Sorry stagers, physical home staging is dead

Hard to believe these staging companies ever really existed. Warehouses full of furniture? Using humans to temporarily move in and out furniture, just to get photographs of a home?

It’s gotten a whole lot cheaper to put lipstick on the pig. Outside of very high-end luxury properties, I don’t see how any of these staging businesses stay in business for much longer.

From RIS:


The real estate industry is one of continuous evolution. From online listings to virtual tours, technological advancements have significantly impacted how homes are bought and sold. One innovation that’s been steadily gaining traction is virtual staging. Virtual staging is the art of digitally furnishing an empty home to give buyers a better sense of what the space could look like. It’s an essential tool for agents, especially in today’s digital-first world. In a development that’s far from surprising, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making significant waves in the virtual staging sector, much like how ChatGPT has revolutionized communication in the real estate space.

Traditionally, virtual staging has been a manual process requiring designers to meticulously place furniture, decor, and other elements into photographs of empty rooms. This process can take a day or two, sometimes more. However, AI-powered services like Virtual Staging AI have revolutionized this aspect by offering a turnaround time of just 10 seconds. All a user has to do is upload a photo, select the room type and furniture style, and voilà! A fully staged room is ready, saving valuable time for real estate professionals.

When it comes to virtual staging, not all AI platforms are created equal. The technology varies significantly in its application and suitability for real estate professionals. Services like Virtual Staging AI and VirtualStaging.Cloud focus on delivering technology that’s specifically tailored for the real estate industry. They adhere to Multiple Listing Service (MLS) compliance standards by maintaining the structural integrity of the rooms. Virtual Staging AI, for example, offers a variety of features but ensures that the original room layout remains unchanged. 

On the other hand, some AI services are better suited for homeowners seeking design inspiration rather than for realtors aiming to sell properties. For instance, InteriorAI or Midjourney create captivating designs but take the liberty to alter structural elements like walls, windows, or doors. While the end result may be visually stunning, it’s important to understand that these types of transformations are not MLS-compliant. This limits the service’s utility for real estate agents, who require a more factual representation of the property to show to potential buyers. 

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137 Responses to Sorry stagers, physical home staging is dead

  1. Very Stable Genius says:

    Same here, ain’t? We are constantly in a financial crisis.
    The republicans generate them and the democrats fix them.

    The Great Pumpkin says:
    October 16, 2023 at 9:27 pm
    Victor Shih, an associate professor and the director of the 21st Century China Center at the University of California San Diego, told me that when people ask him if there will be a financial crisis in China, he tells them that China “is constantly in a financial crisis.” It’s like the authorities are playing a game of whack-a-mole, trying to contain any shocks to the financial system because they fear social instability. That means there can be no correction, but if there’s no correction, there’s no deleveraging, and if there’s no deleveraging, the moles will only multiply.

  2. Very Stable Genius says:

    “ The real estate industry is one of continuous evolution.”

    Year after year same poorly designs, terrible layouts, flimsy construction. Nothing changes other than the price.

  3. Juice Box says:

    2 yr old comment from the NAR website.

    Average staging costs are from $2 per sqft to $5 per sqft. It can be very expensive which is the reason why sellers are hesitating. Virtual staging has been working for me very well, which is about $35-$50 per staging photo.

  4. grim says:

    Virtual staging was largely a “photoshop” exercise 2 years ago, hence the $35-50 price quote you see there.

    “Virtual Staging AI” now charges less than a dollar. Your local office paying the $69 a month for an enterprise plan can get photos for $0.25.

    $50 a photo to $0.25 a photo in 2 years, and the quality is FAR BETTER.

    This lends itself to new personalization approaches – I can view the house with my preferred interior style. Your wife like Joanna Gaines’ Magnolia Homes? Poof, there it is. I prefer a crushed velour lay-z-boy with freshly cracked Rheingold on a tin foldout TV tray. Poof, I get my dream home too.

  5. Juice Box says:

    Tricky move for Biden going over in person to attempt to talk Bibi down from his Bloodlust. Over 10,000 wounded in the bombing campaigns so far and over 3,000 civilians dead. 1/2 are children.

    For comparison during US bombing campaigns in Syria and Iraq we dropped average 2500 bombs a month. Israel Air Force and Army artillery are doing that amount now every three days, or about 1,000 bombs and artillery shells a day.

    “ Biden to visit Israel amid war in the Middle East

    The U.S. hopes to break a deadlock over delivering aid to increasingly desperate civilians in besieged Gaza following a brutal attack by Hamas militants, as President Joe Biden is expected to head to Israel and Jordan on Wednesday.“

  6. Chicago says:

    Ten 476.5

  7. Fast Eddie says:

    (Reuters) – “Bank of America’s profit rose about 10% in the third quarter as it joined rivals in earning more from interest payments by its customers.

    Meanwhile, lenders have seen their interest income swell as they had more room to charge higher rates on loans after the Federal Reserve raised borrowing costs in its fight against inflation.

    Interest income across the sector has also been supported by Americans who have healthy household finances and continue to spend money using their credit cards despite a looming economic slowdown.”

    Tick… Tick… Tick… Tick…

  8. Chicago says:

    Juice: I believe the Gaza numbers when they have proof.

    1/2 are children? How many “children” have a gun in their hand?

    The whole thing is a sham. Don’t get fooled.

    Bill Maher said it best. If the Palestinians put down their weapons, there would be peace.

    If the Israelis put down their weapons, they would all be murdered.

  9. Fast Eddie says:

    Virtual Staging – What’s the point? I’m gonna virtual stage your new Mercedes but when you come to pick it up, it’s really a Buick Century.

    The physical staging is an insult on par. What, you had to get rid rid of the dog piss smell and stains on the old couch where Thumper used to rub his ass up and down all day while Mom smoked her Virginia Slims?

    As for virtual… again, showing Ethan Allen layouts to get you to buy the dump when you know full well Bob’s Furniture will be making a delivery of the floor models, that illustrates the new owners blind, hideous eye for décor. When you walk into the hovel and see mold stains in the bathroom from 1993, waves in the kitchen floor and a one foot high water stain around the foundation in the basement, what the fuck is the point of staging? When your 10 year old says they’re scared and need to leave the open house, take that as a sign that something big is about to fail. When there’s a five gallon pail under the slop sink with a one and a half inch pump in the bucket because the drain is below grade, that’s a sign to run. But, look at these images, aren’t they beautiful?

