You’ve got to be crazy to live in NJ

No, just tripping. From the Record:

NJ looks to make magic mushrooms legal for recreational use and to treat mental health

It took at least five years of public debate, lobbying and bill amendments for New Jersey to make marijuana legal for recreational use in 2021. Now the state may do the same with psychedelic mushrooms — but much faster.

After it was pulled back for revisions late last year, a bill was reintroduced in the state Senate last week that sets up a legal framework for the manufacture and sale of products containing psilocybin — the chemical in magic mushrooms that produces a hallucinogenic effect.

The bill would decriminalize the use of psilocybin by anyone over 21 and expunge past and pending offenses involving the drug.

Although language in the bill, called the “Psilocybin Behavioral Health Access and Services Act,” is centered around mental health, its provisions would decriminalize recreational use. Anyone 21 or older could “possess, store, use, ingest, inhale, process, transport” 4 grams or less of psilocybin.

Unlike with marijuana, residents would be allowed to grow their own mushrooms for personal use in their homes under the bill.

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51 Responses to You’ve got to be crazy to live in NJ

  1. grim says:

    NJ is really hell bent on out-californing California. Any licensed mental health professionals interested in a business opportunity?

  2. grim says:

    Had a conversation with someone a few days back who was trying to tell me that WFH was officially dead. Uh, sure.

    From Axios:

    Charted: Office vacancies hit a new record high

    Office vacancies hit a record high in the fourth quarter of last year, surpassing previous peaks last reached in 1991 and 1986, according to data from Moody’s Analytics out Monday.

    Why it matters: Office buildings are emptying around the U.S., as companies continue to adapt to the new norms of remote and hybrid work by shrinking their physical footprints.

    The transition marks an enormous societal shift as Americans adjust to a whole new way of working and living — big changes are underfoot in cities and suburbs around the country.

    Yet it’s happening so slowly and in such a predictable fashion, that the impact on the overall economy so far has been minimal.

    “Even though 2023 was largely a year of companies and organizations calling people back into the office, we’re not seeing that it’s typically the standard five days a week back,” said Nick Luettke, an associate economist at Moody’s Analytics CRE. “Hybrid models and flexibility [has] really become the name of the game.”‘

    “If the soft landing is pulled off, [vacancy] numbers are probably not going to rise to much higher than this,” Luettke said. “But if things do take a turn for the worst in 2024, it’ll probably just keep going for much of the year.”

    Even when we’re through the transition in the market, the natural office vacancy rate will likely be higher than it was pre-pandemic, he said.

    What’s next: We’re moving toward a new era for the office. Say goodbye to central business districts centered around big office buildings and hello to more mixed-use setups — areas with office buildings and retail and entertainment, etc.

    A similar transition happened in the retail sector — online was supposed to kill brick-and-mortar retail, instead, it transformed in-person shopping. “Office spaces might be the same,” Luettke said.

  3. Hold my beer says:


    You were hanging out with pumpkin?

  4. Hold my beer says:

    Most schools are closed today. It’s 14 but feels like -2. It so rarely gets this cold most kids don’t have good winter coats.

  5. Phoenix says:

    Hold my beer says:
    January 16, 2024 at 8:12 am
    Most schools are closed today. It’s 14 but feels like -2. It so rarely gets this cold most kids don’t have good winter coats.

    14? Is there a Siberia in NJ? It’s 25 where I live. And 14 ain’t even Siberia. Plus what happened to all of that “online” learning crap? You know, where teachers got to stay home and teach in their Underoos?

  6. Boomer Remover says:

    Fun fact: Up until today, Nashville had more snowfall in the last 22 months than NYC did. And I think they may still be 1″ ahead.

  7. Fast Eddie says:

    The “Psilocybin Behavioral Health Access and Services Act,”

    As further proof of a well-established progressive society, what’s the next level of decay to become mainstream?

  8. Juice Box says:

    Slackers I am in the office today, only a handful showed up. Did several calls already with India and a team here and I am on my third cup of coffee. I also shoveled the driveway and walkways and got my kids off to school. If it weren’t frowned upon I would have worn a tie and jacket too.

