Not quite the 70s…

From Yahoo Finance:

Return to the ’70s? Today’s housing market has echoes of dark era.

High inflation and a disappointing report on economic growth — followed by a sudden drop in stocks late last month — made for a familiar economic combination.

These conditions were hallmarks of the 1970s, when inflation ran high, leading the Federal Reserve to hike interest rates. The central bank’s measures to tame inflation drove up borrowing costs for real estate developers and ultimately shrunk homebuyers’ purchasing power.

As a result, the housing market stagnated, and the decade itself became synonymous with stagflation, an economic cycle characterized by high inflation, tepid growth, and weak employment, leading to a stagnant economy.

While those trends may sound familiar, the current housing market is resilient. Not to mention, job growth is solid.

The major problem today: a dearth of inventory.

“You could argue that there is weakness in the housing market at the moment, caused by a supply-side shock,” Mark Fleming, chief economist at First American, told Yahoo Finance. “In other words, restriction in the supply of a good, which is causing inflation. … But I wouldn’t say we are in stagflation,” noted Fleming. “The problem isn’t weak demand, it’s weak supply.”

Claudia Sahm, former Fed economist and chief economist at New Century Advisors, LLC, agreed with this sentiment.

“This is not stagflation,” said Sahm. “GDP numbers look soft, but consumer spending is just trucking along. … But we are in this ongoing struggle with inflation, and people call inflation all sorts of things.”

This entry was posted in Demographics, Economics, Employment, Mortgages, National Real Estate. Bookmark the permalink.

83 Responses to Not quite the 70s…

  1. grim says:

    You better buy now, maybe it is the 70s.

    Americans expect mortgage rates to rise to nearly 10% in the next three years, New York Fed housing survey finds

    Americans expect mortgage rates to rise to nearly 10% in the next three years, New York Fed housing survey finds
    U.S. consumers expect mortgage rates to approach double digits over the next three years, according to a new survey by the New York Federal Reserve.

    Households have a gloomy view of mortgage rates. Consumers on average said that over the next year, they expect the 30-year mortgage rate to rise to 8.7%, and in three years, to 9.7%, “both of which are series highs,” the NY Fed said.

  2. Hughesrep says:

    Lots of nice homes in that area over by Laurel Creek CC (new money club). Ton of Philly athletes, coaches, etc in the neighborhood.

    Not sure if he is still there, but you could watch TO do sit-ups in his driveway.

  3. Fast Eddie says:

    U.S. consumers expect mortgage rates to approach double digits over the next three years, according to a new survey by the New York Federal Reserve.

    So, it’s based on opinion, same as the opinion on rising rents. If the FED doesn’t raise the interest rate, then… why the speculation?

  4. grim says:

    Build baby build.

  5. Old realtor says:

    My take on the judge’s threat to jail Trump is that he would give him a “time out”. Throw him in the holding cell in the courthouse and let him cool off for a while. They could clear the cell and it could be just Trump and a Secret Service agent to keep an eye on him. Takes away all the cumbersome details associated with putting Trump in prison and yet sends the message, don’t screw with my gag order.

    While I doubt this will actually happen, the possibility exists.

  6. BRT says:

    The house that crab cakes built?

    One of those spots opened in Newtown, PA. I bought the crab cake just to see the hype. You’ll get the same at Wegmans for less, and even they are way overpriced. Not quite sure how his franchises stay in business. They don’t offer much. Maybe they won’t.

  7. TraitorJoe says:

    When you start to think like a third worlder the possibilities are endless. There are fake news networks dedicated to it.

  8. Libturd says:

    Are you referring to Tucker Carlson? Hero of the stupid?

  9. Traitorjoe says:

    No, the show trials, election interference and lawlessness. The complete perversion of law for political gains. And the absence of any due process or individual rights. Basically the farce known as justice under the banana administration.

  10. Jim says:

    Traitorjoe says:
    May 7, 2024 at 9:29 am

    Oh your talking about the political Gestapo AKA the Democratic party and all its minions who think its OK when Joe takes secure top secret files to store in his garage even though it was against the law but when Trump does it, all of a sudden it is a federal offense punishable with fines and jail time. Justice is blind???

  11. Traitorjoe says:

    The selective prosecutions are part of it. So are the excessive sentences.

