No unintended consequences here…

From the NJ Monitor:

N.J. Senate approves penalties for discriminatory real estate appraisals

Senate lawmakers approved a bill Monday that would create steep penalties for real estate appraisers who undervalue homes because of the owner or buyer’s protected characteristics, with Republican critics saying they worry the bill’s disregard of appraisers’ motives would lead to unintended consequences.

The bill, which cleared the Senate in a narrow 22-11 vote, would fine appraisers who discriminate on the basis of protected characteristics like race, sex, or gender. Bills need 21 yes votes to clear the Senate.

“As recent research has borne out, appraisals are systematically lower for Black and Latino families than for white families across the country,” said Sen. Nellie Pou (D-Passaic). “This law will help us further protect families from this discrimination and also contribute to lowering the racial wealth gap in our state.”

Violators would pay $10,000 on a first offense, $25,000 on a second, and $50,000 on a third.

The bill would also require violators to make restitution equal to the cost of the discriminatory appraisal and attend an anti-bias seminar. Those who violate the bill’s provisions a second time would have their appraisal licenses, certificates, or registrations suspended for 30 days. That penalty rises to full revocation for appraisers who commit a third offense.

Two Republican lawmakers cautioned against the legislation, warning it would push appraisers out of the same neighborhoods the bill seeks to aid.

“A $10,000 fine — I don’t know any appraiser that’s going to take this on, which means that banks are going to have to say, ‘I don’t know what to do,’” said Sen. Bob Singer (R-Ocean). “Though the intent is wonderful, the implementation just doesn’t work.”

Sen. Holly Schepisi (R-Bergen) said she worries the bill would levy steep penalties on well-meaning appraisers who unintentionally or unknowingly issue a discriminatory appraisal. The risk created by that state of uncertainty would keep appraisers out of communities that have historically faced discrimination, she said.

“The cost of doing business and providing appraisals in certain communities is going to be deemed to be impossible without potentially being hit with an unknowing bias,” Schepisi said.

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97 Responses to No unintended consequences here…

  1. LAX says:


  2. Juice Box says:

    This is beyond stupid. They are going to ask realtors to hand buyers a document to call the division of consumer affairs if the appraisal is lower than the bid price? Doesn’t make sense. I am going to call the consumer affairs dept and claim the house I want to buy is worth less than I am willing to pay? How is the state board going to investigate to that “discrimination” and fine appraisers? They would need to have several appraisals done, as well as investigators on the payroll with expertise in housing. This would need to be defended in court too. Who is paying for that?

    Banks will CYA on this…

  3. Fabius Maximus says:

    3b, to finish off a conversation from a few days ago.

    “there were a lot of IRA men who came to the USA in the 1920s” “Yitzak Shamir s nom de guerre was Michael, after Michael Collins..”

    Were those who came over, on the run having shot Michael?

  4. 3b says:

    Fab: The ones who were involved in the shooting of Michael Collins remained in Ireland most historians believe, including the individual believed to have actually fired the shot. The men who came to NYC and I assume other cities were those as noted who were are on the losing side of the civil war, and some who were initially pro- treaty and became disillusioned with the new government. It all changed after Collins’s death, but that’s a different topic for a different forum.

  5. Old realtor says:

    Real estate valuation is more art than science. Do you rely on the comparable sale closest is proximity to the subject or a more similar property 2 miles away? No 2 houses are the same and adjustments are often more arbitrary than factual. Overall it appears to be a slippery slope to navigate.

  6. leftwing says:

    “The risk created by that state of uncertainty would keep appraisers out of communities that have historically faced discrimination, she said.”

    No worry. We’ll just legislate that every appraiser has to have X% of his appraisals in these communities!

    Easy peasy!

    Fits right into the Five Year Plans we will be formulating!

  7. grim says:

    No no, let’s artifically inflate the value of housing in these neighborhoods by creating an appraisal industry that’s terrified of under-appraising properties.

    To the moon.

    Then we can talk about how lenders and sellers preyed on these communities with the intent on getting them to overpay, wildly, for housing.