    Conclusion: The shithole is way overpriced but we’re going to try and bilk you anyway.

  10. Juice Box says:

    Chicago – I am making a comparison. The U.S. has dropped at least 337,000 bombs and missiles over 21 years in the Middle East, in the still ongoing war on terror. Some say it’s over a million civilians were killed by those bombs and 1/2 were children because that is the demographics.

    BTW the actual numbers are probably higher.

  11. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Juice, they are either with us or against us. There is no reasoning with these religious fanatics. They will not stop hating us….their religion is based on hate. It’s based on eliminating anyone that does not follow their religion.

    Juice Box says:
    October 17, 2023 at 8:14 am
    Chicago – I am making a comparison. The U.S. has dropped at least 337,000 bombs and missiles over 21 years in the Middle East, in the still ongoing war on terror. Some say it’s over a million civilians were killed by those bombs and 1/2 were children because that is the demographics.

    BTW the actual numbers are probably higher.

  12. Juice Box says:

    BTW to be clear, as to what is true and not true since the news is not reporting it.

    Secretary Blinken spent 8 hours yesterday with Bibi trying to talk him down. Biden got a call from Blinken who told him NO JOY. So Biden had to clear his schedule and hop on AF1 YESTERDAY and fly over right away and according to reports is there now. News says he will be there tomorrow wink wink OPSEC.

    We also have many others there in the last week including our Secretary of Defense.

    It ain’t because they want to clear some tunnels. Leveling a whole city is a war crime.

  13. grim says:

    Retail sales still strong.

    Maybe my recession-radar is broken, throwing off bad signals.

    Nearly every company I’ve talked to in the last few weeks has been belt tightening, and a lot of it in very stealthy ways. Changes to policies that are more restrictive, less customer friendly. Cutting hours of operations, weekend hours, etc. Changing things like service level – allowing hold times to push longer, pushing customers to chat/bots, etc.

  14. Phoenix says:

    Just being greedy, same sales, more profit

    Greed is good.

    grim says:
    October 17, 2023 at 8:51 am
    Retail sales still strong.

    Maybe my recession-radar is broken, throwing off bad signals.

    Nearly every company I’ve talked to in the last few weeks has been belt tightening, and a lot of it in very stealthy ways. Changes to policies that are more restrictive, less customer friendly. Cutting hours of operations, weekend hours, etc. Changing things like service level – allowing hold times to push longer, pushing customers to chat/bots, etc.

  15. Juice Box says:

    Pumps – I am well aware of the fact that won’t embrace enlightenment ala the writings of Voltaire, Adam Smith as well as many others.

    Thousands of years of war there and it may only end with a bunch of 100 million degrees Celsius flashes and firestorms that will burn it all to the ground.

  16. JUice Box says:

    re: Retail sales

    Hardly a cashier working at Target at 11 AM on Sunday morning. Ours only has 4 self-checkout Kiosks, always a line. I try and avoid going there and BTW their Halloween Costume and decorations are expensive garbage. $45 for one cheap spider to add to the collection I put up on large spiderwebs every season.

  17. Phoenix says:

    Hate is a really interesting concept.

    War starts in Israel/Gaza.

    Man kills child in Illinois over Israeli war.

    Man kills two men in Sweden over boy killed in Illinois.

    It’s like an internet packet bouncing around the world from node to node.

    Belgian cops shoot suspect dead following manhunt for ISIS fanatic illegal migrant who killed two Swedish football fans with automatic rifle ‘to avenge the death of six-year-old Muslim boy murdered in Illinois’

  18. grim says:

    Hate is always looking for a reason to act, and usually has no problem finding one.

  19. Phoenix says:

    Junk you buy at an estate sale for a quarter and keep it for the following holiday till you kid grows up.

    October 17, 2023 at 9:01 am
    re: Retail sales

    Hardly a cashier working at Target at 11 AM on Sunday morning. Ours only has 4 self-checkout Kiosks, always a line. I try and avoid going there and BTW their Halloween Costume and decorations are expensive garbage. $45 for one cheap spider to add to the collection I put up on large spiderwebs every season.

  20. Libturd says:

    I would say about one in ten listings in the Vegas area are virtually staged. Not only is it dead obvious, especially to someone in the photo manipulation industry, but they mark those images, “virtually staged.”

    On the recession tip. The soft landing scenario seems the most likely. I know. It’s simply incredulous. That’s not to say the following quarter or two may not be ugly on Wall Street as reports of sales come in softer than expected. But earnings drive stock price, not sales. And we are finally at the bottom of the earnings cycle. So really, the main question left is, do you get in now and risk some losses, but you can rest assured they’ll be back with the rest of the economy within a year or so? Or do you try to nail the bottom and risk the big gains that begin mainly at the start of a bull market. And Captain Obvious says, the FED can alway cut interest rates if things get shitty to save us (hear that Trump?). Inflation won’t be a problem if the shit is hitting the fan. The only unknowns (headwinds) are that pesky 10-year indicating near-term pain. There is still the potential for a lot of pain to be had in CRE, though housing/retail is saving their ass for now. The idiot Republicans who either have momentary strokes, or choose to be stroked, might stop the functioning of DC altogether, causing yields to go crazy in government bonds (cause who wants to touch that hot potato).

    Economically, I can’t wait to see what home prices do when they eventually lower rates. Think they are high now? Just wait until you can get a 30-year mortgage for under 4% again.

  21. grim says:

    The Eastern world, it is explodin’
    Violence flarin’, bullets loadin’
    You’re old enough to kill but not for votin’
    You don’t believe in war, but what’s that gun you’re totin’?
    And even the Jordan river has bodies floatin’

  22. TraitorJoe says:

    My guess is the casualties will be 50-1 before the operation is over. Possibly higher.