  9. BRT says:

    My sister started doing mushrooms once they were legalized on Portland. Her brain underwent some bad permanent changes. Her IQ dropped by at least 10 points, she’s now misremembering everything in her childhood as some traumatic event. She’s incredibly paranoid. It’s just been very bad.

    There’s a whole class of people who think something is safe to do once it’s legal and she fell into that category.

  10. BRT says:

    I was in Jackston til 8:45 last night. All day softball tournament in the bubble. Actually a decent setup there at the top golf section. Got a crap ton of work done. The roads were a mess coming home. Most of them weren’t salted yet on 195 and 295. Counted 4 cars in the woods.

  11. Juice Box says:

    3B – I was up in Bergen County over the weekend. RT 4 is looking very run down. When did they knock down Sam Ash? Spent allot of time in that place. That entire strip a facelift, from the vacant Hibachi joint to some of those run down strip malls. Adding in a thousand apartments in that area is sure to do wonders since there are no sidewalks anywhere along that highway.

  12. Fast Eddie says:

    Juice Box,

    Snap out of it! You’re describing an America our fathers and grandfathers lived on a daily basis! Stop with the productive mentality, we’re now known for being a leisurely nation!

  13. 3b says:

    Juice: Rt 4 in Paramus has been shabby looking for a while now. There is all that empty commercial space you mention , including the old Sam Ash, which was torn down in the late summer/ early Fall. I don’t know what is going in there. There is also a lot of empty office space throughout Paramus. I don’t see how stuffing all those apartments in the Bergen Mall is going to do anything but just massively increases traffic. Plus they are building more retail/ office as well. They will be tearing down the REI, and Kirkland furniture stores along with Red Robin restaurant to accommodate this redevelopment. In total there are around 1500 new apartments coming to Paramus with all this redevelopment, along with more retail/ offices , a hotel and a hockey rink.

  14. Juice Box says:

    3b – I have family in Paramus. If they don’t allow the redevelopment to apartments and stuff that town to the gills the budgets will be shot to hell on commercial tax appeals. BTW the developers probably all want PILOT agreements too. Might as well call it Jersey City North as the high rises will be next.

  15. Boomer Remover says:

    The saddest answer to America’s housing crisis can be found on an even MORE run down strip of Bergen Co. land, route 46 in Little Ferry. Google maps only shows foundation work, but a massive four story apartment stick built paper thin development went up just feet from route 46…. which looks the same today as it did in 1950.

    When I drive back from Costco I usually pass some black Escalades pulling into Teterboro, maybe hear a private jet roar overhead, and then I proceed to drive down this dilapidated road with side of the road motels, cheapest bidder developments and it all looks so sad and broken.


  16. BRT says:

    That Sam Ash was my go to spot for a few years.

  17. 3b says:

    Juice: I guess that makes sense. I do remember in the past that Paramus and many other Bergen Co towns used to fight any kind of redevelopment that included multi family housing, impact on the schools etc. There seems to be a belief now that as long as most of the apartments are only studios and one bedroom apartments there will be little to no impact on the schools. I don’t think that is necessarily the case.

  18. 3b says:

    Boomer: There are parts of southern Bergen Co, like South Hackensack, Little Ferry,Garfield, and Lodi that look like they could be in West VA or Kentucky.

  19. BRT says:

    Schools are in a position where they are massively cutting staff because everyone is 1 and done so the population of kids is on the decline. If an attractive town adds a bunch of kids via housing, the school system now has the capacity to absorb it.

  20. Phoenix says:

    ‘A Malta-flagged, Greek-owned bulk carrier was reportedly targeted and impacted with a missile while transiting the southern Red Sea northbound,’ maritime risk management company Ambrey said today in an alert.

    The bottle rocket (aka ballistic missile) bounced off the hull. Navy Seal divers are searching for it now in order to get fingerprints from it.

  21. Phoenix says:

    Ze question in Davos: “Un vaaaat are ve going to do vit ze undesirables?”

    Artificial intelligence (AI) will affect 40 per cent of jobs globally with many at risk of disappearing, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned.

    Millions of roles will be impacted by the rise of AI, which will ‘likely worsen overall inequality’.

