C19 Open Discussion Week 31

From the Washington Post:

Home sales rise despite low inventory and pandemic

Despite record unemployment and a sharp decline in the number of homes for sale, both existing and newly built homes reached their highest pace of sales since 2006 in August.

The National Association of Realtors reported that existing-home sales were up 10.5 percent in August 2020 compared to August 2019, rising to an annual rate of 6 million homes sold year-to-date, the highest level since December 2006. Every region saw more existing homes sold in August 2020 compared to July 2020 and to August 2019. Homes typically sold in 22 days in August 2020, down from 31 days in August 2019.

New-home sales also rose sharply in August to their highest level since September 2006. Sales of newly built homes reached an annual rate of 1.01 million in August 2020, 43.2 percent higher than in August 2019, according to the Census Bureau. New-home sales were also up 4.8 percent compared to July 2020.

Realtor.com’s Weekly Housing Report for the week ending Sept. 19 found that nearly 400,000 fewer homes have been listed since the beginning of the pandemic in March compared to that same period in 2019. As a result, homes are selling 12 days faster than in 2019 and prices have accelerated for the 19th week in a row.

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428 Responses to C19 Open Discussion Week 31

  1. 1987 Condo says:


    Lib, were you in Mountainside or HUMC proper?

    My times in Hackensack were pretty good, food wise…

  2. BRT says:

    CEO of Holy Name in Teaneck was on. They are involved in a number of clinical trials right now. He says, the virus they are seeing is a mutation that is more contagious but much less deadly. Most of the people are asymptomatic and they test positive prior to some sort of procedure. Basically, we are not seeing the same virus that we did in March/April.

    It’s looking like the virus mutated into something that is more viable for it’s long term survival. Viruses almost always evolve to be less deadly but more transmissible. Typically, it doesn’t happen this fast, but if this is true, it’s a good thing.

  3. 1987 Condo says:


    I saw that interview as well. Similar reports out of Europe. not sure if there is away to scientifically test the virus strains to prove? Makes sense I guess, since if all hosts die than the virus dies.

  4. Fast Eddie says:


    Should Thomas have resigned? We are looking at a possible 12 year Dem run. Does that fit with what you think RBG should have done?

    No, he’s 72 and in good health. RBG has been sick and frail for years. She was selfish and the vag1na hat wearing left is paying the price. Welcome aboard, ACB!

  5. BRT says:

    They basically have every single mutation sequenced. So they can compare site locations of mutations on the sequence to the data. What they need to do is statistically verify that it is less deadly. Right now, it’s mostly anecdotal, but this is how must studies get started is through anecdotal observations.

    However, we fully expect this to happen because evolution dictates that it will. There was a doctor from NJ who was saying that the patients coming in were all showing less viral load which could only presumably be explained by viral attenuation. He said, they would have never expected that to happen so quickly but he had no other explanation.

  6. ExEssex says:

    The California Republican Party has admitted responsibility for placing more than 50 deceptively labeled “official” drop boxes for mail-in ballots in Los Angeles, Fresno and Orange Counties — an action that state officials said was illegal and could lead to voter fraud.

    The dark gray metal boxes have been popping up over the past two weeks near churches, gun shops and Republican Party offices, mostly in conservative areas of a deep-blue state, affixed with a white paper label identifying them as either an “Official Ballot Drop off Box” or a “Ballot Drop Box.”

    To the average voter, they are virtually indistinguishable from drop-off sites sanctioned by the state, which are governed by strict regulations intended to prevent the partisan manipulation of ballots.

  7. leftwing says:

    “I am still waiting to feel the impact of all of the great things Trump has done for me. So far, He has caused me a bloody fortune in the loss of tax deductions.”

    Nooooooo……..Your huge tax losses are not the result of the Fed government but of the wild mismanagement and unchecked profligate spending of your State government.

    All the Feds did was say, hey, if you can’t keep your fiscal house in order while your population is among the wealthiest and highest earning in the country we aren’t going to subsidize your stupidity.

    Total perversion of basic personal finance to blame your higher taxes on the Feds and ignore the entity actually taxing you to death…..

  8. Fast Eddie says:

    The California Republican Party has admitted responsibility for placing more than 50 deceptively labeled “official” drop boxes for mail-in ballots in Los Angeles, Fresno and Orange Counties — an action that state officials said was illegal and could lead to voter fraud.

    Awesome! They’re finally taking a page out of the lefty playbook!

  9. Juice Box says:

    BRT lots and lots of mutations over the last 8 months can be visualized on NeXT strain.

    The hospitalization rate is key, we peaked at over 8200 back in April. current numbers are around 600.


  10. leftwing says:

    “To the average voter, they are virtually indistinguishable from drop-off sites sanctioned by the state, which are governed by strict regulations intended to prevent the partisan manipulation of ballots.”

    Was totally with you SX until your final paragraph went all liberal (il)logic on me….

    CA allows ballot harvesting, ie. an actual human being can knock on a voter’s door, then take and bring the completed ballot to a voting place.

    CA does not allow that same voter to simply place the completed ballot where the same door knocker can instead pick it up and bring the completed ballot to a voting place.

    Difference without distinction?

    So, please do tell….how is the latter more open to “partisan manipulation of ballots” especially since it has no face-to-face interaction with voter, unlike the former?

    The Left brain is very weird place to reside…..

  11. BRT says:

    Most mutations that happen lead to no real change in overall structure. Key mutations do however. When I was working on HIV reverse transcriptase inhibitors, the group that developed them looked at every known strain of HIV and found that the pocket in the reverse transcriptase enzyme had a universal shape regardless of mutation. That’s how they developed a drug that was inhibited all the known mutations

  12. Juice Box says:

    Essex those damm Baptists are at it too, and 50 ballot boxes is pissing in the wind in a state with 21 million registered voters.

    Much to do about nothing you can legally give your ballot to anyone to deliver for you in California, that is why no arrests, you can bet the Attorney General would have loved to have gotten some no knock warrants for the GOP party leaders and kicked in a few doors at 5AM.


  13. 1987 Condo says:

    Voter fraud? I read that was not really a thing.

  14. leftwing says:

    Pulled myself away from stocks to watch ACB hearings.

    She and Graham’s interactions were art.

    Feinstein was up next, white gloved her…”introduce your family, wonderful children, etc, etc”. Waiting for the hammer to drop, Feinstein goes to Roe. ACB responds, basically, I will follow the law where it goes. Feinstein starts with “I expected that, what I meant was…well I guess I’ve gone as far as I can…” and hopped onto soft 2A questions…

    ACB gonna fly through. Repubs will let challenged Senators (Collins) break rank. Wouldn’t surprise me if a vulnerable Dem or so jumped onto a ‘confirm’ vote.

  15. BRT says:

    The registrar said to CBS2 in a statement that the drop box “does not comply with regulations for Official Ballot Drop Boxes, and our office has attempted to reach the pastor of the church. We are working with counsel to issue a cease and desist letter and have reported this to the Secretary of State’s Office.”

    What would this be classified as, voter fraud or voter suppression?

  16. ThreeWeeks tothe GreatPieFight says:

    JCer, from last night’s post.

    This is the foundation of what Jeff Gundlach – DoubleLine Funds is talking about, that there is going to be a cataclysm 80% drop in market/economy.

    “Lib the rental market is horrible. I have a vacancy, interest is dead, rents are even lower. Corporate landlords are so hungry for cash-flow they’ll take almost anything within reason. I can’t believe what I’m seeing, I have heard of things renting at rates close to what they were going for 10-15 years ago. My family owns a partnership interest in an apartment complex and it is totally not performing at the moment, people are not paying rent, if it can’t cover the debt service it will go bankrupt. ”

    Finally, the ACA was a gift bail out to the medical insurance complex, But I think the legal argument is the stalking horse on the way to privatize Social Security. The main argument of the legal challenge is that government is forcing me to pay a third party for insurance – this is generally ok if it is a privilege like driving a car and requiring car insurance. But something mandatory like health insurance is the question. If it’s allowed, then eventually you can see the move that Social Security, Medicare and any other programs that are mandatory become accessible to privatization like Chile.

    “The ACA totally deserves to be invalidated by the Supreme Court, it was poor legislation written by lobbyists passed under absurd circumstances. An individual mandate could work but bolting all of this cr@p on the already failing healthcare system without any attempt to “fix” the problems and contain cost has resulted in a nightmare collapsing under it’s own weight.”

  17. GetYourPies forthe GreatPieFight says:

    Forgot to add,

    And the main reason the health insurance issue is going to be resolved with a public option. The ACA will be found to be illegal. Only way to replace it is with a Medicare expansion/Public Option. The decision will also seal off the privatization of Social Security argument for decades to come.

  18. joyce says:

    In theory, one could install a drop box and then not send in the ballots. That could suppress votes.

    BRT says:
    October 13, 2020 at 9:49 am
    The registrar said to CBS2 in a statement that the drop box “does not comply with regulations for Official Ballot Drop Boxes, and our office has attempted to reach the pastor of the church. We are working with counsel to issue a cease and desist letter and have reported this to the Secretary of State’s Office.”

    What would this be classified as, voter fraud or voter suppression?

  19. Phoenix says:

    Democrats and their love of old goats. Ginsberg was a bald tire with frozen rusted lug nuts-with a center that was seized to the hub since it was put on at the factory, driven through Murphy salt water streets, and never taken off or rotated.
    Somehow the Democrat driver just never did the hard work to try and get that tire off, just kept driving and driving figuring it would never blow, or that they could make it home one more time.

    Now for the presidency, they once again reach into their stash of bald tires…

  20. Juice Box says:

    RE: “if it can’t cover the debt service it will go bankrupt”

    No worries for the lenders however the banks are already sold the trash for cash with a suspension of mark to market no less, so full price. Fed is vacuuming up all of that debt as we speak so far about a trillion in MBS including multi-family since March.

  21. joyce says:

    I thought the main legal argument against the ACA was that it calls for a tax if you do NOT buy something… and that it is an unapportioned direct tax. The courts have upheld the constitutionality of things like SS and Medicare/Medicaid with the logic that it’s not a program but a tax allowed under the 16th amendment. They would probably uphold a Medicare for all if it was similarly structured to today’s program.

    ThreeWeeks tothe GreatPieFight says:
    October 13, 2020 at 10:08 am

    The main argument of the legal challenge is that government is forcing me to pay a third party for insurance – this is generally ok if it is a privilege like driving a car and requiring car insurance. But something mandatory like health insurance is the question. If it’s allowed, then eventually you can see the move that Social Security, Medicare and any other programs that are mandatory become accessible to privatization like Chile.

  22. Phoenix says:

    If a guy who lives like Lib needed it for his family and it helped him, I’m all for it. Last thing we need is someone to go all John Q on the medical profession.

    Every other NORMAL country figures this out.

  23. Juice Box says:

    Joyce the “theory” is the drop boxes exist because the postal workers cannot be trusted, they claim the local county run “drop boxes” are more secure than your average blue postal box.

    Who should you believe here? Let’s believe the county workers with their army of “temp” workers are opening and reading ballots then tossing them in the garbage and the postal workers are doing the same. I do mean enmass, they are going to cheat by tossing tens of thousands of ballots in every county across the USA and it’s all organized from the left and right too! Everyone is in on it.

    It’s all gaslighting at it’s finest from all sides….

  24. Phoenix says:

    And don’t think for one minute all of these admissions to hospitals for Covid are going un-noticed by the bean counters of your health insurance company. Even if you are hospitalized for 10 days expect a nice bill. Not to include some of the cost of these fancy new drugs (unless you took the Clorox route).

    Renewal premiums are going to skyrocket this year. Mark my words.

  25. joyce says:

    Gov. Phil Murphy signed an executive order Monday allowing organized sports considered “medium risk” and “high risk” in the state to resume contact practices and games indoors, with restrictions.


    I’m very happy we continue to reopen activities in this state. I just can’t figure out the logic. Haven’t the stats being trending in the wrong direction the last few weeks?

  26. Phoenix says:

    Of course if there was no border wall, you could just walk over to a Mexican Pharmacia and get all of the hydroxychloroquine for 10 bucks that costs you 1k in America without a prescription.

  27. joyce says:


    Juice Box says:
    October 13, 2020 at 10:38 am

    It’s all gaslighting at it’s finest from all sides….

  28. joyce says:

    I’m all for reforming our horrific healthcare and insurance systems, but the ACA is not the answer.

    Phoenix says:
    October 13, 2020 at 10:37 am
    If a guy who lives like Lib needed it for his family and it helped him, I’m all for it. Last thing we need is someone to go all John Q on the medical profession.

    Every other NORMAL country figures this out.

  29. NJGator says:

    @Joyce – Nope. But I think Gov Murphy feared the upcoming protest march and the 1,000 “Let them Play ” pucks that angry hockey parents were about to drop at his home doorstep. He folded like a deck of cards.

    No parent spectators, so go long “Live Barn”.

    Gov. Phil Murphy signed an executive order Monday allowing organized sports considered “medium risk” and “high risk” in the state to resume contact practices and games indoors, with restrictions.


    I’m very happy we continue to reopen activities in this state. I just can’t figure out the logic. Haven’t the stats being trending in the wrong direction the last few weeks?

  30. No One says:

    FDR was the president who famously tried to pack the court after the court shut down some of his fascist agencies as unconstitutional. It was close but a few Dem leaders in the Senate decided against setting up a dictator. Naturally lefty historians dont want to talk much about their hero’s efforts to undermine checks on power. The logical end would be for the court to expand in a Hurry every time the president and senate were from the same party, effectively turning the Supreme Court into an overpaid rubber stamp.

  31. Boomer Remover says:

    ” My family owns a partnership interest in an apartment complex and it is totally not performing at the moment, people are not paying rent, if it can’t cover the debt service it will go bankrupt.”

    Aw fk. Just as I was warming up to the best case scenario charts from the syndicator I wanted to get into bed with pre covid with a substantial (to me) investment. They do workforce housing, value add apparoch, rust/sun belt.

  32. Boomer Remover says:

    BTW, as of September I am a cash paying patient, err… customer. We’ve gone from zero copay Cadillac coverage to well, I guess an ACA plan when the window opens up.

    I have raging long untreated tooth pain right now, have scheduled a dental visit for later today and am weighing my chances of picking up the ‘rona. Carry the one, divide by zero. Nonzero risk.

    ACA family plans are ~$1,400 per month and the first $3-6K is completely out of pocket. I suspect the majority of healthier customers pay entirely out of pocket.

  33. leftwing says:

    “In theory, one could install a drop box and then not send in the ballots. That could suppress votes.”

    No different than with vote harvesters, which are allowed.

    I could walk out right now, grab some demographically appropriate kids, throw Biden/Harris buttons on them, and set them loose in an overwhelmingly Dem area.

    Easy pitch by them….”Ma’am, are you voting? If so I can take your ballot and save you the time and hassle and make sure it gets there safely”

    I give the kids two bucks a ballot brought back to me.
    I build a bonfire with them in the backyard.

    For a mere $160,000 the 2016 election could have been bought with those vote harvesters.


    This is the reason you don’t mess with the existing voting system which has developed tightly controlled security and safeguards.

  34. BRT says:

    I’m very happy we continue to reopen activities in this state. I just can’t figure out the logic. Haven’t the stats being trending in the wrong direction the last few weeks?

    Murph has never used real data to make his decisions.

  35. BRT says:

    You’d be surprised how well you can negotiate medical price when you pay cash.

  36. BRT says:

    Here’s food for thought. If we know that common cold viruses from the past 4 years have the same receptor proteins as Covid-19, which is likely the reason people’s T-cells can fight it off, why don’t we just expose people en masse to the common cold viruses of the past 4 years? Run a clinical trial on that one…

  37. Juice Box says:

    BRT – I just read through an article this morning on the common cold viruses and covid-19.

    “Research on archived blood does not bear out hopes that antibodies against ‘seasonal’ coronaviruses can protect against severe COVID-19.”


  38. chicagofinance says:

    Hey Ex:

    I fcuked up over the weekend….. the Black Magic Woman sample is from World In My Eyes…..

  39. chicagofinance says:

    Also, the percussive elements in Never Let Me Down are sampled from John Bohnam from When The Levee Breaks……


  40. Libturd says:

    Condo, HUMC proper. With the D, we have gotten to experience being a patient in many different hospitals. CHOP, Morristown, Robert Woods Rehab, HUMC as well as many of their outpatient type clinics. For pediatric cancer, Hackensack was great, though we really only used them for transfusions. Nonetheless, never had a bad experience, which drove us to them.

    We’ve watched the service at St. Barnabas go down greatly between Gator JR and the D’s birth. Was also pretty pissed at their intentional use and non-disclosure of out-of-network personal. I even remember having to sign off in triage that I was aware they could do this and I would be waiving my right to sue for it. When I said I would not sign it, they said they wouldn’t take D in. He couldn’t be moved, so what was I to do. The doctor who said he shouldn’t be moved was out-of-network apparently.

    CHOP was heavenly. We actually look forward to going. Really. It’s just pleasant in every possible way. Our only issue was a terribly noisy room once, but in 100s of days of stay, this can happen.

    HUMC was a mess every single step of the way (sorry to those who work there). Keep in mind, I drove myself there, but I could hardly walk. I drove up to ER walk in, and asked where to park. They said to valet it. Valet was about 200 yards away, if not further. Was lucky enough that the valet guy saw I couldn’t walk and he rolled me over, but not before it taking about 20 minutes to find a wheelchair (this it valet mind you). It killed me to stand that long, but there was no place to sit down. The intake into the ER was quick, but then I was put into a waiting area which was far from covid safe and just completely ghetto. Two of the patients were obviously there for painkillers. One on what looked like an iPad sized Android phone where she was masked off, skyping with her newborn the whole time. Another girl, definitely strung-out, refused to let them to the covid swab. After about 15 minutes of her arguing with the nurses, I just said, listen, I just did mine and didn’t hurt one bit. More like nails on the chalkboard sensation than any real pain. I also said, I can tell that other sh1ts been up your nose. She laughed and finally agreed. Another dude was your 50 year-old know it all who wouldn’t shut up and I swear, was definitely hitting on the swab-fearing addict. Then there was the lady who was attacked by a dog and was all cut up. And two other patients who looked legit.

    After about two hours, I was finally rolled in for x-rays and ultra-sound, even though we were sure what it was. Not sure if was rule-out or just for more billing, but this part went pretty smoothly. About four hours after parking my car, I was in one of those ER stalls. As they rolled me in, I noticed all of the painkiller wannabes were in there too, but not given rooms like me. They were just left on beds in the middle of the room. They were all sleeping, so probably were given their drug of desire. At about the 7th hour, I was rolled to a rather sh1tty room with another patient, I nice man from Bolivia with failing stents. This room was all the way at the end of a wing, right by the nurses station. This is never good. Not only do you hear every alarm in the wing, but you get to find out what all the nurses are eating for meals, the latest problems with their lives, training videos, everyone’s ailment on the floor as they do their turns, etc. Of course all this paled in comparison to one elderly and certainly mentally disturbed patient who slept all day and screamed all night who was also a flight risk.

    Knowing my way around pump alarms, IV line flushing, even performing injections and so many other nurse responsibilities, I’m kind of dream patient. The nurses would praise me for asking for so little. The truth is, as long as my right leg was raised above my heart, besides a low-grade fever and occasional bout of the chills, I was really in no pain whatsover. The biggest issue was needing to pee so much when stuck attached to the poll necessitating me to fill up that dumb piss bottle about every four hours. Sadly, only about half of the time, would the bottle be emptied by the time I needed to use it again. This is lazy nursing. Especially if besides reading vitals which is done by some intern anyway, their only other responsibility for me was to hang fresh bags of sugar water and antibiotic on the poll. That’s really it. Someone else did the daily blood draws. The first time the room was cleaned was on Saturday. The communication there was nill. Every day I had to ask the nurses what I had on tap for the day. This included an EKG (more billing) and a 2-second visit by the Infectious Diseases Doctor.

    On Saturday, at about 4:30 a new doctor walks in, looks at my leg and says, “you come in last night?” I asked who he was (an intro might have been nice, especially since he wasn’t wearing a tag) and he revealed that he was the weekend on call Infectious Disease guy. Apparently, rather than shifting around the schedule of the Monday-Friday guys to cover the weekend, here they outsource it. This explains why he had no clue of my case. So I said, pain is down, the IV is working, my white counts are back in normal range, can I leave? He says, nope. The in-house doc would have to approve so you are here till Monday. At least when he came in on Sunday afternoon, he remembered me. Said it looks great, you should be able to go home tomorrow. He takes me off the 24 hour sugar water drip, so at least I can pee in the toilet again and be done with my full piss bottle anxiety.

    Monday morning at 1:30am, after having fallen asleep again after crazy lady’s 1pm episode, I get awoken by transport. They tell me I’m headed to a new room. No rhyme, reason or explanation from the nurse.

    This room is great except for the Trump VIP in the stall next to me. I already explained him. These are the kinds of guys who scare me. Instead of worrying about his own health. He is completely wrapped up in politics. I’m sure he could argue his political positions with the best of you. Meanwhile, his kidneys are now shot since he stopped paying attention to his doctors so he has now entered the dialysis three times a week period of his life. At about 11am the regular Infectious Disease doctor shows up and says, you are free to go. I am 100% sure I was free to go on Saturday, but what’s another three days of billing? About two hours later, I ping my nurse and ask what the hold-up is for discharge? She says, you were cleared to leave? Now this is my big issue with HUMC. One hand doesn’t seem to know that the other is doing. I am given my discharge papers about 30 minutes later and walk with the nurse down to the valet. She takes me to the wrong one. I walk that same 200 yard mistake which was made five days earlier, get my car (which at least was free) and drive home.

    You would think it was all done. I go look through my discharge papers for the script for my anti-biotic and they forgot to include it. So I call thee three different phone numbers in the packet and none get me to a person. All automated help and none which offer me the ability to connect with a nurse. This is where I used my super sleuthing skills to which my script is eventually (about two hours later) sent over to my pharmacy. For what it’s worth, later that evening, my discharge nurse apologized profusely for the mistake. Gator blames me, as she knows I should have checked for this myself. Normally I would, but I’ve had almost no sleep for 4 nights straight thanks to crazy lady.

    As for the food? The vegetables were all canned for sure. It took me until dinner of the third day to find the edible grub. Examples? My first meal was dinner Thursday, which was the first thing I ate that day since it took so long to get to a room and I skipped breakfast fearing my leg was about to turn gangrene and need amputation. I didn’t order it, so it was the standard fare. Some kind of fried chicken breast with throw-up gravy, side of peas, amazing tomato soup and red gelatin. I ate the soup. I actually like jello, but not the extra hard generic crap they sent. Was still starving so put in the order for breakfast tomorrow. Western omelette and toast plus a banana. Both were inedible. Fake cheese, salty terrible ham. Couldn’t eat it. Tried toast. It was powdery. Looked at the banana, it was green and brown. Couldn’t even peel it yet, so that went into the trash heap. The coffee was surprisingly mediocre though so there’s that. I think to myself, next day just order hard boiled eggs and cold cereal to which I did. You couldn’t peel the eggs and they weren’t fully cooked. The frosted flakes were a solid hit. Next day it was oatmeal which they did well. On the lunch tip, decided to try egg salad. Was afraid to get a sandwich after the bread debacle. Egg salad was all mayonnaise no egg. I kind of dislike mayonnaise so this didn’t work. Also ordered a side salad. The side salad was awesome. A nice well-dressed greek salad. Found my lunch for the following day. Dinner, I asked them what the most popular item was. I ordered a cheeseburger. Patty was worse than a hockey puck. Red onions were rotten (dangerous). Another fail. I did get a side caesar salad and wallah, was very good. So salads and cereals were the hotspot. Finally, on Sunday night, I asked a nurse I trusted what’s good and she said the chicken marsala. Low and behold, it was edible. Best part was the fresh spinach (obviously not canned). If I ever go back, I know what to order.

    The food was seriously atrocious. CHOP’s was restaurant quality. Robert Woods in New Brunswick was excellent too. Morristown was simply gross. St. Barnabas was decent too.

  41. BRT says:

    Juice, it wasn’t antibodies for past viruses that were valuable. It was T-cells. T-cells form the past 4 years were able to recognize the virus if you were exposed to the previous coronaviruses. Exposure to those common colds would give you T-cell recognition. They believe that’s why so many people are asymptomatic.

