From Patch:

Christie’s International Real Estate Group announces the sale of 12 Henley Place – an iconic and record-breaking sale that set a historic benchmark at Henley on the Hudson, with its remarkable sale price of $4.9 million. Jessica Williams, Realtor-Associate® and distinguished luxury real estate specialist, represented both the seller and buyer of this exquisite and resplendent home. The sale of 12 Henley Place resulted in the top residential sale along the developing Weehawken Waterfront. “The seamless execution of this sale underscores our commitment to delivering unparalleled service and showcasing exceptional properties along the Gold Coast. At Christie’s, we take pride in elevating the real estate
Pales in comparison to 122 Waverley, a block down from Washington Square, which I walked by last night … priced at an astounding $49 million.
Green light on the liver lesion pet scan, btw, which is why I was in town. Woo hoo!
Congrats Grim. I can now start this day in a positive note. I’m so happy for you.
On the accessory structures, suspect the most common use case in the next decade or two is going to be building carriage houses for our kids….
Great news Grim!
Hey Kids,
Grandpa screwed you. Just keep paying into Social Security and Medicare. You ain’t gonna see one thin dime. That old goat that is currently overcharging you for rent, the purchase of his house, and everything else, is living like a king. Spending like a drunken sailor with your future money, destroying the planet you need to live on. Trying hard to start WW3. Right now he is taxing you and sending your money to other countries.
—Medicare and Social Security are in crisis and face significant challenges according a report from the U.S. Treasury Department which indicates the programs are both underfunded to the tune of a $175 trillion.
The report suggests that if the current trends continue the programs may not be around when the current generation of American children reach retirement age unless substantial changes are implemented.
Projections suggest that Medicare and Social Security may struggle to meet full benefit obligations within the next decade, with factors like inflation and economic output adding strain due to insufficient funds coming in to support these programs.
‘If you take up the entire economic output of every country on planet Earth, it’s about $100 trillion. The unfunded liability that U.S. taxpayers face over the next 75 years is $175 trillion,’ Adam Andrezejewski of stated.
In showcasing the magnitude of the situation, Andrezejewski compared the unfunded liability to the entirety of federal spending since the inception of the United States in 1787.____
2024 Lusitania perhaps? Well, no people died, but hey, no one cares about them anymore, it’s all about PROPERTY, not people.
They aren’t making any more land, but you can make people with 5 minutes of fun.
British-registered cargo ship SINKS after being hit by Houthi missiles in the Red Sea: Vessel is first to be destroyed as part of rebels’ Israel war campaign
Geezer gonna Geeze.
Footage captured the intense moment when an aide for Sen. Joe Manchin threw a climate protester to the ground following a tense interaction.
The heated exchange happened at an event at Harvard University on Friday, and saw the West Virginia lawmaker stand up to confront the much-younger activist.
‘You sold our futures and you got rich doing it,’ the unnamed male protestor said, before hitting the 14-year senator with the aforementioned, ‘You sick f***!’
Manchin responded by rising from his seat in an apparent attempt to get into the protestor’s face.
Mommy did such a good job raising Junior. Li’l fucc stole from a woman with a brain tumor. Mommy should start an Only Fans page and donate the money she makes to this woman.
A woman whom the teenage son of Rep. Lauren Boebert allegedly stole from claims the theft left her out of money she needed for brain surgery.
The 33-year-old woman said she has a brain tumor and now can’t afford a needed operation, according to a February 27 arrest affidavit released after Tyler Boebert, 18, was arrested by Colorado’s Rifle Police Department.
The Colorado firebrand’s eldest was cuffed in connection to a spate of property thefts in the small city; he and three underage accomplices are accused of breaking into four cars to steal wallets in order to make purchases at local businesses.
One of those cars belonged to the woman in question, who told cops her wallet containing $75 cash, two Venmo debit cards, and her mother’s credit card were all stolen.
According to Tyler’s arrest affidavit, the woman told police she ‘wants the people who did this to her found, because she literally has nothing.’ In a statement to DailyMail the teen’s mom said her son should face consequences for his alleged actions.
