90% of the country overpriced

From Fitch:

Real Home Price Appreciation Aligns with Sustainable Price Trends

Fitch Ratings estimates national home prices were 11.1% overvalued for 4Q23 on a population-weighted average basis, showing negligible difference from the previous quarter. 

The consistency in Fitch’s overvaluation estimates, maintained from the last quarter, was underpinned by concurrent increases in the Home Price Index and Sustainable Home Price (SHP). The increase in SHP for 4Q23 was primarily driven by rise in rents. Meanwhile, other factors such as unemployment rates, mortgage rates, real income, and household growth remained comparatively stable, leading to a moderation in the SHP Index. 

However, overvaluation still dominated nationwide. As of 4Q23, home prices in 90% of the country’s MSAs were overvalued, with 56% of these areas by 10% or more. The top three overvalued MSAs in the U.S. are Memphis, TN-MS-AR; Buffalo-Cheektowaga-Niagara Falls, NY, Indianapolis-Carmel-Anderson, IN.

There are early signs of a correction in the U.S. housing market, as indicated by the uptick in both active and new property listings. Challenges such as high mortgage rates and elevated home prices, which aggravate the affordability issue, continue to moderate the pace of this normalization.

In light of Fitch’s Global Economic Outlook (March 2024), Fitch predicts that the Fed will postpone rate cut until its meeting on July 30-31, 2024, which is a delay from the previously anticipated June timeline. Fitch also expects nominal national home prices to decelerate to 0%-3% in 2024 from 5.5% in 2023, as per Fitch’s Global Housing and Mortgage Outlook (December 2023).

This entry was posted in Demographics, Economics, Housing Bubble, National Real Estate. Bookmark the permalink.

102 Responses to 90% of the country overpriced

  1. Chad Powers says:


  2. grim says:

    Juice Box says:
    May 13, 2024 at 8:35 pm

    GPT-4o voice chat demos are creepy.

    More human than human.

  3. grim says:

    All hail our robot overlords, super intelligence can clearly impersonate quaint human communication styles.

    Sure, a little bit of an uncanny valley right now, but don’t you worry your pretty little head, pretty soon AI can emulate all of the quirky, messy nuance that is human, mistakes and attitude and all, and you’ll never be able to tell.

  4. grim says:

    Can you pretend to be a customer service agent for a trendy retail store? Can you take the persona of an entitled millennial who feels this job is beneath them?

    Sure, I can take on that persona. Let’s get started.

    Customer Service Agent: *sigh* Yeah, welcome to Trendy Threads. How can I help you today?

    Customer: Hi! I was looking for a specific dress I saw online. Do you have it in stock?

    Customer Service Agent: Ugh, you and everyone else. *rolls eyes* What does it look like? We have a million dresses.

    Customer: It’s a red, off-the-shoulder dress with ruffles. I think it was called the “Scarlet Charm.”

    Customer Service Agent: *sigh* Alright, let me check. *slowly types on the computer* Yeah, we’ve got it. What size do you need?

    Customer: A medium, please.

    Customer Service Agent: *sighs dramatically* Of course, you do. One sec. *disappears into the back, comes back with the dress* Here you go. Anything else?

    Customer: No, that’s all. Thanks!

    Customer Service Agent: Yeah, whatever. Have a great day, or something.

  5. Very Stable Genius says:

    Told shot term, not many changes. Long term the world will be upside down.

    A few months ago Ed asked for help finding Yahoo search.

    grim says:
    May 14, 2024 at 7:27 am
    All hail our robot overlords, super intelligence can clearly impersonate quaint human communication styles.

  6. Very Stable Genius says:

    ChatGPT guys want nukes to power it all, hence OKLO.
    I didn’t know Carter was a nuclear guy

  7. Juice Box says:

    Grim sounds like he finally finished the death star of customer service.

  8. TraitorJoe says:

    You should stay out of the deep end. AI is not your thing. Stick to things that you know, like copy/paste from Twitter, and hoaxes.

  9. Juice Box says:

    One of my favorite scenes.


    India and Philippines call centers about to feel the true power of the force.

  10. Fast Eddie says:

    A few months ago Ed asked for help finding Yahoo search.

    Considering what I do for a living, I’d like to see my request for assistance.

  11. TraitorJoe says:

    The left is again preparing to gut OPRA in this state. Where is the outcry? Maybe the fake news services can reassign some of their propagandists to covering the story. The stormy hoax has backfired.

