Biden claims that the people should elect POTUS. POTUS should nominate a SCOTUS judge. Senate should consider and cast an up/down vote.
Precisely accurate. But are we supposed to ignore that we have an elected POTUS? Or does the executive branch somehow become neutered during an election year?
Further – Trump has been very clear with his list of potential nominees. Where is Biden’s list? Shouldn’t we have an idea of who he plans on putting there?
The idea that the GOP should press pause on the powers of their elected office, simply because the DNC doesn’t like the outcome, is laughable.
The GOP should move ahead however they see fit. The Constitution is crystal clear in this regard. The DNC claiming that this is some sort of over-reach of power is classic 2020 DNC. What a joke. Elections have consequences, if the roles were reversed, does anyone believe the DNC wouldn’t get a judge confirmed pre-election? Anyone really believe that?
Looking back from deep into adulthood to around 13 yrs old when I realize I was gay. Frankly what best needed to have happened is to been “seduced” by older then me guy. It would have made thing much clearer and got to the point for me. Sort of that scene from the vampire movie “Lost Boys” when they tell the protagonist “now you know what you are and what we are”. Instead of twisting into the wind pulling petals from a flower going “Am I or Am I not?”.
By the way, this seemed to have been the older tradition of when everybody was in the closet. If you want to have fun look for pictures about 10 yrs ago of geriatrics Barry Diller and Calvin Klein with their respective 20 something boy toys.
This extended period of finding out, just caused confusion and pain, along with wasting lots of time on it, instead of getting concentrating on education or skill set to make what counts. Lots of money.
Once you develop a skill set and start making money. Then it becomes a lifestyle that can drag on for decades of having lots of fun without a lot of responsibility. Which at this point what count is making, keeping it, and having fun with the money – very GOP.
The dirty secret is that it is a community that is brutally discriminatory by looks, economically, socially and racially. So they are full of it and don’t practice what they preach.
The poor and minority kids are the ones that get hurt by it, because their opportunities are limited and the structure of the community will generally treat them like crap. They waste their time on pursuing superficial acknowledgments, instead of getting a skill set to make the money. Those numbers from Newsweek are likely from older white professional moneyed crowd that would not lift a finger to help a minority except for a kink.
How did you manage to ignore the precedent set by the Republicans in 2016 on this precise question? How did you ignore the quotes from multiple Republicans on this specific issue, including the words of the senate judiciary committee? Don’t they answer your question?
And btw 30, there is no such thing as ‘precedent’ in appointments.
Precedent in rulings, which liberal judges regularly throw out the window and re-write, yes.
The rules are very clear. President can nominate. Senate can confirm. No time limits. Through their terms.
In 2016 the President nominated and Senate declined to pursue confirmation.
In 2020 the President will nominate and the Senate will hold confirmation hearings, so it seems.
Homeboken made the best observation, the situation the Dems found themselves in 2016 and now is 100% of their own making.
Which is what makes this situation even sweeter than it is…..
30 yr – seriously, screw your “precedent.” Freaking bunch of babie.
In 2016 the Senate and the POTUS were different parties.
Furthermore, the constitution is crystal clear here. I know that mean nothing to you,but it should.
I love the claims that RBGs deathwish was that they wait until post election to replace her.
1. I don’t believe for a second this was her deathwish
2. If it was her wish, then she clearly had no grasp on what her job was on the court. We aren’t genies granting wishes, we have a rulebook to go by, the constitution. Live with it.
3. If it was her wish, I don’t believe that, buy if- what a terribly sad way to die, pining of the person that may take your job now that you are dead. Imagine caring about that when facing the end.
As always, you can wish in one hand and shit in the other. Let me know which one fills up first.
Practical matter – I think the Dems will succeed in getting 3 GOP votes to block an appointment. They need 4. Who knows how it will go.
To add – let’s say the Senate doesn’t confirm and Biden wins. I won’t be crying one bit. Those are our rules. My recourse is at the ballot box (mailbox this year) nothing more.
I won’t call for violence or to burn it all down. If it isn’t done legally, so be it. Fight another day.
Did you, throughout history, there have been SCOTUS vacancies 29 times during an election year. And 100% of those times, POTUS made a nomination. Of course not all were confirmed.
Regarding term limits, since he was a candidate, has Trump said anything about new legislation or an amendment to implement them?
Regarding school choice, I don’t see anything in the Constitution about the Federal government playing a role in local education.
The federal government doesn’t have a role in local education. They can withhold any Federal funds provided to school districts that discriminate based on zip code.
I’ll go one further, I think the entire Dept of Education should be abolished. The desert government has no business being involved in local school decisions. But if those schools decide to take federal $, well then I expect there will be strings attached.
Remember how the drinking age got increased nationally? It was tied to highway funds. I am hugely in favor of states rights. That includes the states obligation to pay for this stuff entirely on their own.
McConnell, Graham and the rest of the Republicans are going to see, hear and read their words endlessly. There are no undecided voters to be gained by Trump regarding the appointment or any other issue. The Democrats will try to swing every woman and pro choice Republican. Roe v Wade is going to be in play and other reproductive rights issues will follow. The Democrats will try to sway those LGBTQ Republicans who may now believe they are in danger of losing legal ground. This may just be the issue to swing the election.
You guys are right. Constitution is clear. What is going on is scorched earth politics. Republicans always say that if the Democrats were in power they would do the same, when they swing their political d*cks. Maybe it is true and maybe not. Clearly the stakes have been raised incrementally for several decades. What comes next if Trump succeeds with his appointment and Democrats take power? The stakes go up! The other guys would do it if they were in power. Where does it end?
I dunno. The GOP is the party of the skim, the grift, slick hair & weak chins.
Conservatives are the real anarchists. As far as government is concerned the GOP would like to make it irrelevant.
My belief is that the destructive inertia is purely generational. We are in the end stage of boomer nihilism that started with Clinton/Gingrich. In short another 5yrs if lucky (nice 2nd/3rd/4th wave) or decade or more if unlucky.
When the next generation takes power, mainly millenials, and yes it will be the AOC side. They are going to have to rebuilt from the ground up, through trials and errors; very much like FDR had to rebuild the country using the New Deal and WW2 after the Great Depression.
I’m no fan of the two geezers and I plan not to vote. Would not mind Trump winning, the 2 Ton Elephant just gets more cocaine to run nuts and destroy. Which by the fact that he would be incompetent in those areas (Virus, Medicare, ObamaCare, Social Security, etc) that would mean the most to the lifespan and quality of boomers would actually make the future better 15yrs+ when we are mostly boomer free.
My fear is Biden, as is such a sell out and protector of the comfortable ( remember he’s the guy behind the 2005 bankruptcy bill that screwed the student loan borrowers) that nothing will change, except the anger will increase and come 2024 will get a competent truly evil Trumpito wanna be that will truly be the end.
I really haven’t seen the GOP base call for mass violence and destruction if they don’t get there way politically. Maybe I’m wrong and I just don’t see it.
But the left on social media is having a moment of violent calls for action.
Burn it all down.
Kill McConnel.
Storm the Senate.
It’s nonsense. None of these decisions are going to be worth starting a civil war over. Buy the last 5 months I’ve watched far left movements literally destroy cities, burn and loot buildings, devastate businesses etc.
How anyone in good conscience could give in to that sort of action is lost on me. It’s like trying to negotiate with a child that wants an ice cream cone for breakfast. They will gnash and scream. But if you give in to that, you will get more of it.
30 yr – the scotus appointment is not about gaining or losing votes. It’s about exercising the power bestowed to the executive and legislative branch. Nothing more.
If the nation votes Biden into office and gives the Dems the house and senate. All this blabber will be undone with a simple voice vote.
The fact that the Dems are moaning so hard shows me the Truth. They know this election is not looking good. Of they lose the court and the election, the DNC will ha e to completely retool for 2022 mid terms and 2024 general.
The old DNC is dying, so is the old GOP by the way. That’s a great thing IMHO. I hate everything about DC from my birth until 2016.
Watched 60 minutes on Pennsylvania mail in voting … very disappointed that they couldn’t take a few seconds to describe the actual process of filling out the ballot and what they do to verify/count votes.
“My belief is that the destructive inertia is purely generational. We are in the end stage of boomer nihilism that started with Clinton/Gingrich.” yup.
“When the next generation takes power, mainly millennials, and yes it will be the AOC side.” yup
“Homeboken made the best observation, the situation the Dems found themselves in 2016 and now is 100% of their own making.” yup
“The old DNC is dying, so is the old GOP by the way. That’s a great thing IMHO. ” yup
“The fact that the Dems are moaning so hard shows me the Truth. They know this election is not looking good. ” yup
” remember he’s the guy behind the 2005 bankruptcy bill that screwed the student loan borrowers” yup
As bad as Biden has been in this campaign, I’m still 100% convinced of the landslide victory that is coming. Throw in the fear of overturning Roe/Wade and you lost a bunch of right wing females too. I have three bottles of booze and one brisket riding on this. I am still pretty confident I will be inebriated and sated on someone else’s dime. We’ll see.
Ah, yes. Rebuilding things from the ground up to be “better”. Reminds me of a recent engineering story.
Once upon a time electric manholes had vented openings in their covers. Time went by and all the old engineers who knew about these eventually retired. no one bothers to talk about simple things like why man holes have vented covers. It was just what was always done, and the historical knowledge was lost.
The new young engineers took over and wanted to make things better. they couldn’t understand why their old counterparts had created vented covers. It allowed salt water and other harsh chemicals to coat the power cables which in turn causes the insulation to fail. They decided that the best way to move forward was to redesign the manhole covers without these openings. It was pure brilliance, they patted themselves on the back for fixing their mentors obvious mistake and cables would last longer.
As time marched on, as it always seems to do, the operations and maintenance group began noticing that manholes were popping their lids from explosions more and more. They couldn’t understand why, they sealed the manholes to save them from exposure to the chemicals that would damage the cable insulation and have caused them to explode in the first place. The Management group became panicked thinking they had an exploding manhole epidemic and called back some of the old engineers back out of desperation to figure it out because the youngins only response was “it wasn’t us”.
The young engineers were correct that the salts and chemicals in the water would cause the cables to fail early and sealing the manhole greatly extended their lifespan. However only in a ideal world would water never get into the manhole and that was their failing. Water was getting into the manhole just at a slower rate. The old engineers knew they couldn’t stop the chemicals from seeping into hundreds of thousands of manholes, after all it’s underground and water tends to find a way and these things are constantly bombarded by shaking Earth of trucks and underground subways.
But now if a cable found they had a sealed pressurized environment with only one way out… The solid manhole cover. They also failed to realize the quantity of explosive gas that would form in these manholes I would seep in from the ground.
But if they added openings in the manhole covers like the old engineers did when they solved this problem decades ago, it wouldn’t explode when the cables inevitably failed because the gases wouldn’t build up.
There was no way of stopping the cables from failing and It was a trade off between safety and longevity of the installation.
and so began the utilities renewed effort to replace 120,000 manholes with vented covers, which were only recently just replaced with solid covers not long ago.
So rebuilding from the ground up from an idealistic generation that’s never had to go a without a meal, has no understanding of the majority of the scientific and social systems around them, and and no idea what real terror or horror actually is?
I can’t wait.
(Ps. I guess I’ve reached old manhood now with this story. Sigh.)
AK and ME senators would not attend confirmation, possibly UT senator too. If AZ flips before Nov 3, it would take a small effort to pursue the SCOTUS gamble.
It was apparent that GOP leadership doesn’t have any spine and would not honor the 2016 principles today. They are cheering around a divisive nationalistic racist agenda but soon that shall pass. Dems are so soft, emerging from the left side of the bed with corporate USA would not have much force to exert on this topic. IT may be up to a few more senators to make this happen.
My guess is just like FED QE, we’ll discuss a SCOTUS QE by adding 5 more judges in play in next administration. We are talking the evolution to become a 3rd world country, but so be it. The public has already turned into one.
Throw in the fear of overturning Roe/Wade and you lost a bunch of right wing females too.
The well to do RW folks know that they will be able to easily get access to ab0rtions. The rest of the RW folks know that they will become rich any moment now, and their biggest concern is the tax rate they’d have to pay when they become rich. I am afraid that no one is going to change their minds.
Watched a few minutes of Sunday political shoes, here’s the sum total of what I learned:.
Republicans: We should nominate a justice to fill a vacant seat, and since we control a majority in the Senate, we should vote to confirm.
Democrats: If you fill this vacant SCOTUS seat, we’ll pack the court.
Thousands of documents detailing $2 trillion (£1.55tn) of potentially corrupt transactions that were washed through the US financial system have been leaked to an international group of investigative journalists.
The leak focuses on more than 2,000 suspicious activity reports (SARs) filed with the US government’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (Banks and other financial institutions file SARs when they believe a client is using their services for potential criminal activity.
However, the filing of an SAR does not require the bank to cease doing business with the client in question.
The documents are said to suggest major banks provided financial services to high-risk individuals from around the world, in some cases even after they had been placed under sanctions by the US government.
According to the ICIJ the documents relate to more than $2tn of transactions dating from between 1999 and 2017.
One of those named in the SARs is Paul Manafort, a political strategist who led Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential election campaign for several months.
He stepped down from the role after his consultancy work for former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych was exposed, and he was later convicted of fraud and tax evasion.
“The fact that the Dems are moaning so hard shows me the Truth. They know this election is not looking good.”
Interesting comment, I was thinking the same last week when I saw Biden campaigning in MN, a state that hasn’t voted Red since, what, the 1960s? If Joe feels the need to shore up that State…not good for him. Same for the black vote….RBG wasn’t cold yet and Biden couldn’t wait to blurt out “black woman”.
Some are saying the Repubs moving forward on SCOTUS is neutral to bad for the vote for them. Could not disagree more. Roe v Wade is settled law, never getting overturned. Abortion fights now are on the far left/right fringes – clinic hours, travel distance, etc. No suburban woman swing voter gives a sh1t. Otherwise, even if nothing happens, this is where the Repubs put up a swing voter woman with a great backstory that FL/Midwest can relate to and then contrast her with the inevitable freakshows that appear on Dems lists. And make no mistake, as I said last week SCOTUS appointees are where Presidents pay back the base. I’ll post an AOC quote…
prominent psychiatrist who spent years studying Nazi Germany has called for mental health professionals to speak out about President Trump’s “falsification of reality” ahead of the election, warning that his attacks on the truth echo those of the Nazis.
Dr. Robert Jay Lifton, distinguished professor emeritus at John Jay College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and a leading psychohistorian who has written extensively about doctors who aided Nazi war crimes, has long called for mental health experts to defy warnings from the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and speak out about Trump’s mental health. Lifton recently published a book entitled “Losing Reality: On Cults, Cultism, and the Mindset of Political and Religious Zealotry” and was one of the 27 mental health experts featured in “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump,” the bestseller edited by Yale psychiatrist Dr. Bandy X. Lee in which mental health professionals assessed the president.
Lifton said that the book and a Yale conference on the topic began the movement of “psychologists and psychiatrists speaking out against Trump.”
“I spoke about what I called malignant normality that was being imposed on us, and the need to be witnessing professionals who told the truth and oppose the malignant normality,” he said in an interview last week.
Lifton said that Trump’s supporters and enablers exhibit the same “cult-like behavior” that he has studied, adding that the current administration has “Trumpified” every part of the federal government, in much the same way that the German government was “Nazified” under Adolf Hitler.
Here’s something we also have known for years.
Working for the big banks is essentially aiding a criminal
Enterprise…. Thousands of leaked documents from the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network were shared with journalists, revealing how big banks have for years engaged with dirty money.
The agency, which operates under the Treasury Department, compiles “suspicious activity reports” when it detects potential or evident financial crimes.
Banks such as JPMorgan Chase, HSBC, and Deutsche Bank facilitated the movement of criminal money even after getting caught, the agency reported.
Left – I agree with RoevWade, abortion is a part of life. It will always be available the question is at what cost and safety. I can’t see there being enough support to abolish that standard.
Some fringe talk occurring about a drop of Epstein’s flight logs. Not just the plane trips (lolita express) but the helicopter trips that had Pedo Island on the flight plan. That is a much more interesting list.
I also believe we are going to hear from Durham soon, not in a report. Indictments. Both Blue and Red are going to eat sh!t on that front.
Round it all out with a debate early next week. Gonna be a fun news cycle. Strap in.
Tuesday Sept 29th is going to have ratings #’s that are going to be spectacular. That is unless one of the candidates falls ill.
The AOC quotes:
“I think that Democratic voters, right now, it’s less about motivating people around a specific individual to be named to that court,” she said. “I think we are highly motivated about just making sure that vacancy is protected and preserved for the next president. I don’t think releasing a list of names really adds to that, and in fact, I think it could risk demoralizing and dividing our party.”
“Right now, the costs outweigh the benefits,” she added. “But as events develop, the calculus could change.”
Roe v Wade is in the sights of evangelicals and other religious extremists on the right along with any decisions resulting in LGBTQ rights. To see this any other way is just plain delusional. Activists on the right have been cultivating these court cases since before Kavanaugh was confirmed.
Look at any Conservative appointee’s record. Including hers, before you blindly open your brain to the Left’s dogma.
From another NYT article:
“Her judicial philosophy on abortion has already garnered the most interest, for personal and legal reasons. In a talk at Jacksonville University in 2016, Judge Barrett said that the core holding of Roe v. Wade was that women had the right to an abortion, and that was not likely to change in the future, but how states restrict abortion might…
In her confirmation hearing in 2017, Judge Barrett repeatedly stated that she would follow Supreme Court precedent on abortion as an appeals court judge…
“If Roe v. Wade were coming against the court for the first time, I suspect that she would say there is nothing in the Constitution about this, and if you want a constitutional right to an abortion, people are free to add one to the Constitution, but it is not in there,” Mr. Garvey said. “That is not the question now. We have had 45 years of abortion jurisprudence.”…
Judge Barrett followed Supreme Court precedent last year in a second case concerning abortion, voting to uphold a Chicago law shielding women entering abortion clinics from unwelcome interactions with protesters and counselors. The law was almost identical to one the Supreme Court upheld in 2000, in Hill v. Colorado.
The Seventh Circuit’s opinion, written by Judge Diane S. Sykes and joined by Judge Barrett, was skeptical of the constitutionality of the Chicago law under the First Amendment.
But Judge Sykes said appeals court judges were not free to disregard Supreme Court precedents, even when later decisions appeared to undercut them. “The road the plaintiffs urge is not open to us in our hierarchical system,” she wrote.
Legal scholars said Judge Barrett’s opinions on the appeals court have been models of judicial craftsmanship, tightly reasoned and unflashy.
“Her conservatism is embedded in her methodological and jurisprudential commitments, not any commitment to a particular policy outcome,” said Jonathan H. Adler, a law professor at Case Western Reserve University. “As a scholar and a judge, she has shown herself to be a very careful and deliberate thinker who is concerned with getting the right answer, whether or not it’s the popular answer.”…
Still, those who know Judge Barrett say she is not ideological in her writings. Every Notre Dame Law School faculty member supported her elevation to the appellate court, noting they did so in spite of their different political persuasions. One of her former students said that in class she would not have known Ms. Barrett was Catholic, and that she did not start class with prayer or the sign of the cross like other professors at Notre Dame.
“Both of us are kind of right-of-center people,” said John P. Elwood, who taught a class with her at George Washington University in 2001 and who is now head of the Supreme Court practice at Arnold & Porter in Washington. “She didn’t wear it on her sleeve.”
Left – Do you have any thoughts on NKLA? I have no interest in investing in this thing up or down. But the volatility of this thing is absurd.
Anybody that supports efficient market theory should look no further than NKLA as counter-point. This thing is either a Madoff like scheme, or the next TSLA. People that are long/short this firm are risk junkies. Download draft kings for a faster and more reliable hit of dopamine.
