Different this time?

From the NY Post:

US home prices have soared 47% since 2020

A recent analysis by ResiClub of the Case-Shiller National Home Price Index has unveiled a jaw-dropping surge in US home prices, soaring a lofty 47.1% since the dawn of this decade.

The boom witnessed in the early years of the 2020s has outpaced not only the growth of the 1990s and 2010s — but is now threatening to surpass the entirety of the 2000s. 

Even the dizzying heights reached before the 2007 housing market meltdown are within striking distance.

This decade’s housing market frenzy was ignited by a perfect storm — the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic triggering an unprecedented rush among buyers. 

The result? A staggering 20% surge in prices within a mere 12 months.

Despite mortgage rates skyrocketing to around 7%, double what they were at the peak of the pandemic, home prices refuse to plateau. 

That’s due the insatiable appetite for housing coupled with a crippling shortage in supply.

“Because the Fed kept rates too low for too long during the pandemic, listing inventory was essentially wiped off the map, keeping prices rising sharply despite the surge in mortgage rates,” appraiser Jonathan Miller told The Post. “Would-be home sellers that bought or refinanced at a 2.5% to 4% rate during the pandemic became trapped due to the lock-in effect. They became reluctant to list their homes because, as new buyers, they would get a lot less for their money because of the much higher mortgage rates. The way out of this appears to be to hope for a drop in mortgage rates, but that could take years.”

To put things in perspective, the median US home sale price hit $420,800 in the first quarter of this year. Compare that to a modest $327,100 at the beginning of the decade. It was $124,800 at the dawn of the ’90s. 

Lance Lambert, co-founder of ResiClub, says housing price growth in the first 50 months of this decade has outpaced not just one, but the last three decades combined. 

It’s all an unfortunate cycle of events for those looking to achieve the American Dream — and for one age bracket in particular.

This entry was posted in Demographics, Economics, Housing Bubble, National Real Estate. Bookmark the permalink.

95 Responses to Different this time?

  1. Hold my beer says:

    First non grim

  2. Fast Eddie says:

    A staggering 20% surge in prices within a mere 12 months.

    What happens if 30-year rates drop into the “5” category?

  3. Very Stable Genius says:

    Remember back in the day when Maga ran on “Family Values”

    Only country to offer socialist Universal Healthcare to the old but not to babies.

    grim says:
    May 15, 2024 at 6:33 am
    NJ among the worst in the country for working moms

  4. Fast Eddie says:

    Only country to offer socialist Universal Healthcare to the old but not to babies.

    Your side likes to bludgeon their skulls before they even become babies and toss them in the trash like grizzle from a slab of meat.

    Your commentary comes across as defeated… constantly. Your mood is languishing in a sea of depression because it’s apparent you don’t have the enthusiasm to be angry any longer.

  5. Jim says:

    Very Stable Genius says:
    May 15, 2024 at 7:43 am
    Remember back in the day when Maga ran on “Family Values”

    I think you are confused, NJ is a Democratic controlled state, hence they control all levels of the economy. Do you think much?

  6. Juice Box says:

    Another day another escalation. Longer range US Supplied ATACMS (Army Tactical Missile System) used to take out Russian Air Field in Crimea.


  7. 3b says:

    47 percent since 2020, but on very little volume these last couple of years. It’s not sustainable.

  8. Fast Eddie says:


    The million-dollar cape in Fair Lawn on the 50 x 100 lot is coming!

  9. 3b says:

    NJ bad for working Mothers another reason the birth rate is falling in NJ too? You would think NJ would be one of the best.

  10. Juice Box says:

    Incase you missed GoogleIO Keynote yesterday. Here it is summed up.


  11. 3b says:

    Fast: I would not necessarily doubt it at this point, but if it does, it won’t last long in my opinion. I think at some point there is a big ugly recession and price drop in housing.

  12. 3b says:

    April CPI lower at 3.4

  13. Very Stable Genius says:


    UPDATED WED, MAY 15 20248:51 AM EDT

    Dow futures jump 150 points as April’s CPI comes in less than expected: Live updates

    Stock futures rose Wednesday, after the latest consumer price index reading came in lighter than expected.

