Oh Shiitake

From Fast Company:

Decoding the U.S. housing market: What Opendoor’s performance reveals about home prices

At the edge of the sprawling desert community of North Las Vegas, the four-bedroom home at 7473 Moonglade Street epitomized the impact of the mortgage rate shock in 2022. During this period, mortgage rates surged from 3% in January 2022 to over 6% by June 2022. That placed iBuyers—online home-buying companies—and flippers in a vulnerable position as cities like Phoenix, Las Vegas, and Austin, which were once pandemic-era darlings, transitioned into full-blown housing corrections

In April 2022, Opendoor acquired the house for $494,000. However, when the iBuyer tried to flip the property back onto the market in May 2022 for $551,000, it found Las Vegas had rapidly shifted from a housing boom to a home price correction. Throughout the second half of 2022, the home experienced nearly a dozen price cuts. When it finally sold in April 2023, Opendoor only received $396,000, a 19.8% decrease from the purchase price.

So-called iBuyers like Opendoor make speedy offers to home sellers in exchange for a “service fee.” These iBuyers then handle any necessary repairs or cosmetic upgrades and put the property back up for sale. The business model is a new take on flipping; however, both business models have the same downside risks if pricing becomes destabilized.

“When the shiitake mushrooms hit the fan, [iBuyers/flippers] want to get out first. The way to do that is to figure out where the lowest sale is, and be 2% below that. And if it doesn’t sell in the first weekend, move it down [again],” Redfin CEO Glenn Kelman told me 15 months ago in October 2022, just days before announcing thatRedfin would close down its iBuyer business. “We notice immediately when fewer people are on our website and fewer signing up for tours . . . we’re sitting on $350 million worth of homes for sale that we bought with our own money, or worse bought with borrowed money. And what we always told investors is that we would protect our balance sheet by acting quickly. We don’t have hope as a strategy. We immediately started marking [things] down.”

This entry was posted in Economics, General, National Real Estate, Price Reduced. Bookmark the permalink.

68 Responses to Oh Shiitake

  1. Hold my beer says:


  2. grim says:

    Some nice time series charts over at FC illustrating the profitability/loss over time.

  3. TraitorJoe says:

    Where is the expert so said that providing free health care to the third world is no problem for hospitals because they are all insurers now too? We can’t care for our own wine but the left is okay destroying our healthcare system so they get can more political power. Sick.

    “Denver hospital system may collapse due to migrant crisis: ‘We are turning down patients’”

  4. No One says:

    Is the original post good news for Libturd’s Nevada home-buying plan?

  5. Very Stable Genius says:

    I’m not familiar with Trumps platform. What’s in there regarding housing?

    His family is well-known for restricting access to black people to his rentals in Queens.

  6. TraitorJoe says:

    Refresh my memory, was that around the same time Biden was delivering the eulogy for the Grand Wizard?

  7. Old realtor says:

    Traitor Joe,
    Are you familiar with the “TRUTH”? Perhaps you should fact check before posting. That way you won’t look like a partisan moron.


  8. Traitorjoe says:

    Apparently he was an exalted cyclops. Thanks for correcting the record.

  9. No One says:

    But he was a repentant unanimously elected exalted cyclops.

  10. leftwing says:

    “Americans are increasingly leaning on their credit cards….Nothing there looks like anything to get too excited about…”

    Still maintain with no evidence other than my own anecdata that part of the balances explosion is just regular usage by higher end households that is in fact getting paid off…my ‘outstanding balances’ increased at least 3x as I’m spending more…since I pay the statement balance (no total outstanding) each month I’m showing up in those stats despite not having paid an interest charge. If you are paying your statement balance and not full outstanding each month you likewise are distorting this stat…

  11. leftwing says:

    “Denver hospital system may collapse due to migrant crisis: ‘We are turning down patients…”

    Friendly with a woman in CRE. She had to call paramedics for a seriously intoxicated (non-responsive) illegal taken away in an ambulance to the hospital in one of her buildings. She recently had an emergency appendectomy.

