NYC not bulletproof

From the Real Deal:

I-sales recap: Midtown offices sell for steep discounts

A pair of Midtown office buildings once valued above $40 million recently sold for about half of that amount, dragging the properties into the mid-market range and topping the list of commercial real estate deals between $10 million and $40 million that hit city records last week.

  1. Having permanently closed after 100 years, DuArt unloaded its 11-story office building at 245 West 55th Street in Midtown for $28.5 million. The identity of the buyer, listed only as 245 West 55th Street LLC, is unclear.
  2. TA Realty took a massive haircut on a Diamond District office building at 1200 Sixth Avenue, selling it for $22.3 million after buying it in 2017 for $43 million. According to Crain’s, the buyer is Josh Rahmani and Ebi Khalili’s Empire Capital Holdings, which has picked up a slew of Midtown properties in recent months.
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51 Responses to NYC not bulletproof

  1. grim says:

    From Patch:

    NJ Housing Market To Stay Hot This Summer: See Sale Prices By County

    April saw a rise in prices for single family homes in New Jersey, with the median sales price at $467,000 according to New Jersey Realtors, formerly the NJ Association of Realtors.

    Here was the median sales price in every county for single-family homes in April 2023, according to their statistics:

    Atlantic County: $350,000
    Bergen County: $650,000
    Burlington County: $349,000
    Camden County: $310,000
    Cape May County: 445,000
    Cumberland County: $240,000
    Essex County: $625,000
    Gloucester County: $319,950
    Hudson County: $539,000
    Hunterdon County: $454,500
    Mercer County: $370,000
    Middlesex County: $475,000
    Monmouth County: $682,500
    Morris County: $612,500
    Ocean County: $500,000
    Passaic County: $490,000
    Salem County: $235,000
    Somerset County: $627,500
    Sussex County: $370,500
    Union County: $550,000
    Warren County: $340,000

  2. Fast Eddie says:

    Bergen County: $650,000

    That’s nuts! Why? Better schools and lesser crime? A bit more space? Proximity to NYC? Does it matter? As far as Passaic County being under 500K, you have Paterson and Passaic skewing that number otherwise it would be higher. Overall, 467K for the average with the highest property taxes in the universe and 30 year rates hovering around 7%. Where do we go from here?

  3. Hold my beer says:

    First non grim

  4. Hold my beer says:

    Paradise ain’t cheap. You gotta pay up to live north of ocean county . The ambiance of super fund sites and quaintness of Edwardian era water mains and liability of public pensions is a privilege.

  5. Juice Box says:

    Getting expensive down here in Monmouth County @ $682,500

  6. Fast Eddie says:

    Pride of ownership inside and out? Ugh. It’s absolutely mind-numbing. I’ve been searching from Little Ferry on up to the NY State line and the price tags for shit are starting close to 500K. This one is an insult… absolute slobs and once again, zero eye for style and décor:–2006613985

  7. Fast Eddie says:

    Now you’re looking at borderline towns like Haledon and Prospect Park and you’re still in the stratosphere on price. Passaic maybe? How about this gem at 445K:–2006075892?mid=0#lil-mediaTab

  8. Hold my beer says:


    My neighbors garages are bigger than those houses. A lot of people in my development have 3 car garages.

  9. Trick says:

    Morris is creeping up on bergen and essexs.

  10. Old realtor says:

    Mineral Spring Ave attracts the orthodox Jewish crowd which accounts for the premium price. Location, location, location…

  11. Fast Eddie says:

    Mineral Spring Ave attracts the orthodox Jewish crowd which accounts for the premium price.</I?

    It would appear to me that everything is at a premium price. Four walls and a roof will get the deal done. 4th Ward, Paterson? Sold!

  12. Fast Eddie says:

    Italics off? I hope?

  13. Italics says:


  14. Italics says:


  15. The Great Pumpkin says:

    These are your future winners buying the blood in the street.