    I mean, it’s not like there will be a handful of appraisers that simply don’t care, and will gladly wade into the vacuum of appraisers afraid to touch these communities, who really don’t care about anything but making the appraisal fee. Who cares about accuracy, all you need to know if the offer price and you can magically come up with the non-discriminatory number. Easy enough to defend a high appraisal, I’ll just call the other side discriminatory and they’ll run off. Hell, how do I get an appraisal license, this seems like easy money.

    Risk associated with overvaluing a property = Low to minimal, in fact, arguable at overvaluing a property is actually reducing the overall risk to the appraiser.

    Risk associated with undervaluing a property = Massive.

  8. Juice Box says:

    The problem here is gaming appraisals hurts the buyer the most, we saw this in the last housing crisis and by extension it hurts the banks and GSEs that bought the mortgages, and eventually a taxpayer bailout.

    Example from the last housing crisis. If the recent buyer loses their job a year or two and must sell well if the value is off 30% because of a shoddy appraisal they can’t sell the house to anyone at such as loss without bringing additional money a check to closing. It’s going to become a foreclosure.

  9. leftwing says:

    Agree Grim. And btw…

    “I’ll just call the other side discriminatory and they’ll run off.”

    Hasn’t this strategy been the playbook of the Left for most policy for at least the last decade or two?

    You no good homophobe, genderist, racist, ageist, ableist, you….

  10. leftwing says:

    “How do you write women so well?”

    Same way you turn someone into a liberal….

  11. 3b says:

    Juice: Housing prices are never going to go down, so it does not matter. Just saying.

  12. Fast Eddie says:

    You guys don’t understand, it’s for the children!!

    And besides, everyone must eat!!

  13. Libturd says:

    We Open!

  14. Libturd says:

    10-Yr Bond

  15. grim says:

    Appraisers are already bound by the Fair Housing Act of 1968, and it’s already illegal for appraisers to discriminate, and I believe the HUD already publishes a table of suggested civil penalties for violation, that are similar is scale to those being proposed by NJ.

  16. BRT says:

    I have an uncle that has zero moral compass. Actually, several uncles. But regardless, he tried to steal my grandfather’s restaurant by trying to get him to sign it over. Later on, he tried filing a lawsuit against my grandfather and father to obtain it. He would sell his family out for a hundred dollar bill. He got into housing appraising in 2006. All you need to know.

  17. Fast Eddie says:

    …and I believe the HUD already publishes a table of suggested civil penalties for violation, that are similar is scale to those being proposed by NJ.

    But the difference is the left has another plan of deception in the works disguised as compassion.

  18. Juice Box says:

    3B – Don’t believe the hype. YoY – median housing price is already down 50 grand. If you cannot afford the mortgage payment and the price of your crap shack was over appraised you cannot sell, without bringing a large check t9 closing. Foreclosures galore will be coming during the next recession. How many this time is the only question. If memory serves me it was somewhere around 6 million during the housing crisis.

  19. Libturd says:

    Just five years ago, Expat (RIP) and I finished our whirlwind tour of the northern half of Costa Rica. I do miss that guy. We had an absolutely amazing time too. And for reason’s beyond my understanding, he did all the driving.

  20. Fast Eddie says:

    Where’s Bebo?

  21. Hold my beer says:

    Why not just assign the buyer a nom de plume or id # so the appraiser has no clue the race or gender of the buyer?

  22. Fast Eddie says:


    Stop trying to gum up the plan!! If one can’t easily identify identity politics, it wouldn’t be faaaiiirrrr.

  23. Hold my beer says:


    Sorry. My bad.

    But buyer id XA683749490 the appraiser has no clue who that is and can’t have even a subconscious bias. Jennifer, Jebidiah, Martinez, Liu appear as the buyer and it’s not too hard to figure out race or gender.

  24. leftwing says:

    “Foreclosures galore will be coming during the next recession. How many this time is the only question.”

    Wishful thinking. This discriminatory BS is already setting the stage.

