Deblasio and Cuomo just allowed rioters to again destroy and loot to the tune of tens of millions of dollars. NYC tourism is destroyed, nobody wants to come back to manhattan to work, tax receipts have vanished 50 percent of restaurants will not be reopening.
it it took 30 years to come back the 1970s when the city was broke city with demoralized and corrupt police And rampant crime, and we are heading there and probably worse.
Fabius. Nice try to deflect but the left owns the riots and mayhem. Political terrorism and violence are part of the playbook. Obama was mentored by a terrorist. His longtime pastor was famous for his down with America and goddamn America sermons.
These riots are wholly consistent with that ideology. Nothing but an attempt to sew as much destruction as possible in hopes of undermining the current order. These are terrorists and criminals operating under your banner.
I have rented my entire life except for 4 years. 1998-2002.
LurksMcGee says:
June 1, 2020 at 10:56 pm
I’ve been watching people dump on your opinions here for a few years and thought they were bullying. But on the racism topic, you’re truly ignorant (in the nicest way, as in you simply don’t understand).
For you to understand why “compete, beat them at their own game” isn’t so simple, here as 15 minute illustration on how wealth gap racially gets called into play today (as 3b’s father poignantly described)
Juice: NYC was already starting to decline again prior to this, but the riots that’s a huge hit. So many in Manhattan don’t remember or were not living in NYC during that time, and when we would talk about those days, they would question us and say was it really all that bad? Yes it was! There goes Bushwick, and Crown Heights as well. All those millennials will flee.
Take a look at the twitter feeds of leaders of the Democratic Party. Sanders, Schumer, Pelosi etc. There is no criticism of the rioters and looters because they know those people that rioted and looted are on the left and not the right.
And then go over and look at the tweets of AOC, Illan Omar etc twitter feeds no criticism either of the rioters and looters and not even trying to deflect and say it was the right that was out there destroying the cities.
Immigrants had it easy? Just stop. They had to learn a language, and fight for every single thing they achieved.
I’m going to say one more thing, and then I’ll stop, because I know you guys have your mind made up on this issue.
African Americans don’t have the work ethic or family values that these immigrants have. That’s why Mexicans are now passing up African Americans in America. Telling me people don’t put down Mexicans? Even African Americans treat Mexicans like crap(Yes, racist towards Mexicans), see it with my own eyes. Guess who is starting businesses and busted their a$$ at jobs african Americans wouldn’t take? How can Mexicans pass them up? Hard work and sacrifice, right? It’s not rocket science. Believe what you want to believe, but I see it first hand. I don’t need media to feed me bs.
This racism card needs to go. Enough already, if an African American wants to improve their life, they can, racism will not hold them back if they want it. But instead, let’s have a pity party because that helps as opposed to working hard to improve your lot.
I’m just being honest, but you don’t want to hear it. Now make up some bs that I’m racist for the position I’m taking.
Before you throw the racist nonsense at me, can you honestly agree with the choices a lot of African Americans are making when it comes to family, education, sacrifice, and hard work? I’m not saying all, because some do make the right choices and improve their lot (Obama and his wife are perfect examples), but the majority are destroying their life with bad choices and then blaming it on racism.
There comes a time and place where you have to acknowledge the impact of the choices you have made…
njtownhomer says:
June 2, 2020 at 2:17 am
They didn’t have 300 years here. Come on. There was clear discrimination, bias and social abuse almost till WW2. Barely a few decades were there but it was not tabula rasa.
Incoming immigrants from everywhere had a much easy time.
As racism, it is equally worse in Europe. There is not much police action there, but the scent is much thicker. That comes with the centuries of colonialism.
Trump is stuck in a vicious downward spiral. He is incapable of undertaking the policies necessary to address any of these three crises, so he grasps for actions that shock the senses—accusing journalists of murder, pulling out of the World Health Organization, trying to prosecute Obama-administration officials. These actions simply make matters worse, but he still doubles down again and again.
And don’t get me started with the put downs in the ghetto for african Americans making the right choices. They get accused of acting “white” by their peers doing nothing with their life. You believe that, they get put down and called white for trying to make the right choices. I wish I could help, but they won’t take my help.
9:02 “they” won’t take your help because they assume you have nothing substantive to offer. They are your lectures as vapid, useless drivel….kind of like your posts here.
So white racism is the only thing holding back the African American community. You honestly believe this? Only racism? How the hell did Obama become president then? Your position makes no sense.
Obama rode a wave that brought “fresh ideas” and a fresh face to office on the heals of another failed Republican administration. He mobilized minorities and whites to vote.
He was/is a very strong orator.
If nyc is indeed dying, this country is over. The economy has no chance.
3b says:
June 2, 2020 at 8:45 am
Juice: NYC was already starting to decline again prior to this, but the riots that’s a huge hit. So many in Manhattan don’t remember or were not living in NYC during that time, and when we would talk about those days, they would question us and say was it really all that bad? Yes it was! There goes Bushwick, and Crown Heights as well. All those millennials will flee.
#3b – AOC is going to get her wish she was encouraging her constituents to not go back to work after covid19 lock-down is over without concessions, raises etc. They can all be poor together again in Queens and the Bronx now, as a great many are now going to be permanently unemployed.
New York City, was facing 10 billion in lost tax revenue because of the Covid19 pandemic, and now with this further allowing the city to be looted and destroyed before lockdown is over is going to make it way worse. NYC is going to have to layoff huge amounts of workers right now.
I came from the Bronx. I know how bad it can get. I know why my family, cousins and friends , neighbors of all backgrounds all moved out in the 1970s. My 14 year old cousin who was almost raped if it was not for a neighbor intervening, the drug use and dealing that turned our parks into wasteland. The fires as the Bronx burned, the boarded up buildings, anyone who could get out did.
We only have 153 days until the election, it’s only going to get worse I am afraid.
I taught in a “black” district for 14 years. The talent and ability that I witnessed was inspiring. But then I teach a creative subject. I saw kids go from poverty to great schools and do so with skills I’ve rarely witnessed in real life. I’m in awe of the kids I was fortunate enough to work with.
I thought whites were racist, why would they put an african American in office? He proves you wrong.
ExEssex says:
June 2, 2020 at 9:07 am
Obama rode a wave that brought “fresh ideas” and a fresh face to office on the heals of another failed Republican administration. He mobilized minorities and whites to vote.
He was/is a very strong orator.
9:08 fresh ideas include simple empathy. Something you and every other republican seem to lack. Also the ability to string a sentence together using real words something “new” to the GOP. Leadership matters.
9:04 it’s not just blacks held back. The economy holds everyone except the wealthiest hostage. The poor just fight for the crumbs. This is about people of color dying at the hands of police.
The economy holds everyone except the wealthiest hostage. The poor just fight for the crumbs.
How did my father, he went times as a kid with no electric and slept on an old mattress, do it? Why do I see Indians buying convenient stores and doing it? How did the man power washing my property at this very moment do it? He came here from Central America with nothing and owns a lot of sweet-looking toys and a few trucks? How did he do it?
You’ve got to be kidding me with your myopic viewpoints Pumpkin. You just described Mexicans doing what Black people did for YEARS between ~1900-1950. (which included discriminatory practices for jobs, business loans, housing etc) I get it, you simply don’t know and that’s why when I say you’re ignorant, I’m saying it in the nicest way. You simply don’t know. The bad part is that you can’t critically think to realize that you don’t know. I’d bet money that in the 60’s you would think “they’ve been free for over 60 years, why do they need new laws that just eat into my pockets?”
Chifi, I know you’re offering anecdotal evidence. That same statement could be made for a black family with the same circumstances. The difference is the familial lineages that allowed you to get there. Not saying its impossible, what I’m saying is that there are vestigial obstacles that have compounded an ability to keep up.
How do you replace the nyc economy? You don’t. It’s simply impossible. I will stay optimistic that nyc finds a way, if not, there is no where else in America that can replace this economic engine. It’s over…
The Great Pumpkin says:
June 2, 2020 at 9:08 am
If nyc is indeed dying, this country is over. The economy has no chance.
The classic statement of someone trying to rationalize how their viewpoints are still ignorant to things that exist for black america.
And just to illustrate your logic, at one point you wondered how the cop who knelt on George Floyd could be racist because he had an asian wife. Please explain how a racist needs to be racist for ALL races and not just one.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, you choose to ignore the bad choices a lot of african Americans make. That’s on you, I can only take you to the river, can’t make you drink from it.
I forgot the nfl player’s name, but he was on the jets or giants. He had 13 kids with 13 different moms. He made it, was rich, but his kids are screwed. Why? Was money the issue or bad choices? Those kids are going to grow up f’ed up in the head and it’s all his fault. Not racism, but his bad choices.
9:08 I used quotes around fresh ideas btw.
I did that for a reason. Whatever nuance that was intended to say even clichés can sound refreshing after abject failure and literal blood in the streets. Sure the Matheus dove great. But for most Americans:
Don’t worry. All of those NYC displaced people will be looking to buy real estate in Wayne. The property values are going to quadruple. There will be more kids in your school that you won’t know what to do with. You can teach them all to BEE KIND. The tax revenue will be so impressive that your pension coffer will overflow. And you will be so wealthy that you can afford to buy both Grim and his blog from him and become the moderator of the best blog in NJ, if not America.
That NFL story is the worst blatant straw man I’ve ever seen. Bad choices are bad choices.
As Chifi’s anecdote points out, there are exceptions to the rule, otherwise there wouldn’t be a norm. And just because someone is ABLE to do something, doesn’t mean that the journey to get there isn’t difficult. How often/likely would a white person from a trailer park (not saying that’s chifi, just painting an impoverished picture) be able to overcome and succeed? Sure its possible, but there’s a reason that its more exceptional than normal.
Now compound that with the idea that the white person in this impoverished position didn’t get there because of bad choices, but because his family was blocked out of multiple opportunities throughout their family history.
If Obama had multiple baby mamas and abandoned his kids, would he be where he is today?
What do you want me to say? That racism is the only thing holding back the african American community? Want me to be fake and agree with you when I know it’s not true. They still have to make good choices, and I’m sorry, a good amount of african Americans are making terrible choices on a daily basis.
Some are doing great. If racism is truly holding down the entire race, how are some doing great things with their life? How is that possible? Can’t have it both ways…taking a position that racism is holding down an entire race when some that are making great choices end up doing great things.
LurksMcGee says:
June 2, 2020 at 9:38 am
The classic statement of someone trying to rationalize how their viewpoints are still ignorant to things that exist for black america.
Juice I grew up in the Bronx too. When I was a kid it was primarily white neighborhood formerly German/Austrian, who all left for the suburbs. It then became primarily Italian and Irish, with others here and there along with a few Germans/Austrians who did not leave. By late grammar school early high school there was an initial exodus and it was 50/50 white, Hispanic/Black. J Lo grew up in my neighborhood. No real issues, just different, by the mid to late 80s, the realtors flipped the neighborhood and than it became section 8 and crack houses. The working class Hispanics and Blacks moved out. My neighbor who was Jamaican and great friends with my Dad moved and begged my Father to leave, but my Father refused. Finally he was mugged at knife point outside his house in the late 90s and we got my parents out of there. So we saw it all the good and the bad. I took the 4/5 train for years, and than switched to the number 6 train for the second half of the trip home to the Bronx. There were some scary times, and the Black and Hispanic working people were just as terrified as we were on those rides. Those of us who grew up in diverse neighborhoods saw both sides, the good and the bad. It is amusing to watch these so called Liberals with their fake angst and white privilege silliness, they have no real basis to comment, no real life experiences, no understanding of the complexities of it all. I was a runner in a law firm in lower. Manhattan during high school and college and more than half of the others were Black, I knew all the DJs on WBLS which was a Black radio station at that time, which was on in our waiting room where we waited for the next assignment. We laughed and joked and there were never any issues. These white people who grew up in their Lilly white neighborhoods don’t have a clue and have never really interacted with minorities on a social level. And they don’t want them in their neighborhoods, unless they are Doctors and lawyers, or sports stars/celebrities.
And that’s terrible, but you can’t dwell on the past. You will go nowhere. You have to do whatever you can to make tomorrow a better day.
Are they being blocked out today? I don’t think so, but maybe I’m wrong. Blocking someone on race is a serious issue today. If they are, give me some examples. Are banks blocking them from loans on the basis of race? Colleges not accepting based on race? Employers not hiring because they are african American?
“Now compound that with the idea that the white person in this impoverished position didn’t get there because of bad choices, but because his family was blocked out of multiple opportunities throughout their family history.”
The US white majority will soon disappear forever. In a few more years whites will become the minority anyway. Central Park Karen may even live to see that day. And if it bothers her too much, she can look in the mirror and blame herself as it is her gender that decides the fate of her offspring, you know, my body, my choice..
Can’t wait to see it. Which race will people blame for their problems when whites are no longer an option? Wait till one of these other groups take control and make white racism look like child’s play.
Phoenix All birth rates have been dropping, and the only increase has been in white women over 40, and at that in many cases it’s one and done. I am one of 6, the days of large white ethnic families are over.
9:31…your dad? You mean you weren’t raised by wolves?
Your dad Ross the wave of rapid post-war expansion like every other American.
He probably banged your mom without birth control which led to him having you at which point he said, “enough”….
I grew up in the zip code with the highest number of COVID cases in Queens.
The other day the riot at Bedford and Church in Brooklyn. That was just a few blocks from my friend’s house in “Prospect Lefferts Gardens”…… or Flatbush to normal people. All the Middle Easterns would just assume I was Iranian or something and start rattling off to me in Farsi or Arabic. I didn’t have the heart to tell them I was technically a Jew.
3b says:
June 2, 2020 at 9:54 am
Those of us who grew up in diverse neighborhoods saw both sides, the good and the bad. It is amusing to watch these so called Liberals with their fake angst and white privilege silliness, they have no real basis to comment, no real life experiences, no understanding of the complexities of it all. I was a runner in a law firm in lower. Manhattan during high school and college and more than half of the others were Black, I knew all the DJs on WBLS which was a Black radio station at that time, which was on in our waiting room where we waited for the next assignment. We laughed and joked and there were never any issues. These white people who grew up in their Lilly white neighborhoods don’t have a clue and have never really interacted with minorities on a social level. And they don’t want them in their neighborhoods, unless they are Doctors and lawyers, or sports stars/celebrities.
High school music class…… African-American, Mandarin & Jew.
AA: white trash
M: black sh!t
AA: yellow piss
Teacher: stop and let’s go back to practicing the recorder.
AA: Syracuse grad
M: Cornell grad
J: Michigan grad
3b says:
June 2, 2020 at 10:14 am
It’s funny some of the most racist things I have ever heard have been said by one minority about another minority.
Home I don’t any uber wealthy that have big families, does not mean they don’t exist. I
Used to know a lot of very wealthy Mormons from my Goldman days who had big families, one guy had 22!!
Why would the (to be clear – evil felonious) cop stick his knee into the Floyd’s shoulder?
Why do these incidents happen with greater frequency?
People are stripping the context out of everything……
You know, you would think African American wouldn’t be racist to anyone else based on their experience and how much they focus on it. Nope, not the case. They are brutal to the Mexicans.
3b says:
June 2, 2020 at 10:14 am
It’s funny some of the most racist things I have ever heard have been said by one minority about another minority.
Think I’m making it up.. shhh, it doesn’t fit the agenda. Lurks, maybe you need to open up your eyes, not me.
“But as Ruiz, who was pushing her 1-year-old daughter in a stroller, walked home from Passaic Gifted and Talented Academy School No. 20 with her son that afternoon, the boy noticed they weren’t alone. Three boys trailed behind — and he recognized them.
“[He] turned to his mother and said, ‘Mom, those are the children that were threatening me, and they’re following us,’ ” Santiago said.
Moments later, a 13-year-old boy allegedly attacked. Santiago said the boy first punched Ruiz’s son in the face. When the 35-year-old mother tried to step in, the teen hit her and “threw her to the ground,” causing her to lose consciousness, Santiago said.
“This was a brutal hate crime, and it was committed by a 13-year-old,” Santiago said. “I don’t know what circumstances could give rise to a 13-year-old boy having such hate in his heart that he would commit this brutal attack and leave a woman essentially to die in front of her children without any remorse or any twinge of conscience.”
“The 13-year-old suspect is African American, Santiago said. Ruiz and her husband are Mexican and are in the United States on work permits while they await green cards, but their children are American citizens, he said.
The day before the alleged assault, Santiago said Ruiz’s son was in the school cafeteria when a group of students started mocking him about his ethnicity, telling him, “Go back behind the wall.”
In response to the bullies, Santiago said the boy “quite astutely” pointed out, “We’re all immigrants, so what are you talking about?” But instead of defusing the situation, “the other boys became violent” and started threatening Ruiz’s son, Santiago said.”
What conversation did we have where I mentioned anything about how other races treat each other. Again, the same could be said how some asian people are extremely xenophobic. Nobody is saying anything about black people systemically keeping another race down.
Does cherry picking your arguments prevent your brain from rupturing at the thought that you held a bad view for so long?
Lurks, I said my peace. Gave definitive proof that I’m not talking out of my ass and you claim I’m cherry picking. We agree to disagree. You are right, not all lives matter.
Not to get into a pissing contest, but every contractor I ever knew cooked the books in one way or another. Write off for cell phones for their children, tax dodges, claim their kid’s birthday party was a business meeting, dinner out was with partners, etc. And they bragged about it as well. Hired contractors who picked guys off the street, dumped them on my lawn with a gallon jug of water, a wheelbarrow, and drove off.
Plenty of police also run side businesses while working on the books as well.
It’s just the way it is.
“Why would the (to be clear – evil felonious) cop stick his knee into the Floyd’s shoulder?”
You think these guys need a reason? My guess is you have not experienced enough time with them when you are the accused. I have- and I don’t care if you believe me or not, they without a doubt are an irritable group at best. You don’t know what you are going to get when they come. They are like women with raging hormones. Some are fine and reasonable, others are bat shit crazy.
Seems like the media is no longer highlighting what is happening out there. Have to go to Twitter. They probably finally realized what their lust for negative news has created.
“Her sister was not the only shooting in Davenport last night. 3 Davenport police officers were ambushed in their car by a shooter who fired multiple shots at them. One officer was shot but has survived.”
Just go the the Daily Mail. All of the raging pathology of America is in full color on that site. Tabloid type journalism but you get a quick fast look- and most of it is verifiable.
Pumps, negative news is what sells. Be it from Oklahoma Bombing (an Arab guy that had rv toys in his luggage was arrested within a short amount of time), Y2K, the Ebola crisis. Nothing new.
Since you are a teacher, wouldn’t you get some questions from students that want to get a “white man’s perspective”? If you do, what do you tell them?
“My point is the guy is working, not f.ucked up in an alley way in an area that resembles a war zone.”
I get it. Lesser of 2 evils. So as long as a guy is working it’s okay for him/her to not pay their taxes. Guess it’s fine that the rest of us make it up for him. We don’t mind.
They don’t ask me, they already have their minds made up. And if they did ask me, I would give them the only answer they will accept or want to hear.
If you think I’m going to tell them their actions and choices can overcome the issue with racism, you are crazy. They will turn it into racism and I’ll be out of the job.
I’ll say what I believe on this blog, but I would never take that up in my day to day life. It’s like the “white privilege” movement. It’s counter productive. You aren’t getting whites to acknowledge their privilege, you are only pissing them off by constantly throwing it in their face. Same thing if I told minorities that hard work and smart choices can overcome racism. They will take it the wrong way and I’ll be worse off for it.
That’s why I laugh when business owners cry about taxes. In my head I’m like, you don’t even pay what you are supposed to pay, so why act like you pay such a high rate.
Phoenix says:
June 2, 2020 at 11:48 am
“My point is the guy is working, not f.ucked up in an alley way in an area that resembles a war zone.”
I get it. Lesser of 2 evils. So as long as a guy is working it’s okay for him/her to not pay their taxes. Guess it’s fine that the rest of us make it up for him. We don’t mind.
Omg, you’re so off base and so missing the point, I don’t have the energy to continue. The guy has a f.ucking sign on the side of his truck. The guy just gave me a f.ucking receipt. The guy is paying taxes on some level, to some degree. Every business owner in the f.ucking nation is somehow “lessening” their f.ucking tax burden, I’m sure. . Everyone except you, of course. You’re somehow comparing rioting crowds to a guy who busts his @ss and MAYBE even hides a few bucks. Holy, f.ucking shit. You’re are the epitome of some warped, f.ucked up, liberal reasoning.
“Saying we have a Race issue is a cop out. It’s a cop out because it allows those who are not racist, which is the far majority, to overlook what the real issue is in this world. We have a HUMANITY issue. I’ve seen people of all kinds of races be real shitty to people of other races, creeds, religions, sexual orientations, or to those who just see or think differently than them.
