From Coldwell Banker:
2024 Consumer Survey Key Findings – March 2024

Over a quarter (26%) of surveyed consumers have not provided or do not plan to provide financial support for their child(ren)’s first home, compared to 38% who said they would, 15% who said they have and 25% who do not have children.
Did you just get the invite today, or did you get the confirmation today? I understand it was the invites that were staggered until the opt ins hit a ceiling.
Invitation last week, I opted in as soon as I got email. I did get the Morgan Stanley/eTrade account email yesterday and registered. 1-1000 shares was my range.
I am a reddit reader vs. contributor. I have mod on a sub or two, but not a ton of karma/mod actions. Have been a very long time user though. I would imagine it’s open to anyone at this point.
First (yeah, in front of my screen a lot….)
For our Fed watchers and musicians here, lol.
CPI Day. Did prices go up? Of course they did.
Grim, any thoughts about IPO’ing nj rereport?
F it, why not an initial coin offering?
Jamie Dimon says Fed should be in no rush to cut rates and should wait until after June, to “let it all sort out”. He also said NY is not business friendly, he specifically did not include the mayor and Governor in that comment, just NY politicians in general. He recognized Texas as business friendly and the banks business in the state. Texas has slightly more JPM employees than NY.
Economists had expected a 0.3% (MoM) in the core rate, and 0.4% for headline.
I like it! It would be a great fit for my Crypto portfolio.
Michael Saylor could sponsor it.
grim says:
March 12, 2024 at 7:54 am
F it, why not an initial coin offering?
…insurance costs….
“you snarked me on stating [factually] there is no definition of ‘insurrection’ under 14A nor who is even the Party to determine it. Which, as we all know, SCOTUS just did*
Reread your statement. You just stated that there was no definition of insurrection but the SCOTUS just did rule on it when in fact it did not…”
How fucking stupid are you?
If you read that statement to mean that I was saying the SCOTUS ruled on defining insurrection rather than ruling on which Party gets to make the decision I truly don’t know what to say….
Especially since my first response to your trolling yesterday was solely pointed on *who* gets to decide what insurrection is, not whether one occurred. Go back and look.
And that I literally asked you twice yesterday to show me a case where a Court defined ‘insurrection’….the implication being, for your simple brain, that I am saying no Court has actually defined insurrection….go back and look.
And, to state the obvious which seems necessary with you I said *as we all know* because it was all over the news SCOTUS reversed CO by ruling that the ability resides with Congress….
On your point of what you are personally tired of here, too bad. I am personally tired of the constant zero value added liberal trolling hijacking this place daily so, yeah, when you call me out by name and then chase your fucking tail all day long in a tireless display of idiocy, illiteracy, and illogic I’ll be up in your face. Tough shit.
chi, that time of year again…fun with maths!
For your perusing pleasure…
Best on a desktop, you want all 64 columns across the top which seems missing from the app and on my mobile at least….
Go to anger management, douchebag. You got problems. No wonder you are single. Who could handle you arrogance and bitterness.
“Go to anger management, douchebag.
You got problems.
No wonder you are single.
Who could handle you arrogance and bitterness.”
I will if you promise to re-enroll in the fifth grade to refresh your reading comprehension and build a basis for rational decision making. You got problems. No wonder you are stuck in a declining dead end job. How do your peers and managers handle your entire lack of intellectual acuity.
You are a narcissist who has to feel superior. A f-in hurt child, so much that you could have spared the board this drivel but copied it over bc you are a baby. I pity you..really. Money won’t solve your issues. I won’t respond again to your lazy, tired schtick.
Insurrection, gathering, whatever you want to call it.
Trump may or may not have initiated it, but his rhetoric certainly added fuel to the fire.
No doubt it gave him a hard on. Guys like him get off on it.
Had that group had the slightest real organizational skill, or actual planning, they could have taken out a large amount of useless geezers that were inhaling oxygen in that building. There was a real opportunity to score had that been the real intent.
That opportunity is no longer available to them. The next time they show up it’s gonna look like the Boston Massacre for them.
