Zombie invasion reaches NJ

From the Star Ledger:

Half of foreclosed homes in New Jersey have ‘vampires’ living in them

One of every two New Jersey homes that has gone through foreclosure and is now owned by a bank still has its previous owners living there.

At least one real estate tracking firm finds it a little scary, calling them “vampire” homes.

RealtyTrac reported nearly 4,300 homes in New Jersey are now owned by a bank, and half of them are occupied by the former owner. Nationwide, 47 percent of foreclosed homes still have homeowners inside.

Cape May and Hudson counties have the most “vampires” living there, at 82 percent and 79 percent respectively, according to RealtyTrac. By comparison, Camden (69 percent), Gloucester (64 percent) and Somerset (62 percent) counties have the highest percentage of foreclosed homes that have been vacated.

The real estate tracking company also looked at “zombie foreclosures,” in which the home is in pre-foreclosure status but the owners have already moved out.

The “zombie” survey found nearly 42,000 homes in New Jersey are in the foreclosure pipeline, and nearly 14,000, or 17 percent, have no one living there. The national average is 20 percent.

Under New Jersey law, a former owner can stay in the property for up to 45 days after foreclosure. More often, however, many opt to stay until the house is sold. But with a shrinking inventory of homes for sale and an uptick in asking prices, banks are becoming more eager to move the properties off their books.

“It’s likely the banks are going to want to sell them sooner rather than later now that home prices are rising,” RealtyTrac said.

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181 Responses to Zombie invasion reaches NJ

  1. grim says:

    What use is saving the planet if, when you drive down the street, people don’t know that you’re saving the planet?

    Actually, I bought the car after a particularly moving listening session where I played, end-to-end, Stormtroopers of Death’s definitive thrash punk crossover album, Speak English or Die (1985) – I think the decision was cemented by the short, but sweet, track 17 – Fuck the Middle East (27sec).

  2. Here’s your burgenoing RE recovery:

    “J.P. Morgan, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Citigroup already have cut more than 10,000 mortgage jobs this year, with plans for thousands more to come. J.P. Morgan is accelerating plans to cut as many as 15,000 jobs in its mortgage division by the end of 2014. All told, the number of employees in the industry will likely shrink by 25% to 30% over the next year, estimates Christine Clifford, president of Access Mortgage Research & Consulting, Inc., a Columbia, Md., mortgage research and consulting firm.”


  3. grim says:

    2 – I really expected more lenders to just slash purchase mortgage standards and move the pipeline away from refinancing in an attempt to gain new market share (and retain employees and revenue). Risky game of chicken indeed, but that’s old hat for them.

  4. grim says:

    Another pop in purchase activity heading into the winter?

    From USA Today:

    Average 30-year mortgage rate drops to 4.22%

    Mortgage interest rates fell again this week to their lowest level since June, but they have likely leveled off — unless the government shutdown slows the economy’s growth, economists say.

    The 30-year fixed rate mortgage averaged 4.22% as of Thursday, down for the third consecutive week. It was 4.57% in the week ended Sept. 12, but a year ago it was 3.36%, according to mortgage giant Freddie Mac.

    The average rate on a one-year adjustable-rate mortgage was unchanged at 2.63%.

    The average rate on a five-year adjustable mortgage dipped to 3.03% from 3.07%.

    The latest drop in rates came amid declining consumer confidence and the onset of the government shutdown, says Frank Nothaft, Freddie Mac chief economist.

    Rates are not likely to move “sharply lower” unless the shutdown continues to the point where it takes a measurable toll on government spending, which would weigh on the economy, Nothaft says.

  5. anon (the good one) says:

    @MMFlint: Conan: The US is on pace 2 b the world’s largest producer of oil. So if history has taught us anything, the US will soon be invading the US.

  6. grim says:

    Marcellus Shale does kind of sound like a comic book epic villain name.

  7. AG says:

    Another beautiful morning. 80 degrees, gub is still closed, and the chains of tyranny resting a bit easier on my tired shoulders. Today is going to be a good day.

    Happy 4th shutdown day everyone ;)

  8. anon (the good one) says:

    from the NYT

    “This time is different. What is at stake in this government shutdown forced by a radical Tea Party minority is nothing less than the principle upon which our democracy is based: majority rule. President Obama must not give in to this hostage taking — not just because Obamacare is at stake, but because the future of how we govern ourselves is at stake.
    What we’re seeing here is how three structural changes that have been building in American politics have now, together, reached a tipping point — creating a world in which a small minority in Congress can not only hold up their own party but the whole government. And this is the really scary part: The lawmakers doing this can do so with high confidence that they personally will not be politically punished, and may, in fact, be rewarded. When extremists feel that insulated from playing by the traditional rules of our system, if we do not defend those rules — namely majority rule and the fact that if you don’t like a policy passed by Congress, signed by the president and affirmed by the Supreme Court then you have to go out and win an election to overturn it; you can’t just put a fiscal gun to the country’s head — then our democracy is imperiled. “

  9. Painhrtz - Disobey! says:

    SOD hey thanks for putting a smile on my face this morning grim. Saw them at one of their random reunion shows a while back.

  10. Anon E. Moose says:

    Grim [3];

    I don’t know… a pole cat won’t even sit on a cold stove after what happened last time.

  11. JJ the Welfare Queen says:


    Great article about how Long Beach NY and real estate in general is doing down at the beach. Everything in this article applies to Jersey Shore too. Actually a pretty well written article that is good reading. Unusual in this day and age.

  12. Painhrtz - Disobey! says:

    Anon I know you have a hard time taking your lips of the liberal c*ck that pollutes your brain but take at face value the source, the errors in describing our political system, and the fact that congress is performing their constitutionally mandated jobs. If the american public is so appalled by the performance of the legislature they will have their chance to make it known in 13 months. Elections have consequences personnally I hope this drags out until those elections, if not longer.

  13. Happy Renter says:

    “the future of how we govern ourselves is at stake”

    Indeed. Perhaps the next time a president, of either party, considers ramming through some fundamental, paradigm-changing legislation on a strictly partisan basis (and with gimmicks like “reconciliation” etc.) by a razor thin margin, he’ll think better of it.

  14. Brian says:

    My co-workers in DC are loving the shutdown. The commute is a dream and parking enforcement has been furloughed.

  15. JSMC says:

    OP post has been up for over an hour, and no comment yet about how Hudson county is full of bloodsuckers? Must be early.

    I’m going to be looking at a few places tomorrow. Should I keep an eye out for coffins in the basement?

  16. JJ the Welfare Queen says:


    In a rare convergence of the calendar, Thanksgiving and the first day of Hanukkah,

  17. grim says:

    Good reason to add potato latkes to the Thanksgiving menu

  18. The Original NJ ExPat says:

    [14] HR – well said!

    “the future of how we govern ourselves is at stake”

    Indeed. Perhaps the next time a president, of either party, considers ramming through some fundamental, paradigm-changing legislation on a strictly partisan basis (and with gimmicks like “reconciliation” etc.) by a razor thin margin, he’ll think better of it.

  19. Ben says:

    Supposed to close today…we’ll see how it goes.