“Highly controversial Supreme Court precedents like Bowers, Korematsu, and—yes—Roe, are never truly “settled” unless and until a broad consensus develops supporting them.”
Basically, stop using the Courts to achieve politically what you cannot achieve by legislation.
The system had built into it circuit breakers that prevented a slim majority (let alone a minority) from imposing its views on the others.
Supermajority vote, filibuster, legal precedent are all examples….when politicians (mostly the Left) could not accomplish what they wanted because of these limits they started to dismantle them….which unsurprising to anyone (except maybe the Left) was then used against them (ie, Kavanaugh).
I support abortion. But we are still arguing about it almost 50 YEARS LATER because in 1973 the Left assessed they did not have the legislative (popular) support to effect it so rammed it through SCOTUS.
Had the Left simply taken another 15 years and built popular support and passed it through legislation we wouldn’t be where we are….
You can’t run a democratic republic on a 50.1% (or less) majority…..and yet the Left keeps running there with noises now about eliminating the filibuster….yeah, that will end well….it will work for them until it doesn’t……ie, the chamber flips.
NKLA…meme stock for RobinHood retail crossed with SPAC craze crossed with EV craze yield parabolic moves…..I don’t come near these things either direction…..
don’t disagree but it’s SETTLED LAW. The Right are constitutional constructionists. They don’t overrule settled law.
… Basically, stop using the Courts to achieve politically what you cannot achieve by legislation.
Which one is correct? Settled law, or free for all?
Had the Left simply taken another 15 years and built popular support and passed it through legislation we wouldn’t be where we are….
Remember ACA, diluted from the plans from 1990’s, built up support over 15 years, passed through legislation, the one that the GOP has been litigating ever since? It seems like you are simply cheering when the team you support currently wins on any issue.
DOJ Designates New York City as an “Anarchist Jurisdiction”
The designation comes after a memo from President Trump earlier this month threatening to cut off federal funds for cities
New York City is one of three places that “have permitted violence and destruction of property to persist and have refused to undertake reasonable measures to counteract criminal activities,” leading to its designation as an “anarchist jurisdiction,” the Justice Department said Monday.
Rather than idle words, the designation has potential financial consequences. President Trump issued a memo earlier this month directing the DOJ to identify jurisdictions that, in its view, were not enforcing the law appropriately. Designated cities could lose their federal funding.
Trump’s order gives the director of the Office of Management and Budget 30 days to issue guidance to federal agencies on restricting eligibility for federal grants for the cities on the DOJ list. Such grants make up a huge portion of NYC’s already strapped annual budget — more than $7 billion in fiscal 2021 alone, or 7.5% of the city’s projected total revenue.
In justifying its decision, the DOJ cited New York City’s rising gun violence, cuts to the NYPD’s budget, and moves by various district attorneys not to prosecute charges related to protests earlier this summer.
Pelosi is going to try to impeach Trump again to hold up the SCOTUS confirmation
Some have mentioned the possibility if they try to push through a nominee in a lame duck session that you and the House can move to impeach President Trump or Attorney General Barr as a way of stalling and preventing the Senate from acting on this nomination.
PELOSI: Well, we have our options. We have arrows in our quiver that I’m not about to discuss right now, but the fact is we have a big challenge in our country. This president has threatened to not even accept the results of the election with statements that he and his henchmen have made.
“now is the time to ensure that the wealthiest among us are also called to sacrifice.”
Gov. Murphy on his push to expand the “Millionaire’s tax” in NJ.
“It only stands to reason that where there’s sacrifice, there’s someone collecting the sacrificial offerings. Where there’s service, there is someone being served. The man who speaks to you of sacrifice is speaking of slaves and masters, and intends to be the master.”
Ayn Rand on people like Gov. Murphy
Can the left please provide an actual candidate for president and not a weekend at
Bernie’s prop that they plan to manipulate behind The scenes? Thank you.
I can’t vote for a 77 year old for president! This is a major issue for me as a voter. My solution is to ardently support the 74 year old!
That was intended to sound ridiculous. Unlike…TruthIsTheEnemy says:
September 21, 2020 at 9:21 am
Can the left please provide an actual candidate for president and not a weekend at
Bernie’s prop that they plan to manipulate behind The scenes? Thank you.
Can the left please provide an actual candidate for president and not a weekend at
Bernie’s prop that they plan to manipulate behind The scenes? Thank you.
And national polls are saying he has a double digit lead. How does a zombie, who doesn’t hold a rally (protest), doesn’t take questions ad hoc, walks and talks like he’s drugged, yet may become the next president?
The government Trumpified?
Hardly. Right under his nose the public education system has seen a coup by neo-Marxists of the Critical Race Theory variety who will be propagandizing American children for the next 30 years.
How much job turnover in federal and state bureaucracies by % over the past 3 year? I doubt there was more than usual. Maybe the bureaucratic chieftains that were comfy and loyal under Obama were replaced by people not actively working to undermine Trump. I’d say Trump has a looser grip on the bureaucracy than Obama did. Trump isn’t using the IRS to audit political enemies that I’ve heard of, nor is Trump using the intelligence agencies to gather political dirt on his enemies like Obama did. I would say that Trump was way too slow to throw out Obama cronies from the bureaucracy, and it cost him. Especially since Trump is one of those bad managers who values loyalty over honesty. The best type of people won’t want to work for him.
Not that I am going to vote for either one, but Trump is robust and dynamic. Some people just age fast. As an example, I saw Bill Clinton on TV yesterday morning. He was my favorite President while he was in office. Now that his history is written, I have mixed feelings. Regardless, he is OLD and fragile….. but he is the same age as Trump. I don’t think anyone would have any idea if you saw them side by side.
30 year realtor says:
September 21, 2020 at 9:28 am
I can’t vote for a 77 year old for president! This is a major issue for me as a voter. My solution is to ardently support the 74 year old!
That was intended to sound ridiculous. Unlike…TruthIsTheEnemy says:
September 21, 2020 at 9:21 am
Can the left please provide an actual candidate for president and not a weekend at
Bernie’s prop that they plan to manipulate behind The scenes? Thank you.
Clinton has the heart problems. That will age you for sure. AND he’s still 3+ years younger than Biden. And for less cognitively impaired. And was 1000x more intelligent
to bed in with.
“It seems like you are simply cheering when the team you support currently wins on any issue.”
Guilty as charged, but note my jersey color is Rule of Law and never has been Red or Blue.
“Remember ACA, diluted from the plans from 1990’s, built up support over 15 years, passed through legislation, the one that the GOP has been litigating ever since?”
ACA is probably not the example you want to use LOL…!!! You do realize…
The law never had even a majority support among the population, let alone strong support, before or during passage. You are correct, it was diluted from plans that had been kicking around for two decades because there was even less support for those plans (ie, HillaryCare). there was never anything close to a popular consensus on ACA.
The Democrats only got the vote in the Senate because they attached the legislation to an existing House bill for disabled service members. Blatantly an end run around the Constitutional requirement of funding bills originating only in the House. There would not have even been a bill to vote on otherwise. There was serious debate of the Repubs making a SCOTUS challenge then but stood down.
The Democrats needed to overcome a filibuster and only got 60 votes by ramming through the actual vote TWO NIGHTS BEFORE CHRISTMAS because….oh yeah, wait for this punchline……If the Dems waited until Congress was back in regular session they would not have the votes because a Repub was going to win (and did) Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat in January. Any similarities to today? Cough, cough. Bueller?
So, your ACA example more proves the point I was making than counters it…..legislation without strong popular support rammed through yields an absolute unresolved sh1tshow.
Personally, I think if you want to ‘fix’ the current system nearly every piece of legislation would need 2/3 majority to pass. That way, only laws that have broad popular support pass. The fringes become irrelevant because the 2 percentage points they bring to the table to get one side to a 50.1% ‘win’ becomes diluted. Plus, fringe items would drop from the agenda and the House/Senate could focus on items of real importance to the average citizen.
And that thing about Ginsberg’s last wish wanting the next president to nominate the next supreme court judge is a bunch of bullsh1t. Yet another leftist narrative from a completely powerless group.
Filling the seat is a no brainer. The left is already completely unhinged. They also gambles when they thought Hillary was a slam dunk and would try to come back with someone left of garland. They lost that gamble.
Speaking of cults, RBG had two movies about her in one year, a handful of books about her, Saturday Night Live pretended she was a superhero, as did many other groups. I’m surprised Marvel didn’t add her to the latest Avengers movies.
She helped with some good legal decisions, especially early in her career when there were a lot of blatantly sexist laws around. I disagreed with most of her approach to decisions on the supreme court, when I heard of them, but didn’t find her supreme court thinking to be worth much study. I think it’s revealing that she suggested the South African constitution was a better model than the U.S. Constitution., given that her job was to uphold the latter.
“And that thing about Ginsberg’s last wish wanting the next president to nominate the next supreme court judge is a bunch of bullsh1t. Yet another leftist narrative from a completely powerless group.”
I’m encouraged by this reporting, especially give the outlets (prime time high level like NYT and CBS).
Shows they realize they have no rational legs to stand on to prevent this so are appealing to base emotions. Sign of weakness. Like Biden campaigning in MN and pandering to blacks….
“And national polls are saying he has a double digit lead. How does a zombie, who doesn’t hold a rally (protest), doesn’t take questions ad hoc, walks and talks like he’s drugged, yet may become the next president?”
Well for starters, he doesn’t make up stupid lies, like Covid will be over by Easter, or I’ll reveal my taxes if elected. He also does not grab women by the puzzy (or at least does not brag about it). He does not make fun of the physically disabled, nor jokes about the Special Olympics. He did not rile up his base through the construction of a xenophobic wall which he also lied about who would pay for it. He also lied about developing a new health care plan. But this is just the tip of the iceberg as you already know. And as crazy as it all sounds, it’s 100% fact. But do you know what is even more incredulous than this paragraph? That nearly half the country would still support this clear and present example of an absolute asshole. What does this say about his supporters? If you asked me, I would say they are as stupid as their president. Biden might be a feeble old man and might have ideological faults that you disagree with. But, he is not an asshole.
And now, list his accomplishments, which are many, despite the onslaught by the powerless, feckless, d1ckless, aimless, useless, worthless, reckless, careless, feeble, weak, ineffective, do-nothing left.
Has she lost her marbles? How does a House impeachment inquiry impact any vote in the Senate? Does she realize she is only 44 days out from an election, ie. even if something could occur in the House during that time the election renders it moot? Unless she expects that Trump wins again ;)
Anyway, the head shot….She wants to impeach trump ahead of his SCOTUS appointment because…IT WORKED SO WELL LAST TIME? lololol.
Please do. I mean, fcuking PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE file articles of impeachment Nancy. Today. Now. PLEASE. Hurry up!
LOL. All kidding aside, the woman has become unhinged.
I don’t watch the Sunday shows. I hardly even watch the news these days as really, I’m not a big fan of politics as sport. Worst of all, besides the handling of my Social Security account (since I turn 50 in the coming days), I just need to survive about three more years before it’s all moot and I move to a much more simple and healthy place.
To answer your question, humility is an important trait in my opinion. Perhaps it is a fault in my persona. My parents instilled a lot of morals in me. Probably one of the first being that cussing is only used by people too stupid to learn the language. From a young age I had to deal will a bully that lived in my development. He was on my school bus from 1st through 6th grade. This was the classic asshole bully. A kid blessed with great strength in muscle, but a real dolt in mind. Besides the occasional atomic wedgie and stolen lunch money, his favorite move was to force your face into uncurbed dog remains and he was known to make kids eat dandelions too, which I was never witness to, fortunately. Now I was always kind of a big kid, so he didn’t mess with me much. But, I always felt terribly for the little guys he bothered mercilessly. The real problem for me was that my parents were crazy strict and if I got caught fighting, even with this bully, I’d be grounded for months. School is all that matters to my folks. A while back, I shared the story of how I completely wrecked him (though kind of accidentally) and he stopped messing with me and most of my friends after that. But I still feel the need to try to correct asshole behavior when I see it. Like I said before, it’s a flaw. Especially considering how many of these asshole carry these days. I’m probably lucky to be alive today. But I have no few fears.
At the end of the day, I know both parties suck equally. I just can’t stand bullies. If the leader of your country is a bully, what message does this send to the kids?
AHB, the funniest thing from that fact check you post – other than it being CNN calling Biden’s lies out – is that in the accompanying video Biden states that the fastest a justice has been confirmed after nomination was 47 days. Wanna guess who that was? LOLOLOL.
Oh, as a joke in 7th grade, I filled my science goggles with agar before putting them back in the ultraviolet sanitizing thingy. By our next science class the following day, it had hardened and I carved little eye holes in it which made me look absolutely ridiculous, but it was pretty funny none the less. I got detention for it. A holiday does not go by where my parents still don’t talk about it. I share this story to provide some insight into my upbringing and why being suspended for fighting this bully was simply not an option for me, though I was truly up for it.
I had my share of bullies as well and terrible bosses both of which Trump is a carbon copy of. No one likes to watch a moron like Trump run the Country into the ground and essentially skim and money his supporters give him. No one wants to see the US ground into dust while the right protects the unborn. Trump is on the wrong side of every issue, his tactics are terrible, his negotiation skills laughable…..he literally has no plans for what he’ll do in his next term (if he wins)……but hey, he ‘owns the libs’ who by everyones own admission are weak and deserve to be dominated. True Bully terms.
Not everyone was an investment banking analyst at a bulge bracket…….
leftwing says:
September 21, 2020 at 10:11 am
Am I the only that decided some time in my 20s that it was not worth my time or mental effort to get all wound up by others’ asshole-ish behavior?
“At the end of the day, I know both parties suck equally. I just can’t stand bullies.”
Thanks for sharing. We are all products of our upbringing, early years and parents in particular….My hot button always has been liars who screw you hard while acting like they are your best friend….
I’ve never been so naive to believe that the majority of human-kind would be saint like. And I accepted at an early age that there are those who will act with malice and harm you, basically the ‘assholes’ that I just avoid.
But I just can’t get over people who tell me they have my personal best interests in mind and then knowingly and proactively fcuk me.
That viewpoint makes the Left anathema to me.
As I said in a post last week about some different topic, interesting how we can start in a similar place and with good logic arrive at different stations.
“Not everyone was an investment banking analyst at a bulge bracket…….”
LOL good one. Yeah, I worked under more than my fair share of mini-Trumps…
There was one when I pretty senior…he had hit the front pages years back of one of the Streets rags as ‘wealthiest’ based on the contract he had just signed….Man, what a sh1tshow…I still to this day get PTSD watching some of DJT’s ‘personnel’ moves from that one…..
I think it might be over for Biden, a friend of ours, a latina indicated her support for Trump. I quote, I cannot watch the buffoon on TV but my business has done well and the media has been unfair to Trump, I have no confidence in Biden. I feel like a lot of people are silently going to vote for Trump, they wouldn’t admit it in public. When the DNC loses first generation immigrant women who are people of color it might be over. Furthermore the information coming out of the Ukraine recordings looks very bad for Biden, a phone call where he is strong arming the president of sovereign nation to remove their prosecutor who just happens to prosecuting your sons employer and the president is saying they’ve found no wrongdoing on the part of the prosecutor. The optics are real bad and the audio certainly seems real, it is a bigger scandal than anything I’ve seen involving Trump.
On the supreme court, it’s politics everyone knows when a party controls the presidency and the senate supreme court justices will be confirmed at anytime during the 4 year term regardless of the antics pulled 4 years ago. What is truly abhorrent is the DNC and their minions calls for lawlessness and unrest. Everyone knows how the game, this is how it is played, RBG should have stepped down in Obama’s first term, that was their mistake, again this is how the game is played. Ginsburg was basically on life support for the last year, they tried to have her make it past the election, she didn’t by all outward indications she was in terminal condition last year and should have stepped down. Frankly I didn’t agree with a lot of RBG’s positions but respected her as a jurist, I’d be more afraid of the clowns the DNC wants to replace her with. To lefts point at least the conservatives strictly respect the laws as written, it makes them FAR, FAR less dangerous to our country than charlatans like Sotomayor or Obama who claim to uphold the constitution but do nothing of the sort.
On Row vs. Wade I explained this to my wife, they will never overturn it, the political football is what brings evangelicals out in force, it is fight they will continue but it will never end as it is too useful for firing up the base. It is why secretly the DNC wants to ensure racism always exists…….
Left – Nancy is just waiting on her new shipment of “impeachment pens”. Have to be able to hand out the useless participation trophy, even to congressmen.
Pelosi is a nut bag. She will lose her chair before she files articles of impeachment against Trump.
Zero! There will still be a gap of at least 1/2 million votes in favor of Sleeping Joe. The “machine” has a lock on the cities. Mail in voting should create an even bigger turnout in the cities than ever.
Here is the Red Blue map from 2016, by town and by city.
I love seeing these trucks driving down the highway with Trump banners flying side by side with the American flag. It smells like victory! There’s two O’Biden lawn signs I have found within the neighboring towns around me. Two that I have seen. Two! As in… two!!
Seen very few signs for Trump or Biden. Mostly those we support our first responders and a few BLM signs.
I was a few places over the weekend including deep blue territory in Bergen county. Teaneck by far had the most BLM signs, and smattering of Biden signs.
I’ll tell you what sign I do see more than Biden. The friggin We believe science is real, love is love, no human is illegal and whatever else it says. Nothing exhibits moral superiority over your neighbors more than that sign.
BRT, I hate those signs, what they left off is the trailing part:
We believe science is real….so long as it aligns with our beliefs, implicit biases and political leanings
These same people would attack the study in Lancet regarding black people being more susceptible to COVID as racist. Clearly the narrative must be racism is the reason why Blacks are disproportionately dying from COVID, even among children and younger healthier folks. To even suggest or study this and any genetic or biological factors is taboo. To which I say it is nonsense, even looking at Europe I’d wager that people who cluster with northern europeans seem to have fewer severe cases. Not to mention it is not unheard of for diseases to effect people people of different ethnic backgrounds differently. Science is science so long as it fits your narrative I guess.
Yes the biden signs are few in number, I’m starting to see more come out but frankly there were more signs out during the primaries than now.
11:56 time to get your own lifted truck!
Gotta Hemi? I kind of see these characters as somewhat
menacing especially when they tailgate me in my Prius with
the coexist bumper sticker….
In 2007, a report commissioned by an auto industry trade group insisted that when you factor in the waste generated during production, the notoriously gas-guzzling Hummer is actually greener than the Prius [source: Slashdot].
According to an in-depth study by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory, hybrid cars do, in fact, require more energy to produce than conventional cars, emitting more greenhouse gases and burning more fossil fuels during the manufacturing process. The production of hybrid batteries, in particular, requires much more energy than producing a standard car battery and results in higher emission levels of gases like sulfur oxide [source: Burnham et al].
Building a hybrid car is almost exactly the same as building a conventional car, requiring high-tech and highly automated assembly lines. This type of manufacturing process requires tremendous inputs of energy, particularly the forging of materials like steel, aluminum, glass and plastic. Interestingly, lightweight vehicles can sometimes be more energy-intensive to build than heavier cars because lighter metals like aluminum are harder to forge than stainless steel [source: Moon]. Experts estimate that 10 to 20 percent of a vehicle’s total lifetime greenhouse gas emissions are released during the manufacturing stage alone [source: California Energy Commission].
Toyota admits that the production of its lightweight Prius requires more energy and emits more carbon dioxide than the production of its gas-only models [source: Williams]. The major reason is because hybrids like the Prius include more advanced components than a conventional car, including a second electric motor and heavy battery packs.
There are additional environmental concerns related to those rare earth metals, like those used in the magnets of hybrid batteries. In recent years, rare earth metals like lithium have been imported almost exclusively from China, which was able to lower its prices enough to monopolize the industry [source: Strickland]. One of the reasons China could sell lithium so cheaply was because it widely ignored environmental safeguards during the mining process. In the Bayan Obo region of China, for example, miners removed topsoil and extracted the gold-flecked metals using acids that entered the groundwater, destroying nearby agricultural land. Even the normally tight-lipped Chinese government admitted that rare earth mining has been abused in some places. A regulator at the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in China went so far as to tell The New York Times, “This has caused great harm to the ecology and environment” [source: Bradsher].