    “Having permanently closed after 100 years, DuArt unloaded its 11-story office building at 245 West 55th Street in Midtown for $28.5 million. The identity of the buyer, listed only as 245 West 55th Street LLC, is unclear.
    TA Realty took a massive haircut on a Diamond District office building at 1200 Sixth Avenue, selling it for $22.3 million after buying it in 2017 for $43 million. According to Crain’s, the buyer is Josh Rahmani and Ebi Khalili’s Empire Capital Holdings, which has picked up a slew of Midtown properties in recent months.”

  16. Boomer Remover says:

    Eddie, I don’t understand why you are losing your shyt. You’re a property owner who was grandfathered into the asset inflation extravaganza. What’s the problem?

  17. Fast Eddie says:


    The whole industry irks me, I guess. Lol. Just one of those pet peeves that drives one bonkers. :) But, you’re right, I am a playa so I guess I’ll just play the game.

  18. Boomer Remover says:

    It’s a racket for sure, but we don’t want you stroking out early.

    Enjoy your ill gotten gains.

  19. ExEx says:

    “What’s the problem???”

    My guess? Mental illness.

  20. 1987 Condo says:

    Lib may appreciate this, detail overview of the current morass in Montclair:

  21. Fast Eddie says:

    A paid informant told the FBI that an executive from the Ukrainian energy company Burisma has documents proving he bribed President Biden with $5 million while he was vice president.

    The “trusted” and “highly credible” FBI informant said Burisma paid the bribe between 2015 and 2016 to solicit Mr. Biden‘s help in thwarting a Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating the company, The Washington Times has confirmed. Mr. Biden was vice president at the time.

    Burisma paid an additional $5 million to Hunter Biden, the president’s son, who served on the board at the time and received a $1 million annual salary at the energy company. The scheme was concealed using multiple bank accounts, according to the informant.

    Let’s indict your political enemy, maybe they won’t notice!

  22. DickNipples says:

    You keep Hunta’s name outta ur mouf!!!!


  23. ExEx says:

    The Biden-Ukraine connection began as an internet conspiracy theory that burst into the mainstream last week. On September 18, The Washington Post reported that a whistleblower complaint filed August 12 involved Trump’s communications with a foreign leader. Trump’s interaction included a “promise” that was “regarded as so troubling that it prompted an official in the U.S. intelligence community to file a formal whistleblower complaint with the inspector general for the intelligence community.” Speculation and additional reporting suggested that the complaint involved Trump requesting that Ukraine open an investigation into former Vice President Joe Biden’s role in potentially halting an investigation into a Ukrainian energy company whose board members included his son, Hunter Biden. On September 19, Trump personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani appeared on CNN’s Cuomo Prime Time and denied, then admitted, then denied again that he had asked Ukraine to investigate the Bidens. Additional reporting from The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times appeared to confirm the whistleblower complaint, providing new additional details. The Post and the Times then both confirmed that Giuliani had met with an aide days after Trump’s call to spell out more specifics

    Trump and his allies are relying on the complexity of the story to muddy the waters, pushing out a slew of myths in a rush to provide cover for Trump as details surrounding the story continue to emerge. Trump’s allies in right-wing media are frantically trying to reframe the story to be about Biden’s supposed corruption in Ukraine, push false or misleading information about the Ukrainian prosecutor at the center of the story, discredit the whistleblower as a “deep state” snitch seeking to undermine Trump, insist that Trump was just engaging in run-of-the-mill foreign policy discussions, and assert that the Trump administration doesn’t have a responsibility to turn the complaint over the Congress.

    Here are six myths and facts surrounding Trump, Biden, Ukraine, and the whistleblower complaint:

    Myth: The real story is alleged Biden corruption in Ukraine

    Right-wing media have rushed to try to make the story not about Trump attempting to force a foreign country to investigate a political opponent, but about Biden’s connections in Ukraine. Trump and Giuliani allege that then-Vice President Biden pressured the Ukrainian government to fire a prosecutor — Viktor Shokin — overseeing a corruption investigation of one of Ukraine’s biggest gas companies, Burisma Group. Biden’s son, Hunter, was serving on the company’s board at the time.

