NY Metro among the healthiest housing markets

From CNBC:

The healthiest housing markets? It may surprise you

Following today’s housing recovery is like watching a bunch of sixth grade girls decide which boys are cool and which aren’t. Boy to boy, housing market to housing market, the winners and losers are constantly changing. Had one predicted just a year ago that five of the 10 healthiest housing markets would be in California, one might have been summarily dismissed.

But Zillow has found that the nation’s healthiest housing market is San Jose, followed by San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego, and just making it at No. 10, Sacramento.

“Rapid home value appreciation in the West, particularly California, is currently having a very positive effect on a number of other factors, including negative equity, foreclosure activity and the overall financial health of local homeowners. But that same rapid appreciation may cause affordability issues in the future in these markets, leading to potentially unhealthy conditions,” Zillow Chief Economist Stan Humphries said.
Rounding out Zillow’s top 10 were Denver, Boston, Pittsburgh, Portland, Ore., and New York City, ranking five through nine.

While one can deem a certain housing market “healthy” today, due to rising home prices, if those prices rise to far too fast, that health could be in jeopardy. It is therefore important to keep an eye on markets where investors are now setting their sights, such as Atlanta and Charlotte. With investors able to sway markets so quickly, the usual rules of supply and demand don’t apply.

This entry was posted in Economics, Housing Recovery, National Real Estate. Bookmark the permalink.

142 Responses to NY Metro among the healthiest housing markets

  1. grim says:

    Here are the top 10:

    San Jose, Calif., 9.0
    San Francisco, 8.9
    Los Angeles, 8.6
    San Diego, 8.4
    Denver, 8.1
    Boston, 7.4
    Pittsburgh, 7.4
    Portland, Ore., 6.5
    New York, 6.0
    Sacramento, Calif., 6.0

  2. grim says:

    From Fox:

    KISS lead guitarist Ace Frehley’s NY home, in foreclosure, goes up in flames

    A suburban New York house owned by former KISS lead guitarist Ace Frehley has gone up in flames.

    The Journal News reports that firefighters were called to the stone house in the town of Yorktown Heights late Saturday morning.

    The home was heavily damaged, with flames burning through the roof.

    The newspaper says the musician had been fighting foreclosure on the property in Westchester County Court.

  3. No award for the least sickest wildebeest.

  4. Street Justice says:

    30-year-old Hudson County man shot at Short Hills mall dies, authorities say


    MILLBURN — An evening of Christmas shopping turned into a violent nightmare Sunday night when a man returning with his wife to their parked Range Rover at an upscale New Jersey mall was fatally shot in the head and their vehicle carjacked from a parking deck at the Mall at Short Hills.

    Police said the two assailants fled in the stolen car and an alert was out for the 2012 silver Range Rover with the license plate U26BVD.

    The 30-year-old Hudson County man was pronounced dead at 11:45 Sunday night at Morristown Medical Center, Essex County Chief Assistant Prosecutor Thomas Fennelly said earlier today.

    His wife was not injured, according to acting Essex County Prosecutor Carolyn Murray.

    Murray said the shooting occurred at about 9:10 p.m. She said the victim had been out with his wife shopping and they were returning to their vehicle when they were confronted by two men. She said the husband had opened the door for his wife and was getting into the driver’s side when he was shot. Murray believed multiple shots were fired.

  5. Essex says:

    4. and they wondered what having millionaires living and shopping 10 miles from the slums would yield.

  6. grim says:

    4 – Terrible, and worse than a nightmare … you wake up from a nightmare.

    Surprised there just isn’t more crime at Short Hills, unless we just never hear about it except in extreme cases like this (and the smash and grab last year). I’d suspect Short Hills is a magnet for these types, especially considering some of the parking decks have an extremely confined feel to them (not like the mega mall lots and high-garages at Garden State Plaza), and the perceived number of wealthy targets is high – (I shop there and I’m poor, so I’d say this is largely just a stereotype).

    Suspects left the mall and were headed east on 24 – Any surprise? Short Hills Mall is a straight shot from some of the highest crime towns in the state. Pretty easy to get that jacked car down to Newark and get paid.

    By the way – consider car jacking the unintended consequence of the high end anti-theft devices that are standard in almost every car. You can’t steal it without the keys – so how do you get the keys?

  7. Street Justice says:

    6 – I started working in that area about 5 years ago. I was surprised at the number of car jackings and thefts that occur in the area. Plus who can forget about the infamous home invasion in Milburn that was caught on camera. They’re usually reported as a little blurb in the police blotter. Sounds like this one escalated and as a result, will be getting much more press.

  8. Street Justice says:

    I’ve been accused of being racist for saying it but, the difference in neighborhoods like Milburn/Short Hills and their proximity to Newark and the surrounding neighborhoods were the first thing that came to my mind.

    I experienced a robbery first hand once, luckily I was not in the car at the time. Two guys in a stolen RX7 were methodically breaking into cars and stealing radios and GPS’s etc out of cars. A friend of mine interrupted them breaking into my truck and called the cops right away. A chase ensued down route 78 and guess what NJ city the local cops called off the chase…….

    Also for years, people in my building all talk about some of the car thefts of high end cars that have taken place in the parking lot here…one of they employees interupted a couple of guys trying to boost our CEO’s Audi once a few years ago…

  9. grim says:

    Wonder how Short Hills is going to manage this – especially considering the recent backlash against Barney’s for racial profiling. Fill the decks with cops? Not possible – anyone that has been there knows what I’m talking about – the back deck has almost no long sight-lines, a very low ceiling, and wraps around like spaghetti – you can’t see 3 rows away. Even when the mall is open those decks feel like you are in a cave.

    By the way – NJ police will not pursue a stolen vehicle.

  10. Wonder what the carjacking numbers look like in states that have concealed carry.

  11. Maybe Short Hills will invite white carjackers in as an equality initiative.

  12. Maybe it would help if Christie just came out and admitted we’ve become Colombia.

  13. Arsenal draws Bayern in Champions League.

    Have a nice day, gluteus.

