From the WSJ:
Homes Sold in November at Fastest Pace in 10 Months
Existing-home sales, which rose in November to the highest seasonally adjusted annual rate since January, are on track for their strongest year since 2006 as low mortgage-interest rates and a robust job market drive up demand.
Sales of previously owned homes rose 1.9% in November, climbing for the third straight month, the National Association of Realtors said Wednesday.
The booming housing market comes against a backdrop of an economy that is growing but facing pressure from high inflation and worries about the Omicron variant of the coronavirus. The new fast-spreading variant could crimp consumer spending during the holiday shopping season, particularly outlays on in-person services like travel, entertainment and dining out.
Meanwhile, the supply of homes for sale dropped to a record low at the beginning of the year and has stayed well below normal all year, according to NAR. Home prices have soaredas buyers have competed for a limited number of homes. The median existing-home price rose 13.9% in November from a year earlier, NAR said, to $353,900.
The holiday season and cold weather in some parts of the country typically curtail home sales near the end of the year. But activity hasn’t slowed much in recent weeks. Buyers might have been in a rush to purchase before home prices rose further or interest rates ticked upward, said Doug Duncan, chief economist at Fannie Mae.
Some vax stats for NJ, not that it matters:
7.4m Vaccinated w/ First Shot (80%)
6.4m Fully Vaccinated (70%)
2.0m Boosted (22%)
308k Total Kids Doses (Roughly 150-200k kids with 1 or 2 doses?)
We’re into the 9th straight week of what looks like a very consistent 10k new vaccinations a day, so it looks like the laggards are changing their mind (at least in NJ).
first – non-Grim
Was scheduled to go to a Festivus get together – until the two hosts both came down with Covid. They were both fully Vaxed.
TSA numbers for Tuesday were equal to pre-covid travel, wow.
NJ hospitals running out of the only antibody therapy that is effective against omicron. Merry Christmas, don’t get sick.
spectacular sunrise this morning …..
Thanks, Hold.
Got hit by the bug from a fully vaxxed and boosted person who sat next to me for less than hour and had no symptoms. She tested the next day before going to a family get together and to her surprise was positive! Good thing she had tested so we all knew we were exposed. My 4 year old grandson was the first to test positive and was hardly in the same room with her. We’re not sure if he didn’t pick it up at school because there was another case in his class. Luckily we knew he was exposed on Friday after school so he never went back to school. So far mild symptoms for him. Three other people in the room that are vaxxed and boosted still showing negative. I’m vaxxed but with only one shot from J&J last April and I take an immune suppressant drug for rheumatoid arthritis.
Spent the day yesterday trying to get monoclonal antibodies. calling various hospitals/clinics, nobody answers and their mailboxes are full. I went to Jersey Shore thinking if I just went in person they’d take me in and they did. Checked in me took me to the waiting room, 20 minutes later they said I had to leave and call the (non working ) phone number to make an appointment. A friend told me to call 828-4-plasma and they will tell you where you can get Sotrovimab which helps against Omicron. They said it was available at at Monmouth Medical Center. Miraculously I got in there when I asked the doctor what I’d be getting he said Regeneron which doesn’t work for Omicron. When I told them I talked to the company that produces Sotrovimab, they told me it was available there, he said they were only given 17 doses. He came back a few minutes later and he was ordering it for me since I specifically asked for it. Said I’d feel sick for a few days like when getting the vaccine. Sure not feeling that great. Oh and my vaxxed and boosted hubby just walked in and said he’s now positive. Waiting for my grandson’s parents and brother to test positive. Fun Christmas!
Coast, good thinking. It’s sad that you had to inform yourself and advocate for yourself to get a treatment. But this is the backwards world we live in right now. The transmissability on this variant is truly astonishing. Like I said, I watched a covid bomb go off in my school and it literally hit every kid we contact traced. The only ones that remain are the ones that didn’t get tested. I don’t know of a single kid that tested negative that didn’t already have a previous infection. I also know 3 who tested positive for a 2nd time. Fortunately, nearly of the kids are mildly symptomatic at best. Most are asymptomatic.