    An overvalued purchase with little practical current value equals….

    Yeah, same bailout solution as the student loan forgiveness for the lower demographic GenZ/Millennials….because, you know, the entire deck is stacked against them and how could they have possibly known….

    Get ready to pony up some more tax revenue you $400k p.a. NJ think-you-are-wealthy muppet wage slaves. Someone has to pay, and it ain’t going to be the true upper class nor the Red States….

    Oh, and don’t forget those closer to home obligations like COAH, Mt Laurel, and school funding that you voluntarily take on….

    Mmmmmm, mmmmmm, gotta get me more of those liberal policies…..

    Seriously, bank some of your money, there’s a future claim already being made upon it directly targeting you. Better be able to pay for these others, motherfuckers.

  25. leftwing says:

    “But buyer id XA683749490 the appraiser has no clue who that is and can’t have even a subconscious bias.”

    The make believe liberal bias is based on location.

    Not many Bradleys buying in certain zip codes, usually more J’Sumpins.

  26. Libturd says:


    You couldn’t have said it better. Congestion tolling is another example of how they will nickel and dime you to the poorhouse. And that same kind of bullshit is coming to NJ next year. That is, with NJ Transit running a 1 billion deficit, once congestion pricing gets enough people back onto the trains. Then they will raise the fares on the trains. But it won’t be nearly enough. Expect increases in your income taxes as well. Our GTFO date looks like early Summer of 2025.

  27. leftwing says:

    “Our GTFO date looks like early Summer of 2025.”

    Love you like a brother but IIRC you voted for most of the candidates espousing these liberal ‘values’….

    So blow the place up then GTFO to somewhere reasonable?

    I’m cool with that if you are, so long as those fucked up liberal policies don’t get brought into Red states with you….

  28. leftwing says:

    Fed day ba-beeeeeee!!

    Market could care less….spent the last seven weeks telling the Fed to fuck off, you’re wrong.

    Damn near broke 11 VIX last night…can’t recall the last time we went into a Fed meeting at that level….

    As 3b says, party on!

    Been rolling my short spreads up with the indices. Going strong long against them if market up today/tomorrow on back of Fed meeting.

  29. Fast Eddie says:

    Mmmmmm, mmmmmm, gotta get me more of those liberal policies…..

    You’ve got to… Frank It Up! Makes it even more dee-lish-ee-us!

  30. Fast Eddie says:

    Gen Z are scaling back on eating out because they have ‘menu anxiety:’ They’re too scared to talk to waiters and inflation-bloated bills freak them out.

    Any questions?

  31. Very Stable Genius says:

    Liberal values is what makes NJ so attractive to all.

    Even NJ right wingers won’t ever move to Alabama, Kansas, Oklahoma, Mississippi etc.

    leftwing says:
    December 13, 2023 at 11:30 am
    “Our GTFO date looks like early Summer of 2025.”

    Love you like a brother but IIRC you voted for most of the candidates espousing these liberal ‘values’….

    So blow the place up then GTFO to somewhere reasonable?

    I’m cool with that if you are, so long as those fucked up liberal policies don’t get brought into Red states with you….

  32. Phoenix says:

    She probably laughed at him, he gave her the Margaret Atwood treatment.

    Juice Box says:
    December 13, 2023 at 10:21 am
    3B – explain this one

  33. Libturd says:

    I almost always vote for none of the above. You must have me confused with someone else.

  34. No One says:

    Appraisals for home mortgage qualification purposes are clearly too low in BIPOC neighborhoods, because of racism.
    Appraisals for tax purposes are clearly too high in BIPOC neighborhoods because of racism.
    Also, it’s illegal to turn down an appraisal job because of your racism.
    Demanding logical consistency is an example of white privilege.
    Ibrim X. Kendi and Robin DiAngelo should start appraisal, realtor, and mortgage loan businesses to show how wonderful they can be when you possess rightthink.

  35. leftwing says:

    “Even NJ right wingers won’t ever move to Alabama, Kansas, Oklahoma, Mississippi etc.”