  14. grim says:

    I suspect the police are really looking for 3-4 people, not 2 – I’m pretty sure the two perps didn’t walk to the mall. I remember this tactic pretty well, since it’s was how my car was stolen. Witnesses said a car dropped off a number of people in different spots in the parking lot at work – in just a few minutes the thieves left with 3 cars – my WRX, an S4, and I think an M3. Likely the drop-off car was stolen as well. Crazy since my car was parked outside my office window – and my team was in my office getting ready to head out to lunch – in the matter of the few minutes it took us to walk out the door, the car was gone. They were all seen leaving the lot in a caravan, towards Parkway South (we were in Bloomfield).

    So my thought? Absolutely premeditated.

  15. anon (the good one) says:

    am sure they don’t have any crime, any crime at all

    Spine Snapper says:
    December 16, 2013 at 8:06 am
    Wonder what the carjacking numbers look like in states that have concealed carry.

  16. grim says:

    Short Hills and Garden State better hire 50 more valet runners.

  17. chicagofinance says:

    grim: shot in the head?…….give us the back story on the guy that was killed….

  18. anon (the good one) says:

    good news is that very, very few of you can afford living in high price areas anyway like Short Hills. you aren’t targets of Newark so settle down. no need to get hysterical.

  19. Street Justice says:

    just in case you lived in the area and thought it was a rare occurance:


  20. grim says:

    17 – Suspect he resisted or tried to fight back – they didn’t expect it. Why do I say that – they left a witness (wife) alive – no question she saw their faces – this points to panic not mercy. Also – the car would presumably be too hot to fence given it’s provenance. Some comments on the other sites are saying only one assailant drove the car, the second got into another car at the scene. Presumably – she saw them all – and the other car.

    Otherwise – she would have had to have ran and hid? Or maybe paid them to off her husband?

  21. nwnj says:

    If any good can come of these incidents(Short Hills, Millburn, etc.) its that people might wake up and realize what a total waste it is to continue to subsize the miscreants of Newark, Camden, etc. The only funds they should be getting are for more jails.

  22. chicagofinance says:

    If you are familiar with the Star Trek reference…….Short Hills Mall valet runners are akin to the red shirt guys…..

    grim says:
    December 16, 2013 at 8:25 am
    Short Hills and Garden State better hire 50 more valet runners.

  23. nwnj says:

    I’m surprised in this age that carjacking high end cars is still a hustle. GPS, video surveillance, etc. would make the odds of getting away with something like this very low. I know prison isn’t a deterrent — they’ll catch these guys quickly — but it just seems like there has to be a better racket.

  24. anon (the good one) says:

    oh yes, lots of people here live in the over $1 million towns. particularly in Short Hills area.

    what about the car?

    last month your spin was anybody driving a Land Rover was an ass in reference to the couple attacked a gang.

    Street Justice says:
    December 16, 2013 at 8:34 am
    just in case you lived in the area and thought it was a rare occurance:


  25. Street Justice says:

    26. I’m pretty sure 90% of the comments made here go completely over your head. You are refering to a comment I made that was tounge and cheek.

    I think that’s why it’s so irritating that you post here. You have no idea what anyone is even talking about.

  26. grim says:

    They’ll find the truck burning in Irvington later this evening.

  27. Fast Eddie says:

    I’m very saddened and angry. I can’t believe that additional security or some other form of deterrent wasn’t available. I don’t know the answer… don’t know if anyone can find a solution to prevent these senseless acts.

  28. nwnj says:

    It appears anon is huffing gasoline again based on the coherence of his posts.

  29. JJ the Welfare Queen says:

    Range Rovers attract the wrong type of attention.

    After Sandy I almost bought a black range rover. It was a CEO of a small company selling it himself. He bought it 18 months earlier a demo model for his daughter. Turns out she moved out to Boston and did not need a car up there. Car always garaged and mint condition kept in indoor garage.

    We were within $1,000 in price and I back offed. Honestly, it was only like 35K. No sales tax. Was three years old and I was getting it at a good price and low milage.

    Three things made me not get it. 1) Karma and Optics. – It looked brand new and mint. A black Range Rover in front of a sandy damaged house while there are dumpsters everywhere after Sandy I felt I would get tires slashed and windows broken or worse. Just something about Range Rovers. Mind you my neighbors brand new Honda SUV he bought with tax and shipping was also 35k. But somehow the Range Rover brings out the worst in people.

    2) reliability and dealer was kinda far from me. It was under warranty. But that bothered me too plus high maintenance.

  30. Painhrtz - Disobey! says:

    Anon your an ass. I can probably rattle off the folks on here who live in high end towns, a few of us have or had luxury cars, and a good number of us make over six figures.

  31. Painhrtz - Disobey! says:

    Eddie I can think of a deterrent but it is abhorrent to the liberals in this state

  32. Street Justice says:

    33 – Keep an eye on Pantano vs State of NJ to be argued in the NJ Supreme court.

  33. Painhrtz - Disobey! says:

    Street that is going to have to all the way up to the federal level. I don’t ever expect the NJ supreme court to act in a way other than they have for the last 40 years.

  34. Fast Eddie says:


    I’m probably thinking what you’re thinking. As much as I want to express it, I’ll abstain.

  35. Street Justice says:

    35 – NJ’s case law interprets the US constitution’s 2nd amendment to mean people of the state can have arms if they are part of a militia. That is in direct conflict with the Heller vs DC and McDonald vs Chicago US supreme court cases which stated the 2nd amendment grants the right to keep and bear arms to the individual. I’m not a lawyer and I don’t completely understand it, but people are saying that case could mean big changes…

  36. grim says:

    Not trying to inflate egos here, but I’d wager the typical reader of this site is more well off than average. We’ve had the discussion before, if I post a list of incoming domains, it reads like a financial sector who’s who. Sure, it could be a guy in the mailroom, but if that’s the case, we have a lot of mail clerks reading…

  37. Street Justice says:

    37 continued…


    Current NJ gun control laws (sills act?) passed in 1966 were challenged and the law was upheld on the grounds that the 2nd amendment was interpreted to be for the purposes of organizing a militia.