What happened in Minneapolis, was those officers lost the fact that a human being was under them, a human named George.. Unfortunately, being in the same line of work I can partially understand what they went through. When you struggle with a person during an arrest, that human factor can leave for a moment because the survival traits that are in all of us kick in. What you hope for is that your own humanity and the humanity of the officers around you kick in and tell you to sit the person up, or roll them over. For some reason, in this incident it didn’t happen. Is it because of lack of training or is it because a knee hold, which is part of their use of force procedure, has been used on so many occasions. Whatever the reason is, a human life is no longer able to be lived and at the end of the day, the outcome will always dictate the situation. And just like I can’t say I know what it’s like to be a minority, those who have never tried to arrest someone who does not want to be arrested, don’t know what it is like. But, we can talk and we can listen to each other because understanding is knowledge and knowledge is power.
I’ve spent the last week, like I have after many of these situations, trying to figure out what a bad cop is because in all of these scenarios the officers are labeled a bad cop or a bad seed. I believe in police work, just like in life, there are not a lot of bad people but bad situations and bad decisions, that often have more to the back story. I was in the newspaper a few years ago, for something as small as going back to check on a little girl from an ambulance call, where I brought her a birthday card and a stuffed animal. The support for that article was overwhelming and honestly quite humbling. But, the funny thing about police work is, even I know that if one day this type of unfortunate situation happens to me, how I will be labeled in an instant. In minutes of these situations happening, officers are labeled bad cops, racist pigs, without ever knowing who they are or what they have done in their career. Everyone of us that chooses this career knows, we can go from reading Dr. Seuss to preschoolers to going back on the road and being involved in a life or death situation. We can go from the perfect community cop to a racist pig, in the matter of seconds. Even knowing this we choose this. We choose this profession to protect our communities and to be there for people in need but we also know we are going to have to make decisions that affect people’s lives and freedom.
Selective outrage is one of my favorite terms in life and something I see all the time. We all have the right to be outraged when a life was taken the way that it was. But, some of those voices screaming in the street, are the same people that say when a heroin addict dies, “good, one less junkie in the world.” Humanity, they take away the fact that the person was human. That person had a family, that person had hopes, that person had struggles, that person had demons, that person was a human life. Some of those voices scream for somebody to die because they chose to wear a uniform to work. Those voices take away the human inside the uniform, the one who loves their family, the one that gets out of their patrol car to talk to kids, the one that stares fear in the face and takes guns and drugs off the street. Lives Matter, not black, not white, not blue, but lives that are meant to be lived.
So when we talk to our children about race, talk to them about humanity. Because, if we teach them about humanity, we may never have to teach them about race. And then, they can be the first generation to truly live in a world with humanity, instead of us versus them.”
I have no idea if those cops are beta, alpha or gamma males. Why are you asking me? As for the mask, I’ll wait another week, keep wearing it and then carry it with me when I walk into a public place. I noticed a few people here and there starting to test the waters… I’ll do the same. The fad is starting to fade.
Because your routinely call some people that. I was wondering if those actions warranted use of the term in your opinion.
I think it’s highly unlikely the executive order about masks is rescinded by the end of the week. I look forward to your stories about going into stores without one.
Fast Eddie says:
June 2, 2020 at 12:18 pm
I have no idea if those cops are beta, alpha or gamma males. Why are you asking me? As for the mask, I’ll wait another week, keep wearing it and then carry it with me when I walk into a public place. I noticed a few people here and there starting to test the waters… I’ll do the same. The fad is starting to fade.
A lot of cops are on a power trip. I look back at my run ins with the police as a youth and realize it now much of how they conducted themselves was in direct conflict of how our legal system should work.
There most certainly is an issue with the narrative being pushed. Facts do not back up the claims of elevated risk for Blacks when dealing with police. Quite the opposite in fact, you are more likely as a white suspect to be shot and more often than not POC are shooting POC. Most likely as a result of the BLM movement white officers are very reticent when encounter black suspects because they do not want their lives ruined by BLM. Other HUGE issue with BLM is not understanding that fatal encounters can be justified and treating all instances with the same outrage. Outrage and demands for justice should be legitimate, when Mike Brown attacked the police officer there to arrest him the outcome makes perfect sense. Equating all of these situations as similar legitimizes the claims.
I’m going to say it and get a lot of hate for saying it “All lives matter”, co-opting police brutality as a black issue is totally wrong and racist. My uncle(god rest his sole), had a criminal streak when I was younger, the police would beat him up when he got arrested. Police are more likely to stop Black folks put that also has a lot to do with elevated criminal activity in predominately black areas. No one wants to admit it, much like terrorism is most likely committed by muslims in the West, most gangs are black or latino so violent crimes are disproportionately committed by blacks and latinos. Excessive force is a problem but not just against black people, we don’t even hear about cases where cops kill innocent white people. Claiming cops are “killing black people indiscriminately” is absolute non-sense and there is zero data to support the claim or sentiment. More over while BLM has caused a reduction in white officers killing blacks(to the point where there is now a bias in the other direction), criminal homicides in black communities have gone way up as police back away from aggressively policing.
The impact of criminality and gang activity in cities that are predominately black has a huge effect of life and economic prosperity. As a result of all of the violent crime business actively avoids these areas, there are fewer conveniences for the people living there and less economic activity. If the people involved in BLM(no not the bureau of land management) actually cared about black lives they’d address the elephant in the room which is crime in their communities, the percentage of people living in the hood who are victims of crime is staggering and those innocent victims pay a huge price.
Furthermore on the debate between pumps and lurks, there are always two sides to an argument and the truth is usually somewhere in between. Opportunity for black folks has really only existed for 40-50 years barely 2 generations and not even to the full extent until our generation. Opportunity to really succeed as a black person has really only been in our generation so of course anything looking at accumulated wealth hasn’t accounted for that fact and thus makes it a poor indicator of how equal or unequal society is at this point. Point is most people are not born into wealth, it is a small number. On the topic of reparations, the contributions of slaves, etc. We cannot look at the 19th century through a 21st century lens, labor was abused, labor is still abused just not to the same level. Truth be told at that time a laborer was lucky to sustain themselves, infinitesimally few would have had any excess funds to build wealth, almost none owned land. Things were very unequal in the 19th century, if your immigrant ancestors came during this period they were likely Irish, possibly Italian and would have had considerable difficulty even keeping food on the table, they did dirty, hard, dangerous jobs for peanuts. Most did not get ahead, our grandparents, the greatest generation is where opportunity began to present itself, blacks were excluded. We only now are starting to see black folks succeed and it is a wonderful thing. At this point the biggest thing holding back black folks is not Racism. That is not to say it doesn’t exist, isn’t a problem, etc., it is just not the largest issue facing black folks.
To pumps’ point there was a lot of discrimination against a lot of immigrant groups, my father was a victim of discrimination when he entered the work force(and we are talking about the 70’s) as he was not a WASP and was very much excluded from opportunity as he was not a member of the “club”, Ivy league educated but not the right background, not one of them. What did he/we do, we made our own, our own firms, our own country clubs, we didn’t wait to be let in. What blacks have done to this point has been very limited in this regard. At this point there is cultural hostility to education and success in African American culture, I’m friends with a lot of successful black folks most of them are Jamaican or from someplace else, either immigrants or first generation americans. Biggest factor in their success was higher education, no college or in most of their cases masters degree….no high paying job. The opportunities they had came as a result of education and achievement in education. Comparatively as parents my wife and I are slackers, these people are like tiger moms with their kids. Our friends sent their kids to a fancy private school in manhattan for elementary school, 40k per kid, they did a couple of years and decided it wasn’t good, the school was too easy on the kids not enough homework…they didn’t feel the kids were getting ahead. When we start to see African American culture moving in that direction we will see more success. Hostility towards education is one of the biggest factors holding back African Americans.
He is no role model. But it is not up to the police to play equalizer.
It’s time for this country to admit to it’s racism, much like South Africa did with it’s apartheid. Want to stop the riots? Start apologizing. Start listening. Stop accidentally deleting the cop cam of every single police homicide case. Stop wrongfully imprisoning innocent black men who are to poor to afford a decent lawyer and who are coerced/scared/tricked into taking blame for crimes they did not commit. From Loima to the accused Central Park jogger rapists, to Rodney King, to the countless kids in hoodies, to Floyd, the list is endless. There IS A SYSTEMIC ISSUE within the THIN BLUE LINE. It’s time to admit it and do something about it. I understand the anger and pain. It is justified. Because no one is listening. AGAIN and AGAIN. And it’s not partisan. Though stoking the anger of black men to continue to riot is a hell of a way to try to stop them.
One other thing. It is really systemic. There is no denying this. I absolutely couldn’t believe the Bloomfield case a few years ago. You start digging and there appears to be cases like this everywhere you look. Yeah, it sucks to be a cop. BUT IT IS NOT YOUR JOB TO PLAY EXECUTIONER.
I searched for the case I was referring to. I found this.
So, if I tutor for one of your kids, what would you prefer? You can pay me $100 or you can pay me $120 and I can declare it. Who exactly is getting ripped off here?
Chi, bigger than 2009 criminal history was the fact that the guy was high on a poor mans speedball. Fentanyl and Meth, have any of you seen what a person coming down off meth looks like. I’ll reserve some judgement until we see the missing footage before he is face down on the ground.
If you don’t like what I have to say, ignore it and move the f.uck on. I’m not here to report to you, follow-up, appease you, entertain you or debate you. If I irritate you, then don’t respond and even more, scroll past my posts.
Jcer gets it. Absolutely agree with your post. I feel like it’s an embarrassment to be racist in my generation. No one I know supports that crap.
Your posts remind me why there is no hope to resolve this. This line especially. It should be a crime to instill this mindset into young african Americans. Talk about trying to suck the air out of them and give them no hope. Thinking you have no chance and are f’ed is a failing mindset. You have no chance because you never gave yourself a chance.
“If you are born black in this country. You are fukced. Time to start admitting it and do something about changing this.”
That article in particular illustrates some of the problems very well…
1) without the video, all we have is the cop’s word/report on what happened and that is always given more weight in a trial absent anything else… i never knew why
2) the prosecutor’s office couldn’t be bothered to do their job of investigating and to get all the video initially
3) the defense had to file OPRA requests to get all the video, why wasn’t it turned over by the prosecutor … rhetorical question, see #2
4) “An initial internal affairs investigation found no wrongdoing by the officers”
5) the third officer who pled guilty to falsifying and tampering with records was allowed to retire and received probation (needless to say we know why)
There is so much material to prove our racism, you could fill a library. You know, as a Jew, it’s amazing the feelings that a simple symbol can evoke. For instance the impact of the swastika. I can only imagine how a black person feels about the confederate flag? Yet half this racist country will bend over backwards to make sure they can fly the symbol of racism. If you are proud of the South. Great. But show some respect.
Remember you said that if a store employee says you need to wear a mask or leave, you’re going to refuse… and if they say they’re calling the police, you said you’ll wait for them and let them arrest you. Come on, be an alpha male… be a man of your word.
Wearing a mask when out in public/shopping etc is no big deal, I don’t understand people not wanting to wear one. Even if it does not do a lot, it does offer some protection.
Libturd, why was the victim followed by police? Was the guy arguing with the officers family member? Does not make it right, but would not make it as random as it appears
joyce 1:39 – Gary is a liar: both to himself and others. Add to that an incredible lack of self awareness that requires an exhausting facade needing to be fed by “daddy” stories of how special and hard working they’re unfortunate gene expression taints in Jersey.
The cost of renting an apartment in the Bay Area plummeted in May, as layoffs and the increased flexibility of working from home drove a double-digit drop in some of the nation’s most expensive housing markets.
Rents for a one-bedroom apartment dropped most in the cities richest in high-paying tech jobs, falling 9.2% in San Francisco compared with May of 2019. In Mountain View, home to Google, rents fell 15.9% year over year, while in Apple’s hometown of Cupertino rents dipped 14.3%, according to the rental search engine Zumper. In San Bruno, where YouTube has its offices, rents tumbled 14.9%.
“It’s a dramatic drop in San Francisco and the South Bay,” said Zumper CEO Anthemos Georgiades. “This is real. We have never seen anything like it.”
Just walked into the bank. I was going to go to the ATM but the lobby was open, much to my surprise. Two tellers present… walked in without a mask, made a transaction, walked out. No one said a word.
Add to that an incredible lack of self awareness that requires an exhausting facade needing to be fed by “daddy” stories of how special and hard working they’re unfortunate gene expression taints in Jersey.</I<
Bonnie, there is a chance that he may be trolling too. He belittled the same economic growth from Obama, but lauded the ones from Trump. Of course, the posts of big pay increases every now and then too :)
Just saw a video of them trashing a Mercedes Benz dealer in Oakland. Broke in, set an SLR on fire… spray painted eat the rich on other cars. That poor SLR.
It’s interesting that these kids glorify the celebrity lifestyle, walk around in Fucci everything, and then go spray eat the rich on cars.
You mean the 14.8% poverty rate, the largest number of people on food subsidies, the median household income that was the same in 2015 as in 2007, the weakest recovery in 60 years as of 2015 and the $887,000,000,000 laundering operation a.k.a the shovel ready jobs that were not so shovel ready?
Unless you know something I don’t, no relationship whatsoever. As far as I remember, no rap sheet either. Just a couple of white racist cops out to beat up a black man. The argument was inconsequential. If you are black, just assume you will be followed and there is a fair chance, beat up for no reason. He did not resist arrest. It is a shame he succumbed to his best intentions which was not to leave the car for the illegal search. Perhaps now you know why black guys always refuse to leave the car. It’s a dangerous proposition. This is the privilege the rest of us don’t realize we have. Sadly, it’s with everything.
Listen, until people realize the error of their judgement, this will continue. A smart town like Bloomfield, would intentionally hire way more cops of color and latino origin than even the demographics of the population dictate. When I hire, I always favor minorities. It’s two-fold. I like to give people a more even playing field when I can. Second, I find that in my experience, people given a break tend to work harder than those born on first base. Shame, I understand this, but the general population does not. Certainly the hiring managers in Bloomfield (and Glen Ridge) don’t. Why? Because they are inherently racist.
Now I’m not looking for a pat on the back or any kind of praise for trying to balance things out. At one time, I was dumb enough enough to think that living in Montclair was somehow helping my cause (which I can’t tell you how many ignorant white neighbors of mine in Montclair have actually claimed that I left Montclair to leave diversity). The truth is, you need not live among minorities to break the cycle of racism. I’m proud that my kids don’t have a racist bone in their bodies and understand privilege even more than I do. I can’t say the same for my parents. I learned the harder way, at Montclair State. And I am much richer for it.
Listen, this isn’t political whatsoever. It is an incredibly difficult lesson to learn. These riots, which most of us non-blacks have absolutely no understanding of is the result of pain. It is the result of not being heard.
Us white guys like to look for the victims criminal past. We look for excuses for the cops. We look for conspiracies and explanations where they don’t matter in the least. Until you understand the concept of privilege, you can’t even begin to try to make sense of it.
This is not about having thick skin. This is not about just bad cops. This is about people not listening. And at some point, the anti-gun crowd is going to erupt in the same manner if the gun nuts don’t start making some concessions.
TGP, I didn’t call you . Just wanted to highlight the importance of tabula rasa and being non-colored here. There is a social swamp they have to get out too, as immigrants not much to hold you back. I agree with you partially though. Work hard, earn high. They have excellent role models, more than the immigrants in general.
As for the maskless fearless folks, how about Depend instead of using public restrooms?
I would love for someone to do a study comparing the arrest rates/violent incidents between rich well dressed/well spoken African Americans and poor African Americans. That would answer a lot of questions.
That’s what it’s about. Work hard and don’t ever give up. Like I tell my students; you have one life to live, do something amazing with it. One day you are going to be on your deathbed, don’t let it be in regret.
Some might think this is harsh, but taking your only life and wasting it away crying about how racism is holding you back…that’s sad. You wasted your life in pity.
You don’t like racism. Okay, so figure out how to get over it. Oh right, money is more powerful than racism. Money is racism’s kryptonite. Ask OJ. He understood this.
That’s why I truly believe it’s a class issue. I don’t believe rich African Americans experience racism.
Take an african American surgeon and African American kid from Paterson. Who will experience racism and police violence? Why? Maybe because poor people have always been treated like animals. Go see how India treats their poor.
So I agree with that post I shared earlier. Racism is a cop out. It’s really about an issue of humanity. Poor people get treated like crap now and have since the beginning of human history.
Present it a different way. Do you think Kanye West’s kids will experience racism/police violence? If it’s truly a racist issue, they should experience it regularly, correct? They will never experience it.
So NY State considers invading NYC to prevent an invasion by the US.
The non-violent protesters are out marching again in NYC, looks like even more than yesterday, curfew is now 8PM and Big Bird is not calling in for reinforcements, as the National Guard is not trained as he says to deal with this, even though the drill on riot control all the time.
Grab your ticket and your suitcase
Thunder’s rolling down the tracks
You don’t know where you’re goin’ now
But you know you won’t be back
Darlin’ if you’re weary
Lay your head upon my chest
We’ll take what we can carry
And we’ll leave the rest
Big wheels rolling through fields
Where sunlight streams
Meet me in a land of hope and dreams
As I stated earlier a lot of cops like to beat people up as a rule, my uncle with the criminal streak would be beaten up when arrested quite frequently. Cop who pulled the dude from his car and administered the beating appears to be Dominican, kind of blows the whole racial argument. Cops can get rough if they think the guy abused is wife or girlfriend. I’m not excusing the behavior thankfully there was a dashcam and justice was served. The argument of being afraid to get out of the car, etc doesn’t fly with me, the idea that there is this magical black target doesn’t fly, the guy fled a domestic dispute when the cops showed up immediately drawing suspicion. The idea that cops totally abuse their power, they are willing to lie, manipulate, etc to cover their own a$$es I can get behind. Our legal system doesn’t permit the presumption of guilt nor application of punishment by the police, in this case the officers got what was coming to them. I’m all for reforming our law enforcement and criminal justice system. There was a case some years ago I forget where but a cop shot a white dude during a domestic dispute call and the guy had his hands in the air the entire time.
As for the exoneration of wrongly accused people, rather than ascribing a racial motive to everything lets just admit that our criminal justice system is not the best, they make a lot of mistakes and they are largely judged in their careers by how many cases they solved and successfully prosecute. The unlucky people who are wrongly accused and convicted are in the wrong place at the wrong time without a good alibi, typically they get put away by unreliable witnesses and prosecutors who believe strongly that the person is guilty regardless of the evidence in hand. When the crime occurs in a predominately black area, the victim is black, it stands to reason the perpetrator is black and the wrongly accused is also frequently black.
I refuse to believe this day in age that there is large contingent of racist cops hell bent on harassing black folks. Especially given the number of POC who have careers in police work. It’s not 1890, 1920,1950, 1970, 1980 or even the 1990’s it’s 2020 things are very, very different now. The isolated cases of racism are serious and should be handled with all seriousness. Inherent bias is a real thing and something we should all be cognizant of.
Lib to your point your children understand it better and it makes sense. My daughters best friend is latino, her other friends are chinese, indian, black, white, pretty much every group is represented(even some very unlikely combinations) she’s a young child but the visual difference(why don’t we look the same, why is our hair different, why is our skin a different color) were evident at preschool age, the question was asked why because we are all from different countries but we are all the same inside just people, oh ok was the response. Growing up with the diversity the whole process of bias changes, because of what is imprinted on her and how her parents behave towards different races. There are no pre-conceived notions because she actually knows and likes and associates with people from those different groups. It’s different in my generation my parents weren’t inherently racist but they also didn’t associate a lot with other races on regular basis just because of the defacto segregation and only in later years have they been exposed to different races, my parents had quite a few latino friends but no black friends. I grew up more exposed to latinos and therefore am a lot less likely to carry bias or stereotypes against them. I’m fairly certain my parents had bias but it was never overt and they always told us not to judge based on race or preconceived notions. Now there parents were not quite as excepting, part of it was the era they lived it but they also kept away from minorities. My grandparents are all dead but the way they talked indicated they had no understanding of the other races, those people were just others that they didn’t associate with that they expected would essentially be separate.
The future is colorblind, any focus on race is wrong, the focus on white guilt is very, very bad. I’ve seen what it does to people my in laws are uber liberal and it really messed up my brother in law. Trying to right historical wrongs is not the right way to go about it and it perpetuates a situation that has gone on too long. In individual cases I’m all for giving allowances and trying to help people succeed, but we must not make excuses and we must not make people victims. That is the difference in mindset between African Americans and immigrant Blacks, one group has a victim mentality and the other is here to exploit the opportunities that are out there. Focusing on race divides us, we need to stop it’s not healthy, no child should have to atone for the actions of their forebears. We are born the way we are born and no one should have to apologize for it, you should be judged on your merits, period end of story. I know I won the being born lottery, my parents who had literally nothing managed to become very successful. I was born into privilege but not white privileged, it was hard work and perseverance on my parents part that made them wealthy, I had advantages others didn’t because of this. A lot of my parents friends growing up are in prison, some who were victims of the criminal justice system because they were poor, these people are all white…..