    The illegal won’t pay a dime. She is still making installment payments on her OOP, plus a premium to cover the addict’s free care.

    Care was the same once each was wheeled through the doors.

    Fuck you liberals.

  12. Phoenix says:

    Well you spent 150 billion just in Ukraine alone. Had that gone to hospitals ( not the administrators of course) you might do better.
    Americans are like children, they like seeing things get blown up like fireworks.

    Pallets of cash. Just like weapons of mass destruction.

    You can wait. A doctor will see you as soon as he can . Hehe.

    TraitorJoe says:
    January 18, 2024 at 8:09 am

    Where is the expert so said that providing free health care to the third world is no problem for hospitals because they are all insurers now too? We can’t care for our own wine but the left is okay destroying our healthcare system so they get can more political power. Sick.

    “Denver hospital system may collapse due to migrant crisis: ‘We are turning down patients’”

  13. Juice Box says:

    I am going with neither wacist for President. Biden has a track record longer than most people alive..51 years since he was first elected to the Senate.

  14. leftwing says:

    “Jamie Dimon…feels it’s now safe to speak out against woke and the left, based upon his latest comment about immigration and other things folks. Make no mistake this is not good for Joe Biden.”

    Worse for the Rs….if the headline Ds and moderates lining up successfully throw Biden under the bus recall that any other D candidate handily beats either DJT or Haley…

    R candidates can only beat the senile old fool…anyone else headlines the D ticket trounces the R.

    Fun times.

  15. Very Stable Genius says:

    Increase minimum wage to help people pay debt.

    leftwing says:
    January 18, 2024 at 10:12 am
    “Americans are increasingly leaning on their credit cards….Nothing there looks like anything to get too excited about…”

  16. Phoenix says:

    Very Stable Genius says:
    January 18, 2024 at 10:32 am

    Increase minimum wage to help people pay debt.

    Or do what corporations do, just write it off.

  17. Phoenix says:

    Donald Trump says

    “Force Majeure”

    It’s an act of God. You know, that guy in the sky. I don’t have to pay my debts.

    Learn from the master.

  18. Very Stable Genius says:

    Use that dough to help people pay their credit card debt

    Phoenix says:
    January 18, 2024 at 10:19 am
    Well you spent 150 billion just in Ukraine alone

  19. Phoenix says:

    Westfield confirmed to FOX Business Monday that the company and partner Brookfield Properties earlier this month stopped making payments on a $558 million loan securing the San Francisco Centre property.

    See this is how it’s done. If it’s fine for big corporations and hedge funds, it’s fine for you as well to not pay your debts. This here is a Donald Trump move.

    How many times that guy didn’t pay his debts and filed bankruptcy?

  20. Phoenix says:

    The “connected”ones who got the piles of cash over there ain’t givin’ it back.

    Green shirt guy is a great actor. Plays the game perfectly, wants you to think he is an average guy, is out there on the battlefield while he is counting the cash given to him by the American taxpayers.


  21. TraitorJoe says:

    That’s the idea with MAGA. End the invasion and endless wars. We’re broke.

    When trump tried that the establishment called him a Russian spy and the left tried to frame him.

  22. No One says:

    Instead of promoting price controls such as minimum wage laws, which make it illegal for companies to hire people at wages in line with their actual economic productivity, maybe you should educate yourself with some hard facts of reality. Or just keep wacking off to commie unicorn-land fantasies in the gooncave set up in your mom’s basement. Up to you.
    “Today I’m here to tell you that the Western world is in danger. And it is in danger because those who are supposed to have to defend the values of the West are co-opted by a vision of the world that inexorably leads to socialism and thereby to poverty.”

  23. Juice Box says:

    Trump going for the bitcoin crypto kiddie vote….. “As your president, I will never allow the creation of a Central Bank Digital Currency.”