    The US will again be the dumping ground for tens of thousands. Many radicals among them who will immediately take up socialist and anti American positions. Well find the winners militarily and the losers rebuild. Both the squad and Zionist’s will laugh at how we got played again.

    Anyone who opposes the stupidity will be labeled an extremist.

  23. Libturd says:

    I do expect Netanyahu to level a nice chunk of Northern Gaza. Whatever Hamas did, he will certainly do back multiplied by a factor of 100. We would too. It will also make people (Israeli voters) forget about the huge security blunder that just occurred under his watch.

  24. TraitorJoe says:

    And meanwhile the lefts third world Revolution will continue unabated. An American will die from fentanyl smuggled over the border every five minutes. Not a peep about that from the traitors running the country. Deny it’s happening at all.

  25. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Lib, on the recession, that’s what it is looking like unless these rates keep shooting up. I might get back in, but still going to wait a little, but getting close to going back in.

    Libturd says:
    October 17, 2023 at 9:11 am

  26. Phoenix says:

    Hate is not something that is always wrong. It is like the top and bottom of a 60hz sine wave.

    It’s like a form of energy. It can be good or bad based on someone’s “perception.”

    You can have a really good reason to hate someone, or a really dumb one. One of the young ladies I work with tells me about her hate for certain races, not knowing that I love girls from that race. She feels her race is “superior” to them.

    All men are created equal is a “ground potential” that, like a lightning rod, would decrease the energy of hate, or at least it’s chances of entropy.

    Religion, social media, capitalism, government- all very good at decreasing entropy and increasing the chances of a lightning strike where no lightning rod is to be found.

    grim says:
    October 17, 2023 at 9:07 am
    Hate is always looking for a reason to act, and usually has no problem finding one.

  27. grim says:

    Tying back to AI.

    Here’s the Mistral 7B open source large language model rewriting Barry McGuire’s song to be “more specific to war and violence in the middle east”. Clearly it doesn’t handle rhyme and meter as good as the big boys, but this is running on my local PC:

    The Middle East is in turmoil
    Violence escalating, hatred boiling
    You’re old enough to fight but not for voting
    You don’t believe in war, but what’s that gun you’re holding?
    And the innocent lives lost, shattered by strife.

    We are on the brink of destruction
    As political leaders just sit and contemplate.
    Their inaction leaves us questioning our future
    While protests alone cannot make a difference or bring integration.
    Human respect is disintegrating, and this world feels frustrating.

    You tell me over and over again, my friend
    How you don’t believe we are on the edge of destruction.
    But look around at the conflicts in Israel, Syria, and Iran
    And the hate in the Middle East that continues to burn.

    The pounding of the drums echoes through the streets
    And the pride and disgrace of our inability to find peace.
    We must bury our dead and leave no trace of violence behind us.
    In this war-torn region, hatred is deep-rooted, and grace seems far away.

  28. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Karma is a biatch. Guess running from nj property taxes bit them in the ass.

    WEST PALM BEACH, Fla.—James and Laura Molinari left Chicago for a two-story stucco home in this city’s historic Flamingo Park neighborhood. The four-bedroom house was a short bridge away from Palm Beach island and walking distance to downtown West Palm Beach.

    “We love it here,” said James, who plays golf with his 3-year-old son on Saturdays and can swim year-round in his backyard pool.

    Then the renewal for his home insurance arrived. The new rate for the year starting in September was around $121,000—more than seven times what the Molinaris said they paid last year, and more than 13 times what they paid when the family moved to Florida in 2019.

    While they found a better rate from another insurer, at about $33,000 it is still nearly double what they paid last year. The family this month listed the home for sale with an asking price of nearly $3.5 million after determining that insurance costs made staying there too expensive. Others in Flamingo Park told The Wall Street Journal they are drawing the same conclusion.

    “The for-sale signs are going up left and right,” James said of the neighborhood.

    Florida’s explosion in insurance premiums threatens to ground the state’s highflying housing market. Florida home prices soared more than 60% since 2019, according to real-estate brokerage Redfin. That rate has slowed more recently, and the state’s home prices in September edged up 2.7% over the previous year, Redfin said.

  29. Phoenix says:

    Let the people from Gaza come here.

    I don’t care. We are a melting pot.

    Same with the Mexicans. Come on in.

    I only wish Brazil would send in some of their ladies, however.

  30. grim says:

    Hm, this version was a little bit better, this is a fine tuned version of Mistral by OpenOrca. This one is far more interesting for a 7 billion parameter open source model.

    The Middle East is in turmoil
    As rockets fly over cities filled with people.
    We pray for peace but feel our hearts grow cold,
    With no end in sight to this seemingly endless strife.

    Innocent lives are lost in the violence
    While political leaders just contemplate.
    Protests alone cannot make a difference,
    Or bring integration to this broken land.

    We must find a way to heal and be at peace,
    To bury our dead without leaving behind a trace of war.
    The pounding of boots on the ground echoes through the streets,
    And the pride and disgrace of our inability to find peace.

  31. Phoenix says:


    You don’t need homeowners insurance if you pay cash. It’s only for cheapskates, the poor, those who can’t fix anything themselves, those who want to claim the hubcap that fell of their car, and all NJ teachers that retire there because they don’t want to pay taxes that support NJ UNION teachers and cops EXACTLY like THEMSELVES.

    It’s like a psycho thing inside themselves. If they pay taxes to other teachers with their own money, in their heads its like them chewing on their own body parts.

  32. Phoenix says:

    Peace is a bull shite concept that winners tell losers to accept…

  33. Phoenix says:


    Like a lion telling a gazelle to stop resisting while it is chewing on it’s entrails.

  34. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Oh, what can go wrong when people in Florida stop paying for insurance. I will lose my chit if the Fed govt comes and pays for their destroyed property.

    ““It’s lunacy. You feel like you’re being played for a fool,” said Pete, 72 years old, a retired boat painter.

    “If the house does blow over, we can sell the land and move on,” Susan said.

    Even the mayor of Palm Beach County, Gregg Weiss, who lives in the neighborhood, decided to drop his insurance when the premium doubled to about $20,000. Instead of paying the insurance, he paid off what was left on his mortgage.