They will get lit up like a Christmas tree.
So if their intent was to actually do something, well, they screwed themselves.
Their best bet is now to get Orange Head elected. Just might happen.
Party on, Geezer Election 2024 is soon to start!
Hell, the Dirty Dozen could have accomplished that task. Fantastic movie that was.
That would have made an interesting sequel.
Trump training some of the worst convicts to take over the Capitol.
Robert Aldrich would have been proud.
“chi, that time of year again…fun with maths!”
There’s much less agita following a D3 club team.
“Party on, Geezer Election 2024 is soon to start!”
Safe for work.
Lib: Geezer election! That’s too funny!
From today’s topic
Question:Have you provided your children with financial support to purchase their first home?
Yup, and paid for their college, and helped them start a business. And still working so I can do the same for my grandchildren. It’s for the children!
3b says:
March 12, 2024 at 10:12 am
Lib: Geezer election! That’s too funny!
When I coined the term the funny part was supposed to be sarcasm- cause this is supposed to be serious business.
But yeah, America is more like what Lib posted. Oh well.
Finally saw Speed Racer get into an accident. Bunch of cars flying down the highway, just got out of sight. A minute later one of them on the shoulder, car parts everywhere.
No need to go to Nascar races, it’s all Nascar races now.
NJCoast says:
March 12, 2024 at 10:17 am
From today’s topic
Question:Have you provided your children with financial support to purchase their first home?
Yup, and paid for their college, and helped them start a business. And still working so I can do the same for my grandchildren. It’s for the children!
Question is, does he?
Where is he know when they are turning to red mist?
And what is a Yellow?
Must be a WFH lazy bones.
And are the reds supposed to be COmmies.
OR Repubs.
No blues are mentioned.
What no love for the dems?
How about a group called Moms against Monkey Branching. Haha.
All of these “Moms” are out day drinking and getting arrested picking up their kids at school driving inebriated. Media addiction Mommy is using social media to launch her “grass roots” initiative. What a hypocrite.
I get it, she doesn’t want to work a real job, it’s too hard. Let hubby do the heavy lifting while she pretends to be the hero to the children of the world.
Moms’ group launches grass-roots fight against social media ‘addiction.
A group of mothers is launching a grass-roots initiative aimed at combating what they call rising “addiction” among kids to social media and other digital tools, bringing a well-connected new entrant into the contentious debate over children’s online safety.
Mothers Against Media Addiction, or MAMA — is looking to bring more parents into the fold at the local and state level through grass-roots organizing.
Scelfo said the group is partly inspired by Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), widely viewed as one of the most influential parent-led political advocacy groups.
Fixed those lyrics for ‘ya.
Biden bombs the little children.
Bombs them all around the world.
Red, Brown, Yellow, Black and White
Has them all in his gunsight
Biden bombs the little children of the world.
“You are a narcissist who has to feel superior. A f-in hurt child, so much that you could have spared the board this drivel but copied it over bc you are a baby. I pity you..really. Money won’t solve your issues. I won’t respond again to your lazy, tired schtick.”
And yet you did, LOL.
Easy there fellas.
We’ve come a long way, baby.
Or not
The Dirty Dozen takes the Capital… now that’s a concept. Who would be today’s version of Lee Marvin? The dude was a marine, wounded in battle in the Pacific Theater. That would be a tall order to fill that role.
“There’s much less agita following a D3 club team.”
How’s the sport treating him down there Lib.
Let’s do it. Quit our jobs and become movie producers.
“And still working so I can do the same for my grandchildren.”
Yeah, I’m probably going to follow in your footsteps. Though, the giving stops when the kid stops working hard. About the worst thing you can do as a parent (or grandparent) is to keep handing out cash to kids (or grandkids) that don’t know the value of working hard. I’ve seen it too many times, including in myself, for a short time.