    Over the weekend, Fox & Friends Saturday guest Peter Schweizer called for the Department of Justice to investigate Biden, and Fox host Sean Hannity declared that he is “happy at the news” because of the opportunity to expose Biden. Conservative talk radio host Sebastian Gorka tweeted that Trump “did it again” and “now everyone’s talking about @JoeBiden’s corruption.” On Friday’s edition of The Ingraham Angle, Laura Ingraham brought Schweizer and Fox contributor Gregg Jarrett on to discuss what Schweizer called the “underlying story” of Biden’s corruption that Jarrett said “nobody in the media seems to be talking about.” Jarrett added that the whistleblower is really “an American spy spying on the president.”

    Fact: There is no evidence of any wrongdoing on Biden’s part

    The Biden-Ukraine “connection” is a conspiracy theory that has been circulating among right-wing media for months. In reality, the push to get Shokin fired was a part of a Ukrainian anti-corruption effort by advocates and international supporters of Ukraine. It was well-established that the United States’ position was that ousting Shokin was a critical aspect of anti-corruption measures. At the time of his removal, The New York Times reported that the “United States and other Western nations had for months called for the ousting of Mr. Shokin” for “turning a blind eye to corrupt practices and for defending the interests of a venal and entrenched elite.”

    In May, Daria Kaleniuk, a lawyer who founded Ukraine’s Anti-Corruption Action Center, expressed frustration at how the false accusation was being portrayed by some. The Intercept reported that Kaleniuk felt that “there is simply no truth to the rumor now spreading like wildfire across the internet” and that the reality “is that Shokin was forced from office at Biden’s urging because he had failed to conduct thorough investigations of corruption, and had stifled efforts to investigate embezzlement and misconduct by public officials following the 2014 uprising.”

  24. Phoenix says:

    Conspiracy or not, didn’t belong there any more than we did in Iraq.

    Biden will be rewarded by his masters for this. There are always kickbacks, favors, etc, may take years but he is getting greased.

    Billions to a country when our own WORKING AMERICANS can’t afford a home and are living in rented trailers and motorhomes.

    All under the guise of fear- That Russia was going to take over Ukraine, then the ENTIRE WORLD as they are all powerful, all knowing- yet the fact remains they can’t even beat themselves 500 miles from their border.

    Fear is power, fear controls. Like TikTok is something to be feared also.

    Exactly what Machiavelli had stated. The Prince was an excellent read.

  25. Hold my beer says:

    More importantly 45 and 46 morals,

    The ac got fixed. Was not a leaky evaporator coil. Was a leaky exterior valve. Cost $200 to refill the Freon.No trip charge either. We were missing a cap for the valve. His guy didn’t catch that last year so he only charged for 2 pounds of Freon even though we got 3.

  26. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Can Corporate America and the GOP Patch Things Up?
    Republican lawmakers, accusing CEOs of skewing left, have become less dependent on corporate PAC money than at any time in the past three decades

  27. The Great Pumpkin says:

    That’s how much of a joke the Republican party has become….business is avoiding them.

    Just give me a real option to vote for. Is that too much to ask?

  28. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Every rich kid in that town goes to MKA or seton hall prep. It’s not that hard to figure out. These poor families struggle to live in Montclair because it’s a nice safe town. They are taking advantage of a situation just like everyone else. Now the wealthy people in the town have had enough. Just not surprising. I wish I could say I feel sorry for these people. Just the way the world works.

    1987 Condo says:
    June 14, 2023 at 11:06 am
    Lib may appreciate this, detail overview of the current morass in Montclair:

  29. Jim says:

    The Great Pumpkin says:
    June 14, 2023 at 1:05 pm

    Just give me a real option to vote for. Is that too much to ask?

    For once I completely agree with Pumpkin.
    Trump VS. Biden is just a nightmare for everyone.

  30. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Fed paused and said that they will hike more….sure you will. Bs talk.

  31. Libturd says:


    Saw that last week. Appreciate the tip though. My family left Montclair in 2011, primarily due to the ineptness of the municipal government there.

  32. ExEx says:

    Loving the Maga downfall. It was inevitable. Next up the conspirators in the insurrection. Looking at the scum in clowngress who all need to serve real time.

  33. Boomer Remover says:

    I do believe they will continue to hike if warranted. The twelve month headline numbers somewhat obfuscate a stubbornly high core.

