Party Time

From Barrons:

Dow Soars 500 Points to Record Closing High

The Dow Jones Industrial Average sprinted to a new record closing high after the Federal Reserve announced its latest monetary policy decision.

The Dow gained 512 points, or 1.4% to close at 37090. The S&P 500 rose 1.4%, while the Nasdaq Composite jumped 1.4%.

The Fed is holding rates steady since inflation is dropping and the central bank wants to avoid putting the economy into a recession.

The Fed also said it will depend on economic data to make further interest rate decisions, acknowledging the economic damage from high rates likely hasn’t fully played out yet.

When it comes to rates, markets are “fading the previously dominant “higher for longer narrative,” wrote Ali Hassan, Portfolio Manager at Thornburg Investment Management.

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95 Responses to Party Time

  1. Chicago says:


  2. Juice Box says:

    Fed starts celebrating before they cross the finish line.

  3. Fast Eddie says:

    Higher for longer abruptly changed to not high for long.

  4. 3b says:

    Two weeks ago Jerome said too early to talk about rate cuts, and yesterday he said they are now talking about rate cuts. Higher for longer? We are now taking rate cuts, while we are higher for longer? According to the chatter, it’s 3 cuts next, 4 , cuts or 6 cuts. They will start in March, others say later. Goldman says they start in March and then 3 in a row. Yep, makes perfect sense, cut rates, and keep cutting and we are back to free money, even more unaffordable houses, asset bubbles, everywhere, more Fed spending , and then inflation increases again??
    This is the worst Fed chairman ever in my opinion.

  5. Juice Box says:

    In addition to the recent news about the IBM CEO firing white people and cutting bonuses for not meeting DEI goals such as hiring less Asians in the tech field the MIT Board Chairman has a conflict too, as the Chairman used MIT money to fund his wife’s pet DEI project.

  6. Very Stable Genius says:

    I’ll check my 401-k later today. Might be bulging

  7. Very Stable Genius says:

    Hey Chifi,

    The 10-year Treasury note yield dropped below 4% for the first time since August as traders mounted bets on rate cuts for 2024. The benchmark rate was last at 3.95%.

  8. Juice Box says:

    re 401K – If you are not up at least 23% up this year you are doing something wrong.

  9. Jim says:

    Jay Powell is no Paul Volcker, real estate will continue to inflate and the results will be horrendous. Where the hell are the adults in the room??? Certainly not at the FED. Just wait for SS to crash for all the future people who retire.

    I have to admit 7% is not a scary mortgage , and it is hard to compare to the 12% I had years ago. But the result from the 12% was the dropping of real estate values. Now inflation in real estate is not done and it will continue with lower rates.

  10. Fast Eddie says:

    I’ll check my 401-k later today. Might be bulging

    You’re going to need every penny to pay for higher taxes, entitlements, tolls, food, services and leisure. The only problem is these costs are out-pacing your return on investments. It’s like Murphy sending those Anchor checks; throw a scrap to the muppets in exchange for a vote. They’re idiots and think they’re getting something for free.

  11. Juice Box says:

    IRS whistleblower closed door testimony. Payment for acts then Vice President Biden performed for Chinese conglomerate CEFC were deferred until after he left office.

    Breakdown of the scheme. Follow the money 10% for the big guy……

    On July 30, 2017, Hunter Biden sent a message to Raymond Zhao—a CEFC associate—demanding a $10 million dollar capital payment and claimed his father, Joe Biden, was sitting in the room. CEFC is a Chinese energy company linked to the CCP.

    On August 8, 2017, Northern International Capital, a Chinese company affiliated with CEFC, sent $5 million to Hudson West III, a joint venture established by Hunter Biden and CEFC associate Gongwen Dong. That same day, Hudson West III sent $400,000 to Owasco, P.C., an entity owned and controlled by Hunter Biden. On August 14, 2017, Hunter Biden wired $150,000 to Lion Hall Group, a company owned by President Biden’s brother James and sister-in-law Sara Biden. On August 28, 2017, Sara Biden withdrew $50,000 in cash from Lion Hall Group. Later the same day, she deposited it into her and James Biden’s personal checking account. On September 3, 2017, Sara Biden cut a check to Joe Biden for $40,000 for a “loan repayment.”

