The 4 major counties in North Texas are down to about 40 empty ICU beds and over 20% of all hospital beds are COVID cases. And it’s going to get much worse with all the gatherings and parties from Christmas and New Years
These were fixed the moment the propaganda machines dubbed O’Biden U.S. Imperator. Remember, it’s all about tokens, logos and symbols for the democrat s0c1al1st party.
I’m not sure the hospital capacity stat means much when viewed in context. That is, most hospitals in major cities are possibly at 90% or greater capacity ALL THE TIME.
Hold says:
December 26, 2020 at 6:58 am
LA is like NYC in March
The 4 major counties in North Texas are down to about 40 empty ICU beds and over 20% of all hospital beds are COVID cases. And it’s going to get much worse with all the gatherings and parties from Christmas and New
Nashville bombing is getting weirder by the monument.
Those responsible recorded and played a message over and over telling people “evacuate now” in a woman’s voice.
“Witnesses told investigators they heard gunshots early in the morning and a message coming from an RV parked in the street warning anyone in the area to evacuate before beginning to count down to an explosion. Police have confirmed that the RV was broadcasting a message.”
11 Dec
The history of civilization is movement toward cities. I will be quite surprised if this 10,000 year trend will be reversed because of the current pandemic. Short term we have seen a shift, but the fundamentals of concentrating in cities has not changed. Furthermore, with awareness of how humans are effecting the climate, let us not forget that cities are more efficient and thus have a smaller effect on the Global climate than suburbs and rural areas.
Antidotally I have a relative who decided to leave an urban area and re-locate to a rural area. Him and his wife bought an overpriced house in a rural area. His wife already hates it! He says he likes it, but constantly complains about lack of services, and having to drive 70 miles to get supplies for his business, etc. They have lived there now for about 3 months, he calls me up constantly and asks why I, and other relatives and friends, haven’t come to visit. Personally I have no desire to drive 600 miles to look at farmland all day. The Tractor supply store is a 30 minute drive and Walmart is an hour away. Although in my younger days I used to hunt and fish, I don’t now. He has no high speed internet and cell service is spotty. They get 3 channels over the air and two are PBS!
Mark Hirstwood
Paul O’Neill
12 Dec
We’re not in ancient Sumer though that wasn’t 10,000 years ago. We’ve come a long way and we’re packing more centuries of data and other progress into months now, in case you weren’t aware of that.
Human history is also bloody and violent but we keep getting more peaceful, bit by bit too. Any trend can run its course and be changed.
You can move say, 1 hour’s drive outside a city and downsize quite effectively. 600 miles? What you describe is hardly a typical anecdote, not ‘antidote.’ The antidote is a little intelligence, adaptability and flexibility.
Chris Martin
Paul O’Neill
11 Dec
I think you’re overlooking the significance of the trend towards telework. That was happening before COVID, and just like the move to online shopping, it’ll continue after COVID.
Your relative might have bought an overpriced house but typically places further from the city are MUCH cheaper. That’s a fact.
Paul O’Neill
Chris Martin
11 Dec
True there will be increased work from home, but most companies want and need employees to be present in the office 3-4 days a week. It is important for collaboration and innovation.
The house my relative bought was less expensive than a similar house in an urban area, but it was overpriced for the region he bought it in. Rural housing stock is cheaper than urban, but that does not mean you can’t overpay.
This relative has a niche fabrication business with most products shipped from his facility. Now that he does this work in a rural area he can no longer have items picked up by his shipper, he has to take them to a pickup point (an hour drive each way). He also has trouble getting material. He either has to pay additional shipping fees or go to a distribution center (again another hour drive each way). What is the cost in productivity and additional operational costs (fuel and maintenance on the vehicle) capital costs (replacement of the vehicle sooner).
I haven’t eaten out chinese food in 1ike 8 years. I’11 make my own dump1ings and potstickers. Used to go into Chinatown once a week when we 1ived in Bergen County. If you want to be b1own away by something, go to Jung’s Dried Beef (former1y Pings) on Mu1berry St. in Chinatown. They were from the same vi11age as my grandparents and they’ve been doing the same thing since the 60s. It’s this tiny crapshack where they have bott1es of beef/pork jerky. Nothing compares. They never sca1ed up their production. They have their 4 bott1es, $25 a pound at this point, and they’11 se11 out every day and then they are done. It wasn’t uncommon for me to take a trip down there and drop $100 on beef jerky. Used to be you cou1d just drop by and get whatever you wanted. Now, apparent1y, you have to order maybe even days ahead of time.1
You can’t just cut the public transportation system because of a pandemic. There is only one option. No one to take their place. So go ahead, downsize it, and then handicap the economy when it comes roaring back after this pandemic.
Also, think of the impact on your wallet if they fired all these people and really set in motion the conditions for a Great Depression. You want people to still have money right now, what do you think these stimulus bills are about? Trying to prevent the collapse of the system.
