From MIT Technology Review:
In These Small Cities, AI Advances Could Be Costly

It’s long been clear that urbanization and automated technologies are shaping society, but it hasn’t been obvious how the two forces affect each other.
Until now, perhaps. A new study from MIT’s Media Lab posits that the smaller the city, the greater the impact it faces from automation. The finding, they say, could encourage legislators to pay special attention to workers in smaller cities and offer them support services.
Other researchers have attempted to measure the effect of technology on employment in cities, but the Media Lab authors, who have identified which jobs and skills tend to be more prevalent in smaller cities and larger ones, claim to be the first to explain why different U.S. cities are more susceptible (or resilient) to technological unemployment. (Though the authors did not define “small” and “large” in their paper, they say that cities with fewer than 100,000 inhabitants will experience more disruption.)
They say that bigger cities have a disproportionately large number of jobs for people who do cognitive and analytical tasks, such as software developers and financial analysts—occupations that are less likely to be disrupted by automation. Smaller cities have a disproportionate amount of routine clerical work, such as cashier and food service jobs, which are more susceptible.
The five U.S. metropolitan areas that are expected to experience the least job impact from automation are San Jose, Sunnyvale, and Santa Clara, California; Washington, D.C., and Arlington and Alexandria, Virginia; Trenton, New Jersey; Boston and Cambridge, Massachusetts; and Durham and Chapel Hill, North Carolina. All of those regions have large populations and high proportions of skilled technical and managerial occupations, particularly technology jobs. The metro areas deemed most at risk (among them Myrtle Beach, South Carolina; Elkhart County, Indiana; and Punta Gorda, Florida) rely on industries, such as agriculture and tourism, that have already been disrupted by technology and will probably continue to be.
“Big cities provide greater opportunities for synergies among creative, highly technical people, and that’s why they attract them,” explains Iyad Rahwan, an associate professor at MIT and the corresponding author of the paper. “The other dynamic is that cashiers and waiters are less idle in big cities than small cities, so large cities need fewer of them in proportion to their size.” As a result, he says, large cities have fewer routinized occupations that are more likely to be automated and relatively more technical and managerial occupations, which are less likely to be impacted by automation.
So does this amplify the move towards major urban centers over the next decade?
Seems like it may no longer be a preferential one, but one driven by worker relocation.
According to MIT – the NE Megalopolis looks to be in pretty good shape compared to the rest of the country.
Resistance is futile
This is America’s best chance at competing against foreign manufacturing. Reduce the labor cost to the point at which the freight cost and manufacturing timelines become issues. Automation creates the potential to move JIT all the way back to raw materials. Sea freight from China to East Coast is still around a 30 day endeavor, and then add in the manufacturing times, customs delays, domestic delivery times.
I hear it already from my colleagues in manufacturing. Delays, increasing MOQs, decreasing quality, suppliers continually attempting to subversively reduce quality and cost, theft of IP (in some cases the same exact factory making the “knock-offs”). 100% QA required, higher defect rates, higher return rates, cost of having to do unexpected modifications and repairs. Losing major orders and revenue because the entire order failed QA and needed to be destroyed/reordered. Even heard a story about a huge PCB order getting populated with incorrect ICs. The manufacturer must have been sitting on millions of the wrong part, so they sanded off the markings and silk screened on what was supposed to be the correct part numbers and markings. You know how many hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent to figure out they were being f*cked over for less than 2 cents a part? Everyone attempting to lean out operations but it’s impossible with this kind of albatross. Automation is now allowing PCB manufacturing to be reshored, which is pretty amazing since the labor associated with PCB manufacture was by far the biggest driver in offshoring electronics manufacturing.
Have China make your product and it will be for sale on Alibaba by 35 different manufacturing companies before you even receive your first working shipment. They’ll even steal your marketing materials to help them sell it. The whole while Alibaba preaching that they protect intellectual property and China’s government turns a blind eye.
Keep drinking the hater-ade. Once again, let’s compare apples to apples. Did taxpayers subsidize this? And how was it given away? My grandma has 6 kids. So you do the math. How many grandkids? What makes me special over my cousins and brother/sister? I did not have it given to me. I stepped to the plate and bought it. I payed my own way through college, did you? How many people get their college education payed for? Don’t act like I’m some spoiled kid that was given the world, it’s honestly not the case.