  20. All Hype says:

    anon (9):

    Give this a read first before you come on this board re-posting stupid NYT opinion pieces:


    It appears that the founding fathers once again are smarter than any NYT writer.

  21. The Original NJ ExPat says:

    For the twerking fans ou there:

    Rihanna pushing youtube’s censorship envelope (NSFW):


  22. grim says:

    Anyone notice a trend here regarding the Lien incident:

    Lien – Not my Fault (I was attacked by a mob)
    MeeZee – Not my Fault (I was an innocent bystander)
    NYPD – Not our Fault (Too dangerous for us to chase reckless bikers)
    Cruz – Not my Fault (I wasn’t involved in the harassment)
    Lao (Organizer of the ride) – Not my Fault (I just organized a ride)
    Riders – Not our Fault (We were just out for a relaxing Sunday drive)
    Chance – Not my Fault (I only retaliated after Lien attacked)

  23. joyce says:

    Way to contradict yourself from one sentence to the next… taking lessons from another here?

    162.Fabius Maximus says:
    October 4, 2013 at 12:35 am
    #14 Joyce

    I’m a big proponent of the first amendment. I would say that I am more against burning. I don’t like the Klan burning crosses and people, or those that burn books.

    I would ask the question as to why the Klan are going to Gettysburg in the first place. I don’t see them celebrating Lees defeat or Lincolns address?

  24. Ben says:

    grim, you forgot

    Allen Edwards – not my fault, I was punching the window to help out the family

  25. Ottoman says:

    You mean the paradigm changing legislation cooked up by the right wing Heritage Foundation and implemented by a former governor the Republicans nominated for president?

    “Indeed. Perhaps the next time a president, of either party, considers ramming through some fundamental, paradigm-changing legislation on a strictly partisan basis (and with gimmicks like “reconciliation” etc.) by a razor thin margin, he’ll think better of it.”


  26. Ben says:

    My co-workers in DC are loving the shutdown. The commute is a dream and parking enforcement has been furloughed.

    And I bet just as much gets done in DC as before, minus the fancy dinners paid for by lobbyists.

  27. The Original NJ ExPat says:

    [25] Not my fault – Isn’t that what most parents have been raising their kids to believe for a generation now? I noticed a disturbing trend in advertising over a decade ago – appealing to people based on the premise of getting away with something or getting over on someone. Twenty-five years ago I used to play tennis with an 60+ year old Italian guy. I remember him saying this, back *then*: He made like a little fake corner on the ground and said to me, “I’m worried. You see that? If that was the corner of someone’s lawn we were taught as little kids to make sure not to step on that little corner because that belongs to someone else and you need to respect that. Now I’m seeing young people who don’t show that amount of respect for human life.”

  28. The Original NJ ExPat says:

    [30] BTW, Just take a look at parents with little kids right now, even toddlers. What has become nearly universal is parents merely suggesting behaviors and rules to children, (in quiet inside voices). They will repeat these same “suggestions” to their children 3, 4, 5 times but never actually stop their kids from doing something wrong, or impose any consequences, or even physically stop them from doing whatever they shouldn’t be doing. Parents have largely stopped being parents and have been demoted to babysitters. Come teenage years, babysitters have no power or authority. How do you think that works out in the long run? Just look around and you’ll see.

  29. joyce says:

    Yes, that one. Why did ‘the other party’ with their ‘progressive/liberal ideals’ take it and run with it? Why Why Why


    28.Ottoman says:
    October 4, 2013 at 9:30 am
    You mean the paradigm changing legislation cooked up by the right wing Heritage Foundation and implemented by a former governor the Republicans nominated for president?

    “Indeed. Perhaps the next time a president, of either party, considers ramming through some fundamental, paradigm-changing legislation on a strictly partisan basis (and with gimmicks like “reconciliation” etc.) by a razor thin margin, he’ll think better of it.”


  30. Ben says:

    The NYPD is a big part of why this incident escalated so much. When I lived in New Brunswick, fights would regularly break out right outside Olde Queens. Some times they were no big deal, other times, they were flat out brawls involving two dozen thugs. One kid actually died after hitting his head on the pavement. Whenever it was a bad one I would call the police to let them know.

    It’s funny, the cops would dry by every 2 minutes but whenever a fight got called in, they would stop driving by for about 10 to 15 minutes. They didn’t want to deal with the problem.

    On the other hand, whenever one of their own radioed in for help, you would see about 12 cars descend on the spot driving like madmen with their lights on. This would take about 30 seconds. And by two minutes you had half the police force there backing up each other.

    New York is crawling with police on every block. This guy made multiple calls. They didn’t want to deal with it. If it was one of their own, you would have seen 30 cop cars there within a few minutes.

  31. joyce says:

    Look at their actions, not their words.

  32. joyce says:


    Why can’t Lein just repeat “I feared for my safety/life” ? Those are the magic words that give a cop carte blanche to kill anyone regardless of circumstance.

  33. Happy Renter says:

    [28] Yes, that one. Just because the concept for something was implemented in blue-blood Massachusetts (at the STATE level, a fundamental difference for anyone who understands federalism) by a governor with an “R” for his party affiliation doesn’t give a carte blanche to ram it up the @_ss of the rest of the nation. A president who is capable of leading, rather than simply basking in idolatry, would have understood that.

  34. JJ - The War Lord Welfare King says:

    Funny Lao the organizer of the event is asian lives at home, did not attend event and his asian neighbors think Lien is at fault.

    Lien is like 5 foot three 130 pounds sitting on a phone book on a sunny day trying to see out of squinty eyes. It is a miracle he does not run over people every day

  35. JJ - The War Lord Welfare King says:

    I leard Lien is hiring Lizzie Grubmans attorney.

  36. grim says:

    36 – Patiently waiting for the recordings of the 911 calls to be released. It’s been reported that Lien or his wife made 2 separate calls to 911 during the event.

  37. JJ - The War Lord Welfare King says:

    So you are saying if Charlie Manson called 911 to report some girls were killing the tates he would be off the hook?

    grim says:
    October 4, 2013 at 10:04 am
    36 – Patiently waiting for the recordings of the 911 calls to be released. It’s been reported that Lien or his wife made 2 separate calls to 911 during the event.

  38. Happy Renter says:

    [34] Very true, Ben. The primary job of the police is just maintaining social order at the overall level. And then cleaning up the mess and helping catch criminals and thugs after the fact. Protecting any one of us, or our families, is way down on their priority list, and sometimes not worth the candle for them.

    I understand that, and don’t really have a problem with it. I just have a problem with the libtards that are always crying for more gun control (even after yesterday’s DC attack-with-an-Infinity episode) and telling us that we are crazy for wanting to exercise our 2nd amendment right instead of letting the cops protect us.

  39. joyce says:

    Thank god the authorities have time for the really important issues:


    “A Cobb County high school senior was charged with the felony of bringing weapons into a school zone after police found fishing knives in a tackle box in his car. Cody Chitwood, a 17-year-old student at Lassiter High School and avid fisherman, turned himself in and was released on $1,000 bond.”

    yup, that’s a felony evidently

  40. JJ - The War Lord Welfare King says:

    People forget NYS is a lot different than than the surburbs, cops have better things to do than chase people.