Fast Eddie says:
December 26, 2020 at 8:18 am
Transit is at -47% so where are they getting the money to fund pensions and current payroll? Has NJT, Metro-North, etc. been laying off personnel?
What’s the catch with those property taxes. $200?! How the hell do you pay for anything by only collecting $200 from a property. Roads alone, cost more than that to maintain. So what’s the answer? I assume they tax the hell out of other things besides property. There is no free ride, everyone must pay a vig.
That 200 dollars is the equivalent of a premium subscription to Netflix. 16 dollars a month. So what is the catch? How do they pay for the costs of society?
“I’m not sure the hospital capacity stat means much when viewed in context. That is, most hospitals in major cities are possibly at 90% or greater capacity ALL THE TIME.”
DFens, shame on you.
You should know better by now than to let facts get in the way of shrill MSM headlines.
10:35 where’s the trade-off ??
Are you telling me NJ road are maintained?
The next thing you’ll say is everybody should be indentured
so the police lt. can take home a 6 figure boat fund. Just for doing his job.
Jokes on you, you are paying for his boat.
What I find so hilarious is that you are telling me about the livability of place that is by most measures unliveable. Believe I get it, I tried and some times thrived under the yoke. But I don’t think any of it is in any way sustainable. The boomers will clean the place out.
I’m simply asking where does the money come from if they are only paying 200 dollars a year in property taxes? I showed you the other day the difference in total tax burden for the avg individual is 3% between Florida (the 48th lowest overall tax burden) and NJ (the 7th highest overall tax burden.
So where does the money come from if their property taxes are only 200 a year. I don’t live there, so I don’t know. Do you have to pay for fire service on an individual basis? How about garbage collection? Police? How does the state and that city pay for their schools? Is there a higher sales tax? Money has to come from somewhere.
As an owner of two properties (over 30,000 I pay in property taxes), I agree, nj should do what these other states do and lower the property taxes. Raise the sales tax instead. Start charging a tax on every little thing to make up for the source not being “income” or “property” related. Help people like me make more money, and shift the burden on everyone else.
Stop focusing on mastery of language, and instead the idea he is communicating.
leftwing says:
December 26, 2020 at 12:07 pm
“Antidotally I have a relative who decided to leave an urban area and re-locate to a rural area. Him and his wife bought….”
Yeah, this is the guy whose advice I would follow…..Posidotally!
What a year, a healthy 50 yr old friend who got Covid in April and recovered just had a widow maker heart attack at work in NYC. Idiot refused ambulance, did not want to be one of those people taken out from work on a stretcher, friend drove him back to Jersey instead to Valley Hospital, quick stent done to clear it. Docs are not sure but the clot could be Covid related.
Massive lines at the PNC Arts center tonight for the Drive Thru Christmas light show. $25 a car load they must be making mint. Being cheap all I do is drive around a few blocks and when the kids are bored we head home.
Average hospital capacity is anywhere from 50 percent up to 80 percent rural to city. The truth is like kryptonite to the new Republican Party. Hope you all liked Trumped Christmas propaganda video. Pretty over the top religious for a man than never belonged to a church. Don’t worry though. In four more years, the party of lies will return to power for the Dems still don’t get it. But Trump was THAT bad.
Back on the Chinese kick, in the 70s, my family used to go to this tiny dive of a Chinese joint in Chinatown located under street level where Mott St. takes the sharp left turn south of Canal. We used to always get the same two things. House special soup and lo mein. The restaurant had maybe six booths. It’s became Mei D1ck barbershop sometime in the late 80s.
Now I prefer Big Wong, but it’s nowhere near the same.
Sleepy Joe is going all in. You can bet the Teflon Don will be back with a new and improved message called “I told you so”. I don’t even think Letitia Ann “Tish” James can make a state crime stick to him to sideline him.
They will have two years if they win the two Senate Runoffs in Georgia. Otherwise gridlock until 2024.
Ahhahahha..Kids…My oldest got me a present for Christmas..
A nice big bill of PAYPAL charges.. Loads and loads of these charges hit all my cards..
$6.99 “PAYPAL *ADAMBEHIRY2 402-935-7733 CA
Phone number is PayPal Customer Service. *ADAMBEHIRY2 is some kid on youtube selling his wares on Roblox platform. Lol.. FU Paypal.
I filed complaint with bank as my son is minor and cannot legally setup an account on Paypal. Charges are now gone, I did not have to go nuclear with bank but who knows next time.
Deciphered it to Roblox Monetization, 24.5% of the charge goes back the “developer” aka child. So kids basically pitching other kids to setup Paypal accounts and then steal money from their parents, increments are small for me $6.99 per change etc.