  14. JUice Box says:

    3b – less accidental families.

    Plan B sales are through the roof. It’s been over the counter for about 18 years now. for example sales of the emergency contraceptive 41,000 additional units sold in the USA in the week following New Year’s in 2022.

  15. Very Stable Genius says:

    May 2022 to May 2024

    401k skyrocketed

  16. Libturd says:

    SGC said, “Ukie soldiers are being flattened on the eastern front.”

    “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed.

    You can’t play it both ways. Those dead Ukies are suckers and losers.

  17. Libturd says:


    I told you it would start to come in lower. Housing in turning in places and crude is down over $10.

    The FED probably shouldn’t, but they will make at least one cut soon. If for no other reason than to save face.

    Also, not sure we are looking at a huge painful recession anytime soon. I honestly think, as the Boomers age out, and the younger set stops having kids (heck, lots of them aren’t even interested in sex), the extra capacity will come online. One of the reasons I feel this way is because the builders simply are not increasing the supply as you would expect them to to meet demand. Especially when it’s this profitable. I know they don’t want to be left holding the bag like they did in 2008, but come on now. There is just too much money to be made.

  18. Fast Eddie says:

    (heck, lots of them aren’t even interested in sex)

    Health and lifestyle… that’s the reason they’re not interested in s3x. When you’re glued to a screen and being hypnotized by emojis and memes all day, it impedes development. We built forts, rode bikes, played stick ball, colored something, painted something, worked on car engines, tried to learn Jimmy Page licks… all stimulating mind and body. I’m not saying technology is not incredible but there’s too much of one and not enough of the other. And as far as nutrition is concerned, eating out and processed foods has replaced home-cooked meals. Again, no balance.

  19. Fast Eddie says:

    May 2022 to May 2024

    401k skyrocketed

    Congratulations! You’re in the top 10% of wealth along with many Boomers while what’s left of the middle class struggles to pay for food and shelter. What are you doing to assist the plight of the common man?

  20. Libturd says:


    You are right about me throwing around the term stupid people. Of course they exist on both sides. Especially the most wonky and those fundamentalists who can’t see past their strong biases. Though, to see where I’m coming from and have always been spot on, check out this Hill opinion piece on the matter. It’s a short read and quite interesting.

    For MAGA, it’s the culture, stupid


    “The sour view of the economy is probably rooted more in partisanship than in reality. Partisan animosity has become so extreme that a large segment of the electorate refuses to give President Biden credit for anything.

    Partisan animosity is driving the Donald Trump campaign and keeping Trump competitive with, and often slightly ahead of, President Biden in the polls. The MAGA crowd holds Biden in contempt, not because he’s not doing his job, but because he’s a Democrat who defeated their hero in 2020.”

  21. Libturd says:


    You are correct about the impact touching glass has had on our culture. Perhaps, we are evolving into robots?

  22. Juice Box says:

    re: “extra capacity will come online”.

    Fannie the housing experts did a study. Before Boomers begin to take their long dirt naps, they plan on bleeding their equity dry to age in place. Fannie says homeownership retention rates for older adults have been either relatively stable or gradually rising.

    When they finally take their dirt naps over the next 10 years something like 8 million units will be up for sale. Not enough to make up for the needs of the younger generations.


  23. Juice Box says:

    Just to point out again… Meredith Whitney said people will unlock trillions in equity.

    I can see the boomers bleeding their equity dry to age in place. My FIL at 75 years old just took out a HELOC to replace his deck. 40 grand we won’t be getting in inheritance.

  24. Phoenix says:


    Sorry but you are wrong. They are f’ing like rabbits. They are f’ing for vacations and trips. They are f’ing like this on birth control for fun and profit. F’ing married wealthy men that can help them move forward.

    So yes they want their birth control, and no, they don’t want to have a child then come back to work in 3 weeks cause f’ing America is too cheap to let them spend some time with their newborn.

    They all know everywhere in Europe you get a year to bond with a child, plus free healthcare.

