    The average joe eats about the same diet that you feed cattle in a feedlot. Lots of grain, some preservatives, a smidgen of unidentified protein and little exercise. The result is the same. ( Luckily you guys are not all average joes, way above average -definitely)

    Bojangles better not talk back to his massa, or he’ll get a right good whipping. ( The love is palpable)

    start a new fad! Start hyping the gallons of gas/mile required to move around each extra pound of lard. Run with the whole “green” angle on it!!!!

    ( Ideas for solutions are abundant – dont know why no one is running with this)

    Anyone over 180 should pay a weight charge say $15 per pound ( Oh I think you should just take it our of our hydes)

    I will once again put forth my suggestion of requiring that one be dropped in the middle of Alaska with a rope, machete and magnesium fire stater. If you make it out you get voting rights and citizenship. Problem solved except for the potentially overweight grizzly population that may develop in the Alaskan outback.
    ( Is that where the next GTG is?)

    A cause that kills off 80% of humans is probably one that will solve that problem too.

    Hyde, one kid per couple — assuming 1x marriage in lifetime will reduce the population substantially in a few generations. ( Can we have the choice of boy or girl?)

    just apply a massive tax for every child after the 1st one. it would reverse the current social pattern from the poor having more children and the wealthier less, to the wealthier having more then the poor. ( The rich can just take our kids why go thru the stretch marks)

    How about an armed overthrow of the US gubmint?

    The best vote is a vote with a bullet.
    ( Genius!)


  115. jj says:

    Balances from the competitive sale of $9,662,000 Township of Montclair, New Jersey School Bonds are now available for customers to place orders.

    I thought you guys voted school budgets down, I guess when you can’t get money through higher re taxes you just borrow and let our kids worry about it. Then again it is their all day kindergarten causing the problem so they should pay for it.

  116. sas says:

    “But I am thinking you guys really don’t notice how judgmental you sound”

    lets put it this way:

    I’ve been done married 5 times.


  117. Libtard says:

    That’s a bond for our new $40 million school which we constructed and apparently didn’t need. There will be nice administrative offices in there though.

    For the record, we don’t vote on our budget. But if we did, it wouldn’t matter. The gravy train must keep on rolling.

    Rhyming Realtor:
    I did not make any of those statements. Are you still my friend?

  118. Pat says:

    kl, here’s one of my favorite quotes of all time:

    “I voted for the fat guy.”

  119. Final Doom says:

    rr (119)-

    Welcome back. I have no problem admitting that I’ve gone stark, raving mad. It is the only sane response to a world gone out-of-control.

    I may snap at any second.

  120. Pat says:

    in all honesty, the tongue-in-cheek (not sure if it can be considered snarky) humor does tend to lead to pack mentality.

    But at least it focuses some thought on difficult issues.

    When you’re fat, it’s a tough read. When you drive a crappy car, it’s a tough read.
    When you rent, it’s a tough read.
    When you shop at Walmart, it’s a tough read.
    When you’re Catholic, it’s a tough read.
    When you’re Jewish, it’s a tough read.
    When you’re Muslim, it’s a tough read.

  121. Pat says:

    Oh, when you work for the gubmint, it’s a tough read.

    Did I leave anybody out?

  122. Pat says:

    I wasted almost an hour today looking at people of wallymart. Thanks, OOS. Thanks a lot.

  123. Confused in NJ says:

    The Obama administration is set to announce new rules on offshore drilling Tuesday, a move that the industry hopes will offer some clarity on new drilling operations and the thousands of jobs that depend on them.

    Since the BP oil spill, the offshore drilling industry has been in a state of limbo.

    All new drilling permits were suspended following the April 20 disaster.

    Then, on May 27, the administration said drilling permits would resume for wells in shallow water – a depth of 500 feet or less

    Interesting, the 1979 10 month Mexico Oil Well disaster was less then 500 feet.

  124. Mr Hyde says:


    I’m not an average joe. I am probably more degenerate then average. Besides whats wrong with a little restraint, both socially and personally.