  12. grim says:

    Sorry, but unless the politicians tell us where our outcry should be focused, I’m not sure that I should be independently making that decision.

  13. 3b says:

    April PPI hotter than expected.

  14. BRT says:

    OPRA has been a joke for years now. If you request something, they’ll print out the documents with everything you are looking for “redacted”

  15. BRT says:

    this is basically the reason Wikileaks was initially so popular and also the reason we currently have a journalist in jailed without trial in Julian Assange

  16. Very Stable Genius says:

    Didn’t Trump knowingly stole classified documents to sell them to our enemies?

  17. TraitorJoe says:

    Murphy is standing by right now to see what the pollsters tell him to do. I think he still has further political aspirations. My guess is he signs it. Second terms are usually full of corruption.

  18. LAX says:

    Oh no, Judge Cannon squashed that case.

  19. LAX says:

    Senior lecturer at Cornell University Dr Harry Segal and fellow psychologist Dr John Gartner have begun a podcast called ‘Shrinking Trump’ to, as they put it, ‘dissect the reasons for Donald Trump’s rapid mental deterioration.’

    Gartner even goes as far as accusing Trump – who has consistently denied any cognitive impairment while suggesting Biden doesn’t know where he is – of having dementia.

    ‘I always say to people: Look at Donald Trump right now, because that’s the best Donald Trump you’re ever going to see because dementia is a deteriorating illness and his rate of deterioration is accelerating,’ he said.

  20. Very Stable Genius says:

    Trump will prove you right

    TraitorJoe says:
    May 14, 2024 at 8:59 am

    Second terms are usually full of corruption.

  21. TraitorJoe says:

    Not that I know of, that’s a narrative. And like it or not, the executive can declassify at will. That’s settled law.

    It’s yet another case the radicals will ultimately lose. Though they know that, or some do, since these cases are really about election interference.

    But I would like to know what information Hunter has saves too and who he shared it with. Neither of them were entitled to the documents. Unfortunately the weaponized fbi tipped off hunters lawyers about the investigation so my guess is that evidence has been destroyed.

  22. grim says:

    Chi came up with the death star quote, I just stole it because I liked it.

  23. Traitorjoe says:

    From what I’ve seen OPRA works very well at uncovering conflicts of interest and local corruption. Even RFPs etc to see why they are paying so and so 2x for the same service. It works less the higher you go because the schemes are more sophisticated. If it didn’t work they wouldn’t want to kill it.

  24. Fast Eddie says:

    April PPI hotter than expected.

    For a while now, I was wondering why there seemed to be practically no lines at the food stores. A few years ago, I remember sitting on lines with three full shopping carts ahead of me at multiple, manned lines. Now, no matter when I go into the store, weekend or not, it seems like a few essentials for the majority of people at the self-checkout and two or three checkers open. Even with a just few manned lanes open, there’s no more than one cart at each. It seemed like just recently, you couldn’t wheel the cart down the main corridor by the checkouts because there was no room.

  25. Very Stable Genius says:

    People eating less due to Ozempic.


    Fast Eddie says:
    May 14, 2024 at 9:15 am

    For a while now, I was wondering why there seemed to be practically no lines at the food stores

  26. leftwing says:

    “The left is again preparing to gut OPRA in this state.”

    How many exhibits do you need to subscribe to my point that your State is a backwater armpit whose only reason for any modicum of financial success is its geographic placement next to the largest city, by far, in our country.

    Had New Amsterdam developed into Providence rather than NYC your population would rightly resemble the woods of the Berkshires, which those areas of NJ outside the proximate influence of NYC currently do.

    The counterfactual is mind boggling here…given the opportunities available because of the city and their historical but not current development – Rx and Bell Labs come to mind – NNJ should be the gem of the country, the literal shining city on a hill.

    Instead it is just a better dressed, more expensive version of a hillbilly town from Appalachia.

  27. Libturd says:

    “People eating less due to Ozempic.”
    I know I am.

    The truth on inflation is that is impacted by both domestic and international issues. Plus, it is nearly impossible to determine its exact cause(s). So to attribute it to a president is a fool’s game. It’s like saying, Trump caused Covid.

  28. Fast Eddie says:

    Build back better.


  29. 3b says:

    Lib: Sorry, but it does not work like that for Biden or any President. When inflation was declining Biden took credit for it, same would have been the case were it Trump. If the economy is good a President gets the credit for it, if it’s bad the President gets blamed for it.