    America spends that money on weapons, not it’s own people. Unless you are in the clan that is.

  25. Libturd says:


    My parents are cheap. I’ll get a nice chunk, but I don’t need it. My parents taught me when I was around 10 to not rely on social security nor an inheritance since both were likely not coming. They also taught me the power of compounding and to start saving for college. I was lucky to have them. I miss my stepfather nearly every day. Mom is hanging in there strongly, but gets too consumed by the media circuses. My stepfather was always the voice of reason.

  26. Phoenix says:

    I can see the boomers bleeding their equity dry to age in place. My FIL at 75 years old just took out a HELOC to replace his deck. 40 grand we won’t be getting in inheritance.

    Or leaving it to their children. It ain’t going on the market since American money is being inflated into trash category over the next few years.

    Even seven percent in a bank account is like the erosion on a treeless dirt hill in Ethiopia. Won’t be nothing but rocks you can’t grow anything on.

  27. Phoenix says:

    You are just lucky you didn’t stick it in the wrong hole.

  28. Juice Box says:

    Slovakia PM shot….might have something to do with the Ukraine War as he was elected on a platform of ending aide to Ukraine.


  29. Phoenix says:

    Drone robot cops will be killing black people in the future.

    Libturd says:
    May 15, 2024 at 9:31 am

    You are correct about the impact touching glass has had on our culture. Perhaps, we are evolving into robots?

  30. Phoenix says:

    “What are you doing to assist the plight of the common man?”

    Jacking up the national tax to support the American Treasury Deficit.

  31. Phoenix says:

    I don’t know how much you read, look into a book called the Under Ground Empire.

    It will give you an insight into what is going on. Russia and China are both in this war now which is leading them into the real one that Russia is in and China is preparing for.

    Both of those countries are actually fighting for their survival, Russia currently literally.

  32. Phoenix says:


    Juice Box says:
    May 15, 2024 at 9:58 am
    Slovakia PM shot….might have something to do with the Ukraine War as he was elected on a platform of ending aide to Ukraine.

  33. Juice Box says:

    Phoenix – He was shot but is alive. Slovakia is a member of the EU and NATO. Fico came to power in October and first thing he did was halt military aid to Ukraine and opened communication channels with Russia.

    They will probably blame our CIA.

  34. 3b says:

    Juice: Younger generations not having children, so what’s the need for 3/ 4 bedrooms and 2 plus baths? Home offices his and hers, a guest bedroom, hobby room?

  35. Phoenix says:

    The wealthy really like their bargains don’t they. Just like the snobby NYC 2 platers that are buying in the Pocono one plater state wreaking havoc.
    Plus those M’ f’ ers don’t even see there is any lane on a highway except for the left. Something in their heads makes them think they are driving on sixth ave.

    Homelessness skyrockets in iconic southern city where locals say rich Californians are moving in and driving up property prices

  36. 3b says:

    Lib: Does Biden really deserve credit for bringing down inflation, or has it been falling on its own? I can’t point to any policy accomplishments on Biden’s part that has bought down inflation. I do see huge deficits and massive spending, both attributed to Biden and Trump.

    As far as the culture thing, I think we can point to both sides being guilty of that. The MAGA crowd longing for a return to a mythical past, and the progressive Democrats with the narrative that America is an absolute awful place that engages in racism and discrimination and intolerance, and needs to be destroyed and refashioned into some mythical utopia.

  37. Phoenix says:

    3b says:
    May 15, 2024 at 10:14 am
    Juice: Younger generations not having children, so what’s the need for 3/ 4 bedrooms and 2 plus baths? Home offices his and hers, a guest bedroom, hobby room?

    You write all that shite off as “office space” from your WFH jobs.

    One is your blogger studio, your yoga channel, husband’s virtual law office, etc. Make money, don’t have to drive, write the whole shite off on your taxes. IRS agents are mostly gone now, only those with a W2, the middle class guy, is getting the American Dildo Treatment.

    Boomer gets free healthcare and Senior Freeze

  38. Phoenix says:

    CIA would have just nailed him with a drone, had some “collateral damage” people die, and would have made the following statement:

    “What the f are you gonna do about it? Qualified Immunity.”