On a side note, pumps even well dressed, well off, black folks are subject to a greater number of traffic stops, especially in Essex county. They police try to keep Newark out of the suburbs. By you the police are trying to keep Patterson out, so I am almost certain black residents of Wayne are pulled over more often than white. I have a friend he came from Jamaica as a small child, he now makes well over 300k a year as a software developer in prop trading(he’s a good developer, we met when I hired him, his career has gone better than mine….not that I’m complaining but those front office jobs are few and far between). He lives a few towns from me, doesn’t blast music(i’ve heard him complain about driver blaring their music), drives a nice car but he’s told me he gets pulled over sometimes for no reason in the NJ suburbs, DWB, cops aren’t rude or anything but you just have to be cordial, they waste your time checking you out and then your on your way. It’s not right, but it happens, it’s probably not even racism most times but just inherent bias.
Lib, thanks for clarifying. I only asked as that seemed like a lot of effort just to kick someone down for no reason. He may have been rude to the cop but still no resean to follow him. I thought I may have missed the back story. Ie: officer was notgoing let him treat family like that.
As for racism, my wife is a minority and 15 years have taught me a lot. One thing she has taught me about race is never assume a racial slur, joke, or comment is no big deal. You don’t know a person’s life experiences and what they went through to get where they are. Your idea of hey it is no big deal get over it is the vixtims lifetime of pain and shame.
Jcer, had a Nigerian machine tech that worked overnight shift for me. 1- yes he would get pulled over at 1am going home in the suburbs. 2 he had a positive attitude and had a lifetime of crooked cops in Nigeria so he would let it go. 3. He only told me but he wake up for his second job at 6am. Guy was here 8 years and was able to purchase a home in white suburbs of Bergen county. Loved the guy even when we did argue we could let it go.
Call it by whatever names you like but it doesn’t change what it is. Getting pulled over because you are black is racism. If you are being pulled over, what else is happening to you exclusively because of the color of your skin? Do white people ever need to even think about this? It really isn’t complicated. There are endless examples.
On the topic of police killing people, how about Daniel Shaver in Mesa, AZ. Oh and the cop was acquitted, dude was a pest control guy with an air rifle someone called the police on him, dude was pleading with the police not to shoot him, we don’t even hear about these cases but they are exactly the same as these cases with black men. It’s not just a black thing this was a very white guy, on all fours in hotel hallway, yes he was drunk still totally unjustified, the guy was complying and not a risk. We have a justice system issue, we have a cop issue, not only should police be criminally liable they should be personally liable.
The murder of Daniel Shaver was national news. The cop was tried, acquitted and reinstated so he could retire on disability due to the PTSD, if real, of his own making.
JCer says:
June 2, 2020 at 6:01 pm
On the topic of police killing people, how about Daniel Shaver in Mesa, AZ. Oh and the cop was acquitted, dude was a pest control guy with an air rifle someone called the police on him, dude was pleading with the police not to shoot him, we don’t even hear about these cases but they are exactly the same as these cases with black men. It’s not just a black thing this was a very white guy, on all fours in hotel hallway, yes he was drunk still totally unjustified, the guy was complying and not a risk. We have a justice system issue, we have a cop issue, not only should police be criminally liable they should be personally liable.
And all of these goes to the heart of what is up in the moment, and that is the fading “rule of law”. Whether is Trump/Barr/Federalist Society/Koch money/ Clinton Foundation money, etc…. and at a local level in NJ, the famous PBA card that let’s someone “connected” drive like a jerk/tinted windows/etc – but it says “I’m above the law”… All are slowly erasing the “Rule of Law” that has made this country different.
Where we are heading is “might makes right” aka Latin America. Uniforms slaughter people, people expect the worse from the uniform and shoot back all when they can.
JCer said,
We have a justice system issue, we have a cop issue, not only should police be criminally liable they should be personally liable.
You know it would be a beautiful thing if humans could just get along. It really would.
Is it too much to ask to have a society that rewards hard work and good behavior, and treats everyone equally? Thousands of years and humans haven’t even come close to it EVER. Pretty pathetic.
That’s ultimately what I pray for, that out of this negative energy and rock bottom position, we come together as a nation and make America the greatest society in the history of mankind.
In the US, presently with “Rule of Law” . Stay and grow with a department until a retirement (NJ with no police officer licensing) or Grow your rank and pay as you transfer with different departments (very common in State with Police Officers have licenses – they behave like a nurse at a hospital does).
In the future US, with no rule of law – AKA the Mexican Cop career path. Rob, steal, kill and get paid off until you get killed or hit your magic number, and then you quit and move to another part of the country where no ones knows you and change you identity and start out in some new field, keep a low profile and enjoy your lots of cash.
As a beleaguered Trump administration struggles with an unprecedented surge of domestic challenges, foreign leaders friendly and otherwise are recalibrating their strategies for coping with an unconventional administration embroiled in turbulence. It now looks as if China, Russia and Germany have decided how to handle President Trump through November. Berlin will ignore him; Moscow and Beijing will take advantage of U.S. distraction.
For Russia, this means overlooking its own economic problems and the coronavirus pandemic to step up its engagement in the Libyan civil war. For its part, the Chinese leadership seems to believe that it is impossible to conciliate Mr. Trump, but that there is also little to fear from him. An economic crisis worse than 2008, the greatest surge in racial and political dissension since 1968, and a presidential election likely to test America’s strife-filled political climate—no Chinese leader, least of all Xi Jinping, could be expected to ignore opportunities like these.
30 yr, poor white folks in beat up cars also are frequently pulled over. Black folks even in nice cars are pulled over that is the difference. My uncle with the criminal streak would get pulled over all the time for no reason(besides having an old beat up car), pretty much anytime he visited there was a good chance the cops would pull him over, beat up cars from the 1970’s in ritzy neighborhoods will do that. After my dad bought him a new car it stopped, he didn’t get pulled over….until he wrapped it around a telephone pole after which it was decided he should no longer drive.
Here is the deal, we have reached the apex. Post WWII the combination of death and destruction along with unprecedented advances in technology left us with a society in the West(Europe and the US) as well as Japan unlike the world had ever seen before, the destruction in industrial capacity created such a demand for labor, unlike the world had ever seen. This demand meant that workers now began to enjoy a much higher standard of living, this reached it’s peak sometime in the late 1960’s and we have been on a downward trajectory since then. We sold our manufacturing to the third world, white collar people continued their advance higher in society. We had a computer revolution where by engineers and nerds made a killing….until we sent that work to the third world, the 1990’s boom period was fueled by this. We also automated the hell out of a lot of those white collar jobs with the new technology, what we couldn’t automate we offshored. Some got rich and others went broke or into debt as a result to maintain there living standard. All we have now is contraction and debt.
Through all of this “rule of law” has always been unevenly applied. The individual is not protected, rule of law applies to wealthy and business entities. The poor are not protected by the law, to the law you are a source of revenue….a “cow to be milked” so to speak. If you have enough resources you can enforce your “god given constitutional rights” if not then they are negotiable subject to the whims of a bureaucrat or government worker.
It’s definitely an improvement. In my opinion, it’s still too slow… plus even when caught on video doing heinous acts, cops are not charged, overcharged, protected by prosecutors in other ways and/or judges create awful legal concepts like qualified immunity, etc.
chicagofinance says:
June 2, 2020 at 7:53 pm
Isn’t the new paradigm that there is omnipresent video?
Isn’t that point driven home in the Floyd case?
It is easy for me to say, but sometimes isn’t it darkest before dawn.
joyce says:
June 2, 2020 at 1:28 pm
1) without the video
Are pepperball guns the cops new favorite toys? I don’t seem to recall that being a “crowd control method” until recently. I wonder if a cop shoots a pepper ball at/near someone… is it the innocent person’s duty to realize it’s a harmless projectile and not something more dangerous?
But in a letter to state lawmakers, whistleblowers who identify themselves as members of the state’s Pandemic Response Team say they have no idea what specific data points the governor uses to make those decisions, because he rarely consults with them. They say this leads them to conclude the administration is “making things up as they proceed or making decisions and justifying them on the back end.”
“Whistleblowers: Gov. Murphy rarely consults with health officials on COVID-19 crisis…this leads them to conclude the administration is “making things up as they proceed or making decisions and justifying them on the back end.””
Shee-it. No news here. I told you this at least six weeks ago about Governor Fcuktard….
If these protests were taking place weeks ago before things started to reopen piecemeal, I wonder what Murphy would say about these large gatherings. His head would explode trying to figure out the politics.
It’s official, not hard at all race riots>Pandemic lockdown. I’m pretty sure the DNC releases cliffs notes on their national positions for idiot governors.
Joyce/Jcer. Agree. Which brings up another point….
Murphy and DeBlasio make me physically ill. It is the same feeling I see described by people who hate Trump. As such, I rarely criticize the anti-Trumpers personal feelings as I can relate.
Will be interesting to see if they can. Or if their liberal arrogance and lack of self awareness will engender a dozen responses arguing that there is no equivalency among the politicians, ie. their personal political feelings are valid but others aren’t. Let’s keep count.
One thing to consider when you mention that its not the 1890’s, the 1920’s, 1930’s, 1940’s, 1960’s, not even the 1990’s……In each of the those periods, someone said the same statement that you did of the previous time period. In the 80’s they said its not the 60’s and that racism is gone. In the 60’s they said slavery happened so many years ago, why are they complaining.
Gov. Phil Murphy has repeatedly claimed his policies to reopen New Jersey after the pandemic-related shutdown are rooted in science, citing the mantra that “data determines dates.”
But in a letter to state lawmakers, whistleblowers who identify themselves as members of the state’s Pandemic Response Team say they have no idea what specific data points the governor uses to make those decisions, because he rarely consults with them. They say this leads them to conclude the administration is “making things up as they proceed or making decisions and justifying them on the back end.”
Murphy declined to address the allegations saying, “We don’t spend any time responding to anonymous anything.”
Republican state Sen. Declan O’Scanlon is requesting a legislative investigation. “The governor says he’s paying attention to his health officials,” he says. “The health officials themselves are saying ‘no he’s not’. This is insane.”
If you can always be 100% certain of which side of an issue a person will support, you can be nearly 100% certain that person is just pandering to their supporters.
Some of these protests in suburban white areas appear to be organized by high school kids (who have been home for 3 months) with the direct assent of their parents and school officials. Remember when “protests” were seen as subversive acts? As in, your parents didn’t like them?
Some of these protests in suburban white areas appear to be organized by high school kids (who have been home for 3 months) with the direct assent of their parents and school officials.
If you are thinking of protests without any looting and such, there has been precedent
— climate change related walkouts in middle and high schools come to mind. If you are thinking of subversive activities and have some evidence, you reach out to the authorities. If not, you are creating a problem for others and yourself.
The general talking points seem to be something along the lines of: “We perfectly understand people’s right to protest what took place, though obviously we also believe that protest should take place in a lawful and reasonable way, and according to social distancing rules”.
D-FENS, what would your date for reopening have been? Not to stir the pot, but curious. Models are going to be uncertain, there is economic impact due to shutdown, there is a significant possibility of exposure and sickness/death if there is no shutdown.
I’m saying some of this craziness going on now can be sourced to being locked in the house for too long.
3b doesn’t agree with me, but WFH is f’ing dangerous for this exact reason. It creates depressed emotionally unstable people. Been saying that on this blog for two months and look what happened?
What a great idea. Let’s destroy the lines between work and home life, and have people stuck in a house looking at a screen all day. No exercise and no social contact. Yes, that’s the ingredients to create something positive…people are blind.
But hey, the business is saving money on real estate and other costs by pushing it on the worker. Who has to run their ac all day now? Who has to create and purchase the office space? Who doesn’t get free food anymore? Who is on call 24/7 now? Who’s has to pay the cost for negative impact on their mental health?
All of this protesting/looting/rioting needs to happen, and that is why it does. It’s just a pressure relief of something that has been building for a long time. Personally I find it refreshing as it shows the true colors of both sides- it’s like a lie detector test-and let’s you finally see what people really think. It’s too bad people have to die/get injured for this to happen, that part for me is disturbing. Had some co workers visibly disturbed when they heard a “march” was coming to their towns. All FFFFFF. Totally panicked.
Smoke ’em if you got ’em.
lurks, it goes beyond that. Racism exists and likely always will. The difference is equality is coded into law at this point and the prevailing thought supports it. The battle has been fought and won, at this point opportunity exists for all people.
Slavery as an institution lasted ~90 years in the US(far less in the North most states began phasing out slavery after 1804, the vast majority of white people in the US had nothing to do with slavery.
The Jim crow south also only lasted ~100 years.
Point being in each of these periods things changed, laws changed, but the application of said laws was hardly equal. Was jim crow better than slavery, undoubtedly better to be discriminated against but at least have some type of freedom. After Jim Crow and the end of separate but equal was it better to have the legal system affirm equality absolutely but when hearts and minds were still quite racist you discrimination was still very prevalent.
Point being there were watershed moments where the change was pretty drastic, you will not see such drastic changes going forward and from a US legal perspective the protections in place are sufficient and appropriate. I highly doubt we will see any new civil rights legislation, if we did I might be concerned. Things will continue to get better as integration marches forward, point being there isn’t a better place on earth to be a black person than the USA even in the current state. The future is a post race society, race will not be the division in this country, socio-economic standing will be. The sooner people get on that bus the better off we will all be.
The poor of all colors most certainly will complain they are in the process of reverting to the global standard of living, which is to say not the post war prosperity we became accustomed to. The powers that be want the races arguing with each other because it prevents them from realizing their standard of living is dissolving.
Pumps, that is absolutely a legitimate statement. We better hope the perception is that this total remote work doesn’t work. People overseas are paid very little, opening up to that kind of wage arbitrage is not a positive there a 2.6 bn living in the third world willing to do the job, any job for very little money.
Race relations are destroyed in this country now, not just Black and White, but all the other people of color. Arab deli owners, Indian convenience store owners, ethnic restaurants , many that were struggling with the virus, now their businesses are totally destroyed. They will view it as Blacks destroyed my business, not as racism by Whites.
They have people that scope out the stores in the day disguised as peaceful protesters. Then, they move the cops to a location by causing damage. They have scouts on bird scooters relaying the info of where the cops are. And they loot the entire store in a matter of minutes loading up luxury vehicles with tons of goods that speed off. The store owner has videotaped the operation from the roof and followed some of them around. He says, basically, the police are playing whack a mole. Video and description of the scheme is in the link.
There were no models…he made them up. That’s the problem.
The “data” was nothing but crap put together by connected cronies and staffers.
SomeOne says:
June 3, 2020 at 9:24 am
D-FENS, what would your date for reopening have been? Not to stir the pot, but curious. Models are going to be uncertain, there is economic impact due to shutdown, there is a significant possibility of exposure and sickness/death if there is no shutdown.
Bezos really is a genius. Buying the Washington Post to crank out fake news and brainwashing everyone to the point mandated shutdowns and rioting was brilliant.
Now no-one can buy anything from retail and everyone has to buy their Chinese made krap from Amazon. He completely eliminated the competition.
“Now no-one can buy anything from retail and everyone has to buy their Chinese made krap from Amazon. He completely eliminated the competition.”
Walmart, Target are still open. Plenty of Chinese goods to buy.
But that rag known as the Washington Post- full of part time journalists who try to pass off opinion posts as facts.
Phoenix, the riots and the looting definitely don’t “need” to happen. The only thing that come from this is misery. Misery for the communities this is happening to/in and misery for those committing the crimes. Eventually there will be a response, the federal government has no choice even if it means deploying the military they will need to crush the lawlessness. The rioting is really anger over the economy and has been fueled by the COVID lock downs. No lock downs, layoffs from Covid and there would be a lot less rioting.
Riots and looting don’t need to happen and shouldn’t. This is friggin stupid. There’s not a person on either side who wasn’t appalled by that video. Riots and looting have long lasting ramifications. Camden is still in shambles. Newark is still a struggling city. Asbury Park took 40 years to come back. Riots are an effective way to tear the only people trying to make it on their own in the community down with everybody else. Or at the very least, chase them away.
White flight isn’t the only problem. Black flight is just as much of a problem from these communities.
I’ll quit. I’m not teaching online. Talk about ripping the heart and soul out of the profession.
Worst off, feel bad for kids. Never get to go to school and enjoy the social experience. Will create a society of awkward kids that are similar to home schooled kids.
It’s downright frightening and dangerous. People better wake the f’k up. They are asleep at the wheel.
And great write up on the 9:46 post.
JCer says:
June 3, 2020 at 9:59 am
Pumps, that is absolutely a legitimate statement. We better hope the perception is that this total remote work doesn’t work. People overseas are paid very little, opening up to that kind of wage arbitrage is not a positive there a 2.6 bn living in the third world willing to do the job, any job for very little money.
Crush the lawlessness? What happened to Jeffrey Epstein? Nobody crushing that lawlessness. I’m not a conspiracy theorist- but really, no camera available in 1PP? No one to watch him? Justice is bought in America, and so is the economy.
I don’t agree that the only thing to come from this is misery. There is a learning curve on this. What worked and what did not. Who was watching and what data they will collect-and how it will be used. Things like this change the thought process just like Covid did. America is heating up. Lines outside gun stores yesterday. This is a wake up call, a pressure relief valve letting loose. I am not hopeful that the leadership in America has a handle on this.
Looting in the city, Manhatten is an island, was there no way to shut down the bridges and make everyone que up at the tunnels to leave? due to curfew and looting all cars will be inspected before leaving? You can’t carry the stuff with you according to the article.
Unreality is now everywhere folks. I did warn about it.
We are going to see a huge ramp up too as we head into September and then November. Lots of $$$$ PACs etc, dark money, every election season more and more is spent. Perhaps $3 Billion this cycle? Pretty soon everyone will be factionalized to some degree, and confirmation bias will overrule any cognitive dissonance, everyone will be in the streets, and we will all be poor together.
10:42 AM really?? I doubt you can/will leave most people are lifers.
Everything about you says lifer. Trust me. But I’d love to know more about your online teaching woes….for science.
Walking – Video of the looters two nights ago showed a few NJ licence plates in Manhattan. The looters (they are gangs) had a banner week. They usually move from town to town shoplifting and quickly moving on to other jurisdictions as the retailers loss prevention teams all share information about the gangs and warn each other to watch out and notify the local PD as soon as it starts happening. The gangs are usually a step or two ahead of the local PDs in most towns, they move around quickly.
If anyone cares to pay attention the legislature is voting on levying a statewide property tax. By the time most people realize it happened…it will already be law.
Juice , makes even more sense to have vehicles leave through the tunnels, the protesters all walked home using bridges anyway. For safety all bridges are closed to vehicle traffic. The subways were shut down already, so it was either walk or drive. For overnight workers it would suck but
Phoenix, the wealthy don’t get shot, the corporations don’t have to follow the law….they own the law. Rioters eventually if the riots go on long enough will get shot, gassed, you name it. The government doesn’t maintain a huge army and militarized police state for nothing…..
A bill that would allow New Jersey to borrow billions of dollars without voter approval could result in an increase of the state’s sales tax as well as property tax surcharges, according to the bill’s text.
The bill, known as the New Jersey COVID-19 Emergency Bond Act, has drawn support from numerous labor unions and staunch opposition from legislative Republicans, who argue tax revenue shortfalls related to the coronavirus pandemic should be tampered by spending cuts rather than bonding. The state General Assembly is set to vote on the bill Thursday following its release from the body’s finance committee.
Sponsored by Eliana Pintor Marin (D-Essex), the measure authorizes issuance of state bonds totaling $5 billion plus additional borrowing from federal government. The borrowing would plug holes in the budget for employee salaries and benefits as well as other state expenses amidst a projected $10 billion drop in tax receipts through fiscal year 2021. State Treasurer Elizabeth Maher Muoio expects $2.7 billion in lost revenue this year, and potentially $1.3 billion cuts.
While bond issuances are often controversial, the mechanisms in the Assembly bill to pay the debt service on the bonds in this particular measure have raised the ire of Republicans and some budget hawks on the Democrat side, including state Sen. President Steven Sweeney (D-Gloucester).
The bill’s text calls for two repayment methods, which must be applied in order. The first is an appropriation from the state’s sales tax, currently set at 6.25 percent, with the following being what will amount to a surcharge on property tax bills. The bill does not specifically call for an increase in the sales tax, but if that tax proves insufficient to repay the debt, a property tax increase for the entire state would kick in automatically. The bill calls for a tax to be “collected annually in each of the municipalities” of the state, which would be passed on to local property owners by way of their existing assessments.
This is why we’re shut down. They can use the state Constitution’s wartime borrowing provision to borrow without voter approval if the disaster continues…
I’ve had the police scanners on the past couple of nights. There are curfews in 4 towns bordering Trenton. The potential looters definitely have people scouting out locations to attack. Either that or they just like taking midnight strolls through shopping centers 5 hours after they are closed.
Knowing what I know now? I would never have shut it down in the first place.
Maybe school from home…social distancing campaigns…but force business, churches, synagogues and mosques to close? No. They can operate under the same rules Walmart and Shoprite do.