He absolutely loves it, though his team is pretty run of the mill. As a Freshman (though coming in to college as a Sophomore), he is a little too strong for this team, but not quite good enough to make the D2 team, which is moving up to D1 next year as they are ranked #2 in D2. Florida hockey is no joke anymore. Over the next decade, you will see Miami, UF and probably a few others join the ranks of the NCAA D1s. The sport is incredibly popular in Florida. It helps that both the Lightning and the Panthers are among the elite teams in the NHL. Even his silly D3 club games are well attended. His goal is to bring his current team up to D2 Club and perhaps make the D1 team his Senior year. He knows, as was always the case, academics come first. He is running a 3.9 at this point. I really couldn’t be prouder. He is actually home on Spring Break, didn’t feel the need to party for a week, and his maturity level has increased dramatically. So has the number of questions he can answer on Jeopardy.
On today’s post regarding housing support the numbers are even more dramatic if one excludes the ‘do not have children’ cohort….which one should, given the question for them is N/A…
On that basis….
Would provide support 38% -> 48%
Have provided support 15% -> 19%
Combined, 53% -> 67%….fully two thirds of people with kids….
Boomers leaving their selfishly acquired wealth to their kids?
LOL, all good to hear Lib.
Agree on the FL hockey perspective…been coming for a while along with other non-traditional areas like CA and TX.
Couple of factors driving quality, not just quantity, of available home grown players include the NHL teams in that many of the professional players have kids and when their kids hopped on skates these guys looked at the then-current alternatives and were like “NFW”. That jumped up quality of instruction a bit and the outcome is that unlike the NE or MN these areas tend to have one or two real AAA clubs that draw from a large geographic area so they can be super competitive (and great for development)….ditto for dads who have proliferated to these geographies with D1 experience themselves….if you look at many successful D1 players – all geographies – scratch the surface and you will likely find a D1 experience in the family…
These two groups of parents get it, ie. how players develop longer term, and don’t get wrapped up in the micro-bullshit of youth stats….although, I do have a very funny Madden story from Mennen…..
Fast: According to a recent Fed survey I read , they don’t have it to leave.
I would love to hear it one day.
It’s kind of funny too. If you have ever gone to hear an NHL Draftee speak, they always reiterate the same things. Kids should play multiple sports. If kid is good, coaches will seek him/her at any level. No amount of pushing will make a kid not interested in elite level be interested in elite level. Let the kids have fun. The hard work should begin in Juniors and college. Best thing you can do is shoot a ball around in the driveway.
Then you look at social media and the parents all are doing the complete opposite.
Let’s not rewrite history. He’s 100% responsible for the failed coup.
There would be far less vacillation to assign responsibility if the insurrectionist had been, for example, Obama
Phoenix says:
March 12, 2024 at 9:49 am
Insurrection, gathering, whatever you want to call it.
Trump may or may not have initiated it,
What I found surprising on the day of the moron uprising, was that Trump appeared to have a special tent set up where he could watch all of the events unfold on multiple networks and screens. I remember thinking about how convenient that setup was and questioning why it existed in the first place? I will add this. Even if Trump did not technically lead the moron uprising, he certainly did nothing to stop it, which is an awfully strange position for the sitting POTUS to take as the Capital Building was clearly being bum rushed at the minimum.
Of course, facts and truths don’t matter to MAGA. It’s 100% conspiracies 100% of the time.
Wait until you see the screen version of ‘Capital Siege’. I can hear this music begin to play as the warriors prepare to storm the building on horses.
Is that the MAGA civil war movie preview I saw about a year ago?
I forgot the movie was coming out. Though, why release fiction when the real thing is closer than not? Anyway, California and Texas hooking up? Now you know it’s fiction. But will it be known as the MAGA civil war? Why not TACW II ?
I said MAGA to get a rise. Though I know the central theme is the lack of compromise between the two parties. I think it comes out in April. It will probably suck. But who knows?
A24 make some good films
I had a 120k karma account at Reddit. MonkeyPutz Deleted it.
Mods. Ran another up over 10k – silentfarter_farter. Deleted that one.
In both cases i had photos that went viral. One was my grandfather in old school cool.
The other the massive X7 the day before it was released.
Libturd says:
March 12, 2024 at 12:57 pm
“What I found surprising on the day of the moron uprising…facts and truths don’t matter to MAGA.”