  30. BRT says:

    Inflation is caused by the federal reserve. It’s kinda like asking how the water is getting to ground from the roof? Is it out the gutters, off, the side of the house, through the holes in your roof into your living room? It doesn’t matter, the fed makes it rain. The US government ensures that it has to make it rain by perpetually spending way more than it is capable of.

  31. leftwing says:

    Lib, yeah, OptionsXpress…

    On the Jeep Grand Cherokee it’s not even 4wd anymore and hasn’t been for a number of years. All ABS and torque vectoring, no transfer case.

    Made for suburban girls with pony tails pulled through their Red Sox baseball caps…

  32. Fast Eddie says:

    Answer: $494,047,619

    Question: “What is, ‘the amount of money the federal government is borrowing per hour?'”

    “Correct, select again!”

  33. Fast Eddie says:

    Made for suburban girls with pony tails pulled through their Red Sox baseball caps…

    They’re Yankee baseball caps with blond pony tails, get it straight! And they’re pushing bugaboo strollers with puggle in tow for when they slow jog around the duck pond in their Lululemons! They’ll drive that Jeep to meet their Besties at ‘The Spice & Tea Exchange’ after they drop baby Margot off at the sitter.

  34. BRT says:

    I’m eating less because I eat Chicken Thighs 5x a week. It’s getting old.

  35. Juice Box says:

    LAX – Fake News…

    prosecutors in the classified documents case that Judge Cannon is trying pushed for a July trial date. They just may get it, next hearing is June 24th.

    Other than the screaming leftists taking heads and blogging online I don’t think there is a lawyer worth hiring around who thinks a case this complex with get thru motions, Appeals before November.

  36. OC1 says:

    “And like it or not, the executive can declassify at will. That’s settled law.”

    Is a document declassified if the president doesn’t tell the relevant agencies that he’s declassified it?

    If, say, the CIA still thinks a document is classified, then someone who releases that document can be prosecuted and go to prison!

  37. Juice Box says:

    Re: Jeep – ever see a big Fiat? I mean the CEO of Stellantis is a Frenchman….

  38. Jim says:

    Very Stable Genius says:
    May 14, 2024 at 8:52 am
    Didn’t Trump knowingly stole classified documents to sell them to our enemies?

    No that was Biden, that is why they gave him $500,000.00, he was the big guy. You seem very confused. Remember the 25 laundering bank accounts? No impeachment for Joe, its good to control the Senate. Biden wasn’t even president, isn’t it funny how all that was swept under the rug. LOL

  39. Boomer Remover says:

    Meme mania. Roaring Kitty posted a few days ago, GME was up 100% today alone and now at ATH in a matter of days. I guess Gill had his attorneys clear him to make the twitter posting, because the stock sure moved.

  40. TraitorJoe says:

    The president has declassification authority. He first need the spiral of a deep state bureaucrat. This is just more weaponized government and nearly everyone knows it.

  41. Phoenix says:

    We Came So Close.

    Biden nearly died after a misdiagnosis decades ago. His surgeon recounts saving his life.

  42. Phoenix says:

    You know Jeep turned into crap when more women than men drive them with Soy fueled Ken in the passenger seat.

  43. Phoenix says:

    Him with glowing skin, her with sleeve tats.

  44. Phoenix says:

    Him: What is that new pill you gave me?

    Her: It’s my birth control pill. Just think honey, we can save so much not having to buy new razors every month. 😂

  45. Phoenix says:

    An article in the paper. I’ll bite. How about on the top of your head you dolt.

    The best way to crack an egg for every personality type
    Are you traditional? Risk-averse? Adventurous? These are your egg-cracking options.

    Advice by Becky Krystal

  46. Phoenix says:

    Got a question. When the govt tariffs a product and you pay double for it, where does the other half of the money go?

    “President Biden will announce Tuesday that he is quadrupling tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles to 100 percent and imposing new levies on computer chips, solar cells and lithium-ion batteries in a bid to prevent a flood of low-cost Chinese products from swamping his hopes of reviving domestic manufacturing.”

  47. Very Stable Genius says:

    Intimidation of the Judge in a criminal trial continues as Trump is surrounded today by House Speaker Mike Johnson, Reps. Byron Donalds and Cory Mills, Gov. Doug Burgum, and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy. Now the GOP lemmings, who are not defendants or involved with the proceedings, have begun with the social media threats against the judge and his staff, calling into question the judicial system.