Any office that can work from home should. No mandatory shutdown of small retail.
SomeOne says:
June 3, 2020 at 11:31 am
D-FENS, Murphy’s guesswork aside, what would your date for reopening have been?
Juice, very clever, big difference is they have declared antifa to be a terrorist organization so they technically have’t weaponized the surveillance state. If Biden or any democratic candidate/politician is talking to antifa there was going to be surveillance as it’s a terrorist organization.
If any politicians are involved in destabilizing US cities and are aiding a domestic terror organization it is certainly news to say the least and more likely treason. I would doubt that is really happening, no politician can be that dumb to walk into a trap like that. That is not something you can expect to get away with.
I’m with Phoenix on this one about how the riots work.
As JCer points out, do you think anyone on either side thought what happened to Rodney King was right? That those cops should have been arrested AND convicted? However, the outcome of that trial resulted in a riot.
In this current environment, the riot is happening prior to the trial because anyway you look at it, the cop shouldn’t have done what he did. Regardless of the reasons used to misdirect or change scope.
No arguments from me. But like lightning finds the shortest path to ground, this movement is being examined by both sides. The government is watching with drones, social media, face recognition, etc. They desperately don’t want this to get a foothold. It’s a chain reaction. On the other side, the protesters are learning the police tactics and how they act-and how to defeat their methods. Just imagine instead of burning down that police station they took it over instead-the treasure trove of data that potentially was there, think Hainan Island. I believe one day that a major hack is going to be the way so much dirt is going to be exposed. The young kids are much smarter than the older generation gives them credit for.
More property taxes….are they nuts, it’s already way out of hand. If they need revenue raise income taxes, and not at the top, across the board in the middle of the bracket. This is such a political ploy because people will get angry at the municipalities for a tax they have nothing to do with. I’m all for instituting fairness in school taxes by leveling a state wide property tax which would hit shore home owners, and people owning commercial properties in certain towns that currently pay very little. Funding schools from local property taxes simply doesn’t work, too much cost not enough of a tax base, it leads to an undue burden on municipal budgets.
The exodus will speed up. You see mega rich politicians, like Corzine and now Murphy have never really felt the pain of tax increases putting a dent in their income. They are so rich they can spend 16 million of their own dollars to buy NJ or 200 million to try to buy the presidency (Bloomberg). Why would they think twice about raising taxes when they pay so little of it anyway.
I’ve always said NJ is the best state to be a public worker in. I wonder when the rest of us, who will never be made whole, will get sick of making sure the burden is shared?
At some point, the whole state is going to resemble Camden.
Lib: So True. When we first moved here 30 years ago, the state was very attractive. Aaa rated, low property taxes, NJ Transit was clean and on time, lower energy costs, and insurance. All of that is gone now. It’s just this giant squid that sucks money out of the taxpayers pockets.
And we continue to allow it. For the public worker is protected class. Dare say somethin negative about it and you become a pariah.
It’s funny. When I bought the multi and I first looked at the amortization table in front of my mortgage rep at the loan closing, I asked her, what do you think is going to happen when the tax payment becomes larger than the interest payment on a 30-year? She said, “We’ll never see it happen.” This was 16 years ago. It’s long past that now. On a 400,000 loan, even at today’s record low rates, it’s $1,123 in interest,. Your taxes would have to be below $13,500 to pay less in property taxes than interest. Pretty soon, the interest rate and home price is going to matter little. The question everyone is going to ask is, what are the taxes? And they should!
Didn’t Sweden do a lighter version of shutdown and do worse than rest of nearby countries? My impression is that we don’t listen to the recommendations as well as some other countries, so a no shutdown would likely have been much worse.
Pretty soon, the interest rate and home price is going to matter little.
Five years ago (or more), I said on this blog that houses will no longer have much of a dollar value. Like Detroit, they’ll give you the house but you’ll be responsible for the taxes. We’re approaching that point quicker than I thought.
I’m going on 16 years…I get a pension no matter what now.
If it really goes to online teaching, I’m out. I’m out of this country. Not raising my daughter in a place that thinks online learning is desirable. Peace.
I’ll start a business with my wife and then pass that along to my daughter.
I have one life to live, and I’m not going to waste it teaching an online course. Not a chance…let the robots or Kahn academy do it.
ExEssex says:
June 3, 2020 at 11:21 am
10:42 AM really?? I doubt you can/will leave most people are lifers.
Everything about you says lifer. Trust me. But I’d love to know more about your online teaching woes….for science.
Yup, better not raise property taxes. I like your ideas. No idea why this state govt has a hard on for using property taxes as its main source of funding. It’s ignorant. Spread it out for God’s sake.
It won’t happen till the boomers cash out, then they will pull the rug out from everyone else …
Fat Fast Eddie says:
June 3, 2020 at 2:46 pm
Pretty soon, the interest rate and home price is going to matter little.
Five years ago (or more), I said on this blog that houses will no longer have much of a dollar value. Like Detroit, they’ll give you the house but you’ll be responsible for the taxes. We’re approaching that point quicker than I thought.
2:52 the dirty little secret is that most kids learn but the role of the teacher can be a bit overstated. Allow me to explain. Roger:
Pumps it’s why we have a property tax problem. Yes we have a bit of a spending/cost issue but fundamentally it is funding issue and it has been since the 80’s. Yes we spend more in jersey, is there some waste, sure but for 2016 for example we spent ~18k per looking at other states 12-15k is about typical, the better districts in states like michigan are spending 15k per student, salary costs are ~20% higher in jersey mostly due to cost of living differences. How can you fund that from local property taxes and have them be reasonable? You can’t, my father in law in Mi pays about 6k on a 600k house. What would the effect of just evenly distributing state aid at current levels….it’s 8k per student, based on average spending it amounts to 42% of school spending, based on 65% of property tax it’s 27%. Just applying equal funding would yield approximately a 27% reduction in property taxes in suburbia. My proposal would be quite simple, all municipalities receive 15-16k per student in funding half from state income tax and half from a county or state property tax that applies to all properties. Basically the state funding provides a floor at the median national cost of education, if a town should want to spend more than it is on the local municipalities and their local tax burden. The net effect of this would be an over all decrease in property taxes for most people and would make taxes more equitable by expanding the base at a state or county level. Do we realize in shore towns property tax might be 9k on a 2m house or in a place like south hackensack property taxes are crazy low because the majority of the town is commercial property? The municipal lines are drawn in such a way that it exacerbates the inequality. Also consolidation of local police into regional forces, cut expenses with fewer administrators and high ranking officers and more rank and file, who in suburbia are overpaid.
I could fix the property tax issue in NJ within 5 years by shifting some of the burden and reducing the ridiculous amount of funding provided to the abbott districts. A ridiculous concept we have where the property taxes in suburban towns who maybe have a starbucks for commercial ratables subsidizing a district with an arena, airport, port, warehouses, office buildings, retail, pay parking, etc and oh we also subsidize companies moving their offices there with tax credits. It’s laughable we fund the political corruption of Newark…. It’s not accountable, after massive funding increases Abbott districts perform worse than they did in 1973!
lib you notice they still have a lower death rate than the UK in sweeden…..A lot doesn’t make sense. The doctor in Italy who says the virus is becoming less virulent, was pretty much attacked by the WHO which means he is probably right because what ever they have said so far it has been the opposite. No person to person transmission, it’s not a pandemic, it’s contained, there should be no travel bans. Compared to the Italian professor who is one of the foremost cardio-pulmonary experts in the world, who should we trust.
Demand NJ gets fair federal spending! We are paying $25B more (5x our shortfall now) than we get, making us worst funded state in the nation! Fix this, we could lower NJ taxes and pay our debt gap.
“That’s according to a new report from New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, who found that in the first year under President Donald Trump’s tax law, the Garden State received 79 cents for every $1 paid in federal taxes, lowest among the 50 states.
New Jersey sent $24.9 billion more to Washington than it got back, according to the report. That was exceeded only by New York, with $26.6 billion. New York received 90 cents for every $1 in federal taxes, tied with Massachusetts for 47th place. Minnesota was 49th at 89 cents.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s home state of Kentucky got $2 back for every $1 in federal taxes paid. Iowa, home of Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, received $1.16.
The report found the states that got the most back from the federal were New Mexico, with $2.73 for every $1 paid in federal income taxes, and Mississippi, with $2.58. Nationally, the average was $1.21.”
Pumps, leftwing can explain why that is not necessarily correct but we also do not get our share of pork for a multitude of reasons. First we have bad politicians, they are not fighting for us yet we keep electing them. Next we are not politically in play, neither party is trying to get votes, seats, etc we are now a reliably blue state. Lastly the residents of this state are really dumb, electing a republican governor when the federal government is controlled by democrats and a democrat when the republicans are in power. Trump will help kentucky of florida but not NY or NJ. Jersey needs to get it’s house in order, it’s going to be painful and extremely unpopular(goverment employees will suffer a lot), the politicians who eventually do fix it will only get one term before being driven out and being pretty much hated.
NJ and NY did it to themselves. The pandemic and now the rioting and looting have triggered the blow up. Something was bound too, and these two things triggered it. NYC has suffered a body blow from both of these, and will take years to recover. There are companies I would wager that are never coming back.
NJ with its out of control property taxes, and third world infrastructure, along with the deep rooted corruption have destroyed the state. Not one decent city in the entire state. Then the madness of town school systems instead of county coupled with multiple towns and police forces, it simply cannot go on.
Finally throw in the arrogance and ignorance of both states politicians along with many of the residents, and we are where we are today. The decline will just rapidly accelerate.
BRT that’s why I don’t trust what they are saying vs. one of the top doctors in Europe. They are saying that in their hospital the Covid patients they are treating have less severe illness and lower viral load, given that this is an RNA virus it pretty rapidly mutates, it very well could be the virus is evolving to be less virulent. Pretty much every statement they have made has been false or somehow manipulated.
Not all of the people in Lafayette Park were rioters. Some were very fine people — I’m not talking about the looters and Antifa, who should be condemned totally. Others came to protest the police, and some of the police took a knee, too. There are very fine people on both sides
Not all of the people in Lafayette Park were rioters. Some were very fine people — I’m not talking about the looters and Antifa, who should be condemned totally. Others came to protest the police, and some of the police took a knee, too. There are very fine people on both sides
A peaceful crowd can easily turn hostile within a matter of seconds. Even a peaceful crowd of good people.
BRT These two clowns could have made a real difference, instead of doing something stupid. Even if they get off with little to no jail time, their lawyer
Careers are over.
And you had people — and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. There are very fine people on both sides
I guess this has been in place for a few months. Unfortunately I have a gift card so go to this sh*thole for pool stuff. A new low..wonder how much CEO is pocketing off scam.
A New England based retailer has announced it’s adding a 2% surcharge on all merchandise sold to help its employees who are helping to keep its stores open.
Ocean State Job Lot CEO Marc Perlman said the three-part recognition program is being launched “to benefit the dedicated associates who are showing up every day, keeping our stores open”
The lifting of lockdowns across Europe — without much discernible impact on coronavirus infection rates, at least not yet — gives the sense that the recession may not be as deep as feared. The ECB has increased its balance sheet by less than 20% so far, although it might be more by the time its meeting on Thursday is over. That may check the recent euro strength, which would be welcomed by big local exporters such as Germany.
A weaker dollar might be just what the global economy needs to sustain a proper recovery, as it prevents a skew of capital flooding into just one liquid currency. Greater potential returns in emerging economies will reappear. Equally, it will be good news for U.S exporters with global revenues. The Fed has done a stellar job so far. Now it has to manage the stimulus easing successfully too.
Great statements from the Military today, basicly lelling the troops, they are under the states control. DOJ is a different matter.
Looks like Donnie is heading to NJ this weekend. That could be fun. Messes up my plans as I have to run an errand down that way. If he is in, I’m going nowhere near it.
I guess if telling the truth equates to character assassination.
The medical examiner’s office’s findings included “other significant conditions” of Floyd’s: heart disease, fentanyl intoxication and recent methamphetamine — details released in the initial report that angered Floyd’s family attorney, Benjamin Crump.
Crump Tuesday said the inclusion of those conditions, which were not ruled to be a factor in his death in either autopsy, was an attempt to assassinate Floyd’s character ahead of the officers’ trials.
So I had a chat with a local pool guy. My order with a manufacturer just got bounced 4-6 weeks so I’m looking for options. His Ebay shop as a White List for a manufacturer, so I thought I would stop in and see what the deal is.
He says he has 80 pools on back order. He has almost nothing in stock. If supplies open up, the earliest he could get to me would be August. A lot of manufacturers have shuttered for the moment, but a lot are just taking orders and adding to the list. One of his regular companies usually ship 15-20K pools a year. At this point they have 42K active orders. I offered to trade the Chest Freezer I just scored, he smiled, but no deal.
The stone company did deliver today, so I have everything for the pad and the patio. My neighbor asked me if I had found a mason with availability. No, but I have a teenager who is going to want a car in the near future.
The protests have exposed the absurdity of the continued shutdowns. It’s either a public-health emergency and crowds must be stopped or it’s not. It cannot be both.
-NY Post
Either open the businesses or shut down the protests, Gov. Cuomo and Gov. Murphy.
In 2019 police officers fatally shot 1,004 people, most of whom were armed or otherwise dangerous. African-Americans were about a quarter of those killed by cops last year (235), a ratio that has remained stable since 2015. That share of black victims is less than what the black crime rate would predict, since police shootings are a function of how often officers encounter armed and violent suspects. In 2018, the latest year for which such data have been published, African-Americans made up 53% of known homicide offenders in the U.S. and commit about 60% of robberies, though they are 13% of the population.
The police fatally shot nine unarmed blacks and 19 unarmed whites in 2019, according to a Washington Post database, down from 38 and 32, respectively, in 2015. The Post defines “unarmed” broadly to include such cases as a suspect in Newark, N.J., who had a loaded handgun in his car during a police chase. In 2018 there were 7,407 black homicide victims. Assuming a comparable number of victims last year, those nine unarmed black victims of police shootings represent 0.1% of all African-Americans killed in 2019. By contrast, a police officer is 18½ times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer.
Good post. There’s a lot I agree with in there. But why should well to do people get hammered on both income and property taxes (even more than they are now)? In your shore town example, paying $9k taxes in an area that requires very little services compared to whatever town in northern jersey is already unfair regardless of the value of the house.
Guy in Portland gets dressed as a member of Antifa. Goes to a rally, sees where the protesters park. Then goes and puts Trump 2020 stickers on the cars and left. When Antifa came back to their cars, they were trashed. Windows broken, tires flattened, paint scratched.
Joyce, in order to spread the pain so to speak there are a few options, a payroll tax, income tax, or more universal property tax. While there is some inherent unfairness it principally effects those who are well off and also allows commercial properties to be hit. The problem is education isn’t really based on property. You see a property tax makes sense with respect to value if you have a high value property or a larger property which has more value the police need to protect it, there are roads and other services, there are not massive disparities vis a vis consumption vs taxes. Now with schools if I have no kids I still pay or if I have 1 or 2 but that has little to do with the value of my property a family in an apartment pays little in property tax while still sending 2 kids to school at an annual cost of 36k.
The solution is to remove education funding from local property taxes, education is for the greater good of society but attaching this to property taxes puts an undue burden on people also in the case of job loss or loss of income you potentially are making people lose their homes due to undue property burden. Income tax is ideal but I view NJ income tax rates largely as being about as high as can be justified without serious unintended consequences especially given the state’s perilous financial state. We already tax at a level higher than our neighboring states, they too have onerous property taxes so I am advocating shifting some of the property tax burden up to the county or state level to make funding more equitable without the need to redraw municipal boundaries. Truth is that certain towns lack ratables which is fine again for taxes based on municipal services but businesses do not use schools at all and pay the taxes for them,
It is all about the appearance of what you need to pay if people feel they are over taxed in NJ they will leave.
Chi, that autopsy is disturbing. The concentration of fentanyl in that mans blood was similar to level used when sedated in an operation. Ellison is messing up increasing the charges toto second degree murder, they will have a hard time convicting. Hard to pinpoint the death on the chokehold when it was a cardiac arrest/breathing difficulties in someone carrying COVID-19 with a speedball in his system. The defense will be able to beat a murder wrap likely as expert testimony will establish that there was no intent to kill.
Trump is an imbecile.
I’ll second that
Deblasio and Cuomo just allowed rioters to again destroy and loot to the tune of tens of millions of dollars. NYC tourism is destroyed, nobody wants to come back to manhattan to work, tax receipts have vanished 50 percent of restaurants will not be reopening.
it it took 30 years to come back the 1970s when the city was broke city with demoralized and corrupt police And rampant crime, and we are heading there and probably worse.
Fabius. Nice try to deflect but the left owns the riots and mayhem. Political terrorism and violence are part of the playbook. Obama was mentored by a terrorist. His longtime pastor was famous for his down with America and goddamn America sermons.
These riots are wholly consistent with that ideology. Nothing but an attempt to sew as much destruction as possible in hopes of undermining the current order. These are terrorists and criminals operating under your banner.
8:19 *sow ….
Can you elaborate on what that “current order” is?
Anyway, yeah how’s the ol’ yeah let’s get a reality show actor to lead the Country going?
Nationwide, The constitution, and a bill of rights, the electoral college, even capitalism All targets of the left. Locally law enforcement.
I have no real estate wealth.
I have rented my entire life except for 4 years. 1998-2002.
LurksMcGee says:
June 1, 2020 at 10:56 pm
I’ve been watching people dump on your opinions here for a few years and thought they were bullying. But on the racism topic, you’re truly ignorant (in the nicest way, as in you simply don’t understand).
For you to understand why “compete, beat them at their own game” isn’t so simple, here as 15 minute illustration on how wealth gap racially gets called into play today (as 3b’s father poignantly described)
My dad is mentally ill and never graduated college.
My mom was a secretary.
My brother went to Stuyvesant, Princeton and Wharton.
I went to Hunter, Cornell and Chicago.
Our dad paid nothing.
It got strange in hear last night, but whatever.
“When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross.” – Sinclair Lewis
Juice: NYC was already starting to decline again prior to this, but the riots that’s a huge hit. So many in Manhattan don’t remember or were not living in NYC during that time, and when we would talk about those days, they would question us and say was it really all that bad? Yes it was! There goes Bushwick, and Crown Heights as well. All those millennials will flee.
Take a look at the twitter feeds of leaders of the Democratic Party. Sanders, Schumer, Pelosi etc. There is no criticism of the rioters and looters because they know those people that rioted and looted are on the left and not the right.
And then go over and look at the tweets of AOC, Illan Omar etc twitter feeds no criticism either of the rioters and looters and not even trying to deflect and say it was the right that was out there destroying the cities.
Immigrants had it easy? Just stop. They had to learn a language, and fight for every single thing they achieved.
I’m going to say one more thing, and then I’ll stop, because I know you guys have your mind made up on this issue.
African Americans don’t have the work ethic or family values that these immigrants have. That’s why Mexicans are now passing up African Americans in America. Telling me people don’t put down Mexicans? Even African Americans treat Mexicans like crap(Yes, racist towards Mexicans), see it with my own eyes. Guess who is starting businesses and busted their a$$ at jobs african Americans wouldn’t take? How can Mexicans pass them up? Hard work and sacrifice, right? It’s not rocket science. Believe what you want to believe, but I see it first hand. I don’t need media to feed me bs.
This racism card needs to go. Enough already, if an African American wants to improve their life, they can, racism will not hold them back if they want it. But instead, let’s have a pity party because that helps as opposed to working hard to improve your lot.
I’m just being honest, but you don’t want to hear it. Now make up some bs that I’m racist for the position I’m taking.
Before you throw the racist nonsense at me, can you honestly agree with the choices a lot of African Americans are making when it comes to family, education, sacrifice, and hard work? I’m not saying all, because some do make the right choices and improve their lot (Obama and his wife are perfect examples), but the majority are destroying their life with bad choices and then blaming it on racism.
There comes a time and place where you have to acknowledge the impact of the choices you have made…
njtownhomer says:
June 2, 2020 at 2:17 am
They didn’t have 300 years here. Come on. There was clear discrimination, bias and social abuse almost till WW2. Barely a few decades were there but it was not tabula rasa.
Incoming immigrants from everywhere had a much easy time.
As racism, it is equally worse in Europe. There is not much police action there, but the scent is much thicker. That comes with the centuries of colonialism.
Trump is stuck in a vicious downward spiral. He is incapable of undertaking the policies necessary to address any of these three crises, so he grasps for actions that shock the senses—accusing journalists of murder, pulling out of the World Health Organization, trying to prosecute Obama-administration officials. These actions simply make matters worse, but he still doubles down again and again.
Pumpkin it’s scary you are a teacher.
And don’t get me started with the put downs in the ghetto for african Americans making the right choices. They get accused of acting “white” by their peers doing nothing with their life. You believe that, they get put down and called white for trying to make the right choices. I wish I could help, but they won’t take my help.