    Another farce is this banana administrations diplomacy. Usually it waits until there is a crisis and the body count starts building. They send someone over to ask for compromise. They’re laughed at sometimes to their face and get nothing. We pick up the tab.

  12. Chicago says:

    Ten 444. A rally to warm left’s heart

  13. No One says:

    I’d feel bad for Trump if he was a decent guy and didn’t have a history of flouting rules, talking shit, and acting like he’s the one who makes law. But it’s his own assholery that got him trapped by his enemies on the rabid left. Both sides of this are power-lusters.
    Mike Pence or Nikki Haley wouldn’t have gotten themselves in this situation.
    A president needs a modicum of dignity and self control, which Trump lacks.
    He got his one chance to grow up and turn presidential in office, and he blew it.
    Both of these presumed presidential candidates belong in daipers.

  14. Chicago says:

    When you see the purposeful misrepresentation of this development in the news, it creates suspicion of every other seemingly objective report.

    “The supposed agreement wasn’t even on the table. Hamas had changed the terms of a previous treaty to one more favorable to the terror group. To take just one horrific alteration: Rather than turn over hostages in exchange for Palestinian prisoners, Hamas would surrender dead bodies of the hostages it had killed. “

  15. leftwing says:

    “When you see the purposeful misrepresentation of this development in the news, it creates suspicion of every other seemingly objective report.”

    Phenomenal. I also suspect the 20:1 and 40:1 exchange ratios of Palenstinians for Jewish hostages was not a previously agreed upon term….

    The same blatant misrepresentation by MSM yesterday regarding the hush money trial is what prompted my reply to the idiot Left here yesterday…

    Even NYT and CBS are unreadable/unwatchable these days….

  16. Libturd says:

    Hamas is done. There are a few battalions left in Rafah and then the operations are over. Israel continues to fight the most humanitarian war possible. Dropping leaflets in arabic warning the inhabitants to leave before striking an area and sending in aid to the areas they were asked to go to. Only Hamas could and did launch rockets at the area where the aid was being provided. They are terrorists. Next time elect someone interested in making a two-party state work instead of electing one that makes believe you could somehow destroy Israel. You can’t feed your people with weapons. Russia found this out too in the 70s. At this point, I would assume all of the hostages are dead. They will be killed by the time Rafah is destroyed as Hamas will have nothing left to negotiate for. They never cared for their brethren in the first place. Why would they trade hostages for them? And people with this mindset are who a small number of our dumb youth are protesting for.

  17. Traitorjoe says:

    If you mean that Haley and pence wouldn’t have challenged the establishment and risked politicized investigations then I agree with that. Trumps sin was exposing the establishment. They’ve doubled down.

  18. Fast Eddie says:

    I wouldn’t be shocked to see a “Hamas Lives Matter” lawn sign in my travels.

  19. Libturd says:

    Trump can do no wrong. He repeats the same bullshit story so often, dumb people believe it. It’s the populist way. I just read, now 70% of MAGA supporters believe Trump won the 2020 election even if the courts found no evidence to support Trump’s repeated lies. Quite frankly, Trump is coming off as a bigger and bigger pussy as the months go by. I am hopeful the electorate sees right through him and his never ending stream of lies and bullshit. I am still dumbfounded by the willingness of Trump supporters to give Donald a pass when absolute facts are presented, but somehow claim, without any proof whatsoever, of his opponents faults. Like Biden shits his diapers or has endless handlers.

    The sad truth is, facts really don’t matter to MAGA.

    He grabs them by the pussy and asks election officials for 11,000 more votes (in his own recorded voice) and that’s just the tip of the iceberg of his crudeness and cheating.

  20. Libturd says:

    Ahmed Fouad Alkhatib wrote for The Times of London. “That’s how many of my extended family members have died in Gaza since October 7. … The past seven months have entailed endless sleepless nights, close calls, false alarms and frantic attempts to help locate missing family members.” But the pro-Palestianian, anti-Israel narrative in the West misses a key truth, he argued. “Many believe Gaza was this unbelievably awful place before October 7, an unrelenting prison with nothing in it worth living for. They then conclude that Hamas’s horrendous attack was a legitimate reaction to Israeli policies that made Gaza a concentration camp. But this perspective misses an important truth. It fails to recognise that even with Israel’s multifaceted blockade, which has been in place since 2007, Gaza was a beautiful place that meant so much to its residents and people. … Hamas needlessly and criminally threw all of this away as part of nefarious calculations by violent and homicidal leaders who have utter disregard and contempt for the average Palestinian citizen.”