Every time I check in, Lib appears more confused than the time before…He sends his kid to college in MAGA ground-zero FL, plans his own escape to purple NV, and rightly complains about the evil dingbats that run the socialist republics of Montclair and NJ, yet takes pot-shots at people that want secure borders, minimal regulation and generally effective governance. I think he’s just smitten with bucktooth Phil and Tammy Faye Murphy, NJ’s very own power couple.
Gainesville has a lot of Jewish kids there. It’s not like “FLAWDA”
The truth is, I liked the balance between the Old Republican Party and the Democrats rather than either party in complete control. Compromise softened the edges of new policy and it resulted in changes that pleased the center which which covered the desires of most Americans. Without compromise, the extremes win. As we all know, the extremes please the least number of constituents. The old Reds and Blues could compromise. Both parties today can not extend the olive branch to each other. Though the changes in the Republican Party I simply can not get behind, It’s truly become the party of hate and crazy.
I simply don’t know how so many fools can get behind a man, who proudly grabs them buy the pussy, who never belonged to a church and then holds up a bible outside church that refuses his admittance for a photo op? He is clearly a con man. Always was. Always will be. And his followers want a dictatorship? Every soldier died defending our freedoms are currently rolling in their graves. You’ve all been duped. I agree that Biden is no saint. And the Dems are plenty corrupt. But if you think the answer is Trump? Well, then I think you are a complete fool. It’s nothing personal. I’d still have a beer with you and would have you over for dinner. But I wouldn’t let my son marry your daughter. Not even my second one.
…who proudly grabs them buy the pussy…
Is that a Freudian slip? ;)
Maybe. Though, it’s been a pretty busy day for me. I have to call all of my teammates and present them with their merit increases and bonuses. Numbers were pretty good yet again. Increases were the largest I ever recall. Again, keeping inflation in mind. But doubt many are worse off now than they were three years ago. Heck, a lot of the mid managers that were let go during Covid were hired back as consultants.
How will the Trump loyalists defend Trump selling out on TicTok?
And I do mean that as a question. They will contort their brains to defend him. But it’s kind of tough to defend Trump defending a subtle Chinese propaganda machine just because a big political donor has a big investment in TicTok. Will it be “He’s playing 4d chess”? Will it be a “the enemy of your enemy is your friend”? Will it be “keep your enemies closer”?
Anyway, the link is interesting, as it provides facts about how TicTok subtly steers US attention to and away from things that pleases China. In any case, any company that has business interests in China will surely get its arm twisted by China. (Also applies to Musk, btw)
Libturd says:
March 12, 2024 at 4:14 pm
“have to call all of my teammates and present them with their merit increases and bonuses. Numbers were pretty good yet again….”
Can you get Bystander a job so that we don’t have to hear him whine about how under-appreciated he is by his IB employer (and by the way, I suspect his account of life at most IB’s these days is accurate).
No One says:
March 12, 2024 at 4:16 pm
“How will the Trump loyalists defend Trump selling out on TicTok?”
I suspect that many, along with many of the tens of millions of non-loyalists than plan to vote for T, would simply say that they disagree with him on this issue. You’re obviously a sharp guy, but when it comes to T, I guarantee that you spend more time trying to think of gotcha questions for his supporters than they spend worrying about justifying their support of him to other people.
Along those lines, I don’t recall you ever asking Biden loyalists to defend his refusal to secure our borders. Isn’t that a more timely question — especially with the FBI director highlighting the soaring risk that we face as a result, and with the National Guard having to be deployed to our broken cities?
I don’t ask people about justifying Biden because I already know anyone who is actually enthusiastic about Biden or defending him as a good president is pretty much unreachable by reason. And I don’t think Biden even makes his own decisions at this point. He walks where he’s told to walk and reads what he’s told to read. To complain about Biden is almost literally to beat a dead donkey.
Democrats were the traditional party of collectivists, tribalists, poorly educated, the island of misfit losers looking for mommy government to solve their problems.