I wish we had the same credit/debit card systems as Europe. Card and a real PIN for online transactions. There should be no charge allowed on a card without a PIN, and it’s not printed on the back of the card, and they should not have the ability to authorize once with a CVV and store the card info for future transactions. They can do this, bank just charges a higher % for fraud coverage lol. It’s like buying a license to steal from the government. For the consumer it’s like leaving your wallet on a park bench and expecting it to be there next time you need to find it to buy coffee with the cash you trusted them with.
More should be done. Perhaps I will write Sleepy Joe? I will explain how our banking system allows terrorists to fund their needs this way. Anyone think I won’t get a visit from the Feds investigating me and not the terrorists?
Inaccurate review. Soul is meh at best. My daughter 11 just the win the towel at the 40 minute mark.
Libturd says:
December 25, 2020 at 10:49 pm
Anyone watch Soul tonight? Heck of an enjoyable film. I recently purchased the Sony Bravo 77″ Oled and this TV really did the movie justice. It’s 4K Ultra HDR and it was absolutely brilliant in the space scenes. Having black appear as true black (no RGB on) rather than RGB black which requires light in traditional LED sets was stunning.
The party of fundamentals vs. the party of submission. The latter is marinated in the art of lying and sedition. One party has a backbone and the other relents and surrenders.
Trump is dead set on walking out in a way that guarantees he will be remembered as one of the worst presidents in history.
Yes, let’s acquiesce and allow the piece of shit liberals to have their way. Let’s take the high road for the sake of unity and peace. Let’s bow to our enemies and appease our allies for fear of having to fight alone. F.uck the democrats, f.uck your unity and f.uck O’Biden.
“Trump is dead set on walking out in a way that guarantees he will be remembered as one of the worst presidents in history.”
He’s a petulant child picking up his toys and going home after being yelled at by his friend’s parent.
Having said that this coronavirus funding circus delay was 100% Pelosi who in the process revealed herself to be not just the political animal we knew but fundamentally evil as well.
Eddie smokes weed and goes to Dead shows. He is half way to seeing the light, perhaps a handj@b at a Phish show away. He will then have epiphany that is his ideal world, he would be singing Christian country songs with Toby Keith, next to 300lb woman stretching out a Jesus rocks XXXL.
RNs 80,140
Physicians other than general pediatricians 23,280
LPN/LVNs 17,770
Pharmacists 10,080
EMTs/Paramedics 8,370
Nurse Practitioners & Anesthetists 7,160
Physician Assistants 2,520
Pediatricians, General 930
Total 150,250
So they have identified all of the heath care workers in NJ who have training to administer the vaccine, yet these people have not been vaccinated themselves.
he would be singing Christian country songs with Toby Keith, next to 300lb woman stretching out a Jesus rocks XXXL.
Not my world. Power to them. I’m a hardcore capitalist who despises the s0c1alist sham representing the modern version of the democrat party. The party of surrender uses the undernourished masses to do their dirty work and then blame the productive ranks for their failures.
Please Ed, there is nothing resembling capitalism in US system. The whole capitalism thing hinged on risk and reward yet risk was flushed out back in 2008 in place of Fed controlled money printing bonanza. Your hanging onto a fantasy book, might as well base your economic beliefs on LOTR series. Hobbits living lazy, hippie commune disillusionment based on their leader stealing producer ring from capitalist job creator Saruman and his ambitious orks. Oh wait, wrong ending.
You are just a russkie Putin apologist. Here is a link
Book yourself a flight to your motherland. You’ll be lucky enough that you flight companions will be Giuliani, Flynn, and the whole Kushner clan.
The widespread embrace of conspiracy and disinformation amounts to a “mass radicalization” of Americans, and increases the risk of right-wing violence, veteran security officials and terrorism researchers warn.
At conferences, in op-eds and at agency meetings, domestic terrorism analysts are raising concern about the security implications of millions of conservatives buying into baseless right-wing claims. They say the line between mainstream and fringe is vanishing, with conspiracy-minded Republicans now marching alongside armed extremists at rallies across the country. Disparate factions on the right are coalescing into one side, analysts say, self-proclaimed “real Americans” who are cocooned in their own news outlets, their own social media networks and, ultimately, their own “truth.”
Sorry you didn’t like Soul. I’m a big fan of jazz, played in band, president of our marching band in high school, so perhaps I had some bias there. I really liked the accountant character too. I also didn’t see it as a black film. Quite frankly, never even thought about it. I thought they did a really great job in the barbershop scene too. Too each, their own. I also said it was enjoyable. Didn’t say it was a Cars or Finding Nemo.
When you get to Sheremetyevo International look into the 3rd floor bathroom. There is a toilet dedicated to your russian nutjobs heiress Queen Ayn Rand. The toilet is left just like her, full of Sh!t and unflushed since the 1950’s.
Go do your business in it, is waiting for you as you are so full of it.