  39. Very Stable Genius says:

    “He’s not a war hero,” Trump said at the Iowa Family Leadership Summit when moderator Frank Luntz brought up McCain, who spent more than five years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam.

    Libturd says:
    May 15, 2024 at 9:08 am
    SGC said, “Ukie soldiers are being flattened on the eastern front.”

    “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed.

    You can’t play it both ways. Those dead Ukies are suckers and losers.

  40. Libturd says:


    I don’t think inflation either way is directly attributable to the POTUS nor is most stuff they are blamed/praised for. Most of it is bullshit politics. I read every news article with the same skepticism I have with marketing adverts.

    My issue with Trump and Maga is not a Dem/Republican thing. Heck, I’m a registered Republican. I simply think Trump is an abhorrent individual who is duping his supporters using tactics that play to the lowest common denominator. He’s like the guy who knocks over the entire row of motorcycles and then walks into the biker bar and says, “drinks on me!”

    The Dems are no angels and too are duping most of their supporters. It’s like Biden, walks into that same biker bar and says,”Drinks are half price.” Only the bikers don’t realize that he owns the liquor license which he obtained by giving the bar developer a variance to build the bar next to the high school, which happens to be located just adjacent to the Harley Davidson shop.

  41. Very Stable Genius says:

    The middle class voted Reagan’s trickle down economics transfer of wealth from middle class to the top 10%

    Fast Eddie says:
    May 15, 2024 at 9:29 am
    May 2022 to May 2024

    401k skyrocketed

    Congratulations! You’re in the top 10% of wealth along with many Boomers while what’s left of the middle class struggles to pay for food and shelter. What are you doing to assist the plight of the common man?

  42. Juice Box says:

    Two debates… Sleepy Joe is ready to rumble.

  43. Very Stable Genius says:


    The Prime Minister of Slovakia, Robert Fico, has just been shot in public

  44. Libturd says:

    Yes VSG.

    Maga is the party of assholery. We all know how great it feels to blame our personal issues on immigrants, the government, women, the end of slavery, etc.

    Damnit, Milk is like $6 a gallon. Well, fuck the Chinese and their biowarfare against the US that intentionally created Mad Cow Disease. Did you hear, a Haitian without legs was caught nearly drowned in the Rio Grande while attempting to cross the border. Oh, he’s surely in it for the free health care. So what if it was his government that chopped off his legs to prevent him from farming. He’s obviously here to steal government services.

    Yeah, these are the conversations I always here when hanging out around MAGA folks. Maybe they are not stupid. But they sure will fall for anything anyone says that sounds good on the surface.

    Heck, theres a Maga man in my investment club. He urged us not to send money via Venmo or Paypal because they will collect information on the transaction and sell it. The club voted to add to our PayPal position and added a bit more to TJM.

  45. Phoenix says:

    Girl from Florida is killed by Rich Guy from Florida with his 1.5 million dollar 4 engine Whaler, then does a low class “time for me to dip outta here” to his multimillion dollar home while on speed dial with his lawyer so he won’t get busted.

    Money doesn’t buy class, empathy, or morals.

    It’s funny how when money is involved, the so called “elite” are just plain old common criminals like the “low class” they beech about.

    Rip kid, you got f’d up by one of your own arrogant types.

  46. leftwing says:

    Very good interview with Netanyahu ended about ten minutes ago on CNBC.

    Thoughtful and articulate. He was frank, without being obnoxious.

    Worth a listen.

  47. Phoenix says:

    Oh, and Rich Dad,

    Sorry to tell you this, but no law, no amount of money is going to bring your kid back.

    There will be no justice, as justice would be your kid back at home with you.

    There is only legal. Remember that.

  48. 3b says:

    Lib: I agree there is absolutely nothing likable about Trump. He is a nasty , petty , egotistical individual who cares only about Trump. My problem is this narrative that Biden is above reproach, and is the savior of American democracy, as well as having accomplishments that have so benefited the average American who is too ignorant to appreciate it. I despise the Democrats hypocrisy as much as the Republicans. And, I despise the elites on the left who have nothing but contempt for the blue collar people in this country of any race , ethnicity, or sexual orientation. This mindset that they are all ignorant and the elites must do whats best for them whether they want it or not.