Judging by the complete lack of parents dropping their kids of, I’m guessing our school system is running at half capacity today. A few of my son’s teachers have been out all week. My son says parents are keeping their kids home so they can safely celebrate the holidays with their extended families.
Son’s whole hockey team is vaxed and probably boosted. Somehow, the one case appears to not have spread. Kid who puked on bench had food poisoning from soup at a diner not Covid from weekend party. Dad who commuted to city by train brought it home to son.
Feliz Navidad b1tchez.
Coast and others, get better!
BRT, glad you’re invincible.
Get better all!
My daughter was crying, she is upset that we will be alone on christmas eve and christmas day. We usually host Christmas and it’s a big event. We can’t cancel the food we ordered. We are just giving the trays to family members. Oh well, we will make the best of it. Can’t wait till this pandemic is over. Plan on having a pool tourney on Christmas day. Getting pizza dough from a local pizzeria and having fun making a pizza for my daughter. Just trying to come up with fun activities to make the best of it.
Well played Coast, not surprised you needed to advocate for yourself. Get well quick!
The NJ Department of Health and Vault Medical Services have partnered to offer a free, at-home COVID-19 saliva test kit that is available to every New Jerseyan who thinks they need a test – even if you don’t have symptoms.
What a great way to get everyone in a state DNA database. Wonder how many criminals are going to get caught this way.
Only 2k per dose.
You are the type of patient that this should be saved for. Of course, it’s usually more about who you know..
Do a festive ZOOM with your family.
Better than nothing. Might help your kid.
I saw my father for the first time in 2 years. He had covid about 12 months ago, and nearly died. He said he only got his sense of taste back this month. 11 months of no taste for him.
At his practice, he’s seen 2 kids who had myocarditis.
Oh man. This “vacation” just might end me.
Solid food in very small amounts. Still exiting as green sludge.
Top it off my 68 lbs doggo ate a bag of edibles I left on the coffee table last night.
We rushed him to 24/7 doggo care. He’ll be fine. He was stoned though.
Sotrovimab was created from antibodies from the 2003 SARS outbreak not Covid, that is why it’s working on Omicron because it is not targeting the same area of the Wuhan strain spike protein. It is created from an antibody called (S309) and does not target the same area of the Covid spike protein where the current mutations are happening, it will probably work on all strains of Covid.
Silver lining here? Weight down to 208 for the first time in decades.
So there’s that. Still wouldn’t wish this particular diet on anyone.
Each virus has certain aspects of it that are non-mutagenic for functional reasons. Antibodies that target those things are most effective.
This is how the most effective HIV medz were created. They targeted the pocket of the reserves transcriptase that was the same shape in nearly every single mutation of the virus. Once they assessed the shape, they used a computer to generate 250 similarly shaped theoretical molecules and synthesized them all. Then they tested them all and found the most effective iterations. A side benefit was, since these were so shape specific, they had a lower toxicity than most medications.
Get better!
Lmao @ your dog. Sounds like he had a great night.
Ex says:
December 23, 2021 at 9:24 am
Oh man. This “vacation” just might end me.
Solid food in very small amounts. Still exiting as green sludge.
Top it off my 68 lbs doggo ate a bag of edibles I left on the coffee table last night.
We rushed him to 24/7 doggo care. He’ll be fine. He was stoned though.
“Secret Service: Nearly $100B stolen in pandemic relief funds”
My wife has been sick since Tuesday, got the Antigen test on Tuesday 4 hour wait in line. Test came back negative. Getting the pcr test today. She feels a little better today, looks better too. Sore throat, severe headaches, chills and fatigue. I have runny nose and fatigue, but have had this on and off since before Thanksgiving.
We were going to bring my Mother in law out of assisted living facility on Xmas day for a few hours; she went in a couple of weeks ago. My wife hates having her there on Xmas. So hard on her. Anyhow Xmas pretty much cancelled. Stay well everyone.
“Secret Service: Nearly $100B stolen in pandemic relief funds”
Makes you wonder why some are opposed to a $2 Trillion plan being peddled in the form of compassion and progress.
Line them up and shoot them. Better yet, give them community service for life.