  42. Libturd says:

    Condo, HUMC proper. With the D, we have gotten to experience being a patient in many different hospitals. CHOP, Morristown, Robert Woods Rehab, HUMC as well as many of their outpatient type clinics. For pediatric cancer, Hackensack was great, though we really only used them for transfusions. Nonetheless, never had a bad experience, which drove us to them.

    We’ve watched the service at St. Barnabas go down greatly between Gator JR and the D’s birth. Was also pretty pissed at their intentional use and non-disclosure of out-of-network personal. I even remember having to sign off in triage that I was aware they could do this and I would be waiving my right to sue for it. When I said I would not sign it, they said they wouldn’t take D in. He couldn’t be moved, so what was I to do? The doctor who said he shouldn’t be moved was out-of-network apparently.

    CHOP was heavenly. We actually look forward to going. Really. It’s just pleasant in every possible way. Our only issue was a terribly noisy room once, but in 100s of days of stay, this can happen.

    HUMC was a mess every single step of the way (sorry to those who work there). Keep in mind, I drove myself there, but I could hardly walk. I drove up to ER walk in, and asked where to park. They said to valet it. Valet was about 200 yards away, if not further. Was lucky enough that the valet guy saw I couldn’t walk and he rolled me over, but not before it taking about 20 minutes to find a wheelchair (this is valet mind you). It killed me to stand that long, but there was no place to sit down. The intake into the ER was quick, but then I was put into a waiting area which was far from covid safe and just completely ghetto. Two of the patients were obviously there for painkillers. One on what looked like an iPad sized Andro1d phone where she was masked off, skyping with her newborn the whole time. Another girl, definitely strung-out, refused to let them to the covid swab. After about 15 minutes of her arguing with the nurses, I just said, listen, I just did mine and didn’t hurt one bit. More like nails on the chalkboard sensation than any real pain. I also said, I can tell that other sh1ts been up your nose. She laughed and finally agreed. Another dude was your 50-year old know it all, who wouldn’t shut up and I swear, was definitely hitting on the swab-fearing addict. Then there was the lady who was attacked by a dog and was all cut up. And two other patients who looked legit.

    After about two hours, I was finally rolled in for x-rays and ultra-sound, even though we were sure of what it was. Not sure if was rule-out or just for more billing, but this part went pretty smoothly. About four hours after parking my car, I was in one of those ER stalls. As they rolled me in, I noticed all of the painkiller wannabes were in there too, but not given rooms like me. They were just left on beds in the middle of the room. They were all sleeping, so probably were given their drug of desire. At about the 7th hour, I was rolled to a rather sh1tty room with another patient, I nice man from B0livia with failing stents. This room was all the way at the end of a wing, right by the nurses station. This is never good. Not only do you hear every alarm in the wing, but you get to find out what all the nurses are eating for meals, the latest problems with their lives, training videos, everyone’s ailment on the floor as they do their turns, etc. Of course all this paled in comparison to one elderly and certainly mentally disturbed patient who slept all day and screamed all night who was also a flight risk.

    Knowing my way around pump alarms, IV line flushing, even performing injections and so many other nursing responsibilities, I’m kind of dream patient. The nurses praise me for asking for so little. The truth is, as long as my right leg was raised above my heart, besides a low-grade fever and occasional bout of the chills, I was really in no pain whatsover. The biggest issue was needing to pee so much when stuck attached to the poll necessitating me to fill up that dumb piss bottle about every four hours. Sadly, only about half of the time, would the bottle be emptied by the time I needed to use it again. This is lazy nursing. Especially if besides reading vitals which is done by some intern anyway, their only other responsibility for me was to hang fresh bags of sugar water and antibiotic. That’s really it. Someone else did the daily blood draws. The first time the room was cleaned was on Saturday. The communication there was nill. Every day I had to ask the nurses what I had on tap for the day. This included an EKG (more billing) and a 2-second visit by the Infectious Diseases Doctor.

    On Saturday, at about 4:30 a new doctor walks in, looks at my leg and says, “you come in last night?” I asked who he was (an intro might have been nice, especially since he wasn’t wearing a tag) and he revealed that he was the weekend on call Infectious Disease guy. Apparently, rather than shifting around the schedule of the Monday-Friday guys (how they do it in CHOP) to cover the weekend, here they outsource it. This explains why he had no clue of my case. So I said, pain is down, the IV is working, my white counts are back in normal range, can I leave? He says, nope. The in-house doc would have to approve so you are here till Monday. At least when he came in on Sunday afternoon, he remembered me. Said it looks great, you should be able to go home tomorrow. He takes me off the 24 hour sugar water drip, so at least I can pee in the toilet again and be done with my full piss bottle anxiety.

    Monday morning at 1:30am, after having fallen asleep again after crazy lady’s daily 1pm episode, I get awoken by transport. They tell me I’m headed to a new room. No rhyme, reason or explanation from the nurse.

    This room is great except for the Trump VIP in the bed next to me. I already explained him. These are the kinds of people who scare me. Instead of worrying about his own health. He is completely wrapped up in politics. I’m sure he could argue his political positions with the best of you. Meanwhile, his kidneys are now shot since he stopped paying attention to his doctors. He has now entered the dialysis stage and goes three times a week. At about 11am the regular Infectious Disease doctor shows up and says, you are free to go. I am 100% sure I was free to go on Saturday, but what’s another three days of billing? About two hours later, I ping my nurse and ask what the hold-up is for discharge? She says, you were cleared to leave? Now this is my big issue with HUMC. One hand doesn’t seem to know that the other is doing. I am given my discharge papers about 30 minutes later and walk with the nurse down to the valet. She takes me to the wrong one. I walk that same 200 yard mistake which was made five days earlier, get my car (which at least was free) and drive home.

    You would think it was all done. I go look through my discharge papers for the script for my anti-biotic and they forgot to include it. So I call thee three different phone numbers in the packet and none get me to a person. All automated help and none which offer me the ability to connect with a nurse. This is where I used my super sleuthing skills to which my script is eventually (about two hours later) sent over to my pharmacy. For what it’s worth, later that evening, my discharge nurse apologized profusely for the mistake. Gator blames me, as she knows I should have checked for this myself. Normally I would, but I’ve had almost no sleep for 4 nights straight thanks to crazy lady.

    As for the food? The vegetables were all canned for sure. It took me until dinner of the third day to find the edible grub. Examples? My first meal was dinner Thursday, which was the first thing I ate that day since it took so long to get to a room and I skipped breakfast fearing my leg was about to turn gangrene and need amputation. I didn’t order it, so it was the standard fare. Some kind of fried chicken breast with throw-up gravy, side of peas, amazing tomato soup and red gelatin. I ate the soup. I actually like jello, but not the extra hard generic crap they sent. Was still starving so put in the order for breakfast tomorrow. Western omelette and toast plus a banana. Both were inedible. Fake cheese, salty terrible ham. Couldn’t eat it. Tried toast. It was powdery. Looked at the banana, it was green and brown. Couldn’t even peel it yet, so that went into the trash heap. The coffee was surprisingly mediocre though so there’s that. I think to myself, next day just order hard boiled eggs and cold cereal to which I did. You couldn’t peel the eggs and they weren’t fully cooked. The frosted flakes were a solid hit. Next day it was oatmeal which they did well. On the lunch tip, decided to try egg salad. Was afraid to get a sandwich after the bread debacle. Egg salad was all mayonnaise no egg. I kind of dislike mayonnaise so this didn’t work. Also ordered a side salad. The side salad was awesome. A nice well-dressed greek salad. Found my lunch for the following day. Dinner, I asked them what the most popular item was. I ordered a cheeseburger. Patty was worse than a hockey puck. Red onions were rotten (dangerous). Another fail. I did get a side caesar salad and wallah, was very good. So salads and cereals were the hotspot. Finally, on Sunday night, I asked a nurse I trusted what’s good and she said the chicken marsala. Low and behold, it was edible. Best part was the fresh spinach (obviously not canned). If I ever go back, I know what to order.

    The food was seriously atrocious. CHOP’s was restaurant quality. Robert Woods in New Brunswick was excellent too. Morristown was simply gross. St. Barnabas was decent too.

    By the way, I gave feedback directly to the nurse manager on my first wing. She appreciated it.

  43. ExEssex says:

    11:47 ahhh it all makes sense…..


  44. BRT says:

    This was the original discovery of T-cell recognition:

  45. JCer says:

    Boomer remover, our property is in the sunbelt. The issue is the people renting apartments there, even relatively nice new ones tend to be more transient and employed in fields impacted by COVID, most folks in the sunbelt with stable corporate jobs own their homes. Our partners who 90% of it haven’t made a distribution in 2020, a large portion of the tenants are a month or more in arrears. I’m just hoping they don’t make a capital call to try to save the property, either get a concession from the lender or let it go bk.

    Around NYC people have moved back with family while working remotely waiting to figure out what they will do and bank some money in these uncertain times, other lost their jobs so they either aren’t paying or have move away.

    Rental property values should be dropping like a rock based on what is going on.

  46. Libturd says:

    Condo, HUMC proper. With the D, we have gotten to experience being a patient in many different hospitals. CHOP, Morristown, Robert Woods Rehab, HUMC as well as many of their outpatient type clinics. For pediatric cancer, Hackensack was great, though we really only used them for transfusions. Nonetheless, never had a bad experience, which drove us to them.

    We’ve watched the service at St. Barnabas go down greatly between Gator JR and the D’s birth. Was also pretty pissed at their intentional use and non-disclosure of out-of-network personal. I even remember having to sign off in triage that I was aware they could do this and I would be waiving my right to sue for it. When I said I would not sign it, they said they wouldn’t take D in. He couldn’t be moved, so what was I to do? The doctor who said he shouldn’t be moved was out-of-network apparently.

    CHOP was heavenly. We actually look forward to going. Really. It’s just pleasant in every possible way. Our only issue was a terribly noisy room once, but in 100s of days of stay, this can happen.

    HUMC was a mess every single step of the way (sorry to those who work there). Keep in mind, I drove myself there, but I could hardly walk. I drove up to ER walk in, and asked where to park. They said to valet it. Valet was about 200 yards away, if not further. Was lucky enough that the valet guy saw I couldn’t walk and he rolled me over, but not before it taking about 20 minutes to find a wheelchair (this is valet mind you). It killed me to stand that long, but there was no place to sit down. The intake into the ER was quick, but then I was put into a waiting area which was far from covid safe and just completely ghetto. Two of the patients were obviously there for painkillers. One on what looked like an iPad sized Andro1d phone where she was masked off, skyping with her newborn the whole time. Another girl, definitely strung-out, refused to let them to the covid swab. After about 15 minutes of her arguing with the nurses, I just said, listen, I just did mine and didn’t hurt one bit. More like nails on the chalkboard sensation than any real pain. I also said, I can tell that other sh1ts been up your nose. She laughed and finally agreed. Another dude was your 50-year old know it all, who wouldn’t shut up and I swear, was definitely hitting on the swab-fearing addict. Then there was the lady who was attacked by a dog and was all cut up. And two other patients who looked legit.

    After about two hours, I was finally rolled in for x-rays and ultra-sound, even though we were sure of what it was. Not sure if was rule-out or just for more billing, but this part went pretty smoothly. About four hours after parking my car, I was in one of those ER stalls. As they rolled me in, I noticed all of the painkiller wannabes were in there too, but not given rooms like me. They were just left on beds in the middle of the room. They were all sleeping, so probably were given their drug of desire. At about the 7th hour, I was rolled to a rather sh1tty room with another patient, I nice man from B0livia with failing stents. This room was all the way at the end of a wing, right by the nurses station. This is never good. Not only do you hear every alarm in the wing, but you get to find out what all the nurses are eating for meals, the latest problems with their lives, training videos, everyone’s ailment on the floor as they do their turns, etc. Of course all this paled in comparison to one elderly and certainly mentally disturbed patient who slept all day and screamed all night who was also a flight risk.

    Knowing my way around pump alarms, IV line flushing, even performing injections and so many other nursing responsibilities, I’m kind of dream patient. The nurses praise me for asking for so little. The truth is, as long as my right leg was raised above my heart, besides a low-grade fever and occasional bout of the chills, I was really in no pain whatsover. The biggest issue was needing to pee so much when stuck attached to the poll necessitating me to fill up that dumb piss bottle about every four hours. Sadly, only about half of the time, would the bottle be emptied by the time I needed to use it again. This is lazy nursing. Especially if besides reading vitals which is done by some intern anyway, their only other responsibility for me was to hang fresh bags of sugar water and antibiotic. That’s really it. Someone else did the daily blood draws. The first time the room was cleaned was on Saturday. The communication there was nill. Every day I had to ask the nurses what I had on tap for the day. This included an EKG (more billing) and a 2-second visit by the Infectious Diseases Doctor.

    On Saturday, at about 4:30 a new doctor walks in, looks at my leg and says, “you come in last night?” I asked who he was (an intro might have been nice, especially since he wasn’t wearing a tag) and he revealed that he was the weekend on call Infectious Disease guy. Apparently, rather than shifting around the schedule of the Monday-Friday guys (how they do it in CHOP) to cover the weekend, here they outsource it. This explains why he had no clue of my case. So I said, pain is down, the IV is working, my white counts are back in normal range, can I leave? He says, nope. The in-house doc would have to approve so you are here till Monday. At least when he came in on Sunday afternoon, he remembered me. Said it looks great, you should be able to go home tomorrow. He takes me off the 24 hour sugar water drip, so at least I can pee in the toilet again and be done with my full piss bottle anxiety.

    Monday morning at 1:30am, after having fallen asleep again after crazy lady’s daily 1pm episode, I get awoken by transport. They tell me I’m headed to a new room. No rhyme, reason or explanation from the nurse.

    This room is great except for the Trump VIP in the bed next to me. I already explained him. These are the kinds of people who scare me. Instead of worrying about his own health. He is completely wrapped up in politics. I’m sure he could argue his political positions with the best of you. Meanwhile, his kidneys are now shot since he stopped paying attention to his doctors. He has now entered the dialysis stage and goes three times a week. At about 11am the regular Infectious Disease doctor shows up and says, you are free to go. I am 100% sure I was free to go on Saturday, but what’s another three days of billing? About two hours later, I ping my nurse and ask what the hold-up is for discharge? She says, you were cleared to leave? Now this is my big issue with HUMC. One hand doesn’t seem to know that the other is doing. I am given my discharge papers about 30 minutes later and walk with the nurse down to the valet. She takes me to the wrong one. I walk that same 200 yard mistake which was made five days earlier, get my car (which at least was free) and drive home.

    You would think it was all done. I go look through my discharge papers for the script for my anti-biotic and they forgot to include it. So I call thee three different phone numbers in the packet and none get me to a person. All automated help and none which offer me the ability to connect with a nurse. This is where I used my super sleuthing skills to which my script is eventually (about two hours later) sent over to my pharmacy. For what it’s worth, later that evening, my discharge nurse apologized profusely for the mistake. Gator blames me, as she knows I should have checked for this myself. Normally I would, but I’ve had almost no sleep for 4 nights straight thanks to crazy lady.

  47. Libturd says:

    As for the food? The vegetables were all canned for sure. It took me until dinner of the third day to find the edible grub. Examples? My first meal was dinner Thursday, which was the first thing I ate that day since it took so long to get to a room and I skipped breakfast fearing my leg was about to turn gangrene and need amputation. I didn’t order it, so it was the standard fare. Some kind of fried chicken breast with throw-up gravy, side of peas, amazing tomato soup and red gelatin. I ate the soup. I actually like jello, but not the extra hard generic crap they sent. Was still starving so put in the order for breakfast tomorrow. Western omelette and toast plus a banana. Both were inedible. Fake cheese, salty terrible ham. Couldn’t eat it. Tried toast. It was powdery. Looked at the banana, it was green and brown. Couldn’t even peel it yet, so that went into the trash heap. The coffee was surprisingly mediocre though so there’s that. I think to myself, next day just order hard boiled eggs and cold cereal to which I did. You couldn’t peel the eggs and they weren’t fully cooked. The frosted flakes were a solid hit. Next day it was oatmeal which they did well. On the lunch tip, decided to try egg salad. Was afraid to get a sandwich after the bread debacle. Egg salad was all mayonnaise no egg. I kind of dislike mayonnaise so this didn’t work. Also ordered a side salad. The side salad was awesome. A nice well-dressed greek salad. Found my lunch for the following day. Dinner, I asked them what the most popular item was. I ordered a cheeseburger. Patty was worse than a hockey puck. Red onions were rotten (dangerous). Another fail. I did get a side caesar salad and wallah, was very good. So salads and cereals were the hotspot. Finally, on Sunday night, I asked a nurse I trusted what’s good and she said the chicken marsala. Low and behold, it was edible. Best part was the fresh spinach (obviously not canned). If I ever go back, I know what to order.

    The food was seriously atrocious. CHOP’s was restaurant quality. Robert Woods in New Brunswick was excellent too. Morristown was simply gross. St. Barnabas was decent too.

    By the way, I gave feedback directly to the nurse manager on my first wing. She appreciated it.

  48. Libturd says:

    We’ve watched the service at St. Barnabas go down greatly between Gator JR and the D’s birth. Was also pretty pissed at their intentional use and non-disclosure of out-of-network personal. I even remember having to sign off in triage that I was aware they could do this and I would be waiving my right to sue for it. When I said I would not sign it, they said they wouldn’t take D in. He couldn’t be moved, so what was I to do? The doctor who said he shouldn’t be moved was out-of-network apparently.

    CHOP was heavenly. We actually look forward to going. Really. It’s just pleasant in every possible way. Our only issue was a terribly noisy room once, but in 100s of days of stay, this can happen.

    HUMC was a mess every single step of the way (sorry to those who work there). Keep in mind, I drove myself there, but I could hardly walk. I drove up to ER walk in, and asked where to park. They said to valet it. Valet was about 200 yards away, if not further. Was lucky enough that the valet guy saw I couldn’t walk and he rolled me over, but not before it taking about 20 minutes to find a wheelchair (this is valet mind you). It killed me to stand that long, but there was no place to sit down. The intake into the ER was quick, but then I was put into a waiting area which was far from covid safe and just completely ghetto. Two of the patients were obviously there for painkillers. One on what looked like an iPad sized Andro1d phone where she was masked off, skyping with her newborn the whole time. Another girl, definitely strung-out, refused to let them to the covid swab. After about 15 minutes of her arguing with the nurses, I just said, listen, I just did mine and didn’t hurt one bit. More like nails on the chalkboard sensation than any real pain. I also said, I can tell that other sh1ts been up your nose. She laughed and finally agreed. Another dude was your 50-year old know it all, who wouldn’t shut up and I swear, was definitely hitting on the swab-fearing addict. Then there was the lady who was attacked by a dog and was all cut up. And two other patients who looked legit.

    After about two hours, I was finally rolled in for x-rays and ultra-sound, even though we were sure of what it was. Not sure if was rule-out or just for more billing, but this part went pretty smoothly. About four hours after parking my car, I was in one of those ER stalls. As they rolled me in, I noticed all of the painkiller wannabes were in there too, but not given rooms like me. They were just left on beds in the middle of the room. They were all sleeping, so probably were given their drug of desire. At about the 7th hour, I was rolled to a rather sh1tty room with another patient, I nice man from B0livia with failing stents. This room was all the way at the end of a wing, right by the nurses station. This is never good. Not only do you hear every alarm in the wing, but you get to find out what all the nurses are eating for meals, the latest problems with their lives, training videos, everyone’s ailment on the floor as they do their turns, etc. Of course all this paled in comparison to one elderly and certainly mentally disturbed patient who slept all day and screamed all night who was also a flight risk.

    Knowing my way around pump alarms, IV line flushing, even performing injections and so many other nursing responsibilities, I’m kind of dream patient. The nurses praise me for asking for so little. The truth is, as long as my right leg was raised above my heart, besides a low-grade fever and occasional bout of the chills, I was really in no pain whatsover. The biggest issue was needing to pee so much when stuck attached to the poll necessitating me to fill up that dumb piss bottle about every four hours. Sadly, only about half of the time, would the bottle be emptied by the time I needed to use it again. This is lazy nursing. Especially if besides reading vitals which is done by some intern anyway, their only other responsibility for me was to hang fresh bags of sugar water and antibiotic. That’s really it. Someone else did the daily blood draws. The first time the room was cleaned was on Saturday. The communication there was nill. Every day I had to ask the nurses what I had on tap for the day. This included an EKG (more billing) and a 2-second visit by the Infectious Diseases Doctor.

    On Saturday, at about 4:30 a new doctor walks in, looks at my leg and says, “you come in last night?” I asked who he was (an intro might have been nice, especially since he wasn’t wearing a tag) and he revealed that he was the weekend on call Infectious Disease guy. Apparently, rather than shifting around the schedule of the Monday-Friday guys (how they do it in CHOP) to cover the weekend, here they outsource it. This explains why he had no clue of my case. So I said, pain is down, the IV is working, my white counts are back in normal range, can I leave? He says, nope. The in-house doc would have to approve so you are here till Monday. At least when he came in on Sunday afternoon, he remembered me. Said it looks great, you should be able to go home tomorrow. He takes me off the 24 hour sugar water drip, so at least I can pee in the toilet again and be done with my full piss bottle anxiety.

    Monday morning at 1:30am, after having fallen asleep again after crazy lady’s daily 1pm episode, I get awoken by transport. They tell me I’m headed to a new room. No rhyme, reason or explanation from the nurse.

    This room is great except for the Trump VIP in the bed next to me. I already explained him. These are the kinds of people who scare me. Instead of worrying about his own health. He is completely wrapped up in politics. I’m sure he could argue his political positions with the best of you. Meanwhile, his kidneys are now shot since he stopped paying attention to his doctors. He has now entered the dialysis stage and goes three times a week. At about 11am the regular Infectious Disease doctor shows up and says, you are free to go. I am 100% sure I was free to go on Saturday, but what’s another three days of billing? About two hours later, I ping my nurse and ask what the hold-up is for discharge? She says, you were cleared to leave? Now this is my big issue with HUMC. One hand doesn’t seem to know that the other is doing. I am given my discharge papers about 30 minutes later and walk with the nurse down to the valet. She takes me to the wrong one. I walk that same 200 yard mistake which was made five days earlier, get my car (which at least was free) and drive home.

    You would think it was all done. I go look through my discharge papers for the script for my anti-biotic and they forgot to include it. So I call thee three different phone numbers in the packet and none get me to a person. All automated help and none which offer me the ability to connect with a nurse. This is where I used my super sleuthing skills to which my script is eventually (about two hours later) sent over to my pharmacy. For what it’s worth, later that evening, my discharge nurse apologized profusely for the mistake. Gator blames me, as she knows I should have checked for this myself. Normally I would, but I’ve had almost no sleep for 4 nights straight thanks to crazy lady.

  49. Libturd says:

    CHOP was heavenly. We actually look forward to going. Really. It’s just pleasant in every possible way. Our only issue was a terribly noisy room once, but in 100s of days of stay, this can happen.

    HUMC was a mess every single step of the way (sorry to those who work there). Keep in mind, I drove myself there, but I could hardly walk. I drove up to ER walk in, and asked where to park. They said to valet it. Valet was about 200 yards away, if not further. Was lucky enough that the valet guy saw I couldn’t walk and he rolled me over, but not before it taking about 20 minutes to find a wheelchair (this is valet mind you). It killed me to stand that long, but there was no place to sit down. The intake into the ER was quick, but then I was put into a waiting area which was far from covid safe and just completely ghetto. Two of the patients were obviously there for painkillers. One on what looked like an iPad sized Andro1d phone where she was masked off, skyping with her newborn the whole time. Another girl, definitely strung-out, refused to let them to the covid swab. After about 15 minutes of her arguing with the nurses, I just said, listen, I just did mine and didn’t hurt one bit. More like nails on the chalkboard sensation than any real pain. I also said, I can tell that other sh1ts been up your nose. She laughed and finally agreed. Another dude was your 50-year old know it all, who wouldn’t shut up and I swear, was definitely hitting on the swab-fearing addict. Then there was the lady who was attacked by a dog and was all cut up. And two other patients who looked legit.