There were a few old fashioned liberals that I could kind of respect, like the late Christopher Hitchens, but they seem long gone.
I used to think of Republicans as the party of the entrepreneur, the defenders of the Constitution, of limited government, the advocates of personal integrity and personal morality and responsibility. Promoters of merit over race. Of course they also long had the religious enthusiasts.
I don’t see Trump representing most of those things now. Not limited government, not personal morality or honesty. Mostly just nationalism, distinct from patriotism. Or mostly his own personal vanity. He’s definitely moved the Republican voter profile in a way that takes down the average IQ, and should make higher IQ, higher integrity people question their alliance with him.
Oh look, current reddit acct. 9k member since Dec. 30, 2024
Oooh 9.9k to be exact.
IBM started layoffs today. Also expects to replace 8,000 jobs with AI.
Replace jobs with AI like Watson?
Watson was a huge disappointment, I remember, many years ago.
Watson was a joke.
“Along those lines, I don’t recall you ever asking Biden loyalists to defend his refusal to secure our borders”
There’s a bipartisan bill out there that would do just that.
Senate Rs and Ds support it. House Ds support. Biden supports it.
But the Rs in the house refuse to put it up for a vote.
Sorry, but from here on in any border control issues are on the MAGA Rs.
“I don’t ask people about justifying Biden because I already know anyone who is actually enthusiastic about Biden or defending him as a good president is pretty much unreachable by reason.”
Unemployment under 4%.
Real incomes higher than pre-covid.
Record oil and gas production.
US has the strongest economy by far of any developed nation.
Old Joe ain’t perfect, but, objectively, he’s done a pretty good job.
“Absolute bloodbath”: Republicans nervous as Trumpers purge RNC staff following MAGA takeover
The RNC is becoming Trump’s personal “slush fund,” warns former Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger
Republican party is no longer viable to compete against Democrats.
Maga is turning neo-nazi
OC1 says:
March 12, 2024 at 7:44 pm
“I don’t ask people about justifying Biden because I already know anyone who is actually enthusiastic about Biden or defending him as a good president is pretty much unreachable by reason.”
Unemployment under 4%.
Real incomes higher than pre-covid.
Record oil and gas production.
US has the strongest economy by far of any developed nation.
Old Joe ain’t perfect, but, objectively, he’s done a pretty good job.
Raise your pitchforks and ride to the sound of the thunder!!
Ten 418
401k just keeps getting bigger and bigger
Don’t know chi….I’m up largely (38%) in a couple months on a decent sized TLT position expiring in 37 days with a breakeven of 92.25 (spot 94.50)…..normally would hold it but man seems there is a lot of noise around long rates and government funding….also, funky day, as you know I have a lot of open options positions now. Marks are shit except on the most liquid of names….my p/l is a huge lol as it is just not meaningful which is unusual….not predicting anything but that’s weird, feels like no one wants to be in that market….VIX is sub-14, may take a closer look and see if there’s a low cost/high payout spread or such I can do long there….
The only way I can think of that you could make a case for Biden doing a pretty good job is if you wanted America to decline. If that’s the case then you would think mayorkas and his ilk are doing great. I consider them revolutionaries and a fifth column.
Left: aren’t there auctions ls going down as we speak?
Yeah. They priced Tens. That is why the yield moved. I think 30’s are out there now or tomorrow.
Yeah, I think they re-opened a series as well that have traded off….my trade was less trading auctions than macro that as everyone woke up that March/May cuts were less likely it felt that ‘higher, longer’ generated too much fear…not sweating, if get squeezed I’ll take it and roll (rates aren’t going up appreciably lol). Just a week straight of watching some concern come into the largest and most liquid market…
And I did open on a very short leash some VIX for next week….
Illegals would do well to invest in 401k asap to avoid missing current melt up. That way they can live off dividends.
Where is Joyce…
Planned overhaul of N.J.’s public records law would be a disaster
Sen. Paul Sarlo, who seeks to take a hatchet to the state Open Public Records Act, claims creeps have used the law to try to obtain video of children on playgrounds.