9:02 “they” won’t take your help because they assume you have nothing substantive to offer. They are your lectures as vapid, useless drivel….kind of like your posts here.
So white racism is the only thing holding back the African American community. You honestly believe this? Only racism? How the hell did Obama become president then? Your position makes no sense.
Obama rode a wave that brought “fresh ideas” and a fresh face to office on the heals of another failed Republican administration. He mobilized minorities and whites to vote.
He was/is a very strong orator.
Obama rode a wave that brought “fresh ideas”
If nyc is indeed dying, this country is over. The economy has no chance.
3b says:
June 2, 2020 at 8:45 am
Juice: NYC was already starting to decline again prior to this, but the riots that’s a huge hit. So many in Manhattan don’t remember or were not living in NYC during that time, and when we would talk about those days, they would question us and say was it really all that bad? Yes it was! There goes Bushwick, and Crown Heights as well. All those millennials will flee.
#3b – AOC is going to get her wish she was encouraging her constituents to not go back to work after covid19 lock-down is over without concessions, raises etc. They can all be poor together again in Queens and the Bronx now, as a great many are now going to be permanently unemployed.
New York City, was facing 10 billion in lost tax revenue because of the Covid19 pandemic, and now with this further allowing the city to be looted and destroyed before lockdown is over is going to make it way worse. NYC is going to have to layoff huge amounts of workers right now.
I came from the Bronx. I know how bad it can get. I know why my family, cousins and friends , neighbors of all backgrounds all moved out in the 1970s. My 14 year old cousin who was almost raped if it was not for a neighbor intervening, the drug use and dealing that turned our parks into wasteland. The fires as the Bronx burned, the boarded up buildings, anyone who could get out did.
We only have 153 days until the election, it’s only going to get worse I am afraid.
I taught in a “black” district for 14 years. The talent and ability that I witnessed was inspiring. But then I teach a creative subject. I saw kids go from poverty to great schools and do so with skills I’ve rarely witnessed in real life. I’m in awe of the kids I was fortunate enough to work with.
I thought whites were racist, why would they put an african American in office? He proves you wrong.
ExEssex says:
June 2, 2020 at 9:07 am
Obama rode a wave that brought “fresh ideas” and a fresh face to office on the heals of another failed Republican administration. He mobilized minorities and whites to vote.
He was/is a very strong orator.
I voted for Obama by the way…twice.
9:08 fresh ideas include simple empathy. Something you and every other republican seem to lack. Also the ability to string a sentence together using real words something “new” to the GOP. Leadership matters.
9:04 it’s not just blacks held back. The economy holds everyone except the wealthiest hostage. The poor just fight for the crumbs. This is about people of color dying at the hands of police.
Paragraphs 3-8 under ‘United States’ likely of interest…
The economy holds everyone except the wealthiest hostage. The poor just fight for the crumbs.
How did my father, he went times as a kid with no electric and slept on an old mattress, do it? Why do I see Indians buying convenient stores and doing it? How did the man power washing my property at this very moment do it? He came here from Central America with nothing and owns a lot of sweet-looking toys and a few trucks? How did he do it?
You’ve got to be kidding me with your myopic viewpoints Pumpkin. You just described Mexicans doing what Black people did for YEARS between ~1900-1950. (which included discriminatory practices for jobs, business loans, housing etc) I get it, you simply don’t know and that’s why when I say you’re ignorant, I’m saying it in the nicest way. You simply don’t know. The bad part is that you can’t critically think to realize that you don’t know. I’d bet money that in the 60’s you would think “they’ve been free for over 60 years, why do they need new laws that just eat into my pockets?”
Chifi, I know you’re offering anecdotal evidence. That same statement could be made for a black family with the same circumstances. The difference is the familial lineages that allowed you to get there. Not saying its impossible, what I’m saying is that there are vestigial obstacles that have compounded an ability to keep up.
How do you replace the nyc economy? You don’t. It’s simply impossible. I will stay optimistic that nyc finds a way, if not, there is no where else in America that can replace this economic engine. It’s over…
The Great Pumpkin says:
June 2, 2020 at 9:08 am
If nyc is indeed dying, this country is over. The economy has no chance.
The classic statement of someone trying to rationalize how their viewpoints are still ignorant to things that exist for black america.
And just to illustrate your logic, at one point you wondered how the cop who knelt on George Floyd could be racist because he had an asian wife. Please explain how a racist needs to be racist for ALL races and not just one.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, you choose to ignore the bad choices a lot of african Americans make. That’s on you, I can only take you to the river, can’t make you drink from it.
I forgot the nfl player’s name, but he was on the jets or giants. He had 13 kids with 13 different moms. He made it, was rich, but his kids are screwed. Why? Was money the issue or bad choices? Those kids are going to grow up f’ed up in the head and it’s all his fault. Not racism, but his bad choices.
9:08 I used quotes around fresh ideas btw.
I did that for a reason. Whatever nuance that was intended to say even clichés can sound refreshing after abject failure and literal blood in the streets. Sure the Matheus dove great. But for most Americans:
*markets done great
Don’t worry. All of those NYC displaced people will be looking to buy real estate in Wayne. The property values are going to quadruple. There will be more kids in your school that you won’t know what to do with. You can teach them all to BEE KIND. The tax revenue will be so impressive that your pension coffer will overflow. And you will be so wealthy that you can afford to buy both Grim and his blog from him and become the moderator of the best blog in NJ, if not America.
“Anyway, yeah how’s the ol’ yeah let’s get a reality show actor to lead the Country going?”
Better than with a “community – hock, ptui! – organizer”, whatever the fcuk that is…..
That NFL story is the worst blatant straw man I’ve ever seen. Bad choices are bad choices.
As Chifi’s anecdote points out, there are exceptions to the rule, otherwise there wouldn’t be a norm. And just because someone is ABLE to do something, doesn’t mean that the journey to get there isn’t difficult. How often/likely would a white person from a trailer park (not saying that’s chifi, just painting an impoverished picture) be able to overcome and succeed? Sure its possible, but there’s a reason that its more exceptional than normal.
Now compound that with the idea that the white person in this impoverished position didn’t get there because of bad choices, but because his family was blocked out of multiple opportunities throughout their family history.
If Obama had multiple baby mamas and abandoned his kids, would he be where he is today?
What do you want me to say? That racism is the only thing holding back the african American community? Want me to be fake and agree with you when I know it’s not true. They still have to make good choices, and I’m sorry, a good amount of african Americans are making terrible choices on a daily basis.
Some are doing great. If racism is truly holding down the entire race, how are some doing great things with their life? How is that possible? Can’t have it both ways…taking a position that racism is holding down an entire race when some that are making great choices end up doing great things.
LurksMcGee says:
June 2, 2020 at 9:38 am
The classic statement of someone trying to rationalize how their viewpoints are still ignorant to things that exist for black america.
“Can you elaborate on what that “current order” is?”
Whoever owns the arses in two of these three seats:
Oval Office
Speaker of the House
Senate Majority Leader
“He came here from Central America with nothing and owns a lot of sweet-looking toys and a few trucks? How did he do it?”
Most likely some sort of tax evasion and importing cheap labor when he needed help, or hiring undocumented workers.
Juice I grew up in the Bronx too. When I was a kid it was primarily white neighborhood formerly German/Austrian, who all left for the suburbs. It then became primarily Italian and Irish, with others here and there along with a few Germans/Austrians who did not leave. By late grammar school early high school there was an initial exodus and it was 50/50 white, Hispanic/Black. J Lo grew up in my neighborhood. No real issues, just different, by the mid to late 80s, the realtors flipped the neighborhood and than it became section 8 and crack houses. The working class Hispanics and Blacks moved out. My neighbor who was Jamaican and great friends with my Dad moved and begged my Father to leave, but my Father refused. Finally he was mugged at knife point outside his house in the late 90s and we got my parents out of there. So we saw it all the good and the bad. I took the 4/5 train for years, and than switched to the number 6 train for the second half of the trip home to the Bronx. There were some scary times, and the Black and Hispanic working people were just as terrified as we were on those rides. Those of us who grew up in diverse neighborhoods saw both sides, the good and the bad. It is amusing to watch these so called Liberals with their fake angst and white privilege silliness, they have no real basis to comment, no real life experiences, no understanding of the complexities of it all. I was a runner in a law firm in lower. Manhattan during high school and college and more than half of the others were Black, I knew all the DJs on WBLS which was a Black radio station at that time, which was on in our waiting room where we waited for the next assignment. We laughed and joked and there were never any issues. These white people who grew up in their Lilly white neighborhoods don’t have a clue and have never really interacted with minorities on a social level. And they don’t want them in their neighborhoods, unless they are Doctors and lawyers, or sports stars/celebrities.
And that’s terrible, but you can’t dwell on the past. You will go nowhere. You have to do whatever you can to make tomorrow a better day.
Are they being blocked out today? I don’t think so, but maybe I’m wrong. Blocking someone on race is a serious issue today. If they are, give me some examples. Are banks blocking them from loans on the basis of race? Colleges not accepting based on race? Employers not hiring because they are african American?
“Now compound that with the idea that the white person in this impoverished position didn’t get there because of bad choices, but because his family was blocked out of multiple opportunities throughout their family history.”
9:49 that’s the guy went to Harvard? Law Review. He’s pro Union.
Probably smokes weed. Unlike you who smoke c$ck.
9:50 my wife was first gen college. Latchkey kid. Gorgeous woman that turns every head in the joint, but I digress.
The US white majority will soon disappear forever. In a few more years whites will become the minority anyway. Central Park Karen may even live to see that day. And if it bothers her too much, she can look in the mirror and blame herself as it is her gender that decides the fate of her offspring, you know, my body, my choice..
Herald Sq a mess this morning.
Yemeni shop owner in NYC defending his store last night. Welcome to America brother.
Though tbh, those look like NJ plates on that car…
Gorgeous woman that turns every head in the joint, but I digress.
And she works her butt off for you while you frolic in music and various adventures. I envy you, kid. ;)
Can’t wait to see it. Which race will people blame for their problems when whites are no longer an option? Wait till one of these other groups take control and make white racism look like child’s play.
Phoenix All birth rates have been dropping, and the only increase has been in white women over 40, and at that in many cases it’s one and done. I am one of 6, the days of large white ethnic families are over.
It’s funny some of the most racist things I have ever heard have been said by one minority about another minority.
9:31…your dad? You mean you weren’t raised by wolves?
Your dad Ross the wave of rapid post-war expansion like every other American.
He probably banged your mom without birth control which led to him having you at which point he said, “enough”….
3b – large families, hell even 1 kid, is a modern day luxury. Big families are for the uber wealthy and the dirt poor.
10:08 I’d crawl over broken glass for that woman.
Yeah I am not kidding when I say:
Yes x 100
I grew up in the zip code with the highest number of COVID cases in Queens.
The other day the riot at Bedford and Church in Brooklyn. That was just a few blocks from my friend’s house in “Prospect Lefferts Gardens”…… or Flatbush to normal people. All the Middle Easterns would just assume I was Iranian or something and start rattling off to me in Farsi or Arabic. I didn’t have the heart to tell them I was technically a Jew.
3b says:
June 2, 2020 at 9:54 am
Those of us who grew up in diverse neighborhoods saw both sides, the good and the bad. It is amusing to watch these so called Liberals with their fake angst and white privilege silliness, they have no real basis to comment, no real life experiences, no understanding of the complexities of it all. I was a runner in a law firm in lower. Manhattan during high school and college and more than half of the others were Black, I knew all the DJs on WBLS which was a Black radio station at that time, which was on in our waiting room where we waited for the next assignment. We laughed and joked and there were never any issues. These white people who grew up in their Lilly white neighborhoods don’t have a clue and have never really interacted with minorities on a social level. And they don’t want them in their neighborhoods, unless they are Doctors and lawyers, or sports stars/celebrities.
High school music class…… African-American, Mandarin & Jew.
AA: white trash
M: black sh!t
AA: yellow piss
Teacher: stop and let’s go back to practicing the recorder.
AA: Syracuse grad
M: Cornell grad
J: Michigan grad
3b says:
June 2, 2020 at 10:14 am
It’s funny some of the most racist things I have ever heard have been said by one minority about another minority.
Home I don’t any uber wealthy that have big families, does not mean they don’t exist. I
Used to know a lot of very wealthy Mormons from my Goldman days who had big families, one guy had 22!!
With so many people at home why am I seeing so many unmoved lawns? Just saying.
People aren’t asking the difficult questions.
Why would the (to be clear – evil felonious) cop stick his knee into the Floyd’s shoulder?
Why do these incidents happen with greater frequency?
People are stripping the context out of everything……
You know, you would think African American wouldn’t be racist to anyone else based on their experience and how much they focus on it. Nope, not the case. They are brutal to the Mexicans.
3b says:
June 2, 2020 at 10:14 am
It’s funny some of the most racist things I have ever heard have been said by one minority about another minority.
Most likely some sort of tax evasion and importing cheap labor when he needed help, or hiring undocumented workers.
Sure. lol. The alternative is to be strung out and either looking for handouts or looting something.
Think I’m making it up.. shhh, it doesn’t fit the agenda. Lurks, maybe you need to open up your eyes, not me.
“But as Ruiz, who was pushing her 1-year-old daughter in a stroller, walked home from Passaic Gifted and Talented Academy School No. 20 with her son that afternoon, the boy noticed they weren’t alone. Three boys trailed behind — and he recognized them.
“[He] turned to his mother and said, ‘Mom, those are the children that were threatening me, and they’re following us,’ ” Santiago said.
Moments later, a 13-year-old boy allegedly attacked. Santiago said the boy first punched Ruiz’s son in the face. When the 35-year-old mother tried to step in, the teen hit her and “threw her to the ground,” causing her to lose consciousness, Santiago said.
“This was a brutal hate crime, and it was committed by a 13-year-old,” Santiago said. “I don’t know what circumstances could give rise to a 13-year-old boy having such hate in his heart that he would commit this brutal attack and leave a woman essentially to die in front of her children without any remorse or any twinge of conscience.”
“The 13-year-old suspect is African American, Santiago said. Ruiz and her husband are Mexican and are in the United States on work permits while they await green cards, but their children are American citizens, he said.
The day before the alleged assault, Santiago said Ruiz’s son was in the school cafeteria when a group of students started mocking him about his ethnicity, telling him, “Go back behind the wall.”
In response to the bullies, Santiago said the boy “quite astutely” pointed out, “We’re all immigrants, so what are you talking about?” But instead of defusing the situation, “the other boys became violent” and started threatening Ruiz’s son, Santiago said.”
Chi-fi bet you know my first cousin. Hunter grad.
Married a Hunter grad. Depending on timeframes of course.
What conversation did we have where I mentioned anything about how other races treat each other. Again, the same could be said how some asian people are extremely xenophobic. Nobody is saying anything about black people systemically keeping another race down.
Does cherry picking your arguments prevent your brain from rupturing at the thought that you held a bad view for so long?
Lurks, I said my peace. Gave definitive proof that I’m not talking out of my ass and you claim I’m cherry picking. We agree to disagree. You are right, not all lives matter.
Only worry about white racism…got it.
Not to get into a pissing contest, but every contractor I ever knew cooked the books in one way or another. Write off for cell phones for their children, tax dodges, claim their kid’s birthday party was a business meeting, dinner out was with partners, etc. And they bragged about it as well. Hired contractors who picked guys off the street, dumped them on my lawn with a gallon jug of water, a wheelbarrow, and drove off.
Plenty of police also run side businesses while working on the books as well.
It’s just the way it is.
“Why would the (to be clear – evil felonious) cop stick his knee into the Floyd’s shoulder?”
You think these guys need a reason? My guess is you have not experienced enough time with them when you are the accused. I have- and I don’t care if you believe me or not, they without a doubt are an irritable group at best. You don’t know what you are going to get when they come. They are like women with raging hormones. Some are fine and reasonable, others are bat shit crazy.
Seems like the media is no longer highlighting what is happening out there. Have to go to Twitter. They probably finally realized what their lust for negative news has created.
“Her sister was not the only shooting in Davenport last night. 3 Davenport police officers were ambushed in their car by a shooter who fired multiple shots at them. One officer was shot but has survived.”
But all are armed and have the free authority to do with you what they so choose.
Best avoid them if possible. I did, my whole life-until I married a woman that became like Central Park Karen. Then all bets were off!
Cop getting run over.
Just go the the Daily Mail. All of the raging pathology of America is in full color on that site. Tabloid type journalism but you get a quick fast look- and most of it is verifiable.
Not to get into a pissing contest, but every contractor I ever knew cooked the books in one way or another.
No shit? You’re kidding me?
My point is the guy is working, not f.ucked up in an alley way in an area that resembles a war zone.
Pumps, negative news is what sells. Be it from Oklahoma Bombing (an Arab guy that had rv toys in his luggage was arrested within a short amount of time), Y2K, the Ebola crisis. Nothing new.
Since you are a teacher, wouldn’t you get some questions from students that want to get a “white man’s perspective”? If you do, what do you tell them?
“My point is the guy is working, not f.ucked up in an alley way in an area that resembles a war zone.”
I get it. Lesser of 2 evils. So as long as a guy is working it’s okay for him/her to not pay their taxes. Guess it’s fine that the rest of us make it up for him. We don’t mind.
They don’t ask me, they already have their minds made up. And if they did ask me, I would give them the only answer they will accept or want to hear.
If you think I’m going to tell them their actions and choices can overcome the issue with racism, you are crazy. They will turn it into racism and I’ll be out of the job.
I’ll say what I believe on this blog, but I would never take that up in my day to day life. It’s like the “white privilege” movement. It’s counter productive. You aren’t getting whites to acknowledge their privilege, you are only pissing them off by constantly throwing it in their face. Same thing if I told minorities that hard work and smart choices can overcome racism. They will take it the wrong way and I’ll be worse off for it.
That’s why I laugh when business owners cry about taxes. In my head I’m like, you don’t even pay what you are supposed to pay, so why act like you pay such a high rate.
Phoenix says:
June 2, 2020 at 11:48 am
“My point is the guy is working, not f.ucked up in an alley way in an area that resembles a war zone.”
I get it. Lesser of 2 evils. So as long as a guy is working it’s okay for him/her to not pay their taxes. Guess it’s fine that the rest of us make it up for him. We don’t mind.
Omg, you’re so off base and so missing the point, I don’t have the energy to continue. The guy has a f.ucking sign on the side of his truck. The guy just gave me a f.ucking receipt. The guy is paying taxes on some level, to some degree. Every business owner in the f.ucking nation is somehow “lessening” their f.ucking tax burden, I’m sure. . Everyone except you, of course. You’re somehow comparing rioting crowds to a guy who busts his @ss and MAYBE even hides a few bucks. Holy, f.ucking shit. You’re are the epitome of some warped, f.ucked up, liberal reasoning.
Are the police officers who hugged and marched with some protesters all beta males?
Still wearing your mask or have you started your own personal protest yet?
Nails it.
“Saying we have a Race issue is a cop out. It’s a cop out because it allows those who are not racist, which is the far majority, to overlook what the real issue is in this world. We have a HUMANITY issue. I’ve seen people of all kinds of races be real shitty to people of other races, creeds, religions, sexual orientations, or to those who just see or think differently than them.
What happened in Minneapolis, was those officers lost the fact that a human being was under them, a human named George.. Unfortunately, being in the same line of work I can partially understand what they went through. When you struggle with a person during an arrest, that human factor can leave for a moment because the survival traits that are in all of us kick in. What you hope for is that your own humanity and the humanity of the officers around you kick in and tell you to sit the person up, or roll them over. For some reason, in this incident it didn’t happen. Is it because of lack of training or is it because a knee hold, which is part of their use of force procedure, has been used on so many occasions. Whatever the reason is, a human life is no longer able to be lived and at the end of the day, the outcome will always dictate the situation. And just like I can’t say I know what it’s like to be a minority, those who have never tried to arrest someone who does not want to be arrested, don’t know what it is like. But, we can talk and we can listen to each other because understanding is knowledge and knowledge is power.
I’ve spent the last week, like I have after many of these situations, trying to figure out what a bad cop is because in all of these scenarios the officers are labeled a bad cop or a bad seed. I believe in police work, just like in life, there are not a lot of bad people but bad situations and bad decisions, that often have more to the back story. I was in the newspaper a few years ago, for something as small as going back to check on a little girl from an ambulance call, where I brought her a birthday card and a stuffed animal. The support for that article was overwhelming and honestly quite humbling. But, the funny thing about police work is, even I know that if one day this type of unfortunate situation happens to me, how I will be labeled in an instant. In minutes of these situations happening, officers are labeled bad cops, racist pigs, without ever knowing who they are or what they have done in their career. Everyone of us that chooses this career knows, we can go from reading Dr. Seuss to preschoolers to going back on the road and being involved in a life or death situation. We can go from the perfect community cop to a racist pig, in the matter of seconds. Even knowing this we choose this. We choose this profession to protect our communities and to be there for people in need but we also know we are going to have to make decisions that affect people’s lives and freedom.