    After about two hours, I was finally rolled in for x-rays and ultra-sound, even though we were sure of what it was. Not sure if was rule-out or just for more billing, but this part went pretty smoothly. About four hours after parking my car, I was in one of those ER stalls. As they rolled me in, I noticed all of the painkiller wannabes were in there too, but not given rooms like me. They were just left on beds in the middle of the room. They were all sleeping, so probably were given their drug of desire. At about the 7th hour, I was rolled to a rather sh1tty room with another patient, I nice man from B0livia with failing stents. This room was all the way at the end of a wing, right by the nurses station. This is never good. Not only do you hear every alarm in the wing, but you get to find out what all the nurses are eating for meals, the latest problems with their lives, training videos, everyone’s ailment on the floor as they do their turns, etc. Of course all this paled in comparison to one elderly and certainly mentally disturbed patient who slept all day and screamed all night who was also a flight risk.

    Knowing my way around pump alarms, IV line flushing, even performing injections and so many other nursing responsibilities, I’m kind of dream patient. The nurses praise me for asking for so little. The truth is, as long as my right leg was raised above my heart, besides a low-grade fever and occasional bout of the chills, I was really in no pain whatsover. The biggest issue was needing to pee so much when stuck attached to the poll necessitating me to fill up that dumb piss bottle about every four hours. Sadly, only about half of the time, would the bottle be emptied by the time I needed to use it again. This is lazy nursing. Especially if besides reading vitals which is done by some intern anyway, their only other responsibility for me was to hang fresh bags of sugar water and antibiotic. That’s really it. Someone else did the daily blood draws. The first time the room was cleaned was on Saturday. The communication there was nill. Every day I had to ask the nurses what I had on tap for the day. This included an EKG (more billing) and a 2-second visit by the Infectious Diseases Doctor.

    On Saturday, at about 4:30 a new doctor walks in, looks at my leg and says, “you come in last night?” I asked who he was (an intro might have been nice, especially since he wasn’t wearing a tag) and he revealed that he was the weekend on call Infectious Disease guy. Apparently, rather than shifting around the schedule of the Monday-Friday guys (how they do it in CHOP) to cover the weekend, here they outsource it. This explains why he had no clue of my case. So I said, pain is down, the IV is working, my white counts are back in normal range, can I leave? He says, nope. The in-house doc would have to approve so you are here till Monday. At least when he came in on Sunday afternoon, he remembered me. Said it looks great, you should be able to go home tomorrow. He takes me off the 24 hour sugar water drip, so at least I can pee in the toilet again and be done with my full piss bottle anxiety.

    Monday morning at 1:30am, after having fallen asleep again after crazy lady’s daily 1pm episode, I get awoken by transport. They tell me I’m headed to a new room. No rhyme, reason or explanation from the nurse.

    This room is great except for the Trump VIP in the bed next to me. I already explained him. These are the kinds of people who scare me. Instead of worrying about his own health. He is completely wrapped up in politics. I’m sure he could argue his political positions with the best of you. Meanwhile, his kidneys are now shot since he stopped paying attention to his doctors. He has now entered the dialysis stage and goes three times a week. At about 11am the regular Infectious Disease doctor shows up and says, you are free to go. I am 100% sure I was free to go on Saturday, but what’s another three days of billing? About two hours later, I ping my nurse and ask what the hold-up is for discharge? She says, you were cleared to leave? Now this is my big issue with HUMC. One hand doesn’t seem to know that the other is doing. I am given my discharge papers about 30 minutes later and walk with the nurse down to the valet. She takes me to the wrong one. I walk that same 200 yard mistake which was made five days earlier, get my car (which at least was free) and drive home.

    You would think it was all done. I go look through my discharge papers for the script for my anti-biotic and they forgot to include it. So I call thee three different phone numbers in the packet and none get me to a person. All automated help and none which offer me the ability to connect with a nurse. This is where I used my super sleuthing skills to which my script is eventually (about two hours later) sent over to my pharmacy. For what it’s worth, later that evening, my discharge nurse apologized profusely for the mistake. Gator blames me, as she knows I should have checked for this myself. Normally I would, but I’ve had almost no sleep for 4 nights straight thanks to crazy lady.

  50. Libturd says:

    Condo, HUMC proper. With the D, we have gotten to experience being a patient in many different hospitals. CHOP, Morristown, Robert Woods Rehab, HUMC as well as many of their outpatient type clinics. For pediatric cancer, Hackensack was great, though we really only used them for transfusions. Nonetheless, never had a bad experience, which drove us to them.

    We’ve watched the service at St. Barnabas go down greatly between Gator JR and the D’s birth. Was also pretty pissed at their intentional use and non-disclosure of out-of-network personal. I even remember having to sign off in triage that I was aware they could do this and I would be waiving my right to sue for it. When I said I would not sign it, they said they wouldn’t take D in. He couldn’t be moved, so what was I to do? The doctor who said he shouldn’t be moved was out-of-network apparently.

    CHOP was heavenly. We actually look forward to going. Really. It’s just pleasant in every possible way. Our only issue was a terribly noisy room once, but in 100s of days of stay, this can happen.
    After about two hours, I was finally rolled in for x-rays and ultra-sound, even though we were sure of what it was. Not sure if was rule-out or just for more billing, but this part went pretty smoothly. About four hours after parking my car, I was in one of those ER stalls. As they rolled me in, I noticed all of the painkiller wannabes were in there too, but not given rooms like me. They were just left on beds in the middle of the room. They were all sleeping, so probably were given their drug of desire. At about the 7th hour, I was rolled to a rather sh1tty room with another patient, I nice man from B0livia with failing stents. This room was all the way at the end of a wing, right by the nurses station. This is never good. Not only do you hear every alarm in the wing, but you get to find out what all the nurses are eating for meals, the latest problems with their lives, training videos, everyone’s ailment on the floor as they do their turns, etc. Of course all this paled in comparison to one elderly and certainly mentally disturbed patient who slept all day and screamed all night who was also a flight risk.

    Knowing my way around pump alarms, IV line flushing, even performing injections and so many other nursing responsibilities, I’m kind of dream patient. The nurses praise me for asking for so little. The truth is, as long as my right leg was raised above my heart, besides a low-grade fever and occasional bout of the chills, I was really in no pain whatsover. The biggest issue was needing to pee so much when stuck attached to the poll necessitating me to fill up that dumb piss bottle about every four hours. Sadly, only about half of the time, would the bottle be emptied by the time I needed to use it again. This is lazy nursing. Especially if besides reading vitals which is done by some intern anyway, their only other responsibility for me was to hang fresh bags of sugar water and antibiotic. That’s really it. Someone else did the daily blood draws. The first time the room was cleaned was on Saturday. The communication there was nill. Every day I had to ask the nurses what I had on tap for the day. This included an EKG (more billing) and a 2-second visit by the Infectious Diseases Doctor.

    On Saturday, at about 4:30 a new doctor walks in, looks at my leg and says, “you come in last night?” I asked who he was (an intro might have been nice, especially since he wasn’t wearing a tag) and he revealed that he was the weekend on call Infectious Disease guy. Apparently, rather than shifting around the schedule of the Monday-Friday guys (how they do it in CHOP) to cover the weekend, here they outsource it. This explains why he had no clue of my case. So I said, pain is down, the IV is working, my white counts are back in normal range, can I leave? He says, nope. The in-house doc would have to approve so you are here till Monday. At least when he came in on Sunday afternoon, he remembered me. Said it looks great, you should be able to go home tomorrow. He takes me off the 24 hour sugar water drip, so at least I can pee in the toilet again and be done with my full piss bottle anxiety.

    Monday morning at 1:30am, after having fallen asleep again after crazy lady’s daily 1pm episode, I get awoken by transport. They tell me I’m headed to a new room. No rhyme, reason or explanation from the nurse.

    This room is great except for the Trump VIP in the bed next to me. I already explained him. These are the kinds of people who scare me. Instead of worrying about his own health. He is completely wrapped up in politics. I’m sure he could argue his political positions with the best of you. Meanwhile, his kidneys are now shot since he stopped paying attention to his doctors. He has now entered the dialysis stage and goes three times a week. At about 11am the regular Infectious Disease doctor shows up and says, you are free to go. I am 100% sure I was free to go on Saturday, but what’s another three days of billing? About two hours later, I ping my nurse and ask what the hold-up is for discharge? She says, you were cleared to leave? Now this is my big issue with HUMC. One hand doesn’t seem to know that the other is doing. I am given my discharge papers about 30 minutes later and walk with the nurse down to the valet. She takes me to the wrong one. I walk that same 200 yard mistake which was made five days earlier, get my car (which at least was free) and drive home.

    You would think it was all done. I go look through my discharge papers for the script for my anti-biotic and they forgot to include it. So I call thee three different phone numbers in the packet and none get me to a person. All automated help and none which offer me the ability to connect with a nurse. This is where I used my super sleuthing skills to which my script is eventually (about two hours later) sent over to my pharmacy. For what it’s worth, later that evening, my discharge nurse apologized profusely for the mistake. Gator blames me, as she knows I should have checked for this myself. Normally I would, but I’ve had almost no sleep for 4 nights straight thanks to crazy lady.

  51. Libturd says:

    Condo, HUMC proper. With the D, we have gotten to experience being a patient in many different hospitals. CHOP, Morristown, Robert Woods Rehab, HUMC as well as many of their outpatient type clinics. For pediatric cancer, Hackensack was great, though we really only used them for transfusions. Nonetheless, never had a bad experience, which drove us to them.

    We’ve watched the service at St. Barnabas go down greatly between Gator JR and the D’s birth. Was also pretty pissed at their intentional use and non-disclosure of out-of-network personal. I even remember having to sign off in triage that I was aware they could do this and I would be waiving my right to sue for it. When I said I would not sign it, they said they wouldn’t take D in. He couldn’t be moved, so what was I to do? The doctor who said he shouldn’t be moved was out-of-network apparently.

    CHOP was heavenly. We actually look forward to going. Really. It’s just pleasant in every possible way. Our only issue was a terribly noisy room once, but in 100s of days of stay, this can happen.

    HUMC was a mess every single step of the way (sorry to those who work there). Keep in mind, I drove myself there, but I could hardly walk. I drove up to ER walk in, and asked where to park. They said to valet it. Valet was about 200 yards away, if not further. Was lucky enough that the valet guy saw I couldn’t walk and he rolled me over, but not before it taking about 20 minutes to find a wheelchair (this is valet mind you). It killed me to stand that long, but there was no place to sit down. The intake into the ER was quick, but then I was put into a waiting area which was far from covid safe and just completely ghetto. Two of the patients were obviously there for painkillers. One on what looked like an iPad sized Andro1d phone where she was masked off, skyping with her newborn the whole time. Another girl, definitely strung-out, refused to let them to the covid swab. After about 15 minutes of her arguing with the nurses, I just said, listen, I just did mine and didn’t hurt one bit. More like nails on the chalkboard sensation than any real pain. I also said, I can tell that other sh1ts been up your nose. She laughed and finally agreed. Another dude was your 50-year old know it all, who wouldn’t shut up and I swear, was definitely hitting on the swab-fearing addict. Then there was the lady who was attacked by a dog and was all cut up. And two other patients who looked legit.

  52. Libturd says:

    After about two hours, I was finally rolled in for x-rays and ultra-sound, even though we were sure of what it was. Not sure if was rule-out or just for more billing, but this part went pretty smoothly. About four hours after parking my car, I was in one of those ER stalls. As they rolled me in, I noticed all of the painkiller wannabes were in there too, but not given rooms like me. They were just left on beds in the middle of the room. They were all sleeping, so probably were given their drug of desire. At about the 7th hour, I was rolled to a rather sh1tty room with another patient, I nice man from B0livia with failing stents. This room was all the way at the end of a wing, right by the nurses station. This is never good. Not only do you hear every alarm in the wing, but you get to find out what all the nurses are eating for meals, the latest problems with their lives, training videos, everyone’s ailment on the floor as they do their turns, etc. Of course all this paled in comparison to one elderly and certainly mentally disturbed patient who slept all day and screamed all night who was also a flight risk.

    Knowing my way around pump alarms, IV line flushing, even performing injections and so many other nursing responsibilities, I’m kind of dream patient. The nurses praise me for asking for so little. The truth is, as long as my right leg was raised above my heart, besides a low-grade fever and occasional bout of the chills, I was really in no pain whatsover. The biggest issue was needing to pee so much when stuck attached to the poll necessitating me to fill up that dumb piss bottle about every four hours. Sadly, only about half of the time, would the bottle be emptied by the time I needed to use it again. This is lazy nursing. Especially if besides reading vitals which is done by some intern anyway, their only other responsibility for me was to hang fresh bags of sugar water and antibiotic. That’s really it. Someone else did the daily blood draws. The first time the room was cleaned was on Saturday. The communication there was nill. Every day I had to ask the nurses what I had on tap for the day. This included an EKG (more billing) and a 2-second visit by the Infectious Diseases Doctor.

  53. Libturd says:

    On Saturday, at about 4:30 a new doctor walks in, looks at my leg and says, “you come in last night?” I asked who he was (an intro might have been nice, especially since he wasn’t wearing a tag) and he revealed that he was the weekend on call Infectious Disease guy. Apparently, rather than shifting around the schedule of the Monday-Friday guys (how they do it in CHOP) to cover the weekend, here they outsource it. This explains why he had no clue of my case. So I said, pain is down, the IV is working, my white counts are back in normal range, can I leave? He says, nope. The in-house doc would have to approve so you are here till Monday. At least when he came in on Sunday afternoon, he remembered me. Said it looks great, you should be able to go home tomorrow. He takes me off the 24 hour sugar water drip, so at least I can pee in the toilet again and be done with my full piss bottle anxiety.

    Monday morning at 1:30am, after having fallen asleep again after crazy lady’s daily 1pm episode, I get awoken by transport. They tell me I’m headed to a new room. No rhyme, reason or explanation from the nurse.

  54. Libturd says:

    This room is great except for the Trump VIP in the bed next to me. I already explained him. These are the kinds of people who scare me. Instead of worrying about his own health. He is completely wrapped up in politics. I’m sure he could argue his political positions with the best of you. Meanwhile, his kidneys are now shot since he stopped paying attention to his doctors. He has now entered the dialysis stage and goes three times a week. At about 11am the regular Infectious Disease doctor shows up and says, you are free to go. I am 100% sure I was free to go on Saturday, but what’s another three days of billing? About two hours later, I ping my nurse and ask what the hold-up is for discharge? She says, you were cleared to leave? Now this is my big issue with HUMC. One hand doesn’t seem to know that the other is doing. I am given my discharge papers about 30 minutes later and walk with the nurse down to the valet. She takes me to the wrong one. I walk that same 200 yard mistake which was made five days earlier, get my car (which at least was free) and drive home.

    You would think it was all done. I go look through my discharge papers for the script for my anti-biotic and they forgot to include it. So I call thee three different phone numbers in the packet and none get me to a person. All automated help and none which offer me the ability to connect with a nurse. This is where I used my super sleuthing skills to which my script is eventually (about two hours later) sent over to my pharmacy. For what it’s worth, later that evening, my discharge nurse apologized profusely for the mistake. Gator blames me, as she knows I should have checked for this myself. Normally I would, but I’ve had almost no sleep for 4 nights straight thanks to crazy lady.

  55. Libturd says:

    This room is great except for the Trump VIP in the bed next to me. I already explained him. These are the kinds of people who scare me. Instead of worrying about his own health. He is completely wrapped up in politics. I’m sure he could argue his political positions with the best of you. Meanwhile, his kidneys are now shot since he stopped paying attention to his doctors. He has now entered the dialys1s stage and goes three times a week. At about 11am the regular Infectious Disease doctor shows up and says, you are free to go. I am 100% sure I was free to go on Saturday, but what’s another three days of billing? About two hours later, I ping my nurse and ask what the hold-up is for discharge? She says, you were cleared to leave? Now this is my big issue with HUMC. One hand doesn’t seem to know that the other is doing. I am given my discharge papers about 30 minutes later and walk with the nurse down to the valet. She takes me to the wrong one. I walk that same 200 yard mistake which was made five days earlier, get my car (which at least was free) and drive home.

    You would think it was all done. I go look through my discharge papers for the script for my anti-biotic and they forgot to include it. So I call thee three different phone numbers in the packet and none get me to a person. All automated help and none which offer me the ability to connect with a nurse. This is where I used my super sleuthing skills to which my script is eventually (about two hours later) sent over to my pharm@cy. For what it’s worth, later that evening, my discharge nurse apologized profusely for the mistake. Gator blames me, as she knows I should have checked for this myself. Normally I would, but I’ve had almost no sleep for 4 nights straight thanks to crazy lady.

  56. Libturd says:

    The food part was supposed to come after the wonderful healthcare report. Sorry for the reverse posting. The word that tripped up the censors? Pharm@cy. Felt it was good to share.

  57. Juice Box says:

    Seems our snowflake neighbor is extra triggered today. They added a second sticker to the neighborhood Trump sign.


  58. Libturd says:


    I think that sign is illegally placed. Is that on the sidewalk?

  59. Juice Box says:

    Grass median between street and sidewalk. Two years ago a 73 year old retired cop and registered democrat in town was arrested for stealing political signs for the BOE and township election. That year hundreds of signs where stolen of private property, they could not pin all of it on him. No idea if he would be doing the stickers this time either but you never know.

  60. D-FENS says:


    Amy Coney Barret has more Black children than Kamala Devi Harris.

  61. Libturd says:

    Though I shouldn’t admit it, I think all of the stickering is pretty funny. Regardless of which side they are for.

  62. Libturd says:


    Why does everyone on the left call everyone with the their first middle and last name and I couldn’t even tell you Donald’s middle name?

  63. Libturd says:

    Meant on the right, of course. We tend to stick mainly with last names.

    And don’t forget? If you donate to MAGA today, Trump has promised to match your donation at 850%. From where?

  64. D-FENS says:


    Libturd says:
    October 13, 2020 at 1:56 pm
    Meant on the right, of course. We tend to stick mainly with last names.

    And don’t forget? If you donate to MAGA today, Trump has promised to match your donation at 850%. From where?

  65. crushednjmillenial says:

    Regarding SCOTUS retirements . . .

    If I was a democrat or leftist, I would have certainly encouraged both Ginsburg and Souter (currently 82 years old in 2020) to have retired in 2014 or early 2015 (i.e., announcement after the midterm Congressional elections).

    If I was a republican or rightist, I would have certainly encouraged both Thomas (currently 72) and Alito (currently 70) to have retired in late 2018 or early 2019 (i.e., announcement after the 2018 midterm Congressional elections).

    Basically, to every partisan, all SCOTUS justices should retire as soon as they are eligible for a retirement pension and their party is holding the presidency. Otherwise, we end of with this morbid death watch/political bonanza when a justice dies. Finally, I don’t understand why the justices push to stay on into their 80’s when they can do what Souter did – retire from SCOTUS but go sit on a circuit court in your home state for the rest of your life.

  66. BRT says:

    When I was helping my friend get elected to the BOE, someone kept driving around stealing the signs we put up.

  67. The Great Pumpkin says:

    What do you expect when you can’t evict people and they take advantage of the law. Scumbags, and these are the same people that cry that the rich take advantage of the system. They would do the same exact thing as the rich they criticize. Otherwise, stop taking advantage of your landlords because you can. Talk the “good’ citizen talk of the left, so act on it, or just be another hypocrite.

    Wait till landlords are allowed to evict….rents going to be going up. Why? People are going to be flush with money they saved by not paying rent for so long and competing against each other with it.

    “Lib the rental market is horrible. I have a vacancy, interest is dead, rents are even lower. Corporate landlords are so hungry for cash-flow they’ll take almost anything within reason. I can’t believe what I’m seeing, I have heard of things renting at rates close to what they were going for 10-15 years ago. My family owns a partnership interest in an apartment complex and it is totally not performing at the moment, people are not paying rent, if it can’t cover the debt service it will go bankrupt.”

  68. BRT says:

    Finally, I don’t understand why the justices push to stay on into their 80’s when they can do what Souter did – retire from SCOTUS but go sit on a circuit court in your home state for the rest of your life.

    Senior citizens tend to not make rational decisions.

  69. Libturd says:


    That was horrific. Not only was the song terrible (and I listened to the whole POS), but I think Patriot J is exploiting the right’s surplus of stupidity. Not once in the song does he even explain himself. Just terrible. Don’t do that to me again please, or I’ll be forced to link to some terrible Lincoln Project spots or even worse, SNL skits. I’m warning you.

  70. Fabius Maximus says:

    Amy Coney Barret has more Black children than Kamala Devi Harris.

    Does she call them N1 and N2? This woman has some very strange views.


    Barrett wrote for a unanimous three-judge panel in 2019 that upheld the dismissal of a workplace discrimination lawsuit by Terry Smith, a Black Illinois transportation employee who sued after he was fired. Smith’s claims included that he was called a racial slur by supervisor Lloyd Colbert.

    “The n-word is an egregious racial epithet,” Barrett wrote in Smith v. Illinois Department of Transportation. “That said, Smith can’t win simply by proving that the word was uttered. He must also demonstrate that Colbert’s use of this word altered the conditions of his employment and created a hostile or abusive working environment.”

    Barrett went on to say that Smith “introduced no evidence that Colbert’s use of the n-word changed his subjective experience of the workplace. To be sure, Smith testified that his time at the Department caused him psychological distress. But that was for reasons that predated his run-in with Colbert and had nothing to do with his race. His tenure at the Department was rocky from the outset because of his poor track record.”

    A possible colleague of Barrett’s took a different view on racial slurs in 2013. Justice Brett Kavanaugh, then serving as a federal appeals court judge in Washington, D.C, said one utterance was enough. “But, in my view, being called the n-word by a supervisor … suffices by itself to establish a racially hostile work environment. That epithet has been labeled, variously, a term that ‘sums up . . . all the bitter years of insult and struggle in America,’ ‘pure anathema to African-Americans,’ and ’probably the most offensive word in English,” Kavanaugh wrote. “No other word in the English language so powerfully or instantly calls to mind our country’s long and brutal struggle to overcome racism and discrimination against African-Americans. In short, the case law demonstrates that a single, sufficiently severe incident may create a hostile work environment actionable” under federal anti-discrimination laws.

  71. Juice Box says:

    Fab- re: “was called a racial slur by supervisor Lloyd Colbert”

    Lloyd Colbert the supervisor is African American. Does that not figure in at all? If one Black man calls another Black man is that racism and discrimiation?

    Lloyd also sued the Illinois DOT For discrimination when he was fired too.


  72. Libturd says:

    Dems are stupid.

    Just allow the confirmation to go through, but warn her about the separation of church of state. It’s pretty simple. The ball is in her court now. If she chooses to use the bible as her guide, then stack the court. If she behaves like a judge should, then there’s nothing to worry about.

    Move on.

  73. Walking says:

    In bergen county rental market seems pretty hot. Lots of rentals being sold so there are plenty of families being told to move out and looking for new homes right now. Had 4 showings on Saturday for a rental prop listed on Tuesday. In florida I’m noticing the hoa’s are starting not to like rental units in their communities. I got dinged a $100 for a tenants trailer hitch protruding onto the sidewalk. I think the hate is coming from these larger property groups that are not paying the fees and not performing maintenance on their properties. Can’t say it for sure but just an observation.

    I have a new Florida tenant that loves the fact that I fix anything that breaks down for her. She rented from a large prop group and the only timevthey responded was if your rent was late.
    The margins are slim on rentals, with no room for errors. You are better off doing rentals yourself and skipping the managment fees.

  74. Libturd says:


    And that’s with those rallies (which still make me laugh). Want to know where the silly “hidden” Trump voters are? They are all at the rally. For the hidden Trump voter was really the Democratic male who wouldn’t admit not pulling the lever for a candidate that reminded them more of their mom than a future POTUS. She is gone and that male is now kicking themselves for making such a dumb mistake. You’ll see. Feeling more confident as ever as we approach the election.

  75. Libturd says:

    And still. NO MASKS. Bunch of stupid selfish pricks, just like their leader. They probably don’t pay their taxes either.

  76. ExEssex says:

    Sanford FL – where the amtrak auto train stops in FL if you take a car south that’s where you go. Tiny armpit of FL trashpit. Super spreader event number….?