  49. leftwing says:

    “Trump was subpoenaed to provide all documents MARKED as classified. Whether Trump had magically declassified them in his mind is irrelevant to the subpoena because they were still MARKED as classified.”

    Would respectfully disagree. It is established that Presidents can declassify documents, my understanding is the process for doing so is not articulated. Whether he can or did ‘magically’ declassify is one of the arguments at the core of this trial to be determined by the Court.

    “Trump certified that he had returned all the docs MARKED as classified. Then the FBI found evidence that he had more docs, and did the search at Mar A Lago, where they found more docs MARKED as classified…”

    My understanding is that certain of Trump’s attorneys certified. Unless they have the sheet of paper with the identical representation from him it would appear the hot seat may reside elsewhere. Again, it’s a question of fact to be determined at the trial and why the evidentiary trail becomes relevant as well as who packed, reviewed, and shipped which records to whom, when…and also how the records have been handled in the interim [both of these points which I understand to be topics of the June 24 hearing].

    “They also had evidence that Trump intentionally moved documents around so they wouldn’t be found. That is why Trump is charged with 5 counts of obstruction and 1 count of making false statements (in addition to other charges related to the retention of classified docs).”

    Again, factual questions to be determined at trial which includes, as you note, intent.

    If this entire fiasco all boils down to a couple counts of obstruction good luck to the Left, +5 more percentage points for DJT.

  50. LAX says:

    3b gooood lord that’s a whole lotta grievance in one paragraph.
    All of it completely in your imagination.

  51. leftwing says:

    “The FED probably shouldn’t, but they will make at least one cut soon. If for no other reason than to save face.”

    Disagree. Again, for this Fed Chief ‘saving face’ [whatever that means] is not a consideration. He will not base a decision on it, you would be advised not to…Only thing we can say with certainty – at this moment – is that next move whenever it comes is down. As to timing it won’t be June and absent some dislocation unlikely it will be July.

    That leaves Sept and as I’ve already stated Sept will likely be too political for this Fed Chief, again absent some dislocation.

    So, one cut post-election. Maybe two (Nov and Dec) if things continue to slow gradually.

  52. 3b says:

    LAX: Calling it as I see it, and certain no more grievance than the progressives who find something new to be outraged at every day.

  53. Libturd says:

    “My problem is this narrative that Biden is above reproach, and is the savior of American democracy, as well as having accomplishments that have so benefited the average American who is too ignorant to appreciate it.”

    Well, this is a pretty big problem with the current Dem party. I’ve actually argued with Gator about this for the past 8 years or so. When the Dems decided to use culture as a wedge issue, I told her that was a huge mistake and was exactly why HRC lost. That is, she played the gender card over and over again, which, first, was obvious, so she didn’t need to hawk it over and over. Second, gender and sexuality issues are low hanging fruit that you get automatically and are better off not discussed too much. First, it applies to a very small subset of the population. Two, though everyone is generally cool about these issues and they’ve come a huge way already, a lot of people are ignorant so just make things better for those impacted by restrictive laws and leave it at that.

    Though, where Biden, at least for now, deserves some credit, is in his massive infrastructure bill. Though some inflation might be attributable to it, the much needed improvements to this countries transportation infrastructure should help everyone. Nobody should have to deal with the commute so many NJ people endure. Getting that tunnel built will have immeasurable results. Same with the improvements at our airports which were getting so bad that I was starting to opt to fly out of AC and Stewart to avoid the mess that JFK/LGA/NWK had become. The light rail from LA to Vegas is unbelievably necessary freeing up the roads for commerce. The ports, the bridges, all being upgraded and improved, as they were all falling apart. I think the big problem with Biden’s perception is that he really is a terrible speaker. He is a recovered stutterer and this really makes him a terrible public speaker. As presidents go though, debt-ignoring, The US is firing on all cylinders and is one of the top performing countries in the world post covid.

