Blogging from San Antonio

I’m blogging from sunny (and hot) San Antonio, TX this weekend.  We’re out here visiting good friends of ours.  Friends that gave up on New Jersey and moved away last year.  I’m not sure any of us expected them to just pick up and leave, but they did.  A number of readers here have talked about picking up and leaving, whether it was because of housing prices, or increasing taxes, but these two actually did it.

New Jersey is becoming increasingly unaffordable for young couples.  And yes, even those who are educated and well paid.  It’s just plain frustrating.

The housing developments in and around San Antonio are damn’ big.  Most developments average somewhere around the 1,500 home mark.  These new developments are going up everywhere.  They don’t worry about running out of land here, there are hundreds of miles of buildable land in every direction.  Ever major builder is represented, and each one is currently building multiple developments.

I’m not sure I’ve met a real Texan yet, these new developments seem like a haven for relocators.  Our friends tell us that most neighbors have relocated, a number from California.

Let me tell you, after 2 days here, I can understand the temptation to relocate.  Just about $190k buys you a beautiful brand new home (3000sqft).  Homes at the $300-400k mark would sell for $1m or more in North Jersey.  We took a ride through a number of developments and walked through a number of model homes.  And no, don’t worry, this wasn’t a relocation trip.  But like I said before, the tempation is amazing, I can see why they moved out here.  I can see why his brother moved out here shortly after he did, and I can see why his uncle just bought a home here.

So how many of you would consider leaving New Jersey?

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