    “I know a lot of people who have done the same thing,” Weiss said. “The market doesn’t make sense anymore.””

  35. Phoenix says:

    You would lose your chit if a child threw a spitball in your classroom, go out on disability, claim it was some sort of biohazard terrorism. Teachers were the ones that cried the most over Covid, I remember.

    I’m fine with taking care of our own when their houses get damaged. Rather do that then take my money to fund two wars, pay for warships floating in the Persian Gulf, and send millions of dollars to any country begging every year for money from America.

    All lobbying needs to stop. Period. My tax dollars are for Americans. Not anyone else, only my fellow Americans. Midwest Americans, Florida Americans, Ohio Americans, Puerto Rico Americans.

    Stay here, make things here, fix this hell hole called America first.

    Oh, what can go wrong when people in Florida stop paying for insurance. I will lose my chit if the Fed govt comes and pays for their destroyed property.

  36. Phoenix says:

    Teachers are like boomers.

    They want benefits for themselves, but don’t want those that come after them to get the same “entitlements” they have enjoyed for years. And both will run to no-tax states to insure that they aren’t paying for them either.

    Entitled crybabies. Have no desire to make the place better than they left it.

    It has a name, the locust generation. Sows the seeds of greed.

  37. ExLax says:

    Poor GOP can’t even manage a house majority.

  38. 3b says:

    Lib: I don’t think we will see those low 3 percent rates again for a long time. They are what fueled this mess in the first place. As for a soft landing, I don’t see it.

  39. Phoenix says:

    Give them all Ex Lax and let them fight over a toilet.

    ExLax says:
    October 17, 2023 at 9:43 am
    Poor GOP can’t even manage a house majority.

  40. ExLax says:

    9:36 you talk a lot.

  41. Phoenix says:

    With the stroke of a pen the Government can make the interest rate anything they “GOD DAM” feel like. With or without lidocaine.

    America is a country that prefers to manipulate and restrain you financially. It’s the first line tactic. We are seeing the results of this with all of the looting.

    They know the next step is to use the law, but YouTube and such is giving people an advantage-they are learning the tricks of the law, how it works, and how to avoid the pitfalls of it.

    Violence and lawlessness will follow, and last it will become the police state they want and legislated in after 9/11.

  42. Very Stable Genius says:

    Hate sells, it’s marketable and some profit from it. War is an example of hate.

  43. Phoenix says:

    I just turn on the light. I’m not part of the gathering behind the refrigerator.

    ExLax says:
    October 17, 2023 at 9:47 am
    9:36 you talk a lot.

  44. Libturd says:


    It will be while for sure. I’m talking next cycle while. Not this one.

    Soft Landing. Yeah, hard to believe, but it does look like RE is the savior. Though, the rental increases that seemed unreal are reversing, so who knows if lower rents will put a dent in housing prices as the rent vs. own equation shifts deeply back to renting.

    In other oddities, does anyone know why the two fueling areas in Iselin on the GSP (one North/one South) are so cheap? Even Shell, which is generally an outlier to the expensive side is $3.04. The Shell in Bloomfield is over 50 cents a gallon higher. BTW, those two rest areas are privately owned. The only ones which are between the GSP and the Turnpike.

    Trivia question. What is the state route number for the GSP?

  45. Juice Box says:

    Another day another escalation. Ukraine destroyed a bunch of Russian Attack Helicopters parked at an airport it was completely decimated. The M74 cluster bomb typically carried by the MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System aka ATACMS was found.

    So we gave them longer-range weapons.

  46. Very Stable Genius says:

    Florida decides elections, hence rightwingers will vote for federal insurance subsidizing

    Phoenix says:
    October 17, 2023 at 9:36 am
    You would lose your chit if a child threw a spitball in your classroom, go out on disability, claim it was some sort of biohazard terrorism. Teachers were the ones that cried the most over Covid, I remember.

    I’m fine with taking care of our own when their houses get damaged. Rather do that then take my money to fund two wars, pay for warships floating in the Persian Gulf, and send millions of dollars to any country begging every year for money from America.

    All lobbying needs to stop. Period. My tax dollars are for Americans. Not anyone else, only my fellow Americans. Midwest Americans, Florida Americans, Ohio Americans, Puerto Rico Americans.

    Stay here, make things here, fix this hell hole called America first.

    Oh, what can go wrong when people in Florida stop paying for insurance. I will lose my chit if the Fed govt comes and pays for their destroyed property.

  47. TraitorJoe says:

    Great, what’s you address? There are millions of them here looking for a home. Don’t send them to the poorest areas where they’re taking resources away from Americans. Bring them right in your home if you mean that.

  48. Fast Eddie says:

    Interesting dynamic happening with the leftist phonies; some of the ivory tower charlatans are sympathetic to the Hamas cause. We know the anti-Semites would emerge even though there’s many Jewish cats and kittens in high places that directly affect the careers of the fake progressives. The theme above in today’s post seems to be ‘hate’ and it’s apparent that a lot of progressives hate Israel more than falling in line with the liberal doctrine. It’s rare when the lefties change lanes but the grand plan is for global disparity and division.

  49. Phoenix says:

    Of course we did. I’m sure we give them tactical support, Pegasus, Satellite imagery, and almost anything else short of actual boots.

    Cause we are not at war. But the Chinese are watching. They see how it works. They are watching how we are controlling them financially.

    Boomer is going to get our children into a war while he enjoys his teacher pension in a no-tax state, dipping his wrinkled toes in the the waters of the gulf.

    Juice Box says:
    October 17, 2023 at 9:58 am
    Another day another escalation. Ukraine destroyed a bunch of Russian Attack Helicopters parked at an airport it was completely decimated. The M74 cluster bomb typically carried by the MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System aka ATACMS was found.

    So we gave them longer-range weapons.

  50. Fast Eddie says:

    Boomer is going to get our children into a war while he enjoys his teacher pension in a no-tax state, dipping his wrinkled toes in the the waters of the gulf.

    Where’s my Pall Malls!! Go make me a rye and soda!! Where’s that VHS tape of the Dean Martin Roasts? Call Sonny to come set up my recorder!!

