Foreclosure Do-Over

From NJ Monitor:

Gov. Murphy signs new foreclosure protection program into law

New Jerseyans facing foreclosure will have a new path back to homeownership under a bill Gov. Phil Murphy signed Friday.

The new law creates the community wealth preservation program, which will give homeowners facing foreclosure — plus their families and certain nonprofits — the right of first refusal to purchase their home at a sheriff’s sale.

“With today’s bill signing, we are creating a new avenue to homeownership for individuals and families throughout New Jersey, giving many the opportunity to remain in the homes and communities they cherish while also protecting our neighborhoods from rapid investor-driven homebuying,” Murphy said in a statement.

To reclaim a foreclosed home, the homeowner or their family must be preapproved for a loan that matches the home’s original upset price — the lowest price for which a home would be sold — or its final starting upset price, whichever is lower.

The upset price is typically equal to the combined total of any outstanding mortgage on the property, plus interest, fees, and other associated costs.

“This bill is a creative opportunity for families to save their wealth at the time of a foreclosure sale by using financing,” said Sen. Britnee Timberlake (D-Essex), who sponsored the bill as an assemblywoman. “This legislation also levels the playing field for renters, affordable housing nonprofit developers and people who want to purchase an abandoned home to restore and live in or to create affordability.”

Successful bidders must make a deposit equal to 3.5% of their bid amount and would be required to use the home as their primary residence for at least seven years. Those who attempt to sell a home reclaimed under the program within that time period would face a $100,000 fine on their first offense and $500,000 fines on subsequent offenses.

Exemptions in the bill allow homeowners to sell the property within the seven-year period. Those exceptions are generally related to hardship, including the death of a spouse or child, a divorce, or a change in employment, among others.

The bill is in part an effort to slow investor purchases of foreclosed New Jersey homes.

This entry was posted in Economics, Housing Bubble, Mortgages, New Jersey Real Estate, Risky Lending. Bookmark the permalink.

30 Responses to Foreclosure Do-Over

  1. Hold my beer says:


  2. 3b says:

    Phoenix: I am a Bronx boy, we don’t do tweed and elbow, but I do have a beautiful tweed sports coat, hand made. I wear it from time to time. I need to buy a 1000.00 pair of jeans to wear with it.

  3. Hold my beer says:


    Your bias doing chores in her condo. She even installs a ceiling lamp.

  4. Phoenix says:

    Eddie will get you what you need. He is a stand up guy. But just between you and me, he will be caught by forensics. The residue of Chex mix will be his undoing.

    I acutally watched that whole thing, even though I wasn’t gonna. Recognized the music and some of the other people as characters from a K-Drama series my kid had me watch. It was silly but likeable. But she could/should have used a couple of wire nuts on that fixture. At least she used electrical tape. If that is real it’s impressive that she is even willing to attempt that.

    This is what we breed in America:

  5. Hold my beer says:


    Amazing. A list celebrity changes her own light fixture. I saw one yesterday on that same channel of your bias going to one on one Pilates.

  6. Chicago says:

    BRT: I would be remiss if I did not take you up on that super generous offer.

    BRT says:
    January 12, 2024 at 7:34 pm
    That being said, if anyone here has a kid in Physics and you need helpful materials, let me know. I’d be happy to send them over.

  7. Fast Eddie says:

    My sump pump has been running fairly consistently for a number of days now. Anyone else experiencing the same?

  8. Very Stable Genius says:

    ChiFi I thought you said your kid was too good and too smart to receive any outside help. He saves his money and attends NFL games and is self-sufficient. Unlike kids of color.

    Chicago says:
    January 13, 2024 at 2:13 pm
    BRT: I would be remiss if I did not take you up on that super generous offer.

    BRT says:
    January 12, 2024 at 7:34 pm
    That being said, if anyone here has a kid in Physics and you need helpful materials, let me know. I’d be happy to send them over.

  9. leftwing says:

    Still loving your local liberals 30/40/old?

    Reconsidering as they see you and your investors as predatory, or do you continue committed to their causes?

  10. Chicago says:

    Left: Red just swept ASU in Tempe. Pairwise says they are right on the edge of an at-large for NCAA. I don’t get this batch. So fucking erratic.

  11. Old realtor says:

    A law adds a new wrinkle to your business? Now you hate those who made the law and they are your enemy?

    Have you considered that the impact of the law may be limited? Did you consider that there is no politician who you agree with on everything? Why does everything have to be so black and white? Everything isn’t about money.