  12. Juice Box says:

    Eddie – what are you taking about? I have a million dollar home and millions in investments. What me worry?

    Biggest worry I have right now is where to spend it all. I am thinking Cyber Truck. A Model Y is a chick car after all.

  13. Fast Eddie says:


    I have a million dollar home and millions in investments.

    You’re privileged. Unacceptable. You need to be taxed at a higher rate.

  14. Libturd says:

    “This is the worst Fed chairman ever in my opinion.”

    I said this originally. Powell, will be the 2023 Man of the Year. In 2024, he will be anointed as the worst Fed Chief ever.

  15. The Great Pumpkin says:

    They are forcing you into high risk stocks and crypto. There is no other way. These are the only options for the time being.

    I am basically riding SOL till the trend changes. Will keep swinging it. Sold my DNA position and bought SOL with it back when it was lower. Will be back in DNA when the time is right. Using the losses in DNA to offset the gains with SOl.

    Fast Eddie says:
    December 14, 2023 at 8:32 am
    I’ll check my 401-k later today. Might be bulging

    You’re going to need every penny to pay for higher taxes, entitlements, tolls, food, services and leisure. The only problem is these costs are out-pacing your return on investments. It’s like Murphy sending those Anchor checks; throw a scrap to the muppets in exchange for a vote. They’re idiots and think they’re getting something for free.

  16. Hold my beer says:

    How is this not racist? If a white mayor did this the left would be clamoring for their resignation.

  17. Very Stable Genius says:

    You lack nuance and substance.

    Billionaires don’t pay taxes and they should. I’ll repeat so that you can get it: billionaires

    Fast Eddie says:
    December 14, 2023 at 8:39 am

    I have a million dollar home and millions in investments.

    You’re privileged. Unacceptable. You need to be taxed at a higher rate.

  18. grim says:

    Biggest worry I have right now is where to spend it all. I am thinking Cyber Truck. A Model Y is a chick car after all.

    Picked mine up yesterday, drove 70-ish miles, liking it. Mashing the pedal is a downright terrifying experience.

  19. Libturd says:

    Lease or own?

  20. Juice Box says:

    UnStable – Billionaires don’t pay taxes? You need to change your rhetoric, it’s not going to change anyone’s opinion here on this blog. Maybe down at the corner deli or the nearest march for (insert day of rage slogan here) or down at the local club meeting for socialists for America but not on this blog.

    For example. Elon paid $12 billion in taxes just two years ago on his stock exercised a record for any one taxpayer. He most likely will have carry over losses in the future however he had to sell stock to fund his way overvalued Twitter purchase.

    I will agree they can pay more. Everyone will agree except for the very rich themselves and the lawmakers from both sides of the isle that are in their pocket down in Washington DC.

    What should happen is get money out of politics, so the lawmakers actually work for the people and not the special interests. That however seems to be a bridge too far.

  21. Boomer Remover says:

    What the [expletive] is Jerome doing!?!

    Higher for longer, then just weeks later three cuts next year, door open for more increases… how does this make sense!?

    I’d be fading this move if I wasn’t in short term paper.

  22. SmallGovConservative says:

    Juice Box says:
    December 14, 2023 at 6:43 am
    “Fed starts celebrating before they cross the finish line.”

    Powell spiking the ball on the 2 yard line is the clearest signal yet that we (the US gov) are broke. This has Yellen’s fingerprints all over it; I have no doubt she’s pleaded with Powell to lower as soon as possible because we can’t afford high interest on our debt, and high cola’s on entitlements.

  23. Fast Eddie says:

    Billionaires don’t pay taxes and they should.

    That’s where you come in, pal. Keep towing the line for false promises.

  24. Juice Box says:

    Grim – You need seat covers if you are going to be driving allot.

    What is your shipping address?