  77. Libturd says:

    I know Sanford. My parents used to autotrain every year.

  78. ExEssex says:

    Donald Trump’s campaign has pulled radio and television commercials across three Midwestern states that could decide next month’s election, amid unfavourable poll numbers.

    The US president was also reported to have reduced campaign spending across four other states, as he reallocates spending to the nation’s Sun Belt.

    According to Newsweek and Advertising Analytics, the president has pulled ad-time totalling $17 million across Ohio, Iowa and New Hampshire, where polls show him behind Democratic nominee Joe Biden.

    In Ohio and Iowa in particular, recent polls have shown Mr Trump behind or almost tied with Mr Biden, despite having won those states in 2016.

    The Democrat has, in turn, pushed into Midwestern states that were once considered safe for Mr Trump, with increased ad spending and in-person campaign visits.

  79. Libturd says:

    The hate for Trump is real.

  80. D-FENS says:


    Libturd says:
    October 13, 2020 at 2:33 pm

    That was horrific. Not only was the song terrible (and I listened to the whole POS), but I think Patriot J is exploiting the right’s surplus of stupidity. Not once in the song does he even explain himself. Just terrible. Don’t do that to me again please, or I’ll be forced to link to some terrible Lincoln Project spots or even worse, SNL skits. I’m warning you

  81. Happy Renter says:

    Biden Harris 2020

    dieVeRSIty iZ ouR GrEAtestest sTRengTH!!!!1111

    m0AR somALis PLeasE!!1

  82. Phoenix says:

    Why would she call them rotational speeds?

    FAbius Does she call them N1 and N2? This woman has some very strange views.


  83. Phoenix says:

    “Otherwise, stop taking advantage of your landlords because you can”

    Hey, here’s a thought. how about you stop taking advantage of taxpayers because you can.

  84. Fabius Maximus says:

    Here is a better tune from the boss.


  85. Libturd says:

    If you think that video will get you the black vote, then you can have all the black people who would actually find that video even the least bit entertaining. Though, I think you already got them.

  86. D-FENS says:

    Hey, did anyone see any reports of how many COVID cases came from our super spreader president after his Bedminster fund raiser? Why did that drop from the news?

  87. ExEssex says:

    cAusE cOviD iS a MyTh.

    aNd aBlEsSiNg

  88. ExEssex says:

    A new pro-Trump super PAC ad uses stock footage from Russia and Belarus in a major ad buy that’s airing in three swing states. It’s the fourth time in three months that an ad promoting President Donald Trump’s reelection has used footage from Russia.

    America First Action last Thursday launched an ad called “Pandemic Tax” in Florida, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin as part of a $10 million ad campaign slamming Joe Biden for supporting bad trade deals and arguing that he would raise taxes on “all of us.” But some of the people featured in the ad were actors in stock footage from Russia and Belarus.

  89. Libturd says:

    How does Trump choose his rally sites? Does he just look at the greatest Coors Light consumption per capita? Sanford FL and now Johnstown PA? The only reason I know of Johnstown is that when Gator Jr. was a mite, one of the most despicable displays of youth hockey occurred against just a horrible team of thugs and cheaters who hailed from Johnstown in a tournament played in Hershey. This team was actually trained to be violent. Which would be perfectly fine and enjoyable if the kids weren’t aged 8 and under. The team was lead by a fat (not chubby) kid who was easily twice the weight of anyone else out there. He had no hockey skills whatsoever, but he ran around the ice leading with his elbows. Keep in mind, mite hockey is no contact. The rest of team wasn’t terribly talented, but they all played the body before the puck. Mite hockey is played either on half ice or in a pond (which is a whole half-sized rink). This game was played on a pond and the way the rules worked, if a goal came off the crease, the ref would immediately blow the whistle and since there were no faceoffs at this level (except at period start), the defending team would get possession of the puck behind their own goal. Since the kids at this age are so light, they don’t use pegs to attach the goal to the ice. It just sits on the crease. Well, every time Jr’s team would take a shot, their goalie would kick the goal off the crease. Not just once, but every single time. This occurred about 16 times in a row. So not only were Jr’s teammates getting beat up, they were not able to score. Every time they would take a shot, the puck would be turned over to the opposite team. It was complete lunacy. Of course the parents on both teams started getting into it as the white trash Johnstown parents saw nothing wrong with any of it. I asked the dirty goalie’s dad who was the fat kid? Of course it was the coach’s kid. I never saw any thing like this in my life. Well our kids, got beat pretty well. Both physically and on the scoreboard. But karma worked like it’s supposed too (like it will next month too) and somehow we got to face that team in the following game to see who would play the legendary Hersey Bear’s team who had not just won every game in the tournament, but also every period as well (which is a hell of feat for any team).

    Our coach told our boys to simply avoid the hits. We skated at least three times better than them so just get out of the way of the checks and elbows and slashes. We also got a much more reasonable referee who warned their goalie after the first time he kicked the goal off on the first shot. Well the good guys decisively demoralized Johnstown and then went on to somehow defy the odds and beat an incredible Hershey team as well. The guy who ran this historic tournament called it the most epic game played in the history of the puddle (the name of the pond). I really felt bad for the Hershey kids. There was no way our boys would have ever played them like that without the high of sending those Johnstown thugs home early. It was a very unusual medal ceremony as that Hershey Team never loses. Just a roller coaster of emotions, and to this day, the most exciting and rewarding games of Jr’s that I’ve witnessed. Nothing even comes close. I remember it like it was played this past weekend.



  90. D-FENS says:

    Fake news

    Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad


  91. Phoenix says:

    For you Lib,
    Started out talking about Costa Rica. oh, and First of the day.

  92. Phoenix says:

    Not first. Sorry. Just first to type first. Must still be tired.

  93. Phoenix says:

    Blondie is so cute. The exact type of woman Bill Burr was talking about in his monologue on SNL.

  94. Phoenix says:

    She even has the SUV with the heated seats.

  95. ExEssex says:

    Damn…. insane story Lib..

    And now:

    If Donald Trump believed joining the ranks of Florida’s senior voters would earn him political capital with a group crucial to his hopes of a second term in the White House, it may have been a miscalculation.

    National opinion polls show the 74-year-old president is chasing a substantial deficit among seniors, and his standing with older voters in the Sunshine State appears equally grim, with less than a month until election day.

    In 2016, Trump trounced Hillary Clinton in Florida by about 17 points among elderly voters, exit polls indicated. The state is considered critical for Trump’s path to victory in 2020, yet this time around, some polls of voters 65 and older suggest it could be a virtual tie between the Republican incumbent and his challenger Joe Biden, while others give the Democrat an even healthier advantage.

    That could be all Biden needs to clinch a win in “the 1% state”, so called for the closeness of its important elections.

    “You go to places like The Villages [retirement community] and mostly they’re going to vote for Trump, but it’s gone from most to mostly,” said Charles Zelden, professor of history and politics at Nova Southeastern University, and a veteran Florida poll watcher.

    “That additional 10 to 20% may be enough for Biden to win the I-4 corridor. You win the I-4 corridor, you win Florida. You win Florida, effectively Biden has won the election.”

  96. Phoenix says:

    “I went into the Ladies Room.” Damn if Bill Burr did not nail it again.


  97. Phoenix says:

    No Essex,
    His story is normal.

  98. Hold my beer says:


    I thought that looked like a Texas house. Frisco has gone from 33,000 to 200,000 residents in the last 20 years. Definitely trump land. Soulless 4,000 sq ft houses full of stuff from kohl’s and pier one.

  99. Phoenix says:

    Did you watch Bill Burr’s monologue? I’d swear he was talking about my ex.


  100. Phoenix says:

    Here he takes on the entire city of Philadelphia. Abuses them into accepting him after 12 minutes. Guess that’s what they needed.

  101. Phoenix says:

    Housing is driven by women. If you like what you see or you don’t, realize it’s all about what “she” wants.

  102. Phoenix says:

    Your comment the other day, funny. That poor Target guy better run for the hills. What kind of freak puts on a display of arrogance like that? A future Karen in the making.

  103. Hold my beer says:


    That house she is standing in front of probably costs less than a 70 year old ranch in blue ribbon nj that was last updated when Nixon was president. With lower taxes and utilities too. I like how she says she’s not a racist while complaining about section h.

  104. ExEssex says:

    At tonight’s rally in Pennsylvania: “Suburban women, will you please like me?” Donald Trump pleaded with the crowd. “I saved your damn neighborhood.”

  105. Phoenix says:

    What do you expect? 1/2 of them are there hoping to find a resident to put a ring on it so they never have to empty your smelly piss bottle ever again.

  106. Phoenix says:

    “That house she is standing in front of probably costs less than a 70 year old ranch in blue ribbon nj that was last updated when Nixon was president”

    You can thank your NJ boomers for that. Same one’s that never balanced the budget. Same ones that collect a pension that is underfunded by themselves-and who have no problem leaving their debt to the next sucker who purchases in the Garden State as they sail off into the sunset of Florida.

    That’s life.

  107. BRT says:

    Burr was definitely talking about my neighbor and a few of my former coworkers.

  108. Phoenix says:

    The older age of whites is mainly due to fewer white births than white deaths. Between July 2017 and July 2018, there were 0.88 white births in the U.S. for every 1 white death. In the case of Latinos, the ratio was 5 births for every 1 death.

    Even if white women increased their fertility levels, their actual numbers of births would not go up that much, because there is a shrinking number of white women of childbearing age.

    Only 41% of white women aged 15 and older are in the childbearing ages of 15 to 44, when most births occur, compared to 57% of nonwhite women.

  109. ExEssex says:

    Ahhhh yeah. Spend any amount of time in a title 1 school and you’ll
    witness for yourself what this rich harvest yields.

  110. 3b says:

    Birth rates are declining in all female demographics except among white women in their 40s. At least as of 2018.

  111. 3b says:

    As for Boomers and their house prices , don’t blame them, blame the fools paying those prices. WFH will take care of high real estate prices as it becomes permanent for many.

  112. ExEssex says:

    Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, more deep-seated, tectonic-sized questions beyond markets and interest rates are being asked this time around that no one really has the answers to yet—like will people feel safer living in the south and southwest where they can spend all year social distancing outside? What if companies let workers work remotely for the rest of their lives? Why go back to retail shopping when I’m already ordering everything online? What’s the point of living “downtown” if half of the restaurants, bars, and museums never open back up?

  113. ExEssex says:

    Oct. 13, 2020

    Anyone remember MySpace, Screaming Media…..?

    Facebook has just leased enough new office space in Manhattan to nearly triple its current local work force, including at one of the city’s most iconic buildings, the 107-year-old former main post office complex near Pennsylvania Station.

    Apple, which set up its first office in New York a decade ago, is expanding to another building in Manhattan. And Google and Amazon are stitching together corporate campuses in the city more quickly than anywhere else in the world. Amazon paid roughly $1 billion in March for the iconic Lord & Taylor building on Fifth Avenue.

    Despite a pandemic that has ravaged New York, hollowed out many of its office buildings and raised fundamental questions about its future, the four companies collectively known as Big Tech are all significantly expanding their footprint in the city, giving it a badly needed vote of confidence.

  114. Phoenix says:

    “Facebook has just leased enough new office space in Manhattan to nearly triple its current local work force, including at one of the city’s most iconic buildings, the 107-year-old former main post office complex near Pennsylvania Station.”

    Goes to show you just how valuable that data they have on you is.

  115. Hold my beer says:


    Look at this new construction house. It’s in the town blondie lives in.


    It’s what a pos cape goes for in Madison

  116. Phoenix says:

    Yeah but does not come with the award winning school systems and the stellar police forces along with their 200 Billion dollar debt package.
    You also don’t get roads salted in June and July. This is a big deal.
    How about roads with potholes, and “Jersey” barriers and traffic. This all brings value.

  117. Libturd says:


    I watched that whole affordable housing documentary. The same thing is happening locally for sure. So much corruption. So little money makes it to the people who really need it.

  118. Phoenix says:

    The things you learn in life. When you get a divorce, depending on if you choose a male or female lawyer, you give your child a new mommy or daddy. Such an interesting concept. Hey, son, this is Rachel, your new mommy-legally.

    “They come to think that I’m their lawyer, not their child’s lawyer”


  119. Phoenix says:

    The legal profession has turned this place into a sh %% hole country. Those guys steal 6M, pay it back plus 1M and walk. How does that discourage anyone? They probably get away with it 9 out of 10 times.

    Civil court in America is an absolute disaster. Worse than your hospital experience. At least at the hospital they TRY to make it better even if they are unable for some reason and most people there are ethically motivated.

    Lawyers are like programmed robots. They see life like looking through a set of legal glasses. Until someone punches them in the face with a moral fist and breaks those distorted glasses.

  120. Libturd says:

    The potholes, corrupt public service and massive state deficits don’t come when property taxes on a 500K home are $1,400 a year on new construction. And there’s no state income tax to boot. Say what?


  121. Libturd says:

    Best part of that video was what they named these money laundering LLCs.

  122. Phoenix says:

    Did you know that community in CR?

  123. Phoenix says:

    Frontline does a great job exposing corruption. Even the things like SSHH.
    What does the American Legal System do? Nothing.

    We expose corruption every day only to do absolutely nothing about it.

    That’s why we still can’t even eliminate robocalls.

  124. Libturd says:

    Not Los Suenos, the development. But Playa Hermosa is very, very close to where I posted that incredible 500K house a while back. That’s within 20 miles of where I plan to retire.

  125. ExEssex says:

    9:26 advertising driven model. Eyeballs leave.
    Yaaaawn company. Younger gen shuns it.
    Wouldn’t work there either.

  126. Fast Eddie says:

    So little money makes it to the people who really need it.

    This is the foundation of the new democrat party. Solicit funds in the form of extortion from those who earn, wrapped in promises to be directed to the laggards in exchange for votes.

  127. ExEssex says:

    Yeah and Trump paid $750 in taxes.

  128. The Great Pumpkin says:

    How would WFH lower real estate prices? Please explain it to me? It will actually have the opposite effect and raise prices…

    3b says:
    October 14, 2020 at 8:53 am
    As for Boomers and their house prices , don’t blame them, blame the fools paying those prices. WFH will take care of high real estate prices as it becomes permanent for many.

  129. 3b says:

    Essex If he did so what? He did not write the
    Tax laws. So he did nothing wrong in that regard, save take advantage of the loopholes Biden and the bought and paid for politicians wrote into the tax code.

  130. 3b says:

    Yeah but bagels in TX suck so I am told, so why move there?

  131. JCer says:

    Here is the issue in TX as I see it, that is disposable housing as the land value is nearly zero and it is poorly constructed(new construction is almost universally cr@p outside of custom built homes), within 20 years it is worth nearly zero and will be a ghetto. As for section 8, it is the ruiner of cities, race has zero to do with it.

    When jersey city emptied the Duncan projects by Lincoln park they shipped the residents to section 8 around the city and fancy this the crime that used to be around the Duncan Project moved to the neighborhoods they located these people in. Drug dealing and gang activity moved into neighborhoods that were largely crime free for the last 30 years. They need to end housing policy at the federal level and just send a check as a housing subsidy, frankly I don’t care how the people spend it as long as they have housing. Section 8 just allows landlords to sit on obsolete property rather than investing in it and it prevents urban revitalization. Why these moron politicians think we should move this failed policy to the suburbs is beyond me….it is literally insane. Low income housing in areas of wealth just brings envy and the uglier side of people, seriously when your kid is going on winter break to the Caribbean or Vail on a 5 star vacation how is that received by the poor kid who visited grandma because their parents had to work some crummy job over the holiday? Or your kid literally has the best of everything and the poor kid literally has nothing, how much envy are we creating? Is this healthy?

  132. Boomer Remover says:

    I audit entertainment companies and on one occasion I audited a video sharing website. In the course of this engagement, I reviewed files which contained all w/w ad campaign revenue.

    I was taken aback by the a) the level of granularity of ad targeting and b) the astronomical amounts third parties pay to have their ads seen.

    It is public knowledge, and therefore I can mention, that ad revenue in this space is shared about 50/50 between the company doing the ad serving and the video/content owners whose videos carry the served ads. The company who essentially provides hosting and IP mapping captures 50% of all ad revenue. Talk about a middleman, eh?

  133. Fast Eddie says:

    Yeah and Trump paid $750 in taxes.

    Thanks to the democrats who created the laws. Though, you wouldn’t take advantage of such laws, would you.

  134. Fast Eddie says:

    Or your kid literally has the best of everything and the poor kid literally has nothing, how much envy are we creating? Is this healthy?

    But it feels good to the bleeding heart charlatans. It’s all about symbolism.

  135. ExEssex says:

    10:58 a lot of people think Trump is heading to prison or the gulag once he welches on the $400m he owes Putin.

  136. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Nailed it!

    JCer says:
    October 14, 2020 at 10:44 am
    Here is the issue in TX as I see it, that is disposable housing as the land value is nearly zero and it is poorly constructed(new construction is almost universally cr@p outside of custom built homes), within 20 years it is worth nearly zero and will be a ghetto. As for section 8, it is the ruiner of cities, race has zero to do with it.

    When jersey city emptied the Duncan projects by Lincoln park they shipped the residents to section 8 around the city and fancy this the crime that used to be around the Duncan Project moved to the neighborhoods they located these people in. Drug dealing and gang activity moved into neighborhoods that were largely crime free for the last 30 years. They need to end housing policy at the federal level and just send a check as a housing subsidy, frankly I don’t care how the people spend it as long as they have housing. Section 8 just allows landlords to sit on obsolete property rather than investing in it and it prevents urban revitalization. Why these moron politicians think we should move this failed policy to the suburbs is beyond me….it is literally insane. Low income housing in areas of wealth just brings envy and the uglier side of people, seriously when your kid is going on winter break to the Caribbean or Vail on a 5 star vacation how is that received by the poor kid who visited grandma because their parents had to work some crummy job over the holiday? Or your kid literally has the best of everything and the poor kid literally has nothing, how much envy are we creating? Is this healthy?

  137. Fast Eddie says:


    File your bullsh1t in with the other 256 rumors that you and your kind have created. He’s not going to any prisons. What is that? “A lot of people think…” Is that the same as “They say….”? You know, they say it’s bad to go swimming after you eat. Your side is so f.ucked up in their beliefs that benefit nothing and no one that it’s comically insane. The left is absurd beyond imagine. Your side is an epic blunder, as screwy as the guy who they want to elect… the same guy who yet again claims he’s running for the senate and can’t remember the name of the Republican candidate he ran against in 2012.

  138. D-FENS says:

    HA HA

    The decision by NBC News to run a Trump town hall directly opposite ABC’s Biden town hall is indefensible.

  139. The Great Pumpkin says:

    How to make a poor student feel miserable? Throw them in a school with rich kids.

    How to make a family feel miserable? Throw them in low income housing in a rich town.

  140. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Just remind them every single day of their life of how bad they have it..

    Works for some individuals as a form of motivation, but most just give up and become depressed.

  141. 3b says:

    Jcer the new construction Mc mansions in my town in north Jersey is all crap. Stuff built 5 years ago, with warped siding and cracked stucco. My friend a retired engineer has been on the inside of many of these, as he has a home repair/painting business. He is shocked at the level of poor construction. Warped floors, kitchen cabinets that are crooked, the cheapest heating/ac units. And most of them with little to no furniture.

  142. The Great Pumpkin says:


    The environment and soil give homes a beating in Texas. The northeast is the most forgiving environment for housing, and you take it for granted.

  143. 3b says:

    Jcer Not accruing you of it, but the line of not having low income people in a town because it will fuel resentment and anger, is what all my proud liberal friends say when it comes to building low income/affordable housing in their towns. They are not racist they insist, they just have compassion for these people, so build it somewhere else. Sounds racist to me. As for housing, get rid of the mortgage and property tax deduction. No need for the government to subsidize those that can afford to buy a house.

  144. 3b says:

    Essex must have missed Juices post on the Biden e mails. Of course if it was Trump
    And his Son he would not have missed it.

  145. The Great Pumpkin says:

    It’s cost. You know how much it costs for good construction? The immigrant working for 20 dollars an hour is not a master craftsman. That’s how they make it cheap, put up a massive development of the same type of blueprints, making it easier to use low skill workers to build it.

    “My friend a retired engineer has been on the inside of many of these, as he has a home repair/painting business. He is shocked at the level of poor construction. Warped floors, kitchen cabinets that are crooked, the cheapest heating/ac units. And most of them with little to no furniture.”

  146. Fast Eddie says:

    “Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together,” Pozharskiy wrote to Hunter Biden on April 17, 2015. “It’s realty [sic] an honor and pleasure.”

    The email was part of a trove of documents provided to the Post by Rudy Giuliani, former New York mayor and attorney to President Trump. The documents were recovered from a laptop computer dropped off at a repair shop in Delaware in April 2019, and include sexually-explicit photos and video of Hunter Biden.

  147. 3b says:

    Fast: Of course Essex and Fab will explain how this is no big deal and then scream about Trump and Russia! It’s absolutely amazing to me the hypocrisy, and the belief that Biden will be the country’s savior. Biden more of the same corruption.

  148. ExEssex says:

    Sure “Hunter” — make him the centerpiece of the campaign against Biden.

    You are going to lose anyway. This massive early voting turnout doesn’t look for the GOP I see down ballot voters looking to purge DC of the do-nothing GOP. It’s going to be a blow out of epic proportions. Everyone loves to watch a douchebag get taken down.

  149. ExEssex says:

    11:40 not when the sitting President is a thief, and “his family” steals openly from Charities and campaign funds. Hunter Biden isn’t the candidate schmuck.

  150. ExEssex says:

    Trump is done….feels like morning in America!!

  151. 3b says:

    Essex And then you resort to name calling and dismiss the fact that a sitting VP who is now going to probably become President was involved with these activities on behalf of his Son. You know damn well were it the other way around you would be all over it!

  152. Hold my beer says:


    Good schools. But cops in Texas get fired and lose their law enforcement license. And almost all roads are concrete. Whole area shuts down for a day or two when there’s an ice storm. So rarely snows or ices the roads there’s is very little salt and brining equipment. We do have Karens too.

  153. Phoenix says:

    And these types of things should not be tied to race. White women have no problem calling the police and making false allegations against men of white men either. Why does the law need to be tied to the race of the victim? What if Amy Cooper did it to a white man would it be any less of a crime?

  154. ExEssex says:

    3b just a little Yiddish

  155. Phoenix says:

    Yeah Karen was featured in the video.

  156. 3b says:

    Hold: But bad bagels and pizza I am told!!

  157. ExEssex says:

    11:45 I’m telling you the POTUS is scumbag and he’s done. Grouse about it all you want to. His supporters can suuuuuck a big set of monster truck balls.

  158. Phoenix says:

    If the president paid $750 in taxes and it was legal then he’s not a criminal. It’s the law that is where the problem is. And yes Democrats use those laws too in order to line their pockets.

  159. Phoenix says:

    No salt? What would Murphy do?

  160. Phoenix says:

    The new New Jersey slogan. Salt everyday keeps the lawyers away

  161. Hold my beer says:

    you wouldn’t like the new construction in Texas. None come with highway views.

    Also land is pricey in DFW area so areas do not turn into slums. Biggest issue I had with a lot of houses was the hot water heaters were in the attic or a closet in the second floor. When the water heater blows it will due a lot of damage to the house. Frisco is an expensive area. Probably from all the national and regional headquarters of fortune 500 companies

    I have been in hundreds of houses in my area. Very few have structural issues like I commonly saw in Jersey.

    But keep fantasizing how wonderful jersey is.

  162. Hold my beer says:


    We have good pizza. Lots of expats from NYC owned pizza places.

    Good bagel places are rare.

    Excellent Korean, Japanese, and Vietnamese places. Haven’t found a malaysian place yet.

    There’s even a used book store chain in the area called Half price books. Stores are at least 5 times the size of pyramid or waldens. Most middle class towns have at least one half price books.

  163. 3b says:

    Hold: I am sure you do. I was just joking about the silly comments Jersey people make about TX and other places not having good pizza and bagels. Personally. I think Bergen Co pizza sucks,Best pizza I have ever had was in the old neighborhood in the Bronx. We do have a great bagel place in my town though.