  21. 3b says:

    Lib: The stupid young kids you mention at the Ivies who are protesting, are supposed to be the smartest and the brightest of American youth. It appears they are not, so no different and in some ways worse than the ignorant uneducated that on the right that the left is always outraged about.

  22. Phoenix says:

    Tokamak runs for 6 minutes. (apparently).

    If they figure this out the Middle East may become a bit less important.

  23. No One says:

    Many of those dumb smart kids are just repeating what their America-hating professors have taught them. The scandal is more about the near-universally leftism in university professors and administration. Do Arabs get more affirmative action admission help into colleges than the average kid?

  24. Phoenix says:

    They aren’t stupid. They just haven’t been taught things other than your basic subjects in school.

    Most probably can’t start a fire without a match, point to an alternator in a car, or figure out where they are without an Iphone.

    No where in school do they teach you about relationships, marriage, divorce, children- no, they teach you about carpetbaggers, scalawags, and poetry.

    And most certainly they don’t teach you about anything legal, like what to do or what you should say when you are pulled over by the PoPo. Or that they have no duty to protect you, yet will demand (for their safety) that you be disarmed. Read the rules about carrying a pocket knife in NJ for your entertainment.

    As I have said, everyone involved needs to look at what happened and why. That my friends is the education a high school or college isn’t gonna give you until it’s too late.

    3b says:
    May 7, 2024 at 11:00 am
    Lib: The stupid young kids you mention at the Ivies who are protesting, are supposed to be the smartest and the brightest of American youth. It appears they are not, so no different and in some ways worse than the ignorant uneducated that on the right that the left is always outraged about.

  25. Phoenix says:

    He grabs them by the pussy.

    If a woman wants you, she will love it.

    If she doesn’t like you, off to jail you go.

    She may want it one day, the next day hit you with a pan in the face.


  26. Libturd says:

    3b/No One

    I agree with your assertions and changes need to be made. I don’t raise my kids the way most do today. I don’t helicopter them and I make strict rules. I can’t tell you how many times my older kid had to deal with completely unfair situations. I sympathized with him when they occurred, but my answer was always, “Be prepared for this to occur the rest of your life.” His upbringing was not that different than mine, except I did not indoctrinate him into religion. He was raised with a hefty set of good values, but I did not think an eternity spent in hell was much of a deterrent these days. He actually sympathized a bit with the protestors, but was absolutely clueless to the history of Israel and the Palestinian plight. His one real weakness is that he is way too influenced by social media.

  27. leftwing says:

    “I am still dumbfounded by the willingness of Trump supporters to give Donald a pass when absolute facts are presented…He grabs them by the pussy and asks election officials for 11,000 more votes (in his own recorded voice)…”

    I am shocked, shocked there is gambling going on in here!

    You must be in character as you type here over the past week because you are much too intelligent to actually possess this level of naivete.

  28. Libturd says:


    Again. I am not gaga over Joe, but everyday, I pass cars and trucks decorated with Trump memorabilia and it blows my mind.

  29. Very Stable Genius says:


    May 7, 2024, 12:33 p.m. ETJust Now
    Just now
    Live Updates: Stormy Daniels Testifies About Her Encounter With Trump
    Ms. Daniels, who received $130,000 in hush money to keep silent about her account of having had sex with Donald J. Trump, is the biggest witness to testify so far in the case.

  30. Very Stable Genius says:

    Main characteristic of 3rd world is a supreme leader above the law.
    And the crazy opposing the peaceful transfer of power.

    TraitorJoe says:
    May 7, 2024 at 9:06 am
    When you start to think like a third worlder the possibilities are endless. There are fake news networks dedicated to it.

  31. Fast Eddie says:


    I’m sure you’re a good soul and simply following your beliefs but unfortunately, you’ll be placed in an encampment as an enemy to the state. Trump will sign an order to confiscate your freedom to serve your sentence for spreading vitriolic rhetoric against the Republic. I’ll put in a word for you and try to get you some privileges. Do you prefer brown rice or white rice?

  32. Traitorjoe says:

    Yeah, security and prosperity were regrettable. I don’t see why anyone would want that.