    Yes I need a new ride……….and a bit jealous…

  25. Bystander says:

    I would worry about the swaths below in 30s and 20s. The job market is absolutely terrible for average white collar worker. Get education, 150K in debt yet good paying jobs are much harder to find. The wages have not moved up 30-40% to account insane housing costs, credit card rates, overall CoL in NYC area. Remember that this blog is the exception to reality. Older people with financial independence. Thinking that everyone has rich mom/dad and inheritance coming is fool’s play. You can’t make 25 or 30 year old all AI developers and they all can’t be working second gigs to support what boomers did on single income. Life stability has eroded too much for them

  26. Hold my beer says:


    Grim needs a hello kitty wrap and seat covers and steering wheel.

  27. 3b says:

    Bystander: Almost half of CEO s surveyed regarding AI s impact on their companies believe all of their job positions will be eliminated by AI . I wonder if they included themselves.

  28. Juice Box says:

    Bystander – People today have to keep bouncing around to get raises. A year here, a year there etc. I see it all the time now with the younger folks. Really no different that what I did as a consultant for years. Project to project. Everyone is expendable now and layoffs are annual in the tech field.

    I already have hands-on experience with AI projects. I plan on flipping jobs if possible to the next level. I may not be a Jedi Master but I sure as heck can tell the story of Darth Plagueis the wise when it comes to AI. I was on a call yesterday with Hyberbad and our team in Europe. Our AI developers aren’t doing jack. They are going to use out of the box from Microsoft and write a couple of inputs and outputs. Nothing sexy like Grim is doing building the Death Star and all.

    Perhaps Jedi Council Member is next? Product Design Group?

    This is the way.

  29. Libturd says:

    My SOFI is up nearly 25% in two days. Love when that happens.

    And Pumps always announces his sales long after they supposedly happen.

  30. Bystander says:


    I agree that you are doing right thing at right time. Just remember, consulting gigs mean you don’t get a mortgage. You have to show strong employment history. Also there is no health insurance portability. I have not been job active lately. Reached out to a few colleagues. Submitted maybe 6 applications this week but expect zero response. My last month has been insane, trying to meet year end delivery. It is over today. Did not make it. I will focus on it more. I am being promoted to manage tech risk across 30 apps but it is multiple hat situation. We are down 16 people and hiring freeze all year. Whatever is happening on global exec board, there is tyrannical push to not hire. 3 of our applications went down this week. Running on absolute exhaust fumes. I just want an Xwing at this point, not be on Jedi Council. They changed entire mgt structure yet not a single org chart the exec -5 levels. I got a role so I am fairly clear but we have hundreds of jawas, running around with no scraps for next year.

  31. Juice Box says:

    Bystander – re: “manage tech risk across 30 apps” GTFO….

    I am not a consultant, full Time gig flying my x-wing as an individual contributor. I am getting pulled into every battle however.

    I don’t know how the kids are getting mortgages if they keep changing jobs all the time.

    BTW we just got a new CEO from another startup in the AI space. I expect lots of change here. I am in the Architecture group and expect a shakeup eventually. Just preparing myself for it, as every board of directors is being pitched by the advisory consultants to do lots of horizontal and vertical consolidation. Just like dot com 1.0. Same story different decade is all.

  32. Hold my beer says:

    I sold the last of my googl this week and put the money into Bastia, worthingron enterprises, and hingham institution

  33. Phoenix says:

    Also there is no health insurance portability.

    This alone stops many from making the career/lifestyle moves that are best for them.

  34. Libturd says:


    Definitely is my case. With the cancer survivor at home, I am kind of trapped.

  35. Hold my beer says:


    I think health insurance does curtail entrepreneurship. Hard to go do your own thing if you’re employed with health benefits unless your spouse has good benefits.

  36. Phoenix says:

    Lib, Hold,

    Yeah. Keeps people in relationships they don’t want. Keeps people geographically trapped when they want to leave. Keeps people from changing into the careers they may be better suited at.

    Money is freedom. Elon Musk has no such restrictions. That’s why he is like a kid in a candy store with a wad of cash.

  37. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Awesome! F’ing love cars.

    grim says:
    December 14, 2023 at 9:14 am
    Biggest worry I have right now is where to spend it all. I am thinking Cyber Truck. A Model Y is a chick car after all.

    Picked mine up yesterday, drove 70-ish miles, liking it. Mashing the pedal is a downright terrifying experience.