  164. Libturd says:


    Envy can be a great motivator. Though not exactly the same, there are a lot of us here who really relied on that motivation to succeed. Though, I grew up in East Brunswick, my parents didn’t help me with much more than discipline and shelter. Didn’t know of a single other kid who shared a room besides a few of the Indian kids. You know my story already. Heck, didn’t own a car until I was 25. That’s pretty tough in these parts. ChiFi, I’m sure has a similar story. That scree you just posted reeks of privilege. Sure, there’s some truth to it. As the video pointed out. As white people’s moves to the suburbs were subsidized. They took the jobs with them. Gotta break the cycle somehow. This kind of thing works. And you are right. It’s not just a black thing. Plenty of poor white and Latino folk too.

  165. Hold my beer says:


    There’s a pizza place in Midlothian run by a family from the Bronx. I always bring back a few pies when I’m in that area. Same level as pizza from a few Brooklyn places by me, just different flavor and texture.

    And hamburgers, bbq, and fried chicken in new jersey is abysmal compared to this area.

  166. Libturd says:

    I don’t care how good the bagels and pizza are here. For what I pay in property taxes and state income tax compared with what I’d pay in Frisco? I could have a few dozen bagels and a few fresh frozen pizzas overnighted to me weekly and I’d still save thousands.

  167. Hold my beer says:


    What would you do with the money you’d save from no state income tax?

  168. Hold my beer says:

    Now I’m thinking of bronx pizza. May have to go to midlothian this week instead of my usual Brooklyn place.

  169. chicagofinance says:

    None of this should have come as a surprise: The 1619 Project is a thesis in search of evidence, not the other way around. Nor was this fire from the right: Both Wilentz and Harris were at pains to emphasize their sympathy with the project’s moral aims.


  170. 3b says:

    Lib 4 boys in one bedroom growing up. Well two rooms but had to walk through one to get to the other. Zero privacy, and my sisters shared a room too. No different than all the other first and second generation immigrant kids in my neighborhood. And one bathroom!

  171. 3b says:

    Hold Bronx pizza the best, especially those Sicilian pies, or what Bergen people call square pizza. Silly Bergen people.

  172. Libturd says:

    Yup, sister shared rooms too. Three at one time. Had to buy my own clothes too. For the most part, they covered food. It’s so funny thinking you are poor when you are probably being raised solid middle class, if not lower upper class. Dad had money too. Just frugal with it. I gotta give him credit. Man is 86 now and had just as much money now as he did when he retired 25 years earlier. Sadly, inheritance will be split 7 ways. And knowing my parents, it will go directly into trusts for the grand children (as it should).

    I thought it was tough in high school when what you wear was all that mattered. Then, I got into college and had to deal with hanging with the international kids over all breaks as we all had to work to pay for our educations as the entire college either went to Ft. Lauderdale or San Padre Island for Spring Break or on huge ski trips during Winter break. Then there was the parents’ credit cards they all had. Hell, I didn’t even have one of my own yet.

  173. chicagofinance says:

    Does Murphy use the salt shaker at Nicholas?

    Phoenix says:
    October 14, 2020 at 11:53 am
    No salt? What would Murphy do?

  174. chicagofinance says:

    Does salt contain institutional racism?

    Phoenix says:
    October 14, 2020 at 11:54 am
    The new New Jersey slogan. Salt everyday keeps the lawyers away

  175. 3b says:

    Lib: Catholic high school so shirt and tie for all. No need to worry about clothes, and it was all boys, so no girls to impress. I have been working since I was 14, so started buying my own clothes then. I went to college on a full ride, so no tuition, not that it cost all that much, and no one went away, and in fact many in the neighborhood did not go at all. But I liked money and always had plenty of it in college, always had scrounges looking for me to buy them beer, told them to get a job. Had kids do spring break but I worked, more hours more money. Got my first car at 17, my parents did not drive so on my own with that. GS paid for my MBA, and I did some of my best work on the subway back and forth from home to work. Very different world today, and it was not all that long ago.

  176. ExEssex says:

    1:30 Bankers are the biggest douchebags on the planet.
    And that is a known and widely accepted fact.

  177. 3b says:

    Essex: I would say a little therapy for your anger issues might help. I wish you peace.

  178. D-FENS says:

    I get that you hate Trump…and anyone who voted for him but set that aside for a minute. Look at the picture of Hunter smoking the crack pipe in that NYPOST article. He didn’t take that picture. It would be reasonable to think someone took that picture with the intention of using it as blackmail and leverage against him and his politician father. My guess is if true, it wouldn’t even be Russia or Ukraine or whoever…but possibly our own intelligence agencies. That would seem to have been Epstein’s purpose in life…

    ExEssex says:
    October 14, 2020 at 11:40 am
    Sure “Hunter” — make him the centerpiece of the campaign against Biden.

    You are going to lose anyway. This massive early voting turnout doesn’t look for the GOP I see down ballot voters looking to purge DC of the do-nothing GOP. It’s going to be a blow out of epic proportions. Everyone loves to watch a douchebag get taken down.

  179. chicagofinance says:

    Tell that to Gianni Versace……

    3b says:
    October 14, 2020 at 1:38 pm
    Essex: I would say a little therapy for your anger issues might help. I wish you peace.

  180. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Go live in Texas, I’ll pass. I know better. That’s a harsh climate.

  181. 3b says:

    Chgo: You lost me there with comment, as not connecting it.

  182. The Great Pumpkin says:

    There is a reason it took so long to develop…

    It’s still mostly nothing out there. As the droves of locusts move there, quality of life will go down. Rising population is good for the economy in the state, but it’s horrible for quality of life.

  183. Libturd says:


    Doesn’t have to be that different. It’s all how you raise them. I worked from about age 10 on. Never stopped. I have been gainfully employed the entire way. From selling cards door-to-door, to paper boy, to lawn-mowing and then complete landscaping. To Burger King, to K-mart, to Kay-B Toys, even to another Kay-B in the WillowBrook. Then there were the forklifts I drove during every college break for pharma (mainly) and during my Summers in HS. Once in Montclair State, did the entire Residence Life ladder from Desk Assistant to Assistant Building Manager. Computer Lab Manager, Radio Station Manager as well as wrote for the college rag (on occasion). Spent two Summers as a camp counselor up in CatSkills, worked at Richfield Regency as a waiter for a while too. Funny, I only worked for two different employers in the last 28 years. Just a small boutique ad agency and my current employer in the financial communications (mainly print) industry. Oh yeah, forgot one Summer I interned at a printer (paid).

  184. 3b says:

    Lib: I wanted my kids to take advantage of things that I simply did not have growing up in the city. But they were the few that had summer jobs in high school and college. And I taught them the value of hard work and how to be money savvy, and thankfully they are doing it.

  185. TruthIsTheEnemy says:

    Hunter Biden smoking crack and banging h00kers is one thing.

    Joe Biden arranging bribes and conducting unlawful foreign corrupt practices is another.

    That’s why the old fvcktard ran, to bury his corruption and misdeeds. But they are catching up.

    This POS spent 47 years robbing and stealing from us. That’s his only legacy. Yet the propaganda industry ignores it the best they can.

    They are the true enemy of the people for enabling crooked politicians and working against the common mans best interest.

  186. Libturd says:

    My son buys most of his own stuff. He is currently saving for his first beater. He has been working since 13. Still straight A. 3 honors classes. Level 3 referee and AA player as well as HS varsity since Frosh. Volunteers too more than any of his peers. Doesn’t sleep. Never a day of Kumon. Very self-driven. We don’t push. If we do, he’ll do what I did in college my first year. Other parents say I’m crazy for letting him work so much. I say better clear off some space on your credit card as your kid is gonna need it the rest of his life.

  187. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Like Jcer points out, it’s the land value. It’s hard to have affordable housing in a developed area/economy/market like we have in NYC. Texas is cheap for one reason, it’s a vast area that can support affordable housing for everyday workers. Of course it has its pockets of wealth in a state that large, but for the most part, that state is rural and poor. Dallas is not texas, that’s more like the Short Hills of Texas. Same with Austin, and pockets of San Antonio. Most of Texas is not representative of Austin and Dallas which are HIGH COST LOCATIONS.

  188. Libturd says:

    The problem is that the country is not electing Hunter. It worked with Hillary because Hillary was running. Sorry, gotta do so much better than Hunter.

    See you at Silk City. Don’t worry. The Marxist will share.

  189. 3b says:

    Lib: Nothing wrong with work. If he needs to dial it back that’s ok too. My kids took the deal state school we pay full ride B or better, and they all graduated 3.5 or higher. And they are a small minority of their friends who have no student loans. And none of them did the BS intern with no pay. We would not let them, and they did not need it.

  190. 3b says:

    Lib: That’s a fair point, but it shows just how much rot there is in the DNC that Biden is there answer to Trump. I ain’t impressed. In fact it’s depressing.

  191. ExEssex says:

    No offense 3b but it’s in the job description of every “banker” on the planet.
    In flyover country bankers are generally reviled.

  192. Phoenix says:

    “Go live in Texas, I’ll pass. I know better. That’s a harsh climate.”

    For once in your life, man up and grow a pair.

  193. 3b says:

    Essex: I am not offended, in fact I don’t care. And I was not a Banker per se, but rather a Bond Trader.

  194. The Great Pumpkin says:


    NJ has a problem like this?

    Foundation Failures…Why so many in Texas?
    By on May 14, 2009 at 12:42 AM
    How is it that for over a century contractors have built skyscrapers and massive structures that span acres, and millions of homes that have withstood decades of rain and drought, yet Texas Homebuilders have such a dismal record when it comes to constructing foundations that properly support the walls, ceilings, and other superstructure components? Simply put, why are there so many houses in Texas with foundations that have failed or are otherwise in need of foundation repairs/stabilization?”


  195. BRT says:

    Brooklyn’s in Hackensack is a pretty decent coal oven pie. I think there are gems all over NJ for pizza. I’ve been regulars to most of them one time or another as I’ve basically lived in Bergen, Essex, Middlesex, Monmouth, Ocean, and Mercer at some point.

  196. 3b says:

    BRT: My wife Brooklyn Pizza, me it’s meh!

  197. Libturd says:

    I’m kind of that way to with the coal. Sometimes, I just want that slightly greasy, crack when you fold it, inferior cheese and all, old school slice.

  198. Libturd says:

    I also love a real Chicago style sausage deep dish. Uno’s is a bad replica of it, but when they send me a BOGO, I’m not embarrassed to admit that I’ll get two large deep dishes for $20 and we’ll nibble at those things for days. Haven’t really found any deep dish out of Chicago that comes even close. It’s more of a familiarity thing I think. Why good BBQ is absolutely impossible to find up here when it’s really not that hard.

  199. Libturd says:

    Pizza is the funniest food. People are incredibly subjective about it, yet no matter how bad it is, we all will still eat it. Fcuk, I haven’t had the Hut, Dominoes or Poppa John’s in probably two decades, but I still love me some Stouffer’s French Bread pizza.

  200. JCer says:

    On the value of land, if a 3500 sqft house is 530k, you have to figure with the level of finish described(hardwoods, mid-level finishes, brick front) you are looking at builders cost of around 350k, pure construction cost materials and labor(construction costs are about 25% less in the south than the northeast). That leaves 180k for land, landscaping, profits etc. What could the lot value be 50k, 75k, 100k? When the land runs out, redevelopment will happen closer to Dallas, a 20 year old house from today is no better than a 40yr old house, everything needs to be replaced. The market today is good because the housing product is what people want, once that is no longer the case decay will set in. As for taxes I’m not sure how taxes can be so low when there is no income tax, schools, roads, and infrastructure still cost money.

  201. BRT says:

    I like Brooklyns if I’m in the mood for a style like Grimaldi’s without going into NYC. Sometimes I literally crave a crappy slice from the Jersey Shore on the boardwalk. Lib, I crave the Stouffer’s as well. What I can’t stand is letting it sit for 15 minutes to cool down and still getting a 3rd degree burn on the roof of my mouth.

    I remember when I lived in Florida, Little Caesars was the highlight of my life.

  202. 3b says:

    Lib: Actually I preferred Pizza Hut then any of the pizzerias around me. I thought it was better. Used to go to the one on Route 17 in Paramus often. We were surprised when it closed some years back as it was always busy.

  203. JCer says:

    BRT, Brooklyn is the sh*t. Same as Grimaldi’s in brooklyn before it was sold and moved.

  204. JCer says:

    As for newer construction I know how bad it is, my 1926 house had a large portion gutted, I have more problems with the modern portion of the house than the original! We have better science today and infinitely better modern materials(composites, glues, plastics, concrete) but the quality of the lumber and the skill of the craftsman today is much lower. Also because of the deficiencies in the materials the best craftsmen over engineered everything(if 6 nails would do, they would use 12, today we use magic adhesive and 4 nails). There is also a big difference between tract housing and custom built today(and a huge price difference as well).

    As for envy, I know it well it isn’t healthy. I grew up in a very wealthy town with parents….who lets not mince words……..were cheap, very cheap, my dad was very financially conservative(his priorities were right). My friends all had big screen televisons, neo geo gaming consoles, the really rich kids had their own arcade games in their basements…..I had original nintendo and a 19 in sony television from the 70’s in my living room. I was never envious, I just took advantage of the fact that my rich friends had all this cool sh*t. My older sister on the other hand had envy, it to this day consumes her she is very concerned about what her friends have and has a need to try to one up them including spending money she doesn’t have(and she’s well off but the stuff she wants is absurd, she tries to keep up with the I-bankers wives) and her husband is the same. My wife and I are cheap, even still we buy too much for the kids and don’t really spend any money on ourselves(literally we bought 2 new pieces of furniture since we moved from a 1400 sq ft apartment to a 6000 sq ft house and it was cheap stuff maybe $4500 total). I don’t need to impress anyone and my kids destroy everything anyway(especially anything new, 20 year old furniture they don’t bother with, the new stuff usually gets something stick on it or gets scratched to sh*t if it is wood. To get back on point it is better to not expose the poor the debauchery of the well off, it just fuels resentment.

  205. Hold my beer says:


    Texas has 29 million people

    The 4 major metro areas have 18 million, roughly 62% of the population.

    DFW area has over 7.5 million people
    Houston Metro 6.3 million
    Austin 2.2 million
    San Antonio 2.5 million

    For a guy who teaches history facts and data elude you pretty easily. Keep thinking everyone lives on a farm or a tiny town in the middle of nowhere.

  206. 3b says:

    Jcer: So what’s the answer keep the poor in the inner cities? There are always going to be those who have more or those with less.

  207. homeboken says:

    Rapper IceCube has agreed to work with the Trump administration to develope the “Platinum Plan” to help advance minority communities.

    IceCube was very critical of Trump just a few weeks ago. Now, he’s working with him.

    Further, there was a parade down 5th Avenue today carrying the world’s largest Trump flag. That’s 5th Ave NYC.

    Add Trump’s rally’s and tepid attendance for Joe and I think the national polls and actual election results will be far more out of whack than 2016, which is saying something.

    My guess – Trump is going to win 35 states, minimum.

  208. Fast Eddie says:

    My guess – Trump is going to win 35 states, minimum.

    If only. That would be awesome.

  209. Hold my beer says:

    As for the weather in DFW area it is brutal in August. We had a few days this summer the heat index broke 110.

    But a denim jacket or flannel shirt is my winter coat. About half the time in winter it will be 40s in the morning but 70 by noon. I do have to mow the lawn until around Thanksgiving. And start up in February

    Winters in New Jersey can be cold and summers very humid.

  210. Libturd says:

    We always stop at Frank Pepe’s when we travel between NJ and Mass. Though wood instead of coal burning, their pizza is really the identical style to Grimaldi’s and now Brooklyn’s. It’s really a great pie. Especially their fresh clam and tomato pie, when in season.

    3B, so right about the roof burning. Hot pockets will burn you an hour after their out of the microwave. I actually toaster oven the Stouffers. Pizza and microwaves are very very bad together. As for the hut? You are alone on that one, though I probably ate 100 Dominoes Hawaiian pies (with bacon, not ham) with my brothas in the dorms in college. Definitely an aquired taste. Nearly as salty as anchovies.

    JCER, Gator has friend in Cisco. Private school is necessary. So factor that into your tax break (begin incessant chatter from Wayne liar).

    BRT, I don’t know Little Caesars does it. They sell pizza for 1/5th the cost of even Dominoes. Yes it’s terrible. I think they supply Cici’s. Another impossibly terrible pie. But I’d still eat it.

    Happy Columbus Day. Try to watch this without smiling.


  211. stan says:

    I am trying to parse the information I see… virtually all of the polls which all scream a big loss for the orange one, but everything else screams that he will have huge enthusiastic turnout in the battleground states.

    My prediction has been, huge numbers population wise for biden, electoral wins for trump. I see him pulling out of Iowa and Ohio as signs he has them in the bag and looking for Nevada and others. I realize he has bravado, but I don’t see him acting like an underdog, I guess we shall see.

  212. Hold my beer says:


    Housing is like birth control, if you buy low quality expect expenses

  213. Fast Eddie says:

    Has anyone here been polled? I don’t know one person who has been asked by a legitimate polling outlet who they’re voting for.

  214. NJCoast says:

    Real estate at the shore is crazy. 1500 sq.ft. old house on 50 x 100 lot about a mile from the beach lists for $499,900. Last sale 2013 for $332,000. 30 showings the first day. My kid offers $500,000, loses to best offer $700,000. They’ll probably tear it down and build new.

  215. Libturd says:

    I’ve seen this before NJ Coast. Feels like the top of a housing cycle is in site. A lot of people are fearing end of bull market in stocks and want to lock gains into home. Mix in lowest interest rates ever and wallah. Don’t get priced out now.

  216. 3b says:

    Lib: I think its insane that people are bidding up house prices in the middle of a pandemic.

  217. Fast Eddie says:

    I think its insane that people are bidding up house prices in the middle of a pandemic.

    The pandemic will dissolve almost as quickly as it came. Treatments have rendered a number of body blows to this plague in record time; a vaccine will deliver the kill shot. 30 year rates are nonexistent so this runup will continue unabated. As a buyer, I want to murder fat Karen and her smelly dog for asking top dollar for her shith0le dump but if one doesn’t make an offer, another one will.

  218. D-FENS says:


    Let me be more direct. The FBI gave the Hunter Biden laptop to the USAO in Joe Biden’s home state in order to bury it. [December 9, 2019] And that’s exactly what happened.

    Without the duplicate hard drive, this would never have surfaced

  219. D-FENS says:

    The hunter biden nypost story is completely blocked by Facebook and Twitter. You can’t post the link.

  220. Libturd says:

    Is that what Qanon said or did this come directly from the 5G towers themselves?

    Holy morons on the right.

  221. Fabius Maximus says:

    Hunters emails?

    So all these October suprises are turning out to be total duds.

    D-FENS I think you are more on track here. The bigger story is how the contents of the laptop got to Rudi Colludi. FBI seized the laptop, more likely as someone was trying to blackmail. Yes there will be a grand jury, but I would suspect the shop owner rather that Hunter is the target.

    Come January there are still a load of incitements to be unsealed. I suspect you see the Trump kids and Rudi in the frame.

  222. LurksMcGee says:


    JCer if you don’t mind me wondering, how many people live in your household? I’d imagine staying cheap would render a home to be below 3k sqft. One caveat I would give you is the idea that the home that is 6k sqft is in a great school district, but I just have a hard time wrapping my head around cheap and 6k sqft house (unless tons of people live it in)

  223. Fabius Maximus says:

    See you at Silk City

    Hopefully they pay up. I’m still waiting for a certain poster to deliver a bottle of Single Malt on O vs the field in 2008. Always claimed that I would have to open it with him, before he would hand it over.

  224. 3b says:

    Fast: My view is not as rosy as your. With WFH and uncertainties in the economy it’s insane. Pay over inflated prices to live close to the office only to potentially find you will be permanently WFH? Insane. And as far as paying Karen you are right some other poor fool will pay her, and it will be their fault for over paying not Karen’s. They made a choice there are always other options, they may not like the options but they are there. And I have seen some of these buyers, and they aint no Spring Chickens. Taking a big ass mortgage that needs two incomes and with kids not or barely school age, is in my opinion insane.

  225. 3b says:

    Here we go again!

  226. 3b says:

    Fab: So I assume you have no concerns about the e mails?

  227. Fabius Maximus says:

    I’ll go +1 on Brooklyns. In fact most Brick oven places are better. Seems to be that if you are going to invest in the hassle and skill needed to pull it off, it will be reflected in the product.

    While I generally find Dave Pomroy a bit of an AH0le, his Pizza reviews are pretty on point.

  228. Fabius Maximus says:

    With WFH and uncertainties in the economy it’s insane. Pay over inflated prices to live close to the office only to potentially find you will be permanently WFH?

    Or move away in the knowledge that you probably wont make it back. I have had friends who were offered the relocation to TX, Charlotte and Utah. The TX crew were canned after a year as they were relocated there was no severence. Charlotte ones would love to come back, but cant afford it. Sell the High priced CrpShack for the McMansion only to find they cant afford to buy the crpShack back.
    The Utah crew seem to make it work, they like the skiing and the mountains. Go Figure.

  229. Fabius Maximus says:

    3B, the only email I have seen reads like the ones I get from every sales rep I have ever met. “It was great to meet you, can I get on your calendar for Friday?”

  230. D-FENS says:

    Editor at NY post.


    Libturd says:
    October 14, 2020 at 4:10 pm
    Is that what Qanon said or did this come directly from the 5G towers themselves?

    Holy morons on the right

  231. D-FENS says:

    This guy is Facebooks communications director.


    While I will intentionally not link to the New York Post, I want be clear that this story is eligible to be fact checked by Facebook’s third-party fact checking partners. In the meantime, we are reducing its distribution on our platform.

  232. JCer says:

    Only 2 adults, 2 kids. I’m not cheap when it come to housing, the way I see it in the stream of things it is a worthwhile expense say compared to leasing a fancy car every three years, or buying expensive clothes. I bought my house as a foreclosure(short sale) from a failed investment banker who actually put his untold millions(generational wealth, this guys father was an i-banker as well) in trust to avoid the creditors. I paid the same amount for 6k sq ft on 2 acres as 3500 sq ft on a half acre, people were scared away by the condition of the property(termite damage(was actually minor but scary in that it primarily impacted the structure holding up the first floor, a tree on the roof, an active leak from the chimney, a mouse infestation, it was vacant for a year and not really maintained for about 4 years so you can imagine) and the eye watering 50k tax bill that it originally had. The prior owner won his tax appeal and got it lowed to 35k while we were under contract, if not I wouldn’t have closed on it, I had so many out clauses in my contract it wasn’t even funny, we never even put a deposit down.

    The utility cost is only a bit more for an old very large house but even that doesn’t amount to much(really just july and august for aircon and Dec/Jan/Feb for heat), in reality my sisters 4000 sq ft newer energy efficient house has the same energy bills or worse because of the heated pool. My biggest single expense is property taxes, I’ve tried 60 ways from Sunday to get a reduction but I only managed to get 100k off the assessment and that was with a lawyer. My assessment is still 300k more than I paid, I really wanted to knock it down 200k and even still the property tax bill is atrocious. You would be surprised but the size adds material cost but for things like painting and floor refinishing it doesn’t add very much to the labor cost I was able to get pretty good deals on the work I had done. Even for cleaning, I only pay $150 a week to have the whole place cleaned. Chimney’s have been a problem I have 3, one with 4, and 2 with 2 shafts, so the cost to re-line and maintain those things has been ridiculous. I only restored function to 2 but to do that, 3 sets of new flashing, fully re-pointing and some crown repair it was about 15k and that was a good price, I had clowns come and give me 40k estimates for the same work. Doing all the repair work etc was still cheaper than buying a 3 bedroom in Jersey City or Hoboken and given the taxes and lack of viable public schools a much better value overall.

  233. chicagofinance says:

    Didn’t Ex give us visual evidence that he is in fact Andrew Cunanan in hiding all these years…….. living one step ahead of the law…..

    3b says:
    October 14, 2020 at 1:54 pm
    Chgo: You lost me there with comment, as not connecting it.

    chicagofinance says:
    October 14, 2020 at 1:50 pm
    Tell that to Gianni Versace……

    3b says:
    October 14, 2020 at 1:38 pm
    Essex: I would say a little therapy for your anger issues might help. I wish you peace.