    Agreed, but not because of values dumbass.

    “Liberal values is what makes NJ so attractive to all.”

    LOLOLOL. People move to NJ *in spite of* NJ values….as one who had to make a decision on which metro NY area (Westchester, CT, NJ) and who is surrounded by people making the same….NJ is bottom of the list and NNJ only exists as it does because it is in the locus of NYC….absent NYC, NNJ would absolutely be Alabama just as the pine barrens and many other NJ locales outside NYC influence already are and historically have been.

    LOL. You’re a towel boy next to the Super Bowl quarterback thinking *you* are the champion.

  36. Chicago says:

    Left: Here we are at 12/13. So your dogs. PFE. What say you?

  37. No One says:

    They need to bring back insane asylums.
    That movie “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest” fooled a bunch of people into thinking that crazy people are just a little more liberal kindness away from being normal, safe citizens.
    Instead they let crazies roam around, even after they’ve proven themselves dangerous and un-curable.
    The guy’s photo looks like a grown poster child for the phrenology convention.

  38. leftwing says:

    Chi, need to look back WBA still on up high teens (stock and options). FCX similar. Never got many on, JNJ comes to mind. Forget what the rest were. Do feel like I missed some ST trades there but only so much time in the day….

    On the index, fun last couple weeks…some of those technical measures flipped around a lot…SAR flipped and flashed down for all of two days lol. Usually doesn’t happen. RSI hanging in there for almost a solid month overbought (usually doesn’t happen) which either resolves (market down) or doesn’t (time elapsed instead brings it back in). So nothing to discern there. Through resistance, test is to see if she holds. Logic says we get a little check back, plus BB2sd is at a point where if she reverses today, and follows tomorrow, you likely approach the 459ish line again. Then what, back where we started. Does she hold or not.

    The spreads, which added too much negative delta when I was called out of my MS position, have been a drag. But NLV is basically exactly where it was 2.5 percentage points ago which, since you understand my trading, is OK. As I ping singles and some doubles all game long I’m fine and expect the occasional HRs and scoreboard against me…but over nine innings I usually prevail lol.

    In two hours is all that matters but VIX is telling you everyone expects a yawn which presumably should be bullish. Next stop after that is earnings second week of Jan.


  39. Libturd says:

    Just go with the flow. By the end of next year, everyone is going to be saying, “I can’t believe the market went up 50-100% in two years.” And I’ll just show them the long term trend of the indexes and the fact we had three years of negative gains to make up for. All of these macro bumps end up being noise. The further we get away from them, the smaller they become.

    The markets been moving at this pace since late 2008. So ask yourself, what is different in 2024 than from 2009-2023. No more Zirp? Nah, it’ll be back soon. Crazy deficit spending? Yeah, that gonna continue. And we got AI now!!! And DNA to keep us alive permanently.

    Until we approach that red line. Don’t panic!

  40. Very Stable Genius says:

    Yes, New York City is another great example of liberal values.

    Most conservative places are always the poorest. GOP has complete control of Alabama, Kansas, Oklahoma, Mississippi

    leftwing says:
    December 13, 2023 at 12:10 pm
    “Even NJ right wingers won’t ever move to Alabama, Kansas, Oklahoma, Mississippi etc.”

    Agreed, but not because of values dumbass.

    “Liberal values is what makes NJ so attractive to all.”

    LOLOLOL. People move to NJ *in spite of* NJ values….as one who had to make a decision on which metro NY area (Westchester, CT, NJ) and who is surrounded by people making the same….NJ is bottom of the list and NNJ only exists as it does because it is in the locus of NYC….absent NYC, NNJ would absolutely be Alabama just as the pine barrens and many other NJ locales outside NYC influence already are and historically have been.

    LOL. You’re a towel boy next to the Super Bowl quarterback thinking *you* are the champion.

  41. leftwing says:

    And we’re off!

    Fed moves to the market, not vice versa.