Selective outrage is one of my favorite terms in life and something I see all the time. We all have the right to be outraged when a life was taken the way that it was. But, some of those voices screaming in the street, are the same people that say when a heroin addict dies, “good, one less junkie in the world.” Humanity, they take away the fact that the person was human. That person had a family, that person had hopes, that person had struggles, that person had demons, that person was a human life. Some of those voices scream for somebody to die because they chose to wear a uniform to work. Those voices take away the human inside the uniform, the one who loves their family, the one that gets out of their patrol car to talk to kids, the one that stares fear in the face and takes guns and drugs off the street. Lives Matter, not black, not white, not blue, but lives that are meant to be lived.
So when we talk to our children about race, talk to them about humanity. Because, if we teach them about humanity, we may never have to teach them about race. And then, they can be the first generation to truly live in a world with humanity, instead of us versus them.”
I have no idea if those cops are beta, alpha or gamma males. Why are you asking me? As for the mask, I’ll wait another week, keep wearing it and then carry it with me when I walk into a public place. I noticed a few people here and there starting to test the waters… I’ll do the same. The fad is starting to fade.
A gentle giant he was…..
Because your routinely call some people that. I was wondering if those actions warranted use of the term in your opinion.
I think it’s highly unlikely the executive order about masks is rescinded by the end of the week. I look forward to your stories about going into stores without one.
Fast Eddie says:
June 2, 2020 at 12:18 pm
I have no idea if those cops are beta, alpha or gamma males. Why are you asking me? As for the mask, I’ll wait another week, keep wearing it and then carry it with me when I walk into a public place. I noticed a few people here and there starting to test the waters… I’ll do the same. The fad is starting to fade.
A lot of cops are on a power trip. I look back at my run ins with the police as a youth and realize it now much of how they conducted themselves was in direct conflict of how our legal system should work.
There most certainly is an issue with the narrative being pushed. Facts do not back up the claims of elevated risk for Blacks when dealing with police. Quite the opposite in fact, you are more likely as a white suspect to be shot and more often than not POC are shooting POC. Most likely as a result of the BLM movement white officers are very reticent when encounter black suspects because they do not want their lives ruined by BLM. Other HUGE issue with BLM is not understanding that fatal encounters can be justified and treating all instances with the same outrage. Outrage and demands for justice should be legitimate, when Mike Brown attacked the police officer there to arrest him the outcome makes perfect sense. Equating all of these situations as similar legitimizes the claims.
I’m going to say it and get a lot of hate for saying it “All lives matter”, co-opting police brutality as a black issue is totally wrong and racist. My uncle(god rest his sole), had a criminal streak when I was younger, the police would beat him up when he got arrested. Police are more likely to stop Black folks put that also has a lot to do with elevated criminal activity in predominately black areas. No one wants to admit it, much like terrorism is most likely committed by muslims in the West, most gangs are black or latino so violent crimes are disproportionately committed by blacks and latinos. Excessive force is a problem but not just against black people, we don’t even hear about cases where cops kill innocent white people. Claiming cops are “killing black people indiscriminately” is absolute non-sense and there is zero data to support the claim or sentiment. More over while BLM has caused a reduction in white officers killing blacks(to the point where there is now a bias in the other direction), criminal homicides in black communities have gone way up as police back away from aggressively policing.
The impact of criminality and gang activity in cities that are predominately black has a huge effect of life and economic prosperity. As a result of all of the violent crime business actively avoids these areas, there are fewer conveniences for the people living there and less economic activity. If the people involved in BLM(no not the bureau of land management) actually cared about black lives they’d address the elephant in the room which is crime in their communities, the percentage of people living in the hood who are victims of crime is staggering and those innocent victims pay a huge price.
Furthermore on the debate between pumps and lurks, there are always two sides to an argument and the truth is usually somewhere in between. Opportunity for black folks has really only existed for 40-50 years barely 2 generations and not even to the full extent until our generation. Opportunity to really succeed as a black person has really only been in our generation so of course anything looking at accumulated wealth hasn’t accounted for that fact and thus makes it a poor indicator of how equal or unequal society is at this point. Point is most people are not born into wealth, it is a small number. On the topic of reparations, the contributions of slaves, etc. We cannot look at the 19th century through a 21st century lens, labor was abused, labor is still abused just not to the same level. Truth be told at that time a laborer was lucky to sustain themselves, infinitesimally few would have had any excess funds to build wealth, almost none owned land. Things were very unequal in the 19th century, if your immigrant ancestors came during this period they were likely Irish, possibly Italian and would have had considerable difficulty even keeping food on the table, they did dirty, hard, dangerous jobs for peanuts. Most did not get ahead, our grandparents, the greatest generation is where opportunity began to present itself, blacks were excluded. We only now are starting to see black folks succeed and it is a wonderful thing. At this point the biggest thing holding back black folks is not Racism. That is not to say it doesn’t exist, isn’t a problem, etc., it is just not the largest issue facing black folks.
To pumps’ point there was a lot of discrimination against a lot of immigrant groups, my father was a victim of discrimination when he entered the work force(and we are talking about the 70’s) as he was not a WASP and was very much excluded from opportunity as he was not a member of the “club”, Ivy league educated but not the right background, not one of them. What did he/we do, we made our own, our own firms, our own country clubs, we didn’t wait to be let in. What blacks have done to this point has been very limited in this regard. At this point there is cultural hostility to education and success in African American culture, I’m friends with a lot of successful black folks most of them are Jamaican or from someplace else, either immigrants or first generation americans. Biggest factor in their success was higher education, no college or in most of their cases masters degree….no high paying job. The opportunities they had came as a result of education and achievement in education. Comparatively as parents my wife and I are slackers, these people are like tiger moms with their kids. Our friends sent their kids to a fancy private school in manhattan for elementary school, 40k per kid, they did a couple of years and decided it wasn’t good, the school was too easy on the kids not enough homework…they didn’t feel the kids were getting ahead. When we start to see African American culture moving in that direction we will see more success. Hostility towards education is one of the biggest factors holding back African Americans.
He is no role model. But it is not up to the police to play equalizer.
It’s time for this country to admit to it’s racism, much like South Africa did with it’s apartheid. Want to stop the riots? Start apologizing. Start listening. Stop accidentally deleting the cop cam of every single police homicide case. Stop wrongfully imprisoning innocent black men who are to poor to afford a decent lawyer and who are coerced/scared/tricked into taking blame for crimes they did not commit. From Loima to the accused Central Park jogger rapists, to Rodney King, to the countless kids in hoodies, to Floyd, the list is endless. There IS A SYSTEMIC ISSUE within the THIN BLUE LINE. It’s time to admit it and do something about it. I understand the anger and pain. It is justified. Because no one is listening. AGAIN and AGAIN. And it’s not partisan. Though stoking the anger of black men to continue to riot is a hell of a way to try to stop them.
One other thing. It is really systemic. There is no denying this. I absolutely couldn’t believe the Bloomfield case a few years ago. You start digging and there appears to be cases like this everywhere you look. Yeah, it sucks to be a cop. BUT IT IS NOT YOUR JOB TO PLAY EXECUTIONER.
I searched for the case I was referring to. I found this.
If you are born black in this country. You are fukced. Time to start admitting it and do something about changing this.
Are you talking about Marcus Jeter?
So, if I tutor for one of your kids, what would you prefer? You can pay me $100 or you can pay me $120 and I can declare it. Who exactly is getting ripped off here?
Chi, bigger than 2009 criminal history was the fact that the guy was high on a poor mans speedball. Fentanyl and Meth, have any of you seen what a person coming down off meth looks like. I’ll reserve some judgement until we see the missing footage before he is face down on the ground.
If you don’t like what I have to say, ignore it and move the f.uck on. I’m not here to report to you, follow-up, appease you, entertain you or debate you. If I irritate you, then don’t respond and even more, scroll past my posts.
Nothing to see here.
And guess what he was guilty for?
Being a black male and arguing with his girlfriend.
There is no possible way these savage cops were not known racists. But they hide behind the Thin Blue Line.
This is Bloomfield, NJ.
Black moms better tell their kids not to argue with their girlfriends or they just might end up dead at the hands of a white cop.
Now do you get it?
Yes Joyce.
Jcer gets it. Absolutely agree with your post. I feel like it’s an embarrassment to be racist in my generation. No one I know supports that crap.
Your posts remind me why there is no hope to resolve this. This line especially. It should be a crime to instill this mindset into young african Americans. Talk about trying to suck the air out of them and give them no hope. Thinking you have no chance and are f’ed is a failing mindset. You have no chance because you never gave yourself a chance.
“If you are born black in this country. You are fukced. Time to start admitting it and do something about changing this.”
2,600 cases in 31 years.
Get educated.
Juice Fordham Rd was on fire last night along with Burnside and others. It’s back to the 70 s for NYC.
That article in particular illustrates some of the problems very well…
1) without the video, all we have is the cop’s word/report on what happened and that is always given more weight in a trial absent anything else… i never knew why
2) the prosecutor’s office couldn’t be bothered to do their job of investigating and to get all the video initially
3) the defense had to file OPRA requests to get all the video, why wasn’t it turned over by the prosecutor … rhetorical question, see #2
4) “An initial internal affairs investigation found no wrongdoing by the officers”
5) the third officer who pled guilty to falsifying and tampering with records was allowed to retire and received probation (needless to say we know why)
The entire criminal justice system needs reform.
Internal Affairs officers should be fired too… better yet, find something to charge them with.
Learn about Hobson’s choice.
There is so much material to prove our racism, you could fill a library. You know, as a Jew, it’s amazing the feelings that a simple symbol can evoke. For instance the impact of the swastika. I can only imagine how a black person feels about the confederate flag? Yet half this racist country will bend over backwards to make sure they can fly the symbol of racism. If you are proud of the South. Great. But show some respect.
The truth hurts.
Yes Joyce.
This case SHOULD have been nationally publicized. Make why no one heard about it, your number 6.
Coivd19 news.
Wuhan tested the entire city of 9,899,829 people in 10 days, found no active case, 300 asymptomatic carriers.
Remember you said that if a store employee says you need to wear a mask or leave, you’re going to refuse… and if they say they’re calling the police, you said you’ll wait for them and let them arrest you. Come on, be an alpha male… be a man of your word.
Wearing a mask when out in public/shopping etc is no big deal, I don’t understand people not wanting to wear one. Even if it does not do a lot, it does offer some protection.
Libturd, why was the victim followed by police? Was the guy arguing with the officers family member? Does not make it right, but would not make it as random as it appears
joyce 1:39 – Gary is a liar: both to himself and others. Add to that an incredible lack of self awareness that requires an exhausting facade needing to be fed by “daddy” stories of how special and hard working they’re unfortunate gene expression taints in Jersey.
Check out Bay Area rents.
The cost of renting an apartment in the Bay Area plummeted in May, as layoffs and the increased flexibility of working from home drove a double-digit drop in some of the nation’s most expensive housing markets.
Rents for a one-bedroom apartment dropped most in the cities richest in high-paying tech jobs, falling 9.2% in San Francisco compared with May of 2019. In Mountain View, home to Google, rents fell 15.9% year over year, while in Apple’s hometown of Cupertino rents dipped 14.3%, according to the rental search engine Zumper. In San Bruno, where YouTube has its offices, rents tumbled 14.9%.
“It’s a dramatic drop in San Francisco and the South Bay,” said Zumper CEO Anthemos Georgiades. “This is real. We have never seen anything like it.”
Just walked into the bank. I was going to go to the ATM but the lobby was open, much to my surprise. Two tellers present… walked in without a mask, made a transaction, walked out. No one said a word.
Add to that an incredible lack of self awareness that requires an exhausting facade needing to be fed by “daddy” stories of how special and hard working they’re unfortunate gene expression taints in Jersey.</I<
Can you repeat this in English?
Italics off
Bonnie, there is a chance that he may be trolling too. He belittled the same economic growth from Obama, but lauded the ones from Trump. Of course, the posts of big pay increases every now and then too :)
Blue that will be the same here as well, and it’s a good thing.
I guess theses riots will be the end of Bushwick and Crown Heights regentrying.
Just saw a video of them trashing a Mercedes Benz dealer in Oakland. Broke in, set an SLR on fire… spray painted eat the rich on other cars. That poor SLR.
It’s interesting that these kids glorify the celebrity lifestyle, walk around in Fucci everything, and then go spray eat the rich on cars.
He belittled the same economic growth from Obama…
You mean the 14.8% poverty rate, the largest number of people on food subsidies, the median household income that was the same in 2015 as in 2007, the weakest recovery in 60 years as of 2015 and the $887,000,000,000 laundering operation a.k.a the shovel ready jobs that were not so shovel ready?
Unless you know something I don’t, no relationship whatsoever. As far as I remember, no rap sheet either. Just a couple of white racist cops out to beat up a black man. The argument was inconsequential. If you are black, just assume you will be followed and there is a fair chance, beat up for no reason. He did not resist arrest. It is a shame he succumbed to his best intentions which was not to leave the car for the illegal search. Perhaps now you know why black guys always refuse to leave the car. It’s a dangerous proposition. This is the privilege the rest of us don’t realize we have. Sadly, it’s with everything.
Listen, until people realize the error of their judgement, this will continue. A smart town like Bloomfield, would intentionally hire way more cops of color and latino origin than even the demographics of the population dictate. When I hire, I always favor minorities. It’s two-fold. I like to give people a more even playing field when I can. Second, I find that in my experience, people given a break tend to work harder than those born on first base. Shame, I understand this, but the general population does not. Certainly the hiring managers in Bloomfield (and Glen Ridge) don’t. Why? Because they are inherently racist.
Now I’m not looking for a pat on the back or any kind of praise for trying to balance things out. At one time, I was dumb enough enough to think that living in Montclair was somehow helping my cause (which I can’t tell you how many ignorant white neighbors of mine in Montclair have actually claimed that I left Montclair to leave diversity). The truth is, you need not live among minorities to break the cycle of racism. I’m proud that my kids don’t have a racist bone in their bodies and understand privilege even more than I do. I can’t say the same for my parents. I learned the harder way, at Montclair State. And I am much richer for it.
Listen, this isn’t political whatsoever. It is an incredibly difficult lesson to learn. These riots, which most of us non-blacks have absolutely no understanding of is the result of pain. It is the result of not being heard.
Us white guys like to look for the victims criminal past. We look for excuses for the cops. We look for conspiracies and explanations where they don’t matter in the least. Until you understand the concept of privilege, you can’t even begin to try to make sense of it.
This is not about having thick skin. This is not about just bad cops. This is about people not listening. And at some point, the anti-gun crowd is going to erupt in the same manner if the gun nuts don’t start making some concessions.
TGP, I didn’t call you . Just wanted to highlight the importance of tabula rasa and being non-colored here. There is a social swamp they have to get out too, as immigrants not much to hold you back. I agree with you partially though. Work hard, earn high. They have excellent role models, more than the immigrants in general.
As for the maskless fearless folks, how about Depend instead of using public restrooms?
It’s more about class and appearance.
I would love for someone to do a study comparing the arrest rates/violent incidents between rich well dressed/well spoken African Americans and poor African Americans. That would answer a lot of questions.
That’s what it’s about. Work hard and don’t ever give up. Like I tell my students; you have one life to live, do something amazing with it. One day you are going to be on your deathbed, don’t let it be in regret.
Some might think this is harsh, but taking your only life and wasting it away crying about how racism is holding you back…that’s sad. You wasted your life in pity.
You don’t like racism. Okay, so figure out how to get over it. Oh right, money is more powerful than racism. Money is racism’s kryptonite. Ask OJ. He understood this.
That’s why I truly believe it’s a class issue. I don’t believe rich African Americans experience racism.
Take an african American surgeon and African American kid from Paterson. Who will experience racism and police violence? Why? Maybe because poor people have always been treated like animals. Go see how India treats their poor.
So I agree with that post I shared earlier. Racism is a cop out. It’s really about an issue of humanity. Poor people get treated like crap now and have since the beginning of human history.
Present it a different way. Do you think Kanye West’s kids will experience racism/police violence? If it’s truly a racist issue, they should experience it regularly, correct? They will never experience it.
So NY State considers invading NYC to prevent an invasion by the US.
The non-violent protesters are out marching again in NYC, looks like even more than yesterday, curfew is now 8PM and Big Bird is not calling in for reinforcements, as the National Guard is not trained as he says to deal with this, even though the drill on riot control all the time.
Grab your ticket and your suitcase
Thunder’s rolling down the tracks
You don’t know where you’re goin’ now
But you know you won’t be back
Darlin’ if you’re weary
Lay your head upon my chest
We’ll take what we can carry
And we’ll leave the rest
Big wheels rolling through fields
Where sunlight streams
Meet me in a land of hope and dreams
There can only be one:
Hey fast Eddie,
Truth is what we hide, cover stories are what we sell
So is it the right wingers who are killing cops now? Or are they only breaking windows?
As I stated earlier a lot of cops like to beat people up as a rule, my uncle with the criminal streak would be beaten up when arrested quite frequently. Cop who pulled the dude from his car and administered the beating appears to be Dominican, kind of blows the whole racial argument. Cops can get rough if they think the guy abused is wife or girlfriend. I’m not excusing the behavior thankfully there was a dashcam and justice was served. The argument of being afraid to get out of the car, etc doesn’t fly with me, the idea that there is this magical black target doesn’t fly, the guy fled a domestic dispute when the cops showed up immediately drawing suspicion. The idea that cops totally abuse their power, they are willing to lie, manipulate, etc to cover their own a$$es I can get behind. Our legal system doesn’t permit the presumption of guilt nor application of punishment by the police, in this case the officers got what was coming to them. I’m all for reforming our law enforcement and criminal justice system. There was a case some years ago I forget where but a cop shot a white dude during a domestic dispute call and the guy had his hands in the air the entire time.
As for the exoneration of wrongly accused people, rather than ascribing a racial motive to everything lets just admit that our criminal justice system is not the best, they make a lot of mistakes and they are largely judged in their careers by how many cases they solved and successfully prosecute. The unlucky people who are wrongly accused and convicted are in the wrong place at the wrong time without a good alibi, typically they get put away by unreliable witnesses and prosecutors who believe strongly that the person is guilty regardless of the evidence in hand. When the crime occurs in a predominately black area, the victim is black, it stands to reason the perpetrator is black and the wrongly accused is also frequently black.
I refuse to believe this day in age that there is large contingent of racist cops hell bent on harassing black folks. Especially given the number of POC who have careers in police work. It’s not 1890, 1920,1950, 1970, 1980 or even the 1990’s it’s 2020 things are very, very different now. The isolated cases of racism are serious and should be handled with all seriousness. Inherent bias is a real thing and something we should all be cognizant of.
Lib to your point your children understand it better and it makes sense. My daughters best friend is latino, her other friends are chinese, indian, black, white, pretty much every group is represented(even some very unlikely combinations) she’s a young child but the visual difference(why don’t we look the same, why is our hair different, why is our skin a different color) were evident at preschool age, the question was asked why because we are all from different countries but we are all the same inside just people, oh ok was the response. Growing up with the diversity the whole process of bias changes, because of what is imprinted on her and how her parents behave towards different races. There are no pre-conceived notions because she actually knows and likes and associates with people from those different groups. It’s different in my generation my parents weren’t inherently racist but they also didn’t associate a lot with other races on regular basis just because of the defacto segregation and only in later years have they been exposed to different races, my parents had quite a few latino friends but no black friends. I grew up more exposed to latinos and therefore am a lot less likely to carry bias or stereotypes against them. I’m fairly certain my parents had bias but it was never overt and they always told us not to judge based on race or preconceived notions. Now there parents were not quite as excepting, part of it was the era they lived it but they also kept away from minorities. My grandparents are all dead but the way they talked indicated they had no understanding of the other races, those people were just others that they didn’t associate with that they expected would essentially be separate.
The future is colorblind, any focus on race is wrong, the focus on white guilt is very, very bad. I’ve seen what it does to people my in laws are uber liberal and it really messed up my brother in law. Trying to right historical wrongs is not the right way to go about it and it perpetuates a situation that has gone on too long. In individual cases I’m all for giving allowances and trying to help people succeed, but we must not make excuses and we must not make people victims. That is the difference in mindset between African Americans and immigrant Blacks, one group has a victim mentality and the other is here to exploit the opportunities that are out there. Focusing on race divides us, we need to stop it’s not healthy, no child should have to atone for the actions of their forebears. We are born the way we are born and no one should have to apologize for it, you should be judged on your merits, period end of story. I know I won the being born lottery, my parents who had literally nothing managed to become very successful. I was born into privilege but not white privileged, it was hard work and perseverance on my parents part that made them wealthy, I had advantages others didn’t because of this. A lot of my parents friends growing up are in prison, some who were victims of the criminal justice system because they were poor, these people are all white…..