“”Disparate factions on the right are coalescing into one side, analysts say, self-proclaimed “real Americans” who are cocooned in their own news outlets, their own social media networks and, ultimately, their own “truth.””
There is some truth to this. About three months ago, my dad sends me this unbelievable conspiracy-laden video and asks me what I thought of it. Let me see if I can find it. Damn, I can’t. Well it’s a 20 minute expose that poorly tries to prove that China created the Wuhan virus to attack America for economic gain and that the whole Wuhan lockdown was a fake and no one in China got the flu. Otherwise, it would have spread like wildfire. Now, I wouldn’t immediately poo poo (or is spelled pupu) such a premise. But this was so incredibly far fetched and flimsy that I had to dig into the author. Well throughout the entire video, there was a website branded in the lower right corner. It was a pretty normal news site where it appears they collected a whole bunch of harmless global news stories (I’m sure without paying for them or properly attributing the authors). So I dig further and find that the creator of the website is an incredibly rich Turkish marketing giant. I’m talking billionaire rich. So it becomes clear, he is using this video for no reason besides duping people who love conspiracy into spreading the name of his website to gain marketing dollars through advertising. How else could he cheaply get his website name broadcast around the world than to send out a video that he knew who would go viral among the nutty right-wing community? I mean, out of the blue, my dad sends this video to me (which is something he never does) to see if I think it’s true. I would bet any amount of money that there’s a version that says the virus was created to attack, Europe, Australia, etc., too.
Not to say that left-wingers aren’t similarly duped. But it’s not stupid conspiracy crap. It’s climate bullsh1t. It’s hipster, artisanal crap. Nothing that makes one want to draw arms.
Point being you find a way to win. To live and to live as well as possible.
Most of us hopefully don’t subscribe to Trump’s lie, cheat, and plunder school of thought because that brand of capitalism is short sighted and just might find Trump behind bars for the last part of his miserable gold-plated life.
Nashville mayor believes ‘bomber’ was ‘targeting the AT&T building’ in suicide attack amid reports he was paranoid 5G is ‘spying on Americans’ – as cops reveal RV speakers were playing Petula Clark’s ‘Downtown’ when it exploded
Okay , so 5g is not spying on you, but it can and will make it faster and easier for those who are tracking and spying on you to accomplish that task without you noticing a drop in speed or performance that might normally tip you off.
Turtleface McConnell thought he was going to be able to outsmart and manipulate a snake, a New York snake at that. McConnell should stay in Kentucky playing with the horsey set.
No aid continuation, no extension of budget. All which would sink the GA Senate republican candidates and by 1/6 take out McConnell from power. Trump will sign a deal and then start selling it as “his” deal.
After the inaguration. Mar-A-Lago will be the Trump Party’s HQ, where he will fundraise, plan to primary all non incumbent that were not loyal. What happens after that? I don’t know. But rest assure McConnell, Bushes, and all the others formerly known as Republicans will be planning something big to bury Trump and Trumpism that took away their power.
Stu agree – Chengu 23 is very good, better for sit down than take out, and especially dim sum.
First non grim
LA is like NYC in March
The 4 major counties in North Texas are down to about 40 empty ICU beds and over 20% of all hospital beds are COVID cases. And it’s going to get much worse with all the gatherings and parties from Christmas and New Years
Transit is at -47% so where are they getting the money to fund pensions and current payroll? Has NJT, Metro-North, etc. been laying off personnel?
Although I feel good Chinese is always far better than take out.
The Clifton joint I haven’t been to in a while, when it was still the tuxedoed waiter joint.
Hunan Taste killed it during the pandemic – huge outdoor area, always busy.
Murphy didn’t lay off anyone.
Well done, chaps.
It’s all a stick of epi for America. But here is the result at the end of the day.
I keep seeing articles on “ How Joe Biden can or should”
Fix housing,justice,racism,climate change etc etc etc
Do these people even know who they elected?
Fix housing,justice,racism,climate change etc etc etc
These were fixed the moment the propaganda machines dubbed O’Biden U.S. Imperator. Remember, it’s all about tokens, logos and symbols for the democrat s0c1al1st party.
I’m not sure the hospital capacity stat means much when viewed in context. That is, most hospitals in major cities are possibly at 90% or greater capacity ALL THE TIME.
Hold says:
December 26, 2020 at 6:58 am
LA is like NYC in March
The 4 major counties in North Texas are down to about 40 empty ICU beds and over 20% of all hospital beds are COVID cases. And it’s going to get much worse with all the gatherings and parties from Christmas and New
Nashville bombing is getting weirder by the monument.
Those responsible recorded and played a message over and over telling people “evacuate now” in a woman’s voice.
“Witnesses told investigators they heard gunshots early in the morning and a message coming from an RV parked in the street warning anyone in the area to evacuate before beginning to count down to an explosion. Police have confirmed that the RV was broadcasting a message.”