    And here is thing about inflation. Half the country wasn’t alive or was too young to remember the last bout of it in the late 70s, early 80s. I was a kid, but certainly remembered it. It always stuck with me that at any point, things might cost more. I was actually surprised by the lack of any significant inflation since then and always expected it would rear it’s ugly head again. The moment the Covid stimulus was announced by Trump, plus with the return to ZIRP, I knew we were in trouble. As everyone was spending their checks, I was screaming how it wasn’t worth it and inflation was going to more than make up for what they gave us. My family thought I had gone cuckoo. Honestly, my older son said I was scaring him with my rantings about how dumb this move was and how bad things always happen when the government gives away money. Well, this is where we are now.

    At the end of the day, I rank Biden behind Reagan, Bush Sr., Obama and Clinton. I would put him ahead of Carter, Bush 2 and I still think Trump has done more to wreck this country than any other president, certainly those from my lifetime. Trump has actually made it fashionable to be a dick.

  54. Chicago says:

    I wonder if he has a good FICO score?

    Juice Box says:
    May 15, 2024 at 10:12 am
    Phoenix – He was shot but is alive. Slovakia is a member of the EU and NATO. Fico came to power in October and first thing he did was halt military aid to Ukraine and opened communication channels with Russia.

    They will probably blame our CIA.

  55. Chicago says:

    Senior Freeze sounds like ice cream day at the assisted living center cafeteria.

    Phoenix says:
    May 15, 2024 at 10:22 am
    3b says:
    May 15, 2024 at 10:14 am

    Boomer gets free healthcare and Senior Freeze

  56. Chicago says:

    You left out “and then he skips out on the bill. “

    Libturd says:
    May 15, 2024 at 10:41 am.

    My issue with Trump and Maga is not a Dem/Republican thing. Heck, I’m a registered Republican. I simply think Trump is an abhorrent individual who is duping his supporters using tactics that play to the lowest common denominator. He’s like the guy who knocks over the entire row of motorcycles and then walks into the biker bar and says, “drinks on me!”

  57. Fast Eddie says:

    Senior Freeze sounds like ice cream day at the assisted living center cafeteria.

    Not to be confused with Señor Freeze, the Argentinian hitman.

  58. Fast Eddie says:

    Perhaps, we are evolving into robots?

    It’s already happened. Read Very Stable Genius’ posts.

  59. Very Stable Genius says:

    ChiFi, leftwing, etc, I wonder how many others besides 3b have seen it.

    3b says:
    April 26, 2024 at 1:36 pm
    Fast: As long as you don’t drive recklessly, you can continue to drive your BMW and be confident that penis issues do not apply to you.

  60. Chicago says:

    Eddie: kudos

  61. Chicago says:

    Speaking of cars, through no fault of his own, my son’s car was totaled. I am waiting for him to finish off the last of his AP’s, but will likely look for a car in the coming weeks. Any good suggestions? He is 6 months driving, so he got all the super dumb stuff out of the way, but I am still queasy about getting anything nice for him.

  62. Chicago says:

    We have about $8K from the other car. I seriously want to avoid COVID manufactured stuff, so 2020-2022 is a no-no.

  63. Chicago says:

    Ten 434. Issuance going on so things are a bit distorted.

  64. 3b says:

    Very: You seem to be obsessed with penises. It’s ok, this is a no
    judge blog when it comes to sexual orientation. Love is love.

  65. Libturd says:


    Find either a 2012 or 2013 Mazda3 or Honda Fit (these are ugly but last forever). The Volkswagon Golfs from back then are pretty reliable too though, they’ll cost more to repair. The kids think VWs are pretty cool, so you got that. At 8K, the pickens are thin for a reliable beater since this is the in-demand zone for the ghetto. I remember when 4K could get you one of those.

    17 to 20 year olds are something like 4 times more likely to be involved in accidents than other drivers. You just need a car that will last him another three years reliability wise. If you are worried about safety and want him to drive something newer, the Ford Taurus will work in a snap. But it will break down about once a year with a $1,500 issue.