    Democracy is dead with the GOP. They have no use for it.

  48. TraitorJoe says:

    More people view Biden as a threat to democracy than trump. The propaganda isn’t working.

  49. Fast Eddie says:

    President Biden unveils a historic wave of tariffs on ‘strategic’ Chinese imports

    O’Biden is a rac1st and xenophobe. What’s next, a ‘Stay in Mexico’ executive order?

  50. leftwing says:

    “…prosecutors in the classified documents case that Judge Cannon is trying pushed for a July trial date. They just may get it, next hearing is June 24th.”

    IIRC the hearing on the 24th encompasses motions to dismiss the case entirely based on whether Smith was even duly appointed…on this topic I believe she also welcomed the various amicus brief parties to participate meaning that not only will DJT be arguing for dismissal but other interested parties as well. Likewise this hearing I believe will address the evidentiary trail as to how documents were handled post-confiscation. Overall the trial was postponed and hearing scheduled due to the myriad of pre-trial issues like these that need to be resolved before the trial can properly begin.

    “Is a document declassified if the president doesn’t tell the relevant agencies that he’s declassified it? If, say, the CIA still thinks a document is classified, then someone who releases that document can be prosecuted and go to prison!”

    Apparently one of the claims under the evidentiary trail is that some of the classified documents seized at Mar-a-Lago were actually sent to DJT after his Presidency by the GSA, the Fed agency responsible for coordinating safe handling and storage of these exact documents.

    In other words your Federal government – and the agency directly responsible for Pres records – sent classified documents to a former President then accused and is prosecuting him for possessing classified documents after his term. LOL.

    No bandwidth to source now, but believe I was on a legitimate outlet like the Hill, not MSM or some left/right site, that was discussing these procedural issues. Someone else with more interest and time can deep dive this one.

  51. leftwing says:

    “We Came So Close. Biden nearly died after a misdiagnosis decades ago. His surgeon recounts saving his life.”

    Biden is nothing more than the DE version of Menendez. Pure and simple. That’s your guy. A homegrown, local political hack sucking everything possible from the system since he has literally no value to humanity otherwise, except perhaps as fertilizer.

  52. 1987 Condo says:

    Anyone have any experience with Sewer/service line coverage?

    Neighbor just had $20,000 issue/backup/replacement

  53. OC1 says:

    “Apparently one of the claims under the evidentiary trail is that some of the classified documents seized at Mar-a-Lago were actually sent to DJT after his Presidency by the GSA, the Fed agency responsible for coordinating safe handling and storage of these exact documents.”

    The GSA arranged to transport the boxes of documents. They didn’t choose or pack the documents- that was Trump and his staff.

  54. leftwing says:

    “Now the GOP…have begun with the social media threats against the judge and his staff, calling into question the judicial system.”

    Good. Long overdue in this matter. Hope that illegitimate tool of the Democrat Party tries to silence them as well. Let’s see how that goes over.

  55. Fast Eddie says:


    MSNBC has reported that Trump tugged on his attorney’s sleeve for a moment in the courtroom. MSNBC has been discussing it for the last 15 minutes.

  56. Juice Box says:

    Left – Allot of runway with motions and then appeals in all of these cases.

    In the Georgia case the DA Fani Willis last month filed her own appeal as her and her boyfriend lied their asses off and her boyfriend was kicked off the prosecution team by the Judge. Georgia appeals court should just disqualify her, she claims in her appeal there is no conflict paying her boyfriend 700,000 dollars already to prosecute Trump. Not too many people defending her here, any Amicus briefs? It could be months before they decide that she can even try this case.

  57. leftwing says:

    “The GSA arranged to transport the boxes of documents. They didn’t choose or pack the documents- that was Trump and his staff.”

    Throw sources if you have them as I’d be interested, not being argumentative here.

    Will offer the legal opinion – since I’m not of the bar but play counsel on TV – there can very well be an issue there…

    If a third party handled documents, packed or not, between the WH and before reaching Mar-a-Lago you can very well have an evidentiary issue. The chain of custody is broken.

    If the third party that handled a former Pres’s records is the agency responsible for Presidential records transition and they didn’t open the boxes, then why not?

    In normal times none of this matters (eg, Biden’s garage boxes).