  125. Libtard says:

    For the record, I’m pretty heavy as well, although I’m quite physical. I blame it on noone but myself. I would have lost the weight already, but I’m waiting for the government stimulus tax credit before I make my move.

    Cash for Calories?

  126. Mr Hyde says:


    you forgot:
    When your Human its a tough read.

  127. Mr Hyde says:


    Cash for Calories?

    your a genius. It fits right in with my “human fat as biodiesel source” master plan.

  128. Final Doom says:

    Soylent Green is people.

  129. Libtard says:


    You might be well-learned in the physical sciences, but you definitely failed marketing! Here’s a better slogan that everyone should be able to get ‘behind’…

    How about Loot for Lipo?

  130. Mr Hyde says:

    \perhaps we could replace Social Security and medicaid with the Federal Soylent Green program. It even reduces green house gas production!

  131. Mr Hyde says:


    you definitely failed marketing!

    yep :(

  132. jj says:

    I say lets take out China and every Muslim country, would solve our military and financial problems in one shot.

  133. Mr Hyde says:


    Thats about 60% – 70% of the global population. Just saying….

  134. meter says:

    Let’s just rev up the carousel.

  135. Comrade Nom Deplume says:

    [119] rhyming

    Lighten up Francis!

  136. Simply Ravishing HEHEHE says:

    S&P hit 1040ish and went BOOIIIINNNGGGG!!!!

  137. meter says:

    re: the carousel

    jj has to be pretty close to the front of the line with his key party stories set in the early 60s.

  138. jj says:

    But they have no souls anyhow so it really is not that big a thing.

    Mr Hyde says:
    June 8, 2010 at 3:58 pm

    Thats about 60% – 70% of the global population. Just saying….

  139. Comrade Nom Deplume says:

    [119] rhyming

    “But I am thinking you guys really don’t notice how judgmental you sound . . .”

    Sure we do. We just don’t care.

  140. jj says:

    I actually like the Mad Man days.

  141. jj says:

    Facts are facts now get your renting, clunker driving, walmart shopping fat chinese musllim butt out of here.
    Comrade Nom Deplume says:
    June 8, 2010 at 4:01 pm
    [119] rhyming

    “But I am thinking you guys really don’t notice how judgmental you sound . . .”

    Sure we do. We just don’t care.

  142. Pat says:

    I feel the need to share this photo.

    Not because I want to make fun of the person with the dog in the truck, but because I think it’s an excellent example of what can be complete right and worth fighting for.


    third pic down.

  143. Simply Ravishing HEHEHE says:

    Belmar Johnny needs to Christianize our little brown brothers.

  144. NJCoast says:


    Grim’s gone for the day- the monkeys are running the zoo.

  145. meter says:

    “I actually like the Mad Man days.”

    Amen, brotha.

  146. rhymingrealtor says:

    Definitely missed you guys! (-:


    Fat,broke,stupid,chevy driving,tatooed
    ( that’s new it seemed to fit my persona)gubmint teat sucking,KL

    formerly just KL

  147. Jamal Van Jones says:

    Definitely missed you guys!

    Don’t worry. Take your quote compilation and multiply them by 365. That should catch you up.

  148. Outofstater says:

    #127 Laughing. They are a sight to behold, aren’t they?

  149. d2b says:

    Our country is not eating well and that is 90% of the battle with weight loss. Even people that think they are eating well, tend to consume too many empty calories. If you want to make us thin, we have to stop eating so much junk.

    I always thought the best stimulus plans would be food stamps that can only be used for fresh foods. However something tells me that excluding processed items would be next to impossible.

  150. rhymingrealtor says:

    Rhyming Realtor:
    I did not make any of those statements. Are you still my friend?


    That depends, since I am soon going to be sitting in a new administrative office being built for our fat a@@es – are you still my friend, I know I was able to put a likeable spin on the whole realtor thingy but now that I am on the taxpayer’s payroll.. hmmm can I keep my friends? LOL

  151. rhymingrealtor says:

    ooops forgot to close

  152. Comrade Nom Deplume says:

    [130] libtard,

    “I would have lost the weight already, but I’m waiting for the government stimulus tax credit before I make my move.”