    IMF managing director Kristalina Georgieva urged governments to act to ‘prevent the technology from further stoking social tensions’. The warning came as politicians and business leaders gathered in Davos, Switzerland, for the World Economic Forum, where the rapid growth of AI is high on the agenda.

  22. Old realtor says:

    I worked at that Sam Ash in 1979-80. I grew up in Paramus. There were still farms and farm stands when we moved there in 1967. Time doesn’t stand still. Along with those 1500 apartments to be built, single family, new construction on a 100×100 lot sells for around $2.4 million in Paramus these days.

  23. 3b says:

    Old: I see new construction on a lot of busy streets in Paramus, ( Fairview, Midland, Spring Valley, etc) next to banks, and other commercial properties. I don’t know why people would spend the kind of money you note in Paramus, for a number of reasons, but apparently they are. As for change, true time does not stand still, but not all change is necessarily good.

  24. 3b says:

    BRT: I knew school enrollments were dropping in NJ, but I did not know that because of it, public schools were eliminating positions. I thought layoffs were rare in public schools.

  25. Phoenix says:

    Sex is no longer for procreation. It’s a way to make money, gifts, vacations, cars, jewelry, or succeed in hypergamy.

    Children are an afterthought, a burden, or if you are stuck with one, you play the “single mom” badge, then do your day drinking from all the stress.

  26. No One says:

    Fooling around with mushrooms and pot for your “mental health” is allowed by NJ but letting grocery store people put your groceries in convenient bags just does way too much societal harm to be allowed.
    Had to visit NJ last week, and saw that this rule has led even Wegmans checkout clerks to just be like “I don’t bother bagging any more”. Societal decay keeps creeping.
    Meanwhile, back in FL, Publix is still allowed to make “shopping a pleasure” and ask about my preferences between paper and plastic. My wife had me smuggle some disposable plastic shopping bags from FL in my luggage back to NJ.

  27. No One says:

    Just teachers they are cutting? Or also administrators? Surely they wouldn’t be cutting back on DEI bureaucracy?

  28. BRT says:

    Admin never gets cut. It only grows bigger.

  29. BRT says:

    3b, the board, admin and teachers union loves RIFs. It frees up money for negotiation and wasteful pet projects.

  30. No One says:

    According to this govt website, Liam and Noah were the top two male baby names of NJ in 2022. That’s weird. Is Noah popular with the climate crisis crowd or the religious crowd or both?
    Also making the top 100, Yaakov and Maverick at 96 and 95.

  31. Fast Eddie says:

    It seems like the democrat campaign strategy to vilify Trump as a MAGA, extremist, deplorable, H1tler-like devil who wants to end democracy is not the best way to go. You’re p1ssing off independents who want to see O’Biden as a capable leader with a track record and a ‘to do’ list for the next four years. Tout your achievements (not that there are any) or at least come up with a worthy script. But, bigger picture, if I was a betting man, I would venture to guess that the vegetable will retire and someone like the stuck-up d0uchebag governor from California will become the nominee. I’ve heard some talking heads even mention Meeshell Obammy’s name. Where the fuck is that rumor coming from? That would be the same as having Jumanji Brown Jensen as president, not able to define what a woman is.

  32. Hughesrep says:

    Someone got in on the mushroom studies early.

  33. Juice Box says:

    re: “Fooling around”

    Those mushrooms cause hallucinations and after a dose can last all day long. Should be interesting to see how many people are going to drive or operate machinery on that suff.

    Alaska Airlines Flight 2059 last October an off-duty pilot deadheading in the jump seat of the cockpit attempted to crash the plane by shutting down the engines. He took magic mushrooms the day or two before. He said quote “pulled the T-handles because he thought he “was dreaming” and he wanted to “wake up”.

  34. Phoenix says:

    Naming your daughter Genesis. Is that the model Hyundai she was conceived in? Hehe.

    No One says:
    January 16, 2024 at 2:40 pm
    According to this govt website, Liam and Noah were the top two male baby names of NJ in 2022. That’s weird. Is Noah popular with the climate crisis crowd or the religious crowd or both?
    Also making the top 100, Yaakov and Maverick at 96 and 95.