On a side note, pumps even well dressed, well off, black folks are subject to a greater number of traffic stops, especially in Essex county. They police try to keep Newark out of the suburbs. By you the police are trying to keep Patterson out, so I am almost certain black residents of Wayne are pulled over more often than white. I have a friend he came from Jamaica as a small child, he now makes well over 300k a year as a software developer in prop trading(he’s a good developer, we met when I hired him, his career has gone better than mine….not that I’m complaining but those front office jobs are few and far between). He lives a few towns from me, doesn’t blast music(i’ve heard him complain about driver blaring their music), drives a nice car but he’s told me he gets pulled over sometimes for no reason in the NJ suburbs, DWB, cops aren’t rude or anything but you just have to be cordial, they waste your time checking you out and then your on your way. It’s not right, but it happens, it’s probably not even racism most times but just inherent bias.
Lib, thanks for clarifying. I only asked as that seemed like a lot of effort just to kick someone down for no reason. He may have been rude to the cop but still no resean to follow him. I thought I may have missed the back story. Ie: officer was notgoing let him treat family like that.
As for racism, my wife is a minority and 15 years have taught me a lot. One thing she has taught me about race is never assume a racial slur, joke, or comment is no big deal. You don’t know a person’s life experiences and what they went through to get where they are. Your idea of hey it is no big deal get over it is the vixtims lifetime of pain and shame.
Yes, Trenton plans to vote this Thursday on adding a SURCHARGE to your N.J. property tax bill.
“Never let a good crisis go to waste.”
h/t @votebergen for the screenshot with highlights:
Thoughts from a true, long time high functioning intelligent Republican, George Will:
Jcer, had a Nigerian machine tech that worked overnight shift for me. 1- yes he would get pulled over at 1am going home in the suburbs. 2 he had a positive attitude and had a lifetime of crooked cops in Nigeria so he would let it go. 3. He only told me but he wake up for his second job at 6am. Guy was here 8 years and was able to purchase a home in white suburbs of Bergen county. Loved the guy even when we did argue we could let it go.
Soon they will try to tax you every year on the value of your car and maybe even personal possessions. Got to make up for that lost revenue some how.
Call it by whatever names you like but it doesn’t change what it is. Getting pulled over because you are black is racism. If you are being pulled over, what else is happening to you exclusively because of the color of your skin? Do white people ever need to even think about this? It really isn’t complicated. There are endless examples.
On the topic of police killing people, how about Daniel Shaver in Mesa, AZ. Oh and the cop was acquitted, dude was a pest control guy with an air rifle someone called the police on him, dude was pleading with the police not to shoot him, we don’t even hear about these cases but they are exactly the same as these cases with black men. It’s not just a black thing this was a very white guy, on all fours in hotel hallway, yes he was drunk still totally unjustified, the guy was complying and not a risk. We have a justice system issue, we have a cop issue, not only should police be criminally liable they should be personally liable.
The murder of Daniel Shaver was national news. The cop was tried, acquitted and reinstated so he could retire on disability due to the PTSD, if real, of his own making.
JCer says:
June 2, 2020 at 6:01 pm
On the topic of police killing people, how about Daniel Shaver in Mesa, AZ. Oh and the cop was acquitted, dude was a pest control guy with an air rifle someone called the police on him, dude was pleading with the police not to shoot him, we don’t even hear about these cases but they are exactly the same as these cases with black men. It’s not just a black thing this was a very white guy, on all fours in hotel hallway, yes he was drunk still totally unjustified, the guy was complying and not a risk. We have a justice system issue, we have a cop issue, not only should police be criminally liable they should be personally liable.
And all of these goes to the heart of what is up in the moment, and that is the fading “rule of law”. Whether is Trump/Barr/Federalist Society/Koch money/ Clinton Foundation money, etc…. and at a local level in NJ, the famous PBA card that let’s someone “connected” drive like a jerk/tinted windows/etc – but it says “I’m above the law”… All are slowly erasing the “Rule of Law” that has made this country different.
Where we are heading is “might makes right” aka Latin America. Uniforms slaughter people, people expect the worse from the uniform and shoot back all when they can.
JCer said,
We have a justice system issue, we have a cop issue, not only should police be criminally liable they should be personally liable.
The US Supreme Court “Qualified Immunity”.
The Clinton’s War on Drugs/Asset Forfeiture.
Post 9/11 Patriot Act and Funding.
Are the top 3 ingredients that need to be reversed and added to the historic bloc/white issues makes the present and near future very dark.
You know it would be a beautiful thing if humans could just get along. It really would.
Is it too much to ask to have a society that rewards hard work and good behavior, and treats everyone equally? Thousands of years and humans haven’t even come close to it EVER. Pretty pathetic.
That’s ultimately what I pray for, that out of this negative energy and rock bottom position, we come together as a nation and make America the greatest society in the history of mankind.
Career path of a cop,
In the US, presently with “Rule of Law” . Stay and grow with a department until a retirement (NJ with no police officer licensing) or Grow your rank and pay as you transfer with different departments (very common in State with Police Officers have licenses – they behave like a nurse at a hospital does).
In the future US, with no rule of law – AKA the Mexican Cop career path. Rob, steal, kill and get paid off until you get killed or hit your magic number, and then you quit and move to another part of the country where no ones knows you and change you identity and start out in some new field, keep a low profile and enjoy your lots of cash.
Always remember:
As a beleaguered Trump administration struggles with an unprecedented surge of domestic challenges, foreign leaders friendly and otherwise are recalibrating their strategies for coping with an unconventional administration embroiled in turbulence. It now looks as if China, Russia and Germany have decided how to handle President Trump through November. Berlin will ignore him; Moscow and Beijing will take advantage of U.S. distraction.
For Russia, this means overlooking its own economic problems and the coronavirus pandemic to step up its engagement in the Libyan civil war. For its part, the Chinese leadership seems to believe that it is impossible to conciliate Mr. Trump, but that there is also little to fear from him. An economic crisis worse than 2008, the greatest surge in racial and political dissension since 1968, and a presidential election likely to test America’s strife-filled political climate—no Chinese leader, least of all Xi Jinping, could be expected to ignore opportunities like these.
Isn’t the new paradigm that there is omnipresent video?
Isn’t that point driven home in the Floyd case?
It is easy for me to say, but sometimes isn’t it darkest before dawn.
joyce says:
June 2, 2020 at 1:28 pm
1) without the video
David Dorn’s life mattered. He is the latest black man murdered that is an outrage.
30 yr, poor white folks in beat up cars also are frequently pulled over. Black folks even in nice cars are pulled over that is the difference. My uncle with the criminal streak would get pulled over all the time for no reason(besides having an old beat up car), pretty much anytime he visited there was a good chance the cops would pull him over, beat up cars from the 1970’s in ritzy neighborhoods will do that. After my dad bought him a new car it stopped, he didn’t get pulled over….until he wrapped it around a telephone pole after which it was decided he should no longer drive.
Here is the deal, we have reached the apex. Post WWII the combination of death and destruction along with unprecedented advances in technology left us with a society in the West(Europe and the US) as well as Japan unlike the world had ever seen before, the destruction in industrial capacity created such a demand for labor, unlike the world had ever seen. This demand meant that workers now began to enjoy a much higher standard of living, this reached it’s peak sometime in the late 1960’s and we have been on a downward trajectory since then. We sold our manufacturing to the third world, white collar people continued their advance higher in society. We had a computer revolution where by engineers and nerds made a killing….until we sent that work to the third world, the 1990’s boom period was fueled by this. We also automated the hell out of a lot of those white collar jobs with the new technology, what we couldn’t automate we offshored. Some got rich and others went broke or into debt as a result to maintain there living standard. All we have now is contraction and debt.
Through all of this “rule of law” has always been unevenly applied. The individual is not protected, rule of law applies to wealthy and business entities. The poor are not protected by the law, to the law you are a source of revenue….a “cow to be milked” so to speak. If you have enough resources you can enforce your “god given constitutional rights” if not then they are negotiable subject to the whims of a bureaucrat or government worker.
It’s definitely an improvement. In my opinion, it’s still too slow… plus even when caught on video doing heinous acts, cops are not charged, overcharged, protected by prosecutors in other ways and/or judges create awful legal concepts like qualified immunity, etc.
chicagofinance says:
June 2, 2020 at 7:53 pm
Isn’t the new paradigm that there is omnipresent video?
Isn’t that point driven home in the Floyd case?
It is easy for me to say, but sometimes isn’t it darkest before dawn.
joyce says:
June 2, 2020 at 1:28 pm
1) without the video
Are pepperball guns the cops new favorite toys? I don’t seem to recall that being a “crowd control method” until recently. I wonder if a cop shoots a pepper ball at/near someone… is it the innocent person’s duty to realize it’s a harmless projectile and not something more dangerous?
Just another of those little pieces that catch your attention. A small piece in a bigger jigsaw.
The speculations in the comments are worth a read.
David Dorn. Black man murdered by looters on Facebook live.
Line up for a gun shop in Long Island right now. +50 people and over a 2 hour wait
The Party of Science?
Whistleblowers: Gov. Murphy rarely consults with health officials on COVID-19 crisis
But in a letter to state lawmakers, whistleblowers who identify themselves as members of the state’s Pandemic Response Team say they have no idea what specific data points the governor uses to make those decisions, because he rarely consults with them. They say this leads them to conclude the administration is “making things up as they proceed or making decisions and justifying them on the back end.”
The Justice Department gave the DEA the temporary power “to enforce any federal crime committed as a result of the protests over the death of George Floyd.”
hope that’s not real
“Whistleblowers: Gov. Murphy rarely consults with health officials on COVID-19 crisis…this leads them to conclude the administration is “making things up as they proceed or making decisions and justifying them on the back end.””
Shee-it. No news here. I told you this at least six weeks ago about Governor Fcuktard….
If these protests were taking place weeks ago before things started to reopen piecemeal, I wonder what Murphy would say about these large gatherings. His head would explode trying to figure out the politics.
It’s official, not hard at all race riots>Pandemic lockdown. I’m pretty sure the DNC releases cliffs notes on their national positions for idiot governors.
Joyce/Jcer. Agree. Which brings up another point….
Murphy and DeBlasio make me physically ill. It is the same feeling I see described by people who hate Trump. As such, I rarely criticize the anti-Trumpers personal feelings as I can relate.
Will be interesting to see if they can. Or if their liberal arrogance and lack of self awareness will engender a dozen responses arguing that there is no equivalency among the politicians, ie. their personal political feelings are valid but others aren’t. Let’s keep count.
One thing to consider when you mention that its not the 1890’s, the 1920’s, 1930’s, 1940’s, 1960’s, not even the 1990’s……In each of the those periods, someone said the same statement that you did of the previous time period. In the 80’s they said its not the 60’s and that racism is gone. In the 60’s they said slavery happened so many years ago, why are they complaining.
Be careful with this logic.
“Data Detirmines Dates”….what a fcuking liar
Whistleblowers: Gov. Murphy rarely consults with health officials on COVID-19 crisis
Gov. Phil Murphy has repeatedly claimed his policies to reopen New Jersey after the pandemic-related shutdown are rooted in science, citing the mantra that “data determines dates.”
But in a letter to state lawmakers, whistleblowers who identify themselves as members of the state’s Pandemic Response Team say they have no idea what specific data points the governor uses to make those decisions, because he rarely consults with them. They say this leads them to conclude the administration is “making things up as they proceed or making decisions and justifying them on the back end.”
Murphy declined to address the allegations saying, “We don’t spend any time responding to anonymous anything.”
Republican state Sen. Declan O’Scanlon is requesting a legislative investigation. “The governor says he’s paying attention to his health officials,” he says. “The health officials themselves are saying ‘no he’s not’. This is insane.”
If you can always be 100% certain of which side of an issue a person will support, you can be nearly 100% certain that person is just pandering to their supporters.
Some of these protests in suburban white areas appear to be organized by high school kids (who have been home for 3 months) with the direct assent of their parents and school officials. Remember when “protests” were seen as subversive acts? As in, your parents didn’t like them?
Some of these protests in suburban white areas appear to be organized by high school kids (who have been home for 3 months) with the direct assent of their parents and school officials.
If you are thinking of protests without any looting and such, there has been precedent
— climate change related walkouts in middle and high schools come to mind. If you are thinking of subversive activities and have some evidence, you reach out to the authorities. If not, you are creating a problem for others and yourself.
The general talking points seem to be something along the lines of: “We perfectly understand people’s right to protest what took place, though obviously we also believe that protest should take place in a lawful and reasonable way, and according to social distancing rules”.
D-FENS, what would your date for reopening have been? Not to stir the pot, but curious. Models are going to be uncertain, there is economic impact due to shutdown, there is a significant possibility of exposure and sickness/death if there is no shutdown.
I’m saying some of this craziness going on now can be sourced to being locked in the house for too long.
3b doesn’t agree with me, but WFH is f’ing dangerous for this exact reason. It creates depressed emotionally unstable people. Been saying that on this blog for two months and look what happened?
What a great idea. Let’s destroy the lines between work and home life, and have people stuck in a house looking at a screen all day. No exercise and no social contact. Yes, that’s the ingredients to create something positive…people are blind.
DOW 26K in sight.
Were up 43% from the bottom.
But hey, the business is saving money on real estate and other costs by pushing it on the worker. Who has to run their ac all day now? Who has to create and purchase the office space? Who doesn’t get free food anymore? Who is on call 24/7 now? Who’s has to pay the cost for negative impact on their mental health?
Talk about shoving it up the worker’s a$$!
And people like 3b support this crap
All of this protesting/looting/rioting needs to happen, and that is why it does. It’s just a pressure relief of something that has been building for a long time. Personally I find it refreshing as it shows the true colors of both sides- it’s like a lie detector test-and let’s you finally see what people really think. It’s too bad people have to die/get injured for this to happen, that part for me is disturbing. Had some co workers visibly disturbed when they heard a “march” was coming to their towns. All FFFFFF. Totally panicked.
Smoke ’em if you got ’em.
The worst thing about remote work…it now increases the labor pool to anywhere in the world. Talk about wage arbitrage..
Are people really that stupid to sell themselves out like this?
For you. Your future.
lurks, it goes beyond that. Racism exists and likely always will. The difference is equality is coded into law at this point and the prevailing thought supports it. The battle has been fought and won, at this point opportunity exists for all people.
Slavery as an institution lasted ~90 years in the US(far less in the North most states began phasing out slavery after 1804, the vast majority of white people in the US had nothing to do with slavery.
The Jim crow south also only lasted ~100 years.
Point being in each of these periods things changed, laws changed, but the application of said laws was hardly equal. Was jim crow better than slavery, undoubtedly better to be discriminated against but at least have some type of freedom. After Jim Crow and the end of separate but equal was it better to have the legal system affirm equality absolutely but when hearts and minds were still quite racist you discrimination was still very prevalent.
Point being there were watershed moments where the change was pretty drastic, you will not see such drastic changes going forward and from a US legal perspective the protections in place are sufficient and appropriate. I highly doubt we will see any new civil rights legislation, if we did I might be concerned. Things will continue to get better as integration marches forward, point being there isn’t a better place on earth to be a black person than the USA even in the current state. The future is a post race society, race will not be the division in this country, socio-economic standing will be. The sooner people get on that bus the better off we will all be.
The poor of all colors most certainly will complain they are in the process of reverting to the global standard of living, which is to say not the post war prosperity we became accustomed to. The powers that be want the races arguing with each other because it prevents them from realizing their standard of living is dissolving.
Pumps, that is absolutely a legitimate statement. We better hope the perception is that this total remote work doesn’t work. People overseas are paid very little, opening up to that kind of wage arbitrage is not a positive there a 2.6 bn living in the third world willing to do the job, any job for very little money.
Race relations are destroyed in this country now, not just Black and White, but all the other people of color. Arab deli owners, Indian convenience store owners, ethnic restaurants , many that were struggling with the virus, now their businesses are totally destroyed. They will view it as Blacks destroyed my business, not as racism by Whites.
The Soho looting was a highly organized operation involving organized crime.
They have people that scope out the stores in the day disguised as peaceful protesters. Then, they move the cops to a location by causing damage. They have scouts on bird scooters relaying the info of where the cops are. And they loot the entire store in a matter of minutes loading up luxury vehicles with tons of goods that speed off. The store owner has videotaped the operation from the roof and followed some of them around. He says, basically, the police are playing whack a mole. Video and description of the scheme is in the link.
There were no models…he made them up. That’s the problem.
The “data” was nothing but crap put together by connected cronies and staffers.
SomeOne says:
June 3, 2020 at 9:24 am
D-FENS, what would your date for reopening have been? Not to stir the pot, but curious. Models are going to be uncertain, there is economic impact due to shutdown, there is a significant possibility of exposure and sickness/death if there is no shutdown.
Bezos really is a genius. Buying the Washington Post to crank out fake news and brainwashing everyone to the point mandated shutdowns and rioting was brilliant.
Now no-one can buy anything from retail and everyone has to buy their Chinese made krap from Amazon. He completely eliminated the competition.
“The Soho looting was a highly organized operation involving organized crime.”
With all of that work they still scored less profit then Kelly Loeffler did with her highly organized helpers.
“Now no-one can buy anything from retail and everyone has to buy their Chinese made krap from Amazon. He completely eliminated the competition.”
Walmart, Target are still open. Plenty of Chinese goods to buy.
But that rag known as the Washington Post- full of part time journalists who try to pass off opinion posts as facts.
Phoenix, the riots and the looting definitely don’t “need” to happen. The only thing that come from this is misery. Misery for the communities this is happening to/in and misery for those committing the crimes. Eventually there will be a response, the federal government has no choice even if it means deploying the military they will need to crush the lawlessness. The rioting is really anger over the economy and has been fueled by the COVID lock downs. No lock downs, layoffs from Covid and there would be a lot less rioting.
Riots and looting don’t need to happen and shouldn’t. This is friggin stupid. There’s not a person on either side who wasn’t appalled by that video. Riots and looting have long lasting ramifications. Camden is still in shambles. Newark is still a struggling city. Asbury Park took 40 years to come back. Riots are an effective way to tear the only people trying to make it on their own in the community down with everybody else. Or at the very least, chase them away.
White flight isn’t the only problem. Black flight is just as much of a problem from these communities.
I’ll quit. I’m not teaching online. Talk about ripping the heart and soul out of the profession.
Worst off, feel bad for kids. Never get to go to school and enjoy the social experience. Will create a society of awkward kids that are similar to home schooled kids.
Phoenix says:
June 3, 2020 at 9:44 am
For you. Your future.
It’s downright frightening and dangerous. People better wake the f’k up. They are asleep at the wheel.
And great write up on the 9:46 post.
JCer says:
June 3, 2020 at 9:59 am
Pumps, that is absolutely a legitimate statement. We better hope the perception is that this total remote work doesn’t work. People overseas are paid very little, opening up to that kind of wage arbitrage is not a positive there a 2.6 bn living in the third world willing to do the job, any job for very little money.
Crush the lawlessness? What happened to Jeffrey Epstein? Nobody crushing that lawlessness. I’m not a conspiracy theorist- but really, no camera available in 1PP? No one to watch him? Justice is bought in America, and so is the economy.
I don’t agree that the only thing to come from this is misery. There is a learning curve on this. What worked and what did not. Who was watching and what data they will collect-and how it will be used. Things like this change the thought process just like Covid did. America is heating up. Lines outside gun stores yesterday. This is a wake up call, a pressure relief valve letting loose. I am not hopeful that the leadership in America has a handle on this.
Profit and money come first in America. What you mentioned is labeled as collateral damage today.
“Will create a society of awkward kids that are similar to home schooled kids.”
Looting in the city, Manhatten is an island, was there no way to shut down the bridges and make everyone que up at the tunnels to leave? due to curfew and looting all cars will be inspected before leaving? You can’t carry the stuff with you according to the article.
Unreality is now everywhere folks. I did warn about it.
We are going to see a huge ramp up too as we head into September and then November. Lots of $$$$ PACs etc, dark money, every election season more and more is spent. Perhaps $3 Billion this cycle? Pretty soon everyone will be factionalized to some degree, and confirmation bias will overrule any cognitive dissonance, everyone will be in the streets, and we will all be poor together.
10:42 AM really?? I doubt you can/will leave most people are lifers.
Everything about you says lifer. Trust me. But I’d love to know more about your online teaching woes….for science.
Yikes…. dark thread….. here….. this will clear your head…. better than coffee…
11:16 mail-in voting option will kill Trump.
He knows it.
Walking – Video of the looters two nights ago showed a few NJ licence plates in Manhattan. The looters (they are gangs) had a banner week. They usually move from town to town shoplifting and quickly moving on to other jurisdictions as the retailers loss prevention teams all share information about the gangs and warn each other to watch out and notify the local PD as soon as it starts happening. The gangs are usually a step or two ahead of the local PDs in most towns, they move around quickly.
There are not many guys I’d trade places with. Johnny Marr is one.
11:10 hahahaha oh boy.
D-FENS, Murphy’s guesswork aside, what would your date for reopening have been?
Humm, I did mention the RED FLAG of the NSA the other day.
Is the Trump team using the surveillance state?
From the twitter-verse, which is in itself an alternate reality..