Young Buck says:
March 13, 2024 at 12:48 pm
Where is Joyce…
Cops got her.
“I consider them revolutionaries and a fifth column.”
You think they might shoot up some schools, maybe storm the capitol?
But contrary to what Trump might claim, his victory was extremely narrow. In fact, he lost the popular vote by 2.8 million votes – a larger margin than any other US president in history.
Since then, Trump has proved toxic at the ballot box. In the 2018 midterms, the Democrats trounced Trump’s Republican Party. In the 2020 presidential election, Trump lost narrowly in the Electoral College, and in a landslide in the popular vote. In the 2022 midterm elections, Trump’s handpicked candidates were routed across the country, and Democratic candidates either held their seats or won Republican seats in key states – including Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin – often by wide margins.
While these failures might have inspired some Republican grumbling, Trump ended up firmly in control of the party apparatus, its leadership, and its most extreme members. It is a pattern the GOP will come to regret later this year, when both Trump and the Republican Party face what is likely to be a devastating electoral defeat.
Maga is hoping for some Yugoslavia styled ethnic cleansing
OC1 says:
March 13, 2024 at 1:06 pm
“I consider them revolutionaries and a fifth column.”
You think they might shoot up some schools, maybe storm the capitol?
This is weird:
Trump, grinning from ear to ear, holding an autographed picture of a murdered girl, surrounded by the girls smiling family.
What they did is open our country to traffickers, criminals, spies. They bankrupted many major cities. Turned them into third world quality of life. Overburdened schools, charities communities. They’ve been a great friend to detours and third world allies. They’ve gotten to offload their poor, sick, dissidents, criminally insane and we get to pay the price so they left can complete their transformation of America. They prioritized open borders over the war on fentanyl. No one in these communities voted for it.
You win on the open border, though we still are not sure if this not a long-term net positive, much like Trump’s tax plan wasn’t. And when Biden finally presented the most conservative border policy ever presented by a Democrat ever, Trump told his missives to dismiss it so he could keep the narrative alive for the election.
The other stuff? I am not so sure it was Dem policies that caused the quality of life in our cities to decline. I’m fairly certain it would have happened under Republican rule as well. I mean, look at Miami. Look at Virginia Beach. Both run by Republican Mayors. Do you know what blue cities have that most red cities do not? Minorities. Many poor and desperate. And since facts don’t matter to populists, it’s probably Trump’s tax policies, which benefitted mainly the top of the food chain which might have caused this desperation and unrest. Or maybe, it was simply Trump calling racists “good people” that did it. Anyway, the pendulum is clearly swinging back to sanity in the cities and hopefully it will among the voting public. Remember, it was Biden that beat Trump in 2020. Horrible, feeble, old Biden. Just watch him do it again. Haven’t heard too much chatter about his ratings improvement as well as improving position in the polls. And somehow he does it without calling every opponent racist and immature nicknames. But if that’s what turns you on, maybe I can sell you a Trump Steak too?
It is a pattern the GOP will come to regret later this year, when both Trump and the Republican Party face what is likely to be a devastating electoral defeat… further advancing left-wing extremes and cementing the demise of a once great nation.
Fixed it.
Aurora Colorado,
Another Republican run city. Look how crime exploded in 2020 and 2021. Maybe it was Covid? IMO, it was all BLM and the lack of support of the police.
So if Biden is having cognition issues, what’s going on here?
The average person in their 20s has seen:
-the first successful ouster vote of a Speaker ever
-3 of the 4 presidential impeachments
-2 of the 4 popular vote-electoral college splits
-the first-ever presidential indictments -a coup attempt
-an elected Republican expelled from the House of Representatives
“If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. The will reject democracy.”
David Frum
If there is one thing that can be garnered from what we are witnessing. It’s that there’s a whole lot of stupid in the world. When stupid gets together as a voting block, you can end up with some really stupid representatives. Probably the worst part of this whole populist movement. is that it makes it even easier for the likes of the Pelosi and Menendi, to continue to get away with murder because it pales in comparison with what the party of stupid wants to do.
conservativesliberals become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandonconservatismSoc1alism. They will reject democracy.”Fast Eddie
“A Fulton County judge on Wednesday quashed multiple counts contained in the election interference indictment against former President Donald Trump and several of his co-defendants. The order from Judge Scott McAfee dismissed six counts related to a specific charge: Solicitation of Violation of Oath by a Public Officer.