    I actually had a “lien” incident back in 1989. I was at a bachelor party in the city during the summer. I drove in and it was held at my friends large apart, three bedroom as his roomates were away. Supposed to be no driving anyhow around 3am someone says about a bar on west side, another like lets cruise javits and the brother in law says lets hit times times square. So all Six of us jump in my huge 1969 Dented Plymouth Dunk as skunks, we hit some strip clubs and stuff in seedy times square and back them buddy is actually sitting on my drivers door yelling with a beer can at 4am.

    All at once I plow the rear end of some stupid Honda who stopped dead in Times square by Broadway and some stupid out of town tourist is snapping a photo on his kodak of all thinks, friend on car big guy jumps out and mad as hell right on top of guy who had windows down threating to pummel him and we were all out of car in a second. Guy put his hands up like a Jap Soldier or Korean giving up as the Marines approached and just kept saying so sorry, so sorry and did not make direct eye contact, this calmed my buddy down and we realize we are in times square beers in hand with folks looking, we all jumped in car took off got car back to apt and that was that.

    Lien decided to be the big man. He was vastly outnumbered. The guy in the Honda most likely would have pulled over if he was lien, got out, locked wife and kid in car and told them to call 911 and said so sorry so sorry so sorry and raised his hands up. The folks on bikes were not bikers, just a bunch of stupid geeks who live at home who were a bit amped up, he would have got pushed a bit, then cops would have shown up bikes take off, and that was that.

    That day in times square if that Honda took off, or tried to rear end me or he swung on us mostly likely would have ended up wtih two wrecked cars, a massive fight, a pedistrian or two hit and a few arrests.

    Lien’s pride got in the way. I also like Liens BS about how much he cars for family. You knocked the women up three years ago, kid is two years old and it is your one year anniversery. Big family man. If Lien only married his wife when he was supposed to none of this would have happend as he would not have been out celebrating his one year aniversery that day

  41. grim says:

    42 – Gun control? The only ones with guns were the police and secret service – I thought the woman was unarmed, no? Little bit concerned that deadly force was required to stop a mentally ill woman and a 1 year old in a sedan. (Suppose I might be underestimating the crazy lady)

  42. Brian says:

    Now that’s how you twerk. Not like that Milee Cyrus bony butt crap on MTV.

    24.The Original NJ ExPat says:
    October 4, 2013 at 9:21 am
    For the twerking fans ou there:

    Rihanna pushing youtube’s censorship envelope (NSFW):


  43. Brian says:

    I really think it’s a bad idea for pro CCW 2nd amendment types to bring up gun control when discussing a road rage incident. People who don’t know the gun culture or the arguments for CCW just roll their eyes at that stuff. Shootouts on the highway are like their worst fear. Bringing up the gun issue when talking about road rage just hurts the pro CCW cause.

    42.Happy Renter says:
    October 4, 2013 at 10:10 am
    [34] Very true, Ben. The primary job of the police is just maintaining social order at the overall level. And then cleaning up the mess and helping catch criminals and thugs after the fact. Protecting any one of us, or our families, is way down on their priority list, and sometimes not worth the candle for them.

    I understand that, and don’t really have a problem with it. I just have a problem with the libtards that are always crying for more gun control (even after yesterday’s DC attack-with-an-Infinity episode) and telling us that we are crazy for wanting to exercise our 2nd amendment right instead of letting the cops protect us.

  44. Brian says:

    Case in point:

    A doctor who was caught on video pointing a gun at another driver during a road rage fit has been charged


  45. Essex says:

    2. Sweet new name. Yo

  46. Sissy Banker Beat Down says:

    Prosecute Lien

  47. 1987 Condo says:

    #45…Dorner shoot out, when cops shot up wrong truck with women delivering newspapers….check out picture too..


  48. xolepa says:

    I have a Suburban I use sparingly. I think I will take a drive to NYC. Some rust spots need to be scraped off.

  49. 1987 Condo says:

    growing up in SI, rule #1 was never take your “good” car into the city!!! First, not to “ruin” it, but also not to be a target of interest

  50. Happy Renter says:

    [45] The woman was unarmed, that’s correct. I was referring to the knee-jerk reaction from comments on the news articles I was reading as the situation progressed, before it was even known what had happened. Because the headline was “shots fired in DC” the gun-control nuts wasted no time in starting up that argument.

  51. Painhrtz - Disobey! says:

    condo the same lessons are taught to us bergen couonty kids as well.

  52. The Original NJ ExPat says:

    My city car was a ’72 Vega, no problems ever. Even NYC cops who pulled me over for speeding felt sorry for me and let me go. I read in Car & Driver or Road & Track many years ago the story about a guy who lived in NYC and always drove a Vega. He would never register or insure them, just slap some plates on and park wherever he wanted. Eventually the car would get booted and towed. Then he just went to the Police auction and bought another Vega for $100. After a while he was re-buying the same cars over and over.

  53. Juice Box says:

    Back in the day I was car jacked in Midtown at 3 am. It was a Saturday night pouring rain and we had just got out of a club, so me being the driver I went to get the car so everyone did not have get sopping wet. Well little “Jose” with his 22 S&W is all I saw when he came up to me pointed the gun and demanded the car as I was opening the door. I gladly handed over the keys. Little did he know it was a POS car worth nothing. Car was found later in the Bronx being stripped. I went down to the precinct to look at mug shots once. After looking through about dozen large mug books I could not believe that every single known perp in Midtown was a short hispanic guy with a gun.

    Now that we have stop and frisk, no way Jose is taking 2 or 3 train down from Boggie Down packing heat to rob some yuppies coming out of a club these days. If they end stop and frisk those days will be back.

  54. Sissy Banker Beat Down says:

    Boehner Animated: ‘This isn’t some damn game!’


  55. Sissy Banker Beat Down says:
  56. The Original NJ ExPat says:

    [57 cont’d] I remember getting one parking ticket in NYC where the cop didn’t even put the ticket under the wiper, he had it standing prominently up in one of the elongated rust holes in the top of one of the fenders (he could have chosen either fender). It turns out GM was dipping the entire body of those cars in electro primer prior to painting. They didn’t realize that large areas at the top of each front wheel well trapped air bubbles such that no primer covered that large underside area. Later they were painted with no primer and a late cost saving decision was to completely eliminate the plastic front wheel well liners. I guess you can do the math on how quickly road debris whacked the paint clean off the un-primered areas and then next thing you knew you had rust coming up right through the top of the fenders adjacent to the hood on both sides.

  57. Juice Box says:

    Just got this from one of those fund raising sites asking for money to buy Christmas gifts for her kids. It was sent to me my mistake.

    “hi everyone im a stay at home mother of 3 and pregnant with our 4th due march 2014 XXXXXXX will be 4 in November ,XXXXXX just turned 2 in june ,XXXXXXX will be 1 December 13 and as far as money goes my husband makes enough for our house bills we don’t have much extra money after he pays for our bills and both of our cars so thinking about the holidays for us is overwhelming . It would be great if we could have extra money to give our kids the best Christmas please help us to buy clothes and toys for our kids”

    Some people have allot of nuts, I should write back if you shut off the cable tv, the cell phones and data plans you will have enough time to save up the $600 you are asking me for Christmas gifts for your kids.