    In the other hand, a foreign invasion, inflation and endless wars have been great.

  33. 3b says:

    Feds Kashkari says he would not rule out a rate hike going forward. He is not a voting member of the Fed.

  34. Traitorjoe says:

    They rig the elections in the third world or don’t have them at all. And they arrest the opposition if it doesn’t go their way.

  35. Libturd says:

    “In the other hand, a foreign invasion, inflation and endless wars have been great.”

    Inflation? Did Biden cause it in Europe too?

    Endless wars? Trump did not stop the war in Afghanistan, though he did come up with a shitty plan to. Trump would not have stopped either the Ukraine invasion or the Gaza attack on Israel and Israeli’s response. Just because Trump told you it wouldn’t have happened on his watch doesn’t mean shit.

    Foreign Invasion? You must mean immigration (or how we all got here)? Far from it. Trump Didn’t Actually Accomplish Much on Immigration. Legal arrivals declined during his administration while illegal entries remained steady and he left behind a ton of unresolved asylum cases. But he sure talked a big story. And perhaps the reason immigration has increased under Biden is because of how much opportunity Joe has created. There are still help wanted signs nearly everywhere you look and the job market has never been better. Of course, Biden doesn’t feel the need to tell you so every time a mic is opened.

    This country is an economic powerhouse post Covid. Strongest in the world! I know it pains you to hear it.

  36. Libturd says:

    And show me proof of rigged elections. Right. There is none. Just a narrative repeated and believed by most of the simpletons who pass for MAGA.

  37. leftwing says:

    “Nope. Again. I am not gaga over Joe, but everyday, I pass cars and trucks decorated with Trump memorabilia and it blows my mind.”

    Uhmmmm…your statement kind of proves my point….

    You always seem to run to the the touchstone of ‘absolute’ facts when ranting about DJT.

    Here’s some.

    Trump is polling 49%.
    Biden is polling 43%.

    Let’s assume some percentage of the Biden supporters are as vehemently anti-Trump as you…so exclude the unionists who pull the D lever automatically, inner city urban poor who likely can’t articulate anything about anyone on either ticket or their policies, traditional Democrats…what percent of the Biden supporters have your viewpoint and contempt?

    10%? 20%? Maybe a quarter?

    Tell you what…I’ll give you fully half of Biden supporters suffer your level of antagonism toward DJT.

    *****That means in total 22% of the population thinks like you. Versus 49% who actually support DJT******

    So, who is the outlier? Who is the blinded one?

    LOL you think YOU are the balanced one when in fact YOU are the outlier.

    Or, be my guest, you can run to your safe space (ignoring Mr Occam) and continue to believe instead that half the population is under some spell by an Orange Fool while only you and your small minority possess the actual truth…/smh

    The ability of liberals to not only self-deceive in the face of ‘actual facts’ but to also be smugly superior while doing so knows no bounds….

  38. 3b says:

    Lib: An economic power house perhaps, but funded and fueled by massive debt. I know it’s old fashioned, but debt does matter I believe.

  39. Fast Eddie says:

    And perhaps the reason immigration has increased under Biden is because of how much opportunity Joe has created.

    “At that moment, Fast Eddie fell out of his chair, hit the floor like a sack full of hammers and hampered on his side like a bagged, 600 lb. yellow tail tuna, wondering at what depth does audaciousness refrain.”

  40. 3b says:

    Lib:Legal immigration, like parents did. A sane rational process where people are vetted before they can enter the country; criminals not welcome. Uncontrolled illegal immigration is not the answer, and it’s simply not fair to those who did it the right way. I don’t understand why some people have an issue with that.

  41. leftwing says:

    “This country is an economic powerhouse post Covid. Strongest in the world! I know it pains you to hear it.”

    Your posts are now approaching Pumpkin levels of stupidity.

    Economic powerhouse? Measured how? And from what base?
    [Hint, when you turn something off and then restart it the acceleration curve is always faster…]

    And to follow on 3b’s point it is debt funded. At a time when GDP is above normal and unemployment is below normal.

    This Administration is borrowing and dumping TRILLIONS of dollars when the economy is wide open and you think that is GOOD? Something to be applauded?

    What happens when we actually need stimulus during the inevitable recession?

    And before you run to your other Liberal safe space of ‘both sides do it, they both suck’ show me the other times where we have this level of deficit spending with this level of economic performance.