  38. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Writing is on the wall. Sacrifice and invest as much as you can right now…either in investments, yourself, or a business. The smart play is investments….high risk. So many opportunities being created that will mint new millionaires. We are upon a revolution in human history. This will be taught in history books in the future… the great AI/biotech/fintech(crypto) revolution…aka the next industrial revolution of the 21st century. Massive opportunities.

    3b says:
    December 14, 2023 at 9:56 am
    Bystander: Almost half of CEO s surveyed regarding AI s impact on their companies believe all of their job positions will be eliminated by AI . I wonder if they included themselves.

  39. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Huh…you saw my posts on sol last week. I was dead on.

    Sold again today at 72.76. A little early maybe, but worth the risk for me. Hopefully drops, but it is getting ready to explode. See what happens. I really don’t give a f/k about the money, it’s a just a game to me that I want to win at.

    Libturd says:
    December 14, 2023 at 10:06 am
    My SOFI is up nearly 25% in two days. Love when that happens.

    And Pumps always announces his sales long after they supposedly happen.

  40. The Great Pumpkin says:

    I really don’t give a f/k about material things. I enjoy nice clothes, eating good food, vacations, and nice cars. The rest I really don’t give a f/k about. How big of a house do you really need? I am a minimalist. So how much money do you really need? That’s why I will never understand the people worth 100 million or more….like wtf do you spend it on? What is the point? I guess it’s all game, and it’s only about winning, not about the money.

  41. 3b says:

    30 percent of people took money out of their 401ks this year, up 2 percent from last year. Bills, student loans, credit cards, household expenses.

  42. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Wow….DNA up huge on the day. 17%. F’ing A… this better not run early. Might miss it.

  43. Chicago says:

    Saw this one.

    Ohtani did NOT give LA a big assist by deferring $680M til after the 10th yr of his contract. Yes, LA does get a big assist, but that was not Ohtani’s purpose. Instead, Ohtani will only have $2M a year exposed to CA’s 14% income tax rate instead of $70M a year. In 10 years he will save $100M in state taxes. Then the balance will be taxed much less, if at all by Japan. As far as I know the US is the only country or one of the very few which taxes income earned in another country. Ohtani’s contract was designed to save Ohtani a huge tax bite. LA does benefit, but that surely was not Ohtani’s reason for doing so.

  44. BRT says:

    Quick glance of TSLA charge shows maybe a possible breakout

  45. Juice Box says:

    3b – 401k is free money, and even better AI powered money. I made more in my 401k than I earned working. So why not take a vacation on the 401k you know a nice household expense on a 10 day all inclusive cruise for the extended family? Hey how about we reenact Home Alone and that the extended family to Paris for Christmas?

    I know my 401k powered by Fidelity Investments ETF Fidelity Disruptive Automation ETF (FBOT) is going to power my returns for decades to come.

    What could go wrong?

  46. Chicago says:

    Ten 389.5

  47. Chicago says:

    Once we move into February, it will set the record for the longest curve inversion in history in terms of elapsed time, assuming it persists.

  48. 3b says:

    Couple of economists now talking 7 rate cuts next year, can I get 10?? Anyone?

  49. LAX says:

    12:24 it’s all happening

  50. 3b says:

    Juice: It’s just all wonderful now, keep on partying!

  51. Juice Box says:

    All I want for Christmas is some F-16s…That’s a wrap folks Washington has shut down no more hearings in the house or votes.

    Ukraine and Israel Supplemental Bill Bites The Dust…….Congress however passed $886 billion defense policy bill aka NDAA.. Biden to sign into law.

    Off to the Christmas parties for Washington..

  52. BRT says:

    yes, at this point ZIRP has been normalized. Now that we “tamed inflation” by bringing down to 1% above the original target, we can drop them to 0 again with no consequences.

  53. Very Stable Genius says:


    There’s a bull on the tracks at Newark, NJ, Penn Station.

    New Jersey transit says the bull is causing delays between Newark Penn Station and NY Penn Station.

  54. Very Stable Genius says:

    Market at all time highs, the bulls are back.

  55. 3b says:

    BRT: Just embrace it. The inmates are running the place now, top to bottom.