Libturd says:
December 23, 2021 at 9:46 am
“Secret Service: Nearly $100B stolen in pandemic relief funds”
9:55 you’re not wrong.
Reading Warren Zevon’s biography. What an awful person.
the government is loving this to death. They get war time spending without the war.
Can’t help it Ex.
PPP loans were where most of the easy to find fraud is so far, the quick loan on boarding, thin paperwork checking etc made it too easy for fraud, estimated to be 90 billion in an 800 billion dollar program. It will take the DOJ years to find and clear all the cases they are brining. If you google “PPP loan fraud” you will see lots of announcements from DOJ about the overnight millionaires the fraud created and the BLING they splurged on…
They are not however focusing on the Medicare fraud, my in-laws showed me a bill for $1200 for a covid shot. PCR tests too massive over billing. Then there is all the money spent for testing supples, PPE equipment etc, massive illegal price manipulation etc.
Might as well call it a career at the DOJ….if you want to prosecute all this stuff.
How can Bernie, AOC and I’m betting the Maine guy all tell us with a straight face that a pharmacist and engineer doesn’t need to deduct SALT, but the Harvard grad needs their education paid for? #UncapSALT
10:04 oh man. classic.
Nah, Dumpy’s so*ialist PPP handout stimulated fraud. That never happens with Rs, only Ds. Military handouts like trillion lost for failed F35? Look other way.
I can’t take it with some of my trumper friends. They are morons. They don’t believe this is spreading like wildfire right now. They thing it’s only because everyone is getting tested, that this year is not worst than last year. Like WTF.
Everything is a conspiracy to these trumpers.
Pumps – virus does not care what you politics are, you can bet there are plenty of people of all persuasions that will gather in large groups this week and spread it like wildfire, This wave is going to be huge last year people were wearing masks, distancing, and not gathering. Those restrictions are now gone and our Governor has punted and left yesterday to go to Costa Rica. I keep reading about boosted people getting really sick this time too.
It’s just a wild position to take. I don’t get it.
Only reason you are seeing more positives right now is because more people are testing. It’s not because it is spreading rapidly. …okay got it.
3B Hope your wife gets well soon. My wife had a mandatory client holiday dinner in the city a couple weeks ago followed by a mini bar crawl (I didn’t condone it but she said it was necessary in order to appease her executive leadership). Everyone was vaxxed and most boosted and so they let down their guards. Everyone from her company that was there tested positive shortly thereafter. Worst part was the following day was in person, closed door performance reviews. Everyone initially thought they were in the clear due to vax and – poof – another 100% breakthrough. Her entire office is either sick or quarantining.
She had the same exact symptoms as your wife, plus a bit of tightness in her chest.
3b, hope your wife gets well soon.
15K the number in Jersey
Nearly no cases in Costa Rica.
So Phil Murphy! Tell us again how great he is Pumps. As you rot away in an Omicron-infested school. Murphy is hanging out with his family in a near Covid-free country with his family.
Murphy is hanging out with his family in a near Covid-free country with his family.
Let the muppets eat cake.
Pumps you cannot expect the average Joe to understand the difference between a common cold, flu or SARS virus. The did not do well in science classes and don’t understand ribonucleic molecules or really anything to do with the Biomolecular Sciences. You might as well try to explain algebra to a chimpanzee, because well it would be easier.
Thanks Anon/ Pumps: She is feeling a little better today, and actually ate something earlier, which is good. Just a crappy Xmas all around, but still grateful.
Line them up and shoot them. Better yet, give them community service for life.
Libturd says:
December 23, 2021 at 9:46 am
“Secret Service: Nearly $100B stolen in pandemic relief funds”
They only kill you if they think you might have passed a fake 20. Everyone else walks.
Anecdotal again but I had to run to the store yesterday. TARGET to get a gift, place was chock full of Senior citizens some very old. These are the last people that should be out of their homes in large groups at the supermarkets, it’s not like they are getting covid at a school or anime convention.
Only 2k per dose.
Yikes! I hope my insurance covers it.
It’s every man for himself out there. When I told my doctor the hospital she sent me to turned me away, she just shrugged and said to try some other hospitals and clinics and wished me luck.