    I would have gotten out of bed already, but I am also waiting for the government stimulus tax credit before my feet hit the floor.

  153. Comrade Nom Deplume says:

    [155] rhyming,

    “since I am soon going to be sitting in a new administrative office being built for our fat a@@es. . .”

    And paid for with our tax dollars.

    If they house you in trailers, will they be . . .

    Wait for it . . .

    Double wides???

  154. nj escapee says:

    eliminating one human at a time

    Russian engineer commits suicide with homemade guillotine


  155. Comrade Nom Deplume says:


    This will keep out the casual Nompounders.

    Finished my permanent residence application for Canada. Don’t know what I was looking at before, but the application fees to the government come to $1,900 for a family of four.

    At least that is in canadian dollars.

    But that is just one leg of the expatriate stool. That gives me 5 years of tax free status in Canada, but doesn’t help with the US. I still need a country to call home citizenship-wise in order to renounce U.S. citizenship, and that could cost some.

    I guess that is why only the truly wealthy are doing it.

  156. Anon E. Moose says:


    Forget charing for liposuction, they’ll be beating a path to your door when you give it away for free! You can toss a ‘sweetener’ in that they will get paid for repeat visits if they let you install a quick-disconnect valve so they just roll into the office, hook up, unload, and roll on out. You’ve got ready (and cheap!) supply of biodiesel stock.

    (nb, I’m no one’s definition of svelte)

  157. Shore Guy says:

    “Russian engineer commits suicide with homemade guillotine”

    Was his name Kevorkianski?

  158. yo'me says:

    Robbed of jobs by the deficit cultistsThe latest US jobs report shows how feeble this recovery is. Yet those managing the economy are set on a low-employment path


  159. dan says:


    I think the board will concur that “any second” was sometime in 2009 :)

  160. Stu says:

    Update on MY employment front.

    About five years ago, I hired this ultra-talented employee to fill in my former vacant opening when I was promoted from managing a group of about 25 prepress technicians both in New York and in Chennai into my current roll as a workflow engineer. This guy was fantastic at getting the work done accurately and timely, but he was socially awkward. His biggest issue, besides lacking any shred of a sense of humor, was that he would take a very long time to answer questions. Although he always answered brilliantly and really compartmentalized all of the potential factors involved in his answer better than anyone I’ve ever met. Well today he was canned along with a few other long-timers. Lucky for me, I was given his job as well as my current project-oriented role. Oh happy times for me. The loss in compensation due to increased commuting costs, after care needs and tax implications works out to roughly another $5,000. So I’m nearing 4 years without an increase, my workload has to have nearly doubled as well as my responsibilities and I’ve lost approximately 15 to 20k in compensation. I think I’ll go buy a house. It’s a good thing Gator is supporting me.

  161. chicagofinance says:

    Rhymingrealtor says:
    June 8, 2010 at 3:21 pm
    Hi All!

    I call next GTG for Fish & Chips in Kearney!

  162. willwork4beer says:


    You have mail.

  163. chicagofinance says:

    Stu: well then maybe you can meet jj and I downtown on August 2nd…..I will donate my beer to you if (when) I get it…

  164. jp says:

    Auction for townehomes starting at 500k in edgewater, nj. Supposedly over a million for listing.

    Why would anyone in his right mind bid 500k for a townehome?

    Does it come with five hot russian mail order brides?

  165. still_looking says:

    chifi, 166

    Popeye’s on Rt 17 Paramus



  166. freedy says:

    in that complex in Edgewater, you would not

  167. sas says:

    “Popeye’s on Rt 17 Paramus”

    manager’s special..Tuesday nights


  168. freedy says:

    bojangles dropping buy for a sit down and chat with the locals ?

  169. Comrade Nom Deplume says:

    OT Alert:

    PC Rant of the Day:

    (from the NYT, natch)

    (here’s the setup–article about new law to make sure institutions turn more women into scientists. The following is excerpted from a comment).