The ruling is a win for Trump and several of his co-defendants, who filed to dismiss the counts on the grounds that they were legally deficient.
Judge McAfee essentially agreed, writing that they “fail to allege sufficient detail regarding the nature of their commission.” He said the “lack of detail concerning an essential legal element” is “fatal.”
The headline that just came across my screen reads.
“Judge dismisses some Trump Georgia election subversion charges but leaves most of the case intact”
Again, facts don’t matter when you are pushing a narrative.
McAfee ruled that six charges in the 41-count indictment related to Trump and some co-defendants allegedly soliciting the violation of oath by a public officer lacked the required detail about what underlying crime the defendants were soliciting.
Trump was named in three of the counts specifically, meaning the former president is now facing 88 charges over the four criminal indictments in Georgia, New York, Washington, DC, and Florida.
And if you really want to know what kind of a joke this country has become. Judge Scott McAfee served on Trump’s DOJ and contributed to Governor Kemp. Better yet, Governor Kemp appoint Scott McAfee to his position on the Georgia Supreme Court. But for some even better nonsense, I just read where Scott McAfee contributed to Fanni Willis.
The party of crazy may be an understatement.
A shameless race to the bottom.
George Santos running for congress again is a good example.
Libturd says:
March 13, 2024 at 2:37 pm
If there is one thing that can be garnered from what we are witnessing. It’s that there’s a whole lot of stupid in the world. When stupid gets together as a voting block, you can end up with some really stupid representatives. Probably the worst part of this whole populist movement. is that it makes it even easier for the likes of the Pelosi and Menendi, to continue to get away with murder because it pales in comparison with what the party of stupid wants to do.
Libturd says:
March 13, 2024 at 2:16 pm
Aurora Colorado,
Another Republican run city. Look how crime exploded in 2020 and 2021. Maybe it was Covid? IMO, it was all BLM and the lack of support of the police.
Hmm, Those people?
Ice a little thin there…
No One says:
March 12, 2024 at 5:16 pm
“I don’t ask people about justifying Biden because I already know anyone who is actually enthusiastic about Biden or defending him as a good president is pretty much unreachable by reason.”
Glad to see that your silence on Biden, the Dems, and their supporters doesn’t represent approval, but only the dismissal of them as irredeemable stooges. See the gibberish that Lib’s been spewing today as a prime example.
“I don’t see Trump representing most of those things…”
I don’t completely disagree with your assessment of T, certainly not as it pertains to his personal conduct and even to a lesser extent the degree to which he adheres (or doesn’t) to the traditional Rep party line. But his ascendancy in 2016 — after ~30 years of toying with political office as a D, R and I — was a direct response to the radical leftist score-settling unleashed by Oblama. He was the only candidate that was willing to call out the devastating impact of Oblama, and to further call out the willingness of career politicians in the DC swamp to ‘just go along’. I also respectfully disagree with your attempt to distinguish between nationalism and patriotism — the two are not mutually exclusive. Unlike the Dems, who have lost their mooring on both counts, and are now a party of radical globalists who have opened this country’s borders and who, since Oblama, believe the US military is a source for ‘bad’ in the world, I think that T is both a nationalist in that he absolutely seeks to put US interests first, and is patriotic in the sense that he has respect for the people and institutions that serve and contribute – tax payers, small business owners, military families, police, etc. As to being a nationalist, there’s nothing wrong with caring more about Laken Riley and her family (as does T) than the illegal alien that killed her (as do Joe and the Dems).
CEO Interview (jj Edition):
Palantir CEO Alex Karp skewered short sellers — investors who bet on the decline in a company’s stock price — in an interview with CNBC on Wednesday.