Cracking up….the truth. Not worth wasting time we these types. Just talking to the wall like I do in my classroom.
Gotta love the tough guys like this facebook post. “The fear mongering lunatics are back!! For all you snowflakes and sheep..we used to call this the common cold.”
Yea, we are the sheep…
Juice Box says:
December 23, 2021 at 11:39 am
Pumps you cannot expect the average Joe to understand the difference between a common cold, flu or SARS virus. The did not do well in science classes and don’t understand ribonucleic molecules or really anything to do with the Biomolecular Sciences. You might as well try to explain algebra to a chimpanzee, because well it would be easier.
Lol…you know how it is. I am still grateful he did the right thing and made the pension payment.
Libturd says:
December 23, 2021 at 11:24 am
15K the number in Jersey
Nearly no cases in Costa Rica.
So Phil Murphy! Tell us again how great he is Pumps. As you rot away in an Omicron-infested school. Murphy is hanging out with his family in a near Covid-free country with his family.
Yelling at kids for licking a candy and the other guy still eating it. God help me. Stressing me the f/k out. Touching each other…not wearing their mask. God bless them.
Punkin hed,
I am still grateful he did the right thing and made the pension payment.
What year are you set to retire?
I’ll have 25 years in 8 years. I’ll prob keep going for as long as I can though. Pretty sure I will get my pension because I will be grandfathered into any change they make. It’s the teachers starting out now that are prob screwed. Who knows…it will prob get bailed out anyway. This is people’s retirement…so don’t know the answer.
*8 years including this school year.
Holy fiick
15,500 cases
That’s an Rt closer to 2.0
12/22 air travel exceeds 2019 – precovid numbers.
One year to the day of the start of the vaccination campaign in NJ.
This is comical. Only 41% higher….sure.
“For the week ending Dec. 19 with just 61% of the state’s school providing data, another 9,808 confirmed cases were reported among staff (2,029) and students (7,716). That’s up from 6,947 cases – 41% higher – than the new cases the previous week.”
Love the article trying to downplay the cases. Saying higher rate of transmission at the beginning of the pandemic. Yea…okay. I didn’t know too many people who were sick or test positive at the beginning of the pandemic. This is out of control now and comical that they are downplaying it.
Love the article trying to downplay the cases. Saying higher rate of transmission at the beginning of the pandemic. Yea…okay. I didn’t know too many people who were sick or test positive at the beginning of the pandemic. This is out of control now and comical that they are downplaying it.
Of course you didn’t, there was no test
You truly believe it’s spreading faster at the beginning of the pandemic than now? I find that really hard to believe based on how many people are sick right now.
Keep getting your fauci shots every few weeks, you’ll be just fine pumps.
The Murphy Administration is paying $53 million (in taxpayer dollars) to the families of 119 residents who perished in New Jersey’s state-run veterans nursing facilities.
Don’t worry, Goat, this will all be gone by next year. Then you will have something else to hate.
lol, it’s Christmas Pumps, I don’t feel like schooling you.
They can go to hell. Wtf was their family doing in a nursing home in the first place. And now you are going to reward them money for leaving their own family members to die in a nursing home?! Lawyers suck. How can you advocate for this. Scumbags. So greedy.
BRT says:
December 23, 2021 at 4:11 pm
The Murphy Administration is paying $53 million (in taxpayer dollars) to the families of 119 residents who perished in New Jersey’s state-run veterans nursing facilities.
If it spread faster than it is now…why isn’t everyone immune? Because this is pretty much running through everyone right now.
BRT says:
December 23, 2021 at 4:12 pm
lol, it’s Christmas Pumps, I don’t feel like schooling you.
That nursing home story has me fired up. Unbelievable. Get rewarded because old people in nursing homes were taken out by a virus that was always going to get them.
My brother is now sick now, so far today he went to three urgent care centers that advertise walk in covid testing, none will take him.
My grandma is in her 90’s and she is not in a nursing home. You know why? We care about her. My mother would never let that happen. No matter the inconvenience.
Here is a review of NJ free state run at home test by mail we are paying $$$ for to Vault health..
I don’t agree with filming someone without their permission, then baiting them.