  58. anon (the good one) says:

    @BarackObama: Day four of the #TeaPartyShutdown. @SpeakerBoehner, stop letting extremists threaten our economy.

  59. Libturd in the City says:

    Anon (9): ” The lawmakers doing this can do so with high confidence that they personally will not be politically punished, ”

    I hold you and your sheepy brethren responsible for this. Go on. Send in some more money to support the Rangels and the Bidens of the world.

  60. Sissy Banker Beat Down says:

    There were 4 calls. Interestingly, they did not place any “panicked” 911 called until after they had already run someone over and were being chased by the angry bikers.

    40.grim says:
    October 4, 2013 at 10:04 am
    36 – Patiently waiting for the recordings of the 911 calls to be released. It’s been reported that Lien or his wife made 2 separate calls to 911 during the event.

  61. Libturd in the City says:

    So Anon: Any time a minority challenges authority, they are extremists? You are so f’in blind and dumb that it’s scary. It’s funny how words such as radical and extremist enter the vernacular when you are trying to put down the supposed enemy. The Germans fell for that sh1t too. Baa, baa.

  62. grim says:

    Speaking of tickets in NYC, got a parking ticket a few months back, cop was putting it under the wiper. Ran over and told him I was sorry, I literally missed the cut off time by 5 minutes. He told me he was sorry I didn’t run over 2 minutes earlier before he started writing it. Apologized, told him I’d move the car. He asked if I was leaving, I said no. He goes, “why the hell are you going to move the car and pay for parking now? you might as well leave it here all night.” Asked him if he was pulling my leg and was going to have it towed, he said no, it’s fine. Thanked him. A couple hours later, walking out of the restaurant at 10ish, my car was right there out front, best spot in town. Didn’t even mind paying the ticket at that point, I would have paid $40 bucks easy at a deck, parking all day in the city.

  63. Happy Renter says:

    Baa, baa!

    The world is going to fall apart without the federal government!

    Baa, baa!

    We must get those hundreds of thousands of non-essential federal government clerks back to work ASAP, or the laws of physics will start to unravel!

    Baa, baa!


  64. Juice Box says:

    The juncture we’re at down in DC is the following, in about 13 days we default on our first payment ever in our Modern Era, and the entire economy will suffer a massive reset. My biggest concern is that in their refusal to negotiate the Democrats are effectively demanding a precedent for increasing the debt limit as a toothless rubber-stamp formality with nothing to replace the restraining function that the debt ceiling law has fulfilled until now.

    The Democrats want to toss debate and negotiation required under the debt ceiling law out the window. No budgetary constraints at all, is that what they want? No power of the purse anymore? Get rid of the checks and balances for good?

    We are truly living in the twilight zone.

  65. grim says:

    65 – Now I’m really interested to hear the recordings. 4 calls. Why didn’t they just stay on the line?

    My firearms instructor gave me the protocol for 911 calls during a break in.

    1) Call 911
    2) Tell the operator you think the intruder is armed and you fear for your life and safety of your family – send the police as quickly as possible
    3) Tell the operator to not hang up.
    4) Clearly say in a loud voice, right into the phone, so it can be recorded properly, the following “I am armed and I will kill you if you do not leave”
    5) Put the phone down, go shoot the douche bag – 2 shots – chest – don’t go getting all fancy.
    6) Go back to the phone and request paramedics, indicate that you shot the intruder.

  66. Libturd in the City says:

    Expat: “What has become nearly universal is parents merely suggesting behaviors and rules to children,”

    Come over my house some time. Gator Jr., isn’t a well behaved kid by happenstance. We punished him as early as age two. By age three, punishments were very rare. Today, there is no argument. You commit the crime, you pay the time. Gator Jr., has gone some pretty long stretches with no electronics/TV/iPad. First time offense, 1 day. Second time offense, 1 week. Third time, one month. As a side effect, he has become a pretty avid reader as there’s not much else for him to do at night without electricity.

  67. Theo says:

    The debt ceiling legislation is a sham. If congress wants to lower the national debt and deficit, they need to raise taxes and cut spending.

  68. Libturd in the City says:

    You would think the debt ceiling would not need to be raised so quickly with the two weeks of extra money that the government now has for not having to pay the furloughed non-essential workers.

  69. JJ the Welfare Queen says:

    Your instituter is an idiot, burglars never carry guns. For instance in NYC mandatory one year sentence that cant be plea bargained just of having a gun. Using it in a crime, another 7-10 years, shooting someone during a crime could be 20-life.

    Meanwhile without a gun, he either runs away or puts hands up and gets charged with B and E knocked down to criminal trespass which is a ROR meaning no bail home in bed in a few hours.

    grim says:
    October 4, 2013 at 12:47 pm

    65 – Now I’m really interested to hear the recordings. 4 calls. Why didn’t they just stay on the line?

    My firearms instructor gave me the protocol for 911 calls during a break in.

    1) Call 911
    2) Tell the operator you think the intruder is armed and you fear for your life and safety of your family – send the police as quickly as possible
    3) Tell the operator to not hang up.
    4) Clearly say in a loud voice, right into the phone, so it can be recorded properly, the following “I am armed and I will kill you if you do not leave”
    5) Put the phone down, go shoot the douche bag – 2 shots – chest – don’t go getting all fancy.
    6) Go back to the phone and request paramedics, indicate that you shot the intruder

  70. Sissy Banker Beat Down says:

    70 – ABC News reported that there were 4 phone calls that started at 165th street.

    I want to say that it happend much further south of that and progressed northward after he ran over people.


    Now I see that Lien’s wife is out making the rounds on the local and national news outlets to drum up more public support. People’s knee jerk reaction is already to hate bikers. Why not drive it home. Brilliant move on the part of Lien and Ng’s lawyer I must say.

  71. joyce says:

    That’s always the gamble. Heard stories near identical to yours; heard others involving towing the car. You never know.

    67.grim says:
    October 4, 2013 at 12:42 pm
    Speaking of tickets in NYC, got a parking ticket a few months back, cop was putting it under the wiper. Ran over and told him I was sorry, I literally missed the cut off time by 5 minutes. He told me he was sorry I didn’t run over 2 minutes earlier before he started writing it. Apologized, told him I’d move the car. He asked if I was leaving, I said no. He goes, “why the hell are you going to move the car and pay for parking now? you might as well leave it here all night.” Asked him if he was pulling my leg and was going to have it towed, he said no, it’s fine. Thanked him. A couple hours later, walking out of the restaurant at 10ish, my car was right there out front, best spot in town. Didn’t even mind paying the ticket at that point, I would have paid $40 bucks easy at a deck, parking all day in the city.

  72. joyce says:

    If they actually don’t raise the debt ceiling (they will of course), we may ‘default’ on a payment of some kind but we wouldn’t default on any treasuries. Not unless the govt elects to do so on purpose. The current FEDgov revenue dwarfs the current debt service payments.