I guess you can’t acknowledge that I made a great investment move at a very very young age because it pains you to realize someone that you belittle was better at investing at the age of 19 than you.
chicagofinance says:
October 23, 2017 at 11:15 pm
Yeah…… I hate it when older relatives just give away real estate to family members on an inside deal……if you can’t afford the market rate, it isn’t right to let the younger generations sponge off the older ones……
Just beat up a guy for being a go getter and getting it.
This Uranium One story is BLOWING UP. Watch the fake news go all out to create as many stories as possible to distract the morons.
20% of the nations in exchange for a massive bribe to the Clinton slush fund. The controls preventing this from happening were systematically circumvented. Nothing new there but now the current admin has the goods. Hillary didn’t deny it in an interview I saw yesterday, instead she claimed there is “no credible evidence.” Could you possibly sound more guilty than that?
It’s huge, could bring down in the entire previous administration for a perp walk if the
And are we really going to get stuck with this turd Murphy as the governor? I would love to hear an explanation from a prior Christie voter about why they would vote for Murphy. The best possible outcome for NJ residents is legislative gridlock which is what we’ve had for the past 4 years and it seems like a reasonable compromise.
Why would NJ Republicans remain loyal to the party after the epic an@l rape job they just gave us?
Even NJ Republican Legislators seem content to vote along party lines and fuc& over their constituents. What kinds of promises were made to get them to do that?
So vote for another guy who has vowed to raise taxes? Don’t bite your nose to spite your face.
This is a true American! Too bad they don’t really exist anymore. You know, it’s not my job to worry about the rest of the country…..
“Sitting in a company conference room that was lined with shelves displaying plastic toys and framed vintage production orders from the nineteen-fifties, Araten said, “I talk to C.E.O.s all the time who say, ‘It’s not my job to worry about the rest of the country.’ And I say, ‘Well, whose job is it? You’ve got to do what you can in the United States to keep the United States strong.’ ” He went on, “If you think there is a benefit to having a stable citizenry that has good-paying jobs, that can support a family, you need to be willing to make some trade-offs there. Our responsibility is, yes, to our shareholders but also to our employees, and to our community. We made a decision—we are willing to make less of a profit in order to keep jobs here.””
Low quality manufacturing, coming to a home new you.
These I-joists are either made in the US or in Canada by a US-based manufacturer. I’m. It so sure about the resins in the I-joists that it source of the problem.
Note the I-joist maker Weyerhaeuser has upped the cost to fox the problem from $50-$60 million states in article to $250 million.
Holy christ, do you understand people like you are the reason why this govt is in such debt. Do you understand sometimes you have to raise taxes to invest in your got damn state. The whole pension fiasco was created by politicians that didn’t have the balls to raise taxes, so they stole from the pension fund to barely keep it going while pushing the rest of the cost down the line.
No offense, but I hate your type. No one wants to pay taxes, but got damn it, man up and pay for what you use.
nwnj says:
October 24, 2017 at 8:38 am
So vote for another guy who has vowed to raise taxes? Don’t bite your nose to spite your face.
And state govt debt means past generations took money in whatever form it was and never paid it back. FU!K you for being so got damn greedy that you can’t raise your taxes to pay for what you are getting.
Go ahead, keep forcing politicians to kick the can down the road by not wanting to raise taxes. Murphy gets it, and is man enough to run on a platform where he admits he will raise taxes to fix the got damn problem and not push it further down the road. He gets that we need to invest in our state to bring it back to glory. You want Kim? Wtf is she going to do besides cut taxes and put us further into debt that will be compounded by the lack of investment in our state. Look at what christie did, pretty much destroyed nj transit funding. Great job!! Now it’s all falling apart because you refuse to pay the bill and make every damn excuse in the book.
Yes, pumpkin is fired up! I’m sick of the cut everything mentality that hurts our society. If you own a business, and you cut everything to reduce debt, what happens? Now apply that to govt. So why do we even debate this option? Why do we go back and forth on an option that is not even an option? Yes, just cut taxes, and cut everything the govt does, that will solve all our problems…….sure.
It’s not even a race. Why even bother with wasting the money on the election.
They are trotting out Bill Clinton today to stump in Paramus. Holder will be in Newark this week too.
If anything will voter apathy rule the day? 38% voter turnout in 2013 for the Curstie vs Buono race.
Delusions of grandeur? Oblivious to facts that disrupt faulty beliefs? Maybe some cousins don’t have criminal and absent parents?
What makes me special over my cousins and brother/sister?
Yeah just keep raising taxes Murph! You go!! We can tax ourselves into oblivion. And a three bedroom cape in any old town in North Jersey can have a 20k a year tax bill because we are special here. Forget about waste forget about corruption forget about multiple tiny towns and multiple police forces and school districts and superintendents just keep raising those taxes!! Go Murph!!