“@lawindsor) Tweeted:
In new undercover video, we ask Rep. Madison Cawthorn if it’s time for 2nd Amendment solutions to the stolen election. He tells us “we’re obviously headed in that direction” and if we get there, he’ll be leading the charge.”
Amazing tweet. Lmao.
“Web4 is just people going outside again”
Phish NYE run at MSG postponed. Oh well.
No matter the inconvenience.
I’m biting my tongue so hard right now it’s f.ucking bleeding.
Drive-through testing lines are outrageous right now. Police are making people leave because they the lines are backing up major roads.
See ya delta, was nice knowing ya.
I told you, I don’t feel like schooling you. School got out noon today.
We made it without QT.
Though the sister in law drove up to get a rapid test. She was a pre-vax positive covid case, vaxed and boosted. She thinks she’s got it again, was in close contact with a positive on Monday.
Re: Air Travel yesterday. Newark airport was a bit nuts last night, long long lines we gave ourselves plenty of time 2.5 hours for our 8:30 PM flight and used that line cutting bag drop they have for United premium customers on level 4, and the shorter line on level 3 for the security check. Allot of people were trying to cut the homeland security lines leading up to the escalators from check in on level 2, seems many came to the airport at the last minute. Otherwise seemed like a normal holiday travel day.
Libturd says this is cray cray.
I’m in the 22%. Got boosted yesterday.
It’s got all the right grays.
That’s insane. 400k over ask?! In November?!
NJGator says:
December 23, 2021 at 5:53 pm
Libturd says this is cray cray.
Dubai World Trade Centre to Host and Regulate Crypto Space
Authorities in the United Arab Emirates plan to establish a special zone at the Dubai World Trade Centre (DWTC) from which businesses dealing with digital assets will be able to offer their products and services. The government of Dubai announced that the DWTC will also play the role of a regulator for the sector, enforcing “rigorous standards for investor protection, anti-money laundering (AML), combating the financing of terrorism (CFT) compliance and cross border deal flow tracing.”
According to an official announcement, the goal is to further develop Dubai’s virtual assets space and market by introducing a regulatory framework for innovative financial products that includes legislative and enforcement policies. Officials hope this will facilitate the adoption of new blockchain-related trends and improve Dubai’s standing as a global business center.
Since Covid, Hawaii Home Sales Over $10 Million Have Grown Sixfold
Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg and other wealthy buyers are pouring money into Hawaii real estate
Note to self
Don’t have kids with an Israeli.
Just drove 750 miles today. Crashed right by Notre Dame.
November new home sales were down 14% from a year ago.
The median price of a newly built home sold in November rose nearly 19% from November 2020, despite rising mortgage rates.
“A hefty correction appears to be due,” wrote Ian Shepherdson, chief economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics in a note to investors.
Still, inventory of existing homes is at historic lows, keeping prices high for now.
With no testing in sight, my family is just going to cross our fingers and hope for the best tonight. I’ve been sick since October with the preschooler so there’s a good chance what I have now is the same shyte I’ve had five times in the last two months.
Good luck out there everybody!
At least now I know where the American lawyers get their ideas from..
That story was horrific.
This is ridiculous. Let’s not stock up on Covid tests when there’s a lull. How many billions went to fraud on PPP?
I personally worked on 2 major projects last year with covid lateral flow tests.
At the beginning, FDA was not approving any lateral flow that didn’t have test proctoring – meaning someone watching you on camera while you did it, or in person. Hell, they were hugely skeptical of video chat.
1 managed to get FDA approval early, great. Y’all know this one when it carried the higher price tag than it did now.
1 did not get approval in the US, but did get approval in Europe. This is because the test support was not video monitored, but only text chat. You’d log in, follow the instructional videos online, and then if you had questions or needed help, someone would pop on to help you.
Keep this in mind. Plenty of exceptional tests would have never been approved, because they couldn’t find a way to provide the remote proctoring (this is what I was setting up). Many manufacturers argued that proctoring wasn’t required, that simply did not fly. By the way, many of these tests were readily available in other countries.