  35. Phoenix says:

    Just take the shrooms, then go shopping. Between that and the pot you will eat your food before you leave the store. No bags required.

    No One says:
    January 16, 2024 at 2:15 pm
    Fooling around with mushrooms and pot for your “mental health” is allowed by NJ but letting grocery store people put your groceries in convenient bags just does way too much societal harm to be allowed.

  36. Phoenix says:

    At least they caught the perpetrator. I’m sure the orphaned children are so happy that the owner of the stolen truck (property) is going to get his crushed ve Hick le back.

    Like a dog chasing a car. Ruff Ruff.

    Six children – all under ten years old – are now orphaned after their parents were killed when a suspect fleeing police in a stolen truck slammed into their car on a Michigan highway.

    Ryan, 45, and Jen Ambrosio, 43, from Farmington Hills, were killed instantly in the head-on collision around 1.30am January 6.

  37. SumTotal says:

    2:55 you, the blathering idiot, should just prepare to lose the election.

  38. grim says:

    Someone really named their kid after Yaakov Smirnoff? What a country!

  39. grim says:

    Grim can sell snacks now.

    We’re going to spend the next two years arguing over the definition of a snack before the ABC codifies it.

  40. Phoenix says:

    But Paramus and Wayne will be like SoDoSoPa. Hehe.

    More than half of US’s 25,000 cities are predicted to become ghost towns by 2100… so, will YOUR area be affected?
    Researchers used data from 2000 to 2020 to predict what 2100 will look like
    In a severe scenario, as many as 64 percent of US cities will lose population
    City services will be impacted in unpredictable ways as local tax bases shrink
    READ MORE: 93 percent of countries face threat of ‘underpopulation’ by 2100

  41. SmallGovConservative says:

    Fast Eddie says:
    January 16, 2024 at 2:55 pm
    “It seems like the democrat campaign strategy to vilify Trump as a MAGA, extremist, deplorable, H1tler-like devil who wants to end democracy is not the best way to go….”

    They Dems and their media lackeys have pivoted already. Now they’re calling the people that vote for him extremist, Hitler-like devils who want to end democracy. How long before the DoJ and corrupt, complicit Dem DA’s begin hitting a few guy-next-door Republican voters with bogus ‘insurrection supporter’ and election interference charges as a way of trying to scare them all straight? In the name of saving democracy, or course.

  42. 3b says:

    Phoenix: Will cities lose populations because people are leaving, or because of a declining birth rate or both? Where did you find this article?

  43. Chicago says:

    There is a cigar store in Colts Neck named PERFECT ASH.

  44. Phoenix says:

    Chicago says:
    January 16, 2024 at 6:46 pm
    There is a cigar store in Colts Neck named PERFECT ASH.

    Classy. Are the Grey Poupon types becoming more ghetto over time?

  45. Fabius Maximus says:


    “Trump as a MAGA, extremist, deplorable, H1tler-like devil who wants to end democracy “,

    You sort of miss the point, that … this is who he is!

  46. chicagofinance says:

    Dedicated to No One:

    A City of Poughkeepsie, NY man faces a stint in jail for dealing crack in the city last year. Landocalrissian Butler, 25, of Winnikee Avenue, entered a guilty plea Tuesday in Dutchess County Court to attempted criminal possession of a controlled substance, a felony. Butler told Judge Thomas J. Dolan he had five small bags of crack in his pocket Dec. 22 when police arrested him on Morgan Avenue. He said he intended to sell the drugs.

    In exchange for his plea, Butler was promised a sentence of six months in jail and five years on probation. He will also be required to forfeit a cell phone and $432 police said he obtained through illegal drug sales.

    Butler remains jailed pending his sentencing, scheduled for April 4.

    No One says:
    January 16, 2024 at 2:40 pm
    According to this govt website, Liam and Noah were the top two male baby names of NJ in 2022. That’s weird. Is Noah popular with the climate crisis crowd or the religious crowd or both?
    Also making the top 100, Yaakov and Maverick at 96 and 95.

  47. Phoenix says:

    So someone is into Star Wars. Could have been worse they could have named him Chewbacca.


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