    “During the American colonial days there was great fear of
    military rule; the colonists believed that standing armies were
    acceptable only in extraordinary circumstances and under control of
    civil authorities, and that the Militia was the proper
    organ for defense of the individual States. When the Constitution
    was adopted, it expressly granted to Congress the power to provide
    for calling forth the Militia to execute the laws, suppress
    insurrections and repel invasions, along with the power to provide
    for organizing the Militia and for governing such part as may be
    employed in the service of the United States, “reserving to the
    States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the
    Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline
    prescribed by Congress”. Art. 1, section 8, clauses 15 and 16. With
    their historic distrust of standing armies and the desire that the
    Militia be protected from federal encroachment, the States quickly
    obtained the adoption of the second amendment. As the language of
    the amendment itself indicates it was not framed with individual
    rights in mind. Thus it refers to the collective right “of the
    people” to keep and bear arms in connection with “a well-regulated
    militia.” Most students of the subject would undoubtedly express
    agreement with the substance of the currently expressed view that
    “the term ‘well-regulated militia’ must be taken to mean the
    active, organized militia of each state, which today is
    characterized as the state National Guard.” Feller and Getting,
    supra, 61 Nw.U.L.Rev. at 64; see N.J.S. 38A:1-2, 3, N.J.S.A.”

  38. grim says:

    Ok – here goes, some relatively common daily readers, I’ll leave off the small shops for obvious reasons. Past 30 days:

    Morgan Stanley
    JP Morgan Chase
    Wells Fargo
    Knight Capital
    Deutsche Bank
    Credit Suisse
    RBC Capital Markets
    Societe Generale
    Apollo Management
    US Securities and Exchange Commission
    BONY Mellon
    Thomson Reuters
    Mitsubishi UFJ

  39. joyce says:

    Keep an eye on the people who we’ve given “authority” to write, interpret, re-interpret, and selectively enforce and ignore the laws at their whim.

    Street Justice says:
    December 16, 2013 at 9:07 am
    33 – Keep an eye on Pantano vs State of NJ to be argued in the NJ Supreme court.

  40. 1987 Condo says:

    #40…I like the “IRS” one! I use a separate computer for my non work forays….

  41. Street Justice says:

    Forgot one….NSA

  42. Juice Box says:

    If you read the comments in the Murder/Car jacking at the Mall article there was another car jacking that did not end the same way because it was a COP.


  43. grim says:

    If this is the way we’re going to do it – off duty police officers shouldn’t be allowed to carry a gun…

    If there is no duty to protect a citizen – there should be no right to protect themselves.

  44. Painhrtz - Disobey! says:

    Some animals are more equal than others Grim

  45. Juice Box says:

    re # 45 – That has more do do with civil liability when they don’t protect do to police discretion. Like when they don’t arrest you on a warrant because they don’t want to do the paperwork.

  46. In NJ, only criminals are allowed to have guns. This keeps the average citizen in a permanent state of siege and terror, which is what TPTB want.

  47. I wish we could offer anon as a sort of “hostage on call” for any criminal who would rather have a bargaining chip than just shooting everyone in sight.

  48. grim says:

    Details about the victim, patent attorney from Hoboken – http://www.nj.com/essex/index.ssf/2013/12/post_16.html

  49. All Hype says:

    Looks like they found the Range Rover in a garage in Newark:


  50. Painhrtz - Disobey! says:

    moral of the story, shop on the internet and if that is not possible drive a lousy ride. nothing like being disamed !

  51. grim says:

    Cue comments from the Neighbors:

    “He is a nice boy, he couldn’t have done this, he was going to go back to school to get his diploma and then was going to go to college to work in Heathcare. He loved helping people, he was even in the Church Choir.”

  52. grim says:

    Car found in a particularly gang and crime ridden section of the south ward.

  53. Fast Eddie says:

    The question is: How do you dismantle the environment for which this type of behavior is deemed acceptable?

  54. HouseWhineWine says:

    This is for Grim. My sincere thanks for this website and mostly thanks for the intelligent comments and insights you provide. I skip over certain posters comments most of the time but your comments are spot-on.

  55. xolepa says:

    (55) You did like New Orleans did after Katrina. You ship them to Houston and then you crank up the dozers.

  56. xolepa says:

    I lived in Newark until I was five years old. Went to Bragaw elementary for my 1st year and then we moved out. This was very early sixties. What I do remember of Newark in those years was a very beautiful, peaceful place. We even sled rided (ridden?) in West Side park. Can’t even imagine what it is now. I know because the of the color of my skin I cannot even get close to the house that was my grandparents/parents first purchase after coming from Ellis Island in 1949.
    A very happy, warm house with wonderful neighbors.

  57. just saying says:

    Someone needs to look at the wife! She gets out of a marriage and drives the Range Rover to the funeral.

  58. grim says:

    This was very early sixties. What I do remember of Newark in those years was a very beautiful, peaceful place.

    All changed in the summer of ’67.

  59. Street Justice says:

    The environment of the 1960’s…JFK shot…MLK shot…anti-gun sentiment…Sills act passed…Newark riots…white flight from NJ’s cities…

  60. Outofstater says:

    Change the state laws. Get a concealed carry permit and carry a weapon. Someone threatens your life, you kill him.

  61. chicagofinance says:

    Grim: 30 year old Syracuse patent attorney living in Hoboken working for a contractor in Neptune down by me? As they say……something no-smella good here….

    How about contract killing stage to appear as a carjacking?

    grim says:
    December 16, 2013 at 11:25 am
    Car found in a particularly gang and crime ridden section of the south ward.

  62. joyce says:

    I wish… but the excuse “I feared for my life” only works if you wear a state-sanctioned costume. And it works every time whether the person killed was armed, unamored, in a wheel chair, or had their back turned.