I’m going to vote for Kim just to spite the great pumpkin. I’ll be happy to know my vote will cancel out his.
Stu, from the prior post who’d you use for your appraisal?
I’m disappointed that I’m not seeing advertisements slamming Murphy on his tax plan and the fact that he is Corzine 2.0/GS reject. Kim is no prize but Murphy has the potential to be a real disaster especially if Trump passes his tax plan.
Thanks Stu for the appraisal information. 20 percent fudge is a big fudge on numbers!
DOW up 175 points.
Thank you, President Trump!
People have spoken. They want total local control over their town and schools. If you don’t like it, there are plenty of states that regionalize their decisions. So go live there, why are you here? Personally, I want as much local control as possible and think its worth every penny. Be careful what you ask for, when you don’t have local control, you will see all the stuff that gets shoved down your throat.
3b says:
October 24, 2017 at 10:21 am
Yeah just keep raising taxes Murph! You go!! We can tax ourselves into oblivion. And a three bedroom cape in any old town in North Jersey can have a 20k a year tax bill because we are special here. Forget about waste forget about corruption forget about multiple tiny towns and multiple police forces and school districts and superintendents just keep raising those taxes!! Go Murph!!
“Do you understand sometimes you have to raise taxes to invest in your got damn state.”
“No one wants to pay taxes, but got damn it, man up and pay for what you use.”
Good points, Eeyore.
So you now support eliminating the federal SALT subsidy that allows top earners like you to shift the burden of the exclusive services you use to other taxpayers? Like those home rule police forces and blue ribbon schools you love to brag about?
Of course you will respond with some non-sequitur justifying how it is different for you. Keep braying.
You know, over a decade I’ve taken much (and hopefully contributed some) good to this blog. I did take a two year hiatus when it became pointless due to various ‘personalities’ that hijacked it.
Sad to see so many regulars hibernating. Some days nearly half the postings are the donkey and liberal serial re-tweeters trying to troll.
Saw this one last night. It was on one of the networks my while my wife was watching…maybe ch 2 or 4 or something. I don’t remember.
I almost look forward to the bot postings. Make more sense than Eeyore.
Yeah local control is great!! Many if them are idiots. I have dealt with them. Enjoy your local control . People who approve out of control spending and vanity projects because rthey are told it will make their houses worth more. Then as they start to approach retirement age they bitch about the taxes and leave or want to leave. Many are at peak earnings yet fully expect a young couple to pay those taxes. Then byotch when they balk at the asking prices. These same people with pensions and no student loans and all the rest. These people who like myself was able to have a something use stay home while kids were young. And I am at the tail end of that selfish generation but unlike many of them and youself I give a damn about the younger generations coming up.
Should have said spouse stay home.
No promises and please don’t mention me! Just let Richard know what you are looking for. Tell him you are cheap and heard he was fair.
I hear ya. Captain Oblivious is killing this blog. I try my best to not read his posts. It’s nothing personal Pumps, but regardless of whether and how often you are right or wrong, in my opinion. You are the most inconsistent, flip-floppy, racist, shallow and mostly clueless person I’ve ever witnessed. Your lack of self-concept is unparalleled. Here’s one positive. You are honest, much like someone with serious mental retardation.
“Eliminating the Federal State and Local Tax (SALT) deduction for individuals would result in a major tax increase on New Jersey families. People will pay more. But, incredibly, the Trump administration wants to continue to allow corporations to use the SALT deduction.
That’s right: big corporations will be able to deduct their state and local taxes, but New Jersy homeowners will not. We cannot allow President Trump and his cronies in Washington to increase New Jersey’s taxes, just so they can give themselves massive tax breaks.
These next two weeks are critical – all of New Jersey must fight this.”
Looks like another miserable commuting day on NJTransit. Just got this message from a buddy. “Thanks NJT, I’ll walk next time. It’s faster.”
Steam thank you. I will not mention your name.
Steam three out of 5 days last week significant delays on my line. And then of course we have the glorious decrepit Hoboken terminal!!
I am taking the train in on Thursday. I am thinking about taking the light rail from Bloomfield (Grove terminus), and then hopping a NJT at Penn Station Newark (if things are normal) or the long slow slog on the PATH to WTC and taking the E to 53rd and 5th. The Montclair Boonton Line is now back to sucking balls now that the M&E is back on line.