  24. Very Stable Genius says:

    Trump’s Taj Mahal opened in April 1990 in Atlantic City, but six months later, “defaulted on interest payments to bondholders as his finances went into a tailspin.”
    In July 1991, Trump’s Taj Mahal filed for bankruptcy. He could not keep up with debts on two other Atlantic City casinos, and those two properties declared bankruptcy in 1992. A fourth property, the Plaza Hotel in New York, declared bankruptcy in 1992 after amassing debt.

    Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts filed for bankruptcy again in 2004, after accruing about $1.8 billion in debt. Trump Entertainment Resorts also declared bankruptcy in 2009, after being hit hard during the 2008 recession.

  25. Fast Eddie says:

    There’s a ‘Mommy and Me’ pole dancing joint down in the Atlanta area. Awesome. It’s just another sign illustrating the magnificence of the progressive, civilized society known as transformative America. I believe this opens the door to organizations like NAMBLA who now has never been closer to realizing their dream of becoming an acceptable, mainstream entity. Their mantra has always been about caring and love so, who are we to question it? As VSG has stated, we must mind our own business!

    As for the pole-dancing children, just imagine the gymnastics they’ll be performing by their early teens! The Pedo business will emerge as highly lucrative and profitable. I assume the progressives will retire the term “Pedo” since it has rather negative connotations and replace it with something more palatable like “Muppet Puppies Matter” or something like that.

  26. Phoenix says:

    Never knew the Sacklers were all Psychiatrists.

    Arthur, Mortimer, and Raymond.

    Marketing geniuses. All started with antibiotics, not really a “psychiatry thing.

    These guys give Bernays and Kotler a run for their money.

  27. No One says:

    It’s not “fine”. They lose the property securing the loan. And people become less willing to lend to such a company.
    Just like if you don’t pay your car loan.
    Just because you’re constantly miserable and defeated in life doesn’t mean everyone else has to be.
    You’ve picked the wrong name. A phoenix rises from the ashes. It doesn’t just constantly complain about having been burned.

  28. Bystander says:

    I am sure you are dumb enough to swallow anything. We are broke but enough to give 2T in tax cuts with no spending reduction. Get over your bs R are fiscal conservatives. No is buying it. Unfunded wars are hallmark of your party regardless of trying to throw GW over board for your Orange savior.

  29. Phoenix says:

    Fast Eddie says:
    January 18, 2024 at 10:51 am

    There’s a ‘Mommy and Me’ pole dancing joint down in the Atlanta area. Awesome. It’s just another sign illustrating the magnificence of the progressive, civilized society known as transformative America.

    Oh Eddie, That’s not about pedo. It’s about marketing. You do realize that work actually sucks and the whole ” feminism” movement is teaching women they have been duped-they look at the SAHM’s and cry- they want to be home day drinking as well.

    It’s about women’s empowerment. They know what sells. Too bad you weren’t born a woman, you could post pictures of your feet on ONLY Fans and live in a bigger house than you already do. And afford to sprinkle granola instead of that cheap azz Chex Mix.

  30. Phoenix says:

    No One says:
    January 18, 2024 at 10:54 am

    It’s not “fine”. They lose the property securing the loan. And people become less willing to lend to such a company.

    It is fine. It’s perfectly fine. And more importantly, legal. Legal is the coding, the software that America runs on.

    Oh, and I survived. I did rise from the ashes. Just not unscathed…

  31. Phoenix says:

    Bystander says:
    January 18, 2024 at 10:57 am

    I am sure you are dumb enough to swallow anything. We are broke but enough to give 2T in tax cuts with no spending reduction. Get over your bs R are fiscal conservatives. No is buying it. Unfunded wars are hallmark of your party regardless of trying to throw GW over board for your Orange savior.

    Not that I disagree with most of your statement, but right now JOe Biden is handing over pallets of cash and firing missiles as well. Obama. did a few “executions” from above as well.

    Both sides have blood on their hands. And cash they cannot account for.