    Let’s see if Jay can not fuck it as usual in the presser…

  42. Fast Eddie says:

    FED to cut 3 times in 2024! Party on, bro!!

  43. leftwing says:

    “Yes, New York City is another great example of liberal values. Most conservative places are always the poorest. GOP has complete control of Alabama, Kansas, Oklahoma, Mississippi…”

    Right….because all those ‘right wingers’ in all those big, tall buildings in Manhattan creating all that value are there because of NYC liberal values….

    Having a little problem with causation and correlation, I see.

    Please tell me you are just trolling, and not honestly this simple.

  44. Fast Eddie says:

    Yes, New York City is another great example of liberal values.

    Liberal values… that’s like saying non-flammable racing fuel.

  45. leftwing says:

    “FED to cut 3 times in 2024! Party on, bro!!”

    More than that I think, last glance at futes had 110bps of easing priced in!

  46. Fast Eddie says:

    Liberal values… that’s like saying men can give birth.

  47. Very Stable Genius says:

    You are honestly very simple.

    As I said, most conservative places are always the poorest. GOP has complete control of Alabama, Kansas, Oklahoma, Mississippi…etc

    leftwing says:
    December 13, 2023 at 2:22 pm
    “Yes, New York City is another great example of liberal values. Most conservative places are always the poorest. GOP has complete control of Alabama, Kansas, Oklahoma, Mississippi…”

    Right….because all those ‘right wingers’ in all those big, tall buildings in Manhattan creating all that value are there because of NYC liberal values….

    Having a little problem with causation and correlation, I see.

    Please tell me you are just trolling, and not honestly this simple.

  48. leftwing says:

    “You are honestly very simple. As I said, most conservative places are always the poorest.”

    Uh no, simpleton….

    Below is exactly what you said…

    “Very Stable Genius says: December 13, 2023 at 11:57 am
    Liberal values is what makes NJ so attractive to all. Even NJ right wingers won’t ever move to Alabama, Kansas, Oklahoma, Mississippi”

    There is low causation between ‘liberal values’ and wealth. ‘Liberal values’ are antithetical to wealth creation. So much so the idiots on your side want to actually tax wealth lol. But keep trying….

  49. Juice Box says:

    Beer – That is some hustle….. How do I get involved in DEI?

  50. No One says:

    Juice, Beer,
    Honestly it’s probably a blessing that this DEI leader simply charged the company for services that she didn’t make Facebook employees suffer through. As a lesser of two evils I wish all DEI leaders could just run off with company money instead of making productive workers suffer through their bs and racist beliefs. Much better than having your best employees exposed to “anti-racism” or anti-individual-merit training.

    “To avoid scrutiny, Furlow-Smiles would submit fake expense reports claiming that the individuals were vendors at Facebook events who had helped with marketing or provided merchandise.

    Furlow-Smiles “abused a position of a trust as a global diversity executive for Facebook to defraud the company of millions of dollars, ignoring the insidious consequences of undermining the importance of her DEI mission,” US Attorney Ryan K. Buchanan said in a statement after she pleaded guilty in a Georgia court Tuesday.

    “Motivated by greed, she used her time to orchestrate an elaborate criminal scheme in which fraudulent vendors paid her kickbacks in cash,” Buchanan added. “She even involved relatives, friends, and other associates in her crimes, all to fund a lavish lifestyle through fraud rather than hard and honest work.””

  51. The Great Pumpkin says:

    This is why I am seriously contemplating selling the rental. They are going to raise taxes…and I am sure capital gains will get the brunt of it.

    Anyone want to help. Would you sell, or just hold (since holding you never have to pay taxes, but they might even come for that with taxing unrealized gains).

    “Seriously, bank some of your money, there’s a future claim already being made upon it directly targeting you. Better be able to pay for these others, motherfuckers.” Leftwing

  52. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Yup, this is what it is looking like. I have to agree. Even though it looks like it should crack, it prob won’t. It didn’t all last decade, why now?