  51. Phoenix says:

    My address is America. I pay taxes. Full freight, no fake ” business” deductions, and I don’t suck the government t i t for one single dime.

    I support, with my taxable income, all of those people who claim their children’s birthday party as a tax exemption. I support, with my taxable income, all of those who claimed the restaurant dinner with their family as a “business expense.” I support, with my taxable income, all of those whose wives are driving a 6k lb vehicle and claiming it is a work truck.

    I support so many. So just throw some refugees from anywhere on the pile. It’s really not going to affect me that much.

  52. Very Stable Genius says:

    Imagine there’s no heaven
    It’s easy if you try
    No hell below us
    Above us, only sky

    Imagine all the people
    Livin’ for today

    Imagine there’s no countries
    It isn’t hard to do
    Nothing to kill or die for
    And no religion, too

    Imagine all the people
    Livin’ life in peace

    You may say I’m a dreamer
    But I’m not the only one
    I hope someday you’ll join us
    And the world will be as one

    Imagine no possessions
    I wonder if you can
    No need for greed or hunger
    A brotherhood of man

    Imagine all the people
    Sharing all the world

  53. Libturd says:

    Israel is always the same. Nothing ever changes.

    Arabs attack. Israel fights them back (with generous help from the US). Israel has about one month to finish the job before the Western Press begins to sympathise for the Arab state.

    Rinse and repeat every few decades.

  54. Phoenix says:

    Many of these “refugees” have fought their way through the Darien pass.

    That guy is going to work for you if you are an honest boss. That guy is a fighter.

    Better than our politicians that have avoided “heel spurs,” or those that will file a disability claim that they got a bunion from using the brakes in their car from having to drive to work.

  55. leftwing says:

    “When you walk into the hovel and see mold stains in the bathroom from 1993, waves in the kitchen floor and a one foot high water stain around the foundation in the basement, what the fuck is the point of staging?”

    Like most markets buy the dream, sell the news….

    “Hate is always looking for a reason to act, and usually has no problem finding one.”

    Post of the week so far.

  56. Phoenix says:


    Better than our politicians that have avoided the draft because of “heel spurs,” or those that will file a disability claim that they got a bunion from using the brakes in their car from having to drive to work.

  57. Fast Eddie says:

    John Lennon… totally overrated. Steely Dan mocked him, rightfully so:

  58. Phoenix says:

    SWAT team raids suburban Atlanta home to arrest four people who were running an ‘illegal strip club on the weekends’ – and had a HORSE on the property.

    Maybe they were just making a music video? 🤣🤣🤣

    Hopefully they didn’t shoot the horse.

  59. Libturd says:

    I heard the horse gave the Atlanta authorities the tip.

  60. Libturd says:

    As well as the strippers.

  61. Fast Eddie says:

    And now a word from our Vice President:

  62. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Stop giving me ideas. lol

    On the real, I would never want to sit home. Work is good for you. Keeps the mind exercising through social interactions and critical thinking needed to get the job done. You also exercise the body by walking around and doing things instead of wasting away on the couch. People that fake disability are total losers and are only hurting themselves….karma is a biatch,

    Have pride in your work, or get a job that will provide it. Purpose….it matters.

    Phoenix says:
    October 17, 2023 at 9:36 am
    You would lose your chit if a child threw a spitball in your classroom, go out on disability, claim it was some sort of biohazard terrorism. Teachers were the ones that cried the most over Covid, I remember.

  63. Chicago says:

    Ten 482, touched 485

  64. Very Stable Genius says:

    Egypt, Kuwait, Oman and Israel do not have a US ambassador.

    Radicalized republicans are blocking the US government.

  65. TraitorJoe says:

    They’re hiring organized crime to shuttle them here. It’s a worldwide racket. Joe has been a great friend to the cartels and their partners. NGOs are feeding them and providing logistics.

    Since they are a majority fighting age men then it’s time to fight for their own countries. If you keep the border open then it’s a gift to their corrupt governments. Educate them on the constitution and send them back. Let them make a stand.

    There are 100 million people on their way here across s the world. That’s the end of America. And yeah I know that’s what the American haters want.

  66. leftwing says:

    “The idiot Republicans…might stop the functioning of DC altogether, causing yields to go crazy in government bonds (cause who wants to touch that hot potato).”

    Unlikely response to current DC events but if it happens buy that dip and take some profit from the drama queens, frightened liberals, and algos.

    “Whatever Hamas did, he will certainly do back multiplied by a factor of 100. We would too.”

    No we wouldn’t lol. We are bunch of limp-wristed feminized pussies bounded by our own fantastical social dog fences.

  67. Phoenix says:

    That’s what corporations want. Cheap, hardworking labor paid for by middle class taxpayers since corporations avoid taxes.

    If they could bring slavery back, you can be sure there are plenty in America that would be all for it.

    “There are 100 million people on their way here across s the world. That’s the end of America. And yeah I know that’s what the American haters want.”

  68. TraitorJoe says:

    Pie in the sky bullshlt. We live on a debt based Service economy Corporations can’t absorb this onslaught. Hire many of them are sick, stupid or criminals? We have no idea. These people already here will cost trillions to support. And you think they share our values? Look at the chaos on the streets. This is a Revolution.

  69. trick says:

    Went to the VT vs Wake Forest game down at tech this weekend, it was the 1st time I have seen gas cheaper in NJ.

  70. Very Stable Genius says:

    That’s implicit in the support for trump

    Phoenix says:
    October 17, 2023 at 11:50 am

    If they could bring slavery back, you can be sure there are plenty in America that would be all for it.

  71. ExLax says:

    10:23 I don’t think he was overrated. Unlikeable? Perhaps. But the man wrote the best songs of that era.

  72. The Great Pumpkin says:


    Read that new refineries in Mexico and Nigeria are the reason for gas dropping. Finally, have a supply of gas.

  73. BRT says:

    Phoenix, what you said is true. At the same time, all the young teachers come in with unrealistic expectations about pension. They never realize, it never gets better. So they were tricked, and in their mind, they are just fighting for what was promised not even realizing it was not feasible. I am a realist. If I get 50% of what’s promised, I’ll consider it a win.