Hybrid carmakers like Toyota are set to release a new breed of plug-in hybrids. The trouble with plug-in hybrids (and electric cars, too) is that electricity isn’t always cleaner than gasoline. More than 45 percent of electricity in the U.S. is generated by coal-powered plants [source: EIA]. According to another Argonne National Laboratory report, if a plug-in hybrid charges from coal-generated electricity, it could be responsible for emitting up to 10 percent more greenhouse gasses than a conventional vehicle and up to 60 percent more than a standard hybrid [source: Elgowainy].
I have been wondering in my mind which of the top frontrunners is better for the current President for the upcoming election.
Amy Coney Barrett – Midwestern, devout Catholic, mother of 7
Barbara Lagoa – Florida, Cuban heritage
I’ve been trying to think about whether Barrett means anything to voters in PA, MI, WI, and MN, or if Trump just goes for the killshot to lock down Florida. Does appointing Lagoa resonate with non-Cuban hispanics in AZ, PA, and NC? Does Barret create enthusiam among the evangelical populations in the Midwest swing states and NC?
Seems like both are good for the election, to me, but I cannot decide which is better.
Trump is such a dick that I can picture him purposefully not getting a judge through just so he can tell core Republicans that now they will really have to turn out for him at the election to help him win.
Meanwhile, lefties seem to imply that if they don’t get their way on the judge and the election, violence and chaos will ensue. The people who I find just as disgusting are the pseudo Republicans who whine that they are fearful that there could be civil unrest if Trump and the Senate appoint a judge. Essentially saying that they will indeed be cowed by threats of violence from political opponents and declaring themselves open to blackmail.
No Job, Loads of Debt: Covid Upends Middle-Class Family Finances
The pandemic is wreaking havoc in loan-laden white-collar workers’ households; ‘I will never claw my way out of this situation’. Wall Street Jounal 21 Sept. 2020
“Postings for jobs with salaries over $100,000 were down 19% in August from April, while postings for all other salary categories increased, according to job-search site ZipRecruiter Inc.”
This is scary and not entirely unexpected. It looks like mass bankruptcies are on the horizon. Some of the folks described in the article hold tremendous debt levels versus their income, even before they lost their jobs or took a pay cut. As a friend of mine who lived very well used to say “I am just making the payments.”
I had lunch with a guy who owns a collections company Saturday after a round of golf. He said that there is a lot of bad debt piling up in the background, people are making payments on their cars and credit cards, but their rent and mortgage less so. Right now is more the forgiveness/deferral phase, but that’s about to run out. His collection business activity is already up and he expects it to go up more.
Lagoa is untested, only recently appointed so no paper trail. And the fact that she had bipartisan support is a hand tipper.
Last time Repubs nominated a green, undocumented newbie with bipartisan support it was entirely wasted and counterproductive….David Souter.
Barrett is the head shot for the swing voter and the safest choice…even with that, before the Right go and relieve their chubbies, she will disappoint them occasionally as her ruling will follow the law, not political dogma. As they should.
Okay, I’m not selling shite, just want some feedback from this crowd on what looks like a very profitable, if risky, way to make bucks.
I’ve been talking to several people in Asia who are making $10,000 to $50,000 per day trading one symbol on their cell phone: XAUUSD
They are trading gold against US currency. They don’t trade anything else, just this one symbol.
I was skeptical at first, and but now 8 different people have told me the same story, and even send me their trade receipts showing the profits. They are bragging.
They are using a phone app called “Metatrader 4” to make trades.
These are not traders, just people on chat groups following the herd on trade advice and making big dollars every day as side income.
From articles I’ve read, they can get bitten badly on leverage, but they have been doing this for years, and say the volatility caused by the pandemic makes the trades even more profitable.
Add in two adopted Haitian children and a natural child with Downs Syndrome. Midwest background and a professorship at one of the most respected universities there. And colleagues of every political background supporting here.
Every suburban housewife will fall in love with her….
She gives the Repubs that rarest and most valuable of commodities this election cycle…a reason to vote FOR your candidate as opposed to AGAINST the other party’s guy…in the geography and demographic that swings the election no less….
Bottom line, she is the best outcome when crossing what she will actually do on the Court with what she provides to the election…
From my position closer to the center, the right wins this round. Notwithstanding, there are 16 Republican hypocrites and not one larger than Mitch who should not be trusted at their word. Unfortunately, we live in a country that is so divided over politics that lying is now acceptable by both parties and their supporters. Our politicians are better off keeping their mouth’s closed to keep their own feet from slipping into them. Sadly, I expect the left to stack the court the moment Biden wins the election. Just another shitshow in an overly divided country.
Gary, I’ve been screaming about the Prius being more of a fashion statement than an environmental benefit over ICE cars since the day they were released. They still haven’t figured out how to mine the battery metals safely nor dispose of them properly. The only reason to buy a Prius, or any of these other plug-ins is to save money through government subsidies and to make your friends THINK you care for mother Earth. There is a reason nearly every hybrid is designed to look like a car out of the Jetsons. Heck the BMW electric car looks absolutely stupid. Especially the dumb grill up front.
Older son played his first non-season game last night in the Wonderland of Ice up near Fairfield. The kids are not being covid safe. The parents, mostly less so than the kids. At this point, I’m certain if a vaccine isn’t found quickly, the smart ones among us are going to be stuck in masks long after the rest of the world is through this crisis. At this point, might as well let things get back to the way they were and we’ll just let everyone play the “I hope I don’t have an unknown underlying comorbidity lottery.”
Regardless of the lawn signs, I still think Trump hatred wins this election for the corporate creep. We’ll see. I’ve been wrong before, but not usually when I am willing to put money on it. I’m really an expert gambler.
” The only reason to buy a Prius, or any of these other plug-ins is to save money through government subsidies and to make your friends THINK you care for mother Earth.”
Or the fact that you can buy one in the mid 20’s and drive it for 300k miles @50 mpg on one set of brake pads and 30 oil changes.
Every single SCOTUS justice is from an Ivy League school……etc
Middle America has been ignored too long….denigrated and insulted by liberal elites on the two coasts….etc
The Dems say they care about you, they don’t the House is holding up $300 in unemployment benefits to you so they can give $145,000 tax breaks to the wealthiest people on the Coasts….etc
I care about you. I hear you. I give you the next justice of the supreme court, from your backyards, indisputably qualified, a brilliant legal mind, and an outstanding and warm human being…etc.
Biggest problem for the Repubs will be the politics of timing. Do you announce her but put the vote off until after the election, using the pending nomination vote to troll for Electoral votes?
Or do you try to get her confirmed before Election Day, knowing that may disincentivize Red voters and motivate Blue voters?
Lib, too bad to hear on the hockey. Our guys are treading water, practices no games. Will be interesting to see if Murphy lets them play….in his typical imperious, aloof fashion I’m sure he’ll announce something fcuking the rinks and clubs right before the deadline, then reverse it, then reverse it again.
Middle America isn’t as binary as you folks might imagine.
I’m going out on a limb and saying folks there are just as sick
of Trump as the more developed coastline.
Factual, there are words for what you are describing and they are not good words. Yes there are Log Cabin Republicans and a GOP Hispanic Caucus. But I have met many that are still hurting from family rejection, society rejection and a lot of Military as well. While you will always have a minority voting for Trump, the majority are not.
AOC is right and Joe should keep his list under wraps. Its like playing cards, you dont show if you dont have to. If people want a name, he should give them two. Barack or Michelle.
Left the difference here is that Mitch is responsible to bring a nominee to the the senate for confirmation. If the majority party don’t like the nominee, vote them down and do so repeatedly. Dont hold up a process for precedent and then move the goalposts.
But if you are holding that Mitch is just following the rules, you cant complain if Nancy throws another few articles of impeachment down the chute. All those people that complained she only sent two the first time will be celebrating all that dry powder. Impeach will have to go before a nomination is considered.
Also a lot of people who are touting its just the rules are also complaints that Roberts and Gorsuch should go as they are not following the expected lines. There are even rumblings about Kavanagh
Lib, 50 just means you unlock the couponing jackpot, the ARRP card. Any issues claiming a Senior Discount on your birthday?
Went car shopping over the weekend. My 13yo 200k mile Prius has to go. The problem with is the ICE needs a set of rings and its not worth the investment. Mrs Fab wants something the kids can drive in in a couple of years and I’m losing the arguement that I can keep this one still going.
I tried the CrossTrek EV and it was OK. The Forester would be a better fit. I think it will be the Prius EV in the end. Some nice deals on the 2020s and yes, I’ll take the Tax rebate.
That 2009 article was debunked years ago. While Lithium extraction is dirty, the recyleabilty more than makes up for it. In fact most of the Prius is plastic and Aluminium. You dont even have the hassle of steel.
Not one Trump sign here in CT are. It is Biden all the way. I drove up and down my town, next town and up 10m to my mom’s place. Not one. Only Trump was a monster truck dufus flying a flag on Merritt. Any boating and shoreline will see lots of Trump. They like getting tax cuts and bailouts I guess.
More brilliance from the CDC – I wonder why so many people don’t trust this group, they are so reliable:
In Stunning Reversal, CDC Says It Published New Guidance On Risks Of ‘Airborne’ COVID-19 “In Error”
After publishing guidance warning about the serious risks of “airborne” infection associated with SARS-CoV-2, the CDC just seriously harmed its own credibility by acknowledging Monday that it had posted the new guidance “in error”, following a pressure campaign from the WHO.
Scientists have been gathering evidence that the novel coronavirus plaguing the world spreads via aerosol particles practically since it first emerged, and back in July, a group of 200 scientists sent a letter to the WHO urging the international public health agency to change its guidance on the spread of the disease. The problem scientists argued is that the WHO hasn’t updated its views to incorporate new research showing that aerosol spread is a much greater threat than touching contaminated surfaces, or via large droplets spread by close contact between individuals…
“But if you are holding that Mitch is just following the rules, you cant complain if Nancy throws another few articles of impeachment down the chute.”
No problem with either. And neither side ‘follows the rules’ unless the other side forces them. Been that way for 200+ years here. Did you read my post on the passage of the ACA? What the Dems did was unconscionable. But the Repubs decided to let it slide…more recently, no.
“Impeach will have to go before a nomination is considered.”
In what universe? Different houses lol. Any new articles of impeachment won’t even be debated in the House before the nomination in the Senate is done.
“Also a lot of people…complaints that Roberts and Gorsuch should go as they are not following the expected lines. There are even rumblings about Kavanagh”
I don’t know how the Left allows itself to be continually turned into a bunch of shrieking little girls by the Dems. Conservative justices are never as ‘bad’ as the Left fears…look at the term that just ended, everyone in MSM were ‘surprised’ some rulings went they way they did with conservative justices signing on…conservative justices are just that…conservative with a lower case ‘c’…they are not looking to force their own (or party’s) views…they are strict constructionists and follow the law as established, generally. Few real surprises and when there is usually because they drift “left” because that is where the law/precedent resides.
We’ll see. Trump has always had his loyal supporters. Those are the wonks that are willing to waste their time at a rally. It’s whether the haters will mail in their ballot that will determine the outcome.
The CDC’s problem is their primary function has been fear mongering for 20 straight years to try to get their funding increased. I used to have posters waiting for me when I came back from summer with their nonsense. My favorite one was “Bird flu and you, how to protect your students”. My guess is, the agency is loaded with bureaucratic hacks and politically connected jobs. I’m not sure the rank and file are likely much better. Most of the mediocre incompetent chemical/pharmaceutical engineers I came across when I was in grad school ended up at the FDA.
First off ACA was always 39 plus Joe Lieberman. So Senate had effectifly 60% support but needed that A$$wipe to get Cloture. So if we have 60% support on an issue, what more do you need.
The biggest issue the GOP have here is that the Red States jumped on the Medicare bandwagon after the vote. So this SCOTUS case has a big impact in those states. Watch that one about to play out.
“Any new articles of impeachment won’t even be debated in the House ”
You missed the point on Impeachment. Nancy only sent two Articles forward. There are at least a half dozen in the hopper. She does not need to go back to the house.
Now do you see it?
Apologies for the source but really don’t follow…showing only two articles voted anywhere I look….either way doesn’t really matter, McConnell controls the calendar in the Senate and DJT’s not getting impeached anyway…no matter how badly I want Pelosi to do impeachment version 2.0….talk about blowing the election…..
Re: you following my point it had nothing to do with Lieberman…has to do with the [unconstitutional] manner the bill was introduced in the Senate and that they re-arranged the calendar to vote on December 23 rather than wait to be in regular session because Ted Kennedy’s seat flipped to a Republican who was to be seated in the next Congress assuring the Dems would not have 60 votes….
Ironically enough, as I’m sure you recall, Kennedy’s Senate seat was lost – a crushing blow on so many levels – because of the passage of Obamacare….
Again I have no problem with any of the above…it’s politics and has occurred throughout history…I just have an issue with the double standard shrillness of the Left now….
What will it take for you, individually, to stop supporting your candidate post election?
If a candidate wins 300, 315, 345…electoral votes, will you say, “ok, this is over, my guy lost”.
Let’s get this group on the record. I’ll go first:.
If Biden wins 315 EC votes, by Nov 5. I’ll shut up.
But it is far more likely that neither candidate gets to even 270 by Nov 5. Any States will not certify their vote counts by then.
We are devolving into a 3rd world nation due to our infighting.
Personally, I don’t believe that’s necessarily a baf thing.
We all know Joe’s son Hunter was a problem child. We all know Hunter got booted from the Navy.
But did you know – Hunter Biden joined the Nav reserve at age 43 and was kicked out for cocaine use at age 44?
If you’ve known addicts at all, you would know that active addiction into your 40s, is about 5 years past the point of “oh well, death will come before recovery.”.
That assumes the people trust our elected leaders. We obviously do not.
But Biden could use the SCoTUS list to farm some votes. Throw a list out there that panders to all the right crowds. If somehow he gets elected and gets a chance to nominate a justice,do you think anyone is gonna care if he goes off the list?
The absurdidty of that aside, also remember all Democratic Senators in vulnerable races who did not vote for Kavanaugh lost their seats to Republicans. Kavanaugh radicalized many Republicans. Now Democrats are threatening to lay down on the senate floor to prevent the confirmation.
above was a reply to ExEssex’s post:
ExEssex says:
September 21, 2020 at 11:50 pm
Remember viewers at home, if Trump loses the Senate he is fuuuuuucked.
Ginsburg not stepping down under Obama and the removal of the appleate court fillibuster in the Senate have really come back to bite the DNC very hard.
A little bit of long-term planning could have settled this matter long ago. But such is the price when you only care about the history of now, forget tomorrow.
Humm there were 235,000 machine and mail in votes cast in Hudson county for Trump or Hillary or other in 2016.
This year the clerk expects 250,000 mail in ballots returned. There are sending out 350,000 mail in ballots initially. This does not count any machine votes. They are expecting to open about 1/2 the polling places this year.
So record turnout is expected. Will it materialize? Will more than 30% of the mail in ballots be tossed in the garbage?
I think my plan went from $18k to $27k over the years since ACA was passed. We’ve also switched plans 6 or 7 times as a result.
My company had to switch plans… the cost of funding Oblammy care was too much. My deductible is high and I’ve never paid more out of pocket than I am now. Calling the insurance provider and dealing back and forth with medical records personnel has become a full time job. It’s yet another example of the weak and lesser crowd relying on the production class.
Speaking of productive remember
Over the past four years, New York contributed $116.2 billion more to the federal government than it got back in federal spending. The remaining 42 states received more than they contributed, with Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, Alabama and Ohio leading. Apr 30, 2020
When we were pregnant, we were recommended for a somewhat rare(?) genetic test to eliminate a potential issue, but it was still optional due to its incredibly low probability (but non-zero). We have an HSA high deductible so I was curious about the cost.
I ended up on the phone with our OBGYN practice, the hospital, Quest, and the Insurer trying to determine who could figure out how much the genetic test would cost. In the end, No one could provide a cost or tell me if it was covered which absolutely baffled us. They would need to receive the medical code for the procedure and then pass it formally went through processing to make those determinations.
My spouse eventually said F’it and we got the test, cards fall where they may. I’m not sure we ever saw a bill for that test.
Pierre’ Delecto – the mormon senator from Utah was just interviewed and stated that he is in support of a SCOTUS nominee receiving a floor vote if advanced thru committee.
No clue how the guy will ultimately vote but if he listens to his highly religious base in Utah, it is not inconveiveable that he would vote in favor of confirmation.
Home buyer the goal of the medical insurers is to confuse everyone as much as possible. We often see the patients insurance approved and in network only to find out latter that the patient was approved for the same plan but it was series g and the medical office was approved in network for same plan series h. United is the worst for doing this. United also tries to limit your procedures by having the physicians call in and request approvals for simple routine med procedures.. This takes up time and can take up 30 to 45 for a physician to get through and make a case. If it’s a busy place where they are getting reimbursed $50 to see you the call will not be made and united will save $ at your expense.
Obamacare did nothing to address the high cost of medical care. No tort reform, no universal coding for insurance, no requiring pharmaceuticals prices to match what other countries pay, no stopping companies from buying the rights to a drug and then raising the price by 20 times.
10:11 this is a huuuuge win for the red team.
Ginsburg’s unwillingness to step down during Obama’s term & Obama’s tepid
and ineffective response to O’Connell back when Garland was named will be remembered as a lapse in leadership of the highest magnatude.
9:54 say you are NY and this clown in DC decides to kick you when you are down.
Cuts billions under his “anarchist” b.s. campaign.
Why then wouldn’t you simply cut off the funds to DC!!?
We are having a spike in covid again. My guess is from Labor Day get togethers and college students returning to campus. Tarrant county health commission wants schools to go back to 100% virtual. Cases, er visits, and positivity rates all went up over the last two weeks.
This sums up the man’s legacy. He was tepid… a mollycoddle weakling with everything. It was all talk, all symbolism, just like all these movements. Kneel, protest, rip up speeches, deflect, finger-point… all the current traits of what once was the democrat party.
homeboken says:
September 22, 2020 at 10:11 am
Pierre’ Delecto – the mormon senator from Utah was just interviewed and stated that he is in support of a SCOTUS nominee receiving a floor vote if advanced thru committee.
No clue how the guy will ultimately vote but if he listens to his highly religious base in Utah, it is not inconveiveable that he would vote in favor of confirmation.
All legal. We love legal in America. We love seeing legal enforced. 5000 pages of legal when you download an app or get insurance.
Lawyers and their loopholes are the engines that run America.
“United also tries to limit your procedures by having the physicians call in and request approvals for simple routine med procedures.. This takes up time and can take up 30 to 45 for a physician to get through and make a case. If it’s a busy place where they are getting reimbursed $50 to see you the call will not be made and united will save $ at your expense.”
I agree. RGB should have retired in 2015. An 80+ year old who has had multiple rounds of cancer would be unlikely to make it 5+ years if the anointed one aka HRC lost in 2016.
Trump really is lucky. He got to run against HRC, probably one of the most despised dems around. And on top of that, she ran an awful campaign and ignored the rust belt. And now he gets basement boor, a career politician who was behind the mandatory minimums increase in the 90s and helped make student loan debt almost impossible to discharge in bankruptcy court. And basement boor is also about as inspirational as a stale sandwich
You cannot stop a feminist with logic when they are going full tilt. It’s like trying to stop a runaway diesel-you need to shove something into the intake or the turbo will keep the boost going.
Boomers never think they are old. Have a single boomer woman as a neighbor. Just happen to be standing outside as she is on the phone talking loudly about a Tinder type add she received. Some 25 year old responded to her and told her she looked like she was 30. So she says to her friend “He is too young, I know I can pass for 40 all day, but he is to young for me.”