Video captured it.
Eddie your intellectual currency is overdrawn
This guy gets it….
11 Dec
The history of civilization is movement toward cities. I will be quite surprised if this 10,000 year trend will be reversed because of the current pandemic. Short term we have seen a shift, but the fundamentals of concentrating in cities has not changed. Furthermore, with awareness of how humans are effecting the climate, let us not forget that cities are more efficient and thus have a smaller effect on the Global climate than suburbs and rural areas.
Antidotally I have a relative who decided to leave an urban area and re-locate to a rural area. Him and his wife bought an overpriced house in a rural area. His wife already hates it! He says he likes it, but constantly complains about lack of services, and having to drive 70 miles to get supplies for his business, etc. They have lived there now for about 3 months, he calls me up constantly and asks why I, and other relatives and friends, haven’t come to visit. Personally I have no desire to drive 600 miles to look at farmland all day. The Tractor supply store is a 30 minute drive and Walmart is an hour away. Although in my younger days I used to hunt and fish, I don’t now. He has no high speed internet and cell service is spotty. They get 3 channels over the air and two are PBS!
Mark Hirstwood
Paul O’Neill
12 Dec
We’re not in ancient Sumer though that wasn’t 10,000 years ago. We’ve come a long way and we’re packing more centuries of data and other progress into months now, in case you weren’t aware of that.
Human history is also bloody and violent but we keep getting more peaceful, bit by bit too. Any trend can run its course and be changed.
You can move say, 1 hour’s drive outside a city and downsize quite effectively. 600 miles? What you describe is hardly a typical anecdote, not ‘antidote.’ The antidote is a little intelligence, adaptability and flexibility.
Chris Martin
Paul O’Neill
11 Dec
I think you’re overlooking the significance of the trend towards telework. That was happening before COVID, and just like the move to online shopping, it’ll continue after COVID.
Your relative might have bought an overpriced house but typically places further from the city are MUCH cheaper. That’s a fact.
Paul O’Neill
Chris Martin
11 Dec
True there will be increased work from home, but most companies want and need employees to be present in the office 3-4 days a week. It is important for collaboration and innovation.
The house my relative bought was less expensive than a similar house in an urban area, but it was overpriced for the region he bought it in. Rural housing stock is cheaper than urban, but that does not mean you can’t overpay.
This relative has a niche fabrication business with most products shipped from his facility. Now that he does this work in a rural area he can no longer have items picked up by his shipper, he has to take them to a pickup point (an hour drive each way). He also has trouble getting material. He either has to pay additional shipping fees or go to a distribution center (again another hour drive each way). What is the cost in productivity and additional operational costs (fuel and maintenance on the vehicle) capital costs (replacement of the vehicle sooner).
Not rural:
Check the property taxes.
I haven’t eaten out chinese food in 1ike 8 years. I’11 make my own dump1ings and potstickers. Used to go into Chinatown once a week when we 1ived in Bergen County. If you want to be b1own away by something, go to Jung’s Dried Beef (former1y Pings) on Mu1berry St. in Chinatown. They were from the same vi11age as my grandparents and they’ve been doing the same thing since the 60s. It’s this tiny crapshack where they have bott1es of beef/pork jerky. Nothing compares. They never sca1ed up their production. They have their 4 bott1es, $25 a pound at this point, and they’11 se11 out every day and then they are done. It wasn’t uncommon for me to take a trip down there and drop $100 on beef jerky. Used to be you cou1d just drop by and get whatever you wanted. Now, apparent1y, you have to order maybe even days ahead of time.1
You can’t just cut the public transportation system because of a pandemic. There is only one option. No one to take their place. So go ahead, downsize it, and then handicap the economy when it comes roaring back after this pandemic.
Also, think of the impact on your wallet if they fired all these people and really set in motion the conditions for a Great Depression. You want people to still have money right now, what do you think these stimulus bills are about? Trying to prevent the collapse of the system.
Fast Eddie says:
December 26, 2020 at 8:18 am
Transit is at -47% so where are they getting the money to fund pensions and current payroll? Has NJT, Metro-North, etc. been laying off personnel?
What’s the catch with those property taxes. $200?! How the hell do you pay for anything by only collecting $200 from a property. Roads alone, cost more than that to maintain. So what’s the answer? I assume they tax the hell out of other things besides property. There is no free ride, everyone must pay a vig.
That 200 dollars is the equivalent of a premium subscription to Netflix. 16 dollars a month. So what is the catch? How do they pay for the costs of society?
Austerity Joe?
This is from the far left folks.
“Joe Biden’s Love of Austerity Cut the Stimulus Bill in Half”
That’s hilarious. Can’t make this stuff up. He’s more Republican than trump. Lmfao.