  234. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Save me the bs. Your stat says it all…4 out of 10 people line in areas that make Sussex county look like a city.

    The wealthy places you talk about in Texas cost more than north jersey. You gain almost nothing, taking your family from north jersey and moving to these locations. Just not worth it. If you have to do it for a job, go for it, but don’t think the north jersey lifestyle is cheaper in Texas.

    I can go to cheap parts of nj and claim it’s cheap. The desirable areas are not. People need to stop playing themselves. There is no magical place where you can have it all and it be cheap. Nowhere.

    “The 4 major metro areas have 18 million, roughly 62% of the population.”

  235. chicagofinance says:

    I thought you were a bouncer at the Hitching Post in college?

    Libturd says:
    October 14, 2020 at 1:55 pm

    Doesn’t have to be that different. It’s all how you raise them. I worked from about age 10 on. Never stopped. I have been gainfully employed the entire way. From selling cards door-to-door, to paper boy, to lawn-mowing and then complete landscaping. To Burger King, to K-mart, to Kay-B Toys, even to another Kay-B in the WillowBrook. Then there were the forklifts I drove during every college break for pharma (mainly) and during my Summers in HS. Once in Montclair State, did the entire Residence Life ladder from Desk Assistant to Assistant Building Manager. Computer Lab Manager, Radio Station Manager as well as wrote for the college rag (on occasion). Spent two Summers as a camp counselor up in CatSkills, worked at Richfield Regency as a waiter for a while too. Funny, I only worked for two different employers in the last 28 years. Just a small boutique ad agency and my current employer in the financial communications (mainly print) industry. Oh yeah, forgot one Summer I interned at a printer (paid).

  236. chicagofinance says:

    Greasy crack? You sound like Hunter Biden….

    Libturd says:
    October 14, 2020 at 3:02 pm
    I’m kind of that way to with the coal. Sometimes, I just want that slightly greasy, crack when you fold it, inferior cheese and all, old school slice.

  237. 3b says:

    Fab: Re your response on the e mails I expected nothing less. As for WFH no need to relocate, there is even a corporate term for it now geographically agnostic. No need to up and relocate, and no need to buy an over priced crap shack close to the NYC office. NYC metro areas will see price declines as the area will now have to be competitive with other areas in the country. Being close to NYC won’t mean what it did in the past.

  238. 3b says:

    Chgo: I forgot about that! Ex is an interesting guy.

  239. chicagofinance says:

    Next time you visit family in Manalapan, try this one –
    agreed….. to each his own.

    Libturd says:
    October 14, 2020 at 3:11 pm
    Pizza is the funniest food. People are incredibly subjective about it, yet no matter how bad it is, we all will still eat it.

  240. chicagofinance says:

    I’m having a problem posting…..

    trying an alternative site

  241. chicagofinance says:

    Manalapan location though….. there are 3

  242. The Great Pumpkin says:


    When are you going to realize not everyone thinks like you? Seriously. You constantly express that the market is overpriced and due for a crash. When are you going to realize you are wrong? These people are willingly paying. Why? They must value it more than you. You have no idea how difficult it is to find a house these days in desirable locations. Your position reflects it. You would never ever be able to buy a house in the modern market. If I was a realtor, I would run for the hills if you came to me.

    P.s. WFH is not going to change most people’s perception in what they value in housing and location. It’s not. Sooner you realize this, the better off you will be.

    3b says:
    October 14, 2020 at 4:33 pm
    Fast: My view is not as rosy as your. With WFH and uncertainties in the economy it’s insane. Pay over inflated prices to live close to the office only to potentially find you will be permanently WFH? Insane. And as far as paying Karen you are right some other poor fool will pay her, and it will be their fault for over paying not Karen’s. They made a choice there are always other options, they may not like the options but they are there. And I have seen some of these buyers, and they aint no Spring Chickens. Taking a big ass mortgage that needs two incomes and with kids not or barely school age, is in my opinion insane.

  243. Juice Box says:

    Trump sign update, it’s been replaced or somebody pulled off the “truck fump” stickers. I did a bike ride around our development today since the weather was nice. Out of 150 homes two Biden signs and two Trump signs. Nothing like 2016 when there were dozens for either candidate by now.

  244. chicagofinance says:

    Pulled down a cul-de-sac in Colts Neck….. at the beginning of the street is a huge obtrusive Trump 2020 sign….. then every lawn on that side of the street to the end of the road has Biden-Harris standard placard…. kind of funny/weird.

    Juice Box says:
    October 14, 2020 at 7:10 pm
    Trump sign update, it’s been replaced or somebody pulled off the “truck fump” stickers. I did a bike ride around our development today since the weather was nice. Out of 150 homes two Biden signs and two Trump signs. Nothing like 2016 when there were dozens for either candidate by now.

  245. 3b says:

    Juice : I am out every day for my 5 miles , and to date two Biden signs , and two trump banners, that’s it. Lots of signs for council elections, evenly split between Republicans and Democrats.

  246. chicagofinance says:

    WTF do I do? I’m completely torn…..

  247. ExEssex says:

    Versacé had it comin’

  248. homeboken says:

    Puts on FB and TWTR. Any strike. Sec 230 is going bye bye.

  249. Libturd says:

    “I thought you were a bouncer at the Hitching Post in college?”

    Best gay clubs/bar names I remember from back in the day were, The Bulge, The Hanger and Henrietta Hudson (lesbo bar).

    As for greasy crack, I threw a softball the night before and caught you taking.

    Will try Brooklyn on the Metedeconk next time I’m in the area.

  250. Libturd says:

    “I thought you were a bouncer at the Hitching Post in college?”

    Best gay clubs/bar names I remember from back in the day were, The Bulge, The Hanger and Henrietta Hudson (lesb0 bar).

    As for greasy crack, I threw a softball the night before and caught you taking.

    Will try Brooklyn on the Metedeconk next time I’m in the area.

  251. leftwing says:

    “Pizza is the funniest food. People are incredibly subjective about it, yet no matter how bad it is, we all will still eat it.”

    Left out. Overnight. Hung over. Cheese congealed. Pep unrecognizable under cold white, yellow, and orange grease. Leather dough, can’r bite through it, rip your veneers off. Fcuking great. Heaven.

    So, is it true Twitter actually shut down everything on the Post’s Hunter Biden story? Every URL reference, including DMs among users?

    If so, you liberals suck. Absolutely suck. You are not just fascists, but even worse, hypocritical fascists. You have no standing whatsoever to comment on anything going forward when you go full on CCP censorship…

    So the little blue check – which I have a problem with to start – is only as good as your opinion conforming to “Jack’s”?

    He’s a fcuking caricature freak. Cannot believe I am saying this…really can’t….strip every protection from these motherfcukers. Repeal 230. Make them entirely liable. Release the hounds, errr, lawyers. Sue the living sh1t out of them, hold them to broadcast standards of equal play. Tie them up and fcuk them hard. Hard.

  252. BRT says:

    Mercer county is a lot of Biden signs now. This county is blue through and through outside of maybe Hamilton. Driving to Seaside through back roads of Ocean County was a trip. Trump signs every other house and not a single Biden sign in sight.

  253. BRT says:

    Chifi, I’ve been meaning to hit up Brooklyn Square since I saw it on nj.com and then Portnoy reviewed it. The square looks great upon visual inspection. I wonder how it measures up to places like L&B or Prince St.

    Pepe’s is a normal stop for me whenever I go to Boston or Maine.

  254. ExEssex says:


    Chicago had a place called ” The Manhole “

  255. Chicago says:

    The Manhole and The Closet in Boystown in Chicago.

    I also liked Meow Mix in LES on Houston I think.

  256. Chicago says:

    BRT: we have some people out here from Bensonhurst. They say that Brooklyn Square is close, but not Spumoni Gardens, but it is in range, so they were impressed.

    They also gave a mention to
    Although I’ve never tried it.

  257. Libturd says:

    I remember the manhole.

  258. BRT says:

    I should have hit it up on my trip to Eastmont Orchards a few weeks ago. But I stopped at Bella Italia on 33 to get a sandwich. I’ll have to see about krispypizza. I usually try to hit up Federici’s in that area if I’m in the mood for pizza.

  259. Chicago says:

    BRT for Brooklyn Square, the one in Jackson (the original) is in the middle of nowhere. There is one in Toms River too.

    The one in Jackson is crazy. When you walk in you’d swear you were right off New Utrecht

  260. Fabius Maximus says:

    Now I’m Jonesing Brooklyn Pizza. I think lunch tomorrow.


  261. homeboken says:

    Let me get this straight: The NY Times can post to Twitter & Facebook its story on Trump’s taxes based on unnamed sources and documents it will not produce.
    But the NY Post cannot post its story on Biden based on documents it has produced. Confused? Don’t be. It’s political censorship.

  262. Fabius Maximus says:

    I’m really enjoying Politicos reporting. It has gotten so much better.


    Upshot, its a right wing hack job that the GOP are screaming about because FB and Twitter are now finally Fact Checking stuff.

  263. Fabius Maximus says:

    And when you keep digging in, you start uncovering the BS.


    “It’s no surprise that the Murdochites would engage in such Trumpy reporting. The article was co-written by Emma-Jo Morris, a former segment producer at Fox News for host Sean Hannity and a former communications staffer for the Conservative Political Action Conference. An accompanying Post article asserts that Hunter Biden tried to exploit his father’s visit to Ukraine, but a memo written by Hunter that the story cites shows Hunter telling his business partner that “what [Biden] will say and do is out of our hands” and that they should “temper expectations” about the visit—which undercuts the claim that Biden used his office to help or protect his son. In that memo, Hunter also states that his Ukrainian associates “need to know in no uncertain terms that we will not and cannot intervene directly with domestic policy makers”—in other words, he won’t use his influence with dad. The Post‘s story does not report that. “

  264. leftwing says:

    “I remember the manhole.”

    Located in the Meatpacking District no less. LOL.

  265. D-FENS says:

    So predictable. I knew some hack would blame Russia. Everyone was supposed to believe some pee pee story about Trump. This time they have the guys hard drive…emails and pictures for fcuk’s sake.

  266. BRT says:

    Can we just acknowledge the sheer incompetence of engaging in these activities and then allowing someone else to take possession of your hard drive? I sledge hammered any hard drive I’ve ever stopped using…and you would only get a bunch of Physics and Chemistry tests on those.

  267. Juice Box says:

    re: “This time they have the guys hard drive…emails and pictures for fcuk’s sake”

    Giuliani has a copy of it, and he will continue to release drips and drabs for the next 2 weeks.

  268. Juice Box says:

    Latest release of some Chinese businessman paying Hunter Biden 10 Million a year, and another one paying him a $1 million dollar retainer?

    Obviously Hunter Biden is some kind of super star to deserve that kind of money. I guess he must be the best crack head lawyer money can buy.

  269. JUice Box says:

    Poor MAC repair shop owner is getting smeared left and right about not protecting it although it was abandoned and not protecting its customer’s data. The laptop was taken by the FBI under subpoena from the Delaware’s U.S. Attorney’s office and apparently so far has buried it.

    This story would never have seen the light of day if that MAC shop owner did not do what he did.

  270. BRT says:

    They locked up Julian Assange and thought this wouldn’t happen again. Remember two weeks out, Comey trying to save face and his job by reopening investigations 4 years ago?

  271. Phoenix says:

    The laptop was taken by the FBI under subpoena from the Delaware’s U.S. Attorney’s office and apparently so far has buried it.

    So how did Guiliani get his crypt keeper fingers on it? He should get a job in a haunted house for Halloween. You would need a defibrillator to bring the visitors back to life.

  272. crushednjmillenial says:

    Texas versus NJ . . .

    Below are two listings which are very similar in price in each market. I’ve said it before here but the North Dallas suburbs were the best apparent value for quality of life that I’ve seen in my travels around the USA. I’m not knocking NJ – for a lot of us, we are here because of family ties or a job, and NJ is fine place to live, albeit expensive.

    From what I’ve seen, the North Dallas suburbs are predominantly white and asian. Seems like a safe area, unlike much of the American South. Weather is very decent. Every commercial street is lined with all the corporate chain retail you could ask for, plus every flavor of international cuisine you can imagine and other similar small mom and pop businesses. 3,000+ sq. ft. center hall colonial homes for $450k (except, often on smaller lots), with short commutes to seemingly abundant corporate jobs in office parks mixed into the commercial corridors of the north dallas suburbs or 35-40 minute commute to Downtown Dallas, all driven on beautiful well-kept highways.

    Regarding deterioration of these neighborhoods . . . a lot of the close-in North Dallas suburbs were built in the 1990’s and they still appear to be wealthier areas (meaning safe, respectful, well-kept and not any noticeably ghetto people). I don’t see that changing in the medium term future.

    2624 Courtside Ln., Plano, TX
    $9.5k annual property tax
    3389 sq. ft.
    9,000 sq ft lot

    351 Raymond St., Hillsdale, NJ
    $11.5k annual property tax
    Probably 2,000 sq ft house
    10,000 sq ft lot

  273. Phoenix says:

    America, the land of secrets.

    As dirty as China but can’t admit it.

  274. 3b says:

    Juice: Of course if we switched this and it was Trump kids there would be outrage, including among the Democrats here. But since it’s Biden, it’s dismissed as nothing, of course it may turn out that the laptop was hacked and this whole thing was a set up, I am not a tech guy, so I don’t know. But what is so shocking is the sheer hypocrisy among Democrats including those here. Even if it turns out the laptop/emails are all real, they will still dismiss it. It’s amazing to me.

  275. crushednjmillenial says:

    ^anybody want to guesstimate how much the Texas house would cost if it was built verbatim on the Hillsdalle, NJ lot?

    I’m not sure, but I am thinking it would be something like $1.1M – $1.2M, with a property tax bill of $30k-$35k per year?

  276. Phoenix says:

    Ghetto people. Section 8. Low Income, Single Moms.

    White women look at them like the zombies on Walking Dead.

    Probably would want the police to kill them so they can’t make it into their neighborhood.

    This is the type.

  277. Phoenix says:

    Another “accident” on the rail lines. NJ Transit puts more NJ people out of their misery than anyone else.


  278. Phoenix says:

    ACB gonna fly through.


  279. Juice Box says:

    3b – FBI authenticated it first by making a copy, they came back later with a subpoena for the laptop. The FBI told the MAC repair shop owner to stall if Hunter came back for it. Not sure what happened during the investigation but apparently the FBI though it was worth the criminals referral to the Attorney General’s office.

    We may never know what that criminal referral was, but Hunter and his Uncle setup a LLC in Delaware for kickbacks. HUDSON WEST III LLC incorporated 19 April 2016.

    The kickback was making the Chairman Ye Jianming of the Chinese Energy Company ( CEFC China Energy) 50% owner of HUDSON WEST III LLC and the Bidens the other 50%. The 30 million they were expecting was to be split 50/50.

    The Senate investigative report shows they got about 5 million transferred into the HUDSON WEST III LLC from CHINA before something happened.

  280. 3b says:

    Phoenix A lot of people have committed suicide on my train line over the years. Seems to be middle aged men and teenagers for the most part.

  281. Juice Box says:

    Something happened to Ye Jianming. He was disappeared in China.

    This guy..


  282. ExEssex says:

    Republicans are laughing all the way to the polls!

    We got hUntEr they exclaim! When in fact they’re pissed Hunter grifts
    better than they do. The strippers he bangs want to marry him…

  283. ExEssex says:

    9:30 probably displaced Bond Brokers….

  284. 3b says:

    Juice: Some strong evidence there. I wonder why the owner waited this long to come forward.

  285. homeboken says:

    This is a real question I have for those that defend the Biden’s in this Burisma/Ukraine mess:

    Why would the VPOTUS be involved with the hiring/firing decisions of some prosecutor in the Ukraine? So involved and determined to see this man fired, that he threatened to cancel a scheduled $1BN in tax-payer funded loan guarantees to Ukraine?

    The firing of this prosecutor is not in doubt. Joe Biden gave us all a long video description of what he did with that guy.

    So explain to me – What is the reasoning that the VP would be so intamately involved in the staffing of prosecutors in a country like Ukraine?

  286. Juice Box says:

    3b he did not wait the FBI was contacted last year, he was told to keep quiet. The details
    Of how Giuliani got a copy from him are murky but Guilani’s lawyer did get a copy and gave it to the NY Post to publish.

  287. Hold my beer says:


    He is a micromanager. Very hands on leader. Pure coincidence his son was on the board the prosecutor was investigating. /s

  288. Phoenix says:

    The strippers he bangs want to marry him…

    Women will sell their souls for money, and water is wet.

    “You guys stood by us toxic white males through centuries of our crimes against humanity. You rolled around in the blood money. Occasionally, when you wanted to sneak out and hook up with a Black dude, if you got caught, you said it wasn’t consensual.” Bill Burr.

  289. TruthIsTheEnemy says:

    The propaganda industry will ignore Biden’s selling us out around the globe just like they ignored Hillary doing it with Clinton global slush fund. It backfired last time.

  290. Phoenix says:

    “Of how Giuliani got a copy from him are murky”

    Yeah, things just float on over to his residence. Laptop repair guy had nothing to do with it…

  291. Phoenix says:

    Biden knows nothing about this.
    Really, he doesn’t.
    He does not know what day it is, or if he took his pills this morning. Or whose hair he sniffed.
    The dementia defense.

  292. Phoenix says:

    After 900 layoffs and 6,400 furloughs, Rutgers says more cuts are coming

    Have fun paying your mortgages and taxes in NJ.

    Don’t worry, some Chinese guy will buy your property.

  293. SmallGovConservative says:

    Questions for anyone that has recent experience buying a diamond, or otherwise has some insight into buying a diamond — I know not real estate or politics, but hoping someone here has thoughts…
    – Does it matter where you buy? Is a diamond just a commodity such that the price you end up paying at Zales in the mall is likely to be roughly the same as any deal you’d get in the diamond district in NYC or jewelers row in Philly?
    – If buying in the diamond district, are you typically just buying the stone there or does it make sense to buy a ring there as well?

    Any other thoughts on diamond buying appreciated as well…

  294. Hold my beer says:


    Those established neighborhoods are pretty nice. I like all the mom and pop places.
    The new neighborhoods are mostly chains, either local, regional, or national.

    If you like burgers try LA Burger next time you are in that area. It’s a local chain based in those north Dallas suburbs. Great toppings. My favorite Korean place is Hot stone Korean kitchen in Dallas. It’s home style place. You order and pick up your food at the counter. They only serve water. No tipping. I’m usually the only non Korean in the place. Carrollton now has Korean street eats. It’s all stuff you would get from a street cart in Korea. I get take out there or Taste of Korea (also no tips and counter pickup) when I go to hmart in Carrollton

  295. 3b says:

    Juice: Missed that part. So the FBI told him to stay quiet. That is disturbing.

  296. Hold my beer says:

    And I think that Plano house would be 1 million or more in north Jersey.

  297. Phoenix says:

    Any other thoughts on diamond buying appreciated as well…

    Buy her a Yukon XL instead. You can enjoy it as well, and you can get half of it back in the divorce.

  298. Chicago says:

    “10 held by H for the big guy”

    Fab. Explain that you whirling dervish of spin.

    Holy sh!t

  299. njtownhomer says:

    The moment you buy a stone, the resale value goes down 30-40%. I’d try gold coins or bullions instead if lucky to convince her -:)

  300. ExEssex says:

    There’s a lot of back and forth here. Let’s just agree that this whole election is just good ol’ fun American style.

    Whoever wins we are still f’ed.

  301. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Of course that house is going to be more in Bergen county. It’s right next to NYC. One of the best places to live in the country. Have anything your heart can desire at your finger tips..

    You are basically living the best of both worlds in Bergen county. Still the feel of a little town, basically small town rule (lots of control at the local level), yet basically located in the biggest city in the United States.

  302. Juice Box says:

    re: “Whoever wins we are still f’ed”

    Whomever wins the popular vote make not be elected president. We should all accept that now.

  303. walking says:

    SmallGovCon, I would school up on pricing, online first. Ebay will give you a good idea of pawn shop and retail pricing for diamonds. Theres plenty of lost love on display on ebay which should give you an idea of what you want. The diamond districts can be a little confusing if you dont know what you are doing. Anyway get a karat, go for color and dont worry about minor flaws that you only see with a magnifying glass. She will not be wearing the ring after 7 years anyway. I checked up on pricing of the diamond I bought 20 years ago and its worth about 20% less now at retail pawn shop prices. Which means if I would need to sell it I could expect 1/2 what I paid retail 20 years ago. The reasons are numerous, but one factor is diamonds are kinda in the same category of fur coats right now and not politically acceptable in certain circles. .
    I did get a new blinged up setting with the diamond for our 20 year anniversary. The jeweler was more interested in the gold value of the old ring vs the diamond itself and was trying hard to cut a deal on it. Its funny cause back in the 90’s when gold was rock bottom, they would throw the ring and mounting for free. Anyway I talked him into putting a cubic zirc on it not knowing if the ring had sentimental value or not and playing it safe. He put a 1 karat zirc on it for free.

  304. ExEssex says:

    10:34 I think we need to accept the fact that we are looking at a lot of pain for “most” taxpayers in nearly every state. Good Luck folks! It’s going to be a bumpy ride

  305. NJCoast says:

    SGC- Try looking at Costco for diamonds. Their diamonds are GIA rated which is a universal system. Mark up is 15%. Jewelry in the mall stores are usually triple cost, then they run 50% off sales. If you like to bargain go with cash to 47th st NYC, know what you’re looking at and haggle away.

  306. Phoenix says:

    Show this to her and if she still demands one you know what you have.


  307. 3b says:

    Essex: That we can agree on.

  308. JCer says:

    That Plano house would be around 900k-1m in Bergen, Essex, or Union county suburbs and the taxes would be 20-25k. But again you are in Plano not Dallas location matters. That game can be played in Jersey as well, this listing is 100 days old in a hot market so it is priced above market, the home is larger, newer and definitely has better schools, taxes are pushing 20k(that’s the crime here).


    Jersey is not “that close” to NYC but NYC is a tremendously expensive housing market hence LI, Westchester, CT and Jersey having high housing prices. In commutable areas NYC salary is at least 20% higher than a Dallas Salary possibly as much as 40% higher, unfortunately taxes and commuting costs eat a lot of that difference. Jersey is a funny beast as are the other suburbs around NYC in that some people make a NYC salary while others don’t, generally the only way you get a NYC salary in NJ is jumping from NYC to Jersey companies pay based on last job. In a different market(besides LA, SF, Chicago, etc) the wife an I would lose at least 100k(50k each) in salary maybe more which basically covers our housing expenses entirely(mortgage(36k), property taxes(36k), insurance(5k), utilities(7k incl. cable, internet, alarm, etc), maintenance(10k)) comfortably. So pumps is correct in saying the value prop is positive even with crushing taxes and high housing costs we get to keep more money here than we would working in the sunbelt.

  309. Phoenix says:

    10:34 I think we need to accept the fact that we are looking at a lot of pain for “most” taxpayers in nearly every state. Good Luck folks! It’s going to be a bumpy ride.

    Taxpayers can afford trinkets of compressed carbon for the market brainwashed people in their lives. Pay your taxes.

  310. Phoenix says:

    taxes are pushing 20k(that’s the crime here).

    No, the crime here is that even with the 20k taxes, the state is 200 BILLION in debt to the retirees.

    How does that simple, yet major fact, always seem to be forgotten? Do we forget how much we owe on our mortgages or our credit card balances? Or are we just a bunch of old boomers who just plan to kick the can down the line?

  311. ExEssex says:

    The Boomers in public service made out really well.
    30 years plus of job security and essentially retire
    to some cheap state that doesn’t tax pensions and live the life of Riley.

  312. JCer says:

    The whole Hunter Biden scandal is a BIG DEAL, the left downplaying it reeks of hypocrisy. Here we have a known crackhead peddling influence, setting up meetings with the sitting VP and corrupt foreign entities and the democrats want us to believe it’s a nothing burger. Meanwhile they sling accusations of corruption over Chinese trademarks of the “Ivanka Trump” brand, really? We are talking about millions paid to Hunter, these people are sneaky the emails saying I can’t influence policy are missing the “wink, wink”. It is basically telegraphing what they intend to do while denying it, peddling influence while stating you are not is still peddling influence! This is way bigger than what they impeached Trump over, and the impeachment was a smoke screen to cover this malfeasance.