This woman is 60 and looks like she lived every single day of it. It’s denial at it’s finest.
I mean heck I get the whole aging thing. I shave off my “silver/white” (yech) beard today and cut 10 years right there. That’s nothing. You should see the lengths the folks out here go to looking younger. I get it though. I need to lose 20 and in fact have every opportunity to live healthier. I don’t care how the rest of the world sees me, my lower back knows the truth.
Phoneix best time to call united is on a Friday afternoon. Once you make your case you take the reps name number and med license number and inform them this is being forwarded to the patients and their attorney as he is on record for treating the patient. Their tune changes real fast. The rep knows the insurance company will not support him in a lawsuit.
Appreciate the concern. My older son will be in college. With the younger son, we are still determining his capabilities. There are some extremely well-regarded English speaking schools down there. I am more concerned about finding a long-term caretaker for him. I won’t live forever. Hopefully, my older one will consider moving down there after college and starting a family down there. It really is a pleasant lifestyle. You will live a lot longer down there than up here with very few stressors.
“A $1 billion fund Congress gave the Pentagon in March to build up the country’s supplies of medical equipment has instead been mostly funneled to defense contractors and used to make things such as jet engine parts, body armor and dress uniforms.”
Lib: Understand. I wish you and your family the best of luck. It takes a lot of courage to make that kind of move. My wife and I don’t have a clue where we will retire. Florida for the winter, but could never live there year round.
I’m sure your older son will find a way to help his brother. It’s just a feeling I get, but I still think so.
The lack of stress will help your whole family.
12:34 Exactly. My college friend at the time also did housing carpentry, light rehab. etc.Helped them build a place there. I made some paintings at time and I wanna say heck it could have been 2000. Even then my buddy who is a die hard surfer, would say that life down there as idyllic. Everyone was super happy and got by on a whole lot less.
It’s hard for me to explain what is so amazing about living the Pura Vida. More than anything, it’s the people. It’s like the difference between a New Yorker and a Georgian times ten. If you walk into a store, you better be ready to have a conversation with the other customers, the cashier, the manager and the security guard in the parking lot. And they are REALLY interested in your story. They are truly a happy people. They also have no judgement for the rich or poor. Everyone has a pipa fria in the morning, usually from a frozen coconut in a cooler in the back of an old pickup truck. Kids, businessmen, everyone queues up for one. It’s a pretty neat tradition. Kind of like our daily pilgrimage to Dunkin or Starbucks, only without the huge line, corporate sponsorship or attitude. But if you want a coffee, it’s also a big part of their culture and often it’s grown by the family you are purchasing it from. And it’s really good.
Everyone is THAT nice. There is really no reason not to be. I experienced a little of this in India too. Just a very happy people who are dying to find out more about why you are there.
For a real treat, ask them what they think about not wasting money on an unnecessary military.
15% is Defense, which protects us all, and most bases are on coasts or in good weather, which makes sense
Bahh, live in DC or NoVA for 5-6 years and see how those departments spend money. I worked in private sector while roommate worked at Navy. The cookouts, early Friday golf outings and general weak work effort were legendary. I am sure Eddie thinks these are the ‘productive class’, yet all coasters provided a job with almost no possibility of layoffs.
And yes Essex, they sell that hot sauce in a lot of places down there. I never thought much of it as half moon bay is in Jamaica. Didn’t even realize it was local. Your friends must have smoked a lot of ganja, but I give them credit for doing what they wanted to do for a living. Surfing is legendary down in CR and I’m sure that was their attraction.
Defense may be inefficient, but it’s still necessary. There are hostiles in the world. The defense department only occasionally seems necessary, but the few times it is really necessary provides all the justification required. More efficiency and efficacy would be good. Recently it appears to be drifting toward becoming yet another social justice bureaucracy.
Costa Rica should keep some weapons at hand in case Nicaragua decides to go back to spreading revolution. Or they can just count on the US to help out if necessary.
Defense contains a large portion that is a jobs program for states. It always asks for more and never tightens its belt. It is a little more than “inefficient”. The F-35 catastrophe shows you that alone.
Costa Rica abolished its military in 1948 after a nasty civil war. Most stable country in Central America, and a much lower poverty rate, but still high.
BLM removes nonsense about how bad the nuclear family is from their website. It’s definitely the right move, but I would say, they should go one further and say, they were wrong. The fact that it was there shows how misguided this organization is.
Inefficient is a huge understatement. The Department of War can probably can get by on a 1/3 of its current budget.
No One says:
September 22, 2020 at 1:33 pm
Defense may be inefficient, but it’s still necessary. There are hostiles in the world. The defense department only occasionally seems necessary, but the few times it is really necessary provides all the justification required. More efficiency and efficacy would be good. Recently it appears to be drifting toward becoming yet another social justice bureaucracy.
“Now Democrats are threatening to lay down on the senate floor to prevent the confirmation.”
Never understood doubling down on a losing bet. Be it stocks. Gaming. Or politics.
Rarely works out.
“If Biden wins 315 EC votes, by Nov 5. I’ll shut up.
But it is far more likely that neither candidate gets to even 270 by Nov 5.”
No one is getting to 270, and certainly not 315, on election night. If by chance some network ‘calls’ it don’t expect a concession. Meaning, no matter what some third party says ‘calling it’ has literally zero standing.
29 times there has been opportunity for a Supreme vacancy to be filled in an election year.
19 times the Presidency and Senate were controlled by the same party.
17 of those times the nomination was confirmed before the election.
10 times the Presidency and Senate were held by different parties.
Only once was the nominee confirmed before the election.
Host asks the reporter ‘the facts seem to support how the Repubs are proceeding’.
Reporter’s response….yes, but while history is long voters’ memories are short.
Liberals are miserable, screaming liars. As are Repubs. But the difference is that the Liberals wrap themselves in righteousness while they lie and misrepresent to your face.
“Speaking of productive remember
Over the past four years, New York contributed $116.2 billion more to the federal government than it got back in federal spending.”
Stop with the lies and misdirection. Nobody believes this tripe anymore, least of all here.
NY State did not contribute that amount. NY State taxpayers, among the wealthiest in the nation, did.
That’s how taxes work, see? Take from the rich, give to the poor.
And, btw, an Alabama taxpayer identical to a NYC taxpayer paid MORE in federal taxes than the NYC taxpayer. SALT is a massive tax break for the wealthiest individuals in society.
If you want that ‘stat’ to go in NY or NJ’s favor it’s easy. Just become Alabama. If everyone here were to take a 50% pay cut we would collectively receive much more, and more. See how easy that is?
It’s kinda all garbage to try to analyze who gets what. When QE ensued, it goes straight into the cities through various mechanisms. Wall Street bailout? Literally bailed out the entire city’s industry. I’m pretty sure NYC has been a net beneficiary of the bonanza that was the past 10 years. And it was likely bean counters in NYC that shipped off entire industries throughout the country.
When I first heard of BLM several years ago I looked them up and they were proudly self-described “trained Marxists” and advocates of Critical Race Theory and all the radical Marxist trimmings. Won’t the Wayback Machine have all their old propaganda?
The media who were imagining shirtless Russians under every bed seem very un-curious about the anti-american ideology directly connected to their new favorite think tank, and which foreign powers would love to sponsor internal US racial wars.
The Recess question will be interesting. Donnie may want to jam through a recess appointment to get someone there for the election fallout. Skelator will want to hold off recessing the Senate to get to the vote and Nancy will have to approve any recess anyway.
We are in for an interesting fight.
So if people are saying RBG should have gone in the O admin, are Read team also calling for Thomas to go now while the Senate is still Red.
What I’m seeing from my side is that the Blue team and a lot of the middle are fired up over this. My GOP moderate friends are seething and see this as another step down for their former party.
Joyce – I share the exact same view of military spending. I feel the same way about every single dollar that is taxed and spent by NJ and the US Govt.
At least 1/3rd of government spending is not necessary. This should surprise no one. There is no reason to run the government like a for-profit entity. They will always err on the side of more taxation or printing their way out of a debt hole.
joyce says:
September 22, 2020 at 2:04 pm
Inefficient is a huge understatement. The Department of War can probably can get by on a 1/3 of its current budget.
Good link Fabs TY, below is what I take away from it.
“The only arguable precedent for a president delaying the nomination while the Senate was in session is Buchanan, and of course, that ended with the nation sliding into civil war…As I have argued, the historical precedents support Mitch McConnell in distinguishing between election-year nominees when the president’s party controls the Senate…”
Regarding recess, everyone keeps inserting Pelosi into this decision. As far as I can tell she is irrelevant. The Senate is scheduled for recess on Oct 12 through Election day. I’ve googled not entirely successfully but in other similar matters (the August C19 debate) each leader of their respective chamber has the ability to keep their chamber in session. Pelosi doesn’t get a say in the Senate, McConnell doesn’t get a say in the House (who, again, are entirely irrelevant in a SCOTUS confirmation).
Regarding timing, it’s a mutli-variable analysis….can make arguments in any direction…recess appointment, nominate but not confirm until after Election day, nominate and confirm before.
I haven’t thought about it much but off the cuff I lean toward the second choice. I think having a pending but unconfirmed choice stimulates the most swing voters for DJT and down ticket; it can shore up weak Senate Repub incumbents (eg, AZ); it forces Biden to name someone and if he doesn’t that benefits DJT further; and I don’t believe the Repubs need a fifth vote on the Court if the election sh1ts the bed.
To that last point, if the election were to hit the Court and it goes party lines Repubs win 5-3. If Roberts gets squeamish, as he has a tendency, this time he will hold the line. Why? If he changes positions the Court goes 4-4 and the election gets decided by default by whatever lower Court punted it up. No Chief Justice is going to let that happen. Plus on a personal level, which should not be underestimated, ACB is a middle of the road candidate, not extremist in any direction, and a pleasant human being. Don’t underestimate the added thumb on the scale of certain justices looking at her as a nominee and saying “yeah, i can work closely with her for the next decade or so”.
I shared a video of the crowd from Ohio yesterday. This is PA today. Also worth noting Bidens team “put the lid on” at 9:45 this morning. The guy literally can’t go in public two days in a row.
Pelosi is in play as Senate and house need each other to approve a recess over 3 days. This ties into POTUS cannot push through a recess appointment unless a recess is over 3 days.
SCOTUS gives Collins a big break in Maine. She can be one of the “we should wait” as she is down in the polls after Kavenaugh. Little too late to try and shut that bard door.
Roberts will look to preserve the integrity and historical perception of “his court”. We saw that with the ACA passage. He is the most powerful person in the US as he controls the SCOTUS docket. I expect that every challenge coming up from the states courts will be batted straight back down with a “sort it out yourselves” Thats what Rehnquist should have done. I have always said that Bush vs Gore was the right result for the wrong reasons.
In addition to the obligatory comment that it’s impossible to fire a cop, how on earth should they be entitled to overtime they may have worked [in addition to backpay]?
“In 2018, Stambaugh earned $152,000 in base pay, overtime and other earnings; Miller pulled in $137,000 and Eason made $118,000.”
So I pulled the trigger on a 2020 Prius Prime EV.
$10K less than the CrossTrek.
$4500 Toytoa rebates as they are looking to shift them.
I got to watch Mrs Fab squeeze $1k out of the dealership to move them off MSRP even with the rebates.
I’m looking at around $5500 in tax credits from the fed and NJ.
I’ll do a charitable donation of my old one that will be around $2500 as it’s still running and in good shape (No Kars4Kids 4 Me!)
So I’m in a hybrid EV for under $20K that should get me 60+ MPG if I charge it and 54MPG if I run it as a straight Hybrid on gas. Also on EV, it goes like a goKart.
I would like to take a moment to thank all those Tesla owners that bought the “Fashion Statement” if that’s what it was, and opened up the opportunity for this awesome deal.
Now off to buy a Earth Flag decal for the back. I may even splurge for the coexist to go with it.
Fabius Maximus says:
September 22, 2020 at 10:54 pm
I’ll do a charitable donation of my old one that will be around $2500 as it’s still running and in good shape (No Kars4Kids 4 Me!)
The trusty prius. Or the pious as I like to call it.
My kiddo will be barreling around in an outback with all the alarms and safety features.
The drivers out here are innnsane….in the membrane so I would like my kid in a tank. This is actually the closest thing. It handles great and if it happens to rain or snow? No worries. I am not sure what I would buy if I was after a new car. I actually like the Cadillac.
And basement boor Biden says the Chinese are our competitors instead of amoral adversaries. Cause normal competitors put 500,000 people into forced vocational camps and take away their property.
Since you are in favor of court packing, why doesn’t Trump and the senate just add 5 more judges this month? Maybe because aren’t as unhinged as the leftists.
I Still f’in love Jersey.
Fake news or something
Though Most LGBTQs Vote Democratic, New Poll Shows 45% of Queer Men Backing Trump
I’m guessing those voters are more tops than bottoms.
I wonder if this survey included closeted fundamentalist preachers.
Trump’s rump is plump.
Biden claims that the people should elect POTUS. POTUS should nominate a SCOTUS judge. Senate should consider and cast an up/down vote.
Precisely accurate. But are we supposed to ignore that we have an elected POTUS? Or does the executive branch somehow become neutered during an election year?
Further – Trump has been very clear with his list of potential nominees. Where is Biden’s list? Shouldn’t we have an idea of who he plans on putting there?
The idea that the GOP should press pause on the powers of their elected office, simply because the DNC doesn’t like the outcome, is laughable.
The GOP should move ahead however they see fit. The Constitution is crystal clear in this regard. The DNC claiming that this is some sort of over-reach of power is classic 2020 DNC. What a joke. Elections have consequences, if the roles were reversed, does anyone believe the DNC wouldn’t get a judge confirmed pre-election? Anyone really believe that?
I’d also add – that of the Dems controlled the executive and the senate, they would be completely right in getting a nominee on the court.
This problem is of their own making. RBG could have stepped down during the Obama years, and been replaced with a younger judge of similar ideals.
Harry Reid could have kept the filibuster for SCOTUS appointments, but he didn’t.
The DNC literally wrote this rule book over the last 7 years. Now, they don’t like the rules. Classic.
I think I know why. Obviously is not pc.
Looking back from deep into adulthood to around 13 yrs old when I realize I was gay. Frankly what best needed to have happened is to been “seduced” by older then me guy. It would have made thing much clearer and got to the point for me. Sort of that scene from the vampire movie “Lost Boys” when they tell the protagonist “now you know what you are and what we are”. Instead of twisting into the wind pulling petals from a flower going “Am I or Am I not?”.
By the way, this seemed to have been the older tradition of when everybody was in the closet. If you want to have fun look for pictures about 10 yrs ago of geriatrics Barry Diller and Calvin Klein with their respective 20 something boy toys.
This extended period of finding out, just caused confusion and pain, along with wasting lots of time on it, instead of getting concentrating on education or skill set to make what counts. Lots of money.
Once you develop a skill set and start making money. Then it becomes a lifestyle that can drag on for decades of having lots of fun without a lot of responsibility. Which at this point what count is making, keeping it, and having fun with the money – very GOP.
The dirty secret is that it is a community that is brutally discriminatory by looks, economically, socially and racially. So they are full of it and don’t practice what they preach.
The poor and minority kids are the ones that get hurt by it, because their opportunities are limited and the structure of the community will generally treat them like crap. They waste their time on pursuing superficial acknowledgments, instead of getting a skill set to make the money. Those numbers from Newsweek are likely from older white professional moneyed crowd that would not lift a finger to help a minority except for a kink.
How did you manage to ignore the precedent set by the Republicans in 2016 on this precise question? How did you ignore the quotes from multiple Republicans on this specific issue, including the words of the senate judiciary committee? Don’t they answer your question?
makes sense…
“How did you manage to ignore the precedent set by the Republicans in 2016 on this precise question?”
Liberals quoting precedent with respect to SCOTUS.
And btw 30, there is no such thing as ‘precedent’ in appointments.
Precedent in rulings, which liberal judges regularly throw out the window and re-write, yes.
The rules are very clear. President can nominate. Senate can confirm. No time limits. Through their terms.
In 2016 the President nominated and Senate declined to pursue confirmation.
In 2020 the President will nominate and the Senate will hold confirmation hearings, so it seems.
Homeboken made the best observation, the situation the Dems found themselves in 2016 and now is 100% of their own making.
Which is what makes this situation even sweeter than it is…..
30 yr – seriously, screw your “precedent.” Freaking bunch of babie.
In 2016 the Senate and the POTUS were different parties.
Furthermore, the constitution is crystal clear here. I know that mean nothing to you,but it should.
I love the claims that RBGs deathwish was that they wait until post election to replace her.
1. I don’t believe for a second this was her deathwish
2. If it was her wish, then she clearly had no grasp on what her job was on the court. We aren’t genies granting wishes, we have a rulebook to go by, the constitution. Live with it.
3. If it was her wish, I don’t believe that, buy if- what a terribly sad way to die, pining of the person that may take your job now that you are dead. Imagine caring about that when facing the end.
As always, you can wish in one hand and shit in the other. Let me know which one fills up first.
Practical matter – I think the Dems will succeed in getting 3 GOP votes to block an appointment. They need 4. Who knows how it will go.
To add – let’s say the Senate doesn’t confirm and Biden wins. I won’t be crying one bit. Those are our rules. My recourse is at the ballot box (mailbox this year) nothing more.
I won’t call for violence or to burn it all down. If it isn’t done legally, so be it. Fight another day.
Did you, throughout history, there have been SCOTUS vacancies 29 times during an election year. And 100% of those times, POTUS made a nomination. Of course not all were confirmed.
How’s that for precedent?
Regarding term limits, since he was a candidate, has Trump said anything about new legislation or an amendment to implement them?
Regarding school choice, I don’t see anything in the Constitution about the Federal government playing a role in local education.
The federal government doesn’t have a role in local education. They can withhold any Federal funds provided to school districts that discriminate based on zip code.
I’ll go one further, I think the entire Dept of Education should be abolished. The desert government has no business being involved in local school decisions. But if those schools decide to take federal $, well then I expect there will be strings attached.
Remember how the drinking age got increased nationally? It was tied to highway funds. I am hugely in favor of states rights. That includes the states obligation to pay for this stuff entirely on their own.
Leftwing & Homeboken,
McConnell, Graham and the rest of the Republicans are going to see, hear and read their words endlessly. There are no undecided voters to be gained by Trump regarding the appointment or any other issue. The Democrats will try to swing every woman and pro choice Republican. Roe v Wade is going to be in play and other reproductive rights issues will follow. The Democrats will try to sway those LGBTQ Republicans who may now believe they are in danger of losing legal ground. This may just be the issue to swing the election.
You guys are right. Constitution is clear. What is going on is scorched earth politics. Republicans always say that if the Democrats were in power they would do the same, when they swing their political d*cks. Maybe it is true and maybe not. Clearly the stakes have been raised incrementally for several decades. What comes next if Trump succeeds with his appointment and Democrats take power? The stakes go up! The other guys would do it if they were in power. Where does it end?
I dunno. The GOP is the party of the skim, the grift, slick hair & weak chins.
Conservatives are the real anarchists. As far as government is concerned the GOP would like to make it irrelevant.
30 yrs, to your question of where does it end?
My belief is that the destructive inertia is purely generational. We are in the end stage of boomer nihilism that started with Clinton/Gingrich. In short another 5yrs if lucky (nice 2nd/3rd/4th wave) or decade or more if unlucky.
When the next generation takes power, mainly millenials, and yes it will be the AOC side. They are going to have to rebuilt from the ground up, through trials and errors; very much like FDR had to rebuild the country using the New Deal and WW2 after the Great Depression.
I’m no fan of the two geezers and I plan not to vote. Would not mind Trump winning, the 2 Ton Elephant just gets more cocaine to run nuts and destroy. Which by the fact that he would be incompetent in those areas (Virus, Medicare, ObamaCare, Social Security, etc) that would mean the most to the lifespan and quality of boomers would actually make the future better 15yrs+ when we are mostly boomer free.