  66. leftwing says:

    “As presidents go though, debt-ignoring, The US is firing on all cylinders and is one of the top performing countries in the world post covid.” [italics mine]

    JFC for real?

    You mean if I ignore a massive amount of debt we are just peachy?

    “Other than than that, Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play?”

  67. Libturd says:


    As long as people keep investing in red, white and blue, why not?

  68. Libturd says:

    And at least I was honest enough to point it out.

  69. leftwing says:

    Chi, VW Jetta….

    Reliable. Gender neutral. Not an “OMFUG do I really have to drive that” type of car for a HS’er…Reasonable value. Not horrible to insure.

    Quick eyeballing seems to show 2016-19s with 50k-60k miles hanging around $17k ask…

    The $8k from the insurance covers half; other half part grad present or a ‘parent loan’ (mostly interest only at low rate)? He have savings he wants to kick in toward purchase?

    That car will last him through college easily with nothing but basic maintenance.

  70. leftwing says:

    “And at least I was honest enough to point it out.”

    LOL only after I called you out the first time you posted without acknowledging the ‘prosperity’ is debt funded, borrowing growth from the future…

    Regardless, still a dumbass statement…

    “I’m the wealthiest person on the block look at all the STUFF I have!!! [but please ignore my $45k credit card debt at 22%…]”

  71. 3b says:

    Lib: Left is right on that, and I have pointed it out too. The prosperity is based on debt. Will that last? It is hard to think that it will, but we shall see.

  72. Libturd says:

    Hey, some of that debt is the failure of the Trump tax act to bring in the revenue it promised.

    But it’s not like Trump or Biden is going to cut spending. They might talk about it, but they won’t actually do it.

  73. Hold my beer says:


    A Hyundai Santa Fe or Kia sportage from before the years they were easy to steal.

    I would avoid anything that has a cvt transmission. If previous owner liked to change gears before the car was completely stopped a rebuilt cvt transmission is $3,500-5k depending on the brand and model.

  74. 3b says:

    Lib: No neither one will stop spending, and that in my view can’t continue indefinitely.

  75. Phoenix says:

    No-nonsense Florida sheriff warns California and NY expats not to bring their liberal views to Sunshine State.
    He told Fox News: ‘My message … is clear. If you think you can deal poison and commit crime, stay clear of Lee County and all the great state of Florida.

    ‘We’re ready, and we will absolutely find you, hunt you down, and charge you to the fullest extent of the law.’

    But hey, it’s okay to take our 1.5M four engine Boston Whaler, run a little girl over, then run away, because we Floridians are wealthy and can do whatever we want.

  76. Very Stable Genius says:

    “The $8k from the insurance covers half; other half part grad present or a ‘parent loan’ (mostly interest only at low rate)? He have savings he wants to kick in toward purchase?”

    Rightwingers use money as a tool to control and manipulate their offspring. Interest rate to my kids? Insane

  77. Phoenix says:

    37 minutes to bid on this beauty.


  78. TraitorJoe says:

    All the sanctimony is hollow. That’s the only appeal left when reason has failed. The world is weary of the leftist chaos that we see every day.

  79. Juice Box says:

    re: leftist chaos

    Shooter in Slovakia….. hard left “poet”.

  80. TraitorJoe says:

    The left has their kinder gentler machine hand, and a bunch of self righteousness to go with it. What a load of bullshlt.

  81. Libturd says:

    I find people who view their lives through a lens of politics as dangerous as fundamentalists. Things are not THAT bad.

  82. Juice Box says:

    Things are not THAT bad.

    Actually we are at peak civilization according to the Olduvai theory.

    It’s only downhill from here.

  83. Libturd says:


    The last time I heard that word used was when I learned about early man and evolution in 5th grade Science. Didn’t the Leakey’s discover the oldest skeleton of man in Olduvai Gorge? And you want me to believe a theory based on this? We probably still had fish tails. The Mayan calendar was way wrong too and that was like a million years newer.

    I’ll have to look up Olduvai theory.

  84. Fast Eddie says:

    Actually we are at peak civilization according to the Olduvai theory.