  313. ExEssex says:

    JCer there is no shortage of outrage on either side.

  314. Phoenix says:

    the left downplaying it reeks of hypocrisy.

    Both sides say their feces are odorless. Anyone with a brain knows that.

    We accept this as a nation. So deal with it.

  315. chicagofinance says:

    have problems posting

  316. chicagofinance says:

    SGC: You probably know this information, but there are 4 variables….

    Color, Clarity, Cut and Carat Weight.

    I last bothered with this stuff in 1997, so take this quick take as really dated.

    First, any of the mall shopping/retail stuff is junk.
    The good stuff is sold at upscale places, usually at a 50%-100% markup.

    Once you understand the 4 C’s, it immediately becomes clear what is good and what is junk.

  317. chicagofinance says:

    I bought on 47th Street through a wh0lesaler, and when I had it appraised for insurance, it was immediately maybe double what I paid.

    It is a vague memory, but one of the easiest cheats is CUT. A good cut will allow light to be refracted through the stone and make it look fiery. A POS stone will look like a piece of glass. Any time you go to a store and they constantly steam the stone and have tons of mirrors and lights, they are attempting to make a crap cut look as if it is high quality and fiery.

    So the cut has to have a certain depth to it, and that shape allows light to go through it and make it look great in any condition, not just in the showroom. Garbage looks like glass.

    Color is color….. you go for as yellow as you can tolerate (which is likely not too much)
    Clarity…… depends on how obvious the flaws are and their size. Any woman demanding flawless should be married to Phoenix or Leftwing.

    Size is size….

    You’ll see…… spend some time just looking at diamonds, screw the final product .

    In 1997, there was just the beginning of synthetics….. I have no idea what impact is one the market since then. It used to be that you had to mine the stuff and have a great diamond cutter (a person) to fashion stones. Who knows WTF is out there now?

    Personally, I proposed without the ring, we shopped together after the fact and she got EXACTLY what she wanted with my input. If the woman will not tolerate such an approach, I think that speaks VOLUMES right there….. NEXT!

  318. Phoenix says:

    It all starts with the legal system, what is legal, and who voted to make it legal.

    There was a time when it was “legal” to own slaves.
    There was a time when it was “legal” to marry children.
    There is a time when it’s legal to write of 70K in orange hair spray paint.

    Doesn’t make any of those things right. The biggest problem America has is that the entire government if comprised of slimy lawyers.

  319. Phoenix says:

    If the woman will not tolerate such an approach, I think that speaks VOLUMES right there….. NEXT!


  320. crushednjmillenial says:

    Lab-created diamonds are going to crush the mined product, over time. Lab-created is a real, genuine diamond, but is was just produced in a lab by applying huge pressure and heat to carbon. Much, much less expensive than mined diamonds.

    At some point, the symbol of love will need to become a different material that can’t be produced in a less expensive manner. I don’t know what that would be.

  321. Phoenix says:

    There is actually a fifth C, but we won’t mention that one here. That one determines the price of the diamond…

  322. Phoenix says:

    And the house.

  323. Walking says:

    Chifi, The appraisal value unfortunately does not mean much. As we always say on here its what the market will pay. Unfortunately used diamonds, even if they are pedigree stuff, are still used, and have a negative vibes for women. Tell any future bride you got her a 2nd hand Cartier ring from a divorced wife on Craigslist and you would be better off giving her an iphone.

    As for the lab created gems, yes that is the politically correct woke way to get engaged now. The problem is the lab created stuff is priced within reach of a real diamond. So you need to really believe in the social cause to go lab created as you are not saving much. My example of the free 1 carat cubic zirc the jeweler threw on as a throwaway on the original ring should make you think of the real value lab created diamonds, or all diamonds in general.

  324. chicagofinance says:

    crushed: FWIW, I happen to have the GIA paperwork right next to where I am typing this post.

    Clarity VS1
    Color E
    Depth 74.2%
    Table 82%
    Girdle: Thin to Slightly Thick
    Shape: Rectangular Modified Brilliant

    Size is size

    The above is a great looking diamond….. you can certainly do better. The cut made the stone…… the VS1 was pushing it, but the flaws weren’t really bad.

  325. Walking says:

    Phoenix, of all my memories about getting engaged, the one at the time I did not understand but do now: A coworker in is 40’s coming up to me and just repeating Fck You, Fck you, Fck you three time to my face after hearing the news. Walked away never explained himself never said anything else about it. For years I never understood the meaning. In my 40s now I understand.

  326. Libturd, with diamonds on the soul of his shoes says:

    Oh, the diamond ring. This was one of Captain Cheapo’s absolutely most difficult purchases. Why? Because there really isn’t a lot of money to be saved here. Personally, I find a diamond the single biggest waste of money. Further yet, it’s a crap shoot whether to insure it or not.

    I did more research on this than probably my son’s cancer. In the end, I might have saved maybe $500 tops on a $12,000 diamond. This included a drive all the way out to Good Old Gold in Massapequa. If you want an absolute no pressure sale at a price that matches those in the diamond district, see if Johnathon is still alive.

    Some basics, since I am not going to repeat the 3 Ks and the obvious.

    Buying a diamond is like collecting baseball cards. You will pay a premium to the seller and will never recoup it when and if you sell it. Avoid the latest and greatest crazes. Gator used to have my rich grandmother’s (grandpa worked for Capone) super expensive nearly flawless wedding ring. In the 1800s and start of the 1900s, they were all the rage. Today, diamonds are laser cut and always round. Back then, they were handtooled and they thought if you cut the point off of the diamond, it would allow more light through for greater sparkle. Unfortunately, they can be clearly identified as you can see the tip cut-off when you look into the center of the ring. There’s literally a circle in it. Back then, this was the standard. There’s really only been one major change since then and that is to not snip the point off the diamond. That diamond is now worth a lot in sentimental value, and very little on 45th Street. Sure, there are lot’s of shapes, levels of clarity, visible and non-visible imperfections and even color added options available when you buy today. Remember, baseball card. You can get a Reggie Jackson rookie card that’s been through the washing machine and placed in someone’s bicycle spokes for about $10. You can also get a flawless, never touched version for $20K. The problem here, is that when you sell them, you’ll never find a buyer for the former, and you’ll take a large hit percentage-wise for the latter. But, you can sell the latter easily, which is key.

    Like buying furniture, don’t go unusual. You’ll get crap for it in as little as ten years down the road when people question why anyone would ever do that to a diamond. Kind of like paying extra to have cabinets distressed. Who you kidding with that crap. Still want to be cutting edge? I’ll send you a gallon of pine nuts that Emeril claimed would “bam” up nearly everything for a $1.

    So in the early 2000’s all of my research said, “Get the highest clarity and cleanest color you can afford without any visual imperfections.” Don’t fukc around with the cut. Don’t buy a diamond that does not come with the major lab certification. You’re buying a used car. Spend the $50 on the carfax report you idiot, if it’s not included (if it is, it means it’s in the price already). The less unusual and higher the quality, the easier it will be to sell. And one day, someone will sell it. Trust me.

    As for insurance, we added a rider to our home insurance policy. It was like $250 a year. Sounds like a good deal to cover a $12,000 purchase? Well 20 years later, you will have paid $5,000 to insure a ring worth $10K if you shopped smart. Over the length of a full mariage? You’ll pay for that ring twice. If you live in a safe area and your wife isn’t a clutz, or not likely to wear it except to formal parties (you would be surprised how often this becomes the case, just check out the MILF set for example). You probably just want to take the risk or cover it for the first five or so years. If you bought that dumb heart shaped diamond with the purple color, marketed with stupid name like Princitopia with the Bebo cut? Forget insurance completely. They probably won’t pay you on it anyway.

    Finally, you can either buy from the diamond district where you’ll have the same hassle as when you buy a car? Or you can go to jewelry stores where the price is fixed. We chose Good Old Gold because at the time, they were known for providing pretty fair pricing without the hassle and were known to be non-pressure based on volume. They don’t advertise, so you don’t pay for that. It’s all word-of-mouth. Not sure if that’s still how it works today, so YMMV. I would steer very clear from Jared’s and the like. I also heard buying on-line is safe and a pretty good deal too. Back when I was buying, it was just becoming a thing. It’s probably pretty fair now. Just don’t fall for the marketing. Remember, it’s a shiny rock. Nothing more. You never know. In ten years, people might be marking themselves married with a tattoo.

    Go get ’em tigers. Of course, for a small fee of $500, I will gladly dress up like a Chasid, will find you the perfect CZ, and we’ll make up some fake lab documents. All this is included in the price. For an extra $100, I can invite some friends to yell out, “it’s Szell, it’s Szell!” if your wife wants to reenact the Marathon Man (I’ve heard some are into that thing).


  327. Phoenix says:

    Guantanamo Bay is still open. Can we waterboard Hunter?

  328. chicagofinance says:

    I have the paperwork here.
    1997 wh0lesale purchase price I paid $6,812
    Appraised value at Callahan Jewelers in Closter $16,275

  329. Libturd, with diamonds on the soul of his shoes says:

    Oh, the diamond ring. This was one of Captain Cheapo’s absolutely most difficult purchases. Why? Because there really isn’t a lot of money to be saved here. Personally, I find a diamond the single biggest waste of money. Further yet, it’s a crap shoot whether to insure it or not.

    I did more research on this than probably my son’s cancer. In the end, I might have saved maybe $500 tops on a $12,000 diamond. This included a drive all the way out to Good Old Gold in Massapequa. If you want an absolute no pressure sale at a price that matches those in the diamond district, see if Johnathon is still alive.

    Some basics, since I am not going to repeat the 3 Ks and the obvious.

    Buying a diamond is like collecting baseball cards. You will pay a premium to the seller and will never recoup it when and if you sell it. Avoid the latest and greatest crazes. Gator used to have my rich grandmother’s (grandpa worked for Capone) super expensive nearly flawless wedding ring. In the 1800s and start of the 1900s, they were all the rage. Today, diamonds are laser cut and always round. Back then, they were handtooled and they thought if you cut the point off of the diamond, it would allow more light through for greater sparkle. Unfortunately, they can be clearly identified as you can see the tip cut-off when you look into the center of the ring. There’s literally a circle in it. Back then, this was the standard. There’s really only been one major change since then and that is to not snip the point off the diamond. That diamond is now worth a lot in sentimental value, and very little on 45th Street. Sure, there are lot’s of shapes, levels of clarity, visible and non-visible imperfections and even color added options available when you buy today. Remember, baseball card. You can get a Reggie Jackson rookie card that’s been through the washing machine and placed in someone’s bicycle spokes for about $10. You can also get a flawless, never touched version for $20K. The problem here, is that when you sell them, you’ll never find a buyer for the former, and you’ll take a large hit percentage-wise for the latter. But, you can sell the latter easily, which is key.

    Like buying furniture, don’t go unusual. You’ll get crap for it in as little as ten years down the road when people question why anyone would ever do that to a diamond. Kind of like paying extra to have cabinets distressed. Who you kidding with that crap. Still want to be cutting edge? I’ll send you a gallon of pine nuts that Emeril claimed would “bam” up nearly everything for a $1.

    So in the early 2000’s all of my research said, “Get the highest clarity and cleanest color you can afford without any visual imperfections.” Don’t fukc around with the cut. Don’t buy a diamond that does not come with the major lab certification. You’re buying a used car. Spend the $50 on the carfax report you idiot, if it’s not included (if it is, it means it’s in the price already). The less unusual and higher the quality, the easier it will be to sell. And one day, someone will sell it. Trust me.

    As for insurance, we added a rider to our home insurance policy. It was like $250 a year. Sounds like a good deal to cover a $12,000 purchase? Well 20 years later, you will have paid $5,000 to insure a ring worth $10K if you shopped smart. Over the length of a full mariage? You’ll pay for that ring twice. If you live in a safe area and your wife isn’t a clutz, or not likely to wear it except to formal parties (you would be surprised how often this becomes the case, just check out the MILF set for example). You probably just want to take the risk or cover it for the first five or so years. If you bought that dumb heart shaped diamond with the purple color, marketed with stupid name like Princitopia with the Bebo cut? Forget insurance completely. They probably won’t pay you on it anyway.

    Finally, you can either buy from the diamond district where you’ll have the same hassle as when you buy a car? Or you can go to jewelry stores where the price is fixed. We chose Good Old Gold because at the time, they were known for providing pretty fair pricing without the hassle and were known to be non-pressure based on volume. They don’t advertise, so you don’t pay for that. It’s all word-of-mouth. Not sure if that’s still how it works today, so YMMV. I would steer very clear from Jarhead’s and the like. I also heard buying on-line is safe and a pretty good deal too. Back when I was buying, it was just becoming a thing. It’s probably pretty fair now. Just don’t fall for the marketing. Remember, it’s a shiny rock. Nothing more. You never know. In ten years, people might be marking themselves married with a tattoo.

    Go get ’em tigers. Of course, for a small fee of $500, I will gladly dress up like a Chasid, will find you the perfect CZ, and we’ll make up some fake lab documents. All this is included in the price. For an extra $100, I can invite some friends to yell out, “it’s Szell, it’s Szell!” if your wife wants to reenact the Marathon Man (I’ve heard some are into that thing).


  330. Phoenix says:

    In my 40s now I understand.

    Enlighten me. I don’t get it?
    Am I supposed to?

  331. Phoenix says:

    Unless it was his girlfriend you hooked up with, or his daughter, well, then it would make sense.

  332. Libturd, with diamonds on the soul of his shoes says:

    Oh, the diamond ring. This was one of Captain Cheapo’s absolutely most difficult purchases. Why? Because there really isn’t a lot of money to be saved here. Personally, I find a diamond the single biggest waste of money. Further yet, it’s a crap shoot whether to insure it or not.

    I did more research on this than probably my son’s cancer. In the end, I might have saved maybe $500 tops on a $12,000 diamond. This included a drive all the way out to Good Old Gold in M@ssapequa. If you want an absolute no pressure sale at a price that matches those in the diamond district, see if Johnathon is still alive.

    Some basics, since I am not going to repeat the 4 Ks and the obvious.

    Buying a diamond is like collecting baseball cards. You will pay a premium to the seller and will never recoup it when and if you sell it. Avoid the latest and greatest crazes. Gator used to have my rich grandmother’s (grandpa worked for Capone) super expensive nearly flawless wedding ring. In the 1800s and start of the 1900s, they were all the rage. Today, diamonds are laser cut and always round. Back then, they were handtooled and they thought if you cut the point off of the diamond, it would allow more light through for greater sparkle. Unfortunately, they can be clearly identified as you can see the tip cut-off when you look into the center of the ring. There’s literally a visual circle in it. Back then, this was the standard. There’s really only been one major change since then and that is to not snip the point off the diamond. That diamond is now worth a lot in sentimental value, and very little on 45th Street. Sure, there are lot’s of shapes, levels of clarity, visible and non-visible imperfections and even color added options available when you buy today. Remember, baseball cards. You can get a Reggie Jackson rookie card that’s been through the washing machine and placed in someone’s bicycle spokes for about $10. You can also get a flawless, never touched, version for $20K. The problem here, is that when you sell them, you’ll never find a buyer for the former, and you’ll take a large hit percentage-wise for the latter. But, you can sell the latter easily, which is key.

    Like buying furniture, don’t go unusual. You’ll get crap for it in as little as ten years down the road when people question why anyone would ever do that to a diamond. Kind of like paying extra to have cabinets distressed. Who you kidding with that crap. Still want to be cutting edge? I’ll send you a gallon of pine nuts that Emer1l claimed would “bam” up nearly everything for a $1.

    So in the early 2000s all of my research said, “Get the highest clarity and cleanest color you can afford without any visual imperfections.” Don’t fukc around with the cut. Don’t buy a diamond that does not come with the major lab certification. You’re buying a used car. Spend the $50 on the carf@x report you idiot, if it’s not included (if it is, it means it’s in the price already). The less unusual and higher the quality, the easier it will be to sell. And one day, someone will sell it. Trust me.

    As for insurance, we added a rider to our home insurance policy. It was like $250 a year. Sounds like a good deal to cover a $12,000 purchase? Well 20 years later, you will have paid $5,000 to insure a ring worth $10K if you shopped smart. Over the length of a full marriage? You’ll pay for that ring twice. If you live in a safe area and your wife isn’t a klutz, or not likely to wear it except to formal parties (you would be surprised how often this becomes the case, just check out the M1LF set for example). You probably just want to take the risk or cover it for the first five or so years. If you bought that dumb heart shaped diamond with the purple color, marketed with stupid name like Princitopia with the Bebo cut? Forget insurance completely. They probably won’t pay you on it anyway.

    Finally, you can either buy from the diamond district where you’ll have the same hassle as when you buy a car? Or you can go to jewelry stores where the price is fixed. We chose Good Old Gold because at the time, they were known for providing pretty fair pricing without the hassle and were known to be non-pressure based on volume. They don’t advertise, so you don’t pay for that. It’s all word-of-mouth. Not sure if that’s still how it works today, so YMMV. I would steer very clear from Jarhead’s and the like. I also heard buying on-line is safe and a pretty good deal too. Back when I was buying, it was just becoming a thing. It’s probably pretty fair now. Just don’t fall for the marketing. Remember, it’s a shiny rock. Nothing more. You never know. In ten years, people might be marking themselves married with a tattoo.

    Go get ’em tigers. Of course, for a small fee of $500, I will gladly dress up like a Chasid, will find you the perfect CZ, and we’ll make up some fake lab documents. All this is included in the price. For an extra $100, I can invite some friends to yell out, “it’s Szell, it’s Szell!” if your wife wants to reenact the Marathon Man (I’ve heard some are into that thing).


  333. Phoenix says:

    Ahh, 3rd possibility. Maybe he wanted you as his woman. Now there is a horror thought. Or not, depending on what some are into. Personally that would give me nightmares but hope you sleep well.

  334. Walking says:

    In your 20s your in love, you think this is great and there is hope for spending a long life together. In your 40’s when you hear a guy say he wants to marry the love of his life and she is perfect in every way, my soulmate forever. the only way to enlighten him, snap him out of the mistake is to drop the F bomb. Unfortunately even that will not wake him from the trance. Kids, mortgage payments, life happens one day you realize what F was I thinking when I bought the ring. The voice, the calm tone, comes back every so often,

  335. The Great Pumpkin says:

    People should understand this.

    There is no magical place where you make top dollar and have low costs. Nowhere.

    Based on history, housing markets usually don’t bust hard. Early 2000’s wasn’t the norm. So if a market is expensive, it doesn’t mean it’s in a bubble. It means it is in high demand NOW. It’s like the talk with diamonds today. The most in demand, will fetch the highest price. NYC metro area is expensive because it is desirable. Don’t take my word for it, just look at the market pricing that is being supported.

    So you can tell me that you bought a much cheaper place in another location, but don’t lie to yourself and tell me it’s better. Price says otherwise. Cheap equals less demand. Simple as that.

  336. walking says:

    He was going through a rough divorce at the time. She would come to work screaming in the lobby, carrying out a scene. Sorry about not including the context.

  337. D-FENS says:

    Sh1t I have a former co-worker who landed a job as a director for an information security company in Canada. He’s currently living in Colombia.

  338. 3b says:

    Defens: We just hired another person, will be based in the mid west, this spot would have been NYC last year. We are geographically agnostic to use the corporate term.

  339. homeboken says:

    Follow up to my first question on Biden –

    It appears factual that the FBI subpoened this laptop from the repair shop owner once it became aware of what was on it.

    The question – Why would the FBI be interested in taking possession of said laptop? Was Hunter Biden, Deven Archer or others being investigated? The FBI doesn’t really subpoena evidence like that unless it is tied to a case or investigation.

    So why does the FBI want the lap-top and external hard drive?

    Also fun to note that this all comes out now, after millions of people have already cast their general election ballot.

  340. Libturd says:


    You spurred my curiousity.

    Clarity VS2
    Color D
    Depth 73.8%
    Table 68%
    Girdle: Thick to Very Thick
    Shape: Square Modified Brilliant

    I see square is not in as much favor as round. What was I thinking? :P

    If I sold today, I’d be lucky to get 6K for it. I just searched. What a supreme waste of time and money.

  341. Libturd says:


    How much of all of this stuff is true or Qanon generated?


    You obviously don’t know the story of Chicken Little.

  342. Walking says:

    Lib, at least you will be pleasantly surprised how much the gold in the ring is worth.

  343. Libturd says:

    I spent $600 on a really sharp Platinum band. Lost some weight and it washed off in the ocean. Hopefully, I made some creepy dude with a metal detector very happy.

  344. 3b says:

    Lib What if it’s all True, or most of it?

  345. homeboken says:

    Lib – You are a realist, like me. Think of the complicated nature of such a scam.

    THe Q folks or GOP would have to create an entire hard-drive of emails, photos, videos AND store them all on a lap-top, then bury that laptop at some repair shop, with a receipt issued, with Hunter’s name and signature AND do all of this 2 years ago.

    There is no conspiracy group or con artist that would have the foresight to set this all up, years before Biden even became the candidate.

    Lastly – I am not an IT guy, I am a total dumby with tech. But I see email addresses, time-stamps etc in the NY Post docs. From my understanding, all this digital communication leaves trails that can be unearthed. IP addresses, servers, etc. That information all lives and is likely already been verified.

    If this whole Biden hard drive thing is a hoax, then I TOTALLY underestimated the GOP’s ability to play the long con.

    Sorry, I dont buy it. More plausible, is that this is true. And Hunter made a really bone-head decision by taking his laptop to a shop and then leaving it there.

  346. chicagofinance says:

    The point is Hunter Biden is a careless entitled drug addict grifter enabled by his dad.
    …..and his dad was getting a cut of the action…..which is slimy, awful and morally contemptable, but doesn’t rise to the level of criminality even though he was a sitting VPOTUS. That said, if Joe Biden never bothered to run for POTUS, he could sit back and enjoy the graft, but he is too much of an old school ego driven narcissist. The rub is that Biden is supposed to be candidate with the greater moral compass; the adult in the room. It is clear that as person, he is just as corrupted, mean spirited, ego driven and inoculated from the common man as Trump. Is there even an argument anymore?

    homeboken says:
    October 15, 2020 at 1:14 pm
    Sorry, I dont buy it. More plausible, is that this is true. And Hunter made a really bone-head decision by taking his laptop to a shop and then leaving it there.

  347. Phoenix says:

    In a second call that was first revealed Wednesday, Cooper “repeated the accusation and added that the man ‘tried to assault her.’ When responding officers arrived, Ms. Cooper admitted that he had not ‘tried to assault’ or come into contact with her,” the news release said.

    “Fortunately, no one was injured or killed in the police response to Ms. Cooper’s hoax,” Vance said.

  348. Juice Box says:

    Homeboken – after being notified of it’s existence the FBI copied the laptop, saw what we know now and made a criminal referral, they would have verified the authencity of the data found on it, so no HOAX was occurring. The federal subpoena was for a Grand Jury investigate and the laptop was taken into formal evidence. Nothing came of it so far, this was December of 2019.

    As far as a Hoax the Senate report pointed out what I outlined above. The Senate investigative report shows Biden got about 5 million transferred into the HUDSON WEST III LLC from CHINA before something happened to Chairman Ye Jianming of that Chinese Energy company.

    It stinks to high heaven…

  349. Hold my beer says:


    Any woman demanding flawless should be married to Phoenix or Leftwing.”


  350. Juice Box says:

    I lost my band, went quietly to the store and bought a new one, then found the lost band in my house so now I have two.

  351. 3b says:

    Chgo: Great points. As for the criminality , I don’t know, not a lawyer, but it certainly appears criminal to me. If not, it should be. Biden is a 47 year career politician who is corrupt as yo note. Trump is a buffoon, and he will be gone, and all can rejoice how democracy was saved.

  352. homeboken says:

    Speaking of Joe – The guy has only pulled a government salary for 47 years. Granted, he probably had some book deals while in the Senate (which is a practice that needs to end) but tell me, how does a senator afford these homes.

    You remember Goodfella’s when Johnny Roastbeef shows up with the pink cadillac and Jimmy Conway goes nuts on him, Amassing millions of dollars in assets while he was a senator and his wife was a school teacher. You telling me this all seems up-and-up to you? And it’s not inherited wealth, Ive heard Joe tell the story about him being “labor from his belt-buckle to his shoe leather” about 50 times.