  56. Libturd says:

    It’s not like I didn’t warn you all this was coming.

  57. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Question is…when do they pull the rug? Every single time in history, the rug gets pulled. Maybe this time will be different.

    Libturd says:
    December 14, 2023 at 1:26 pm
    It’s not like I didn’t warn you all this was coming.

  58. The Great Pumpkin says:

    It def doesn’t pay to be bearish. I wasn’t bearish for a decade…until pandemic bubble. Now, still expecting some sort of correction, but ready to party! Get your party hats on…a real bull is coming. Prob the likes of which we have never seen before. Get invested or cry.

  59. Fast Eddie says:

    “Mortgage rates hit the 6% range for the first time since August, and many housing economists believe that trend could continue.

    The average rate on the 30-year mortgage dropped to 6.95% from 7.03% the week before, according to Freddie Mac on Thursday. Rates fell for the seventh consecutive week and hit the lowest level since early August when rates were 6.96%.

    Thanks to bullish overall inflation data, housing experts are predicting near-future rate cuts that will bring mortgage rates even closer to 6%, helping the slow and expensive US housing market that has sidelined many homeowners and prospective buyers over the last 12 months.”

    To the moon on house prices!

  60. Chicago says:

    My instinct tells me that Powell was given orders in the smoke filled room.
    Left: don’t you agree?

  61. 3b says:

    Fast who is the moron who wrote that article as the rates go down, that will increase demand thereby increasing prices; it’s back to the moon on housing prices. Worst Fed Ever!!

  62. The Great Pumpkin says:

    It could lead to lower prices by bringing new supply to the table. I’m not saying it will, but I assume that’s the justification.

    3b says:
    December 14, 2023 at 1:51 pm
    Fast who is the moron who wrote that article as the rates go down, that will increase demand thereby increasing prices; it’s back to the moon on housing prices. Worst Fed Ever!!

  63. The Great Pumpkin says:

    This is incredible:

    Just about every time the Fed started CUTTING rates dating back to 1950, the unemployment rate has spiked.

    Historically speaking, the first cut comes 3 months BEFORE the unemployment rate begins to spike, according to Reventure.

    On average, the unemployment rate rises to ~7.5% in a Fed rate CUT cycle.

    Meanwhile, the Fed just said they don’t see unemployment rate rising higher than 4.1%.

    That’s just 0.4% above the current unemployment rate.

    History says a “soft landing” is unlikely.

    According to Reventure, here is the rate cut to unemployment rate spike time by recession.

    This is not the first time the Fed has called for a soft landing.

    Can the Fed defy history and achieve a soft landing?

  64. The Great Pumpkin says:

    This time might very well be different…due to the labor market. You don’t have the population growth of the past. You don’t have the immigration either. You have illegals, but they are a drain as a opposed to a gain. So, this time might very well be different.

  65. The Great Pumpkin says:

    But again, I don’t see how there isn’t a correction….stocks don’t just go up. Unfortunately, this is what the majority thinks. Majority usually never correct.

  66. Fast Eddie says:


    This FED chief is a fucking idiot and I’m the 1st to admit I’m not a financial expert. I merely do my own homework and invest as I see fit. But to be in his position who can move the global economy with two or three words, he’s a first class mor0n for a) showing his hand and b) claiming he’s cutting before the paint is dry and the body is warm. Set up a game of poker with this guy and then sell him a bridge on credit. Higher for longer… oh, only kidding. Inflation is coming down? No, it’s slowing from painful to crippling. I swear, we’re doomed as a nation. Witness the downfall of Rome all over again.

  67. Bystander says:


    You have zero clue on labor market. It is totally different than even a few years ago. Imagine having to tailor every f-in resume submission to watch keywords in ATS. You miss stating acronym twice and they dump auto-rejection. There is f-in no one looking at resumes in US. Now India recruiters? All over you for their bullshit $60/hr, no benefit onsite NYC roles. The whole thing has been broken for almost 1.5 years. Unless companies start actually trying to hire and actually look for talent then the market’s window dressing “all is good” will collapse with consumer. 401k don’t pay the bills. My childhood buddy got let go last week after 8 years in HR. Nice Xmas present. I am helping food drive at school for son’s cub scouts. The woman has been running it for 6 years. She told me usually 15 boxes filled by far, 1 box. I also talked a family friend who has been CT realtor for 20 years. She said market is crazy, not in a good way. She said people are really way over-paying for homes and she expects major foreclosures in next 1.5-2 years. Enjoy it now. Thunderdome will come faster than ever imagined. Fed is scared and trying to change narrative quickly. People are reading this wrong. It is not good to cut rates.