    Libturd says:
    December 13, 2023 at 1:12 pm
    Just go with the flow. By the end of next year, everyone is going to be saying, “I can’t believe the market went up 50-100% in two years.” And I’ll just show them the long term trend of the indexes and the fact we had three years of negative gains to make up for. All of these macro bumps end up being noise. The further we get away from them, the smaller they become.

    The markets been moving at this pace since late 2008. So ask yourself, what is different in 2024 than from 2009-2023. No more Zirp? Nah, it’ll be back soon. Crazy deficit spending? Yeah, that gonna continue. And we got AI now!!! And DNA to keep us alive permanently.

    Until we approach that red line. Don’t panic!

  53. Phoenix says:

    The Great Pumpkin says:
    December 13, 2023 at 3:13 pm
    This is why I am seriously contemplating selling the rental.

    You should sell it for a reasonable price to a young couple trying to start out in life.

    That’s what a good human would do.

    Well, maybe not a capitalist American.

  54. BRT says:

    80% cash as of 5 minutes ago, sold everything, now 20% short index funds in my trading account. That was your santa rally.

  55. Phoenix says:

    Slimy America.

    Now has two criminals that they have not extradited to the UK, one for killing a young man, the other for injuring an old lady. Both driving incidents.

    America harboring criminals from the UK, I thought they were our “friends.”

    Guess not.

    Ethics here getting worse day by day.

  56. Very Stable Genius says:

    Gasoline prices in steep decline.
    Interest rates falling rapidly too.
    Stock market is having a great year.
    Unemployment is very low and stayed low all year. Recession predictions for 2023 have been wrong. The U.S. economy is the envy of the world.

    The stock market never did this well under Trump. I’ll add that neither did our GDP and unemployment.

  57. Bystander says:

    Dow 37k. Thanks Joe. The cult would be soiling themselves if Dumpy or conservative policies returned such results. They don’t..they have no beliefs except guns, religious nuttery and misogyny buf there are liberal spenders, one and all. We don’t need their policies to enjoy high stocks, high returns, high home values and record low unemployment. They gnash teeth hating democracy and D success.

  58. leftwing says:

    LOL, you’re a madman.

    RSI at 78.74. One data point but rarified….

    My longs were all up 2-5%…AA, FCX, ALKS, UHAL, WBA, etc. Stub of VNO at 4.7x lol.

    Spreads cost me half the gains. Up 4% on position size today, net, 75bps on portfolio.

  59. leftwing says:

    for brt

  60. Bystander says:

    Facts VSG… they offer nothing. The Fed gifted wealth extracting Rs living in their ivory NYC towers want all the entertainment, food, music, hot women (and many secretly the men) offered by the wonderful NYC libs. They would live nowhere else. Says it all

  61. leftwing says:

    “Dow 37k. Thanks Joe…policies to enjoy high stocks, high returns, high home values and record low unemployment.”

    And yet….

    Who is wearing the blinders?

    “There’s little variation among all Americans, though, in how the public views Biden’s handling of some of these top issues. Just 33% currently approve of his handling of the economy, 35% of his approach to helping the middle class..”

  62. Phoenix says:

    Buy now or be priced out forever.

    Bidding ends for 857 Rt. 22 — known as the beloved Toby’s Cup since the 1940s — at 1 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 14.

    The commercial property sits on .63 acres of land with public sewer and water, its LoopNet listing says. It has a high-visibility location and is also zoned for residential, retail, and office space.

    The Phillipsburg staple was sold to Livingston native Daniel Risis in early 2020 after its previous owner, James Nicnick, worked there for more than three decades, Daily Voice reported.

    The auction is being held in conjunction with A.J Willner Auctions.

  63. Bystander says:

    You are left. Wait until get Q4 401k statements. Rate cuts next year? Even better. I am sure the cult members will never be happy but the sad people will Rs and Dumpy voters in 2024..again. Mark it down.

  64. leftwing says:

    “Facts VSG…The Fed gifted wealth extracting Rs living in their ivory NYC towers want all the…hot women (and many secretly the men) offered by the wonderful NYC libs.”