My fear is Biden, as is such a sell out and protector of the comfortable ( remember he’s the guy behind the 2005 bankruptcy bill that screwed the student loan borrowers) that nothing will change, except the anger will increase and come 2024 will get a competent truly evil Trumpito wanna be that will truly be the end.
Biden’s words come back to haunt him.
McConnell called this the “Biden Rule” in 2016.
I really haven’t seen the GOP base call for mass violence and destruction if they don’t get there way politically. Maybe I’m wrong and I just don’t see it.
But the left on social media is having a moment of violent calls for action.
Burn it all down.
Kill McConnel.
Storm the Senate.
It’s nonsense. None of these decisions are going to be worth starting a civil war over. Buy the last 5 months I’ve watched far left movements literally destroy cities, burn and loot buildings, devastate businesses etc.
How anyone in good conscience could give in to that sort of action is lost on me. It’s like trying to negotiate with a child that wants an ice cream cone for breakfast. They will gnash and scream. But if you give in to that, you will get more of it.
Mob rule needs to be put down
30 yr – the scotus appointment is not about gaining or losing votes. It’s about exercising the power bestowed to the executive and legislative branch. Nothing more.
If the nation votes Biden into office and gives the Dems the house and senate. All this blabber will be undone with a simple voice vote.
The fact that the Dems are moaning so hard shows me the Truth. They know this election is not looking good. Of they lose the court and the election, the DNC will ha e to completely retool for 2022 mid terms and 2024 general.
The old DNC is dying, so is the old GOP by the way. That’s a great thing IMHO. I hate everything about DC from my birth until 2016.
FYI – don’t forget that we are going to hear from John Durham soon and both blue and red will be implicated.
Good riddance, time to take out the trash.
This is swamp draining in action. Enjoy the ride.
I agree with you. But we should not reference a bad action in the past to justify another one in the future.
Watched 60 minutes on Pennsylvania mail in voting … very disappointed that they couldn’t take a few seconds to describe the actual process of filling out the ballot and what they do to verify/count votes.
“My belief is that the destructive inertia is purely generational. We are in the end stage of boomer nihilism that started with Clinton/Gingrich.” yup.
“When the next generation takes power, mainly millennials, and yes it will be the AOC side.” yup
“Homeboken made the best observation, the situation the Dems found themselves in 2016 and now is 100% of their own making.” yup
“The old DNC is dying, so is the old GOP by the way. That’s a great thing IMHO. ” yup
“The fact that the Dems are moaning so hard shows me the Truth. They know this election is not looking good. ” yup
” remember he’s the guy behind the 2005 bankruptcy bill that screwed the student loan borrowers” yup
“Buy the last 5 months I’ve watched far left movements literally destroy cities, burn and loot buildings, devastate businesses etc.”
In the past 20 years, I’ve watched far right movements literally destroy abortion clinics, murder abortion doctors, etc.
As bad as Biden has been in this campaign, I’m still 100% convinced of the landslide victory that is coming. Throw in the fear of overturning Roe/Wade and you lost a bunch of right wing females too. I have three bottles of booze and one brisket riding on this. I am still pretty confident I will be inebriated and sated on someone else’s dime. We’ll see.
Ah, yes. Rebuilding things from the ground up to be “better”. Reminds me of a recent engineering story.
Once upon a time electric manholes had vented openings in their covers. Time went by and all the old engineers who knew about these eventually retired. no one bothers to talk about simple things like why man holes have vented covers. It was just what was always done, and the historical knowledge was lost.
The new young engineers took over and wanted to make things better. they couldn’t understand why their old counterparts had created vented covers. It allowed salt water and other harsh chemicals to coat the power cables which in turn causes the insulation to fail. They decided that the best way to move forward was to redesign the manhole covers without these openings. It was pure brilliance, they patted themselves on the back for fixing their mentors obvious mistake and cables would last longer.
As time marched on, as it always seems to do, the operations and maintenance group began noticing that manholes were popping their lids from explosions more and more. They couldn’t understand why, they sealed the manholes to save them from exposure to the chemicals that would damage the cable insulation and have caused them to explode in the first place. The Management group became panicked thinking they had an exploding manhole epidemic and called back some of the old engineers back out of desperation to figure it out because the youngins only response was “it wasn’t us”.
The young engineers were correct that the salts and chemicals in the water would cause the cables to fail early and sealing the manhole greatly extended their lifespan. However only in a ideal world would water never get into the manhole and that was their failing. Water was getting into the manhole just at a slower rate. The old engineers knew they couldn’t stop the chemicals from seeping into hundreds of thousands of manholes, after all it’s underground and water tends to find a way and these things are constantly bombarded by shaking Earth of trucks and underground subways.
But now if a cable found they had a sealed pressurized environment with only one way out… The solid manhole cover. They also failed to realize the quantity of explosive gas that would form in these manholes I would seep in from the ground.
But if they added openings in the manhole covers like the old engineers did when they solved this problem decades ago, it wouldn’t explode when the cables inevitably failed because the gases wouldn’t build up.
There was no way of stopping the cables from failing and It was a trade off between safety and longevity of the installation.
and so began the utilities renewed effort to replace 120,000 manholes with vented covers, which were only recently just replaced with solid covers not long ago.
So rebuilding from the ground up from an idealistic generation that’s never had to go a without a meal, has no understanding of the majority of the scientific and social systems around them, and and no idea what real terror or horror actually is?
I can’t wait.
(Ps. I guess I’ve reached old manhood now with this story. Sigh.)
AK and ME senators would not attend confirmation, possibly UT senator too. If AZ flips before Nov 3, it would take a small effort to pursue the SCOTUS gamble.
It was apparent that GOP leadership doesn’t have any spine and would not honor the 2016 principles today. They are cheering around a divisive nationalistic racist agenda but soon that shall pass. Dems are so soft, emerging from the left side of the bed with corporate USA would not have much force to exert on this topic. IT may be up to a few more senators to make this happen.
My guess is just like FED QE, we’ll discuss a SCOTUS QE by adding 5 more judges in play in next administration. We are talking the evolution to become a 3rd world country, but so be it. The public has already turned into one.
Throw in the fear of overturning Roe/Wade and you lost a bunch of right wing females too.
The well to do RW folks know that they will be able to easily get access to ab0rtions. The rest of the RW folks know that they will become rich any moment now, and their biggest concern is the tax rate they’d have to pay when they become rich. I am afraid that no one is going to change their minds.
I hate everything about DC from my birth until 2016.
Is it a different way of expressing love for Moscow?
Watched a few minutes of Sunday political shoes, here’s the sum total of what I learned:.
Republicans: We should nominate a justice to fill a vacant seat, and since we control a majority in the Senate, we should vote to confirm.
Democrats: If you fill this vacant SCOTUS seat, we’ll pack the court.
Republicans are corrupt Chapter 123
Thousands of documents detailing $2 trillion (£1.55tn) of potentially corrupt transactions that were washed through the US financial system have been leaked to an international group of investigative journalists.
The leak focuses on more than 2,000 suspicious activity reports (SARs) filed with the US government’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (Banks and other financial institutions file SARs when they believe a client is using their services for potential criminal activity.
However, the filing of an SAR does not require the bank to cease doing business with the client in question.
The documents are said to suggest major banks provided financial services to high-risk individuals from around the world, in some cases even after they had been placed under sanctions by the US government.
According to the ICIJ the documents relate to more than $2tn of transactions dating from between 1999 and 2017.
One of those named in the SARs is Paul Manafort, a political strategist who led Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential election campaign for several months.
He stepped down from the role after his consultancy work for former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych was exposed, and he was later convicted of fraud and tax evasion.
“The fact that the Dems are moaning so hard shows me the Truth. They know this election is not looking good.”
Interesting comment, I was thinking the same last week when I saw Biden campaigning in MN, a state that hasn’t voted Red since, what, the 1960s? If Joe feels the need to shore up that State…not good for him. Same for the black vote….RBG wasn’t cold yet and Biden couldn’t wait to blurt out “black woman”.
Some are saying the Repubs moving forward on SCOTUS is neutral to bad for the vote for them. Could not disagree more. Roe v Wade is settled law, never getting overturned. Abortion fights now are on the far left/right fringes – clinic hours, travel distance, etc. No suburban woman swing voter gives a sh1t. Otherwise, even if nothing happens, this is where the Repubs put up a swing voter woman with a great backstory that FL/Midwest can relate to and then contrast her with the inevitable freakshows that appear on Dems lists. And make no mistake, as I said last week SCOTUS appointees are where Presidents pay back the base. I’ll post an AOC quote…
prominent psychiatrist who spent years studying Nazi Germany has called for mental health professionals to speak out about President Trump’s “falsification of reality” ahead of the election, warning that his attacks on the truth echo those of the Nazis.
Dr. Robert Jay Lifton, distinguished professor emeritus at John Jay College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and a leading psychohistorian who has written extensively about doctors who aided Nazi war crimes, has long called for mental health experts to defy warnings from the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and speak out about Trump’s mental health. Lifton recently published a book entitled “Losing Reality: On Cults, Cultism, and the Mindset of Political and Religious Zealotry” and was one of the 27 mental health experts featured in “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump,” the bestseller edited by Yale psychiatrist Dr. Bandy X. Lee in which mental health professionals assessed the president.
Lifton said that the book and a Yale conference on the topic began the movement of “psychologists and psychiatrists speaking out against Trump.”
“I spoke about what I called malignant normality that was being imposed on us, and the need to be witnessing professionals who told the truth and oppose the malignant normality,” he said in an interview last week.
Lifton said that Trump’s supporters and enablers exhibit the same “cult-like behavior” that he has studied, adding that the current administration has “Trumpified” every part of the federal government, in much the same way that the German government was “Nazified” under Adolf Hitler.
Here’s something we also have known for years.
Working for the big banks is essentially aiding a criminal
Enterprise…. Thousands of leaked documents from the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network were shared with journalists, revealing how big banks have for years engaged with dirty money.
The agency, which operates under the Treasury Department, compiles “suspicious activity reports” when it detects potential or evident financial crimes.
Banks such as JPMorgan Chase, HSBC, and Deutsche Bank facilitated the movement of criminal money even after getting caught, the agency reported.
Left – I agree with RoevWade, abortion is a part of life. It will always be available the question is at what cost and safety. I can’t see there being enough support to abolish that standard.
Some fringe talk occurring about a drop of Epstein’s flight logs. Not just the plane trips (lolita express) but the helicopter trips that had Pedo Island on the flight plan. That is a much more interesting list.
I also believe we are going to hear from Durham soon, not in a report. Indictments. Both Blue and Red are going to eat sh!t on that front.
Round it all out with a debate early next week. Gonna be a fun news cycle. Strap in.
Tuesday Sept 29th is going to have ratings #’s that are going to be spectacular. That is unless one of the candidates falls ill.
The AOC quotes:
“I think that Democratic voters, right now, it’s less about motivating people around a specific individual to be named to that court,” she said. “I think we are highly motivated about just making sure that vacancy is protected and preserved for the next president. I don’t think releasing a list of names really adds to that, and in fact, I think it could risk demoralizing and dividing our party.”
“Right now, the costs outweigh the benefits,” she added. “But as events develop, the calculus could change.”
“You 0we us…
Roe v Wade is in the sights of evangelicals and other religious extremists on the right along with any decisions resulting in LGBTQ rights. To see this any other way is just plain delusional. Activists on the right have been cultivating these court cases since before Kavanaugh was confirmed.
…d0n’t d0 anyth1ng t0 fr1ghten the v0ters and we’ll tell y0u after the elect10n wh0 y0u are app01nt1ng…”
30, don’t disagree but it’s SETTLED LAW.
The Right are constitutional constructionists.
They don’t overrule settled law. That’s your side’s role….
They are rolling Roe v Wade out as a bogeyman, and you are taking it hook, line, and sinker.
Look at any Conservative appointee’s record. Including hers, before you blindly open your brain to the Left’s dogma.
From another NYT article:
“Her judicial philosophy on abortion has already garnered the most interest, for personal and legal reasons. In a talk at Jacksonville University in 2016, Judge Barrett said that the core holding of Roe v. Wade was that women had the right to an abortion, and that was not likely to change in the future, but how states restrict abortion might…
In her confirmation hearing in 2017, Judge Barrett repeatedly stated that she would follow Supreme Court precedent on abortion as an appeals court judge…
“If Roe v. Wade were coming against the court for the first time, I suspect that she would say there is nothing in the Constitution about this, and if you want a constitutional right to an abortion, people are free to add one to the Constitution, but it is not in there,” Mr. Garvey said. “That is not the question now. We have had 45 years of abortion jurisprudence.”…
Judge Barrett followed Supreme Court precedent last year in a second case concerning abortion, voting to uphold a Chicago law shielding women entering abortion clinics from unwelcome interactions with protesters and counselors. The law was almost identical to one the Supreme Court upheld in 2000, in Hill v. Colorado.
The Seventh Circuit’s opinion, written by Judge Diane S. Sykes and joined by Judge Barrett, was skeptical of the constitutionality of the Chicago law under the First Amendment.
But Judge Sykes said appeals court judges were not free to disregard Supreme Court precedents, even when later decisions appeared to undercut them. “The road the plaintiffs urge is not open to us in our hierarchical system,” she wrote.
Legal scholars said Judge Barrett’s opinions on the appeals court have been models of judicial craftsmanship, tightly reasoned and unflashy.
“Her conservatism is embedded in her methodological and jurisprudential commitments, not any commitment to a particular policy outcome,” said Jonathan H. Adler, a law professor at Case Western Reserve University. “As a scholar and a judge, she has shown herself to be a very careful and deliberate thinker who is concerned with getting the right answer, whether or not it’s the popular answer.”…
Still, those who know Judge Barrett say she is not ideological in her writings. Every Notre Dame Law School faculty member supported her elevation to the appellate court, noting they did so in spite of their different political persuasions. One of her former students said that in class she would not have known Ms. Barrett was Catholic, and that she did not start class with prayer or the sign of the cross like other professors at Notre Dame.
“Both of us are kind of right-of-center people,” said John P. Elwood, who taught a class with her at George Washington University in 2001 and who is now head of the Supreme Court practice at Arnold & Porter in Washington. “She didn’t wear it on her sleeve.”
Left – Do you have any thoughts on NKLA? I have no interest in investing in this thing up or down. But the volatility of this thing is absurd.
Anybody that supports efficient market theory should look no further than NKLA as counter-point. This thing is either a Madoff like scheme, or the next TSLA. People that are long/short this firm are risk junkies. Download draft kings for a faster and more reliable hit of dopamine.
Settled law? Many examples of settled law being overturned.
Most relevant line in your article 30:
“Highly controversial Supreme Court precedents like Bowers, Korematsu, and—yes—Roe, are never truly “settled” unless and until a broad consensus develops supporting them.”
Basically, stop using the Courts to achieve politically what you cannot achieve by legislation.
The system had built into it circuit breakers that prevented a slim majority (let alone a minority) from imposing its views on the others.
Supermajority vote, filibuster, legal precedent are all examples….when politicians (mostly the Left) could not accomplish what they wanted because of these limits they started to dismantle them….which unsurprising to anyone (except maybe the Left) was then used against them (ie, Kavanaugh).
I support abortion. But we are still arguing about it almost 50 YEARS LATER because in 1973 the Left assessed they did not have the legislative (popular) support to effect it so rammed it through SCOTUS.
Had the Left simply taken another 15 years and built popular support and passed it through legislation we wouldn’t be where we are….
You can’t run a democratic republic on a 50.1% (or less) majority…..and yet the Left keeps running there with noises now about eliminating the filibuster….yeah, that will end well….it will work for them until it doesn’t……ie, the chamber flips.
Fcuking idiots. Foresight of a common housefly.
Markets look ugly this morning.
NKLA…meme stock for RobinHood retail crossed with SPAC craze crossed with EV craze yield parabolic moves…..I don’t come near these things either direction…..
Seems to me the left is just as cultist as the right. Malignant normalcy what a joke!
Ouch – NKLA
There can only be one Elon…
don’t disagree but it’s SETTLED LAW. The Right are constitutional constructionists. They don’t overrule settled law.
Basically, stop using the Courts to achieve politically what you cannot achieve by legislation.
Which one is correct? Settled law, or free for all?
Had the Left simply taken another 15 years and built popular support and passed it through legislation we wouldn’t be where we are….
Remember ACA, diluted from the plans from 1990’s, built up support over 15 years, passed through legislation, the one that the GOP has been litigating ever since? It seems like you are simply cheering when the team you support currently wins on any issue.
Elon called this one months ago as well tweeted out ” fuel cells = fool sells”
More fake news for Gotham. Where is Batman?
DOJ Designates New York City as an “Anarchist Jurisdiction”
The designation comes after a memo from President Trump earlier this month threatening to cut off federal funds for cities
New York City is one of three places that “have permitted violence and destruction of property to persist and have refused to undertake reasonable measures to counteract criminal activities,” leading to its designation as an “anarchist jurisdiction,” the Justice Department said Monday.
Rather than idle words, the designation has potential financial consequences. President Trump issued a memo earlier this month directing the DOJ to identify jurisdictions that, in its view, were not enforcing the law appropriately. Designated cities could lose their federal funding.
Trump’s order gives the director of the Office of Management and Budget 30 days to issue guidance to federal agencies on restricting eligibility for federal grants for the cities on the DOJ list. Such grants make up a huge portion of NYC’s already strapped annual budget — more than $7 billion in fiscal 2021 alone, or 7.5% of the city’s projected total revenue.
In justifying its decision, the DOJ cited New York City’s rising gun violence, cuts to the NYPD’s budget, and moves by various district attorneys not to prosecute charges related to protests earlier this summer.
Pelosi is going to try to impeach Trump again to hold up the SCOTUS confirmation
Some have mentioned the possibility if they try to push through a nominee in a lame duck session that you and the House can move to impeach President Trump or Attorney General Barr as a way of stalling and preventing the Senate from acting on this nomination.
PELOSI: Well, we have our options. We have arrows in our quiver that I’m not about to discuss right now, but the fact is we have a big challenge in our country. This president has threatened to not even accept the results of the election with statements that he and his henchmen have made.
Trump – 2,946,038
Resistance – 0
“now is the time to ensure that the wealthiest among us are also called to sacrifice.”
Gov. Murphy on his push to expand the “Millionaire’s tax” in NJ.
“It only stands to reason that where there’s sacrifice, there’s someone collecting the sacrificial offerings. Where there’s service, there is someone being served. The man who speaks to you of sacrifice is speaking of slaves and masters, and intends to be the master.”
Ayn Rand on people like Gov. Murphy
Can the left please provide an actual candidate for president and not a weekend at
Bernie’s prop that they plan to manipulate behind The scenes? Thank you.
Kinda silly that they created an electric car company and chose to name it Nikola. It shows a complete lack of innovation from the get go.
I can’t vote for a 77 year old for president! This is a major issue for me as a voter. My solution is to ardently support the 74 year old!
That was intended to sound ridiculous. Unlike…TruthIsTheEnemy says:
September 21, 2020 at 9:21 am
Can the left please provide an actual candidate for president and not a weekend at
Bernie’s prop that they plan to manipulate behind The scenes? Thank you.
24.96 -9.23 (-27.00%)
Before hours: 9:28AM EDT
Can the left please provide an actual candidate for president and not a weekend at
Bernie’s prop that they plan to manipulate behind The scenes? Thank you.
And national polls are saying he has a double digit lead. How does a zombie, who doesn’t hold a rally (protest), doesn’t take questions ad hoc, walks and talks like he’s drugged, yet may become the next president?
The government Trumpified?
Hardly. Right under his nose the public education system has seen a coup by neo-Marxists of the Critical Race Theory variety who will be propagandizing American children for the next 30 years.