3B…I’ll report back on Thursday how my non-NJ Transit commute goes. I know parking will be way cheaper. The long-term meters in Bloomfield are now $1 per hour!!! That’s $10 a day to park in Bloomfield. I pay $20 per day (tax included) to park in the Ziegfield Garage practically under my building in one of the most expensive zips in the world!
The stench of your arrogance is strong.
You never said anything when clot posted nonsense world is ending lines over and over, but you attack an individual like me because I don’t agree with most of what you state.
You don’t say anything to expat when he constantly trolls me with nonsense, but I bring up points that go against your ideology and now I’m the idiot that does not deserve your time.
Can’t stand people like you.
steam and 3b,
Do you expect njtransit to fix itself on that pathetic budget? Of course, you want golden service, but don’t want to pay for it. Same old story. It never changes. Just know your types are the ones that got njtransit to the position it is in. You forced politicians to play a dangerous game where they are not allowed to raise taxes, so they must get creative. Thanks.
re: “These next two weeks are critical – all of New Jersey must fight this.”
Meh it’s all but over………….
“Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) detailed the House’s timeline on tax reform Tuesday, saying Republicans will pass the Senate budget on Thursday, unveil their long-awaited tax reform legislation next week and send the bill to the Senate before Thanksgiving.”
Hope you are happy. You hurting working families to enrich corporations….trump is the definition of a dirtbag. We should kick his ass out of jersey and make him pay back the 30 million christie let him off the hook with. I’m so sick of this crap.
Back when NJ Transit was the shining star of all commuter rail in the US (check them out in the late 90s. They lead the US in operational efficiency, cost per mile, on-time performance, etc. I sh1t you not. Before the Montclair Connection was built, I would be in Hoboken from Montclair (Walnut Street) in 18 minutes on the express train which smartly pulled into track 1-4. The Path took another 15 minutes and on a good day, I’d be in my office in 45 minutes door to door. Parking was $400 a year and the rail pass was $80.
Less than 20 years later, NJTransit is the joke of american commuter rail. I pay $840 a yeart to park. The rail pass is now up to $184 monthly (yes I save the $45 the PATH monthly used to cost). This station is 2 miles and three stops closer to the city than my old one. And on the best day it takes an hour (one-seat ride) to go the 12 miles.
The truth to NJ Transit is that it is rife with corruption at every level. They lost somewhere between 100 and 200 million dollars when these incompetent nincompoops didn’t move the trains to higher ground during Sandy against the urging by everyone ahead of the storm including the MTA! NJTransit is not suffering due to budget cuts. NJ Transit blows due to it’s own incompetence.
Golden service!!! I want decent. Reliable. And it’s our fault NJ transit is s mess!! Yeah me and Stu told them not to move the train fleet before Sandy. Good God!!
Just keep raising the taxes Stu and our monthly ticket will be 800 a month. Yes that’s the answer!!
Dow approaching 23,500. Wasn’t I talking about DJIA 23K like yesterday?
Maybe for $10,000 a month, my train will come on time.
Obnoxious. Your replies explain that you do not understand the problem at all.
3b says:
October 24, 2017 at 12:04 pm
Just keep raising the taxes Stu and our monthly ticket will be 800 a month. Yes that’s the answer!!
NJ Senators can’t fight on behalf, Menendez is too busy fighting corruption charges to vote.
Your replies clearly illustrate you don’t know jack sh!t about anything.
From his comment, what makes you think Juicebox is in favor of the legislation? Idiot
Hell he could be in jail before it comes up for a vote.
“Lefty…Can’t stand people like you.”
That is truthfully a great relief. Much like a litmus test, had you come back agreeing with me I would have questioned my own logic and sanity. As long as you and I are on different sides of the ledger, I am sure I am OK.
No arrogance here, just consistency. Go back and look it up. At least three years ago I asserted having a discussion with you was as productive as debating a reflection in the mirror. Everything you have done in the meantime supports it.
‘Nuff said. Stu sums it up nicely at 11:14a.
Mistakes happen everyday in all businesses. You just have a magnifying glass under nj transit because it’s state run.
They can’t raise prices, and their budget has been destroyed by politicians like Christie who refuse to raise taxes to help them. Ignorance is bliss!
What should they do, Einstein? Please explain.
“The truth to NJ Transit is that it is rife with corruption at every level. They lost somewhere between 100 and 200 million dollars when these incompetent nincompoops didn’t move the trains to higher ground during Sandy against the urging by everyone ahead of the storm including the MTA! NJTransit is not suffering due to budget cuts. NJ Transit blows due to it’s own incompetence.”