Grim, congrads on your diagnosis , I am sure you your wife and kids are all happy and relieved.😎
Congrats grim. Great news
Mr Pilot. Before you start your engine you best make sure your brain is working and you don’t forget simple things like Joe Biden. Main thing you remember, even before fueling that plane, is to make triple sure to turn on your transponder and that it is working-and sending the correct codes.
President Joe Biden said the U.S. will start air dropping humanitarian aid into the Ukraine before he corrected himself and said it would go into the Gaza strip.
Grim: Good news! Happy for you.
My Liver My Liver!
Grim: hat-tip to you
Hehe. Americans extorting the British. Those dumb F’s didn’t legislate against this either.
We work to earn the right to work, to earn the right to spend, to earn the right to live, to earn the right to die.
Hard-working British families have slammed ‘Wall Street landlords’ for ‘pricing them out of the housing market’ by buying up new builds to line their pockets.
There was £1.3billion of private investment in British new builds last year and almost two fifths came from American funds.
Furious renters told MailOnline that although they wanted to get on the housing ladder, giant wealth funds were driving up prices and taking away availability.
Meanwhile, housing experts claim that ‘predatory’ investment funds were taking advantage of the housing market that keeps families paying rent for longer.
One American firm buying up British homes is investment company Blackstone, which owns Leaf Living and Sage Homes in the UK.
Japan’s population, currently over 125 million, is projected to decline by about 30% to 87 million by 2070.
It’s just lawless madness out there. A good portion of the ads that make you scratch your head usually end with “owner holds re license.” This is a 4FAM in Fairview.
2/11/2023 Listed for sale $1,350,000+50%
Source: NJMLS #23004140
7/8/2021 Sold $900,000+50%
Source: NJMLS #21008555
8/5/2019 Sold $600,000+44.2%
Source: HCMLS #190005883
8/20/2015 Sold $416,000+24.6%
Grim – Your post inspired me to put the scope procedure on my to do list for 2024.
A lot of the kids I taught don’t come from a lavish lifestyle. At Basking Ridge, many of the asian households were dual income and paid an arm/leg to get into the 2 BR townhomes in town. I’ve seen plenty of them go on to succeed. That being said, a lot of the kids I teach come from very wealthy backgrounds. Kids that are brilliant and have that type of money are already set for life. They literally have big paying jobs waiting for them at age 18 at their parents companies or their parents friend’s companies. These kids usually hit it out of the park.
Then there are the kids that are just average, but come from wealth. Same deal, they are all set but it doesn’t seem like they move up the ladder like the smarter kids do. Ironically, the goofiest kids I’ve taught all get jobs in finance under “risk management”. My friend who manages a state pension says this is by design. They like to put kids like that in that position so they can sneak anything by them.
A student I had the past 2 years was insanely smart but not really motivated. Moved from UK in middle school. His father worked for citigroup and apparently had a hand in that accidental $900 million dollar transfer to Revlon that they had to go through years of court with. I swear, there are bigger consequences for a cashier having their register come in $10 short. I wouldn’t expect him to get into any fancy school based on his performance. But his father had him “running” multiple non-profits at age 16 and next thing you know, he’s in Oxford. I love the kid and it’s obvious he’s going to rise to the top because he knows how to play the system. But he’s not really earning anything through his own hard work.
My neighbor is some high level exec for J&J’s China’s arm. I really have no idea what he’s doing in that position because his an incredibly low IQ individual. He regularly burns pressure treated wood in his firepit and the whole family sits around and inhales the poison. But that being said, we saw, in addition to his “massive” responsibilities in that job, he’s also become the director of a large local non-profit in the area. Every one of his kids are classified and they aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed either. During Christmas, their son walked up to my laser projector and looked down the barrel of the light source. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him do the same thing to pad the kids resume. They are already planning on sending them to Lawrenceville Prep. I wouldn’t be surprised if every single one of them go to Princeton.
Grim, congrats. Such good news for you and your family.
Juice, consider getting a chef for your villa.
May sound extravagant but our experiences had benefits and were reasonable (in Anguilla, St Martin, BVI, and Barbados).