“I love burning the short sellers,” Karp told CNBC’s Sara Eisen on “Money Movers.” “Almost nothing makes a human happier than taking the lines of cocaine away from these short sellers, who like, are going short on a truly great American company. Not just ours, but just love pulling down great American companies so they can pay for their coke.”
Shares of Palantir jumped 9.8% on March 6 after Palantir announced its Tactical Intelligence Targeting Access Node was selected by the U.S. Army. TITAN uses artificial intelligence to provide targeting information for missiles.
When a stock goes up, short sellers are on the hook to buy back shares, potentially at a huge loss.
“The best thing that could happen to them is we will lead their coke dealers to their homes after they can’t pay their bills,” Karp said. “You know, do your thing, we’ll do our thing.”
Palantir shares are up about 47% this year. Roughly 5% of the company’s outstanding shares that are publicly available to be traded were being sold short as of late February.
Karp also told CNBC that the company has lost employees and expects to lose more over his public support for Israel.
Palantir, known for its government contract work in defense and intelligence, has provided its technology to support the Ukrainian and Israeli militaries in their respective wars.
IMO, it was all BLM and the lack of support of the police.
Rogue prosecutors who enjoy lavish funding from isolated special interests. That’s the main issue.
Could be that too. Though, I know if I was a cop and after getting the treatment I was receiving (though much of it deserved), especially from the black community. I might not be so willing to help out when it was needed, especially, by the black community.
Libturd says:
March 13, 2024 at 9:57 pm
“Though, I know if I was a cop and after getting the treatment I was receiving (though much of it deserved), especially from the black community. I might not be so willing to help out when it was needed, especially, by the black community.”
So if you are a cop and got lousy treatment from people you abuse, you would then collect a check rather than help them?
That’s exactly how the problem starts. Just like the wars.
Oh, and by the way, police aren’t “helping out.”
They are paid professionals. So they should be treating everyone the same. Just like people do (are supposed to) in my profession.
I don’t give poor people or a criminal any different treatment as I would anyone else.
For BRT.
Yeah, sweet little Beth Silverman, aka sniper, what a princess. Was determined to put this guy away for life.
Beating the (False) Rap: Life After Netflix’s ‘Long Shot’
Juan Catalan escaped a bogus murder rap with the help of Larry David’s ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm.’ Will the cops and prosecutors who tried to put him away ever face consequences?
Los Angeles County prosecutor Beth Silverman would try the Vargas and Acosta homicides as a single case.
And Beth Silverman, the prosecutor, who relished her nickname “Sniper,” had never lost a murder case. Todd promised Juan’s daughter Melissa that he would have him home for Christmas.
“I think it’s unconscionable the district attorney’s office has proceeded on this case with the evidence that they have presented,” Todd said in his closing argument. “This man would be facing the death penalty if he hadn’t, by the grace of God, gotten Dodger tickets from someone the day before and invited these people, and got caught on video from that HBO show. He’s a lucky man.
Beth Silverman refused to back down, calling Ibanez “extremely credible,” and pointing to Juan’s “motive evidence.”
The judge was ready to rule: “I do not have any suspicion that the defendant committed this crime, and this case is dismissed.”
The courtroom burst into applause.
Silverman went on television promising she would ultimately convict Juan Catalan: “We will continue to investigate until we get what we need.”
For the first time since he had been arrested, Juan was free to go home. But on Monday, he had to return to jail on the drug charge. Beth Silverman had taken over that case for the District Attorney. Todd proposed a settlement: Los Angeles had held Juan for nearly six months for a crime he didn’t commit. Why not credit him for time served and call it a day? Silverman refused. She demanded Juan spend two more weeks in jail, or he could go to trial and face five years.
It may have been coincidence that Juan Catalan, who had thoroughly embarrassed police and prosecutors the week before, was placed in a cell alone with black gang members, who had just had two of their own murdered by a Latino gang.
“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” ~Maya Angelou
Vladimir Putin today declared his readiness for nuclear war should the US deploy troops to Ukraine as Moscow’s fight against Kyiv rages on.
‘Weapons exist in order to use them,’ he declared. ‘We have our own principles.’