Some of these tests were approved for use in healthcare settings, where a doctor or nurse would administer the test. Keep in mind, the remote proctoring didn’t require a licensed healthcare professional to proctor the test, only someone trained to proctor the test. The average proctor was watching at least half a dozen tests at once, this is the only way it could be done cost effectively. By the way, both of these programs were run with offshore proctors, nobody was US based.
FDA simply didn’t believe that the average American could test themselves.
This is why we are in this problem. This is why the FDA just a few weeks back decided to approve all the tests that it had blocked for more than a year.
Look at the flurry of OTC tests approved from October onwards. You think this is just coincidence all just finished their kits? Noooooooooooo. These could have all been available a year ago. You have 9 manufacturers approved since mid-October, majority of them in late Nov/Dec (Omicron anyone?).
And I’ll post this here, but delete it later.
Certain industry players were making the argument to the FDA and CDC that the average person simply couldn’t effectively administer these tests themselves, and the risk was far to great to take that chance. They also argued that people would just lie, not take the tests, that without third party monitoring, there could be no guarantee, everyone would just lie. There was another whole faction that argued against any OTC tests at all (cough cough, you could guess who these were on your next trip to the pharmacy).
Because they wanted to be able to bill insurance and medicare/medicaid for the remote test administration, while at the same time selling “passports” to local governments and companies. This is why they were pushing the proctoring so hard. Because you could BILL for it, not because you needed it. Not only that, but you could also double dip and at the same time sell the guarantee that the test was taken to companies worried about getting sued by their employees, or to venues who wanted to open for events, municipal governments, police departments, prisons, etc etc. Get paid by everyone at the same time, all the time. They wanted this to be like printer ink, 2-3 tests a week per person. You want vampire squid, this was it.
And there you have it, this is why we don’t have these tests, because someone thought they could make a fortune on it. Turns out it was all a bust, they didn’t make shit. Vaccine passport backlash was way too high, very few state and local governments bought into the idea, nor did companies. Vax mandates made testing irrelevant. and they didn’t anticipate that so many companies wouldn’t call people back. Remember who ran the proctoring, we knew who bought, our staffing was driven on how may deals were sold. The numbers just never materialized.
Dollar dollar bill, y’all
(I made all of this up, just a joke, ha ha, but really, this is why we have no lateral flow tests in the US, compared to other countries)
Fits right into the current discussion. F’ing scammers.
And of course they had to salt the roads today…such a waste of money and harm to the environment.
“The average family health insurance premium in the US has more than tripled since the “affordable” care act was signed into law back in 2010.
The biggest beneficiaries: health insurers.
United Health Group (the largest US insurer) is up 1,690% vs. a 408% gain for the S&P 500.”
“Most of the non-employer health insurance premiums are now subsidized (in part or full) by taxpayers, which is why there is little incentive to find efficiencies and lower costs. But for those who still pay the full premiums it has become equivalent to a second mortgage payment.”
“Dirty secret.. United Health is just a white-collar jobs program. This is where the insurance costs are going. The stock price increase since 2005 is mostly reflected in headcount growth + change in valuation.”
“Point is UNH gets political support due to jobs. Direct employees are not majority %, but there is also contracting, IT services, etc. Actual job footprint of UNH is unfathonable.
Secret of offshoring: it creates such a mess that you need even more local jobs to fix things.”
On a positive note, woke up to my daughter screaming in joy because of the white Christmas. Big thank you to the big guy up there.
Not a surprise, healthcare in the US is 90% administration, billing and paperwork, 10% delivery of said healthcare. Your average doctor in the US will spend more time in front of a computer billing you for the services provided, than will actually be spent providing those services. And you’ll get billed for that time spent billing as well. Having spent some time working with insurers, I wouldn’t be surprised if a half-dozen, or even dozen, additional people were then involved in further administration and billing down the line. God forbid you need a prescription, or dispute a claim, that’s at least another dozen people.
Icing on the cake…all this administration for billing, yet you still can’t shop around based on price, and have no idea what the cost of service is till you get the bill. It truly is a joke on us.
For Lib,
A little hockey entertainment, watch in order, you can see how it starts.
Happy holidays.
Not a surprise, healthcare in the US is 90% administration, billing and paperwork, 10% delivery of said healthcare.