  68. BRT says:

    3b, I embraced it 15 years ago. I’ve been yearning for sensible gov policy since my early 20s. It’s only gotten worse. At this point, society has lost it’s moral compass. They don’t even care about the truth anymore.

  69. JUice Box says:

    Too Fing funny.

    Linkedin Developers tell Microsoft (their owner) that they cannot shift the stack to Azure. It’s all built mostly non-microsoft products including some hosted at Amazon.

    It’s been over seven years since Microsoft bought them in June of 2016 for 27 Billion. What have they been doing all this time?

  70. Libturd says:

    “lost it’s moral compass.”

    You should have been in first class with me on Monday.

  71. grim says:

    No shit, honest to goodness bull on the tracks.

    Go long, if ever there was a sign from god, that’s it.

  72. Libturd says:

    If the Bull was on the ferry to Atlantic Highlands, you might want to initiate leverage in your account.

  73. Grim says:

    Expected to see some kind of scrawny looking cow.

    Majestic longhorn emerging out of the crumbled ruins.

    That fuckin magnificent beast is the mascot of the New Jersey real estate market.

  74. chicagofinance says:

    Comments section from news story……

    2 hours ago
    Even he/she is trying to get out of the Tri-State area!

    Cereal Mom
    2 hours ago
    Steer clear.

    the poop has hit the fan…
    2 hours ago
    he’s from Texas. He wants his free hotel room, welfare check and voter registration card.

    Adam S.
    2 hours ago
    Attention passengers. There is another bull right behind this one.

  75. chicagofinance says:

    Remember late 2018 when Trump excoriated Powell publicly and The Fed capitulated. Why wouldn’t we assume that Biden’s handlers did the same thing, but behind closed doors.

    Fast Eddie says:
    December 14, 2023 at 2:35 pm

    This FED chief is a fucking idiot and I’m the 1st to admit I’m not a financial expert. I merely do my own homework and invest as I see fit. But to be in his position who can move the global economy with two or three words, he’s a first class mor0n for a) showing his hand and b) claiming he’s cutting before the paint is dry and the body is warm. Set up a game of poker with this guy and then sell him a bridge on credit. Higher for longer… oh, only kidding. Inflation is coming down? No, it’s slowing from painful to crippling. I swear, we’re doomed as a nation. Witness the downfall of Rome all over again.

  76. Juice Box says:

    Seems Hunter Biden left DC and will be home for Christmas.
    His sugar brother’s jet just took off from Dulles, as Hunter does not fly commercial even though he has no job or income other than the kind hearted Democratic donors who buy his finger paintings for $500,000 dollars.

    Where will the Biden’s be this Christmas at the White House. Will they be back in the U.S. Virgin Islands again right after to ring in the New Year? You Betcha…

  77. Fast Eddie says:

    Why wouldn’t we assume that Biden’s handlers did the same thing, but behind closed doors.

    Of course they did! I meant to include it in my post. And I bet they forced him to get on all fours wearing a diaper and black mask while they snapped pictures as collateral.

  78. Jim says:

    chicagofinance says:
    December 14, 2023 at 3:24 pm
    Remember late 2018 when Trump excoriated Powell publicly and The Fed capitulated. Why wouldn’t we assume that Biden’s handlers did the same thing, but behind closed doors.

    Very astute of you , it makes so much sense when you think about it. Biden is sinking and stinking fast. Democrats have to do something to stay in control and this may be their answer. Inflation is the hardest on Americans , and our politicians don’t seem to care. Lower the rates before next year’s election and open the floodgates. Then prop Biden up and let him read from the teleprompter.