    LOL, maybe you two wonderful NYC area libs should get a room and secretly play which-one-of-us-will-be-Hunter together.

  65. leftwing says:

    “Who is wearing the blinders?”

    “You are left. Wait until get Q4 401k statements.”

    LOL, my eyes are so wide open they are bugging out of my head because I don’t need to “wait for statements” lol. Unlike you financial IT guys I’m actually real time…

    But I’m adult enough to know it has nothing to do with Sleepy Joe or those ‘wonderful NYC liberals’. (now there’s a term for the ages that will break any rational human into peals of laughter!)

    But be nice now. Maybe Eddie will toss some Chex to you.

  66. HuntersHookers says:

    Got any blow?

    LOL, maybe you two wonderful NYC area libs should get a room and secretly play which-one-of-us-will-be-Hunter together.

  67. 3b says:

    Juice: I can’t explain that one, it’s absolutely shocking. A lot of disturbed people out there.

  68. Bystander says:

    Setting up a Kafka feed as we speak..hah, but that was a good one. I will give you that.

    Average Americans will love their statements so expect R dystopian view of American economy to fade. Of course, presidency does not matter as long as Fed provides the right whispers and biscuits to Street..but your party’s cult leader looks more and more useless with each day. Like Obama economy was horrible and Trump “saved us”…schtick. America don’t need him. Find someone sane, you only have a few months. I probably can’t vote for them with 6 week abortion bans. Tell Nikki Nimrod-a to try and backpedal harder now. She is your only chance for good ole ‘conservative values’ that most of voting public do NOT crave..

    Which liberal concerts you hitting for NYE? Billy, that is like 90% liberals.

  69. 3b says:

    Well the Fed said all is well, and indicated they will be cutting rates next year. All is well, market explodes, housing will go to the moon with rate cuts. Saddle Brook and Fairlawn will have a 7 handle for a 3 bed cape. Recessions are a thing of the past. Party on!!

  70. Libturd says:

    “Can I purchase cannabis from the Bud Bus? No, we do not sell any cannabis. We sell different Bud Bus products, and offer the cannabis as a gift with every purchase. It is not currently legal to sell marijuana in the state of NJ, it is only legal to possess it.”


  71. Libturd says:

    Hey Leftwing,

    Watch my SOFI. Though speculative, there’s a lot to like there.

  72. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Wow, big vote of confidence for DNA.

    “We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve received a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation!

    Under the grant, we will work to develop a live cell therapeutic that can produce antibodies to fight HIV and/or malaria directly in the body.

    Learn more:”

  73. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Feel the same way…i remember 2007 clearly.

    I just might be wrong, and Lib is right on this one. Might just keep going. I really don’t know what to do.

    BRT says:
    December 13, 2023 at 3:59 pm
    80% cash as of 5 minutes ago, sold everything, now 20% short index funds in my trading account. That was your santa rally.

  74. Fast Eddie says:

    The Fed gifted wealth extracting Rs living in their ivory NYC towers want all the entertainment, food, music, hot women…

    Wait! I didn’t get the memo! ;)

  75. HuntersHookers says:

    Good cop, bad cop, all the same, all corrupt.


    What are the Republicans doing to Biden, using the system to go after him!! Malicious prosecution!! Dirty Rats!!

    Republicans voted to formalize their ongoing impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden’s connections to his family’s shady business dealings.

  76. HuntersHookers says:

    To the tune of Kibbles and Bits:
    Hookers and blow, hookers and blow

    Fast Eddie says:
    December 13, 2023 at 6:05 pm
    The Fed gifted wealth extracting Rs living in their ivory NYC towers want all the entertainment, food, music, hot women…

    Wait! I didn’t get the memo! ;)

  77. Bystander says:

    Regardless Ed, I want my probably partied in the 80s which put today’s parties to shame..boomer

  78. Phoenix says:

    The Great Pumpkin says:
    December 13, 2023 at 5:02 pm
    Feel the same way…i remember 2007 clearly.