Radical Capitalism. Americans like it.
“The average family health insurance premium in the US has more than tripled since the “affordable” care act was signed into law back in 2010.
Well, you do have more meds to choose from besides Penicillin and Streptomycin.
And those that develop those things, and robots, etc are all in the stock market.
And investors want to be paid, and like that passive income that companies like ARKK give them. They get moist over Cathie’s wood. They wanna profit. That profit gets passed down.
You think your premiums are high, give it another 5 years as everyone asks for 2k vials of interferon for a virus they could probably shrug off without it. You demand it, you pay.
Unless you are boomer, then you get Medicare, which doesn’t break even on paying the real bill.
Boomer is laughing, dumping his load on the younger people without Medicare. Why do you think Romney wanted Romneycare?
Well, honestly, no lie. This is true. America is a country of liars. Just look at the last two senior citizens in office. You would think by that age they would have a modicum of integrity. But now, through social media, you see how they are-the youth especially sees how the “elders” they should respect act, and they now act accordingly. You reap what you sow.
“Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill.”
Yeah, you are evil.
“They also argued that people would just lie, not take the tests, that without third party monitoring, there could be no guarantee, everyone would just lie.”
Sorry, I forgot someone.
“Weapons of mass destruction.”
Hahaha. Effing winners.
Another 15000 cases.
Merry Xmas.
It’s unfortunate that so many of these places that used to mock nj are now becoming worse than jersey. Check out these comments on article about Utah.
“Just wait until they build the In-land Port! Thats going to take up 16,000 acres. Used to travel 20 minutes to find peace and quiet fishing! Now I travel 2 hours to find peace and quiet fishing! Still living in the same neighborhood! 17 year spand! That should tell you something about growth in population.
“Definitely not a good rank to be in! For those who own homes, sure it’s okay.. but for those coming up.. they are screwed! Plus air quality is getting worse, water is becoming an issue, ski resorts are a joke and so many other things. Utah use to be a hidden gem, not any more unfortunately!”
“That’s just great. No. 2 in population growth. No. 2 in driest climate in the nation.
Perfect match!”
“Sadly, we have elected officials who aren’t intellectually or politicaly prepared to deal with growth. The things that used to make Utah a good place to live are slowly eroding or being deliberately destroyed.”
“I moved to Utah in 2019. There were too many people. Now in 2021, every road every where is almost gridlocked with people that can’t drive, or drive like an old person. There are too many people. I hate this place and can’t wait to move out. Btw, if you’re driving, put your phone down and drive.”
“exactly. We came in 2017 and it has gone from wonderful to overcrowded very fast. Sad to see. Almost every person that drives poorly always seems to be on their phone when i pass them/ they pass me. Gridlock especially this time of year. We are in the same boat, goodbye Utah hopefully this year
At least in jersey, you know what you are going to get. These places, not so much.
“Mostly by Californians who brought their crime, blight, and homelessness with them, not to mention the hyperinflated real estate prices and cramp your style housing where you can’t even safety enter or back out of the garages.”
I bet another 30,000 who are sick could not schedule a test anywhere, and the walk in centers were turning away people too. We have to be at RT of 3 of infected VACCINATED people, after Christmas it’s going to explode, since even the vaccinated are getting sick, symptomatic or not.
Another 15000 cases.
Merry Xmas.
Friend we saw on Sunday, vaxed and boosted – let us know he tested positive.
Thanks all for the good wishes. Feeling good with only a sore throat.
Hot line for sotrovimab is 828-4-plasma. They will direct you to a website that indicates hospitals near you that have the drug.
Hope you and your family dodge the bug!
My fully vaxed/boosted daughter just tested positive.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Whole family tested this morning. All clear, which is amazing because older son’s hockey team is rife with family members with the Om.
Going to friends Xmas eve shindig. We all tested this morning and shared results. We will be sitting together by families and wearing masks. Also, spending a lot of time outside under their heat lamps.
Merry holidays.
By the way, Pumps, I mentioned UNH here the moment Obama was elected. I knew the ACA would be a big gift to the largest insurers. Was a great trade. If there is one thing that is certain, it’s that the Democrats sleep with their corporate masters.