“I’m not sure the hospital capacity stat means much when viewed in context. That is, most hospitals in major cities are possibly at 90% or greater capacity ALL THE TIME.”
DFens, shame on you.
You should know better by now than to let facts get in the way of shrill MSM headlines.
“Antidotally I have a relative who decided to leave an urban area and re-locate to a rural area. Him and his wife bought….”
Yeah, this is the guy whose advice I would follow…..Posidotally!
10:35 where’s the trade-off ??
Are you telling me NJ road are maintained?
The next thing you’ll say is everybody should be indentured
so the police lt. can take home a 6 figure boat fund. Just for doing his job.
Jokes on you, you are paying for his boat.
What I find so hilarious is that you are telling me about the livability of place that is by most measures unliveable. Believe I get it, I tried and some times thrived under the yoke. But I don’t think any of it is in any way sustainable. The boomers will clean the place out.
I’m simply asking where does the money come from if they are only paying 200 dollars a year in property taxes? I showed you the other day the difference in total tax burden for the avg individual is 3% between Florida (the 48th lowest overall tax burden) and NJ (the 7th highest overall tax burden.
So where does the money come from if their property taxes are only 200 a year. I don’t live there, so I don’t know. Do you have to pay for fire service on an individual basis? How about garbage collection? Police? How does the state and that city pay for their schools? Is there a higher sales tax? Money has to come from somewhere.
As an owner of two properties (over 30,000 I pay in property taxes), I agree, nj should do what these other states do and lower the property taxes. Raise the sales tax instead. Start charging a tax on every little thing to make up for the source not being “income” or “property” related. Help people like me make more money, and shift the burden on everyone else.
Stop focusing on mastery of language, and instead the idea he is communicating.
leftwing says:
December 26, 2020 at 12:07 pm
“Antidotally I have a relative who decided to leave an urban area and re-locate to a rural area. Him and his wife bought….”
Yeah, this is the guy whose advice I would follow…..Posidotally!
Stop focusing on something that does not concern you.
Capacity is usually 65-70 in DFW area with around 1,000 empty icu beds normally. We’re down to roughly 40 icu beds
What a year, a healthy 50 yr old friend who got Covid in April and recovered just had a widow maker heart attack at work in NYC. Idiot refused ambulance, did not want to be one of those people taken out from work on a stretcher, friend drove him back to Jersey instead to Valley Hospital, quick stent done to clear it. Docs are not sure but the clot could be Covid related.
Damn – bummer.
That’s why I take a statin.
Massive lines at the PNC Arts center tonight for the Drive Thru Christmas light show. $25 a car load they must be making mint. Being cheap all I do is drive around a few blocks and when the kids are bored we head home.
They have 11 locations too.
Average hospital capacity is anywhere from 50 percent up to 80 percent rural to city. The truth is like kryptonite to the new Republican Party. Hope you all liked Trumped Christmas propaganda video. Pretty over the top religious for a man than never belonged to a church. Don’t worry though. In four more years, the party of lies will return to power for the Dems still don’t get it. But Trump was THAT bad.
Back on the Chinese kick, in the 70s, my family used to go to this tiny dive of a Chinese joint in Chinatown located under street level where Mott St. takes the sharp left turn south of Canal. We used to always get the same two things. House special soup and lo mein. The restaurant had maybe six booths. It’s became Mei D1ck barbershop sometime in the late 80s.
Now I prefer Big Wong, but it’s nowhere near the same.
Dim Sum Go Go……. Strippers and Dim Sum = Yum Yum…much better than Big Wong.
I only kid, it’s funny how things don’t quite translate.
Lib – “In four more years”
Sleepy Joe is going all in. You can bet the Teflon Don will be back with a new and improved message called “I told you so”. I don’t even think Letitia Ann “Tish” James can make a state crime stick to him to sideline him.
They will have two years if they win the two Senate Runoffs in Georgia. Otherwise gridlock until 2024.
Ahhahahha..Kids…My oldest got me a present for Christmas..
A nice big bill of PAYPAL charges.. Loads and loads of these charges hit all my cards..
$6.99 “PAYPAL *ADAMBEHIRY2 402-935-7733 CA
Phone number is PayPal Customer Service. *ADAMBEHIRY2 is some kid on youtube selling his wares on Roblox platform. Lol.. FU Paypal.
I filed complaint with bank as my son is minor and cannot legally setup an account on Paypal. Charges are now gone, I did not have to go nuclear with bank but who knows next time.
Deciphered it to Roblox Monetization, 24.5% of the charge goes back the “developer” aka child. So kids basically pitching other kids to setup Paypal accounts and then steal money from their parents, increments are small for me $6.99 per change etc.