    It is beyond reckless and through gross negligence what this Administration is doing….

    JFC….what liberal rabbit hole stole your brain?

  42. Libturd says:


    In history, the majority has been wrong more than right, most of the time.

    The polls have been wrong too, since they are only a poll. Plus the masses are asses.

  43. Juice Box says:

    Lib – Where you getting you news from? Biden and even Chucky Schumer have called for Netanyahu and his cabinet to resign. He and his violent and homicidal leaders in his cabinet have lead to many unneeded deaths. Probably most of those Israelis hostages held captive were blown to bits months ago by the bombing raids never mind the civilian population deaths. They are following some crazy Hannibal scorched earth policy where even the hostages can be killed. 500 lb, 1000 lb and 2000 lb bombs are not smart weapons. They have dropped perhaps 40,000-50,000 of those bombs and leveled the entire area, there isn’t a structure standing anymore. They have created a humanitarian crisis and now expect the USA to pickup the pieces. 9 billion in funding this year alone. We will have to now take many thousands of new asylum seekers here as well due to their bloodlust, and it ain’t over yet. I would not be surprised if they bulldoze down the Rafah crossing they just captured and force the remaining people out of that hell on earth known as Gaza and into Egypt.

  44. Libturd says:

    “show me the other times where we have this level of deficit spending with this level of economic performance.”

    That’s easy, when Trump released the TCJA which resulted in the same amount of deficit increases. Only, instead of infrastructure improvements, he enriched executives and shareholders.

    Listen, we can argue all day long. I’m just responding to the bullshit narratives.

    Explain to me this, wouldn’t logic tell you that someone who called up and asked an election official for 11,000 votes would be the one suspect of election rigging?

  45. Libturd says:


    War is hell. Maybe Hamas should not have killed 1200 Israelis and taken hundreds of hostages?

    You know what’s crazy? 6 million Jews were murdered in Europe and the United States didn’t say boo. Even after huge protests by Jews in America showing proof of the European atrocities. And what did the Jews do to provoke such actions? Pray? Everyone I know has dead relatives from the camps. My grandfather was stamped, like cattle, for what? Praying? Where was the concern then? Not one fucker in the world gave a damn! The US sent ships of Jews to their death. Many more Jews were turned away from the world than innocent Gazan’s have died. And don’t forget, Hamas was elected by these innocents in 2006. You get what you vote for. Sorry, but Israel has the right to obliterate a country run by terrorists just as much as the United States did to Iraq to eliminate Saddam Hussein (and sell lots of shiny new weapons to any rich Middle Eastern country interested).

  46. Libturd says:

    And it’s far from genocide. I am sure that once the war is over, international aid will be forthcoming to Gaza as it has been for years, and the Gazans can use those funds to rebuild, unless their corrupt leaders steal it.

  47. Libturd says:

    Netanyahu is Israel’s Trump. He is a staunch right winger who intentionally provokes the other side. Biden and Schumer can call for his dismissal all they want. Until they stop sending aid, it’s empty threats.

  48. Traitorjoe says:

    I believe that energy prices were the match that started inflation. So yes between his was in Ukraine and Israel and his domestic energy policy these radicals are to blame.

  49. Juice Box says:

    War is hell? Look I applauded when we bombed Afghanistan after 9/11. I just don’t want to pay for their war or bring their centuries old tribal and religious wars here to our shores. There is no reasoning with them, neither side believes in reason. I have been to the Middle East, neither side can be trusted. Decades of negotiations s and plans all rented on by both sides.

    Heck both sides are now lying about the deaths that have happened in this the only latest round since this decades old conflict began.

    This problem is about to get bigger and more expensive if they push these people out. That 320 million dollar pier we now have to build because Gaza was never allowed to have a port should not be used for evacuation to our shores.

    Biden wants to start flying them here. Well their is no airport allowed in Gaza so our military will have to take thousands of asylum seekers off those piers and take them via ship to Cypress to fly them here. Before you know it 50% of that population will be flown here by Biden and his asylum policies.

  50. leftwing says:

    “In history, the majority has been wrong more than right, most of the time. The polls have been wrong too, since they are only a poll.”

    So you are responding to again prove my point…numbers are meaningful to the Left until they don’t go your way…it must be wonderful unicorns and rainbows to live in the intentional double standard of liberalville….