    Outofstater says:
    December 16, 2013 at 12:05 pm
    Change the state laws. Get a concealed carry permit and carry a weapon. Someone threatens your life, you kill him.

  63. xolepa says:

    (60) Actually, Newark got rotten before that. The riot was just a culmination of events and sentiments. The minority population wanted a takeover of power as they’re population swelled in the late fifties and early sixties. They just wanted to be top of the totem pole in Newark, which I guess was OK as long as progress was made. But in 67, I had grandparents living 3 houses from intersection of 13th st and Springfield. Three blocks from the infamous NG tank picture.

  64. grim says:

    63 – Too tinfoil hat for me, this is random violence.

    My take? Young hoodlum out of South Ward, 16-17, Gang initiation gone wrong (or right). Didn’t intend to kill, situation escalated when the victim likely confronted the attackers.

    Looks like the back window of the SUV was shattered, were they standing at the back of the car when the victim was shot? Sounds like victim got out of the car and walked towards the back.

    Parking the SUV in a garage? Seems to reek of panic again.

  65. Happy Renter says:

    [67] “Sounds like victim got out of the car and walked towards the back.”

    I read that he had opened the door for his wife and helped her into the car first; he was probably walking around the back of the car to get to the driver’s side.

    First reports made it sound like the thugs just shot him in the head out of the blue. Now I’m reading that the victim either resisted or didn’t comply.

    Of course, as a member of the disarmed sheeple of NJ, I know that the logical thing to do if some thug confronts me and demands my keys/wallet/whatever is to hand them over or throw them and then run. Of course, that’s the rational brain talking; I’m not sure my instinctive reaction would be the same, whether I wanted it to be or not. Especially with a wife and/or child already in the car.

  66. Happy Renter says:

    [67] “Parking the SUV in a garage? Seems to reek of panic again.”

    We already flush so much money down the toilets that are Newark, Camden, etc. — can’t we divert some of that money to running special mandatory middle and high school classes for the little thugs that instructs them on the basics of crime? You know, basic stuff like “If you’re committing an armed robbery and your plan goes awry, statistics show that you’re far less likely to be caught if you just abort the crime and make a fast getaway, and far more likely to get caught if you decide to start panic shooting.”

    Although, I’m not sure “Oh no, patent attorney from Hoboken won’t give me the keys!” qualifies as “panic.” Sounds more like hate to me. They’ve been wronged and the system is rigged and it’s all the fault of someone else and don’t forget about St. Trayvon etc.

  67. joyce says:

    disarm the govt

    CHILLICOTHE, OH — The American Drug War claimed another casualty when a woman was shot in the head while sitting on a couch by an incompetent police officer, who fired his weapon through an exterior wall prior to raiding the home.

    At about 10:30 p.m. on December 11th, a group of cops calling themselves the U.S. 23 Task Force swarmed the residence and prepared to break in and capture people for possessing drugs. One of the officers, Sgt. Brett McKnight, an 11-year-veteran of the Ross County Sheriff’s Office, negligently handled his weapon and fired a round through the exterior wall of the mobile home.

    Krystal Barrows from Chillicothe, OH. (Source: Myspace)
    The bullet traveled into the residence and struck a woman sitting on a couch. Krystal Marie Barrows, 35, of Chillicothe, was “in critical condition” and flown by helicopter to Ohio State University’s Wexner Medical Center, where she died the following day.

  68. 1987 Condo says:

    Weren’t there supposed to be a lot more of these?


    2013 on track to see fewest bank failures since 2007

    December 16, 2013, 11:16 AM

    In a sign of the financial system’s progress since the meltdown, data from federal regulators indicate that this year may see the fewest bank failures since 2007.

    Regulators closed a Texas bank on Friday, making it the 24th such failure this year, down from 51 in 2012, according to data from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which insures depositors’ funds.

    If no more FDIC-insured institutions fail this year, 2013 will see the fewest closures since 2007, when there were just three. Failures hit a recent peak in 2010, when regulators closed 157 institutions.

    Although a plunge in borrowers looking to refinance recently took a bite out of banks’ profits, earnings have been trending higher for years. For the third quarter, FDIC-insured institutions reported net income of $36 billion, up from $24 billion three years earlier.

    –Ruth Mantell

  69. joyce says:

    Was this posted already?


    While we still were all happily replaying the snowy and zany events of Week 14 in our heads, the 11th commandment was handed down from on high early this week, and at first glance, it sounds just as iron-clad and restrictive as the original 10, and possibly more consequential if violated:

    “Thou shalt not tailgate at this year’s Super Bowl in New Jersey—not even a little bit. Thus saith the Super Bowl XLVIII host committee.”

    And just to prove they really mean it when they say absolutely no wieners on the grill or space-eating games of cornhole at MetLife Stadium on Feb. 2, here’s the money quote from the committee’s CEO Al Kelly, who apparently issued the following comments with a straight face:

    “You will be allowed to have food in your car and have drink in your car. And provided you’re in the boundaries of a single parking space, you’ll be able to eat or drink right next to your car. However, you’re not going to be able take out a lounge chair, you’re not going to be able to take out a grill, and you’re not going to be able to take up more than one parking space. And it’ll all be watched very carefully.”

    In other words, a lot more carefully than referee Jeff Triplette watched that replay review of the BenJarvus Green-Ellis touchdown in Cincinnati last week. Consider yourself warned.

    Call me crazy, but when you tell football fans that they can tailgate as long as they don’t use a grill or lounge chairs, and agree to keep at least one body part in contact with their car, truck or igloo-on-wheels at all times, you’ve kind of gutted the essence of the whole tailgating experience.

    You must stay within the boundaries of a single parking space with your food and drink? For a league that has its hands full just keeping Mike Tomlin off the field during a game, this sounds like someone is biting off more than they can chew. Or police. Will there really be parking-space monitors patrolling the MetLife lots? Lord help us if there are Eagles or Raiders fans on the premises. I know from personal experience you don’t really want to tangle with those people when they get their tailgating groove on. Your car may be the one to suffer.