Give me a Trump, who does not personally grift and does not act like a 2nd grader and I’ll go out and campaign for them. Regardless of party.
Nothing to see here.
On Wednesday afternoon, scientist Jonathan Rothberg was sitting on his boat-laboratory in the northeastern Caribbean parsing the future of covid testing. About 1,500 nautical miles away, on a decidedly nontropical First Avenue in Manhattan, the lines stretched a block long, as the masked weary queued up for hours outside a mobile covid testing site.
As he docks in St. Barts for the holidays, Rothberg and several rivals are continuing to reach for the covid-diagnostic holy grail: the speed and convenience of an at-home test with the accuracy of a lab one. While their plan is taking shape during omicron, they dream of a much bigger shift. They hope consumers eventually can test themselves at home for everything from the flu to sexually transmitted diseases, in a kind of radical reshaping of the medical-testing process.
Lib: Glad you and family are negative. My wife was not able to get a pcr test in Bergen, lag or store bought one. She still feels awful. I am just very fatigued,sleeping 12 hours , and sniffles and on and off headache. Just have to ride it out it appears.
My wife did show negative on the Antigen test, but pcr more accurate as we know.
You and your family were lucky to get tested. Happy Holidays. Stay well.
Can’t support our seniors. Eff You Merry Christmas. You have plenty of money, pensions, and houses that have gone up in value.
You want “hard working YOUNG people to enhance your quality of life? Effing pay for them.
“Actually, we desperately need people. Natural birth rates in America are at historic lows. We cannot support our seniors if we continue to age as a nation. We need a fusion of hard-working YOUNG people to retain/enhance our quality of life.
Your post reflects the lies/misinformation/hate on conservative mass media/Fox/social media. Immigration has been a succesful tool for American Greatness for 245 years. What has changed is the level of hate generated mostly by the new ugly Republican Party.”
Karen, it’s the holidays. It’s Covid. Don’t you know you can’t spit on people during Covid?
And on an airplane no less? What were you thinking?
It’s felony time for you.
Merry Christmas!! Enjoy!!
We need immigration…there is no doubt about it. We have to stop the hate. I’m glad to see people understanding what is at stake here.
Just lost our power…
You gotta love your ancient nj infrastructure.
Merry Christmas all!
Yea, the wire across the street broke. PSE&G came quickly and we are back in business! Infrastructure is def old, that’s why we have to invest in it instead of playing political games.
Brother his wife boosted, positive. Went to 75+ person wedding that was particular not well ventilated. Brother in law, J&J only, commutes between SFO and PHX weekly, just got off a flight, positive. Family friend in NYC, boosted, positive.
It’s getting to a point where there’s no sense in worrying about getting it… give in.
Going to be sitting on the 50 yard line at Lambeau Field today. My son is going to lead the Go Pack Go chant after player introductions.
I’ll be there with my Jets stuff on.
33 and sunny. Wisconsin in late December. I’ll take it.
Chicago was 52 yesterday. Nice!
Chi in Green Bay,
Awesome!! Enjoy!!
Merry Christmas to all who celebrate, and Happy Holidays to those who don’t.
My condolences.
GB should be fun to watch. Enjoy the day.
Ditto to all.
Don’t forget the Brats Chi
Christmas for a Jew: Dinner tonight at LA “Genghis Cohen” followed by the new Wes Andersen film.
Concerted effort to avoid all the overly sentimental BS the goyim spout across social media.
“Concerted effort to avoid all the overly sentimental BS the goyim spout across social media.”
What exactly are you saying?
1:04 Oh Lord, so traditionally I was left at home alone on Christmas while my parents gathered coal in the fields for the children of the Town who misbehaved. When they returned late that night, they were usually covered in coal dust and ash, their fingers bleeding and noses clogged with the acrid spores of coal beds.
I looked my mother in eye one night and I said mother who is “Jesus”, and she looked back at me through that black dust and said, he’s the Man that’s going to steal our jobs. Thanks uuuu! everybody, I’m here all week!
“I now understand how the McMansion thing happened in the mid-2000’s. You’re 45-55, you have your partner, you’ve had your kids. What else are you going to spend the money on?”