  353. D-FENS says:

    Hunter’s text to Naomi: “But I don’t receive any respect and that’s fine I guess. Works for you, apparently. I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years. It’s really hard, but don’t worry, unlike Pop (Joe Biden) I won’t make you give me half your salary.”

  354. JCer says:

    Good to know I’m not the only one who lost the wedding band. Same as Lib I got the nifty platinum band. It didn’t even make it back from the honeymoon, stolen from the hotel room when I forgot to put it on, replaced with cheaper white gold band. I got my diamond from the diamond district and had it shipped to avoid sales tax, which is no longer an option.

    What occurred with Joe Biden probably does rise to the level of criminal, the issue is the evidence. There isn’t any evidence to show Joe received the money, the text where hunter alluded to this with his sister is about as close as we come to a smoking gun. Criminal yes but not dumb enough to have any incriminating evidence. The NSA could probably incriminate Joe but they would never expose thier hand, the big issue here is Biden can definitely be blackmailed with some of this information out there. So the question becomes does President Joe Biden get blackmailed by intelligence services here and abroad? The question is was this information being buried so the levers of powers can use president Biden toward their goals?

  355. Libturd says:

    See the problem here is that the left doesn’t see anything worse with it than Trump simply assigning every single family member a post in his cabinet. Even if it is 100% true and it very well might be, Biden is not going to make Mr. Pillow an advisor, tell you that the pandemic will be over by Easter and that there will be a vaccine by tomorrow.

    I’m not a wonk. I don’t waste much time reading the tabloids. I already know they are ALL corrupt. I never try to deny that.

    Voters are not wonky. They look at the entire body of work, not just what happened yesterday.

    This is the real part that you and your cohorts don’t get. So try to listen carefully.

    Nothing means more to me right now than this pandemic ending. I look at Trump rallies and his supporters by enlarge STILL don’t believe in wearing masks. The POTUS himself caused this nightmare. I don’t need to link to his hundreds of stupidly false statements to show you how. You know all of this already. If I want to go to the shore, I should not be confronted by hundreds of maskless, selfish pricks. This directly affects me and my family every day. There are hundreds of places we wish could be opened, but the POTUS has conveyed that masks are for wimps so we can no longer go there. So it doesn’t matter if Biden is as corrupt as Trump. What we do know about him is that he wants to put an end to the pandemic rather than make false promises about it. That is what matters to most of us right now. We are not in lockdown. If you listen to Trump speak, you would think our doors and windows were boarded shut. The economy can run with masks on. BUT IT DOESN’T FIT JUST ANOTHER ONE OF HIS THOUSANDS OF FALSE NARRATIVES! And yes, the Dems suck too.

    Hope this helps. Take a break from the Post and Fox News and MSNBC and WAPO. Think about what really matters. Enough with the dumb wonky narratives from both sides.

    At the end of the day, I just want to be able to provide for my family, waste money on a diamond and eat some shitty pizza.

  356. homeboken says:

    Lib – Your position is well known here and you were articulate in stating your desires, that is “no more pandemic”

    I am led to beleive that you are willing to elect, what appears to a be, a life-long criminal because you think that him taking office will magically cure a novel coronavirus.

    I will say this much – As far as you are concerned, if on 11/4, Joe is declared the winner, then you only have to wait until January for the virus to be over. COme innaugration day, you will never hear another stat about case-load, hospitalizations or transmission rates. The media will quit reporting about the virus full-stop.

    If you want to go back to a life of blissful ignorance, with your head deep in the sand, then by all means. The rest of the country, including the 63MM people that voted Trump in 2016 have had enough of this ruling class, elitist garbage.

    Bottom line – I agree that all politicians are the same. But Trump is not a politician. He is not the same. Think of all the corruption that has been uncovered since the ruling class lost control. For example, Hillary’s emails, Hunter Biden, Weinstein, even the Epstein case. How did Epstein/Maxwell get to live for a decade plus without prosecution? The power-class lost control of the most important job and now the disgusting layers of the onion are peeling off.

  357. Libturd says:

    Home, I respect your opinion. I don’t agree with it. The country simply can’t be run by a compulsive liar who makes nicknames for everyone and thinks he’s fooling everyone. The only one’s he is fooling are his own supporters. In many cases, right to their graves.
    His list of accomplishments are a complete facade. Really, every single one of them. And I’m not making left-wing talking points.

    The trade war is crap. It has done more damage than good.
    The great gains in manufacturing, which Obama had plenty of too, btw, amount to what? 200K jobs? We are a country of 300 million, big deal.
    He said his tax plan would pay for itself? It didn’t, not by a long shot.
    Those peace pacts? All window dressing. Let me know the last time a single person from UAE or Bahrain even made a statement against Israel.
    The embassy move? Though I’ll admit it should and could have been done ages ago, was bullied through and could have been handled in a significantly less inciteful fashion.
    Al bag daddi, or what ever his name was? He was no Bin Laden! And it’s not like he had anything to do with it.
    Peace loving? – How would you know? They count drone strikes anymore.
    Greatest economy ever? Is that before or after he raised the deficit to the highest it’s ever been per capita since WWII.

    He has made a career out of lying and taking advantage of bad tax laws. The fact he doesn’t pay taxes and gives so little to charity (unless you want to call using a charity for personal profit philanthropic) speaks volumes of where his heart is.

    His handling of the pandemic started terribly, and remains terrible.

    Nothing I have written here is a narrative or a falsehood.

    Sure, he’s not a politician. Does that make him smart?

  358. Fabius Maximus says:

    “10 held by H for the big guy” No idea what it means, but here’s what I do know.
    Every one of these accusations against Biden has failed. Remember Christine O’Donnells niece. His diary showed he wasn’t at the event. Oh it must have been the next year. That year he sent Video taped remarks. Tara Reades allegations fell apart in days as well.

    This laptop issue does not pass the smell test. The store owner is melting under the heat. If he took it straight to the FBI, then why would they have to Subpoena it? How did Rudi get his hands on it. Occams Razor tells me the Feds were called in by the Bidens.

    Even if its all true, it pales in comparison with what the Trump kids are up to.
    JugHead sold the Saudis Nuke Tech and got a nice bailout on the back of the deal. Is the Grift is so big and so blatant on team Donnie, that people just don’t see it.


  359. D-FENS says:

    People value freedom over complete safety. That’s what it boils down to.

    It’s a value in this country…maybe you don’t share it…but a majority of Americans do.

    Libturd says:
    October 15, 2020 at 2:27 pm
    See the problem here is that the left doesn’t see anything worse with it than Trump simply assigning every single family member a post in his cabinet. Even if it is 100% true and it very well might be, Biden is not going to make Mr. Pillow an advisor, tell you that the pandemic will be over by Easter and that there will be a vaccine by tomorrow.

  360. D-FENS says:

    I disagree with every sentence.

    Libturd says:
    October 15, 2020 at 2:59 pm
    Home, I respect your opinion. I don’t agree with it. The country simply can’t be run by a compulsive liar who makes nicknames for everyone and thinks he’s fooling everyone. The only one’s he is fooling are his own supporters. In many cases, right to their graves.
    His list of accomplishments are a complete facade. Really, every single one of them. And I’m not making left-wing talking points.

    The trade war is crap. It has done more damage than good.
    The great gains in manufacturing, which Obama had plenty of too, btw, amount to what? 200K jobs? We are a country of 300 million, big deal.
    He said his tax plan would pay for itself? It didn’t, not by a long shot.
    Those peace pacts? All window dressing. Let me know the last time a single person from UAE or Bahrain even made a statement against Israel.
    The embassy move? Though I’ll admit it should and could have been done ages ago, was bullied through and could have been handled in a significantly less inciteful fashion.
    Al bag daddi, or what ever his name was? He was no Bin Laden! And it’s not like he had anything to do with it.
    Peace loving? – How would you know? They count drone strikes anymore.
    Greatest economy ever? Is that before or after he raised the deficit to the highest it’s ever been per capita since WWII.

    He has made a career out of lying and taking advantage of bad tax laws. The fact he doesn’t pay taxes and gives so little to charity (unless you want to call using a charity for personal profit philanthropic) speaks volumes of where his heart is.

    His handling of the pandemic started terribly, and remains terrible.

    Nothing I have written here is a narrative or a falsehood.

    Sure, he’s not a politician. Does that make him smart?

  361. chicagofinance says:

    Here is a visual representation of the below political commentary:

    Fabius Maximus says:
    October 15, 2020 at 3:07 pm
    “10 held by H for the big guy” No idea what it means, but here’s what I do know.
    Every one of these accusations against Biden has failed. Remember Christine O’Donnells niece. His diary showed he wasn’t at the event. Oh it must have been the next year. That year he sent Video taped remarks. Tara Reades allegations fell apart in days as well.

    This laptop issue does not pass the smell test. The store owner is melting under the heat. If he took it straight to the FBI, then why would they have to Subpoena it? How did Rudi get his hands on it. Occams Razor tells me the Feds were called in by the Bidens.

    Even if its all true, it pales in comparison with what the Trump kids are up to.
    JugHead sold the Saudis Nuke Tech and got a nice bailout on the back of the deal. Is the Grift is so big and so blatant on team Donnie, that people just don’t see it.

  362. SmallGovConservative says:

    Libturd says:
    October 15, 2020 at 2:27 pm

    “Nothing means more to me right now than this pandemic ending”

    I recall you saying previously that nothing meant more to you than abortion, and that that alone would keep you on the Dem team. Frankly, I think you’re just trying to rationalize voting for a guy that’s senile, corrupt, and embodies as much as anyone ‘the swamp’. And beyond that, rationalize continuing to support a party that delivers third-world level governance, be it swampy Joe, bankrupt Detroit, heading-to-junk-grade Illinois and NJ, or any of the mayors standing by and watching their cities be trashed. I still think you end up on the Rep team at some point. Oh, and thanks for the diamond-buying feedback.

  363. Libturd says:

    Freedom to sicken your friends, neighbors and relatives, but forget about reproductive freedoms. Blow it your narrative driven ass.

  364. chicagofinance says:

    Another puerile and dishonest post by the master……

    Fabius Maximus says:
    October 15, 2020 at 3:07 pm
    Even if its all true, it pales in comparison with what the Trump kids are up to.

  365. Libturd says:

    I’m not voting for Biden. I’m voting against Trump. I can’t imagine of too many vile people who could possibly be worse.

  366. JCer says:

    Fab, that’s a load of rubbish, the brookfield deal is was a real estate deal first and foremost. Kushner absolutely lost his shirt on the deal, essentially paying brookfield to take the property for 100 years in exchange for the debt(which the lenders already haircut) and 120m in cash. Qatar has lots of money in lots of places, they likely didn’t even know about the building.

    Meanwhile I believe Tara Reade, that seems totally like something a politician would do and the woman unlike the woman they trot out against Trump is from his party and actually knows Joe so there does not appear to be political motivation. Also as she puts it she has everything to lose, no one is supporting her whatsoever even folks on the right.

    Trump is a rank amateur compared to the Biden Crime Family. He intends to use the presidency to elevate his brand so he can hock rotten steaks, cheap vodka, and poorly made clothing….

  367. chicagofinance says:

    To be clear….. the Trump kids are lightweights on the dole – entitled hubris coupled with lack of ambition.

  368. homeboken says:

    I can think of one man that is definetely worse.

    Libturd says:
    October 15, 2020 at 3:28 pm
    I’m not voting for Biden. I’m voting against Trump. I can’t imagine of too many vile people who could possibly be worse.

  369. chicagofinance says:

    Hunter B is pure raw s3wage downriver from Chernobyl.

  370. 3b says:

    Fab: I am shocked but should not be that you would say even if it’s true, it pales in comparison to Trump; a guy who has been in politics 4 years. What else might Biden have done in his 40 odd years if this is in fact true? The hypocrisy on your part is simply astounding.

  371. Libturd says:

    I’m good with that. Glad Hunter’s not running. The whole DNC is vile IMO. But can’t stand the liar in chief. And I know when things are taken out of context. I try to avoid posting that shallow crap here.

  372. 3b says:

    Lib: You don’t have to vote at all. Trump will not win NJ, so your just adding to Biden’s win numbers in NJ. I am not voting for either one, just like 2016.

  373. Libturd says:

    Too late.

    The bully needs to lose the popular vote by the largest margin possible. Lord knows, election results are fake news too.

  374. Libturd says:

    “Manufacturing across the U.S. is still down 720,000 workers from February despite gaining 29,000 jobs in August, with the pandemic more than wiping out the overall modest gains of 500,000 from Trump’s first three years in office — about the same pace of growth as under President Barack Obama. It was not an improvement over prior years — nor did it manage to restore more than a fraction of the jobs lost in the previous decade, according to an August analysis by the Economic Policy Institute.”

    It’s all a facade. I know it hurts. But it’s true. Don’t worry. A lot of people have been suckered by PT Barnum too.

  375. Libturd says:

    500K in 3 years? This is our great return to manufacturing?

  376. Fabius Maximus says:

    A lot of good advice on diamonds on here. Avoid the mall shops and the high end towns. find a good old school shop. IF they have been in business since the 70s there is a good reason for that.

    Biggest consideration is cut. Go for Ideal if you can. Try not to compromise here.
    Color is next. Its easy to spot a big yellow stone. I went with F but you can push it out to H if you need to.
    Clarity is VS2 is the level where you cant see flaws to the naked eye. Push to S1 if you need to.
    Carrot. The big one. Someone once told me there are two lies you have to tell in life. The first is an ugly baby and the second is a small diam0nd. On a round, 1 carrot is a nice sweet spot, 1.5 carrot will look big, but you either pay for it or downgrade the other factors. If big and yellow works for you, go for it.

    Here is a nice pricing tool. Have some fun.
    https://www.bluenile.com/diamond-search is a great resource. You can use it in the shop to gauge the markup.

  377. JCer says:

    Hunter Biden really is a piece of sh*t. Smokes crack, sleeps with hookers and strippers, had an illegitimate child where he denied paternity, which was later proven and tried to avoid paying child support……seriously by far the worst thing he’s done. Hooked up with his dead brothers grieving widow for a stint, taking advantage of her grief while also screwing everything that moved, knocking up women and taking lots of coke. This guy is a terrible human being…….

  378. JCer says:

    Hunter is not up for election, but his dirt bag father is who has used his son(Hunter) and Brother as a conduit for ill gotten gains…..

    The election comes down to picking between a narcissistic raving lunatic with a bad spray tan and a handsy demented old codger who has used his position to enrich himself.

    Take your pick, for me I just realized on submitting my final tax return Trumps cuts finally paid off even with losing the massive property tax cut, my income was the highest it’s ever been and the total paid in taxes was the least it’s been in at least the last 4 years.

    Personally I have real doubts the democrats would have done better on COVID, masking might make you feel good but it doesn’t do sh*t, over 70% of COVID patients admitted to the hospital claim they wore a mask at all times. Trump’s messaging sucked but at least he shut the borders instead of suggesting a trip to chinatown for the Chinese New Year dinner special. Yes the administration seemed very disorganized but the push for ventilators seems to have been a mistake and necessary. On PPE, well the issue is the Chinese hoarded it while telling us the virus couldn’t be transmitted between people, again the shortage was real and we really don’t have manufacturing capacity for it. I fail to see any action that would have prevented the deaths, a Chinese style lock down is unconstitutional and no one would obey it. Remember the democratic governors tried it and it still didn’t work, we have some of the worst death rates in the world.

    Me I’m voting my wallet, Biden has indicated that I’m the group who’s taxes are going to be raised, why the he!! would I vote for that…..

  379. JCer says:

    On yesterday’s conversation about housing policy, the suburbs and section 8. 3B asked what the solution is. The answer is quite simple the federal government need to get out of housing policy and local zoning.

    All subsidized housing programs are a mess. My solution is to send a check, direct cash payment of a housing subsidy. I’m not cold and heartless but project housing is a mess literally everywhere and section 8 allows landlords to rent substandard property at a fixed rate, it sets an artificial floor on many properties that would be essentially un-rentable in their current state. Send a housing subsidy check contingent on you having housing, no residents of said housing have committed a felony in the last 6 months, and clean drug test results with the amount determined by the number of family members, the cost of the market and the persons income. Whether housing costs half or double the subsidy amount is irrelevant. I’m all for direct payments, the government engaging in babysitting the poor isn’t working. Even food stamps, people sell them, and when they do use them they are often used to buy deeply unhealthy food, so really is it preferable to a cash payment? Let the market decide housing and stop the social engineering…it has caused far more suffering than it has ever helped a single person.

  380. homeboken says:

    JCer – you are speaking my language. I’ve hinted around it but my family eats by providing service around the Affordable housing industry, probably half my deals are project based Sec 8.

    Someday I’ll share some of the stories about the graft and corruption. That’s not even the biggest problem though. There are some truly stupid pieces of the S8 program. To anyone looking at it on paper you’d say “this is criminal, so illegal”. But it’s not illegal, it’s just sooo poorly written.

    Guess who was HUD secretary when most of these giant mistakes started getting taken advantage of? Hint – his brother is a CNN anchor/meathead

  381. No One says:

    I’m interested in who will be the future leaders of the Republican Party, which will face restructuring and turmoil after Trump’s loss. It won’t be Trump and his family. I think Tucker Carlson may be the next kingmaker, combining populism with some principle. Limbaugh and Hannity will fade with Trump’s departure. Nikki Hayley wants to be next, but I sense opposition. Carlson hates her for some reason that’s not obvious. Rubio failed the market test last time.
    I’d like to see a candidate making liberty a priority but I don’t see that trend ascending. The third rate anti-intellectuals Trump works with are tiresome.

  382. Juice Box says:

    Lib- ” it’s a crap shoot whether to insure it or not”

    Story for ya…Yeah get the jewelry insurance.

    My wife’s ring and other pieces was pilfered eight years ago by the movers, she left her jewelry on a shelf in the linen closet to “clean” while the movers were here putting everything in place, one mover must have opened the closet and saw it sitting there. I did warn her too, to lock up her purse in the car which she did, but she did not think of leaving jewelry laying around. I also did not want her and our kids around during the move at all but hey I was overruled as usual. Jewelry was gone and then the best part occurred as the movers left in their truck.

    It’s actually funny. I chased the moving truck because they left in such a rush the back doors of their truck were left open and the doors were swinging wildly, it was one of those large trucks with the two doors that open in the back to the left and right.

    I caught up to them on the local road in my car and they would not stop even though I was honking the horn and everything. They were probably thinking I was chasing them because of the missing jewelry. I had no idea at the time the jewelry was pilfered.

    Anyway, we got full cost from insurance, as everything was inventoried receipts, pictures and documented properly.

    To this day my wife still leaves here jewelry laying around barely hidden in a drawer etc. We have new cleaning people all the time and I warn her all the time, it just falls on deaf ears.

    When she was doing her MBA at NYU I used to meet her after class in the village for a late dinner etc. One night I told her I was not coming by her place. I went by anyway and snuck up and stole her purse and ran up 6th avenue toward her place, actually not far from Down the Hatch. Ah the good old days! She did manage to get her wallet lifted on the subway one more time after that. But hey some people are who they are.

  383. BRT says:

    Sounds like my father. He was pick pocketed in NYC at least 5 times in the 80s.

  384. BRT says:

    IMO, if you really wanted a better government, the worst thing you could do is go along with the DNC plan. Giving them another 4 years of Trump may finally put an end to the endless parade of political hacks they line up for you to vote for. They’ve fixed last primaries the past 2 elections to put forth their selected candidate. The Republicans had every plan to do the same until Trump threatened a 3rd party run. This is why Bernie has no real balls. He could have threatened a 3rd party run and they wouldn’t have been able to play their games against him.

  385. ExEssex says:

    Ooooof Trump being annihilated on NBC
    Ol mushroom dick

  386. crushednjmillenial says:

    Switching between the dualing presidential town halls . . .

    The lady interrogating Trump is interrupting him every two sentences and throwing every single leftist talking point at him.

    Biden is permitted to ramble around the block, uninterrupted. Thankfully, Stephanopouls actually at least asked the court packing question. Of course, no answer whatsoever – “it depends on how this turns out”. Disgusting.

  387. ExEssex says:

    Oh nooooooes clutches pearls.

  388. Libturd says:

    Have to agree that these town halls are grossly biased. None the less, nothing new is going to be learned from either of them.

  389. JCer says:

    Strangely though Biden is rambling so much I don’t know if it is helping him. He is spouting fiction and doing it poorly to boot.

  390. JCer says:

    This is like listening to your crazy uncle after he’s had one too many at thanksgiving……..

  391. 3b says:

    Biden as President? Just another shitshow! Rambling on like an old uncle. Democrats you should as BRT noted be outraged that this is your candidate. Shameful.

  392. ExEssex says:

    Biden slowed down and settled in a bit.
    Trump is in his defensive whiny bitch mode.

  393. ExEssex says:

    BRT thinks his shit don’t stink.

  394. JCer says:

    ExEssex BRT is a very logical person. The dems deserve to lose for advancing Biden as their candidate, if not for COVID this would be a massacre. I’d vote against Trump, he’s an asshat but not for Biden…….

    Wow the questions are all liberal talking points…..The media coordination is astounding they ensure he gets no tough questions or people who disagree with his positions……

  395. 3b says:

    Jcer: This is our new reality. One party rule in the future perhaps, and the candidates get 98 percent of the vote. Just like the elections in the old Soviet days. That’s where we seem to be heading.

  396. JCer says:

    the only truthful statement, “I’m a lousy candidate…..”

  397. BRT says:

    It doesn’t when I have my N95 mask on

  398. RCNJ says:

    I am surprised that they let Biden do this town hall even with the softball questions. He looks like a tired old man. There is no energy there. His answers were rambling. Very difficult to watch.

  399. ExEssex says:

    “i’Ve dOnE a gReAt jOb…” donald trump

    As he immerses himself in conspiracy theories.

  400. ExEssex says:

    Doesn’t matter girls…. NJ will easily
    go for Biden….as will several swing states.

    This is not 2016.

  401. 3b says:

    Essex you are right, but if you were honest you would acknowledge Biden is a miserable candidate. Is this all you can offer the American people as an alternative? Sad.

  402. Fast Eddie says:

    I switched over after the Savanah Guthrie assault to hear the O’Biden lovefest but he put me to sleep. Did they ask O’Biden if he still believes “non-orderly” racial integration would cause his kids to grow up in a “racial jungle?

  403. ExEssex says:

    Hey 3b nobody with half a brain wants to do gubmint work.
    The top flight kids all become bankers. See?

  404. ExEssex says:

    Eddie i guarantee all of America will sleep better once Trump is out….

  405. Fabius Maximus says:

    “if you were honest you would acknowledge Biden is a miserable candidate.”

    Why, I’m happy with Joe. He will be a great president and 8 years of Kamala followed by 8 years of Pete. We’ll get a cabinet stocked full of people with experience for the job and Bernie can go pound sand.

    I have pointed out repeatedly in here that a lot of folks are unhappy that they cant pull the GOP lever and Joe is not the candidate they want. Again go pound Fcuking Sand. Its not the Dems job to pander to you. You don’t like the GOP go reclaim your party.

    Dont have time for the town halls. Have work I need to get out. Someone has to pay for Donnies giveaways. Have this on the turntable. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8de2W3rtZsA

  406. Fabius Maximus says:

    So Joe, bought a $300K house in 1974 and sold in 2010 + for a few million and in 2017 bought a house and a beach house for what he probably sold the original place for ?

    Rented a house when he left the VP house and you are questioning his real estate purchases? If any of the houses had gold toilets, come back to me.

    Large dose of nothing burgers in here, but it does show a large dose of desperation from the other side.

  407. Fabius Maximus says:


    Not sure I posted this. “Right-wing trolls Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman charged with felony voter intimidation” This is where a lot of the supporters of this adminsitration will end up.

  408. Fabius Maximus says:

    Grim, cut the pretentious “Maple Cask Finished Bourbon” BS and give the people want they really want! https://leitesculinaria.com/106228/recipes-bacon-infused-bourbon.html

  409. ExEssëx says:

    10:12 whee that guy Zach is a weee bit intense.

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