Some interesting weather about to blow through. I expect the rails to be sidelined for the commute home tonight. :P
I am obnoxious?? A little self awareness on your part would be most welcome!!
Mistakes happen every day in business that’s your answer?? In business somebody would pay for such a stupid mistake not NJ transit though!
How about the murdering engineer with sleep apnia? He was supposed to be tested annually. Whoops again!
How about the rampant abuse of disability, parental leave, organized call outs? Whoops, whoops, whoops again!
Shall I go on?
Getting pounded here by rain now. Looks like nighttime outside. After a funny morning of alternating overcast/sunshine.
Stu just raise the taxes ok and all those problems will just disappear!!
I bet Menendez gets off. Either way it’s a lose/lose for Democrats.
Says the guy looking in the mirror telling himself how much better he is. You really have no idea how much of an arrogant douche you are, but I don’t expect you to. It’s funny that you think you are capable of having a discussion with someone you don’t agree with……lmfao. No compromise with types like you, you are right, and everyone else is an idiot.
“That is truthfully a great relief. Much like a litmus test, had you come back agreeing with me I would have questioned my own logic and sanity. As long as you and I are on different sides of the ledger, I am sure I am OK.
No arrogance here, just consistency. Go back and look it up. At least three years ago I asserted having a discussion with you was as productive as debating a reflection in the mirror. Everything you have done in the meantime supports it.”
Just cut taxes and all the problems will just disappear.
3b says:
October 24, 2017 at 12:26 pm
Stu just raise the taxes ok and all those problems will just disappear!!
Never said that. There are numerous things that need to be done not just cutting taxes. Your solution to everything is to raise taxes.
Blame human nature. This is not only a govt employee problem. Just that your type ignores all the problems in the private sector and only focuses on govt because you feel that you pay their salaries.
STEAMturd questioning the gender of Hillary’s Cankle fluid. says:
October 24, 2017 at 12:24 pm
How about the murdering engineer with sleep apnia? He was supposed to be tested annually. Whoops again!
How about the rampant abuse of disability, parental leave, organized call outs? Whoops, whoops, whoops again!
Shall I go
It’s the truth. This can has been kicked so far down, you have no choice but to raise taxes as part of the solution.
3b says:
October 24, 2017 at 12:37 pm
Never said that. There are numerous things that need to be done not just cutting taxes. Your solution to everything is to raise taxes.
The fact that it’s state run means that there should be a magnifying glass on it.
Stop making your idiotic comparisons to private businesses. Private businesses can do whatever idiotic things they like, it’s their money.
State run enterprises SHOULD HAVE significant public oversight because there are no mechanisms for them to ever fail, to have incompetent management replaced, etc.
This is why NJ’s government and government run enterprises become cesspools of corruption, because IT IS EASY FOR THEM TO BECOME SO.
If 12 32 was for me then what can I say . Arrogant and a douche?? I have been called a couple of things over the years but never arrogant or a douche. As far as you saying you are consistent well that is just a shock! Though it really should not be. You are many things but consistent is not one of them. If the post was not directed to me then please ignore.
They are run like kingdoms with their “leadership” believing they were appointed by god.
Here comes the Lakewood of the North.
I hate religion!
Part of the solution? None of that money makes it where it was intended. Case in point. You want to invest in schools? 100 million dollars in donations from Zuckerberg to Newark. How much of that made it into classrooms or teacher’s salary?
My suggestion to the Orthodox community made much more sense.
Simply buy shares in PSEG, JCP&L, or whatever the local electric authority is. Have the Rabbinical Council mandate that the existing wiring can be utilized as an ERUV. The fact that the community has partial ownership in the company means they own the wires. This is nonsensical that a new wire needs to even be run to signify the ERUV. The ERUV is entirely a convenience aspect anyway, why is one wire correct, and another wire incorrect?
You’re welcome.
Such a stupid mistake… quick to judge. You know nothing about the situation. Everything is so easy in hindsight, right? I said, right? Maybe they didn’t have the budget for the overtime needed to move everything, the truth is, we don’t know. To call them stupid, is just ignorant on your part.
How many businesses make huge mistakes and declare bankruptcy? Why don’t we ask President Trump, a serial abuser.
3b says:
October 24, 2017 at 12:21 pm
Mistakes happen every day in business that’s your answer?? In business somebody would pay for such a stupid mistake not NJ transit though
And we raise taxes even more and kick the can further down the road!! The young generations be damned!!
Why are you surprised about HRC and the Russian connection? I was pointing it out back in 2014.
Northern Jersey (Bergen) getting hammered with wind and rain.