    69.Juice Box says:
    October 4, 2013 at 12:46 pm
    The juncture we’re at down in DC is the following, in about 13 days we default on our first payment

  73. Anon E. Moose says:

    Grom [70]; JJ [74];

    Opps, forgot to mention the part (after intruder is down) where you take a big knife from your kitchen, make sure his fingerprints get on the handle, then drop it on the floor next to where he’s laying. Bonus for the intruder if he wore gloves, saving you the fingerprint step.

  74. Fabius Maximus says:

    #14 HR

    Just like Bush pushed through JGTRRA

  75. joyce says:

    Pretty sure I saw at least two of the motorcyclists on CNN… I’ll try to find a link to the video.

    75.Sissy Banker Beat Down says:
    October 4, 2013 at 1:32 pm

  76. joyce says:

    And the red one before that, and the blue one before that, and the…

    baa baa

    79.Fabius Maximus says:
    October 4, 2013 at 1:40 pm
    #14 HR

    Just like Bush pushed through JGTRRA

  77. The Original NJ ExPat says:

    Lib – of course. But is your family the rule or the exception? When my oldest daughter was 5 or 6 my wife found a cheap bracelet from Claire’s (store) in our daughter’s coat pocket, she had lifted it from the store. She was not only punished, but was marched into the store to give back the goods and apologize to the store manager. I heard that the woman managing the store started crying and hugged my daughter because my daughter was so upset about owning up to her behavior. I guarantee that problem never returns.

    I have been keenly observing the inside voice/babysitter/behavior suggesting style of parenting for a long time. The common thread that I see in the best-behaved kids is “Quantity (not quality) is job One.” The parents with the best-behaved kids I see coming from the parents who spend the most time with their kids and it doesn’t seem to matter their affluence level, but the stereotypical Dad with one job and stay-at-home Mom usually is a winning combo. My own theory is the parents who don’t discipline are more often found when both parents work full-time in professional manager jobs. First, they want what little time they spend with their kids to be “happy time” and second, they just auto-pilot into their office conflict resolution skills meant for adults, not kids. Further, as they might be more affluent, they aren’t called by their friends on this lack of parenting and maybe influence their circle detrimentally. I think most of the kids of these parents are guaranteed to have some hard times ahead.

    Expat: “What has become nearly universal is parents merely suggesting behaviors and rules to children,”

    Come over my house some time. Gator Jr., isn’t a well behaved kid by happenstance. We punished him…

  78. Happy Renter says:

    [79] Not even close. You can compare the mostly (but not entirely) partisan “Bush Tax Cuts” to the mostly (but not entirely) “Clinton Tax Increase” bills, but neither of them were fundamental, paradigm-changing, legislation anything like Obamacare. (Not to mention of the three, only Obamacare failed to get even a single vote from the other party.)

    Failure of leadership; reap what you sow.

  79. Bitch coulda at least run down Pelosi or McConnell.

  80. ..maybe she was trying to bring Bojangles a pack of Kools and a bag of choom.

  81. Sissy Banker Beat Down says:

    Doesn’t matter. I saw it. Nobody cares what the bikers say. They were guilty in everyone’s mind as soon as the video came out. Personal injurly lawyer being interviewed on Fox says he doesn’t even like taking cases where bikers are hurt and it is legitimately not their fault. Drivers hate the sportbike guys and jurys rarely side with them.

    81.joyce says:
    October 4, 2013 at 2:13 pm
    Pretty sure I saw at least two of the motorcyclists on CNN… I’ll try to find a link to the video.

    75.Sissy Banker Beat Down says:
    October 4, 2013 at 1:32 pm

  82. Essex says:

    Medical problems caused 62% of all personal bankruptcies filed in the U.S. in 2007, according to a study by Harvard researchers. And in a finding that surprised even the researchers, 78% of those filers had medical insurance at the start of their illness, including 60.3% who had private coverage, not Medicare or Medicaid.

    Medically related bankruptcies have been rising steadily for decades. In 1981, only 8% of families filing for bankruptcy cited a serious medical problem as the reason, while a 2001 study of bankruptcies in five states by the same researchers found that illness or medical bills contributed to 50% of all filings. This newest, nationwide study, conducted before the start of the current recession by Drs. David Himmelstein and Steffie Woolhandler of Harvard Medical School, Elizabeth Warren of Harvard Law School, and Deborah Thorne, a sociology professor at Ohio University, found that the filers were for the most part solidly middle class before medical disaster hit. Two-thirds owned their home and three-fifths had gone to college.

    But medically bankrupt families with private insurance reported average out-of pocket medical bills of $17,749, while the uninsured’s bills averaged $26,971. Of the families who started out with insurance but lost it during the course of their illness, medical bills averaged $22,658. “For middle-class Americans, health insurance offers little protection. Most of us have policies with so many loopholes, co-payments, and deductibles that illness can put you in the poorhouse,” said lead author Himmelstein. “Unless you’re Warren Buffett, your family is just one serious illness away from bankruptcy.”

  83. If you’re a regular joe, the gubmint wants you dead. Their biggest effort is coming up with ways to either whack you or put you in harm’s way enough so that you get whacked.

  84. anon (the good one) says:

    I bet the Zimmermans on this blog get their panties wet fantasying about these scenarios.

    grim says:
    October 4, 2013 at 12:47 pm
    65 – Now I’m really interested to hear the recordings. 4 calls. Why didn’t they just stay on the line?

    My firearms instructor gave me the protocol for 911 calls during a break in.

    1) Call 911
    2) Tell the operator you think the intruder is armed and you fear for your life and safety of your family – send the police as quickly as possible
    3) Tell the operator to not hang up.
    4) Clearly say in a loud voice, right into the phone, so it can be recorded properly, the following “I am armed and I will kill you if you do not leave”
    5) Put the phone down, go shoot the douche bag – 2 shots – chest – don’t go getting all fancy.
    6) Go back to the phone and request paramedics, indicate that you shot the intruder.

  85. cobbler says:

    Could be argued to no end… but in fact, the only reason the law is set up in such an unwieldy manner (instead of simply letting individuals under 65, and employers on their employees behalf, to buy into the Medicare, and providing income-based subsidy) was D hope to attract some R votes. O was fully ready to give concessions on stuff like malpractice in exchange for the R buy-in.

  86. Libturd in the City says:

    You surround my vehicle and then brake check me? I would have done the same thing. Sorry fellow bikers. I’m not sure how this will play out in the courts, but surround my car and I’ll hit the horn. If you don’t move, I’m running your ass over in self-defense.

    The Asian will walk. The unlicensed biker, got what he deserved. It’s a shame Lein didn’t pull a Leslie Nielsen and go forward and back over the whole group of a-holes a couple of extra times.

    I’m not even sure what the story is here.

  87. Sissy Banker Beat Down says:

    When you turn 18 in the US, they should just issue everyone a handgun. Think of how peaceful the world would be.

    89.anon (the good one) says:
    October 4, 2013 at 2:47 pm
    I bet the Zimmermans on this blog get their panties wet fantasying about these scenarios.

  88. joyce says:

    Oh please, I haven’t looked at any of the videos and haven’t formed an opinion.