    But hey, just jack up the national debt. It’s all funny money. One trillion, fifty trillion, who cares. It’s not real.

    It’s a “Grand Illusion.”

  32. Fast Eddie says:

    Democracy: a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

    Democrat Democracy: a system of governmental abuse designed to spy on movements and purchases of a segment of the population, to impede their ability to vote in selected states and to manufacture crisis’ to damage opposing candidates.

  33. Phoenix says:

    Are they using Pegasus?

    Democrat Democracy: a system of governmental abuse designed to spy on movements and purchases of a segment of the population, to impede their ability to vote in selected states and to manufacture crisis’ to damage opposing candidates.

  34. Juice Box says:

    Just to be clear here Elon also amplified Dimon’s comments on CNBC yesterday.

    I can see a groundswell form here soon as Wall St and the investment community especially Elon who has to sell cars in an 10% interest rate environment. Wall st wants rate cuts, getting rid of Biden is one way to do it for sure.

    @elonmusk 23h Jamie Dimon says it well

  35. 3b says:

    Left: I would say for every one person who pays off their balances every month , there may be 10 who do not. I think this issue is more concerning then you believe it to be.

  36. TraitorJoe says:

    You are king of straw man. No one said that tax cuts when you are running a deficit is fiscally responsible.

    But the establishment certainly mobilized and put outa political hit on trump when he vowed to end foreign escapades. Joe was installed to perpetuate them. Look at the chaos in the world. They got their man.

  37. 3b says:

    Bystander: Back in the the not too far day, massive government borrowing and huge deficits were considered a serious problem. Now, lots of opinion pieces out there that state it’s not a problem, as long as governments can borrow and raise taxes it’s a non-issue.

  38. Phoenix says:

    Americans are a funny lot.

    They get a hard on watching someone get caught stealing a bag of chips. Just look at the cops that broke granny’s shoulder when she shoplifted 8 bucks worth of snacks from a Walmart cause she was DEMENTED and forgot where she was. The cops got off on it, even watching the video where they heard her shoulder snap.

    But a guy steals 500 Million, it’s all silence.

    Must be a psychological thing. Maybe cause it’s more relatable? Kind of like when you kill someone using a drone it’s not like stabbing them? Not as personal.

    It’s still theft, and usually on a much grander scale. Yet somehow more acceptable.

  39. Phoenix says:

    3b says:
    January 18, 2024 at 11:29 am
    Bystander: Back in the the not too far day, massive government borrowing and huge deficits were considered a serious problem. Now, lots of opinion pieces out there that state it’s not a problem, as long as governments can borrow and raise taxes it’s a non-issue.

    Boomer ain’t paying it back. So no, since it is boomer running the country, it’s not a problem.

    Boomer never wanted to pay even when every woman was a SAHM, and his house only cost 10k. That’s when the whole “deficit” thing really took off.

  40. Chicago says:

    How about the land north of Newman Springs Road across from Big Brook Park in Marlboro. Where they used to have the Loonie Bin.


    Juice Box says:
    January 17, 2024 at 10:31 pm
    Chi was at Sportika in Manalapan this evening. Expensive night $1000 for the soccer training sessions. To spread out the costs we brought every team we could find with their parents to the training to split the cost.

    If only I could find a few acres to build a dome complex further north….I think some county or state land would be perfect…. I should write out governor he is part owner of that women’s soccer team in NJ…..

  41. Phoenix says:

    The groundswell you speak of is the giant septic tank of Elon and Dimon starting to overflow onto the lawn.

    Both are turds. Turds on pedestals.

    Juice Box says:
    January 18, 2024 at 11:16 am
    Just to be clear here Elon also amplified Dimon’s comments on CNBC yesterday.

    I can see a groundswell form here soon as Wall St and the investment community especially Elon who has to sell cars in an 10% interest rate environment. Wall st wants rate cuts, getting rid of Biden is one way to do it for sure.