I wish we had the same credit/debit card systems as Europe. Card and a real PIN for online transactions. There should be no charge allowed on a card without a PIN, and it’s not printed on the back of the card, and they should not have the ability to authorize once with a CVV and store the card info for future transactions. They can do this, bank just charges a higher % for fraud coverage lol. It’s like buying a license to steal from the government. For the consumer it’s like leaving your wallet on a park bench and expecting it to be there next time you need to find it to buy coffee with the cash you trusted them with.
More should be done. Perhaps I will write Sleepy Joe? I will explain how our banking system allows terrorists to fund their needs this way. Anyone think I won’t get a visit from the Feds investigating me and not the terrorists?
Re: FL, tourism had filled the coffers previously. Maybe not so much this year.
Inaccurate review. Soul is meh at best. My daughter 11 just the win the towel at the 40 minute mark.
Libturd says:
December 25, 2020 at 10:49 pm
Anyone watch Soul tonight? Heck of an enjoyable film. I recently purchased the Sony Bravo 77″ Oled and this TV really did the movie justice. It’s 4K Ultra HDR and it was absolutely brilliant in the space scenes. Having black appear as true black (no RGB on) rather than RGB black which requires light in traditional LED sets was stunning.
The win = threw in the towel
Did she watch it on a 3k Sony Bravia 4K OLED tv with superior blacks? If not I’d have thrown in the towel as well.
Step up your game.
Bitcoin at $27k,
I now own twenty seven dollars in bitcoin!
No white critic is going to pan this movie.
BRT – the real action will be selling futures contracts on Bitcoin, but only right before the slaughter.
But Trump was THAT bad.
The party of fundamentals vs. the party of submission. The latter is marinated in the art of lying and sedition. One party has a backbone and the other relents and surrenders.
What fundamentals?
Trump is dead set on walking out in a way that guarantees he will be remembered as one of the worst presidents in history.
Jimmy Carter is smiling.
Trump is dead set on walking out in a way that guarantees he will be remembered as one of the worst presidents in history.
Yes, let’s acquiesce and allow the piece of shit liberals to have their way. Let’s take the high road for the sake of unity and peace. Let’s bow to our enemies and appease our allies for fear of having to fight alone. F.uck the democrats, f.uck your unity and f.uck O’Biden.
Eddie you pathetic cunt…
Eddie is why Biden won.
Orthodox community provider with strong ties to DiBlasio….
“Trump is dead set on walking out in a way that guarantees he will be remembered as one of the worst presidents in history.”
He’s a petulant child picking up his toys and going home after being yelled at by his friend’s parent.
Having said that this coronavirus funding circus delay was 100% Pelosi who in the process revealed herself to be not just the political animal we knew but fundamentally evil as well.
So the Schemers are up to their old tricks. Their tweet shows about 30 vials of the moderna vaccine, there are 10 doses per vial.
They have 300 people on Staff?
Their PPP loan application shows a staff of 8.
Latest Vaccine data
New Jersey Doses received 284,175 – Doses administered 36,500 Dec. 24
Eddie smokes weed and goes to Dead shows. He is half way to seeing the light, perhaps a handj@b at a Phish show away. He will then have epiphany that is his ideal world, he would be singing Christian country songs with Toby Keith, next to 300lb woman stretching out a Jesus rocks XXXL.
Perusing NJ’s Vaccine Plan.
Occupation #
RNs 80,140
Physicians other than general pediatricians 23,280
LPN/LVNs 17,770
Pharmacists 10,080
EMTs/Paramedics 8,370
Nurse Practitioners & Anesthetists 7,160
Physician Assistants 2,520
Pediatricians, General 930
Total 150,250
So they have identified all of the heath care workers in NJ who have training to administer the vaccine, yet these people have not been vaccinated themselves.
At this rate it could be Summer for most of us.
he would be singing Christian country songs with Toby Keith, next to 300lb woman stretching out a Jesus rocks XXXL.
Not my world. Power to them. I’m a hardcore capitalist who despises the s0c1alist sham representing the modern version of the democrat party. The party of surrender uses the undernourished masses to do their dirty work and then blame the productive ranks for their failures.
Please Ed, there is nothing resembling capitalism in US system. The whole capitalism thing hinged on risk and reward yet risk was flushed out back in 2008 in place of Fed controlled money printing bonanza. Your hanging onto a fantasy book, might as well base your economic beliefs on LOTR series. Hobbits living lazy, hippie commune disillusionment based on their leader stealing producer ring from capitalist job creator Saruman and his ambitious orks. Oh wait, wrong ending.
Fat Traitor Eddie,
You are just a russkie Putin apologist. Here is a link
Book yourself a flight to your motherland. You’ll be lucky enough that you flight companions will be Giuliani, Flynn, and the whole Kushner clan.
The widespread embrace of conspiracy and disinformation amounts to a “mass radicalization” of Americans, and increases the risk of right-wing violence, veteran security officials and terrorism researchers warn.