    86.Sissy Banker Beat Down says:
    October 4, 2013 at 2:41 pm
    Doesn’t matter. I saw it. Nobody cares what the bikers say. They were guilty in everyone’s mind as soon as the video came out. Personal injurly lawyer being interviewed on Fox says he doesn’t even like taking cases where bikers are hurt and it is legitimately not their fault. Drivers hate the sportbike guys and jurys rarely side with them.

  89. Fabius Maximus says:


    There was a serious question in there, why would the klan go to Getysburg?

  90. Fabius Maximus says:

    #34 Ben

    Part of the problem is that the FDR and the west side highway are not designed with the cops in mind. Its hard to get on and off and not many places to pull over. Its like driving in Wacky Races at times.

  91. Fabius Maximus says:

    #64 Lib

    Does that include the likes of Shore giving to the GOP?

  92. Fabius Maximus says:

    #69 Juice

    And on the otherside they want to reopen the books on ACA which at this point is settled law. The GOP are going to own this and they deserve to.

  93. joyce says:

    I’ll answer your question in the hopes that you’ll ever EVER answer one. Why did they go there? I’m not sure. They wanted to have a march/protest/whatever, that is a well known historical place and they’d receive attension (hell, you knew about it… I had no clue it was planned). Gettysburg had the most casaulties and was the turning point. In their sick deluded minds, they’re still fighting the “war of northern aggression.”

    If you’re such a proponent of the 1st amendment as alleged, why are you happy when a group of individuals planning to exercise provisions of said amendment had to cancel due to circumstances outside their control?

  94. Libturd in the City says:


    Seriously, the stuff these politicians get away with is simply incredulous. From Mozillo loans to non-payment of taxes, to illegal use of campaign funds. Look at double dipper Joey D in Essex County. They should all be in jails. Seriously.

  95. Libturd in the City says:

    I’m a big fan of the Wu Tang Klan.

  96. The Original NJ ExPat says:

    Just listening to Paul Reiser being interviewed on a podcast after seeing the helmet cam video for the first time. He had the perfect insight:

    “It certainly didn’t look like that guy in the Range Rover was out looking for trouble that day. I think, you know, he’s driving and suddenly he’s in a swarm of bees and you start swatting… I don’t know what the right move would have been there.”


  97. Anon E. Moose says:

    Anon [89];

    And if you were in that scenario, we’d hear all about it from the police report, and the coroner, and the obituary pages. No skin off my nose.

    Or maybe you’re just like the legion of anti-gun activists who turn out to be flaming hypocrites when it’s their own ass on the line.

  98. grim says:

    94 – Gettysburg is a myth, it was made up by the Northern Aggressors as propaganda

  99. Essex says:

    105. Figures. Useless thug.

  100. Fabius Maximus says:

    #98 Joyce

    And thats what I don’t get, why are they going to celebrate in the place of their biggest loss.

    I don’t see how my being happy they have to cancel impinges their 1st amendment rights. I have not said that they shouldn’t be there. The site was not closed to stop them assembling, so their rights are still intact.

  101. grim says:

    Another person who was not responsible!

    Allred must be salivating over this one, now it was absolutely the NYPD’s fault – Triple digit millionz yo!

    Cop says he didn’t intervene because he didn’t want to “blow his cover”? What the f%ck? He was part of the crew, not investigating them, no cover to be blown.

  102. Take the law into your own hands. This is the way of the future.

  103. grim says:

    News 12 saying there was a big crackdown of motorcycles and modified cars at Edgewater Commons last night where there was a big group meet. Said something about 150 summons being handed out. Organized crackdown that was staffed by police from multiple towns in Bergen County as well as the BC County cops. Multiple bikers claiming this was nothing but harassment.

    Like I said, open season.

  104. grim says:

    Cop friend tells me there is actually no legal duty for an officer to protect a civilian.

  105. Brian says:

    When seconds count the cops are only minutes away.

  106. joyce says:

    That’s been well established in multiple court cases. So what are we paying them for?

    112.grim says:
    October 4, 2013 at 5:13 pm
    Cop friend tells me there is actually no legal duty for an officer to protect a civilian.

  107. grim says:

    114 – Suppose I took “protect and serve” a little too literally.

  108. Anon E. Moose says:

    Grim [112];

    Cop friend tells me there is actually no legal duty for an office to protect a civilian.

    He’s right. Leftists hate hearing this when they say the ultimate answer for any self-defense need is to call 911.

  109. joyce says:

    I didn’t say your happiness infringes on anyone’s rights. I said your statements show you’re not a proponent of the 1st amendment. We should celebrate the fact that people in this country (ideally, but not in reality) have the right to publicly voice & display things that we find abhorrent.

    And regarding your nonsense Swiss article… this goes to show further that you have no concept of natural/individuals rights. Contrary to whatever utopia you lust for, all the property in a given area does not belong to the state.

    108.Fabius Maximus says:
    October 4, 2013 at 4:37 pm
    #98 Joyce

    And thats what I don’t get, why are they going to celebrate in the place of their biggest loss.

    I don’t see how my being happy they have to cancel impinges their 1st amendment rights. I have not said that they shouldn’t be there. The site was not closed to stop them assembling, so their rights are still intact.

  110. Anon E. Moose says:

    Grim [111];

    Multiple bikers claiming this was nothing but harassment.

    Yeah the cops harassed them by taking the plates off their bikes then writing tickets for it.

  111. joyce says:

    Protect and Serve… more like show up after the fact with tape and cones

  112. Anon E. Moose says:

    Fab [97];

    There is no such thing as “settled law”. That’s a cop out. No Congress can bind another congress. The term is borrowed from court decisions (mostly constitutional ones, not statutory ones) because it sounds like a trump card. Its not, and even ‘settled’ law at the Court is no more settled than five of the Justices say it is.

  113. Ben says:

    Its official. I’m a bag holder

  114. anon (the good one) says:

    it is actually the right wingers who call them ‘Heroes’

    “Cop friend tells me there is actually no legal duty for an office to protect a civilian.

    He’s right. Leftists hate hearing this when they say the ultimate answer for any self-defense need is to call 911.”

  115. joyce (114)-

    The police are nothing more than private militia for their political benefactors and for rich people.

  116. Fast Eddie says:


    What town or general vicinity, if that’s too much info to share? What type of house? Details needed! :)

  117. Painhrtz - Disobey! says:

    Sucker! Congrats Ben. Sorry for your debt ;)

  118. JSMC says:


    Congratulations from a future fellow bagholder!

    (First round of visits is tomorrow…cyanide capsule is in the back left molar…)

  119. chomp down on that capsule now

  120. Brian says:

    What’s up with the dude setting himself on fire in DC.

  121. Juice Box says:

    Must have 4k TV….

  122. Brian says:

    Must stop reading ny daily news….making me dumber……

  123. Brian says:

    “He told everyone to move on and go back to riding,” Allred said at a Manhattan news conference. “And he turned his back on the SUV to start walking back to his own bike.”

    It was then that driver Lien, fleeing the scary scene, ran Mieses down, she said.


  124. yome says:

    U.S. Representative Dennis Ross, a Florida Republican, said he would support a broad spending deal that didn’t include changes to the health-care law, becoming the first Tea Party-backed House lawmaker to publicly back off the fight that is shut down the government for four days.