How much job turnover in federal and state bureaucracies by % over the past 3 year? I doubt there was more than usual. Maybe the bureaucratic chieftains that were comfy and loyal under Obama were replaced by people not actively working to undermine Trump. I’d say Trump has a looser grip on the bureaucracy than Obama did. Trump isn’t using the IRS to audit political enemies that I’ve heard of, nor is Trump using the intelligence agencies to gather political dirt on his enemies like Obama did. I would say that Trump was way too slow to throw out Obama cronies from the bureaucracy, and it cost him. Especially since Trump is one of those bad managers who values loyalty over honesty. The best type of people won’t want to work for him.
They say age is nothing but a number. I’ve never seen a better illustration.
Not that I am going to vote for either one, but Trump is robust and dynamic. Some people just age fast. As an example, I saw Bill Clinton on TV yesterday morning. He was my favorite President while he was in office. Now that his history is written, I have mixed feelings. Regardless, he is OLD and fragile….. but he is the same age as Trump. I don’t think anyone would have any idea if you saw them side by side.
30 year realtor says:
September 21, 2020 at 9:28 am
I can’t vote for a 77 year old for president! This is a major issue for me as a voter. My solution is to ardently support the 74 year old!
That was intended to sound ridiculous. Unlike…TruthIsTheEnemy says:
September 21, 2020 at 9:21 am
Can the left please provide an actual candidate for president and not a weekend at
Bernie’s prop that they plan to manipulate behind The scenes? Thank you.
Clinton has the heart problems. That will age you for sure. AND he’s still 3+ years younger than Biden. And for less cognitively impaired. And was 1000x more intelligent
to bed in with.
“It seems like you are simply cheering when the team you support currently wins on any issue.”
Guilty as charged, but note my jersey color is Rule of Law and never has been Red or Blue.
“Remember ACA, diluted from the plans from 1990’s, built up support over 15 years, passed through legislation, the one that the GOP has been litigating ever since?”
ACA is probably not the example you want to use LOL…!!! You do realize…
The law never had even a majority support among the population, let alone strong support, before or during passage. You are correct, it was diluted from plans that had been kicking around for two decades because there was even less support for those plans (ie, HillaryCare). there was never anything close to a popular consensus on ACA.
The Democrats only got the vote in the Senate because they attached the legislation to an existing House bill for disabled service members. Blatantly an end run around the Constitutional requirement of funding bills originating only in the House. There would not have even been a bill to vote on otherwise. There was serious debate of the Repubs making a SCOTUS challenge then but stood down.
The Democrats needed to overcome a filibuster and only got 60 votes by ramming through the actual vote TWO NIGHTS BEFORE CHRISTMAS because….oh yeah, wait for this punchline……If the Dems waited until Congress was back in regular session they would not have the votes because a Repub was going to win (and did) Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat in January. Any similarities to today? Cough, cough. Bueller?
So, your ACA example more proves the point I was making than counters it…..legislation without strong popular support rammed through yields an absolute unresolved sh1tshow.
Personally, I think if you want to ‘fix’ the current system nearly every piece of legislation would need 2/3 majority to pass. That way, only laws that have broad popular support pass. The fringes become irrelevant because the 2 percentage points they bring to the table to get one side to a 50.1% ‘win’ becomes diluted. Plus, fringe items would drop from the agenda and the House/Senate could focus on items of real importance to the average citizen.
And that thing about Ginsberg’s last wish wanting the next president to nominate the next supreme court judge is a bunch of bullsh1t. Yet another leftist narrative from a completely powerless group.
Filling the seat is a no brainer. The left is already completely unhinged. They also gambles when they thought Hillary was a slam dunk and would try to come back with someone left of garland. They lost that gamble.
Speaking of cults, RBG had two movies about her in one year, a handful of books about her, Saturday Night Live pretended she was a superhero, as did many other groups. I’m surprised Marvel didn’t add her to the latest Avengers movies.
She helped with some good legal decisions, especially early in her career when there were a lot of blatantly sexist laws around. I disagreed with most of her approach to decisions on the supreme court, when I heard of them, but didn’t find her supreme court thinking to be worth much study. I think it’s revealing that she suggested the South African constitution was a better model than the U.S. Constitution., given that her job was to uphold the latter.
“And that thing about Ginsberg’s last wish wanting the next president to nominate the next supreme court judge is a bunch of bullsh1t. Yet another leftist narrative from a completely powerless group.”
I’m encouraged by this reporting, especially give the outlets (prime time high level like NYT and CBS).
Shows they realize they have no rational legs to stand on to prevent this so are appealing to base emotions. Sign of weakness. Like Biden campaigning in MN and pandering to blacks….
“And national polls are saying he has a double digit lead. How does a zombie, who doesn’t hold a rally (protest), doesn’t take questions ad hoc, walks and talks like he’s drugged, yet may become the next president?”
Well for starters, he doesn’t make up stupid lies, like Covid will be over by Easter, or I’ll reveal my taxes if elected. He also does not grab women by the puzzy (or at least does not brag about it). He does not make fun of the physically disabled, nor jokes about the Special Olympics. He did not rile up his base through the construction of a xenophobic wall which he also lied about who would pay for it. He also lied about developing a new health care plan. But this is just the tip of the iceberg as you already know. And as crazy as it all sounds, it’s 100% fact. But do you know what is even more incredulous than this paragraph? That nearly half the country would still support this clear and present example of an absolute asshole. What does this say about his supporters? If you asked me, I would say they are as stupid as their president. Biden might be a feeble old man and might have ideological faults that you disagree with. But, he is not an asshole.
Trump is just happy to have another news topic aside from his
Covid handling crisis. Its also a huge ‘win’ for the GOP in their
bases’ eyes.
SX, totally agree. Major win for Red on those two points.
Not stupid lies. Only smart lies. :)
Lib. serious question….
I watched the Sunday shows and there was a fairly prominent moderate just foaming at the mouth about much of what you type about Trump above.
Why does it matter?
Yeah, the guy is an asshole. I totally agree. So what.
Am I the only that decided some time in my 20s that it was not worth my time or mental effort to get all wound up by others’ asshole-ish behavior?
Dust off your nasdaq 10K hat. I have a feeling she’ll be needed by the end of the week.
And now, list his accomplishments, which are many, despite the onslaught by the powerless, feckless, d1ckless, aimless, useless, worthless, reckless, careless, feeble, weak, ineffective, do-nothing left.
Trump is just happy to have another news topic aside from his
Covid handling crisis.
The left has invented so many fake crisis’ that they’re now naming them using the Greek alphabet.
Re: Pelosi and impeachment…
Say what?
Has she lost her marbles? How does a House impeachment inquiry impact any vote in the Senate? Does she realize she is only 44 days out from an election, ie. even if something could occur in the House during that time the election renders it moot? Unless she expects that Trump wins again ;)
Anyway, the head shot….She wants to impeach trump ahead of his SCOTUS appointment because…IT WORKED SO WELL LAST TIME? lololol.
Please do. I mean, fcuking PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE file articles of impeachment Nancy. Today. Now. PLEASE. Hurry up!
LOL. All kidding aside, the woman has become unhinged.
10:15 its not a crises until it hits “home”…
SJW, SPX at very important level IMHO. Breaks down and holds, look out below.
Speaking of which …. the market is tanking
Speaking of which …. the market is tanking
And investors see it as an opportunity. We’re up 60% since March.
I don’t watch the Sunday shows. I hardly even watch the news these days as really, I’m not a big fan of politics as sport. Worst of all, besides the handling of my Social Security account (since I turn 50 in the coming days), I just need to survive about three more years before it’s all moot and I move to a much more simple and healthy place.
To answer your question, humility is an important trait in my opinion. Perhaps it is a fault in my persona. My parents instilled a lot of morals in me. Probably one of the first being that cussing is only used by people too stupid to learn the language. From a young age I had to deal will a bully that lived in my development. He was on my school bus from 1st through 6th grade. This was the classic asshole bully. A kid blessed with great strength in muscle, but a real dolt in mind. Besides the occasional atomic wedgie and stolen lunch money, his favorite move was to force your face into uncurbed dog remains and he was known to make kids eat dandelions too, which I was never witness to, fortunately. Now I was always kind of a big kid, so he didn’t mess with me much. But, I always felt terribly for the little guys he bothered mercilessly. The real problem for me was that my parents were crazy strict and if I got caught fighting, even with this bully, I’d be grounded for months. School is all that matters to my folks. A while back, I shared the story of how I completely wrecked him (though kind of accidentally) and he stopped messing with me and most of my friends after that. But I still feel the need to try to correct asshole behavior when I see it. Like I said before, it’s a flaw. Especially considering how many of these asshole carry these days. I’m probably lucky to be alive today. But I have no few fears.
At the end of the day, I know both parties suck equally. I just can’t stand bullies. If the leader of your country is a bully, what message does this send to the kids?
43 days to go and for most states just a few weeks later for state certification as required by law for the election results.
It’s going to be a real show folks.
Here is the state list.,_2020
Missed this housing story on Friday. Is the dream of home ownership dead?
Exit housing market with a cash cushion?
AHB, the funniest thing from that fact check you post – other than it being CNN calling Biden’s lies out – is that in the accompanying video Biden states that the fastest a justice has been confirmed after nomination was 47 days. Wanna guess who that was? LOLOLOL.
Oh, as a joke in 7th grade, I filled my science goggles with agar before putting them back in the ultraviolet sanitizing thingy. By our next science class the following day, it had hardened and I carved little eye holes in it which made me look absolutely ridiculous, but it was pretty funny none the less. I got detention for it. A holiday does not go by where my parents still don’t talk about it. I share this story to provide some insight into my upbringing and why being suspended for fighting this bully was simply not an option for me, though I was truly up for it.
I had my share of bullies as well and terrible bosses both of which Trump is a carbon copy of. No one likes to watch a moron like Trump run the Country into the ground and essentially skim and money his supporters give him. No one wants to see the US ground into dust while the right protects the unborn. Trump is on the wrong side of every issue, his tactics are terrible, his negotiation skills laughable…..he literally has no plans for what he’ll do in his next term (if he wins)……but hey, he ‘owns the libs’ who by everyones own admission are weak and deserve to be dominated. True Bully terms.
Fast Eddie?
North Jersey: Hillsdale residents face harassment over BLM lawn signs
Not everyone was an investment banking analyst at a bulge bracket…….
leftwing says:
September 21, 2020 at 10:11 am
Am I the only that decided some time in my 20s that it was not worth my time or mental effort to get all wound up by others’ asshole-ish behavior?
“At the end of the day, I know both parties suck equally. I just can’t stand bullies.”
Thanks for sharing. We are all products of our upbringing, early years and parents in particular….My hot button always has been liars who screw you hard while acting like they are your best friend….
I’ve never been so naive to believe that the majority of human-kind would be saint like. And I accepted at an early age that there are those who will act with malice and harm you, basically the ‘assholes’ that I just avoid.
But I just can’t get over people who tell me they have my personal best interests in mind and then knowingly and proactively fcuk me.
That viewpoint makes the Left anathema to me.
As I said in a post last week about some different topic, interesting how we can start in a similar place and with good logic arrive at different stations.
Good luck in the markets.
“Not everyone was an investment banking analyst at a bulge bracket…….”
LOL good one. Yeah, I worked under more than my fair share of mini-Trumps…
There was one when I pretty senior…he had hit the front pages years back of one of the Streets rags as ‘wealthiest’ based on the contract he had just signed….Man, what a sh1tshow…I still to this day get PTSD watching some of DJT’s ‘personnel’ moves from that one…..
30 year,
I can’t access that article, I don’t have a subscription.
I think it might be over for Biden, a friend of ours, a latina indicated her support for Trump. I quote, I cannot watch the buffoon on TV but my business has done well and the media has been unfair to Trump, I have no confidence in Biden. I feel like a lot of people are silently going to vote for Trump, they wouldn’t admit it in public. When the DNC loses first generation immigrant women who are people of color it might be over. Furthermore the information coming out of the Ukraine recordings looks very bad for Biden, a phone call where he is strong arming the president of sovereign nation to remove their prosecutor who just happens to prosecuting your sons employer and the president is saying they’ve found no wrongdoing on the part of the prosecutor. The optics are real bad and the audio certainly seems real, it is a bigger scandal than anything I’ve seen involving Trump.
On the supreme court, it’s politics everyone knows when a party controls the presidency and the senate supreme court justices will be confirmed at anytime during the 4 year term regardless of the antics pulled 4 years ago. What is truly abhorrent is the DNC and their minions calls for lawlessness and unrest. Everyone knows how the game, this is how it is played, RBG should have stepped down in Obama’s first term, that was their mistake, again this is how the game is played. Ginsburg was basically on life support for the last year, they tried to have her make it past the election, she didn’t by all outward indications she was in terminal condition last year and should have stepped down. Frankly I didn’t agree with a lot of RBG’s positions but respected her as a jurist, I’d be more afraid of the clowns the DNC wants to replace her with. To lefts point at least the conservatives strictly respect the laws as written, it makes them FAR, FAR less dangerous to our country than charlatans like Sotomayor or Obama who claim to uphold the constitution but do nothing of the sort.
On Row vs. Wade I explained this to my wife, they will never overturn it, the political football is what brings evangelicals out in force, it is fight they will continue but it will never end as it is too useful for firing up the base. It is why secretly the DNC wants to ensure racism always exists…….
Libturd says: He also does not grab women by the puzzy
Tara Reade would disagree with this statement.
Left – Nancy is just waiting on her new shipment of “impeachment pens”. Have to be able to hand out the useless participation trophy, even to congressmen.
Pelosi is a nut bag. She will lose her chair before she files articles of impeachment against Trump.
There are a shit ton of Trump signs in NJ.
I was shocked this weekend.
The shore was all Trump, everywhere.
I have not seen a single Biden sign in NJ.
What difference does it make for NJ?
Zero! There will still be a gap of at least 1/2 million votes in favor of Sleeping Joe. The “machine” has a lock on the cities. Mail in voting should create an even bigger turnout in the cities than ever.
Here is the Red Blue map from 2016, by town and by city.
I love seeing these trucks driving down the highway with Trump banners flying side by side with the American flag. It smells like victory! There’s two O’Biden lawn signs I have found within the neighboring towns around me. Two that I have seen. Two! As in… two!!
Seen very few signs for Trump or Biden. Mostly those we support our first responders and a few BLM signs.
I was a few places over the weekend including deep blue territory in Bergen county. Teaneck by far had the most BLM signs, and smattering of Biden signs.
in Princeton, you will see a lot of Biden signs. In fact, the voter registration booth on Nassau is proudly displaying them.
I’ve been seeing them (the Donald) at the shore for months. At the beginning of the summer, tons of boats in Belmar Marina had them up.
I’ll tell you what sign I do see more than Biden. The friggin We believe science is real, love is love, no human is illegal and whatever else it says. Nothing exhibits moral superiority over your neighbors more than that sign.
BRT, I hate those signs, what they left off is the trailing part:
We believe science is real….so long as it aligns with our beliefs, implicit biases and political leanings
These same people would attack the study in Lancet regarding black people being more susceptible to COVID as racist. Clearly the narrative must be racism is the reason why Blacks are disproportionately dying from COVID, even among children and younger healthier folks. To even suggest or study this and any genetic or biological factors is taboo. To which I say it is nonsense, even looking at Europe I’d wager that people who cluster with northern europeans seem to have fewer severe cases. Not to mention it is not unheard of for diseases to effect people people of different ethnic backgrounds differently. Science is science so long as it fits your narrative I guess.
Yes the biden signs are few in number, I’m starting to see more come out but frankly there were more signs out during the primaries than now.
11:56 time to get your own lifted truck!
Gotta Hemi? I kind of see these characters as somewhat
menacing especially when they tailgate me in my Prius with
the coexist bumper sticker….
Fair Haven and Red Bank have Biden signs…… everywhere else is Trump.
Just as in 2016, the local guys are trolling Springsteen by posting Trump signs on the road to his house.
If Trump doesn’t nominate this woman he is the stupidest fcuk of all time…..
In 2007, a report commissioned by an auto industry trade group insisted that when you factor in the waste generated during production, the notoriously gas-guzzling Hummer is actually greener than the Prius [source: Slashdot].
According to an in-depth study by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory, hybrid cars do, in fact, require more energy to produce than conventional cars, emitting more greenhouse gases and burning more fossil fuels during the manufacturing process. The production of hybrid batteries, in particular, requires much more energy than producing a standard car battery and results in higher emission levels of gases like sulfur oxide [source: Burnham et al].
Building a hybrid car is almost exactly the same as building a conventional car, requiring high-tech and highly automated assembly lines. This type of manufacturing process requires tremendous inputs of energy, particularly the forging of materials like steel, aluminum, glass and plastic. Interestingly, lightweight vehicles can sometimes be more energy-intensive to build than heavier cars because lighter metals like aluminum are harder to forge than stainless steel [source: Moon]. Experts estimate that 10 to 20 percent of a vehicle’s total lifetime greenhouse gas emissions are released during the manufacturing stage alone [source: California Energy Commission].
Toyota admits that the production of its lightweight Prius requires more energy and emits more carbon dioxide than the production of its gas-only models [source: Williams]. The major reason is because hybrids like the Prius include more advanced components than a conventional car, including a second electric motor and heavy battery packs.
There are additional environmental concerns related to those rare earth metals, like those used in the magnets of hybrid batteries. In recent years, rare earth metals like lithium have been imported almost exclusively from China, which was able to lower its prices enough to monopolize the industry [source: Strickland]. One of the reasons China could sell lithium so cheaply was because it widely ignored environmental safeguards during the mining process. In the Bayan Obo region of China, for example, miners removed topsoil and extracted the gold-flecked metals using acids that entered the groundwater, destroying nearby agricultural land. Even the normally tight-lipped Chinese government admitted that rare earth mining has been abused in some places. A regulator at the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in China went so far as to tell The New York Times, “This has caused great harm to the ecology and environment” [source: Bradsher].
Hybrid carmakers like Toyota are set to release a new breed of plug-in hybrids. The trouble with plug-in hybrids (and electric cars, too) is that electricity isn’t always cleaner than gasoline. More than 45 percent of electricity in the U.S. is generated by coal-powered plants [source: EIA]. According to another Argonne National Laboratory report, if a plug-in hybrid charges from coal-generated electricity, it could be responsible for emitting up to 10 percent more greenhouse gasses than a conventional vehicle and up to 60 percent more than a standard hybrid [source: Elgowainy].
Chicagofin . . .
Interesting take.
I have been wondering in my mind which of the top frontrunners is better for the current President for the upcoming election.
Amy Coney Barrett – Midwestern, devout Catholic, mother of 7
Barbara Lagoa – Florida, Cuban heritage
I’ve been trying to think about whether Barrett means anything to voters in PA, MI, WI, and MN, or if Trump just goes for the killshot to lock down Florida. Does appointing Lagoa resonate with non-Cuban hispanics in AZ, PA, and NC? Does Barret create enthusiam among the evangelical populations in the Midwest swing states and NC?
Seems like both are good for the election, to me, but I cannot decide which is better.
If Prius batteries are so bad (they are quite small), then what about the monster sized battery in a Tesla, or a Tesla wall?
Trump is such a dick that I can picture him purposefully not getting a judge through just so he can tell core Republicans that now they will really have to turn out for him at the election to help him win.
Meanwhile, lefties seem to imply that if they don’t get their way on the judge and the election, violence and chaos will ensue. The people who I find just as disgusting are the pseudo Republicans who whine that they are fearful that there could be civil unrest if Trump and the Senate appoint a judge. Essentially saying that they will indeed be cowed by threats of violence from political opponents and declaring themselves open to blackmail.
Tesla Power.
“lefties seem to imply that if they don’t get their way on the judge and the election, violence and chaos will ensue.”
Females are so scared of R v W being overturned they are getting their P hats ready to put back on- this is real fear to them.