    New YorkJune 7th, 2010
    6:47 pm

    Imagine what would have happened to Larry Summers if, as President of Harvard, he had said that blacks or Jews were intrinsically inferior in math and science ability? He would have been fired – within 48 hours. But say it about women and there is sure to be someone who will jump up and scream how this is all about scientific truth and freedom of speech.
    It isn’t.
    It’s about ignorance and bigotry. . . .

    . . . The belief in the genetic inferiority of GROUPS of people should be illegal in the work place under Title VII and Title IX of the Civil Rights Act. . . ”

    Get that? The commenter doesn’t state that discrmination in a workplace, or in college admissions should be illegal.

    No. It should be illegal to believe in “genetic inferiority.” Not to espouse it, or teach it, or practice it, but to believe it.

    These people amused me when they were an annoying minority. They are no longer so. The sound of jackboots in the distance, once faint, grows inperceptibly louder.

  170. Comrade Nom Deplume says:

    Speaking of the sound of jackboots growing louder . . .

    “Commissioner of Internal Revenue Douglas Shulman June 8 said recently enacted legislation to require broad new reporting and disclosure by foreign financial institutions could help lay the groundwork for a unified information reporting framework for multiple countries.

    His comments came during a speech in which he emphasized his belief that international tax administration is moving in the direction of “coordinated joint action among countries,” in what he said is the next step in the ever-growing trend toward cooperation between taxing authorities. . . .”

    Government Workers of the World, Unite!

    (FWIW, I predicted that the USG would try to lead an effort to create a solid wall to blackball financial commerce with nations deemed to be tax havens. It won’t work).

  171. Mr Wantanapolous says:


    Thistle, fish and chips, moved to Lyndhurst. Doom will still kick their ass.

  172. Al "Fat Thumbery" Gore says:



    Thats getting pricey. Why not just go down with the ship and sneak across the border when the SHTF? Im sure those border guards will be primed for bribery at that point.

  173. Al "Fat Thumbery" Gore says:

    DARROUZETT, Texas – “A sheriff’s official says three people are injured and others are missing after a natural gas pipeline exploded in a remote part of the Texas Panhandle.

    Vickie Nelson of the Lipscomb County Sheriff’s Office the blast about 4 p.m. Tuesday was near the small town of Darrouzett, a few miles from the Oklahoma border.”


    That makes 4? in a week? The horsemen ride on.

  174. Stu says:


    My calendar is and HAS BEEN marked.

  175. jamil says:

    Sastry or anybody wanna join humanitarian mission?

    “Student Union chairman Boaz Torporovsky, who has been leading the reverse flotilla charge, told The Jerusalem Post on Monday, “Hundreds of people have volunteered for the flotilla, and many more are contacting us all the time for ways they can help.
    “Our plan is to deliver much-needed humanitarian assistance to the Kurds of Turkey, who by the way outnumber Israelis and Palestinians combined,” he said…
    Another sea-bound venture is being organized in an effort to draw attention to Turkey’s own controversial policies – this time to Cyprus, to “call for an end to the Turkish occupation” of the island’s northern half – and is being organized by Meretz activist Pinchas Har-Zahav, and his son Haim, who has also signed on for the voyage…
    Har-Zahav added that the ship’s passengers were not looking for a violent confrontation and if told to turn back, they would.
    “But we feel that it’s important for us to show and remind the world that Turkey is not a righteous country, but a near-rogue state, and that we, the Israeli people, are not suckers.””

  176. Comrade Nom Deplume says:

    [177] Al

    It is a bit pricey, but it could easily pay for itself in the long run, provided I can get citizenship elsewhere economically. There is a maneuver I call the “Canadian two-step” that will permit me to live pretty much anywhere (except Canada, paradoxically), and do so practically tax-free.

    And you get the lifeboat advantage, if needed, but I still think that is so very remote as to be meaningless. If I have a nompound in central maine, who needs Canada?

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  206. Gripping thoughts here. Are you determined this is the right way to look at it though? My own experience is that everyone should pretty much live and let live because what one person surmises as just — another person simply does not. Human beings are going to do what they want to do. In the end, they always do. The most we can yearn for is to reveal a few things here and there that hopefully, allows them to make just a little better informed decision. Otherwise, great post. You’re definitely making me think! –Doreen

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