    In hyperventilating TDS times where the law is being politicized against one Party then, yeah, the prosecution better have their ducks in a row.


  58. LAX says:

    Trump is a two pump chump.

    A lot is two words. Trump had a lot of rape sex with under aged girls on Epstein island.

  59. Very Stable Genius says:

    Maggie Haberman:
    Donald Trump’s team feels “pretty confident” about the classified documents case because Trump appointed Judge Aileen Cannon. They believes she does things to “benefit” him.

  60. OC1 says:

    ““The GSA arranged to transport the boxes of documents. They didn’t choose or pack the documents- that was Trump and his staff.”

    Throw sources if you have them as I’d be interested, not being argumentative here.”



    In normal times none of this matters (eg, Biden’s garage boxes).

    “In hyperventilating TDS times where the law is being politicized against one Party then, yeah, the prosecution better have their ducks in a row.”

    If Trump had just returned the docs when he was asked by the National Archives, none of this would be happening.

    Instead Trump refused, and lied, and tried to cover up…

  61. leftwing says:

    Juice, yup on the imploding trials and appeals…

    How many cases? The hush money, the county DA case in GA, and the records case…think I’m missing one? Need a scorecard lol.

    Fact is, none of these would have been brought had the defendant not been named Trump. Worst case, there would have been charges with some judge basically dismissing while wagging his finger lightly admonishing “don’t do that again”.

    I think Trump is a POS but am laughing my ass off at how he is playing these persecutions by the ship of fools on the Left…as each case gets deeper its soft underbelly is exposed.

    And he rises in the polls, to the entire dismay and horror of the Left.

    GOP and any reasonable well-known parties should have Court house press conferences and social media blitzkriegs every day after the Stormy trial, saying exactly and more what DJT has been prohibited from speaking.

    Double and triple down. Let this fucker on the bench figure that one out.

    Gonna try to silence Congressmen to hide your agenda and incompetence? Trump +5 more percentage points….

  62. LAX says:

    …a lot of rape sex….

  63. leftwing says:


    “If Trump had just returned the docs when he was asked by the National Archives, none of this would be happening. Instead Trump refused, and lied, and tried to cover up…”

    Those aren’t the charges though, right? And that’s not the way the legal system works.

    Also, I don’t think there was any lying or cover up, he acknowledged he had the docs just that he rightfully possessed them. That is one of the main points in the case.

    Or are you saying that when the government shows up on your doorstep with a *claim* the way the law and justice works is ‘comply without any response’? Don’t know about you but I’ve had several interactions personally and in business of claims against me by government agencies. The way it works is that if they say they have a claim, and I say they don’t, the claimant (government) has to go to Court to prove that claim….

    On the points of who packed and possessed when…again, part of the crux of the case. Highly unlikely DJT personally was filling boxes with files in the last 48 hours of his term…if he didn’t and it was underlings – as Biden claimed for the papers discovered in his possession – then the prosecution has a problem potentially.

    Lastly, how, when, if, why, and why not the GSA were or were not involved is salient. If they possessed the documents, in what format, and what their responsibilities were in handling them matter legally…

  64. 3b says:

    I think Trump is a lunatic, and certainly not and his personal behavior is shameful. That said people still support him, over Biden, and that says a lot. Biden is an empty suit, and has been for years. No legislative accomplishments at all . Plus, a liar and a plagiarizer too. Those are facts. It’s pretty sad these are our choices for President. Saying Biden is better than Trump, ain’t saying much. Part of the reason too for Trumps appeal is that the people who support him, many who are blue collar workers know the sophisticated left despise them. And, out of spite perhaps they continue to support Trump.

  65. chicagofinance says:

    Several years ago I was with a bunch of guys and one was a new father. One of the other guys asked how tough was his wife’s labor? The new father look rather relieved and said “two pushes and it came”. The other guy said instantly “oh, so the pregnancy ended the way it started!”

    LAX says:
    May 14, 2024 at 12:00 pm
    Trump is a two pump chump.

    A lot is two words. Trump had a lot of rape sex with under aged girls on Epstein island.

  66. Libturd says:

    Fact is, none of these would have been brought had the defendant not been named Trump.

    And this he invited upon himself.

    I’m not so sure these cases are helping him in the polls either.


  67. Jim says:

    LAX says:
    May 14, 2024 at 12:00 pm
    Trump is a two pump chump.