    I just might be wrong, and Lib is right on this one. Might just keep going. I really don’t know what to do.

    Download a copy of Pegasus, or any other software of it’s type. You will know exactly what to do.

  79. Phoenix says:

    3b says:
    December 13, 2023 at 4:45 pm
    Well the Fed said all is well, and indicated they will be cutting rates next year. All is well, market explodes, housing will go to the moon with rate cuts.

    I guess if some NOx is good, more is better.

    Well, until the crown of the piston has a hole in it I guess.


  80. Bystander says:

    Happy for all the Rs to live together in their own country, Cult-landia…guns galore, bibles all around, birth mares provided at door (better have a good job if too many slip by goalie as no social net), homeschooling so you pay no taxes. Your dining option will be Chik Fil A, TV will be Trump Apprentice 2, Shark tank. Live entertainment options will be Roseanne on Thurs/Friday and Teg Nugent on Sat/Sun..enjoy your life.

  81. Fast Eddie says:

    Ah, the 80s… pre DUI check points… careening off the Lincoln Tunnel wall… alcohol, hookers and blow for everyone!

  82. Phoenix says:

    24. Yep that sounds like fun at 24. Lit up the old goat for no reason.

    Young women packing heat, driving Jeeps, bustin’ off a cap in ya.

    White women be crazy!

    Vigilante woman Hannah Payne, 24, sobs as she is found guilty of murder after chasing down driver, 62, and shooting him dead when he tried to leave scene of minor car crash
    Hannah Payne, 24, was in tears with her head hung down when Judge Jewel C. Scott announced the guilty verdict Tuesday afternoon
    Payne was convicted of murdering Kenneth Herring, 62, after a minor traffic accident on May 7, 2019

  83. Fast Eddie says:


    Don’t forget Hobby Lobby trinkets and napping with a “My Pillow” deluxe comforter as I watch “The Five” on FOX.

  84. Phoenix says:


    Those aren’t pillows.


  85. Bystander says:

    Perfect Ed..your head will rest nicely. In Woke-opolis, football will be played in pink inflatable sumo outfits, both supporting women and ensuring no one ever feels pain. Dylan will be on the Cow-person cheering (if-you-feel empowered but we won’t judge you either way) squad.

  86. Phoenix says:

    Video-sharing platform TikTok has become the first app that isn’t a mobile game to generate $10 billion in global consumer spending, according to a new report, and is expected to become the highest earning app ever.

    The other four apps identified by app intelligence provider as having reached the milestone are all games: Candy Crush Saga from Activision Blizzard, Honor of Kings by Tencent, Monster Strike from Mixi and Supercell’s Clash of Clans.

    Candy Crush is the current all-time top earner with than $12 billion in lifetime user spending, according to the Monday report. The totals are based on revenue derived from Google Play and Apple’s iOS App Store. But TikTok is expected to be even bigger than the popular game.
    “TikTok is poised to become the highest earning mobile app ever — approaching the $15 billion milestone in 2024. Consumers are spending over $11 million per day tipping their favorite content creators, propelling TikTok past the world’s most lucrative mobile game to date,” Lexi Sydow, head of insights at, said in a statement introducing the report.

  87. Bystander says:

    Whoa..the future. Avert your eyes. It may not not get creepier, for many people here.

  88. Fabius Maximus says:

    This is the way of the future. I had a buddy that was lobbying for this site to get redeveloped into a Mega Mall like American Dream. I thought that plan was nuts, given the Blue Light laws and the proximity to Palisades and Garden State. I suppose warehouses make more sense. We need more Amazon capacity.

  89. Juice Box says:

    Only thing I want to know is how did the president’s son get a podium setup outside congress to give his little Daddy did nothing wrong speech today? I also want to know if he flew commercial from San Francisco for that or did one of Biden’s big money donors provide a private Jet? This is a comedy folks……

  90. Phoenix says:

    For those who enjoy a real streetfight vs that phony fake stuff. Nothing like the taste of asphalt in the late afternoon. Be careful what you ask for.

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