Of course boomer women don’t care as no WAP going on.
No Job, Loads of Debt: Covid Upends Middle-Class Family Finances
The pandemic is wreaking havoc in loan-laden white-collar workers’ households; ‘I will never claw my way out of this situation’. Wall Street Jounal 21 Sept. 2020
“Postings for jobs with salaries over $100,000 were down 19% in August from April, while postings for all other salary categories increased, according to job-search site ZipRecruiter Inc.”
This is scary and not entirely unexpected. It looks like mass bankruptcies are on the horizon. Some of the folks described in the article hold tremendous debt levels versus their income, even before they lost their jobs or took a pay cut. As a friend of mine who lived very well used to say “I am just making the payments.”
“Some of the folks described in the article hold tremendous debt levels versus their income”
Well, some are just expensive. And if you wanna keep them you gotta pay.
I had lunch with a guy who owns a collections company Saturday after a round of golf. He said that there is a lot of bad debt piling up in the background, people are making payments on their cars and credit cards, but their rent and mortgage less so. Right now is more the forgiveness/deferral phase, but that’s about to run out. His collection business activity is already up and he expects it to go up more.
“His collection business activity is already up and he expects it to go up more.”
What are they using these days to bust kneecaps? Been out of the loop for a while.
Great job, liberal feminists. Get a cat or get fired.
Barrett v Lagoa
Need to go with Barrett.
Lagoa is untested, only recently appointed so no paper trail. And the fact that she had bipartisan support is a hand tipper.
Last time Repubs nominated a green, undocumented newbie with bipartisan support it was entirely wasted and counterproductive….David Souter.
Barrett is the head shot for the swing voter and the safest choice…even with that, before the Right go and relieve their chubbies, she will disappoint them occasionally as her ruling will follow the law, not political dogma. As they should.
Okay, I’m not selling shite, just want some feedback from this crowd on what looks like a very profitable, if risky, way to make bucks.
I’ve been talking to several people in Asia who are making $10,000 to $50,000 per day trading one symbol on their cell phone: XAUUSD
They are trading gold against US currency. They don’t trade anything else, just this one symbol.
I was skeptical at first, and but now 8 different people have told me the same story, and even send me their trade receipts showing the profits. They are bragging.
They are using a phone app called “Metatrader 4” to make trades.
These are not traders, just people on chat groups following the herd on trade advice and making big dollars every day as side income.
From articles I’ve read, they can get bitten badly on leverage, but they have been doing this for years, and say the volatility caused by the pandemic makes the trades even more profitable.
Are they just super-lucky for years?
Look at this face (yeah, I just said that).
Add in two adopted Haitian children and a natural child with Downs Syndrome. Midwest background and a professorship at one of the most respected universities there. And colleagues of every political background supporting here.
Every suburban housewife will fall in love with her….
She gives the Repubs that rarest and most valuable of commodities this election cycle…a reason to vote FOR your candidate as opposed to AGAINST the other party’s guy…in the geography and demographic that swings the election no less….
Bottom line, she is the best outcome when crossing what she will actually do on the Court with what she provides to the election…
Schedule the news conference already….
From my position closer to the center, the right wins this round. Notwithstanding, there are 16 Republican hypocrites and not one larger than Mitch who should not be trusted at their word. Unfortunately, we live in a country that is so divided over politics that lying is now acceptable by both parties and their supporters. Our politicians are better off keeping their mouth’s closed to keep their own feet from slipping into them. Sadly, I expect the left to stack the court the moment Biden wins the election. Just another shitshow in an overly divided country.
Gary, I’ve been screaming about the Prius being more of a fashion statement than an environmental benefit over ICE cars since the day they were released. They still haven’t figured out how to mine the battery metals safely nor dispose of them properly. The only reason to buy a Prius, or any of these other plug-ins is to save money through government subsidies and to make your friends THINK you care for mother Earth. There is a reason nearly every hybrid is designed to look like a car out of the Jetsons. Heck the BMW electric car looks absolutely stupid. Especially the dumb grill up front.
Older son played his first non-season game last night in the Wonderland of Ice up near Fairfield. The kids are not being covid safe. The parents, mostly less so than the kids. At this point, I’m certain if a vaccine isn’t found quickly, the smart ones among us are going to be stuck in masks long after the rest of the world is through this crisis. At this point, might as well let things get back to the way they were and we’ll just let everyone play the “I hope I don’t have an unknown underlying comorbidity lottery.”
Regardless of the lawn signs, I still think Trump hatred wins this election for the corporate creep. We’ll see. I’ve been wrong before, but not usually when I am willing to put money on it. I’m really an expert gambler.
And she’s really cute. The left says she’s too Catholic… I’m sure among other things.
white bread and whole milk. every mother’s dream daughter
surely worth tens of thousands of votes in each state from the great lakes south
” The only reason to buy a Prius, or any of these other plug-ins is to save money through government subsidies and to make your friends THINK you care for mother Earth.”
Or the fact that you can buy one in the mid 20’s and drive it for 300k miles @50 mpg on one set of brake pads and 30 oil changes.
Not everyone buys them to save the earth.
Trump’s presser writes itself…..
Every single SCOTUS justice is from an Ivy League school……etc
Middle America has been ignored too long….denigrated and insulted by liberal elites on the two coasts….etc
The Dems say they care about you, they don’t the House is holding up $300 in unemployment benefits to you so they can give $145,000 tax breaks to the wealthiest people on the Coasts….etc
I care about you. I hear you. I give you the next justice of the supreme court, from your backyards, indisputably qualified, a brilliant legal mind, and an outstanding and warm human being…etc.
Biggest problem for the Repubs will be the politics of timing. Do you announce her but put the vote off until after the election, using the pending nomination vote to troll for Electoral votes?
Or do you try to get her confirmed before Election Day, knowing that may disincentivize Red voters and motivate Blue voters?
“white bread and whole milk. every mother’s dream daughter”
Soon to be a minority by Generation Z. Wonder if white women will go up in value? Anyone know their ticker symbol?
Too Catholic? Not sure if any of you remember this from a long time ago, Kentucky fried movie. NSFW that’s for sure.
Steve – multilevel marketing and forex. What could go wrong….
“Wonder if white women will go up in value? Anyone know their ticker symbol?”
Definitely a short.
Lib, too bad to hear on the hockey. Our guys are treading water, practices no games. Will be interesting to see if Murphy lets them play….in his typical imperious, aloof fashion I’m sure he’ll announce something fcuking the rinks and clubs right before the deadline, then reverse it, then reverse it again.
Middle America isn’t as binary as you folks might imagine.
I’m going out on a limb and saying folks there are just as sick
of Trump as the more developed coastline.
In a winner take all electoral system binary doesn’t matter….50.1% does…..
Lots to process in here .
First with the aging Biden. I hope I’m riding a bike at that age.
Factual, there are words for what you are describing and they are not good words. Yes there are Log Cabin Republicans and a GOP Hispanic Caucus. But I have met many that are still hurting from family rejection, society rejection and a lot of Military as well. While you will always have a minority voting for Trump, the majority are not.
AOC is right and Joe should keep his list under wraps. Its like playing cards, you dont show if you dont have to. If people want a name, he should give them two. Barack or Michelle.
Left the difference here is that Mitch is responsible to bring a nominee to the the senate for confirmation. If the majority party don’t like the nominee, vote them down and do so repeatedly. Dont hold up a process for precedent and then move the goalposts.
But if you are holding that Mitch is just following the rules, you cant complain if Nancy throws another few articles of impeachment down the chute. All those people that complained she only sent two the first time will be celebrating all that dry powder. Impeach will have to go before a nomination is considered.
Also a lot of people who are touting its just the rules are also complaints that Roberts and Gorsuch should go as they are not following the expected lines. There are even rumblings about Kavanagh
Lib, 50 just means you unlock the couponing jackpot, the ARRP card. Any issues claiming a Senior Discount on your birthday?
Went car shopping over the weekend. My 13yo 200k mile Prius has to go. The problem with is the ICE needs a set of rings and its not worth the investment. Mrs Fab wants something the kids can drive in in a couple of years and I’m losing the arguement that I can keep this one still going.
I tried the CrossTrek EV and it was OK. The Forester would be a better fit. I think it will be the Prius EV in the end. Some nice deals on the 2020s and yes, I’ll take the Tax rebate.
That 2009 article was debunked years ago. While Lithium extraction is dirty, the recyleabilty more than makes up for it. In fact most of the Prius is plastic and Aluminium. You dont even have the hassle of steel.
Love it.
Not one Trump sign here in CT are. It is Biden all the way. I drove up and down my town, next town and up 10m to my mom’s place. Not one. Only Trump was a monster truck dufus flying a flag on Merritt. Any boating and shoreline will see lots of Trump. They like getting tax cuts and bailouts I guess.
An absolute classic. That shower scene is unforgettable. I still can’t watch Enter the Dragon without cracking up.
Had two siblings over this weekend. Both are on extended unemployment and working under the table.
More brilliance from the CDC – I wonder why so many people don’t trust this group, they are so reliable:
In Stunning Reversal, CDC Says It Published New Guidance On Risks Of ‘Airborne’ COVID-19 “In Error”
After publishing guidance warning about the serious risks of “airborne” infection associated with SARS-CoV-2, the CDC just seriously harmed its own credibility by acknowledging Monday that it had posted the new guidance “in error”, following a pressure campaign from the WHO.
Scientists have been gathering evidence that the novel coronavirus plaguing the world spreads via aerosol particles practically since it first emerged, and back in July, a group of 200 scientists sent a letter to the WHO urging the international public health agency to change its guidance on the spread of the disease. The problem scientists argued is that the WHO hasn’t updated its views to incorporate new research showing that aerosol spread is a much greater threat than touching contaminated surfaces, or via large droplets spread by close contact between individuals…
7:51 probably want to mention any tax liabilities for accepting government unemployment insurance.
“But if you are holding that Mitch is just following the rules, you cant complain if Nancy throws another few articles of impeachment down the chute.”
No problem with either. And neither side ‘follows the rules’ unless the other side forces them. Been that way for 200+ years here. Did you read my post on the passage of the ACA? What the Dems did was unconscionable. But the Repubs decided to let it slide…more recently, no.
“Impeach will have to go before a nomination is considered.”
In what universe? Different houses lol. Any new articles of impeachment won’t even be debated in the House before the nomination in the Senate is done.
“Also a lot of people…complaints that Roberts and Gorsuch should go as they are not following the expected lines. There are even rumblings about Kavanagh”
I don’t know how the Left allows itself to be continually turned into a bunch of shrieking little girls by the Dems. Conservative justices are never as ‘bad’ as the Left fears…look at the term that just ended, everyone in MSM were ‘surprised’ some rulings went they way they did with conservative justices signing on…conservative justices are just that…conservative with a lower case ‘c’…they are not looking to force their own (or party’s) views…they are strict constructionists and follow the law as established, generally. Few real surprises and when there is usually because they drift “left” because that is where the law/precedent resides.
This is a brief vid from Ohio. No comment on the content, I share this to show the absolutely massive crowd.
Until I see Biden speak to a crowd of more than 15 reporters, I have a hard time imagining that this election is even going to be close.
And don’t give me the COVID morality lecture.
This is Trump’s 6 rally in 7 days. Add to another 15 rally’s by surrogates and a bus tour in Florida that was organized by “women for Trump”.
Biden did come outside long enough to let us know that 200 million Americans have died from Covid though.
We’ll see. Trump has always had his loyal supporters. Those are the wonks that are willing to waste their time at a rally. It’s whether the haters will mail in their ballot that will determine the outcome.
F.ucking wow!! O’Biden better get his @ss out there! Holy sh1t! This is going to Reagan vs. Mondale, part II.
The CDC’s problem is their primary function has been fear mongering for 20 straight years to try to get their funding increased. I used to have posters waiting for me when I came back from summer with their nonsense. My favorite one was “Bird flu and you, how to protect your students”. My guess is, the agency is loaded with bureaucratic hacks and politically connected jobs. I’m not sure the rank and file are likely much better. Most of the mediocre incompetent chemical/pharmaceutical engineers I came across when I was in grad school ended up at the FDA.
First off ACA was always 39 plus Joe Lieberman. So Senate had effectifly 60% support but needed that A$$wipe to get Cloture. So if we have 60% support on an issue, what more do you need.
The biggest issue the GOP have here is that the Red States jumped on the Medicare bandwagon after the vote. So this SCOTUS case has a big impact in those states. Watch that one about to play out.
“Any new articles of impeachment won’t even be debated in the House ”
You missed the point on Impeachment. Nancy only sent two Articles forward. There are at least a half dozen in the hopper. She does not need to go back to the house.
Now do you see it?
CDC, just like the FDA have been killed off by this admin.
We will get the official Political message ” There is a vaccine” in Oct with no realistic Scientific backing.
Also given the economic climate and we know that Donnie pays for crowds.
How many are there for the paycheck vs how many on their own volition?
Remember viewers at home, if Trump loses the Senate he is fuuuuuucked.
Apologies for the source but really don’t follow…showing only two articles voted anywhere I look….either way doesn’t really matter, McConnell controls the calendar in the Senate and DJT’s not getting impeached anyway…no matter how badly I want Pelosi to do impeachment version 2.0….talk about blowing the election…..
Re: you following my point it had nothing to do with Lieberman…has to do with the [unconstitutional] manner the bill was introduced in the Senate and that they re-arranged the calendar to vote on December 23 rather than wait to be in regular session because Ted Kennedy’s seat flipped to a Republican who was to be seated in the next Congress assuring the Dems would not have 60 votes….
Ironically enough, as I’m sure you recall, Kennedy’s Senate seat was lost – a crushing blow on so many levels – because of the passage of Obamacare….
Again I have no problem with any of the above…it’s politics and has occurred throughout history…I just have an issue with the double standard shrillness of the Left now….
Most of the clips are on You Tube. Classic.
Chinese made missile.
Thanks for that link Juice, I read that Fortune article, and did some further searching, and it appears to be a total scam.
“Knight Service Group” (formerly “Business Choice Partners Group”)
Juice Box says:
September 21, 2020 at 5:09 pm
Steve – multilevel marketing and forex. What could go wrong….
What will it take for you, individually, to stop supporting your candidate post election?
If a candidate wins 300, 315, 345…electoral votes, will you say, “ok, this is over, my guy lost”.
Let’s get this group on the record. I’ll go first:.
If Biden wins 315 EC votes, by Nov 5. I’ll shut up.
But it is far more likely that neither candidate gets to even 270 by Nov 5. Any States will not certify their vote counts by then.
We are devolving into a 3rd world nation due to our infighting.
Personally, I don’t believe that’s necessarily a baf thing.
We all know Joe’s son Hunter was a problem child. We all know Hunter got booted from the Navy.
But did you know – Hunter Biden joined the Nav reserve at age 43 and was kicked out for cocaine use at age 44?
If you’ve known addicts at all, you would know that active addiction into your 40s, is about 5 years past the point of “oh well, death will come before recovery.”.
Who joins the Navy at 43 years old?
C’Mon Man
Hide from the mob. Hide in your basement. Hide your Supreme Court picks. Great leadership and campaign strategy.
Seriously, why will the DNC not share a list.
That assumes the people trust our elected leaders. We obviously do not.
But Biden could use the SCoTUS list to farm some votes. Throw a list out there that panders to all the right crowds. If somehow he gets elected and gets a chance to nominate a justice,do you think anyone is gonna care if he goes off the list?
Or is the list Loretta Lynch and no one else.
The absurdidty of that aside, also remember all Democratic Senators in vulnerable races who did not vote for Kavanaugh lost their seats to Republicans. Kavanaugh radicalized many Republicans. Now Democrats are threatening to lay down on the senate floor to prevent the confirmation.
Things have become way too extreme.
above was a reply to ExEssex’s post:
ExEssex says:
September 21, 2020 at 11:50 pm
Remember viewers at home, if Trump loses the Senate he is fuuuuuucked.
“Personally, I don’t believe that’s necessarily a baf thing.”
Couldn’t agree more. By the time I get to Costa Rica, it might be a safe haven from America. :P
No trump supporters are not being paid to attend rallies. Another projection and crackpot conspiracy from a half wit.
Lib: Are your kids ok with living in Costa Rica? What about schools?
I believe Clarence Thomas wants to retire, so that is another spot on the SC that will be opening.
Ginsburg not stepping down under Obama and the removal of the appleate court fillibuster in the Senate have really come back to bite the DNC very hard.
A little bit of long-term planning could have settled this matter long ago. But such is the price when you only care about the history of now, forget tomorrow.
Humm there were 235,000 machine and mail in votes cast in Hudson county for Trump or Hillary or other in 2016.
This year the clerk expects 250,000 mail in ballots returned. There are sending out 350,000 mail in ballots initially. This does not count any machine votes. They are expecting to open about 1/2 the polling places this year.
So record turnout is expected. Will it materialize? Will more than 30% of the mail in ballots be tossed in the garbage?
Tide turning for the comedians? Do the liberal comedians no longer need their acts to be conservative?
Chappelle’s Emmy for “‘Sticks & Stones’” is a big F_U to the the critics, we are going to be humans we are going to laugh at each other.
I think my plan went from $18k to $27k over the years since ACA was passed. We’ve also switched plans 6 or 7 times as a result.
I think my plan went from $18k to $27k over the years since ACA was passed. We’ve also switched plans 6 or 7 times as a result.
My company had to switch plans… the cost of funding Oblammy care was too much. My deductible is high and I’ve never paid more out of pocket than I am now. Calling the insurance provider and dealing back and forth with medical records personnel has become a full time job. It’s yet another example of the weak and lesser crowd relying on the production class.
Speaking of productive remember
Over the past four years, New York contributed $116.2 billion more to the federal government than it got back in federal spending. The remaining 42 states received more than they contributed, with Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, Alabama and Ohio leading. Apr 30, 2020
When we were pregnant, we were recommended for a somewhat rare(?) genetic test to eliminate a potential issue, but it was still optional due to its incredibly low probability (but non-zero). We have an HSA high deductible so I was curious about the cost.
I ended up on the phone with our OBGYN practice, the hospital, Quest, and the Insurer trying to determine who could figure out how much the genetic test would cost. In the end, No one could provide a cost or tell me if it was covered which absolutely baffled us. They would need to receive the medical code for the procedure and then pass it formally went through processing to make those determinations.
My spouse eventually said F’it and we got the test, cards fall where they may. I’m not sure we ever saw a bill for that test.
Pierre’ Delecto – the mormon senator from Utah was just interviewed and stated that he is in support of a SCOTUS nominee receiving a floor vote if advanced thru committee.
No clue how the guy will ultimately vote but if he listens to his highly religious base in Utah, it is not inconveiveable that he would vote in favor of confirmation.
Home buyer the goal of the medical insurers is to confuse everyone as much as possible. We often see the patients insurance approved and in network only to find out latter that the patient was approved for the same plan but it was series g and the medical office was approved in network for same plan series h. United is the worst for doing this. United also tries to limit your procedures by having the physicians call in and request approvals for simple routine med procedures.. This takes up time and can take up 30 to 45 for a physician to get through and make a case. If it’s a busy place where they are getting reimbursed $50 to see you the call will not be made and united will save $ at your expense.
And what have you heard about the attempt to poison Trump?
BRT and Fast
Obamacare did nothing to address the high cost of medical care. No tort reform, no universal coding for insurance, no requiring pharmaceuticals prices to match what other countries pay, no stopping companies from buying the rights to a drug and then raising the price by 20 times.
10:11 this is a huuuuge win for the red team.
Ginsburg’s unwillingness to step down during Obama’s term & Obama’s tepid
and ineffective response to O’Connell back when Garland was named will be remembered as a lapse in leadership of the highest magnatude.
9:54 say you are NY and this clown in DC decides to kick you when you are down.
Cuts billions under his “anarchist” b.s. campaign.
Why then wouldn’t you simply cut off the funds to DC!!?