  74. ExLax says:

    It’ll be interesting to see pensions going forward.
    My guess is that IL will be the first state to cry uncle.

  75. The Great Pumpkin says:


    BRT says:
    October 17, 2023 at 12:32 pm
    Phoenix, what you said is true. At the same time, all the young teachers come in with unrealistic expectations about pension. They never realize, it never gets better. So they were tricked, and in their mind, they are just fighting for what was promised not even realizing it was not feasible. I am a realist. If I get 50% of what’s promised, I’ll consider it a win.

  76. Boomer Remover says:

    Would love a practical real life example of how rent disinflation works. I can’t recall a single incident, outside of renters in large lux buildings post covid whose prop managers are quick to react, who rented for less than the prior year.

  77. Libturd says:

    Maybe the state should legalize Fentanyl. It’s for the children.

  78. 3b says:

    I think the Beatles are overrated. There I said it.

  79. Libturd says:

    Rent deflation.

    Remember when eggs were $5 a dozen? They are back down to $1.25.

  80. OC1 says:

    You guys are way too cynical and pessimistic.

    The US is far and away the richest and most successful nation in the history of the planet. And it will be for generations to come- your children and grandchildren will live much better lives than you.

    Our current “problems” are nothing compared to the problems we have faced, and overcome, in the past.

    Don’t bet against the USA!

  81. Boomer Remover says:

    RE agents, air bnb bros, and brrrr magnates are the least reasonable people on the planet. How is a lower clearing price established in a very power imbalanced business relationship (renter/LL) where the service is very sticky?

  82. Fabius Maximus says:

    chicagofinance says:
    October 16, 2023 at 6:17 pm
    The End Is Nigh (leftwing Edition):

    Seth Abransom put some context to the whole clip, not just the selective edit. Context is everything.
    “There’s a good reason white supremacists are sharing with you only an edited clip of a longer speech at Cornell that *explicitly denounces violence and the targeting of civilians*. Not going to sugarcoat it: the accounts spreading the edited clip want you to *hate* Black people.
    I still find the speech riseable, deeply upsetting, wildly tone-deaf, and fundamentally inhumane. But in the full clip I can at least understand what this professor is inartfully attempting to express, and it’s *not* support for violence or support for the targeting of civilians.
    There was no reason to post an edit of this short speech. White supremacists looked at the speech and determined that—taken in its entirety—it was *insufficient* to inflame racial hatred against Black people. So they edited it. Because *they conceded* it wasn’t offensive enough.”

  83. ExLax says:

    12:43 perhaps but they left a huge mark on popular music
    and they’ll be one of the few bands that people will talk about 100 years from now.

  84. Fabius Maximus says:

    Nearly every company I’ve talked to in the last few weeks has been belt tightening,”

    Does that include the DEI department? I read yesterday someone calling for DEI to be applied to layoffs, so that the good strides made over the past few years don’t get reversed.

  85. Very Stable Genius says:

    Man, Wrongfully Imprisoned for 16 Years, Is Fatally Shot During Traffic Stop.

    Leonard Allan Cure, who was exonerated in 2020 after being convicted of armed robbery, was shot and killed by a sheriff’s deputy in Georgia after being pulled over for speeding.

    Oct. 17, 2023

    A man who was wrongfully convicted and spent more than 16 years in prison before being released in 2020 was fatally shot on Monday by a sheriff’s deputy in Georgia during a traffic stop, the authorities said.

    The Georgia Bureau of Investigation, which is conducting an independent investigation of the shooting in Camden County, identified the man, who was Black, as Leonard Allan Cure, 53.

    Mr. Cure was the first person exonerated by the Broward State Attorney’s Office Conviction Review Unit. His case was also represented by the Innocence Project of Florida.

  86. Fabius Maximusa says:

    Here is an interesting discussion.
    Taking out “Not Ringo” who was the best songwriter in the Beatles?

  87. Fabius Maximus says:

    I had a demo of VR in the classroom over the weekend. I have to say its a game changer. Lessons in Chemistry and Algebra with Physics to come.

    Very impressive.

  88. Fabius Maximus says:

    Irony of the day!

    Layoffs latest: Firms making cuts
    By Ruiqi Chen, Editor at LinkedIn News
    Updated 32 minutes ago

    Mass layoffs have continued to take their toll across industries in 2023, with the number of job cuts this year in the hundreds of thousands.

    Among the most recent job losses:
    LinkedIn has announced it will eliminate approximately 668 employee roles across the company. Roles will be impacted in the engineering, product, talent and finance arms and are equal to roughly 3% of the company’s global workforce.

  89. leftwing says:

    “Would love a practical real life example of how rent disinflation works.”

    Look down in FL. Overbuilding. Rates actually decreasing.

  90. ExLax says:

    1:28 I was surprised to learn that Microsoft owns LinkedIn

  91. ExLax says:

    1:23 Lennon & McCartney kept a lock on songwriting so they are the most prolific writer. Harrison was the “dark horse”….

  92. Fast Eddie says:

    McCartney was the master songwriter, accompanied by Harrison. The other two were at the right place at the right time. After the Beatles, McCartney continued to illustrate his musical and songwriting skills. Harrison too, both solo and with the Traveling Wilburys. Ringo post Beatles was… well… a few soapy songs and that’s about it. Lennon was a droning mess, short on musical talent and long on overrated reputation. Listen to the 1st 30 seconds of ‘Let It Be’ and “Hey Jude’ and let me know how badly Lennon ripped off McCartney to create that dreck called ‘Imagine’. I have relative pitch and in my head, w/o knowing what key the songs are in, I’d venture to guess that ‘Let It Be’ and “Imagine’ are in the same key. Not only did Lennon not change the key, he didn’t even bother to alter the tempo. Fraud as well as overrated.

  93. Fast Eddie says:

    The Epic songwriting skills of Lennon and Ono. She really kicks it up at the 3:38 mark:

  94. 3b says:

    Mc Cartney initially dismissed his work with Wings. Recently, he has re-evaluated his work with Wings, and views it in a much more positive light than he had in the past. I think he did some great work with Wings, and his Ram album prior to Wings was very good. Mc Cartney once said had the Beatles stayed together, the ultimate goal was to sound like ELO.