    Look, I get that space will be limited on Super Bowl Sunday in the Meadowlands. But just when you thought this game couldn’t take itself more seriously than it already did—see the continued use of Roman numerals, even though everything past Super Bowl V has been way too confusing—we get the anti-tailgating edict, relayed as if there will be hell to pay if a Hibachi gets smuggled onto the holy parking grounds of MetLife.

    I’m not even sure why anyone would really want to stand outside longer than they have to on game day of this year’s first cold-weather, in-the-elements Super Bowl, unless it’s a frost-bite contest for charity they signed up for. But I’m pretty sure tailgating is one of our protected constitutional rights, alongside free speech and being able to cut off your fellow drivers in traffic. And you just don’t take that away lightly and expect no uprising. Don’t be surprised if a new grassroots political movement—the Brat Party?—comes forth out of this.

    (Ric Tapia/Icon SMI) And it’s not just the rule against tailgating that threatens to make this the most restrictive Super Bowl ever. The Super Bowl host committee outlined the game-day transportation options, and it’s not going to be easy to even get to the game. Even if you’re one of the beautiful people who are famous enough to land tickets and rent a limo as your ride, you’re not going to be allowed to just roll up to MetLife and be escorted to the luxury box elevator.

    Because of the large security perimeter needed for the game, there will be no taxi, limo or black car service drop-off points. You will have to possess one of the fewer than 13,000 parking passes in order to enter the lots, and with more than 80,000 fans expected to attend, that means the real scalping market will be for those coveted parking spots. Forget the game tickets. How do I score two passes in the M lot?

    This is going to render a lot of VIPs quite SOL. The host committee is pushing either the area’s established mass transit to the game, or telling fans they can pay $51 to ride buses called the Fan Express, which will pick up and drop off at nine different metro locations. But I don’t really see Justin Timberlake going that route.

    In New York City, where the black-car service is a staple of the local economy, this is the horror of all horror stories. What good is wealth and status if you can’t flaunt it at the Super Bowl?

    “Nobody’s going to be dropped off by black car,” Kelly said, back into Grinch mode. “You can have a black car, a green car, a white car, a red car as long as you have parking, and the car needs to stay on the premises the entire time.”

    Umm, the league does want fans at the Super Bowl, right? That’s part of the stadium effect for TV purposes—butts in the seats. But what if they held the game and nobody came? I’m thinking even if the NFL gets the balmy early February weather of its dreams, attending this year’s festivities may not be worth the trouble. Is the league determined to turn the first wintry Super Bowl into a logistical nightmare of an event to navigate? I mean, no brats, no beer, no town cars? What else could the NFL possibly restrict?

    Oh, there is one more thing to remember on Super Sunday: Don’t forget, no over-sized bags allowed in the stadium. You can bring your personal items in, but they have to be in a clear, see-through bag or a small hand-held purse that’s roughly big enough to fit a sandwich. But you’re really better off just eating that in the car.

  70. Waiting for Cory Booker to make a statement…

  71. Happy Renter says:

    [73] Booker has donned his super hero cape and is following up leads with his imaginary gansta friend, T-Bone.

  72. chicagofinance says:

    How is this not an execution?

    The thugs who shot and killed a young lawyer in front of his horrified wife during an apparent carjacking outside an upscale New Jersey mall may be part of a stolen-car ring that’s been targeting the tri-state area in recent months, law-enforcement sources told The Post on Monday.

    Dustin Friedland, 30, of Hoboken offered no resistance when the pair of thugs confronted him about 9:10 p.m. Sunday outside his luxury Range Rover on the third level of a parking garage at The Mall at Short Hills in Millburn, sources said.

    “It was violent. The victim did not struggle. The perp just shot him in the head,” a source said. “The perps may be part of a stolen car ring that’s been hitting the tri-state the last few months.”

    The perps did not specifically target Friedland but were after his silver 2012 Range Rover, worth about $65,000, the source said.

    “[It is] believed to be a random attack. No clue as to who they were,” the source said.

  73. Mrs . Barak any Birther The actual “birther” movements, comprised of people that Just another WordPress site consider Barack obama isn’t a natural born resident, could have stood a much longer run making the news pc deserved, nonetheless it manufactured a good amount of noise although it got Our country’s attention. In contrast, people that asserted that John McCain had not been allowed to be Us president as he came to be from the Modest Tube sector never found their lead to acquire real grip. O

  74. Street Justice says:


    Enroll America Director Conspires to Release Private Data for Political Purposes

  75. xmonger says:

    #75 Offered no resistance and they shot him in the head. He most likely died not knowing whether his wife was on the same path or not. What a horrible way to go.

    F’ing animals.

  76. xolepa says:

    …so my parents took me from Newark at the age of 5 and introduced me to the Franklin, Somerset County school system. What were they thinking of? going to Franklin High was like being in the Newark riots every day of the year. The high school was closed an entire week in April of my senior year after yet another race riot.

    This time the whites took control – flexed their muscle (i.e. weapons). No race riots for 5 years after that.

    I know how it is to look at such animals in the eye. It is not easy to deal with – when you know someone wants to harm you because of the color of your skin. I did not want my children to grow up like that. And they didn’t. Same with my brother, sent his kids to private school.

  77. Anon E. Moose says:

    Grim [50];

    SU Law grad, looks like class of ’09. Worked in Westfield for Lerner David (http://ldlkm.com/fn_announce_090809.asp) — firm has already turned off his profile page.

  78. Anon E. Moose says:

    Con’t [80];

    Linkedin page says he left Lerner David in ’12; went back to engineering.

  79. Street Justice says:

    The star ledger is reporting he put up a fight…

  80. In NJ, it’s ok for a criminal to cap you if you put up a fight.

    Just desserts for belief in rule of law.

  81. All Hype says:

    Street (82):
    He may have had the gun pointed at his head and he went for it knowing his life was in danger.