We are having a spike in covid again. My guess is from Labor Day get togethers and college students returning to campus. Tarrant county health commission wants schools to go back to 100% virtual. Cases, er visits, and positivity rates all went up over the last two weeks.
Obama’s tepid and ineffective response…
This sums up the man’s legacy. He was tepid… a mollycoddle weakling with everything. It was all talk, all symbolism, just like all these movements. Kneel, protest, rip up speeches, deflect, finger-point… all the current traits of what once was the democrat party.
His vote is not needed. He would be vote 51.
homeboken says:
September 22, 2020 at 10:11 am
Pierre’ Delecto – the mormon senator from Utah was just interviewed and stated that he is in support of a SCOTUS nominee receiving a floor vote if advanced thru committee.
No clue how the guy will ultimately vote but if he listens to his highly religious base in Utah, it is not inconveiveable that he would vote in favor of confirmation.
All legal. We love legal in America. We love seeing legal enforced. 5000 pages of legal when you download an app or get insurance.
Lawyers and their loopholes are the engines that run America.
“United also tries to limit your procedures by having the physicians call in and request approvals for simple routine med procedures.. This takes up time and can take up 30 to 45 for a physician to get through and make a case. If it’s a busy place where they are getting reimbursed $50 to see you the call will not be made and united will save $ at your expense.”
No president is going to take on corporations or the financial system in America. That will get you JFK’d.
I agree. RGB should have retired in 2015. An 80+ year old who has had multiple rounds of cancer would be unlikely to make it 5+ years if the anointed one aka HRC lost in 2016.
Trump really is lucky. He got to run against HRC, probably one of the most despised dems around. And on top of that, she ran an awful campaign and ignored the rust belt. And now he gets basement boor, a career politician who was behind the mandatory minimums increase in the 90s and helped make student loan debt almost impossible to discharge in bankruptcy court. And basement boor is also about as inspirational as a stale sandwich
Well, maybe Bernie or Warren.
They were shoved to the back of the bus by their peers. And the boomers of America.
“I agree. RGB should have retired in 2015. ”
You cannot stop a feminist with logic when they are going full tilt. It’s like trying to stop a runaway diesel-you need to shove something into the intake or the turbo will keep the boost going.
Regarding NY?NJ paying more to the Feds than what they get back.
Let’s note that:
27% of expenditures is Medicare/Medicaid based on where retirees/poor people live
24% is for Social Security, again based on where people live
15% is Defense, which protects us all, and most bases are on coasts or in good weather, which makes sense
7% is interest.
So that is 73% of the budget. So yeah, if you lack retirees and poor people and have poor weather you get less money back.
11:13 Biden’s time was last election. Why he didn’t run is anyone’s guess.
Another huuuuge strategic oversight from the Dems.
“11:13 Biden’s time was last election.”
Boomers never think they are old. Have a single boomer woman as a neighbor. Just happen to be standing outside as she is on the phone talking loudly about a Tinder type add she received. Some 25 year old responded to her and told her she looked like she was 30. So she says to her friend “He is too young, I know I can pass for 40 all day, but he is to young for me.”
This woman is 60 and looks like she lived every single day of it. It’s denial at it’s finest.
I mean heck I get the whole aging thing. I shave off my “silver/white” (yech) beard today and cut 10 years right there. That’s nothing. You should see the lengths the folks out here go to looking younger. I get it though. I need to lose 20 and in fact have every opportunity to live healthier. I don’t care how the rest of the world sees me, my lower back knows the truth.
Phoneix best time to call united is on a Friday afternoon. Once you make your case you take the reps name number and med license number and inform them this is being forwarded to the patients and their attorney as he is on record for treating the patient. Their tune changes real fast. The rep knows the insurance company will not support him in a lawsuit.
Appreciate the concern. My older son will be in college. With the younger son, we are still determining his capabilities. There are some extremely well-regarded English speaking schools down there. I am more concerned about finding a long-term caretaker for him. I won’t live forever. Hopefully, my older one will consider moving down there after college and starting a family down there. It really is a pleasant lifestyle. You will live a lot longer down there than up here with very few stressors.
These dudes are friends of friends. They make some crazy sauces, surf, and
No surprise. I would not expect anything less.
“A $1 billion fund Congress gave the Pentagon in March to build up the country’s supplies of medical equipment has instead been mostly funneled to defense contractors and used to make things such as jet engine parts, body armor and dress uniforms.”
“I think my plan went from $18k to $27k over the years since ACA was passed. We’ve also switched plans 6 or 7 times as a result.”
You have to pay for Karen to have more cheese. Don’t you feel sorry for Karen? She is a victim of cheese deprivation.
Those sauces, how long have they been around? I swear I had that Iguana sauce 20 years ago.
Lib: Understand. I wish you and your family the best of luck. It takes a lot of courage to make that kind of move. My wife and I don’t have a clue where we will retire. Florida for the winter, but could never live there year round.
I’m sure your older son will find a way to help his brother. It’s just a feeling I get, but I still think so.
The lack of stress will help your whole family.
Good to know info.
It’s all about leverage. Very effective.
Until the lever snaps. Then all bet’s are off.
12:34 Exactly. My college friend at the time also did housing carpentry, light rehab. etc.Helped them build a place there. I made some paintings at time and I wanna say heck it could have been 2000. Even then my buddy who is a die hard surfer, would say that life down there as idyllic. Everyone was super happy and got by on a whole lot less.
Ruh-roh. Cardi-B tangled with some money types with lawyer friends. Game on.
It’s hard for me to explain what is so amazing about living the Pura Vida. More than anything, it’s the people. It’s like the difference between a New Yorker and a Georgian times ten. If you walk into a store, you better be ready to have a conversation with the other customers, the cashier, the manager and the security guard in the parking lot. And they are REALLY interested in your story. They are truly a happy people. They also have no judgement for the rich or poor. Everyone has a pipa fria in the morning, usually from a frozen coconut in a cooler in the back of an old pickup truck. Kids, businessmen, everyone queues up for one. It’s a pretty neat tradition. Kind of like our daily pilgrimage to Dunkin or Starbucks, only without the huge line, corporate sponsorship or attitude. But if you want a coffee, it’s also a big part of their culture and often it’s grown by the family you are purchasing it from. And it’s really good.
Everyone is THAT nice. There is really no reason not to be. I experienced a little of this in India too. Just a very happy people who are dying to find out more about why you are there.
For a real treat, ask them what they think about not wasting money on an unnecessary military.
15% is Defense, which protects us all, and most bases are on coasts or in good weather, which makes sense
Bahh, live in DC or NoVA for 5-6 years and see how those departments spend money. I worked in private sector while roommate worked at Navy. The cookouts, early Friday golf outings and general weak work effort were legendary. I am sure Eddie thinks these are the ‘productive class’, yet all coasters provided a job with almost no possibility of layoffs.
Here you go!
And yes Essex, they sell that hot sauce in a lot of places down there. I never thought much of it as half moon bay is in Jamaica. Didn’t even realize it was local. Your friends must have smoked a lot of ganja, but I give them credit for doing what they wanted to do for a living. Surfing is legendary down in CR and I’m sure that was their attraction.
Great surfer beach taco stand. Five stools. Best taco I ever had. Dirt cheap of course.
Defense may be inefficient, but it’s still necessary. There are hostiles in the world. The defense department only occasionally seems necessary, but the few times it is really necessary provides all the justification required. More efficiency and efficacy would be good. Recently it appears to be drifting toward becoming yet another social justice bureaucracy.
Costa Rica should keep some weapons at hand in case Nicaragua decides to go back to spreading revolution. Or they can just count on the US to help out if necessary.
Defense contains a large portion that is a jobs program for states. It always asks for more and never tightens its belt. It is a little more than “inefficient”. The F-35 catastrophe shows you that alone.
Costa Rica abolished its military in 1948 after a nasty civil war. Most stable country in Central America, and a much lower poverty rate, but still high.
“But if you want a coffee, it’s also a big part of their culture and often it’s grown by the family you are purchasing it from.”
How life could be here if our government was not run by multinational corporations.
One EMP and an F-35 won’t be able to tell up from down.
BLM removes nonsense about how bad the nuclear family is from their website. It’s definitely the right move, but I would say, they should go one further and say, they were wrong. The fact that it was there shows how misguided this organization is.
Inefficient is a huge understatement. The Department of War can probably can get by on a 1/3 of its current budget.
No One says:
September 22, 2020 at 1:33 pm
Defense may be inefficient, but it’s still necessary. There are hostiles in the world. The defense department only occasionally seems necessary, but the few times it is really necessary provides all the justification required. More efficiency and efficacy would be good. Recently it appears to be drifting toward becoming yet another social justice bureaucracy.
Facebook and social media has done more to destroy the western nuclear family than BLM could ever hope to imagine if that were their goal.
“Inefficient is a huge understatement. The Department of War can probably can get by on a 1/3 of its current budget.”
And with all we pay, they had absolutely ZERO fighter jets armed and ready during the 9/11 attacks.
Must have had the same people running the show as JCAHO had for the hospitals.
Funny thing is now they are so ready it won’t be long before they shoot down a wheezing geezer in a Cessna that flies too close to a golf course.
“Now Democrats are threatening to lay down on the senate floor to prevent the confirmation.”
Never understood doubling down on a losing bet. Be it stocks. Gaming. Or politics.
Rarely works out.
“If Biden wins 315 EC votes, by Nov 5. I’ll shut up.
But it is far more likely that neither candidate gets to even 270 by Nov 5.”
No one is getting to 270, and certainly not 315, on election night. If by chance some network ‘calls’ it don’t expect a concession. Meaning, no matter what some third party says ‘calling it’ has literally zero standing.
Biden better never take up flying as a hobby..
Crazy isn’t it..
“Now Democrats are threatening to lay down on the senate floor to prevent the confirmation.”
Maybe they all just need a nap. Give them a binky and a blankie.
Start out in diapers, end up in diapers.
Comments about Amy:
“She is too young to be a SCOTUS.”
Psycho, – she is 48 years old! MADD mommies is she too young to drink as well?
At what point is a person REALLY an adult in America?
CNBC right now laying down some facts….
29 times there has been opportunity for a Supreme vacancy to be filled in an election year.
19 times the Presidency and Senate were controlled by the same party.
17 of those times the nomination was confirmed before the election.
10 times the Presidency and Senate were held by different parties.
Only once was the nominee confirmed before the election.
Host asks the reporter ‘the facts seem to support how the Repubs are proceeding’.
Reporter’s response….yes, but while history is long voters’ memories are short.
Liberals are miserable, screaming liars. As are Repubs. But the difference is that the Liberals wrap themselves in righteousness while they lie and misrepresent to your face.
“Speaking of productive remember
Over the past four years, New York contributed $116.2 billion more to the federal government than it got back in federal spending.”
Stop with the lies and misdirection. Nobody believes this tripe anymore, least of all here.
NY State did not contribute that amount. NY State taxpayers, among the wealthiest in the nation, did.
That’s how taxes work, see? Take from the rich, give to the poor.
And, btw, an Alabama taxpayer identical to a NYC taxpayer paid MORE in federal taxes than the NYC taxpayer. SALT is a massive tax break for the wealthiest individuals in society.
If you want that ‘stat’ to go in NY or NJ’s favor it’s easy. Just become Alabama. If everyone here were to take a 50% pay cut we would collectively receive much more, and more. See how easy that is?
It’s kinda all garbage to try to analyze who gets what. When QE ensued, it goes straight into the cities through various mechanisms. Wall Street bailout? Literally bailed out the entire city’s industry. I’m pretty sure NYC has been a net beneficiary of the bonanza that was the past 10 years. And it was likely bean counters in NYC that shipped off entire industries throughout the country.
When I first heard of BLM several years ago I looked them up and they were proudly self-described “trained Marxists” and advocates of Critical Race Theory and all the radical Marxist trimmings. Won’t the Wayback Machine have all their old propaganda?
The media who were imagining shirtless Russians under every bed seem very un-curious about the anti-american ideology directly connected to their new favorite think tank, and which foreign powers would love to sponsor internal US racial wars.
Diapers are not that far from white pant suits.
It should, but we don’t even need it. The movement is making a joke of itself to the nth degree.
Lots to read on the back of that. Here is a good article (excuse the source, not my usual read).
The Recess question will be interesting. Donnie may want to jam through a recess appointment to get someone there for the election fallout. Skelator will want to hold off recessing the Senate to get to the vote and Nancy will have to approve any recess anyway.
We are in for an interesting fight.
So if people are saying RBG should have gone in the O admin, are Read team also calling for Thomas to go now while the Senate is still Red.
What I’m seeing from my side is that the Blue team and a lot of the middle are fired up over this. My GOP moderate friends are seething and see this as another step down for their former party.
“The movement is making a joke of itself to the nth degree.”
My guess is that they ain’t laughing no matter how misguided you think they are.
Diapers are not that far from white pant suits.
Party on…covid is over
Photos show Wuhan clubbers partying maskless in former COVID-19 epicenter
Joyce – I share the exact same view of military spending. I feel the same way about every single dollar that is taxed and spent by NJ and the US Govt.
At least 1/3rd of government spending is not necessary. This should surprise no one. There is no reason to run the government like a for-profit entity. They will always err on the side of more taxation or printing their way out of a debt hole.
joyce says:
September 22, 2020 at 2:04 pm
Inefficient is a huge understatement. The Department of War can probably can get by on a 1/3 of its current budget.
Actual Russian bot.
Good link Fabs TY, below is what I take away from it.
“The only arguable precedent for a president delaying the nomination while the Senate was in session is Buchanan, and of course, that ended with the nation sliding into civil war…As I have argued, the historical precedents support Mitch McConnell in distinguishing between election-year nominees when the president’s party controls the Senate…”
Regarding recess, everyone keeps inserting Pelosi into this decision. As far as I can tell she is irrelevant. The Senate is scheduled for recess on Oct 12 through Election day. I’ve googled not entirely successfully but in other similar matters (the August C19 debate) each leader of their respective chamber has the ability to keep their chamber in session. Pelosi doesn’t get a say in the Senate, McConnell doesn’t get a say in the House (who, again, are entirely irrelevant in a SCOTUS confirmation).
Regarding timing, it’s a mutli-variable analysis….can make arguments in any direction…recess appointment, nominate but not confirm until after Election day, nominate and confirm before.
I haven’t thought about it much but off the cuff I lean toward the second choice. I think having a pending but unconfirmed choice stimulates the most swing voters for DJT and down ticket; it can shore up weak Senate Repub incumbents (eg, AZ); it forces Biden to name someone and if he doesn’t that benefits DJT further; and I don’t believe the Repubs need a fifth vote on the Court if the election sh1ts the bed.
To that last point, if the election were to hit the Court and it goes party lines Repubs win 5-3. If Roberts gets squeamish, as he has a tendency, this time he will hold the line. Why? If he changes positions the Court goes 4-4 and the election gets decided by default by whatever lower Court punted it up. No Chief Justice is going to let that happen. Plus on a personal level, which should not be underestimated, ACB is a middle of the road candidate, not extremist in any direction, and a pleasant human being. Don’t underestimate the added thumb on the scale of certain justices looking at her as a nominee and saying “yeah, i can work closely with her for the next decade or so”.
Long term senators almost never get elected as POTUS.
In the last 48 years, only 1 former VP has been elected to POTUS (HW Bush).
I know it’s not really correlated but I found it interesting.
Typically, state governors make the most likely POTUS winner, throughout history.
Tommy DeVito, original Four Seasons member, dies of COVID-19 at 92
5:00 heck i voted for Mondale.
6:00 naw, Trump is the cult leader. That or this whole pandemic thing is just fakenews….
That pic. I’m speechless. Is that supposed to be the feminism 4.3 update?
I’m surprised this is still considered illegal instead of empowering.
Family friend and former police officer Terry Hopkins is also charged with aiding in the murder of David Fouts.
Thanks for helping, officer.
What a loser
I shared a video of the crowd from Ohio yesterday. This is PA today. Also worth noting Bidens team “put the lid on” at 9:45 this morning. The guy literally can’t go in public two days in a row.
Pelosi is in play as Senate and house need each other to approve a recess over 3 days. This ties into POTUS cannot push through a recess appointment unless a recess is over 3 days.
SCOTUS gives Collins a big break in Maine. She can be one of the “we should wait” as she is down in the polls after Kavenaugh. Little too late to try and shut that bard door.
Roberts will look to preserve the integrity and historical perception of “his court”. We saw that with the ACA passage. He is the most powerful person in the US as he controls the SCOTUS docket. I expect that every challenge coming up from the states courts will be batted straight back down with a “sort it out yourselves” Thats what Rehnquist should have done. I have always said that Bush vs Gore was the right result for the wrong reasons.
Second Parkland cop who was fired after school shooting will get his job back
In addition to the obligatory comment that it’s impossible to fire a cop, how on earth should they be entitled to overtime they may have worked [in addition to backpay]?
“In 2018, Stambaugh earned $152,000 in base pay, overtime and other earnings; Miller pulled in $137,000 and Eason made $118,000.”
Poor public servants in Florida
So I pulled the trigger on a 2020 Prius Prime EV.
$10K less than the CrossTrek.
$4500 Toytoa rebates as they are looking to shift them.
I got to watch Mrs Fab squeeze $1k out of the dealership to move them off MSRP even with the rebates.
I’m looking at around $5500 in tax credits from the fed and NJ.
I’ll do a charitable donation of my old one that will be around $2500 as it’s still running and in good shape (No Kars4Kids 4 Me!)
So I’m in a hybrid EV for under $20K that should get me 60+ MPG if I charge it and 54MPG if I run it as a straight Hybrid on gas. Also on EV, it goes like a goKart.
I would like to take a moment to thank all those Tesla owners that bought the “Fashion Statement” if that’s what it was, and opened up the opportunity for this awesome deal.
Now off to buy a Earth Flag decal for the back. I may even splurge for the coexist to go with it.
Of course not. You anti-Semitic scum.
Fabius Maximus says:
September 22, 2020 at 10:54 pm
I’ll do a charitable donation of my old one that will be around $2500 as it’s still running and in good shape (No Kars4Kids 4 Me!)
Bad day hating your clients?
The trusty prius. Or the pious as I like to call it.
My kiddo will be barreling around in an outback with all the alarms and safety features.
The drivers out here are innnsane….in the membrane so I would like my kid in a tank. This is actually the closest thing. It handles great and if it happens to rain or snow? No worries. I am not sure what I would buy if I was after a new car. I actually like the Cadillac.
I saw that too. People are really sick
And basement boor Biden says the Chinese are our competitors instead of amoral adversaries. Cause normal competitors put 500,000 people into forced vocational camps and take away their property.
Hey Chi,
Something that your constant projection can get behind.
An AOC masterclass in how to return serve.
Here is the popcorn schedule.
I fully expect this nomination to be rammed through.
That said, if the dice fall and we are looking at a six Far Left nominees for a 15 court SCOTUS, I don’t want to hear any complaints.
So when ACA was heading to law in 2010 we had the GOP crying for a Stop and an Do- Over. I cant remember the catchy phrase they used for it.
We are now at a point where SCOTUS on Nov 10th will hear a case that could severely damamge ACA.
From 2010 to 2020 we have always heard these platitudes that there is a great GOP health plan proposal coming.
Can I ask, WhereTF is is?.
If Nov 10th goes the wrong way, there is a lot of red states that took the Medicare option that will be deep in it. How is that bailout going to work.
Asking for a friend!
And people can have fun with this!
Since you are in favor of court packing, why doesn’t Trump and the senate just add 5 more judges this month? Maybe because aren’t as unhinged as the leftists.
Cindy endorses Joe and we all know that Cindy is Bad A$$
1:11 onwards
You misspelled something in your otherwise phenomenal quip.
Joyce, how about;
“I’m still trying to work out if your Pedanticism is irritating or just mildly annoying. ”
Did I spell that sentence correctly?