    A lot is two words. Trump had a lot of rape sex with under aged girls on Epstein island.

    Lax , You better be careful with your slanderous comments, I would hate to see you prosecuted.
    The records briefly mention former President Donald Trump, who socialized with Epstein but also is not accused of misconduct. Video footage unearthed by NBC News following Epstein’s federal indictment in 2019 showed the two chatting at a party at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in 1992.
    Maybe you should have read this: “I knew him like everybody in Palm Beach knew him,” Trump said when the video emerged. “He was a fixture in Palm Beach. I had a falling out with him a long time ago. I don’t think I’ve spoken to him for 15 years.”

    It would be hilarious if your wife had to bail you out of jail…spreading rumors alleging false facts is definitely punishable. Wise up!

  68. LAX says:

    1:54 STFu

  69. LAX says:

    1:18 yessssir! Careful now ChiFi the Gestawpo will come us all once they clear out the trannies. Jiiiiim sqqquuueeel boy. Squuueeeel like a pig!!!!

  70. LAX says:

    Let’s be real though. Trump’s a sad guy. No kidding.
    And he’s just a stupid person. Anyone dumb enough to put him anywhere near the
    levers of power again really needs to have their heads examined.

  71. chicagofinance says:

    It is very possible that he is in the earliest stages of dementia.

    LAX says:
    May 14, 2024 at 2:17 pm
    Let’s be real though. Trump’s a sad guy. No kidding.
    And he’s just a stupid person. Anyone dumb enough to put him anywhere near the
    levers of power again really needs to have their heads examined.

  72. chicagofinance says:

    No One: I was looking for a basket of infrastructure companies related to AI capacity. Would you suggest a good primary source for review? Thinking about energy generation, transmission, storage, materials etc.

  73. leftwing says:

    “Fact is, none of these would have been brought had the defendant not been named Trump…And this he invited upon himself.”

    And you are OK with this, Mr I Despise Bullies? Prosecuting someone because of who they are or how they behave, outside of consideration of what is normal under the law?

    Oh, the sweet smell of situational ethics….

    At least I understand now your inane responses when people on here note that Trump is being prosecuted for actions that others before him in public office have readily done themselves…

  74. Libturd says:

    I built and put this up this morning.


  75. Fast Eddie says:


    Nice work!

  76. leftwing says:

    “I’m not so sure these cases are helping him in the polls either.”

    And wrong polls Lib, you’re including irrelevant votes…

    NYT yesterday, polls in the six battleground states has Trump leading in five of them by an aggregate 39 points…four of the five states in which he leads the gap is seven points or greater, in two of the five states he’s in double digit leads including by 12 percentage points in NV over the vegetable.


    So, yeah, please keep throwing those lawsuits on, charged by a morbidly obese DEI halfwit lacking any sense of self control with a stacked jury, a poorly educated county prosecutor who is a daughter of a Black Panther, and some crazy ass wild eyed clown who spent many years of his legal career dressed as Harry Potter in some globalist role. All of whom outwardly have expressed their personal disdain and intent to ‘get’ Trump.

    Seems to be working very well for you guys…/s


  77. Fast Eddie says:

    Phoenix, where are you?

    “NY woman stabs ex-boyfriend, his new girlfriend multiple times: police”


  78. Juice Box says:

    Left – I like what James Carville said last month, as there is allot to unpack there, more than just these now failing “political” criminal prosecutions.

    He basically said the woke bitches need to shut up already, they need to sit down and be quiet or men aren’t going to vote for Biden.

    “If you listen to Democratic elites — NPR is my go-to place for that — the whole talk is about how women, and women of color, are going to decide this election,” he continued. “I’m like: ‘Well, 48% of the people that vote are males. Do you mind if they have some consideration?’”

  79. Very Stable Genius says:

    Insanity and feebleness allow maga to conveniently ignore magas treasonous insurrection.

  80. Fast Eddie says:

    Insanity and feebleness allow maga to conveniently ignore magas treasonous insurrection.

    Time-honored, established Americans have 200 million guns and a trillion rounds; if there was going to be a revolution, you’d know about it.

  81. Libturd says:

    Well Trump did call Hannibal Lecter a great man and then compared him to immigrants.

    Nothing wrong with there. Unless you are a complete asshole.

  82. 3b says:

    Lib: What precedent do we sit with these silly trails going forward? Will this be the new normal after Trump/ Biden are gone?