  95. chicagofinance says:

    Rent DEFLATION…..
    2BR condo Hoboken
    first lease 9/1/1991 – 8/31/1992 $1,300
    second lease 9/1/1992 – 8/31/1993 $1,250

    Boomer Remover says:
    October 17, 2023 at 12:43 pm
    Would love a practical real life example of how rent disinflation works. I can’t recall a single incident, outside of renters in large lux buildings post covid whose prop managers are quick to react, who rented for less than the prior year.

  96. chicagofinance says:

    Example of disinflation would be:
    $1,000 -> 10% increase = $1,100
    next year disinflation $1,100 -> 5% increase = $1,155

  97. Fast Eddie says:

    Mc Cartney once said had the Beatles stayed together, the ultimate goal was to sound like ELO.

    Ah! Jeff Lynne! Very talented. I could definitely here the Beatles and ELO similarities. At times, the Bee Gees and Beatles harmonies sounded very similar.

  98. Very Stable Genius says:


    The ultraconservative Jim Jordan lost his first attempt to be elected House speaker. He has vowed to force more votes.
    Tuesday, October 17, 2023 2:06 PM ET
    Mr. Jordan, the combative co-founder of the House Freedom Caucus, fell 17 votes short of the majority he would have needed to prevail.

  99. chicagofinance says:

    Flab: you are a disgusting apologist and truth denier. You can draw whatever conclusions you want, but as usual, they are incredibly biased, in bad faith and anti-semitic, but here is what the community thinks.

    Fabius Maximus says:
    October 17, 2023 at 1:00 pm
    chicagofinance says:
    October 16, 2023 at 6:17 pm
    The End Is Nigh (leftwing Edition):

    “There’s a good reason white supremacists are sharing with you only an edited clip of a longer speech at Cornell that *explicitly denounces violence and the targeting of civilians*. Not going to sugarcoat it: the accounts spreading the edited clip want you to *hate* Black people.

  100. Fast Eddie says:

    Very Unstable Democrat,

    Is it the clock on the wall or the clock in your head that’s slow?


  101. ExLax says:

    Duuuude have you noticed how dysfunctional the GOP is ???
    I think you’ve won your very last majority. In anything.

  102. ExLax says:

    His rise from House Freedom Caucus founder to a national figure is marked, in part, by his behavior in the aftermath of the 2020 election and leading up to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

    Jordan was one of the 147 Republicans to vote to reject the 2020 election results in Pennsylvania and Arizona.

    House Democrats, who all voted to topple McCarthy, have pointed to Jordan’s actions as proof he is unsuitable for the job.

    “At every single turn, Jim Jordan has prioritized politics, power, fear, division and hate over the American people,” Democratic Whip Katherine Clark said last week.

    Clark added, “Every Republican who casts their vote for him is siding with an insurrectionist against our democracy.

  103. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Bonds dictating everything right now.

  104. Beatles-stander says:

    Ed and 3b, you are both crazy. That is all.

  105. ExLax says:

    Opinions are like assholes ….everyone has “one”

  106. ExLax says:

    Here’s one from Rolling Stone:

    More than any other rock musician (with the possible exception of Bob Dylan), John Lennon personalized the political and politicized the personal, often making the two stances interchangeable but sometimes ripping out the seams altogether. Whereas Dylan expressed his personal and political iconoclasm mainly by expanding and exploding the narrative line (thus forcing the melody to accommodate a torrent of language and imagery), Lennon assaulted pop music from a dozen different directions. He not only attacked the war — any war — but questioned and confronted the very methods and structures he’d utilized in his attack, thereby pushing rock & roll up against the wall to test limits and demand answers. John Lennon believed passionately that popular music could and should do more than merely entertain, and by acting out this conviction, he changed the face of rock & roll forever. By taking such huge risks, he sometimes failed or seemed silly. Yet, in retrospect, even his failures take on the glow of nobility: the fact that he cared so much shines through his occasional shortcomings.

  107. ExLax says:


    From the first, it was apparent to anyone with ears that both Lennon and the Beatles were originals. There was a big difference between the tunes they wrote and the Fifties rock classics they covered. “Please Please Me,” “I Want to Hold Your Hand,” “She Loves You,” et al., broke the rules of rock & roll’s basic I-IV-V chordal mode with a jaunty casualness. John Lennon’s unique sense of humor and intellectual keenness quickly revealed themselves, and his love of wordplay, puns and storybook nonsense became one of the Beatles’ most cherished traits. Indeed, no modern songwriter brought such a spontaneous playfulness to pop lyrics. Lines like “Looking through the bent backed tulips” and “Fixing a hole in the ocean” (from “Glass Onion”) could only have come from Lennon. But he did far more than fool around: when he put his mind to it, he could be a first-rate musical traditionalist (e.g., “In My Life,” an incredibly direct and moving expression of friendship, and “Don’t Let Me Down,” that most stunningly sexual of love songs).

  108. ExLax says:

    Frank Zappa was probably as important as the Beatles in pioneering the sonic montage, but John Lennon created such memorable examples of the form — the tone poems “Strawberry Fields Forever” and “I Am the Walrus,” for instance — that he practically owned it. While these compositions boasted recognizable melodies and lyrics, conventional song structures were generally shelved in favor of a more cinematic flow. Though aural montage soon gave way to newer experiments, Lennon’s work in that area became the linchpin for the “free-form” and “progressive” FM-radio formats that lasted well into the Seventies. Songs like “Strawberry Fields Forever” changed the way we heard rock & roll by seducing us into listening through the surface to the secret meanings lurking below. Often, these “meanings” were synergetic sonic nuances that blended words and music into something that flirted with both but embraced neither.

  109. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Patch looked at how home prices have changed in every state, based on the most recent Zillow Home Value Index data released earlier in October (data goes through the end of August). And, we found that New Jersey’s typical home value rose 6.18 percent.

    Since last August, home prices rose by at least a small percentage in 37 states based on ZHIV data. The highest increase was in Connecticut, a 7.99 percent increase from $352,806 in 2022 to $381,011 in 2023.