    “Explain to me this, wouldn’t logic tell you that someone who called up and asked an election official for 11,000 votes would be the one suspect of election rigging?”

    Guess you missed my ‘Casablanca’ reference so more directly, nope.

    Way the system works. Why FL 2000 had cross-eyed fools trying to determine what constituted a ‘hanging chad’. Why a good friend who was a Congressman had two months post-election and numerous ‘found’ ballots to determine the winner in their race. Why the Dem field pulled out right before Super Tuesday in 2020 and Joe was anointed nominee. All politicians circling their wagons to qualify votes for them and disqualify votes for the other guy.

    I know…you are shocked, shocked!

    Big boy pants time Lib. Take the pink panties off. And the David Hasselhoff poster off the bedroom wall.

    And my personal fave of using political position to extend political power….

  51. OC1 says:

    “So yes between his was in Ukraine and Israel and his domestic energy policy these radicals are to blame.”

    The US is currently producing more oil than any country in the history of the planet.

  52. Libturd says:

    What started inflation was giving the average family in America about 8K in free money, not to mention all of that fraudulent PPP. That’s like 15% more than the average family nets a year. So what did every company do? They raised prices to get their piece of it initially. Then oil and housing prices followed.

  53. Libturd says:

    I caught the Casablanca reference. Didn’t think any MAGA would ever admit their shit don’t stink.

    So it’s all really politics.

    Choose a side.

  54. TraitorJoe says:

    He switched to the MAGA energy policy. Kicked out Kerry and his ilk. Prices came down but he already shot himself in the foot.

  55. Chad Powers says:

    Regarding the upcoming election I don’t have a dog in this fight. The only thing I care about is tax policy, well, because I pay taxes. Other than that people can can kill each other over their crazy ideologies and I really don’t care.

    Right now the economy is a top issue for voters, mainly because inflation has made everything much more expensive. The proposed increase in capital gains taxes and unrealized capital gains will be a killer for the US economy in my opinion. It will have many unintended consequences and won’t raise nearly the amount of money as projected.

    Here in Germany Kamala Harris is not viewed as very, um, competent. This really complicates the election for many voters because it is highly unlikely Biden is either alive or cognitively capable of carrying out the duties of the presidency.

  56. OC1 says:

    “He switched to the MAGA energy policy.”

    Well, whatever policy Biden used, he certainly implemented it better than the MAGA folks.

    That’s the difference between competance and incompetance.

  57. leftwing says:

    “That’s easy, when Trump released the TCJA which resulted in the same amount of deficit increases.”

    Nope. Try again. $189B annual deficit over ten years. As scored by CBO.

  58. Traitorjoe says:

    Juice, when that happens, and I think it will. I assumed that nearly all of Gaza will end up here once that war started, I believe Israel will lose diplomatic favoritism here. This election will be very trekking in the Arab areas. What that will mean going forward I can’t predict.

  59. Traitorjoe says:

    Sure. Exxon is giddy with Joe. The stock price doubled or tripled. I haven’t checked lately. If you like cheap energy Joe has been a loser.

  60. Libturd says:

    What CBO are you smoking? You mean their initial estimate or their actual impact?

    The national debt has risen by almost $7.8 trillion during Trump’s time in office.

    I will admit Joe is spending way too much. But so did Trump.

  61. Libturd says:

    “If you like cheap energy Joe has been a loser.”

    Could you imagine what gas would have cost if he didn’t tap the strategic reserve to lower prices?

    Oh wait? That’s bad. Not that’s good. Not that’s bad.

  62. Fast Eddie says:

    Could you imagine what gas would have cost if he didn’t tap the strategic reserve to lower prices?

    It’s depleted. The quick fix is no longer fixable. Prices are on the rise and fast!

  63. 3b says:

    Lib: As for Biden spending as much as Trump, should not Biden know better? Just saying.

  64. Traitorjoe says:

    Just another way he compromised our National security. Pretty much a daily occurrence for the radicals. He’s also sucked up to maduro and allowed him to dump his criminals and undesirables here. If you want to see our county weakened then he’s your man. A complete catastrophe.

  65. Libturd says:

    There’s not a lot of difference between the two. Both will use the office to enrich themselves, while placating their supporters with social policies that are cringeworthy to their opposers. If the goal is to drive the largest wedge possible to differentiate the opponents. Then the policy changes will be driven to the fringes. You saw it on issues of equity when Biden first took office. You saw it on issues of religion when Trump first took office. Both swang way to far.