  42. Juice Box says:

    “Both publicly and privately, U.S. executives said at Davos they weren’t concerned if Donald Trump wins the 2024 presidential election.
    Banking leaders, in particular, expressed confidence that America will be OK if Trump returns to the White House.”


  43. leftwing says:

    “Increase minimum wage to help people pay debt…”

    Because more dollars chasing after the same resources is….genius /s

    Plus if you read my response, I was agreeing with the poster that the headline credit card number may not be entirely representative of most opinions…

    “Or do what corporations do, just write it off.”

    Why do you think the rate is high 20 percent? Loss reserves….ie, those who struggle to actually pay – like my CRE health indebted friend – are subsidizing the irresponsible cohort that just flat out won’t pay, or in Biden’s illegal immigrant universe simply don’t have to.

  44. leftwing says:

    “I would say for every one person who pays off their balances every month , there may be 10 who do not. I think this issue is more concerning then you believe it to be.”

    My point is more nuanced than I believe you may be reading.

    There is the ‘statement balance’ on your credit card which is the amount due as of the closing date of the last statement.

    There is the ‘total balance’ on your credit card which is the statement balance plus charges made since the closing date of the last statement.

    If you pay the ‘statement balance’ you have paid in full and there are no interest charges.

    But…for credit reporting purposes from which many of these aggregate figures are derived you have an outstanding balance.

    As spending, especially among the top quartile, continues to go through the roof I’m suspecting there is some distortion in the reported numbers.

    For example, real one for me, if I had one month on one card an $11k statement balance, pay that amount on the due date, but a few days after the statement closing date drop $30k on a holiday I am from my and the bank’s perspective ‘paid and current’ but from a credit agency and aggregate outstanding balance perspective my outstanding balance has increased 3x even although that $30k will be paid in full as well in 27 days when it appears on my ‘statement balance’…

    What do most people here do on the day you log on to pay your card? Pay it down to zero as of the date you are on your computer or pay your statement balance?

  45. Very Stable Genius says:

    Many high balances are for medical services.

    Boomers have socialist universal healthcare, but everyone else has to put on AMEX.

    3b says:
    January 18, 2024 at 11:26 am
    Left: I would say for every one person who pays off their balances every month , there may be 10 who do not. I think this issue is more concerning then you believe it to be.

  46. Fast Eddie says:

    Boomers have socialist universal healthcare, but everyone else has to put on AMEX.

    You have AMEX? What an elitist snob! How much money do you give to help the less fortunate?

  47. Phoenix says:

    Well this should anger the Gays. I guess the message is get back in the closet?

    All the gay people I know are wealthy, educated, and intelligent. Angering them should make for some entertainment. They won’t be in your face, they will get you from behind when you aren’t looking Ronnie. Hehe.

    Oh, and what about the “Blue Lives” flags, do they count, or do they get “qualified immunity?” Hehe.

    Florida Republicans want to ban all Pride flags from schools, government buildings and public places because it is ‘political’
    Florida Republican State Rep. have moved forward with a bill that would ban all pride flags from government buildings, schools and public places
    Bill 901 got its first stamp of approval on Wednesday and if signed by Governor Ron DeSantis it will come into effect on July 1
    The legislation would take down all categories of pride flags and any flags that display support for movements like Black Lives Matter

  48. Phoenix says:

    Fast Eddie says:
    January 18, 2024 at 1:17 pm

    Boomers have socialist universal healthcare, but everyone else has to put on AMEX.

    You have AMEX? What an elitist snob! How much money do you give to help the less fortunate?

    Like the Ukrainians? Plenty. Right out of my check. And every pimple faced kid that has a job is supporting Boomer’s socialist universal healthcare, to get nothing in return for it.

    Well, maybe a handful or two of your generous Chex Mix. Don’t want them too hungry when they need to work to support BOomer.

  49. Phoenix says:

    leftwing says:
    January 18, 2024 at 12:28 pm

    I pay my credit card balance in full every month to avoid interest payments and late charges.