  110. Hold my beer says:

    The wiggles are superior to the Beatles .

  111. Boomer Remover says:

    Getting hot in the middle east. AF1 fueled up and ready to go but uh-oh, four party summit cancelled after hospital bombing.

    Israeli representative says statistically 33% of rockets fired into Israel land short and cause unintended damage. Claims Israel did not bomb hospital, seems like it’s easily verifiable from military tape.

    Sky interview between spicy British reporter and representative of Israeli government devolved into a literal shouting match.


  112. Bystander says:

    You don’t even have to argue on the lyrics front as they range from horrible to beautiful. There is no band that used soundscapes as imaginatively. Outside a few songs like All you need is love which is heavy handed, most additions were brilliant yet prudent. You can thank a song like I want you/ She so heavy as precursor to Sabbath and heavy metal sounds. I am biggest Steely Dan fan around but picking apart politics of John was fine. It does not change the composition. He was p whipped by Yoko who was part of counter culture art underworld. Some bad, some good from his solo stuff. Same with Paul and his tone deaf wife. Lots of sappy, bad Wings songs too. Zappa made fun of Dylan too, on Flakes. It does not take away their artistry or importance. They skewered popularity and self importance

  113. Bystander says:

    To the Paul lovers (which I am), listen with caution. Yoko often gets the laugh as horrible singer but there was another..

  114. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Isn’t this part of the script?

    1. Fed goes too far with rate hikes.

    2. Recession / depression.

    3. Stimulus / lower rates / money printing.

    4. Assets inflate. Good times roll for the wealthy. Worse times for the middle and poor.

    5. Too much leverage. Send everything to zero.

    6. Start rate hikes.

    7. Go to step 1.

  115. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Masterpiece right here. It’s too complex for the avg individual to appreciate and enjoy. Love this f’ing song. Zappa and ike…🤘🏻

  116. ExLax says:

    Possible correlation the knuckleheads who love Trump on here – dislike the Beatles.

    Fascinating. Gives me one more reason to despise you .

  117. Hold my beer says:


    The lyrics and music are about the same level as your insects.

  118. NJCoast says:

    Steely Dan. You can tell when the tour audio is up and running at a venue when you hear either Deacon Blues or Hey 19 blasting through the theatre before sound check. Just about every audio tech uses those songs to test and tweak their equipment.

  119. Fabius Maximus says:

    “apologist and truth denier.” GTFOH

    Seth (a noted Jewish academic) is correctly pointing out that people like you are promoting a far right spin. The selective editing changes the context of the whole speech. As Seth points out the guy may be misguided, tone deaf and insulting, and you may vehemently disagree with him, but he is not calling for violence or support for targeting of civilians.

    The selective editing is Project Veritas 101 to promote a false narrative and stir up the base. If you are falling for that and promoting the edit, that’s on you not me.

    It is also interesting to note that a lot of people screaming woke and calling out cancel culture in the past have now jumped the fence.

  120. Fabius Maximus says:

    See its a great discussion. For me its George, followed by Lennon and then McCartney. Wings was one great album (Band on the Run) and the rest was mediocre. We had all that McCartney sap in the 80s, with Stevie Wonder and the like. Most of his solo stuff is mediocre.
    Take out Yoko and Lennon had a great string of solo records. Take out Yoko and Double Fantasy is excellent.

    Just remember “you’re still fcuking peasants as far as I can see”

    I am also on the Jeff Lynne bandwagon.

  121. grim says:

    Donald Fagan was obsessive about production and mastering.

    His solo album, Nightfly, was one of the first examples of use of digital – still probably one of the best.

    Oh, and he’s a good ol’ Passaic NJ boy.

  122. 3b says:

    Ex Lax: Dislike and overrated are two different things.

  123. grim says:

    Nearly all of these albums are just wonderful to listen to:,_Non-Classical

    Steely Dan and Beck are the only 3 time winners.

  124. Chicago says:

    Must stop screaming “Liberate Tutemet Ex Inferis” at loud volumes. It is scaring the cats.

  125. Chicago says:

    Flab: the idea that I am a conservative in any shape or form shows how you are hopelessly intolerant. That guy needs to be censured at a minimum.

  126. ExLax says:

    6:40 … “Cher” is overrated

  127. Fast Eddie says:

    Best Engineered Albums: That is quite a list!

    The Beatles: I like the Beatles… a lot. I just think John Lennon is overrated. And, putting John Lennon in the same league as Bob Dylan and Frank Zappa made me laugh. Sorry John, stay in Double A ball.

  128. grim says:

    Ah sorry, Michael Jackson was also a 3x.

  129. grim says:

    Garage punk doesn’t seem to make the cut…

  130. Phoenix says:

    I can see it a year from now. Come home to a letter in my mailbox from the IRS stating I have underpaid my taxes for 2003 (even though an accountant did them and all I have is an w2) and can you send us 5500 as your taxes are in arrears.

    Thanks Joe, putting me in debt and strong arming me to pay for something I don’t need to be involved with. Send your son’s cocaine fueled money. Send a couple of Menendez’s gold bars. Sell your f ing Corvette you use to drive around and give candy to kids from. But I am asking you nicely, stay the f out my wallet. I’m just a working man you dick.

    “President Joe Biden is considering a $100 billion spending package that would aid Israel in its war on Hamas while continuing to arm Ukraine as it fights to expel Russian forces from its soil.

    The package, which would provide a year’s worth to American funding at a time of global turmoil, would also bolster Taiwan as it seeks to stave off a feared invasion from China.

    He is expected to ask lawmakers for at least that amount.

    The challenge will be getting his coming spending request through a divided Congress, where House Republicans – currently without a speaker – have raised serious concerns about billions in support for Ukraine.”

  131. Boomer Remover says:

    We are passing around ungodly amounts of money fighting these proxy wars. Admittedly, it made more sense (to me) when the war was right outside Poland’s borders, as I find myself viewing this “aid” package with increased skepticism.

    When you step back to think about it, writing checks to multiple countries in conflict seems absurd. Where does it end?

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