    On a somewhat similar note, I surmise that we evolved, developed and advanced a billion years ago and then destroyed ourselves with pollution, overpopulation and eventually, annihilation either by natural or man-made cause(s). We’re currently on our 2nd iteration or ‘go-around’ and will once again, be destroyed in which we’ll need to pass through the evolutionary levels of Hominidae one more time in order to reach our current intellectual capacity.

    It’s possible that earthlings left when the planet was no longer able to sustain life in a meaningful way and traveled to a hospitable planet leaving a sub-species of man to fend for their selves. The technology was such that dimensional travel was possible. Meanwhile, the sub-species miraculously survived, the planet regenerated and once again, evolution advanced. Thus, this is our 2nd go-around.

  85. Libturd says:

    I was born in 1970. Only 60 years off peak civilization. At least I get to experience it. I suppose the Donald will somehow take credit for it.

  86. Libturd says:


    Stop watching Wall-e over and over.

  87. Very Stable Genius says:

    Moderation in all things.


    Libturd says:
    May 15, 2024 at 3:21 pm
    I find people who view their lives through a lens of politics as dangerous as fundamentalists. Things are not THAT bad.

  88. LAX says:

    3:00 where do you live, Newark???

    Or are you just fed ragebait every day ?

  89. leftwing says:

    “Rightwingers use money as a tool to control and manipulate their offspring. Interest rate to my kids? Insane”

    You’re a putz.

    I framed my thoughts to chi as questions as they depend on parenting style and facts I don’t have around his situation (eg, did the kid buy the original car and how much that even matters to chi given his values).

    But as one of the die-hard liberals on here I totally understand that you believe that with no facts and background you feel the sanctimony to control someone else’s family matters.

    My philosophy – underscoring the *my* you clueless interloping liberal fuck – is to teach accountability and responsibility to my children at each stage of growth.

    As it relates to cars that means they were not going to get one simply because they existed. Aside from the fact that I could have easily dropped them into one of mine including the 911 convertible and that many of their friends around town received their own $80k tricked out trucks/SUVs…

    One of my kids worked and saved and my deal with him was I would pay for half if he could contribute half, and that my contribution would ‘gift’ to him provided he maintained his top 5% in HS school grades…which he did, and I did, with the equivalent Jetta I described above as that is what he could afford. He kept that from Junior year in HS through university to his first job (six years) at which time he traded it in (for a very good percentage of the purchase price). Lots of different lessons learned there.

    Another child was more lax in both grades and savings – they preferred summers surfing down the shore – and when they approached me I offered the same deal which I knew was off the table as they did not have the savings and the grades were borderline. I offered them the ‘interest’ option which they evaluated and declined…smart decision…and they ended up getting their life in a bit better order by and through university. Lots of different lessons learned there by them as well.

    So that’s me and my family and although I responded as an FYI to the board to your comment it is literally none of your business…

    You, of course, are free to raise your offspring as self entitled, whiny suburban brats of a failed philosophy you embrace epitomized by the shit hole of a State in which you are raising them, yet I promise I won’t comment on your parenting motivations as they are yours alone… :)

  90. Libturd says:

    Or you could just get your kid one of these.


  91. SmallGovConservative says:

    Libturd says:
    May 15, 2024 at 10:41 am
    “I’m a registered Republican…”

    Meaningless. You use it as cover for the fact that you’re a deep blue Dem stooge in the same way Rock Hudson used studio-designated starlets to cover the fact that he played for the other team.

    Unlike the other Dem dingbats here, and despite your advanced TDS (or perhaps because of it), willingness to shill for the Dems, and silly attempts to equate the two parties, I suspect you know that virtually all of this country’s problems are the result of Dem governance. Here’s just one example how disastrous and destructive the modern Dem party is: “At 13 Baltimore City high schools, zero students who took the state test last spring scored proficient in math.”

  92. LAX says:

    Hahahahaha – just wait & see what the GOP has planned.

    Oh wait, they don’t plan. It’s whatever Trump wants.

  93. Libturd says:

    Maga are not Republicans.

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