    The only homes at sheriff sale that will be impacted by this new law are vacant homes which are in satisfactory condition to qualify for FHA financing and an occasional occupied property where a relative or friend might bail out a borrower. I do not believe this law will have a substantial impact.

  12. 3b says:

    Hold: Law Enforcement members as gang members, I never would have even thought of such a thing.

  13. Phoenix says:

    Old realtor says:
    January 14, 2024 at 9:36 am
    Everything isn’t about money

    To some it is.

    No ref to LW btw.

  14. Phoenix says:

    3b says:
    January 14, 2024 at 11:28 am
    Hold: Law Enforcement members as gang members, I never would have even thought of such a thing.

    I guess you never had 5 of them in your house, or 5 of them surround you in the lobby of a police station when you questioned one of them.

    I have. Both.

    Before I married the Stumpy C my interaction with anyone with a badge was an absolute minimum. Then, like Stumpy C’s do, they weaponize the police departments to get what they want. The “hero” to “damsel in distress” mode kicks in, and suddenly you have a problem all based on the lies of Stumpy.

    No more stumpy C in my life, no more interactions. It’s how women control. For every one that is a victim of something, there are 50 that just lie and manipulate. My life (as far as interactions with them go) is now back to what it was before. Uneventful.

    Lady has a problem, tells her 11 YO to call the police. They come to her house. She walks out, cop walks in. 11yo who called steps out of bedroom, takes a round to the chest. Yeah, the kid that listened to his mother and called the police got shot by the police. They all believe they are in Mogadishu, and that you have no value to them. Even their dog is more valuable than your child is.

    Old saying, got a problem, call a cop. Now you have two problems. Yup, just ask the 11 YO, you can, he happened to survive thanks to medical personnel.

    In America, keep your head down, mind your own business, go to work, and just plain avoid most others. Get your own place and associate with few but quality people.
    Keep your life simple. It’s just better that way.

  15. Phoenix says:

    Don’t seem to have a shortage of money for other countries, or missiles, or bombs, or anything else they want. But a nine year old American child can’t get a lifesaving medicine that has been around for years but only costs 10 bucks- Less than a SmashBurger.

    Patients with cancer face waiting over a year for lifesaving medication that costs just $10 – as US drug shortages hit record high
    The average wait for a drug on the national shortage list is 15 months
    US drug shortages reached a record high last year at more than 300

    The Bray family had always prided themselves on a positive outlook in life.

    And in 2018, when they received the devastating news that nine-year-old daughter Abby had life-threatening leukemia, they tried to focus on finding a way out of the situation.

    She had great doctors and a precise, effective treatment regimen; her outlook was positive.

    Until that is, the hospital ran out of the drugs that were keeping her alive.

    Abby’s mother Laura, from Florida, was shocked when, one afternoon during Abby’s treatment, the oncologist suggested she take her daughter home – and ‘wait for the medication to become available again.’

  16. Phoenix says:

    Monkey Branching. Of course she denied dating him, it’s not like the courts are going to prosecute her for lying anyway if she is.

    Kevin Costner’s ex Christine Baumgartner is dating HIS banker buddy Josh Connor just months after denying any romance during their bitter divorce

    Christine Baumgartner, 49, has found love again, and is seen in DailyMail exclusive pictures with her new man after a brief getaway as she dropped him off at his Montecito home five minutes from her own.

    The pair were previously photographed laughing together on another vacation in Hawaii in July, accompanied by her daughter Grace and his youngest child Abigail, both 13, and it later emerged in court that the banker had loaned her $20,000 .

    Accused by an irate Costner of having a new boyfriend, Baumgartner denied dating Connor under oath during an evidentiary hearing in Santa Barbara last August.

    She is dating financier Josh Connor, also 49; himself a divorced father of three who became legally single a year ago

  17. BRT says:

    BRT: I would be remiss if I did not take you up on that super generous offer.


    you can send me your email to

    you said your kid is in Physics C right?

  18. BRT says:

    Phoenix, just anecdotal from people outside the country, but they say most of the doctors in poorer countries just solve problems easily with cheap meds/remedies that actually work without the gigantic system of paperwork/phone class/lines etc…

  19. BRT says:

    ChiFi I thought you said your kid was too good and too smart to receive any outside help. He saves his money and attends NFL games and is self-sufficient. Unlike kids of color.

    Do you even understand how learning works? That being said genius, I’ll send them to you too, so you can ponder how much more intelligent his 17 year probably is than you are.

  20. 3b says:

    Phoenix: She needed to borrow 20k???