  83. Libturd says:

    I pray there is a third party unifier. Lord knows, both sides are right about most of this. Certainly, the establishment gravy train can’t go on unabated nor can MAGA where assholery, rudeness and lies are used to rile up the troops of the less educated.

    If I were a betting man, I’d think we are headed straight to the Brazilian model. Don’t worry people. It’s not so bad being poor. At least you end up with good family values. When I was in India, I couldn’t believe the graciousness and upbeat attitudes of the untouchables.

    The people need to be lead by someone who can be trusted. I don’t see it happening. Fortunately, I’m on the right side of the bell curve.

    I mean, what’s so bad about gay people marrying. Grow up you ingrates.

  84. 3b says:

    Lib: I was with you on the post, until the less educated MAGA post. I am not necessarily disagreeing, but there are less educated on the left as well, you might want to take a look at some of the comments they make on social media, just as dumb and ignorant as any hard core MAGA, and of course we have the ignorant and ill informed well educated on the Left, just look at the college campus protests.

  85. leftwing says:

    “Insanity and feebleness allow maga to conveniently ignore magas treasonous insurrection.”

    “Fast Eddie says: Time-honored, established Americans have 200 million guns and a trillion rounds; if there was going to be a revolution, you’d know about it.”



  86. BRT says:


    My line broke a few years back. I had the entire line replaced properly with a 7ft trench in my yard surrounded by sand. 7k job. My insurance covered it.

  87. chicagofinance says:

    I respect this…….

    Dear Cornellians,

    Last evening, the Coalition for Mutual Liberation (CML) voluntarily took down their encampment on the Arts Quad. While I do not condone the encampment, which was in clear violation of university policies, I want to acknowledge and express gratitude that in contrast to what has taken place at some other universities, the participants here remained peaceful and nonviolent throughout, and for the most part they tried to minimize the disruption caused. With this in mind, and provided no further violations of university policy occur, we are able to pause on issuing additional suspensions and disciplinary referrals. We will also promptly and carefully review all existing cases in accordance with our procedures for resolution and adjudication. Should there be repeat or new violations, additional sanctions will be issued, though I am very hopeful this will not be necessary.

    As I have been listening to the concerns and issues raised by students across our campus over the past seven months, I have found it interesting that some themes are common across individuals and groups with different perspectives. One is a strong desire for the university to provide more education around the history and politics that have led to the current crisis. This is something the students in CML have brought up, and it directly aligns with requests that have been made by other students and student groups. I fully agree that as an educational institution we can and should do more to foster an educational environment that critically examines global challenges that elicit great passion and debate. We look forward to continued dialogue about how we advance these and other shared aspirations.

    I want also to take this opportunity to again address the ways in which we communicate with one another on this campus. Cornell is fiercely committed to free expression, and as such we do not punish speech, unless it rises to the level of threats or unlawful harassment. But as we have said before, if we want to function effectively as a community of learning that develops solutions rather than simply fosters division, it is imperative that we think about the impacts of what we say to one another. The participants in the encampment shared that members of our Jewish community who have criticized Israel have been targeted with the slur “kapo,” which not only is deeply offensive, but also trivializes the memory of the Holocaust. Other students involved in the encampment shared experiences of being called “terrorists” over the past few months in an expression of anti-Arab discrimination and hatred. No matter one’s political beliefs, using such rhetoric, which questions the basis of someone’s religious, cultural, ancestral, or any form of identity is unacceptable, and I implore everyone in our community to think carefully about their words.

    All of us, I believe, feel deep anguish over the tragedy of the past seven months. My sincere hope for our campus is that in light of this, we offer an added measure of kindness to one another, and that we focus on looking for ways to work together to do what we do best as a university, which is to debate ideas respectfully, listen and learn from one another, and seek thoughtful solutions to the problems that have so long plagued our world.


    Martha E. Pollack

  88. leftwing says:

    “What precedent do we sit with these silly trails going forward? Will this be the new normal after Trump/ Biden are gone?”

    I hope not.

    Because there needs to be a response NOW.

    As usual, the Rs have their collective heads up their asses….stop focusing on POTUS and his family and hit other equally (more) high value targets…

    Some inarticulate county prosecutor in GA who makes Kamala Harris look like a Nobel Prize winner wants to run a former President?