Not sure if your locale will be different but they will bring the groceries needed and their services are relatively cheap. All in, wasn’t that much more expensive than getting groceries ourselves as I suspect they got some discount. And the quality was top, eg. they knew the local seafood markets with the freshest fish and obviously prepared it well and ‘local’.
Plus they clean up…factor all the time saved by not shopping, cooking, and cleaning it’s quite large worth any excess cost right there.
Worth it, even just for dinners.
“I disagree with grim regarding it being impossible for young people to succeed without inherited wealth. Smart, hard working kids are doing it.”
Solid points by No One.
Don’t agree with those saying how different it was 35 years ago, I was there at that time…and exactly where this generation is in terms of age and market.
I came out in the second worst of three housing price runups over the last 60 years…I mentioned here before on this topic that my (top-end) near entry level compensation would have gotten me a closet size studio in a not-overly-desirable area of Manhattan at 3.x my comp. Showed in that post a while back that number is substantially identical to where these kids are…
It’s all about expectations and safety nets.
If you expect to move to one of the most expensive areas in the US – today, 35 years ago, or 55 years ago – you better have the profile or safety net. Or your expectation will be sorely disappointed regardless of when you are trying to do so.
Profile…yes, that means smart, hard working, and accomplished. You went to a state school that’s middle of the road nationally with a middle of the road major in which you just squeak out a 3.0….good luck in any of the top five metropolitan areas, you will most certainly need to struggle and compromise to get there and get ahead…but that’s on you and your decisions, not on society.
Safety net…trust me I get it because I had none. Nice to have but not required. More important than (potential) inheritances to me is the ability early in career to fall back on family especially in the highest cost areas like NYC. My peers who grew up in the NYC metro area unashamedly spent time at home while working full time…those savings in their early and mid-20s were invaluable…providing downpayment for a highly levered investment that assuredly goes from lower left to upper right on the price chart over time.
The value of that levered compounding ability starting in your 20s can not be overstated.
We all know the destination…and the mountainous pathways there actually have not changed that much over the last half century. How, and if, you get there is up to you.
Not mentioned in western media. But very significant.
Profile…yes, that means smart, hard working, and accomplished. You went to a state school that’s middle of the road nationally with a middle of the road major in which you just squeak out a 3.0….good luck in any of the top five metropolitan areas, you will most certainly need to struggle and compromise to get there and get ahead…but that’s on you and your decisions, not on society.
Or hot looking, and just smart enough to marry someone like you.
So Trump was banging Karen McDougal while he was married to Melina with a kid. I’m sure she knew, but has no class and likes money. Sounds about right. Then he bangs Stormy Daniels, who has not class and likes money. Sounds about right.
Chris Rock nails this ”
Did Trump tee up two mistresses in Tahoe? Playmate Karen McDougal breaks down president’s infamous golf trip and tells Anderson Cooper he could have slept with Stormy Daniels the day she left
Karen McDougal is Playboy magazine’s 1998 Playmate of the Year
She claims she had a 10-month affair with Donald Trump beginning in June 2006
At the time, Trump was married to Melania Trump, who had just given birth
McDougal said Trump invited her to a celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe
At the same event in July, Trump is said to have had sex with Stormy Daniels
McDougal told CNN she was surprised to learn Trump was cheating on her
Both Daniels and McDougal were made to sign NDAs barring them from talking
They are separately suing in order to free themselves from the NDAs
And I should be worried about the Chinese stealing my data…..
The f’n enemy is right here in my backyard.
“We just need your OK on a couple of things,” TurboTax says as you prepare your tax return.
Alarm bells should be ringing in your head at the innocuous tone.
This is where America’s most popular tax-prep website asks you to sign away the ironclad privacy protections of your tax return, including the details of your income, home mortgage and student loan payments.
With your permission to blab your money secrets, the company earns extra income from showing you advertisements for the next three years for things like credit cards and mortgage offers targeted to your financial situation.
You have the legal right to say no when TurboTax asks for your permission to “share your data” or use your tax information to “improve your experience.” I’ll walk you through how to decline.