“AG Barr threatening to release ANTIFA communications to show which ELITES AND POLITICIANS played a role in coordinating these riots.”
If anyone cares to pay attention the legislature is voting on levying a statewide property tax. By the time most people realize it happened…it will already be law.
Juice , makes even more sense to have vehicles leave through the tunnels, the protesters all walked home using bridges anyway. For safety all bridges are closed to vehicle traffic. The subways were shut down already, so it was either walk or drive. For overnight workers it would suck but
Phoenix, the wealthy don’t get shot, the corporations don’t have to follow the law….they own the law. Rioters eventually if the riots go on long enough will get shot, gassed, you name it. The government doesn’t maintain a huge army and militarized police state for nothing…..
Vote is Thursday in NJ state legislature…
Bond repayment through sales tax revenue and STATEWIDE PROPERTY TAXES
A bill that would allow New Jersey to borrow billions of dollars without voter approval could result in an increase of the state’s sales tax as well as property tax surcharges, according to the bill’s text.
The bill, known as the New Jersey COVID-19 Emergency Bond Act, has drawn support from numerous labor unions and staunch opposition from legislative Republicans, who argue tax revenue shortfalls related to the coronavirus pandemic should be tampered by spending cuts rather than bonding. The state General Assembly is set to vote on the bill Thursday following its release from the body’s finance committee.
Sponsored by Eliana Pintor Marin (D-Essex), the measure authorizes issuance of state bonds totaling $5 billion plus additional borrowing from federal government. The borrowing would plug holes in the budget for employee salaries and benefits as well as other state expenses amidst a projected $10 billion drop in tax receipts through fiscal year 2021. State Treasurer Elizabeth Maher Muoio expects $2.7 billion in lost revenue this year, and potentially $1.3 billion cuts.
While bond issuances are often controversial, the mechanisms in the Assembly bill to pay the debt service on the bonds in this particular measure have raised the ire of Republicans and some budget hawks on the Democrat side, including state Sen. President Steven Sweeney (D-Gloucester).
The bill’s text calls for two repayment methods, which must be applied in order. The first is an appropriation from the state’s sales tax, currently set at 6.25 percent, with the following being what will amount to a surcharge on property tax bills. The bill does not specifically call for an increase in the sales tax, but if that tax proves insufficient to repay the debt, a property tax increase for the entire state would kick in automatically. The bill calls for a tax to be “collected annually in each of the municipalities” of the state, which would be passed on to local property owners by way of their existing assessments.
This is why we’re shut down. They can use the state Constitution’s wartime borrowing provision to borrow without voter approval if the disaster continues…
They can never admit they fcuked up
I’ve had the police scanners on the past couple of nights. There are curfews in 4 towns bordering Trenton. The potential looters definitely have people scouting out locations to attack. Either that or they just like taking midnight strolls through shopping centers 5 hours after they are closed.
Knowing what I know now? I would never have shut it down in the first place.
Maybe school from home…social distancing campaigns…but force business, churches, synagogues and mosques to close? No. They can operate under the same rules Walmart and Shoprite do.
Any office that can work from home should. No mandatory shutdown of small retail.
SomeOne says:
June 3, 2020 at 11:31 am
D-FENS, Murphy’s guesswork aside, what would your date for reopening have been?
Juice, very clever, big difference is they have declared antifa to be a terrorist organization so they technically have’t weaponized the surveillance state. If Biden or any democratic candidate/politician is talking to antifa there was going to be surveillance as it’s a terrorist organization.
If any politicians are involved in destabilizing US cities and are aiding a domestic terror organization it is certainly news to say the least and more likely treason. I would doubt that is really happening, no politician can be that dumb to walk into a trap like that. That is not something you can expect to get away with.
I’m with Phoenix on this one about how the riots work.
As JCer points out, do you think anyone on either side thought what happened to Rodney King was right? That those cops should have been arrested AND convicted? However, the outcome of that trial resulted in a riot.
In this current environment, the riot is happening prior to the trial because anyway you look at it, the cop shouldn’t have done what he did. Regardless of the reasons used to misdirect or change scope.
D fens: NJ borrowing without voter approval, it’s a disaster. The exodus will continue.
JCer- “If Biden or any democratic candidate/politician is talking to antifa”
Do you mean if any of them are stupid enough to directly talk to them?
I can think of a few.
FBI Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF) has been busy. Odds are they will find someone or a proxy.
No arguments from me. But like lightning finds the shortest path to ground, this movement is being examined by both sides. The government is watching with drones, social media, face recognition, etc. They desperately don’t want this to get a foothold. It’s a chain reaction. On the other side, the protesters are learning the police tactics and how they act-and how to defeat their methods. Just imagine instead of burning down that police station they took it over instead-the treasure trove of data that potentially was there, think Hainan Island. I believe one day that a major hack is going to be the way so much dirt is going to be exposed. The young kids are much smarter than the older generation gives them credit for.
“D fens: NJ borrowing without voter approval, it’s a disaster. The exodus will continue.”
But Pumpy will have nocturnal emissions over it.
More property taxes….are they nuts, it’s already way out of hand. If they need revenue raise income taxes, and not at the top, across the board in the middle of the bracket. This is such a political ploy because people will get angry at the municipalities for a tax they have nothing to do with. I’m all for instituting fairness in school taxes by leveling a state wide property tax which would hit shore home owners, and people owning commercial properties in certain towns that currently pay very little. Funding schools from local property taxes simply doesn’t work, too much cost not enough of a tax base, it leads to an undue burden on municipal budgets.
Laaaaawwwwwwwwwd he comin’
Oh laaaaaawd:
The exodus will speed up. You see mega rich politicians, like Corzine and now Murphy have never really felt the pain of tax increases putting a dent in their income. They are so rich they can spend 16 million of their own dollars to buy NJ or 200 million to try to buy the presidency (Bloomberg). Why would they think twice about raising taxes when they pay so little of it anyway.
I’ve always said NJ is the best state to be a public worker in. I wonder when the rest of us, who will never be made whole, will get sick of making sure the burden is shared?
At some point, the whole state is going to resemble Camden.
At some point, the whole state is going to resemble Camden.
Bike paths everywhere?
Lib: So True. When we first moved here 30 years ago, the state was very attractive. Aaa rated, low property taxes, NJ Transit was clean and on time, lower energy costs, and insurance. All of that is gone now. It’s just this giant squid that sucks money out of the taxpayers pockets.
Dump Florio
And we continue to allow it. For the public worker is protected class. Dare say somethin negative about it and you become a pariah.
It’s funny. When I bought the multi and I first looked at the amortization table in front of my mortgage rep at the loan closing, I asked her, what do you think is going to happen when the tax payment becomes larger than the interest payment on a 30-year? She said, “We’ll never see it happen.” This was 16 years ago. It’s long past that now. On a 400,000 loan, even at today’s record low rates, it’s $1,123 in interest,. Your taxes would have to be below $13,500 to pay less in property taxes than interest. Pretty soon, the interest rate and home price is going to matter little. The question everyone is going to ask is, what are the taxes? And they should!
Renee DiResta – “Disinformation Technology: How Online Propaganda Campaigns Are Influencing Us”
D-FENS @11:56,
Didn’t Sweden do a lighter version of shutdown and do worse than rest of nearby countries? My impression is that we don’t listen to the recommendations as well as some other countries, so a no shutdown would likely have been much worse.
Pretty soon, the interest rate and home price is going to matter little.
Five years ago (or more), I said on this blog that houses will no longer have much of a dollar value. Like Detroit, they’ll give you the house but you’ll be responsible for the taxes. We’re approaching that point quicker than I thought.
I’m going on 16 years…I get a pension no matter what now.
If it really goes to online teaching, I’m out. I’m out of this country. Not raising my daughter in a place that thinks online learning is desirable. Peace.
I’ll start a business with my wife and then pass that along to my daughter.
I have one life to live, and I’m not going to waste it teaching an online course. Not a chance…let the robots or Kahn academy do it.
ExEssex says:
June 3, 2020 at 11:21 am
10:42 AM really?? I doubt you can/will leave most people are lifers.
Everything about you says lifer. Trust me. But I’d love to know more about your online teaching woes….for science.
Yup, better not raise property taxes. I like your ideas. No idea why this state govt has a hard on for using property taxes as its main source of funding. It’s ignorant. Spread it out for God’s sake.
Someone, it doesn’t fit the narrative. There is not enough conspiracy involved.
I guess never say never…Lol
It won’t happen till the boomers cash out, then they will pull the rug out from everyone else …
Fat Fast Eddie says:
June 3, 2020 at 2:46 pm
Pretty soon, the interest rate and home price is going to matter little.
Five years ago (or more), I said on this blog that houses will no longer have much of a dollar value. Like Detroit, they’ll give you the house but you’ll be responsible for the taxes. We’re approaching that point quicker than I thought.
2:52 the dirty little secret is that most kids learn but the role of the teacher can be a bit overstated. Allow me to explain. Roger:
Pumps it’s why we have a property tax problem. Yes we have a bit of a spending/cost issue but fundamentally it is funding issue and it has been since the 80’s. Yes we spend more in jersey, is there some waste, sure but for 2016 for example we spent ~18k per looking at other states 12-15k is about typical, the better districts in states like michigan are spending 15k per student, salary costs are ~20% higher in jersey mostly due to cost of living differences. How can you fund that from local property taxes and have them be reasonable? You can’t, my father in law in Mi pays about 6k on a 600k house. What would the effect of just evenly distributing state aid at current levels….it’s 8k per student, based on average spending it amounts to 42% of school spending, based on 65% of property tax it’s 27%. Just applying equal funding would yield approximately a 27% reduction in property taxes in suburbia. My proposal would be quite simple, all municipalities receive 15-16k per student in funding half from state income tax and half from a county or state property tax that applies to all properties. Basically the state funding provides a floor at the median national cost of education, if a town should want to spend more than it is on the local municipalities and their local tax burden. The net effect of this would be an over all decrease in property taxes for most people and would make taxes more equitable by expanding the base at a state or county level. Do we realize in shore towns property tax might be 9k on a 2m house or in a place like south hackensack property taxes are crazy low because the majority of the town is commercial property? The municipal lines are drawn in such a way that it exacerbates the inequality. Also consolidation of local police into regional forces, cut expenses with fewer administrators and high ranking officers and more rank and file, who in suburbia are overpaid.
I could fix the property tax issue in NJ within 5 years by shifting some of the burden and reducing the ridiculous amount of funding provided to the abbott districts. A ridiculous concept we have where the property taxes in suburban towns who maybe have a starbucks for commercial ratables subsidizing a district with an arena, airport, port, warehouses, office buildings, retail, pay parking, etc and oh we also subsidize companies moving their offices there with tax credits. It’s laughable we fund the political corruption of Newark…. It’s not accountable, after massive funding increases Abbott districts perform worse than they did in 1973!
Jcer, you need to run for governor. And ASAP….
At the least, please get your ideas over to someone that can get them through the gate..
I’d elect JC’er. But only if he would ignore Pumps.
lib you notice they still have a lower death rate than the UK in sweeden…..A lot doesn’t make sense. The doctor in Italy who says the virus is becoming less virulent, was pretty much attacked by the WHO which means he is probably right because what ever they have said so far it has been the opposite. No person to person transmission, it’s not a pandemic, it’s contained, there should be no travel bans. Compared to the Italian professor who is one of the foremost cardio-pulmonary experts in the world, who should we trust.
Demand NJ gets fair federal spending! We are paying $25B more (5x our shortfall now) than we get, making us worst funded state in the nation! Fix this, we could lower NJ taxes and pay our debt gap.
“That’s according to a new report from New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, who found that in the first year under President Donald Trump’s tax law, the Garden State received 79 cents for every $1 paid in federal taxes, lowest among the 50 states.
New Jersey sent $24.9 billion more to Washington than it got back, according to the report. That was exceeded only by New York, with $26.6 billion. New York received 90 cents for every $1 in federal taxes, tied with Massachusetts for 47th place. Minnesota was 49th at 89 cents.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s home state of Kentucky got $2 back for every $1 in federal taxes paid. Iowa, home of Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, received $1.16.
The report found the states that got the most back from the federal were New Mexico, with $2.73 for every $1 paid in federal income taxes, and Mississippi, with $2.58. Nationally, the average was $1.21.”
Pumps, leftwing can explain why that is not necessarily correct but we also do not get our share of pork for a multitude of reasons. First we have bad politicians, they are not fighting for us yet we keep electing them. Next we are not politically in play, neither party is trying to get votes, seats, etc we are now a reliably blue state. Lastly the residents of this state are really dumb, electing a republican governor when the federal government is controlled by democrats and a democrat when the republicans are in power. Trump will help kentucky of florida but not NY or NJ. Jersey needs to get it’s house in order, it’s going to be painful and extremely unpopular(goverment employees will suffer a lot), the politicians who eventually do fix it will only get one term before being driven out and being pretty much hated.
NJ and NY did it to themselves. The pandemic and now the rioting and looting have triggered the blow up. Something was bound too, and these two things triggered it. NYC has suffered a body blow from both of these, and will take years to recover. There are companies I would wager that are never coming back.
NJ with its out of control property taxes, and third world infrastructure, along with the deep rooted corruption have destroyed the state. Not one decent city in the entire state. Then the madness of town school systems instead of county coupled with multiple towns and police forces, it simply cannot go on.
Finally throw in the arrogance and ignorance of both states politicians along with many of the residents, and we are where we are today. The decline will just rapidly accelerate.
Remember when the WHO tried to claim a 3 to 4% death rate in late March? They have become an incompetent group of political hacks.
BRT that’s why I don’t trust what they are saying vs. one of the top doctors in Europe. They are saying that in their hospital the Covid patients they are treating have less severe illness and lower viral load, given that this is an RNA virus it pretty rapidly mutates, it very well could be the virus is evolving to be less virulent. Pretty much every statement they have made has been false or somehow manipulated.
That’s what is not making sense to me. I know lefty has said it a million times, but it doesn’t make sense to me how we are dead last.
Based on lefty’s position on the issue, are we the richest state? Why are we dead last in getting money back? Seems like we are getting ripped off.
Not all of the people in Lafayette Park were rioters. Some were very fine people — I’m not talking about the looters and Antifa, who should be condemned totally. Others came to protest the police, and some of the police took a knee, too. There are very fine people on both sides
These are the people that beat out my students from 11 years ago with the perfect resume for Ivy League.
Not all of the people in Lafayette Park were rioters. Some were very fine people — I’m not talking about the looters and Antifa, who should be condemned totally. Others came to protest the police, and some of the police took a knee, too. There are very fine people on both sides
A peaceful crowd can easily turn hostile within a matter of seconds. Even a peaceful crowd of good people.
BRT These two clowns could have made a real difference, instead of doing something stupid. Even if they get off with little to no jail time, their lawyer
Careers are over.
And you had people — and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. There are very fine people on both sides
If you march with domestic terrorists, then you must be a domestic terrorist. Those are the rules. I didn’t make them
I guess this has been in place for a few months. Unfortunately I have a gift card so go to this sh*thole for pool stuff. A new low..wonder how much CEO is pocketing off scam.
A New England based retailer has announced it’s adding a 2% surcharge on all merchandise sold to help its employees who are helping to keep its stores open.
Ocean State Job Lot CEO Marc Perlman said the three-part recognition program is being launched “to benefit the dedicated associates who are showing up every day, keeping our stores open”
Hey D,
Maybe if your Orange god could string a coherent sentence or two then maybe you would not have to rigorously defend him so much.
The lifting of lockdowns across Europe — without much discernible impact on coronavirus infection rates, at least not yet — gives the sense that the recession may not be as deep as feared. The ECB has increased its balance sheet by less than 20% so far, although it might be more by the time its meeting on Thursday is over. That may check the recent euro strength, which would be welcomed by big local exporters such as Germany.
A weaker dollar might be just what the global economy needs to sustain a proper recovery, as it prevents a skew of capital flooding into just one liquid currency. Greater potential returns in emerging economies will reappear. Equally, it will be good news for U.S exporters with global revenues. The Fed has done a stellar job so far. Now it has to manage the stimulus easing successfully too.
Great statements from the Military today, basicly lelling the troops, they are under the states control. DOJ is a different matter.
Looks like Donnie is heading to NJ this weekend. That could be fun. Messes up my plans as I have to run an errand down that way. If he is in, I’m going nowhere near it.
I guess if telling the truth equates to character assassination.
The medical examiner’s office’s findings included “other significant conditions” of Floyd’s: heart disease, fentanyl intoxication and recent methamphetamine — details released in the initial report that angered Floyd’s family attorney, Benjamin Crump.
Crump Tuesday said the inclusion of those conditions, which were not ruled to be a factor in his death in either autopsy, was an attempt to assassinate Floyd’s character ahead of the officers’ trials.
So I had a chat with a local pool guy. My order with a manufacturer just got bounced 4-6 weeks so I’m looking for options. His Ebay shop as a White List for a manufacturer, so I thought I would stop in and see what the deal is.
He says he has 80 pools on back order. He has almost nothing in stock. If supplies open up, the earliest he could get to me would be August. A lot of manufacturers have shuttered for the moment, but a lot are just taking orders and adding to the list. One of his regular companies usually ship 15-20K pools a year. At this point they have 42K active orders. I offered to trade the Chest Freezer I just scored, he smiled, but no deal.
The stone company did deliver today, so I have everything for the pad and the patio. My neighbor asked me if I had found a mason with availability. No, but I have a teenager who is going to want a car in the near future.
The protests have exposed the absurdity of the continued shutdowns. It’s either a public-health emergency and crowds must be stopped or it’s not. It cannot be both.
-NY Post
Either open the businesses or shut down the protests, Gov. Cuomo and Gov. Murphy.
In 2019 police officers fatally shot 1,004 people, most of whom were armed or otherwise dangerous. African-Americans were about a quarter of those killed by cops last year (235), a ratio that has remained stable since 2015. That share of black victims is less than what the black crime rate would predict, since police shootings are a function of how often officers encounter armed and violent suspects. In 2018, the latest year for which such data have been published, African-Americans made up 53% of known homicide offenders in the U.S. and commit about 60% of robberies, though they are 13% of the population.
The police fatally shot nine unarmed blacks and 19 unarmed whites in 2019, according to a Washington Post database, down from 38 and 32, respectively, in 2015. The Post defines “unarmed” broadly to include such cases as a suspect in Newark, N.J., who had a loaded handgun in his car during a police chase. In 2018 there were 7,407 black homicide victims. Assuming a comparable number of victims last year, those nine unarmed black victims of police shootings represent 0.1% of all African-Americans killed in 2019. By contrast, a police officer is 18½ times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer.
I wonder what that kid who was fined for reading a book on the beach is thinking right about now.
Good post. There’s a lot I agree with in there. But why should well to do people get hammered on both income and property taxes (even more than they are now)? In your shore town example, paying $9k taxes in an area that requires very little services compared to whatever town in northern jersey is already unfair regardless of the value of the house.
JCer says:
June 3, 2020 at 3:53 pm
If this is true, it’s hilarious.
Guy in Portland gets dressed as a member of Antifa. Goes to a rally, sees where the protesters park. Then goes and puts Trump 2020 stickers on the cars and left. When Antifa came back to their cars, they were trashed. Windows broken, tires flattened, paint scratched.
Joyce, in order to spread the pain so to speak there are a few options, a payroll tax, income tax, or more universal property tax. While there is some inherent unfairness it principally effects those who are well off and also allows commercial properties to be hit. The problem is education isn’t really based on property. You see a property tax makes sense with respect to value if you have a high value property or a larger property which has more value the police need to protect it, there are roads and other services, there are not massive disparities vis a vis consumption vs taxes. Now with schools if I have no kids I still pay or if I have 1 or 2 but that has little to do with the value of my property a family in an apartment pays little in property tax while still sending 2 kids to school at an annual cost of 36k.
The solution is to remove education funding from local property taxes, education is for the greater good of society but attaching this to property taxes puts an undue burden on people also in the case of job loss or loss of income you potentially are making people lose their homes due to undue property burden. Income tax is ideal but I view NJ income tax rates largely as being about as high as can be justified without serious unintended consequences especially given the state’s perilous financial state. We already tax at a level higher than our neighboring states, they too have onerous property taxes so I am advocating shifting some of the property tax burden up to the county or state level to make funding more equitable without the need to redraw municipal boundaries. Truth is that certain towns lack ratables which is fine again for taxes based on municipal services but businesses do not use schools at all and pay the taxes for them,
It is all about the appearance of what you need to pay if people feel they are over taxed in NJ they will leave.
Chi, that autopsy is disturbing. The concentration of fentanyl in that mans blood was similar to level used when sedated in an operation. Ellison is messing up increasing the charges toto second degree murder, they will have a hard time convicting. Hard to pinpoint the death on the chokehold when it was a cardiac arrest/breathing difficulties in someone carrying COVID-19 with a speedball in his system. The defense will be able to beat a murder wrap likely as expert testimony will establish that there was no intent to kill.