    I have said this before. I am the most anti-establishment guy around. But if Trump and that crazy disrespectful felt up bitch who keeps firing every house speaker is the replacement, I’m going to have to think twice.

    It’s corruption vs. crazy. Both are bad for the country, yet somehow the country flourishes despite it all.

  66. LAX says:

    Lib, it’s abstract to anyone that hasn’t experienced it, but just in time for our kids to mature you have an event that reminds us all how much some people simply want Jews to die. Your eloquent description is part of what we owe our grandparents, Our scattered fortunes, and the things that were built by our earlier families and destroyed in the name of blind hatred the likes of which the World had ever seen. I would lay my life down for Israel as a result and know many others who would do the very same. Israel is the home that we never had, the peace which we have never known, and the potential for our people that will shine through the darkness.

  67. leftwing says:

    “There’s not a lot of difference between the two.”

    And there you go again!!

    The last defense of indefensible liberal tripe…they both do it!!!!

  68. chicagofinance says:

    The End Is Nigh (Projectile Vomit Edition):
    Hello! Is It Focus 2024 You’re Looking For?

    It’s official, we’ll be Dancing on the Ceiling with international superstar Lionel Richie this summer at Focus.

    August 11-14 | San Diego Convention Center

  69. 3b says:

    Lib: I don’t know how you are defining flourishing, but in all honesty I don’t see our country flourishing at the moment, perhaps superficially, but flourishing, I don’t see it.

  70. Very Stable Genius says:

    “You remind me of my daughter”: Stormy Daniels testifies that Trump compared her to Ivanka
    Trump also assured Daniels that he and Melania didn’t “even sleep in the same room,” she testified

    Deputy News Editor
    PUBLISHED MAY 7, 2024 12:00PM (EDT)

  71. LAX says:

    ( )( )==D —–

  72. Juice Box says:

    It’s like the DOJ is fundraising for Trump.

    Evidence tampering? Trump document trial has been derailed and now postponed.

  73. SmallGovConservative says:

    leftwing says:
    May 7, 2024 at 4:32 pm
    “The last defense of indefensible liberal tripe…”

    No use attempting to reach Lib at this point, he’s gone…Total stooge on the same level as Unstable and ExLax. I mean these duds have seen what the Dems have done to places like Detroit and Baltimore, and more recently the way they’ve trashed once-beautiful Portland, and want to give them a chance to do it to the country. Think about it, they want four more years of Carmella!

    On another note, the Russkies have grabbed another US hostage; who could’ve seen that happening after the ransom Joe paid for a basketball player! Although this guy is a soldier so unless he’s a tranny or checks some other leftist checkbox, my guess is Joe lets him rot like the other guys.

  74. 3b says:

    Juice: I caught some of the hush money Stormy testimony, it looks like a farce. Just saying.

  75. JUice Box says:

    3b – He totally screwed her. The extortion however was the crime. Her lawyer got immunity for testimony. Nuff said….

  76. 3b says:

    Juice: I understand, it just looks like one big farce. A waste of time and money.

  77. LAX says:

    7:04 what are you yammering on about?

  78. Libturd says:

    It’s all good.

  79. Libturd says:

    3b (from yesterday),

    Not gonna lie, I can’t stand to look at the debt and think Biden is overspending for sure. But both men know it’s a problem. Every time trickle down is attempted, it is a failure as nothing trickles down. And the ones that benefit the most are those who are not paying their fair share of taxes because they can afford to exploit loopholes and tax havens that the rest of us cannot.

  80. Phoenix says:

    “6 million Jews were murdered in Europe and the United States didn’t say boo. Even after huge protests by Jews in America showing proof of the European atrocities.”

    I’d reckon America profited from this: “Black clearly demonstrates that Nazi Germany employed IBM Hollerith punch-card machines to perform critical tasks in carrying out the Holocaust and the German war effort … Black establishes beyond dispute that IBM Hollerith machines significantly advanced Nazi efforts to exterminate Jewry.”

    A tale as old as time: “Follow the money.” And no one is better than doing that then America.

    A gallon of GoJo and 80 grit sandpaper can’t get America’s hands clean.

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