How many get some of their profit from public dollars. Through tax breaks, loans, infrastructure investments, etc…go on and on…..they are living off the govt tax dollar with zero oversight.
“Stop making your idiotic comparisons to private businesses. Private businesses can do whatever idiotic things they like, it’s their money.”
Nothing to see here.
And when they fail…..they go to the govt to declare bankruptcy. Even worse, they get bailed out by the federal govt. Enough said.
Here’s another fun one. The headline should read, “If you want to continue to use whatever doctor you want, regardless of whether or not they are in or out of network without copays, well then don’t complain about your healthcare costs skyrocketing. You are teachers. Not CEOs.
Never really understood the talking head assertions that blue state Republicans would block SALT rollbacks due to fear of not being re-elected.
On the State level, most taxpayers in the wealthiest states have Democratic senators anyway. NY, NJ, CA, MA, VA, IL all fall in that bucket.
On the representative level most districts with Republicans will benefit from the standard deduction tradeoff. The districts just aren’t that wealthy.
If you earn $80k in Upstate NY you are in the top 25% of earners. Go slowly and really think about that number. These Districts are overwhelmingly Republican, and 75% of the constituents earn less than $80k. A nice house up there goes for $250k which is barely affordable even to the top 25% earner. The average itemized SALT deduction for all areas of upstate NY ranges from $1500 to $4500.
A Republican House member with those demographics is going to vote AGAINST eliminating SALT and doubling the standard deduction? Don’t think so.
On the margin are there a few Representatives out there that may be hurt? King (Nassau), Zeldin (Suffolk), and Donovan (SI) may be vulnerable, may be. Possibly Katko (Syracuse). Otherwise, those Representatives where $80k = 25% percentile are from Districts that Trump won by 16-24 percentage points. That’s not a typo. 24 percentage points in the popular vote.
Then you have Districts like NJ11th that will be hurt but are reliably Republican. You think Morris County is going to elect a Democrat over this vote? Unlikely. Worst case, Rodney faces a real primary challenge this time. Republican infrastructure supports him in the primary and then he heads the ticket in the general.
The analysis that says “high tax State = vulnerable Republican” is way too simplistic. Work through all the math above and you come up with a handful of opposition possibly. Single digits of House members.
Provided some stupid provision doesn’t make it into the legislation this should go through. From a thoroughly Machiavellian viewpoint it would not surprise me if vulnerable Republicans were behind the 401k limitations that came out of Congress the other day. They realize SALT will pass, and their only chance to beat it is to sabotage the bill with something that really hits the general populace.
Costa Rica here I come. I swear, once I’m settled in down there, you are all welcome to visit. I’ll pick you up at Juan Santamaría for free.
3b, 12:32p was for me.
“No compromise with types like you, you are right, and everyone else is an idiot.”
Close but no cigar. Substitute “Pumpkin” for “everyone else”. Then you’ve nailed it.
I’ll never “compromise” with someone that talks out of their arse like you. That is the antithesis of everything I believe in – facts, logic, intellect, and rigorous analysis. Used to be this board was a place one could come for that type of discussion across many topics, until your ilk showed up.
And when they fail…..they go to the govt to declare bankruptcy.
Clearly you have no idea how that works either.
I’m fairly certain that Eddie would fellate the POTUS.
For sure.
clot was by far the most whip smart and erudite poster ever on these threads…….you arrived here way beyond his prime posting period… have no clue who he is or what he offered to the board, which was tremendous, and the board has suffered without his focused participation……
The Great Pumpkin says:
October 24, 2017 at 11:44 am
You never said anything when clot posted nonsense world is ending lines over and over, but you attack an individual like me because I don’t agree with most of what you state.
Left: well said.
The fact that you even compare yourself to clot on an intellectual level is astounding!!
Chgo did anyone ever find out why clot left and how he is doing? I know we had a fake clot for awhile.
STEAMturd questioning the gender of Hillary’s Cankle fluid. says:
October 24, 2017 at 12:43 pm
Here comes the Lakewood of the North.
I hate religion!
I heard clot was attacked by a band of rabid wolverines.
“Even worse, they get bailed out by the federal govt. Enough said.”
Dear pumpkin,
Which is the fault of the government for repealing a law in 1999 allowing companies to become too big to fail. Do you know what law I am talking about and who signed it into law? Public corruption is far worse than any private corruption.