    I have a job. I go to work. I am fortunate to have decent health.

    But come the day, through no fault of my own, any of that three legged stool loses a leg, this no longer works.

    And then, I become the scum of the earth. The undesirable. The unwanted. The deadbeat.

    Years of being a good worker, taxpayer, husband, parent. All forgotten. The people I helped get better. The donations I made. The co-workers I taught to be better at their jobs. All forgotten.

    Yup, that’s America. Only as good as your last game, then to become the Untermensch.

  50. No One says:

    Why should government-run institutions have any advertisements for or promotions of lifestyle choices? Or celebrating one group?
    Does NJ have posters or flags in schools or government buildings saying “Adult incest in NJ is both legal and awesome”? Or “Celebrate Heterosexual Love” Or “All Guidos welcome here” or “Celebrate White Male History Month”

  51. Phoenix says:

    No One says:
    January 18, 2024 at 1:59 pm

    Why should government-run institutions have any advertisements for or promotions of lifestyle choices? Or celebrating one group?
    Does NJ have posters or flags in schools or government buildings saying “Adult incest in NJ is both legal and awesome”? Or “Celebrate Heterosexual Love” Or “All Guidos welcome here” or “Celebrate White Male History Month”

    Or Blue Lives Matter? Don’t all lives matter? Or are some animals more equal than others?

    Why do Repubs hate unions, with one exception, the police union? Is that union somehow different than other unions?

    Everything is biased. All of it. Government, religion,healthcare, teaching, it’s all bull, it’s all about money and at the end of the day morality isn’t even in the equation. Only money.

  52. Phoenix says:

    No One says:
    January 18, 2024 at 1:59 pm

    Why should government-run institutions have any advertisements for or promotions of lifestyle choices?

    Why do religious groups insert themselves into government business? Every religion is in there lobbying for money or whatever they want. No religion should be part of any government institution.

  53. Phoenix says:

    Ok Karen. You and your family take your seats and fasten your seat belts, the rest of the passengers would like to get to their destination.

    Megyn Kelly took a vicious swipe at Lauren Sanchez’s latest look, telling her ‘you look like a hooker!’ in a stinging podcast rant about classy clothes and plastic surgery.

    ‘I’m sorry, she looks like a hooker. You look like a hooker! And you’re dating [one of] the richest men in the world. Try to be a little classy. Must everything be an expose of your obviously over enhanced assets?’ she fumed.

    Kelly said she and her family looked at the pictures of Bezos and Sanchez together in mutual disgust.

    ‘My whole family stopped and looked at the latest pictures… I don’t mean to be such a prude, but I feel like we’re losing something as a society.

  54. Phoenix says:

    Walgreens boss leads group of ultra-rich asking to be taxed MORE – after one investigation found America’s richest citizens including Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos pay just 3.4% levy on their income

    Elon, Jeff, c’mon.

    U can do better. Hey I pay more than 3.4%. Way more. Then I pay for gas, insurance, tires, health insurance, disability.

    Can you please pay at least 3.5%? Help a brother out. Hehe.

  55. chicagofinance says:

    Ever heard of and muni-bond interest? Also, capital gains tax rate. No evil accountant tricks necessary. Makes for a nice sound bite, but fails the smell test.

    Phoenix says:
    January 18, 2024 at 2:39 pm
    Walgreens boss leads group of ultra-rich asking to be taxed MORE – after one investigation found America’s richest citizens including Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos pay just 3.4% levy on their income

    Elon, Jeff, c’mon.

    U can do better. Hey I pay more than 3.4%. Way more. Then I pay for gas, insurance, tires, health insurance, disability.

    Can you please pay at least 3.5%? Help a brother out. Hehe.

  56. Boomer Remover says:

    It drives me nuts to hear folks in the finance industry discuss the “winding down” of covid money, and they engage in this bs with specificity too! “Expect it run out by 3Q”… What covid money!!? I fkn got $151. People who got $3-5K… that sht was spent a long time ago. I can’t believe they even take the bait and address questions about this abstract topic.