This is part of the corporate arms race for your personal data. Everyone including the grocery store, your apps and the manufacturer of your car are gobbling information to profit from details of your life. With TurboTax, though, you have the power to refuse to participate.
I have done the chef thing in the DR. Was never impressed. I really do like cooking. We will probably cook 3 or 4 nights and eat out the rest.
“The value of that levered compounding ability starting in your 20s can not be overstated.”
After busting my ass for five years at a tiny boutique ad agency on 44th Street and learning everything about the entire business (though having been paid like a serf). I drew a line in the sand when I applied for my next position which would allow me to save about 20K a year if I didn’t adjust my quality of life much even though I certainly could have afforded to since I doubled my salary. I saved about 15K a year into my 401K, maxed out my IRA contribution and threw whatever was left over into a taxable account at E-Trade. Those early savings are why my 401K is exploding today. Once we had my older son in 2005, I had to cut my 401K back to max match which was 4% of my salary or closer to 4K a year. The compounding of the money I contributed those first five years is THE difference between my comfortable life and the struggle most of my peers are going through figuring out how to pay for their kids college and make ends meet. Forget about their underfunded retirement accounts.
Save early, save often, diversify.
Wavery address is nice but not that nice.
There are no tile roofs in NYC either, and perhaps that swim lane aka pool should have been on the roof?,30
Juice: I say the address is specifically not nice. Heavy traffic. Noise all hours. Washington Sq Park just down the street. 6AVE the other way. The critical element would need to be soundproofing from outside. How loud are the outdoor areas. You want them ten floors above the street, not just 3 or 4.
Glad to read the good news!
Interesting niche to provide liquidity on the future equity appreciation from a home…
Grim, good news!
Another reason not to drive an Uber, you might get blown up by a terrorist. What a way to go after dealing with the last passenger who vomited all over your seat.
An explosive device was located in the backseat of the vehicle in Midtown Manhattan on Saturday. An Uber driver turned to look in the backseat after dropping a passenger off on 42nd Street and 7th Avenue in Times Square and saw the explosive device. The driver notified the police just after 4pm and NYPD deployed the Emergency Services Unit and the Bomb Squad to the scene in Times Square. Anti-Israel protestors were marching through the streets and blocking traffic at the time of the emergency.
Good to hear Grim.
Other great news today.
When EJ Carroll and AG James start seizing and liquidating Trump properties, he’s going to be liable for the capital gains taxes on them, since they’ve appreciated substantially since he bought them. Which means he’ll owe the IRS $100M’s, too.
His house of cards is imploding.
This a headline like you’d see on The Onion
A major West Coast city is in a state of emergency over fentanyl. Figuring out how to fight the ‘demons’ is its own challenge.
The city’s mayor, its county chairperson and the governor – all Democrats – in late January declared at 90-day state of emergency to address the public health and safety crisis driven by fentanyl in Portland’s Central City.
State lawmakers, meanwhile, overwhelmingly approved a bill this week to reverse a 2020 measure that decriminalized possession of hard substances, including fentanyl, which now awaits approval by the state’s governor.
Any Questions?
WSJ Editorial excerpt
California is living up to its reputation as the entertainment capital of the world. Witness the political circus unfolding in Sacramento over a doughnut hole that Democrats baked into the state’s $20 fast-food minimum wage for Panera Bread franchise owner Greg Flynn, a donor to Gov. Gavin Newsom.
Democrats last autumn enacted a bill that raised the state minimum wage for fast-food workers to $20 an hour from the current $16 for all workers. But what do you know? The legislation carves out an odd exemption for restaurants that produce and sell bread, which appears to cover only Panera and a couple of bakery chains.
Bloomberg News reported this week that Mr. Newsom pushed for an exemption for Panera as a favor for Mr. Flynn. The franchise king donated $100,000 to Mr. Newsom’s 2021 campaign to fend off a recall and $64,800 to support his re-election. The Governor no doubt would appreciate similar backing when he runs for President.
When government is all-powerful, as it is in California, this is how politics works. Politicians pass a punishing law for a special interest, then offer exemptions to donors who can pay the going protection rate. The business model was invented in Sicily.