He was a real estate guy and he became a broken man circa 2009-2010…..that self-loathing narrative was not false……I think once his son graduated high school (following his daughter), he was intent on leaving this area. He works with a wine importer, but I think he spends quite a bit of time traveling……time -> traveling……not “time traveling”, lest gourds be confused….many times I have seen him making reference to being in Central New York near his kids……he also had man breasts, so he may have been transitioning…..
3b says:
October 24, 2017 at 1:41 pm
Chgo did anyone ever find out why clot left and how he is doing? I know we had a fake clot for awhile.
Spends all his time bitching about US Soccer and drinking wine.
This sounds like at least one side of an argument between at least two of Pumps’ multiple personalities. And since it’s authored by one of them, you know it has to be pretty close to self-speak:
Says the guy looking in the mirror telling himself how much better he is. You really have no idea how much of an arrogant douche you are, but I don’t expect you to. It’s funny that you think you are capable of having a discussion with someone you don’t agree with……lmfao. No compromise with types like you, you are right, and everyone else is an idiot.
I’m surprised that a NJ news outlet reported it.
STEAMturd questioning the gender of Hillary’s Cankle fluid. says:
October 24, 2017 at 12:50 pm
Why are you surprised about HRC and the Russian connection? I was pointing it out back in 2014.
I’ve been yawning over “Uranium One” because I haven’t heard much of anything I didn’t know a year ago. I figured all of it was papered over with plausible documentation and multiple cut-outs, etc. I guess the “new” story is that there is perhaps some implausible, yet authentic, documents rising to the surface showing the intentional thwarting of investigations likely to lead to discovery and transparency?
Chai thanks. I remember some of what you are saying. He was legendary!!
I’m thinking that Hobo with a Shotgun still wanders by from time to time.
Well it’s much easier to publish anti-HRC material now that she’s done.
And Chi. That’s real good stuff. Love Louis CK and absolutely adore Conan who was by far, the best late night host ever. Shame the populace was too dumb to get him.
Russian spies? They only live in Montclair.
Speaking of the spies their house is getting a $200k face lift from a flipper.
Louis CK and absolutely adore Conan who was by far, the best late night host ever. Shame the populace
wasgot too dumb to get him.Who cares. Until we hold politicians to even a modicum of truth, we are just wasting our time dreaming. I’ve given up. End game is to save enough to get the heck out.
Good point ExPat. Things were different before our kids were all snowflaked to death. I had a conversation with Gator Jr. yesterday about the immature 12 year olds on his hockey team. He is just plain sick of them. Sunday’s antics involved our idiot kids stealing a kids hockey stick from the other peewee team (same club/different level) and ended with one kid getting slammed against a cement locker room wall by the kid who took the stick. There were no repercussions to the kids involved, but the team took the brunt of the punishment. I asked him why didn’t he stop it, and he said that whenever he tries to, the other kids tell him to shut up. I told him to just steer clear of those invalids going forward. I said, fear not. When those kids get criticized for their short-comings one day, you can make the choice whether to fire their crying asses or give them another chance.
Clot threatened to shoot me once on the blog… I found his cell phone number online and called him. We spoke for about 15 minutes. I liked him. Turned out to be a very intelligent and cool fella. But yeah, he liked guns. A lot.
2:29 what’s worse, being a schmuck or trying to supervise them. You decide.
Dems facing Russia probes.
“We’ve paid a big price for Chris Christie and Kim Guadagno. They gave out billions in corporate tax breaks. Millions to whitewash the Bridgegate scandal. Millions more wasted on empty office space. We got stuck with the bill.
Property taxes up. Train and bus fares up. College tuition up. Women’s healthcare funding eliminated. With Christie and Guadagno, we’re paying more and falling behind.
Four more years of Kim Guadagno is unaffordable.” Murphy
Sure … But who can afford Murphy?
Millions to whitewash the bridgegate scandal? Democrats spent the money on the witchhunt hoping to take down Christie, and they were completely wrong (said the court).
Yeah Murp is going to fix it all! How by raising taxes!! Christie was the only one who tried to rein property taxes in.
You missed my point. Do local and state govts get to declare bankruptcy? Certain class of citizens abuse the bankruptcy laws into a successful business. They are using govt laws to fu!k over people they owe money to. So yes, they use the govt for personal gain. Que, people like the gorgas on the housewives of nj. Run the bill up with one llc and then run it into the ground, and then do it again under another name. No one says crap, they just cry about govt cutting taxes, not realizing how the crooks in the profit sector are robbing us blind.
And don’t give me that bs line that it’s not our money, who cares. Understand the money had to come from somewhere, they are indeed robbing everyone else, but people are too naive in their understandings of modern economics to understand why.
grim says:
October 24, 2017 at 1:25 pm
And when they fail…..they go to the govt to declare bankruptcy.