    Right because people at the bottom of the economic ladder are firmly in control of their impulses. Still have some of that covid money, whatever covid money was left went to overdraft fees about a year or two ago.

  57. Boomer Remover says:

    Lib, US bank is offering $800 per person for opening a savings/checking account and keeping it funded with $18K IIRC. They require you download the app but do not require you to redirect your payroll direct deposit, which to me makes this deal viable.

    My wife wanted to get in on some CC deals to help offset our flights to Greece this summer, IMO this takes just as much work and doesn’t impact your credit score.

    Offer expires March, requires account remain open through June.


  58. Phoenix says:

    Nice to see someone else on here use SlickDeals.

    Good heads up.

  59. Very Stable Genius says:

    Trump lowered taxes for billionaires.
    Ask him for federal tax credits for any American with high credit card debt. It’s only fair

  60. Libturd says:

    Thanks BR

  61. Phoenix says:

    You watch the video I posted yesterday with the Mazda?

  62. Boomer Remover says:

    Guys — I was wrong. US Bank does require two direct deposits from employer. Womp, wooomp.

  63. Phoenix says:

    Happy New Year! Happy New CEO. Happy New Unemployment slip.

    Make sure you make that credit card/car/ mortgage/ health insurance payment. F’n deadbeat. If not, let me know, I can send you the coordinates to your choice of spots, the GWB, the Palisades, or the nearest railroad crossing that has a daily freight line.

    Macy’s, the country’s largest department store operator, told employees Thursday that it was laying off 13 percent of its corporate work force. The move comes as the company prepares to unveil a new strategy that its incoming chief executive will oversee.

    The cuts amount to roughly 2,350 jobs, or about 3.5 percent of the company’s overall work force, which includes employees at the subsidiaries Bloomingdale’s and Bluemercury. The layoffs will be achieved by eliminating some roles and consolidating teams, according to memos seen by The New York Times.

    The company also said it would close five of its more than 560 Macy’s stores.

  64. Phoenix says:

    Just the beginning of more that is to become. And we are supposed to worry about the Chinese…

    Silicon Valley insiders are trying to unseat Biden with help from AI
    A new super PAC tied to OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and billionaire Bill Ackman is backing Democratic challenger Dean Phillips

  65. Phoenix says:

    Women don’t like it when you take a house from them. Hope you enjoy your sheriff’s sale profit, now you have a reason to renovate it before you put it up for sale.

    According to NBC New York, the harrowing discovery was made by sheriff’s officers serving an eviction notice. The home had been sold in November 2023 for $322,000 at a sheriff’s sale, and the family had 60 days to leave or face eviction, the outlet said.

    Andrea Alarcon, 42, is believed to have fatally shot her husband, Ruben Alarcon, 51, and their two juvenile daughters in their home at 1329 Lincrest Terrace in Union, Union County Prosecutor William A. Daniel said.

    She then turned the gun on herself, police said.

  66. Phoenix says:

    Women are so nice to each other, even when they are in the ” baby” business. Hehe. Baby, sick baby, you work. So much for the sensitive caring women, kind, soft. Long gone. No ethics, no morals, just slave driving.

    Ying Liu, founder of Kyte Baby, issued a second apology after denying ex-employee Marissa Hughes’ remote work request as she stayed in the NICU with her adopted son. Hughes and husband Rawley, from Dallas, made the decision to adopt after she lost three pregnancies, went through IVF and nearly died during surgery. As Judah had ‘various health concerns’ requiring an extended hospital stay, Hughes requested to work remotely from the NICU. She was allegedly only offered two weeks and told she would lose her position if she failed to return to in-person work any later. Liu posted a second apology Thursday after catching flak from netizens who suspected the first video was not genuine, admitting ‘the comments were right’ and the video was ‘scripted.’

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