    We will know know the truth when the sub-humans who did this are arrested and brought to trial. Justice will not be served in this situation as there is no death penalty in the state.

  82. Street Justice says:

    Ugh…I can’t read it anymore, every article is gushing with “violent crime is so rare in the area”. People are totally in denial.

  83. Fast Eddie says:

    In the mid 80s, I was a passenger in a car my friend was driving on route 280 westbound by Newark/East Orange. Someone threw a brick off the overpass and it hit the upper middle portion of the windshield by the roof of the car but it didn’t come through the windshield. A fraction of a second earlier and it would’ve been clean through. I can only wonder the fate of either of us. Anyway, my friend drove UP the next entrance ramp to 280 and we spotted the m’fers. There were four of them running full tilt. My friend was going to run them down with the car but they ran up an alley. We didn’t bother going to a precint. What for?

  84. chicagofinance says:

    Fresh market info…..

    Client of firm with strong finances was offered by Bank of America to convert a many-multi-six figure home equity line into a fixed rate mortgage. The bank was eager for the business because refi’es have dried up. The standing fixed rate offer was 3.875%, instead, under negotiation, the full HECL was converted, they gave a $1,500 transaction rebate and 3.5% fixed rate.

  85. It’s all fun and games until someone puts out an eye.

  86. chicagofinance says:

    When I lived in Hoboken, teenagers dropped a bowling ball into the covered roadway (before they installed the nets to prevent future opportunity). The bowling ball hit the top of a 18-wheel cab, and then was catapulted off the front of the trailer into the oncoming traffic going toward the tunnel. The bowling ball went through the windshield of a car and into the back seat. In the back seat was an infant in a car seat that was killed instantly….they caught the bastards…….

    Fast Eddie says:
    December 16, 2013 at 3:31 pm
    In the mid 80s, I was a passenger in a car my friend was driving on route 280 westbound by Newark/East Orange. Someone threw a brick off the overpass and it hit the upper middle portion of the windshield by the roof of the car but it didn’t come through the windshield. A fraction of a second earlier and it would’ve been clean through. I can only wonder the fate of either of us. Anyway, my friend drove UP the next entrance ramp to 280 and we spotted the m’fers. There were four of them running full tilt. My friend was going to run them down with the car but they ran up an alley. We didn’t bother going to a precint. What for?

  87. JJ says:

    Now I cant wait till Joyce yells at me.

    I many many months ago put in to NY Storm Recovery in NY which has a program to help out folks in NY with unmet needs from Sandy. As long as it was your primary residence and still is. They did stuff for folk with insurance who got denied claims due to stuff like earth movement, oil spills or just got short changed to make them whole.

    It also covered folk without flood insurance. Most folk without flood insurance were older folks as you cant have a mortgage or HELOC etc on house. You have to own your house free and clear. Which is mainly older folk.

    Anyhow. I got my final reimbursement and they covered all my damage. So I got full reimbursement. Only catch I have to buy flood insurance and maintain it for life of home. They will check every year and if I let it lapse I have to pay grant back.

    Program is not income based. I think it is great they did this. I think home values are going to go way up.

    I feel bad for all the folks who sold their homes who did not have flood insurance. They cant collect a dime.

    God Bless NY. NJ did nothing like this.

  88. Street Justice says:

    Helicopters flying over the mall all day. News choppers I’m guessing.

  89. Fast Eddie says:


    There was a woman killed in a similar fashion driving through the underpass of the state highway in Jersey City. It’s the underpass connecting the Pulaski Skyway to the entrance of the Holland Tunnel. This is what animals do when they’re bored.

  90. My son calls that underpass the entrance to hell.

  91. Too bad my son is too young to understand that hell is other people.

  92. All Hype says:

    Looks like there is a federal task force regarding the high number of carjackings in Essex County. Expert from the article below:

    “Sunday’s encounter was the latest in a troubling pattern in Essex County, whose borders encompass crime-plagued Newark to the east as well as Short Hills and other affluent suburbs to the west. Carjackings have risen steeply in the past several years, leading local authorities to create a multi-agency task force three years ago after a spate of crimes that included brazen daytime attacks and the carjacking of a snowplow two days after a Christmas blizzard.

    The partnership succeeded in arresting and prosecuting three groups responsible for most of the carjackings, and the crime rate fell temporarily. Since then, it has ticked up, with 416 last year in Essex County, a 44 percent increase from 2010.

    Nearly 300 carjackings were reported through July 31 of this year, according to the county prosecutor’s office. In August, authorities announced a program that uses billboards to display mug shots of convicted carjackers next to the number of years they are serving in federal prison.”


    I am no lawyer but I hope they can get indicted in federal court for first degree murder and carjacking.

  93. All Hype says:

    Expert = Excerpt

    Sorry for the typo.

  94. Comrade Nom Deplume, a.k.a Captain Justice says:

    [8] street

    anon already considers you a racist and thinks you should be shot.

  95. AG says:

    This murder stinks like a racist hate crime. Where’s Al Sharpton or his side kick puff the magic Kenyan?

  96. Comrade Nom Deplume, a.k.a Captain Justice says:

    [15] anon (the vile one),

    No, they certainly do have crime in carry states. In fact a quick search revealed quite a few stories of carjacking attempts in those states. Here’s one:


    Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to retrieve my gat. Just as many a-holes here as in Jersey but they really don’t give me cause for concern unless they are driving like maniacs. I watch out for idiots with car keys. Carjackers don’t concern me at all.

  97. JJ says:

    Unless he was targeting Jewish Patent Trolls in Range Rovers X-mas shopping it cant be race related.

  98. Comrade Nom Deplume, a.k.a Captain Justice says:

    [95] hype

    “I am no lawyer but I hope they can get indicted in federal court for first degree murder and carjacking.”

    I can see Eric Holder handling it personally.

  99. Anon E. Moose says:

    Nom [99];

    Criminals like their victims unarmed. Apparently Anon does, too [15].

