Wages Up!

Seems like given the current inflation conditions, we’re in a politically advantageous time to push for minimum wage increases without much noise:

Florida’s minimum wage increases this month

Montgomery County Introduces Bill To Phase Out Tipped Minimum Wage

Connecticut’s minimum wage to increase on Jan. 1. What will the new wage be?

Industry and Labor Serve Up $20 Minimum Wage Deal For Fast Food Workers

Chicago’s tipped workers to get minimum wage

Galloway: Biden should raise minimum wage to $25

Minimum wage could raise to $25 for California health care workers

Ohio Democrats introduce bill that would raise the state’s minimum wage

Maine minimum wage to increase in 2024

Sen. Cassidy backs bill to raise federal minimum wage

In a Hot Job Market, the Minimum Wage Becomes an Afterthought

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24 Responses to Wages Up!

  1. grim says:

    For reference, we’re currently at the lowest percentage of workers in the US being paid at the Federal minimum wage, at 1.3%.

  2. Juice Box says:

    re: “paid at the Federal minimum wage, at 1.3%”

    Does not even amount to that many workers. 134 million full time employees and 26 million part time, so approx 2 million workers at Federal minimum wage. What states might those be?

    Spending for Federal and State governments combined so far this year 10 Trillion or 37% of GDP but they have only taken in 6.5 Trillion in taxes.

    Just how much borrowing funds the government? Well this year so far we spent 794 billion on Defense and 703 Billion on Interest payments, which will only increase with higher interest rated being paid now on UST.

    Year ain’t over yet. Government shutdown looming. They cannot even get a bill passed to fund the government until Halloween. Hardliners want 8% budget cut…I would say that the government will shut down…Fun times ahead…

  3. Fast Eddie says:



  4. Libturd says:

    “Come to daddy!”

    Nevada leads nation in home foreclosures, report says


    “One in every 2,224 housing units in Nevada had a foreclosure filing in August, beating out Illinois, South Carolina, New Jersey and Delaware, according to the new report.”

  5. Fast Eddie says:

    Tidy-looking joint, country feel to it, sorta… wonder if it’s under contract?


  6. Phoenix says:

    Trust in your government. It has your back. Bwahha. Salute the flag. Just like the guy who called the police about his 11 year old daughter, they threatened her with charges after she was being groomed online.

    American government is a Shi te show unless you are Ukrainian, then the money just flows to you.


  7. Phoenix says:

    Do you work for Zillow? If not, you should ask them for some sort of kickback anyway.

  8. 3b says:

    Lib: Nevada and home foreclosures, sounds like last time.

  9. leftwing says:

    “but there is a reason why the majority lose in the stock market…”

    “Another patently false statement.”

    Yeah, I saw this…decided to take Juice’s advice and just ignore.

    He has to state the majority lose money, or face the music that he is the outlier with his gambling on pancakes, ARKK, and the other crap.

    Truth is too cognitively dissonant to handle.

  10. ExEx says:

    Aren’t foreclosures a pain to deal with??

  11. grim says:

    A little over a million workers at or below Federal minimum wage:


    Texas leads at 98k, Florida second at 85k.

  12. ExEx says:

    Amgen FTW

  13. BRT says:

    That QQQ chart is looking ugly

  14. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Is Seattle Ready to Stop Deteriorating?
    Glimmers of hope amid a bloody era of chaos.
    It’s not easy to be hopeful about a restoration of public safety given Seattle’s heartbreaking homicide surge this year. But there are signs that even the progressive pols who run this troubled city are not content to allow a continuing doom loop of human degradation. Sarah Grace Taylor reports for the Seattle Times:

    After a summer debating a contentious drug enforcement bill, the Seattle City Council reversed course Tuesday, voting 6-3 to allow the City Attorney’s Office to prosecute knowing possession and public use of illicit drugs.

    The council adopted a state bill into the city’s criminal code that allows the city to pursue new state charges for both offenses in an effort to combat public consumption of drugs. Over the last three years, the use of fentanyl and other drugs on public transit and in other public places has become more prevalent.

    The controversial bill — which permits City Attorney Ann Davison to pursue gross misdemeanor charges for public drug use and possession — cleared the council after months of discussion, following a 5-4 vote against an earlier version of the bill in June.

    Even in leftist enclaves there appears to be a rising appreciation that citizens have a right to expect minimum standards of civilized behavior in public spaces and that it is hardly an act of compassion to accommodate addicts destroying themselves downtown. The city will still make efforts to get people into treatment programs rather than jail. But enough may finally be enough in the Emerald City.

    How refreshing and rare it is to find progressive politicians who are willing to admit mistakes. Let’s hope that Seattle’s city council members make it a habit.

  15. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Have to understand that not everyone can make in the stock market. Someone has to lose in order for someone to win.

    Yes, you can passively invest like buffett recommends, but you really don’t win much when factoring time, fees, and inflation. And let’s be serious, passive index investing has become one big bubble. One day that chit is going to take a bat to the head and cost a lot of people money that are forced to sell.

    “If you read articles around stock market investment, you would have definitely come across the statement – 90% of the people lose money in the stock market. It is 100% true. The mistake investors make is that they ignore the above warning and assume they fall in the other 10%.”


    leftwing says:
    September 20, 2023 at 2:14 pm
    “but there is a reason why the majority lose in the stock market…”

    “Another patently false statement.”

    Yeah, I saw this…decided to take Juice’s advice and just ignore.

    He has to state the majority lose money, or face the music that he is the outlier with his gambling on pancakes, ARKK, and the other crap.

    Truth is too cognitively dissonant to handle.

  16. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Why do you think financial advisors exist? Most people have zero clue.

    Of course most people won’t think the market is manipulated, they haven’t put in 20 f’ing years studying this chit.

  17. The Great Pumpkin says:


    Every cycle has stock movement. Movement from safety, movement to risk. Who do you think drives this movement and always wins? They are always in position before the lemmings. How do you think these people amass billions of dollars in shorts amount of time? By everyone winning? Get real.

  18. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Go watch Billions….you are telling me there is no manipulation?!!!

  19. leftwing says:


    Oh man, thanks for the laughs. You are a fucking caricature.

    Quoting bad market statistics originated from an India based former insurance salesperson running an ‘AI’ based brokerage in Mumbai. Priceless.

    “Of course most people won’t think the market is manipulated, they haven’t put in 20 f’ing years studying this chit.”

    Wow, twenty whole years?! Really? Dumbfuck, you could grab three of us off this forum and have well over a century of real capital markets experience – not study – and US based, not some third world market. LOL. You literally have no idea.

    But yes, of course, Billions is the most authoritative reference point….just like you argued against actual private sector employees here based on your knowledge of the workplace gleaned from watching The Office sitcom.

    JFC, I’m laughing so hard I have soup running out of my nose.

    You really are dumber than a box of rocks.

    Back to posting those directions on how to ties your shoes each morning over your nightstand, huh. LOL.

  20. Phoenix says:


    New acronym.

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