  79. Juice Box says:

    I am pretty sure the President speaks regularly with the Fed Chair and Board Governors and the Regional Bank Presidents along with the Secretary of the Treasury and staff. It’s been that way for over a 100 years since the inception of the Fed. There is no firewall preventing them from doing so.

    Again there was no cut, there is talk of potential rate cuts and now a Christmas rally. November 5 is election day 326 days away so there are only six Fed meetings before the election with the last being Sept 18th with no meeting in August.

    So do we get a cut first three meetings, or every other meeting? Or if the econmy goes south because of some super virus or a metor hits Chicago. Who knows the next emergency is always around the corner.

    Fed Schedule before election day..

    Jan. 30-31.
    March 19-20.
    April 30- May 1.
    June 11-12.
    July 30-31.
    Sept. 17-18.
    Nov. 6-7.

  80. 3b says:

    Chgo/ Fast: I absolutely believe that Powell got pressure from Biden and Yellen to pivot( hah hah) on his stance regarding rates. You just don’t go from higher for longer and to early to talk about rates cuts to 2 weeks ago, to now talking about rate cuts. There has been nothing real to justify that kind of change.

  81. Phoenix says:

    Repub Roofers like really cheap labor using children as employees down in Texas.

    She Dems up here will grab a few when they get a chance.

    The New York Times spoke with more than 100 child roofers in nearly two dozen states, including some who began at elementary-school age. They wake before dawn to be driven to distant job sites, sometimes crossing state lines. They carry heavy bundles of shingles that leave their arms shaking. They work through heat waves on black-tar rooftops that scorch their hands.

    His jobs take him all across Texas, but his favorite place to work is San Antonio. “They are the shortest houses,” he said.

  82. The Great Pumpkin says:

    “Why would I ever consider sharing my walls, my ceiling, my floor, my elevator, my parking or my pool with anyone else?”
    —Real-estate agent Billy Rose, summing up many L.A. homebuyers’ mindset. Single-family home prices routinely eclipse the highest-priced condos in the city, unlike New York, Miami and Chicago. The current L.A. condo sales price record is $34.8 million, set in 2010. The area’s most expensive single-family home? The mansion Beyoncé and Jay-Z bought for about $200 million earlier this year.

  83. BRT says:

    Powell may have even gotten a job offer as Treasury Secretary once that fossil Yellen goes because apparently that’s not a conflict of interest anymore.

  84. Chicago says:

    Ousted NY Times editor James Bennet

    He also said the line between opinion and news journalism was more blurry than at rivals like “The Wall Street Journal,” which features conservative voices in its opinion pages, but not let those pieces inform the news report.
    “The Times could learn something from the Wall Street Journal, which has kept its journalistic poise,” Bennet concluded. “It has maintained a stricter separation between its news and opinion journalism, including its cultural criticism, and that has protected the integrity of its work.”

  85. Phoenix says:


    The more women get involved with newspapers, the less it becomes about news and data. Instead it becomes more about opinion and gossip, no different than your living room during the holidays.

  86. 3b says:

    BRT: It’s never going to happen, and moral compass is a fantasy. As for the truth that does not factor in anything they say or do.

  87. Juice Box says:

    BRT – There is no malfeasance. Economics is not a science. They always “guess” and then “vote” on their guess.

  88. Juice Box says:

    Speaking of my economics yes “me”. I just Pinged my new CEO.

    I won’t lay it on thick as the firehose is there even for the best of us.

    I ain’t getting younger or rich my boys being idle….so boulder whatever that is…

  89. Phoenix says:

    Don’t collect that big fat pension if you off yourself before retiring:

    New CDC report breaks down the risk of suicides for every job industry… with very surprising results
    Male coal miners were at the highest risk, as were women in performing arts
    Teachers had the lowest suicide rate for both men and women
    READ MORE: US suicides reached record levels last year with 50,000 deaths

    Men who work in coal mining are at the highest risk of suicide in the US, according to an official analysis of 2021 figures.

    For women, suicide rates were highest among artists and those who work in performing arts and construction.

    Meanwhile, those least likely to die by suicide were those who worked in teaching – and this applied to both men and women, the CDC data showed.

  90. Boomer Remover says:

    I thought it was dentists and attorneys?

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