  100. Comrade Nom Deplume, a.k.a Captain Justice says:

    [102] moose

    We all know who anon is cheering for in this scenario.

    All cars should have anti carjacking systems. Here’s mine.

  101. Comrade Nom Deplume, a.k.a Captain Justice says:
  102. Painhrtz - Disobey! says:

    Nom would prefer a kimber 45, you know they aren’t getting back up after one shot

  103. joyce says:

    Not that I need to demonstrate your ignorance any further, but I’ve always pointed out that Wall Street and it’s apologists are the biggest welfare queens of them all. JJ, the one and only time you’ve responded to this point directly… everybody laughed at your response that Wall Street receives no subsidies, et al. So please stop wasting my time with your stories (and what is this the 9th time about this NYS grant?) concerning personal handouts at the local levels because you were too stupid to carry cheap flood insurance BEFORE the flood.

  104. JJ says:

    In retrospect oddly enough I was better off in long run no having flood insurance. It means in entire history of house since FEMA only paid me 31,900 and part of that was housing. Lifetime my house has only $27,500 in claims. My loss record is still low.
    I currently pay $500 a year for full flood insurance. Plus when you look at my flood policy it states no claims ever. So I dont have to deal with all that Sandy Splaining stuff.

    Joyce this is my fourth grant. And final grant. Flood would have been so much easier than 14 months of forms.

    All I have left is my property tax refunds. Joyce you need me to help you fill out forms.

    BTW NYS told me I am the customer they need to help. They saw my salary and this is tax payer funded. I paid well over six figures in taxes last year so NYS told me I am just getting back some of my own money. Which is pretty nice of them. I like they knew I was a good customer!!!!! I love New York State. Screw Christie with his stupid 10K handout to folks

    joyce says:
    December 16, 2013 at 4:50 pm

    Not that I need to demonstrate your ignorance any further, but I’ve always pointed out that Wall Street and it’s apologists are the biggest welfare queens of them all. JJ, the one and only time you’ve responded to this point directly… everybody laughed at your response that Wall Street receives no subsidies, et al. So please stop wasting my time with your stories (and what is this the 9th time about this NYS grant?) concerning personal handouts at the local levels because you were too stupid to carry cheap flood insurance BEFORE the flood.

  105. xmonger says:

    South Africa has some nifty anti-carjacking devices available:


  106. grim says:

    What is with Star Ledger closing comments on every article? They are also deleting waves upon waves of comments. Amazing. Suppose it’s the wrong kind of public outrage…

  107. joyce says:

    Once again, off topic repetitive comments. No more stories about your neighbor’s fence? or your other neighbor underwater on the mortgage… come on!

  108. Street Justice says:

    Grim, people were flaming the SL writers for not reporting the race of the perps. Plus the gun nuts were all screaming they want their ccw’s now….

    The writers were deleting the posts as fast as people were writing them. Really funny stuff. It was good for a laugh today.

  109. Street Justice says:

    What pissed me off is that they kept quoting people and officials who swore up and down that this sort of thing never happens…they are so full of sh1t.

  110. Nothing gets me in the Christmas spirit faster than coming here and seeing people call each other corporate welfare ho’s.

  111. Comrade Nom Deplume, a.k.a Captain Justice says:

    [109] grim

    I did a search on your topic and came up with this:


    Really doesn’t tell us anything we don’t already know except that this is apparently the policy at the Star ledger.

    Not exactly a new policy; I recall decades ago that the Boston media stopped publishing race of the perpetrators in certain reports. The really funny thing was that by refusing to identify race only when there were black perpetrators, it did not help the class it was intended to protect. People quickly came to understand that if the race wasn’t reported, the perpetrators were black. So everyone still thought that black crime dominated in the media, and the media lost credibility for not reporting what everyone knew.

    In fact, that policy probably backfired on the black community because Boston has a rather small black population and crime isn’t limited to it. Consequently, other crime in which the race of the perpetrators was not specified, and which may not have involved blacks, was still believed to be black crime.

  112. Comrade Nom Deplume, a.k.a Captain Justice says:
  113. Comrade Nom Deplume, a.k.a Captain Justice says:

    Or Short Hill in general?


    I’m finding more links to carjackings in Short Hills than in all of the greater Philly area.

  114. Comrade Nom Deplume, a.k.a Captain Justice says:

    And check out the comments on this one. I found anon posting under the nom de plume Jingle Jones.


  115. Street Justice says:

    Short Hills/Milburn residents = unarmed sheeple

  116. Jesus, plume, you have to wonder why a 20 y/o is at the wheel of a Maserati.

    Sounds like Ferris Bueller.

  117. Wonder when these affluent white victims will finally lose the white guilt and quit voting for entitlement class shills like Corslime and Booker.

  118. Street Justice says:

    Tough goal in N.J.: Carry a handgun
    Dec 14, 2013 8:42 p.m.



    ANDOVER TWP. — An Andover Township resident is joining in the fight.

    That is, the fight to relax restrictions to make handgun carry permits more accessible in New Jersey.

    Israel Albert Almeida, who was denied a permit in October, like other Sussex County residents before him, plans to appeal and work his way through the legal system.

    While others around the state are advocating for stronger gun laws in light of the first anniversary of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Conn., Almeida hopes to help chip away at what he believes is a flawed gun permitting system that does not allow New Jersey residents to defend themselves outside their homes.

    “It is not about me,” Almeida said. “It’s about the people of New Jersey.”

    Almeida is facing an uphill battle. New Jersey was recently ranked third, behind California and Connecticut, for having the strongest gun control laws in the nation, according to a scorecard released by the Brady Campaign, which seeks to prevent gun violence. The state also had the fifth lowest rate of gun deaths in the country.

    Today, half of Americans say the country needs stricter gun laws — down since spiking last December but

    higher than two years ago. And the ranks of those who want easier access to guns — though far fewer than those who support expanding gun control — are now at their highest level since Gallup began asking the question in 1990. Even when the public found some common ground, widely supporting expanded background checks for gun purchases, lawmakers could not agree.