Clearly you have no idea how that works either.
You had a point? That’s a hot one.
You missed my point.
Damn those real housewives of NJ!! Its their fault!! Raise those taxes!! Let’s go Murph!!
Grim you got that?? You are getting a lesson here! The money has to come from somewhere!!
Genius, tell me how trump’s bankruptcy in AC didn’t stick it in your a$$? The President of the United States was elected with the voters knowing how dirty he was business wise. And fools still elected him. What is he doing right now….creating a tax reform he claims he doesn’t benefit from, that’s it’s good for America….can I go puke now?
Leave my a$$ out of your ramblings please.
Yeah so they should have voted for the other one who is just dirty period.
Uncle Terry’s Photographs banned by Conde Nast and now Vogue — 2017 the year of the pervert purge.
Another tender Daddy & Me moment recalled by Pumpkin:
Genius, tell me how trump’s bankruptcy in AC didn’t stick it in your a$$?
Anyone that doesn’t like Jersey should leave. You are the problem, and the faster you leave, the better off this state will be. It’s time to unite, and enough with the divisive attitude. Why are you here if you only bring negativity and divisiveness.
We finally have an individual that is honest in his quest to help this state, and you attack him because this plan requires raising taxes. If you can’t live with that, than leave. Stop bringing everyone else down that wants to stay and is trying to help this state.
Lefty,lib, 3b—-why are you here? You call me an idiot, but you continue to live in a state that you hate and despise. That makes absolutely no sense. I just don’t get it.
Pumpkin, the millenial in you is shining. The only way to fix problems it to admit them, not hide from them and pretend they don’t exist.
Pumps I love Jersey. It used to be a great little state in my opinion. No longer the case. Me knocking it does not change that fact. And your boy Murphy will be a disaster for the state.
Against weak competition, Christie had the potential to be the best NJ governor in decades. Not beholden to unions, knows how get things done in the system, not an idealogue, willing to compromise, popular with the people at first following corruption-bustin success then Sandy response.
But he miscalculated and prioritized his executive department ambitions. Should have gone for Senate, beat Menendez, then go for Attorney General or Supreme Court when opportunity was right. In a few months, New Jersey is worse off than 8 years ago while Christie will be eligible for unemployment.
I’m voting for Kim. It doesn’t matter how high taxes are raised. It will never be enough.
You have kids? Would you allow anyone to speak to your child in the likes of Christie. You really give the guy too much credit. Then again, the same Christie supporters had no problem putting Trump in office. Now the White House resembles a chidfen’s daycare. It’s really sad. This is supposed to be a position of the highest order, and you have the individual tweeting rivals all day long.
Big question to take here….what does this say about the current crop of American voters that would put individuals like Christie and trump in important leadership positions? It’s insane. Could you imagine a child that is 8 years old catching wind of these buffoons speaking on YouTube? Worse, imagine they catch wind of the President’s twitter feed. Can only think of what these other countries think of us right now. They must be literally writing a book describing the end of America as we knew it.
Sad sad sad times.
Lib earlier described the pathetic behavior of his child’s teammates. How are those teammates acting any differently than trump or Christie?
Why isn’t Kim being vocal about the impact of proposed tax changes in NJ?
“Why isn’t Kim being vocal about the impact of proposed tax changes in NJ?”
They are all partisan hacks. You know, by the time it’s all said and done, I think Christie was actually pretty decent compared to the 5 prior. Shame he had presidential aspirations.
Clinton and the DNC behind the golden showers dossier?
“you arrived here way beyond his prime posting period” you sort make his point here. Clot was good before he went off the rails. WHen he went off, he went deep. Remember the shorting ETF he got stuck in for three weeks.
I hope the break for here is doing him some good.
Stu here is a Cheepo solution for you. You work early and are out early. Drive to Newark and park in the Prudential. I think early bird is $7 and its a 10 min walk to Penn. There are closer to the Pru, but they are $11 and up for the day. Downside is that you have to be out of all car parks in the area by 5:30 if there is an event on in the Pru.
If you go monthly at the Pru, it is $90, but you get a bonus of two tickets to the Devils a month. You get to pick from three games in the month. My buddy got two for this Saturday with a face value of $57 each. Again you would have to park for the Game which is $35 in the Pru or move your car to an out lot or the streets for cheaper.
Overall if you can live with the 5:30 exit, its a winner!
closer to the Penn
9:18 sadly he’d have been more grounded than Trump.