  21. Juice Box says:

    BRT _ Don’t feed the trolls. He called you a bad teacher. That is grounds for an ass kicking from you and Pumpkin… Telll him to meet up on Washington St infront of the Palace Theatre …

  22. Phoenix says:

    3b says:
    January 14, 2024 at 4:34 pm
    Phoenix: She needed to borrow 20k???

    IDK? Maybe that was her “excuse” to meet with him?

  23. Phoenix says:

    BRT says:
    January 14, 2024 at 4:09 pm
    Phoenix, just anecdotal from people outside the country, but they say most of the doctors in poorer countries just solve problems easily with cheap meds/remedies that actually work without the gigantic system of paperwork/phone class/lines etc…

    Well, maybe not a real cancer treatment, but for many other things I totally agree with you.
    In many poorer countries you just go to “La Pharmacia” and buy what you need, at less than Walmart prices.

    You need a drug in America, it could be free. But it’s gonna take a two hundred dollar visit to get the slip you need to obtain it. Sometimes that is good, but many times not.

  24. Jim says:


    Ignore VSG , he supports our current idiot in the white house who has given us 33% food inflation in 3 years plus has opened our southern boarders up, further destroying our countries SS. All migrants get Medicaid which is bankrupting SS. Biden has hurt our country more than any other president including Jimmy Carter. Yet VSG can’t even figure out what makes our country work. VSG is brain dead and people in glass houses should never throw stones.

    BRT keep up your good work, ignore idiots.

  25. Juice Box says:

    Doc’s are great but if you want some clarity forget it. Dear old mom was in the hospital for a stint this week. She is fine and home recovering from all the treatments. Tons of tests. Turns out she had gotten one of the many viruses floating around and stopped taking her medications as well she was feeling like crap so her BP was elevated really high. He arteries must be chock full of bacon at 111 lbs she now weighs. She did not want to go to ER or urgent care etc. Her regular doctor who was unavailable during the holidays and any suggesting or ER or anywhere else was forget about it. After she got to finally see her doc three days ago, it was an immediate send to the ER.

    Again prescriptions are fine except when they are alone and won’t take them cause they are sick. Losartain, Amoldipine, Asprin, Atorvatistain what ever it’s called etc…..Use to be only Amlodipine but hey when you are 86 life is tough.

    Yeah I know HIPPA. She won’t sign the forms, and well has told me now for ages she wants to die at home. I get it, seen too many people hooked up on the equipment and all. I have had my share of those kind of hospital visits too.

    I have also again for the what seems like a million times asked her to move in with us. She sees that or senior housing as a death knell. It’s the live long Olympics now any suggestion is a challenge to prove us all wrong.

    I had to rescue her from Hospital between family members freaking out like children and the docs being totally distant. BTW my siblings all now hate me and well they should. They would rather have her probed and prodded being in a hospital for nearly four days until that stress alone would cause a stroke.

    Anyway. When I get really old it will be sink or swim on a sailboat. I wont need meds it will be a storm or a fish that gets me finally.

  26. Phoenix says:

    Heroes. Not to these children. Well, then again, they weren’t to my kid either.

    “Tragically, a woman and two children drowned last night in the Shelby Park area of Eagle Pass, which was commandeered by the State of Texas earlier this week,” the department said. “In responding to a distress call from the Mexican government, Border Patrol agents were physically barred by Texas officials from entering the area.”

    White House spokesperson Angelo Fernández Hernández said Texas soldiers “blocked U.S. Border Patrol from attempting to provide emergency assistance” to the migrants.

  27. Phoenix says:

    The problem is that when Dear Old Mom develops a major fault she doesn’t know what it will be. You throw a connecting rod it’s simply game over.
    High BP > stroke> ?? Could be death, partial paralysis, who knows. You can hang on for a long time like that.

    And nope, they don’t want to live with you or in a nursing home. And whatever you do, no matter how dizzy they are, how demented they are, or how blind they are, never take away their car keys. Or their ability to become President of the United States. Hehe.

  28. Phoenix says:

    All migrants get Medicaid which is bankrupting SS.

    Boomer is bankrupting SS and Medicare. Neither of those programs are connected to Medicaid.

    In fact, when boomer gets a coffee from Dunkin’, and the 18 year old cashier is giving it to him, she should ask him to pay her for the money he is stealing from her as she is paying into his Social Security and Medicare, and not going to collect from it.

    It’s called Generational theft.

  29. Hughesrep says:

    Teenage kids got their first W-2’s this week. Asked me what the deductions were for. Told them to call Grandma.

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