    The Legislature and courts in New Jersey have time and again upheld and even strengthened gun laws dating back to 1924 that say that residents who want a permit for concealed carry must show “justifiable need.”

    In New Jersey, when residents apply to either their municipality’s police chief or New Jersey State Police, they must specify “the urgent necessity for self-protection, as evidenced by specific threats or previous attacks which demonstrate a special danger to the applicant’s life that cannot be avoided by means other than my issuance of a permit to carry a handgun.”

    Here in New Jersey, the courts have previously upheld that “justifiable need” often only applies to retired law enforcement officers or individuals employed in security work.

    “I’ll shoot them, too”

    Almeida thought he fit the criteria for a justifiable need.

    He is a retired emergency medical technician who now owns a real estate management business serving Newark. On June 11, a live-in boyfriend of one of his tenants who was refusing to pay rent threatened Almeida’s life.

    “Maybe they don’t act on it in Sussex County, but they do in Newark,” Almeida said.

    The boyfriend said that if Almeida came to the door to collect rent or to start the eviction process, he would shoot him through the door.

    When Almeida said he was going to call the police to file a complaint, the man egged him on, saying, “I’ll shoot them, too.”

    Almeida, a husband and father to two young girls, said he feared that he and his family were “now a moving target.”

    “I need to protect myself and my family, and unfortunately we all know that many times in this situation, a gangster does not respect the law or human values and will act on their threat,” Almeida wrote in his application letter.

    Almeida filed a report on June 11 with the Newark Police, but nothing came of the complaint since the police did not track down the boyfriend, Almeida said.

    The next day, June 12, Almeida started the process of applying for a permit to carry his handgun — filling out an application, paying $20, verifying his employment, verifying his mental health status, being fingerprinted, securing references, proving that he has training in safe handling of guns.

    In October, Andover Township Police Chief Achille Taglialatela denied the application, citing in a letter a “lack of justifiable need.”

    Almeida is now appealing the decision. His case is pending in the criminal division of state Superior Court in Newton.

    The law office of Evan Nappan, a prominent Second Amendment rights attorney, is representing Almeida. Almeida has collected $862 in donations for future legal bills on Go Fund Me, a website devoted to individuals raising money for various causes.

    Almeida has also arranged to have a meeting with the office of state Sen. Steven Oroho and Assembly members Alison Littell McHose and Parker Space to see if any future legislation could be drafted, according to chief of staff Louis Crescitelli.

    While Almeida’s appeal still has a chance of being approved in state Superior Court, past cases show that the likelihood may be low.

    He’s not alone

    New Jersey’s tough stance on handgun carry permits was exemplified by Jeffrey Muller. In January 2010, the Newton business owner was tased, beaten and kidnapped before being driven through numerous states and escaping in Missouri. His captors had intended to kidnap someone else.

    As his captors headed to court, Muller feared that their associates might try to harm him, so he applied for a handgun carry permit and was denied.

    Muller and others, including the New Jersey Second Amendment Foundation, the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs and Newton resident John Drake, filed a federal lawsuit in 2010, asking that their needs be considered “justifiable needs” and to invalidate certain parts of the New Jersey code.

    Muller was subsequently granted a carry permit after two judges denied his appeal. Due to this, Muller is no longer part of the suit, but Drake and some of the others are continuing with it. Drake says his justifiable need is that he runs a business that owns and services ATMs. This requires him to carry large sums of cash.

    The federal case may soon be before the U.S. Supreme Court, the highest court in the country. Drake said on Friday that a petition for the case must be submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court by Jan. 9.

    The court will then decide if it should take the case. There are other similar cases in other states that could also be heard instead of Drake’s case.

    “I think ultimately they will … by the summer have to do something,” Drake said. “It will be a domino effect one way or another.”

    Frank Fiamaingo, president of the New Jersey Second Amendment Society, believes that under the current Legislature and legal system in the state, restrictions on carry permits will not be loosened. He does see hope though for Drake’s case and for some redress through the executive branch of the state government.

    “Our contention is that self defense, protection of our family when your leave your doorstep is justifiable need,” Fiamaingo said.

    Exact numbers for permit denials in the state could not be found.

    Almeida, like Drake, hopes that he can play a part in someday making carry permits easier to obtain for those who really need them.

    “I’m fighting it because I believe it in my heart,” Almeida said.

    The Associated Press contributed to this story.

  119. chicagofinance says:

    In Chicago there is known newspaper bias in reporting of high school sports. If a player is described as athletic, it means “african-american”. If a player is described as having a lot of skill, it means “white”.

  120. Anon E. Moose says:

    JJ [107];

    So I dont have to deal with all that Sandy Splaining stuff.

    Yeah, right. Your whole town was under 8 feet of water, but you miraculously were high and dry, like some Vulcan force field or Moses parting the waters around your property.

    Sad thing is, some sucker will probably believe that. Too bad Grim can’t check sales data for your neck of the woods. I wonder how your neighbors’ homes are selling.

    I like the hell out of you, JJ, but go sell crazy someplace else. We’re all stocked up here.

  121. chicagofinance says:

    Actually, I think “clot” is known NJ blog bias as middle aged men with breasts, dyed chest hair, tinted glasses and purple stained teeth……

    chicagofinance says:
    December 16, 2013 at 9:31 pm
    In Chicago there is known newspaper bias in reporting of high school sports. If a player is described as athletic, it means “african-american”. If a player is described as having a lot of skill, it means “white”.

  122. joyce says:

    What justifiable need (as defined by the asshats in NJ) could retired LEO’s possibly have?

  123. joyce says:

    “Almeida filed a report on June 11 with the Newark Police, but nothing came of the complaint since the police did not track down the boyfriend, Almeida said.”

    Yeah, god forbid they actually do any real police work from time to time. Plus, the guy threatened violence so the coppers, excuse me heroes, were probably scared. Those no-knock midnight raids are only for those known to be with means of defending themselves.

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