  125. Fabius Maximus says:

    #117 Joyce

    Celebrate hate! Let me ponder that one for a while.

  126. Fabius Maximus says:

    #120 Moose

    That would be the same five Justices that ruled on the law in question?

    Congress passed ACA
    O signed it into law.
    The Supremes ruled on it.

    Why exactly should it come back for discussion?

  127. Fabius Maximus says:

    #111 grim

    The police ran the same type of operation against the cyclists around 9W a few weeks back. Lots of tickets for no helmets and speeding. The clocked one guy at 48 on the Henry Hudson. The were responding to the recent death of a cyclist who they think ran off the road into a tree.

  128. Two Cents says:

    So basically Allred is throwing the rest of the gang under the bus by implying that they were threatening, and Mieses is the white knight.

  129. Ben says:


    Lawrence. Custom home, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths. No work needed. Only 15 years old and good construction. Attic on the the same floor as the bedrooms so I can turn it into a 4th. The whole first floor is one giant open space.

  130. Brian says:

    Btw, the whole stolen plate or no plate thing is an omg tactic. Something the pagans or warlocks would do.

    Now that we know off duty cops are involved…and cops are likely to be familiar with this tactic, I wonder if that’s where they learned it from.

  131. joyce says:

    You’re such a ****ing mope. My last comment to try to impart some substance into your hollow skull:

    One day something that you advocate for could be considered hate speech (or whatever orwellian phrase is used at the time)… and your speech deserves to be protected. And we should celebrate the fact that all speech is protected (if it still is in the future).

    134.Fabius Maximus says:
    October 4, 2013 at 8:10 pm
    #117 Joyce

    Celebrate hate! Let me ponder that one for a while.

  132. Samivel says:

    Lien was saved from more savage beating by Samaritans,
    not police (who looked on and were within the bike gang and chased
    the family down). Chilling. Those paid to protect and serve were accomplices
    to the attack. I feel like I’m in Central America.

  133. grim says:

    Allred will go after the other bikers.

  134. grim says:

    135 – Going 48 is not at all surprising, what is surprising is they managed to find a rider without a helmet. I’ve never ridden with a group where someone didn’t have a helmet. Hell, it’s not even about the “un-coolness factor” – since we’re wearing incredibly un-cool spandex anyway, at that point, what the hell does the helmet even matter.

    That said, very surprised, unless it was amateur hour in 9w and they managed to catch a kid out for a weekend ride. NJ bicycle helmet laws only apply to 17 and under.

    Just checked the regs to make sure that didn’t change recently..

    By the way, is there an equivalent motorcycle law to this?

    Title 39:4-12 Feet and Hands on Pedals and Handlebars; Carrying Another Person.
    Bicyclists should not drive the bicycle with feet removed from the pedals, or with both hands removed from the handlebars, nor practice any trick or fancy driving in a street.

  135. Fabius Maximus says:

    #139 Joyce

    “We must make a personal attack when there is no argumentative basis for our speech”

  136. Fabius Maximus says:

    #142 Grim

    The park has its own rules and its a 25mph speed limit throughout and cyclists must be over 14 with a helmet. http://www.njpalisades.org/cycling.html
    Out on 9W all the cyclists roll through the reds and ride 2-3 abreast.

  137. joyce (channeling says:

    Care to answer a question or respond on point? Nah, never. You’re almost as bad as anon, except 99% of your posts aren’t from twitter… though the level of intellect found within them I wouldn’t be surprised if they were.

  138. Happy Renter says:

    [139] Nat Hentoff wrote a book about the urge to censor (rather than counter) ideas one disagrees with: Free Speech For Me, But Not For Thee

    Just call it “hate” and make it verboten.

  139. brain (130)-

    Relax. Living in Sussex has already lobotomized you.

    “Must stop reading ny daily news….making me dumber……”

  140. joyce (139)-

    Oh wow. I die a little bit when I see you trying to reason with the human equivalent of a doorknob.

  141. samivel (140)-

    Think of NJ as a Third World country with winter sports and a couple of places where you can get a decent cassoulet in January.

    “Those paid to protect and serve were accomplices to the attack. I feel like I’m in Central America.”

  142. Fabius Maximus says:

    #145 Joyce

    When you go to the personal attack you always lose the argument.

    Here is the real problem. You see a post you don’t like and you drag it into a different discussion that you want to have. When someone does not want to have that discussion, on your terms you start berating them.

    Take this discussion. I say that I am happy the Klan is suffering under the shutdown. You drag it over to a first amendment discussion. This has nothing to do with the first. The Klan were not locked out Gettysburg for their views and I did not impinge on their first amendment rights, but that’s were you want to have the discussion. You say that I’m not a “proponent of the 1st amendment. ” why, because I won’t drag this discussion over to where you want it?

    If you want to fight the good fight on the first, instead if the Klan, why not take up anon. Why don’t you defend his right to express his views?

    “Anon I know you have a hard time taking your lips of the liberal c*ck that pollutes your brain ”
    “You’re almost as bad as anon, except “

  143. Fabius Maximus says:

    #148 Clot

    You can’t even claim mid-table mediocrity this year.

    Bitter much?

  144. Fabius Maximus says:

    Apologies to the group while I taunt Clot. NSFW

  145. joyce (channeling says:

    Oh nonsense. 1) I hardly lash out at people. You finally responded somewhat on topic and it clearly shows you had/have no idea what you’re talking about. A comment was warranted. 2) You have no retort or answer to simple questions so you ignore it (sometimes with an attempt (and fail) at wit).

    Standing up someone’s right to voice their opinion (when you completely disagree with said opinion) is the ultimate test. You want me to stand up for anon? When have I ever tried to censor anon’s inane copying/pasting? Not to mention this blog is private property which could very well be censored if someone wishes to do so (irrelevant though cause I don’t own it so I couldn’t censor even if I wanted to).

    “Anon I know you have a hard time taking your lips of the liberal c*ck that pollutes your brain ” … yeah that was Painhrtz that made that comment, not me

    “You’re almost as bad as anon, except “ … yeah, you’re almost as bad as in your comments either have zero substance or do not respond directly to the question or comment… just like anon’s cause he just copys/pastes random sh*t off twitter and doesn’t back it up when challenged

    And you say that is me trying to censor ‘anon’? For the upcoming holidays, I’ll buy you a dictionary. Didn’t seem to make a dent in JJ… hopefully you have’ll better luck.

  146. Cut N Paste says:

    Grim, you are just not trying, not even a nomination! Maybe a twitter feed would help.

    Realtor Magazine, the official magazine of the National Association of Realtors, released its 2013 Best of the Web Real Estate sites naming http://www.sueadler.com The Sue Adler Team as best website and blog in the country for Teams. The list names various categories: Individual, Team, Company and Best Use of Free Social Network. Recommendations were selected by the magazine’s editors with input from readers recognizing those real estate groups who create superb examples of online real estate space and tools.