  34. ExEx says:

    I would like to see the treasonous republicans hang.
    Public executions for traitors is a fitting end.

  35. Juice Box says:

    re: “We were missing a cap for the valve”

    Yup techs are wonderful aren’t they? I have the same issue a few years back too.

  36. Fast Eddie says:

    “Core” inflation is down yet our eyeballs and wallets continue to get whacked by runaway prices. I get that the FED wants to pause and make an assessment but they’re not even close to their 2% target.

  37. ExEx says:

    Watching Gavin destroy Sean:

  38. Libturd says:

    I read somewhere that a 3% target is more likely going forward.

  39. Boomer Remover says:

    Eddie – I am surprised just how many questions alluding to just that were directed at JPow.

  40. Fast Eddie says:


    Saw the announcement on the pause, couldn’t listen to JPow’s explanation. Did he mention 2% as the target or is it 3% as Libturd said?

  41. 1987 Condo says:

    Lib, of course, just for your know I have been on the blog all the way back to the Clot, JJ and when Eddie was Gary days!

  42. Jim says:

    ExEx says:
    June 14, 2023 at 2:54 pm
    I would like to see the treasonous republicans hang.
    Public executions for traitors is a fitting end.

    But your OK with Pelosi and Feinstein making millions with insider trading while poor people suffer under their “RULE” living on the streets. Also Biden taking down the Ukrainian prosecutor because he was asked( and probably paid).

    Must be great to think your Democrats are so pure LOL. Why not take another puff on that Dope.

    I am sure you think their poop doesn’t stink….just because they are Democrats. I like how the stoners can’t think on their own but follow whatever the Democrats say as Gospel.

  43. Ex says:

    4:32 hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

  44. Jim says:

    Ex says:
    June 14, 2023 at 5:48 pm
    4:32 hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    Must be some pretty good stuff your smoking EX, pretty good bet your brain will be mush by the time your 60.

  45. SmallGovConservative says:

    The Great Pumpkin says:
    June 14, 2023 at 1:05 pm
    “That’s how much of a joke the Republican party has become….business is avoiding them.”

    It’s not the GOP that’s changed, it’s business that has. Businesses used to be focused on maximizing profit for owners/shareholders — you know, capitalism — but now they’re more interested in virtue signaling by donating millions (of shareholder profits) to fraudulent ‘charities’ like BLM, and selling tuck-friendly bathing suits for trannies.

  46. ExEx says:

    I’m basically a lower level pawn livin’ like a vagabond.

  47. SmallGovConservative says:

    Libturd says:
    June 14, 2023 at 3:10 pm
    “I read somewhere that a 3% target is more likely going forward.”

    Another example of the lower quality of living that we can expect thanks to Dem governance — higher prices, higher crime, higher taxes… Don’t forget, the best example of the kind of ‘equity’ that we can expect from Dems, is Detroit — everyone is miserable, but everyone is equal. Settling scores ain’t cheap!

  48. SmallGovConservative says:

    ExEx says:
    June 14, 2023 at 2:36 pm
    “Loving the Maga downfall.”

    Of course you do. Duds like you that rely on your wives for sustenance, and are completely comfortable with dependency, are perfectly happy watching the Dems turn us into Venezuela.

  49. Bystander says:

    Three cheers for AI revolution! Cmon – we need it faster, faster, faster..

    EW YORK — Two apologetic lawyers responding to an angry judge in Manhattan federal court blamed ChatGPT Thursday for tricking them into including fictitious legal research in a court filing.

    Attorneys Steven A. Schwartz and Peter LoDuca are facing possible punishment over a filing in a lawsuit against an airline that included references to past court cases that Schwartz thought were real, but were actually invented by the artificial intelligence-powered chatbot.

    Schwartz explained that he used the groundbreaking program as he hunted for legal precedents supporting a client’s case against the Colombian airline Avianca for an injury incurred on a 2019 flight.

    The chatbot, which has fascinated the world with its production of essay-like answers to prompts from users, suggested several cases involving aviation mishaps that Schwartz hadn’t been able to find through usual methods used at his law firm.

  50. ExEx says:

    6:09 dem tiddies too

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