    Screw the Bidens….get a similar local prosecutor in FL, GA, TX to indict – under seal – top Dems like Pelosi, Hillary, Shumer…..bitches’ planes land in their States, bring them to the lockup. No bail either. Flight risk. Enjoy your day old baloney.

    The Left hits you hard, you punch them back in the face three times worse. Only thing these cluelessly blind ideologues understand in their cocoons of self righteousness and presumed moral superiority.

  89. Juice Box says:

    Don’t want to sound wacist but inflation has now closed allot of Red Lobsters, cannot be good for Joe Biden. Carville says he is going to lose the black vote. He might be onto something.

    I used to spend allot of time at one, and always had a great time ,red lobster biscuits were awesome….

    Closing Red Lobsters in NJ.

    Cherry Hill
    East Brunswick
    Mays Landing
    South Plainfield
    Toms River

  90. Juice Box says:

    Correction just four!

  91. Very Stable Genius says:

    3b sounded a bit too confident here

    3b says:
    April 26, 2024 at 1:36 pm
    Fast: As long as you don’t drive recklessly, you can continue to drive your BMW and be confident that penis issues do not apply to you.

  92. Libturd says:

    Red Lobster is horrible. So are nearly all chains, though that’s just about all that people know. Did Mother’s Day at Libelula in Montclair where the old Sushi Hana used to be. The owner baked the D the fanciest birthday cake a few years earlier as he was recovering from his brain cancer. She volunteered to do it through icing smiles, a charity that does this for cancer kids at no cost to the suffering family. Well, it was definitely an expensive meal, to say the least, but it was some of the highest quality food I ever tasted, incredibly creatively plated and simply amazing. This is not foofee food at a foofee restaurant. This is is amazing tasting food at a very casual restaurant. Heck, our waiter was in a t-shirt. None the less. It worked out to $50 a person but we all did have an appetizer and an entree and some had a drink and dessert. Both the octopus and the lomo saltado (salted beef) were the best I ever had. I highly recommend it on a splurge.

    BTW, Applebee’s is dying a slow death too.

  93. Juice Box says:

    re: “Red Lobster is horrible.” No shit capitano obvious. I went there for lunch at the Union location with coworkers many times for the camaraderie and lobster biscuits.

    The worst date I ever had was actually at that breadsticks Italian chain around 30 years ago. Why we even there I don’t know anymore it was dinner and a movie in the Secaucus theaters to see the movie Twisters. Memory serves me right I got action in the parking garage and later dropper her off at her parents. Cheap date for sure, conversation was all about the flying cows……

  94. leftwing says:

    Lol JB priceless

  95. SmallGovConservative says:

    Libturd says:
    May 14, 2024 at 9:37 am
    “The truth on inflation… nearly impossible to determine its exact cause…”

    Things that are not Joe’s fault according to Lib — inflation, war in Europe, war in the middle east, Chinese spy balloons crossing the country, Russian hostage-taking, open borders, Afghanistan debacle, hair sniffing, Houthi’s closing the Red Sea, reckless spending, etc, etc…

    Lib should write a book, ‘How to be a Dem Stooge — for Dummies’

  96. SmallGovConservative says:

    Libturd says:
    May 14, 2024 at 5:44 pm
    “what’s so bad about gay people marrying.”

    Lib and Lax, a love story…

  97. SmallGovConservative says:

    Meanwhile, our embarrassingly effeminate and completely worthless SecState Tony ‘the twink’ Blinken is playing guitar in Kiev while Ukie soldiers are being flattened on the eastern front. You literally can’t make this up.

  98. BRT says:

    Nothing is bad about it. What is bad is trying to convince them to chop off body parts and convert them. It’s the left wing equivalent of bible thumpers trying to convert them to straight men.

  99. OC1 says:

    _Also, I don’t think there was any lying or cover up, he acknowledged he had the docs just that he rightfully possessed them. That is one of the main points in the case._


    Trump was subpoenaed to provide all documents MARKED as classified. Whether Trump had magically declassified them in his mind is irrelevant to the subpoena because they were still MARKED as classified.

    Trump certified that he had returned all the docs MARKED as classified. Then the FBI found evidence that he had more docs, and did the search at Mar A Lago, where they found more docs MARKED as classified,

    They also had evidence that Trump intentionally moved documents around so they wouldn’t be found.

    That is why Trump is charged with 5 counts of obstruction and 1 count of making false statements (in addition to other charges related to the retention of classified docs).

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