    According to Realtor Magazine, “The Keller Williams Sue Adler Team is all about highlighting quality of life in her NJ towns. The web site has no shortage of videos, blog posts and photos covering local festivals, dining spots, park events, and youth activities. New Jersey home buyers seeking convenient access to New York will learn from sueadler.com what the Short Hills area has to offer. Best of all, the content is fun and engaging. Web pages are framed with a clearly labeled drop-down navigation system that’s itching to be clicked on. A front-and-center IDX search includes an interactive area map, complete with mass transit commute times to Manhattan. And the site is customer-centric, successfully telling the team’s business story through a robust library of client testimonial videos.”

  147. Phoenix says:

    112 Grim
    AMFYOYO. Unless you are in the clique.

  148. anon (the good one) says:

    @ianbremmer: Obama approval among Dems: 84%
    Last month: 69% (FoxNews poll..)

    Shutdown 1, Syria 0

  149. zieba says:

    I live on River Rd, and commute up Henry Hudson. So, I’ve been introduced:

    re: coffee can muffler stuntaz
    Every Thursday during warm months night our evening is interrupted by repeated “modified” car and motorcycle drag racing. There is a street light outside the Vela development where these tools queue up and rev to the red line and take off. The cliffs just reverberate exhaust sounds and make it unbearable. I for one, have never understood why Edgewater PD doesn’t hand out tickets as these tools scream into town (and then scream back out on their way to Paterson). Whatever it is, it’s years overdue.

    Re: cyclists
    There are crackdowns for various cycling related things. One of the most famous ones is the crackdown against cyclists going onto the GWB NYC bound off Hudson Terrace Most salmon against traffic blow through the red an make a sweeping red through a double yellow. 5-0 don’t like this, they’ve been ticketing heavy. The other sting involves pouncing on helmet-less riders inside palisades park.

    Driver targeted enforcement around the GWB area involves ticketing those who do not stop for pedestrians on the first crosswalk past GWB heading south into Edgewater. PD will plant pedestrians and just line up offenders in a line on the park entrance road and write tickets by the dozen.

    I routinely hit speeds 45-55 on my training rides in the Palisades (the bigger you are the faster you descend).

  150. Fast Eddie says:

    Does anyone know which government operated health plan Michelle chose for Malia and Sasha?

  151. anon (the good one) says:

    Ted Cruz is on Goldman Sachs health care plan.

    “According to a 2009 New York Times report, top executive officers and managing directors at the bank participate in a health care program that costs Goldman more than $40,000 in premiums for each particpant’s family annually.”

  152. Essex says:

    150. Wrong. Go for the juggular every time. Name calling rulez🌆

  153. Juice Box says:

    Woop, woop, that’s the sound of da police

    No wonder they can’t catch those bikers.

    NEW YORK (WABC) — Eyewitness News has learned that among the bikers on the Henry Hudson last weekend, were five off-duty NYPD officers.

    Sources say at least two detectives witnessed the attack on Alexian Lien and did not directly intervene. And investigators are still working to determine what role, if any, was played by the other three officers.

    What is clear, sources say, is that the men did not begin to come forward until late Wednesday, four full-days after the incident.

    And detectives are also investigating reports that several others in the group may have been off-duty New York City correction officers.

    An undercover detective has informed Internal Affairs that he was present at the time of the confrontation.

    The undercover narcotics detective, himself a motorcycle rider, was off duty. Official sources say he did not get involved because he did not want to blow his cover. Internal Affairs is now investigating. The undercover detective is being advised by an attorney.


  154. Essex says:

    158. Yeah right. But wtf? You have more in common with rhem than you let on. Yo.

  155. Fast Eddie says:

    The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion for the first 42 presidents — #43 added $4 trillion by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back — $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That’s irresponsible. It’s unpatriotic.

    – Barack Obama, July 3rd, 2008

    Debt Clock –> http://www.usdebtclock.org/

    Any Questions?

  156. chicagofinance says:

    joyce: I long ago gave up trying to discuss anything with FabMax. He bargains in bad faith……he is not interested in a discussion; he’d rather pontificate as if his points are all self-evident. So fine…..the fact that he is a hypocrite makes him intolerable (i.e. foreign national in the U.S. deriding a system from which he extracts gross overcompensation).

  157. cobbler says:

    The difference between pre-2008 borrowing (Bush) and post-2008 (Obama) is a difference between using your credit card to pay for a Caribbean cruise, and using it to repair the house damage after the fire (which happened btw since you left the stove on when being on a cruise). It is intellectually dishonest to pretend that adding to the U.S. debt during flush times and during a crisis is the same thing.

  158. Fast Eddie says:


    Ohh!! We’re in a crisis (slaps forehead)! Silly me! Well, that explains everything! :o

  159. Brian says:

    Juice –

    Prolly people from all walks of life we’re riding that day. But when they put on those scary motorcycle helmets it transforms them into evil doers that deserve death!

  160. Brian says:

    USA today says the guy trying to rip the door open after Lien ran over Mieses was one of the cops.

  161. Fabius Maximus says:

    #153 Joyce

    There you go again, dragging the argument over into something else. Do you think turning this into a censorship discussion will improve your chances?
    Is my delight at the Klan event getting canceled, now censorship in your eyes?

    I realize that Pain wrote that first post and you wrote the second. I put them up there to show that not only will you not defend anons first amendment rights to say what ever he wants, you are one of the loudest proponents asking him to be quiet.

    Cut and paste drives probably 75% of the content in here starting with Grims first post of the day. The zombie story that lead off is straight from the Star Ledger. That is no different from anon posting something from Bernie Sanders or O’s twitter feed. And it is no different from you posting up some story of a some public official getting charges dropped against them.

  162. Fabius Maximus says:

    #164 Chi

    Care to elaborate how exactly you think I “extracts gross overcompensation”

    As for “he’d rather pontificate as if his points are all self-evident” that covers most of the posters in here, yourself included. I don’t recall you ever conceding or waking back a point.

  163. Painhrtz - Disobey! says:

    As.much as I hate to Goodwin a threqd saying dems like Obama anon is like stating the Nazis liked Hitler

  164. gluteus (152)-

    Note that all the wanking Gooner fans sit down throughout virtually the whole match.

    I’d rather lose and stand in the kop at my pitch than sit on my hands at your pitiful airport of a stadium.

  165. Joyce, what chifi said in #164:

    “joyce: I long ago gave up trying to discuss anything with FabMax. He bargains in bad faith……he is not interested in a discussion; he’d rather pontificate as if his points are all self-evident. So fine…..the fact that he is a hypocrite makes him intolerable (i.e. foreign national in the U.S. deriding a system from which he extracts gross overcompensation).”

    The fact that he’s a Gooner fan prolly means he’s also Piers Morgan’s butt boy.

  166. Fabregas got away from Gooners before they ruined him. Same with Clichy.

    Best that Ozil and Wilshere do the same.

  167. joyce says:

    Duly noted

  168. Fabius Maximus says:


    They haven’t stood in the Kop since the 90s/

    Care to explain Tony?

  169. Comrade Nom Deplume, modern day Hannibal says:

    [170] Fabius,

    I’ll also be rooting for the Baggers today.

  170. WickedOrange says:

    Japan’s Experimental ‘Micro Apartments’ Look Pretty Dilapidated After 41 Years

  171. WickedOrange says:

    Walkable Urban Communities Have Huge Economic Impact in Metro Atlanta and Nationwide

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