At conferences, in op-eds and at agency meetings, domestic terrorism analysts are raising concern about the security implications of millions of conservatives buying into baseless right-wing claims. They say the line between mainstream and fringe is vanishing, with conspiracy-minded Republicans now marching alongside armed extremists at rallies across the country. Disparate factions on the right are coalescing into one side, analysts say, self-proclaimed “real Americans” who are cocooned in their own news outlets, their own social media networks and, ultimately, their own “truth.”
Sorry you didn’t like Soul. I’m a big fan of jazz, played in band, president of our marching band in high school, so perhaps I had some bias there. I really liked the accountant character too. I also didn’t see it as a black film. Quite frankly, never even thought about it. I thought they did a really great job in the barbershop scene too. Too each, their own. I also said it was enjoyable. Didn’t say it was a Cars or Finding Nemo.
Fat Traitor Eddie,
When you get to Sheremetyevo International look into the 3rd floor bathroom. There is a toilet dedicated to your russian nutjobs heiress Queen Ayn Rand. The toilet is left just like her, full of Sh!t and unflushed since the 1950’s.
Go do your business in it, is waiting for you as you are so full of it.
11:28 incredible animation, good story line….
Interesting philosophical angle. Soul was great.
“”Disparate factions on the right are coalescing into one side, analysts say, self-proclaimed “real Americans” who are cocooned in their own news outlets, their own social media networks and, ultimately, their own “truth.””
There is some truth to this. About three months ago, my dad sends me this unbelievable conspiracy-laden video and asks me what I thought of it. Let me see if I can find it. Damn, I can’t. Well it’s a 20 minute expose that poorly tries to prove that China created the Wuhan virus to attack America for economic gain and that the whole Wuhan lockdown was a fake and no one in China got the flu. Otherwise, it would have spread like wildfire. Now, I wouldn’t immediately poo poo (or is spelled pupu) such a premise. But this was so incredibly far fetched and flimsy that I had to dig into the author. Well throughout the entire video, there was a website branded in the lower right corner. It was a pretty normal news site where it appears they collected a whole bunch of harmless global news stories (I’m sure without paying for them or properly attributing the authors). So I dig further and find that the creator of the website is an incredibly rich Turkish marketing giant. I’m talking billionaire rich. So it becomes clear, he is using this video for no reason besides duping people who love conspiracy into spreading the name of his website to gain marketing dollars through advertising. How else could he cheaply get his website name broadcast around the world than to send out a video that he knew who would go viral among the nutty right-wing community? I mean, out of the blue, my dad sends this video to me (which is something he never does) to see if I think it’s true. I would bet any amount of money that there’s a version that says the virus was created to attack, Europe, Australia, etc., too.
Not to say that left-wingers aren’t similarly duped. But it’s not stupid conspiracy crap. It’s climate bullsh1t. It’s hipster, artisanal crap. Nothing that makes one want to draw arms.
12:18 I think the social justice piece makes the right
My old pal (fraternity brother/big brother in the chapter) once said:
“Seeing through the game and winning the game is not the same thing.”
Point being you find a way to win. To live and to live as well as possible.
Most of us hopefully don’t subscribe to Trump’s lie, cheat, and plunder school of thought because that brand of capitalism is short sighted and just might find Trump behind bars for the last part of his miserable gold-plated life.
Nashville mayor believes ‘bomber’ was ‘targeting the AT&T building’ in suicide attack amid reports he was paranoid 5G is ‘spying on Americans’ – as cops reveal RV speakers were playing Petula Clark’s ‘Downtown’ when it exploded
So the paranoid fictions being bandied about come home to roost.
Google map search turns up RV bombing suspect.
“paranoid 5G is ‘spying on Americans’
Okay , so 5g is not spying on you, but it can and will make it faster and easier for those who are tracking and spying on you to accomplish that task without you noticing a drop in speed or performance that might normally tip you off.
Unless you live off the grid in the middle of a forest somewhere, you are being spied on.
“Anthony Q. Warner” suspect. That name can’t be a coincidence.
Re: missing Jersey
Yeah I admit I liked NJ a lot! Damn good times there for the record.
New thread
The last 20 odd days of Trump, this should be playing on the background.
Turtleface McConnell thought he was going to be able to outsmart and manipulate a snake, a New York snake at that. McConnell should stay in Kentucky playing with the horsey set.
No aid continuation, no extension of budget. All which would sink the GA Senate republican candidates and by 1/6 take out McConnell from power. Trump will sign a deal and then start selling it as “his” deal.
After the inaguration. Mar-A-Lago will be the Trump Party’s HQ, where he will fundraise, plan to primary all non incumbent that were not loyal. What happens after that? I don’t know. But rest assure McConnell, Bushes, and all the others formerly known as Republicans will be planning something big to bury Trump and Trumpism that took away their power.