First to fall?

From Mansion Global:

Florida and Texas Show Signs of Home Prices Falling

Gary and Karen Steppe listed a condo in Indialantic, Fla., in February for $294,900. They expected the two-bedroom vacation home, which is in an oceanside town near Melbourne Beach, to sell quickly. But the couple initially received no bids. 

One reason: A rising number of homeowners in the area were also looking to sell. With more properties on the market, “buyers didn’t have that fear of missing out like they did when the inventory was less,” Gary Steppe said. 

The Steppes cut the price, then accepted an offer in April for about $275,000. “I wish I had…sold it two years ago,” when similar condos were selling for higher prices, he said.

In most of the U.S., the limited number of homes for sale is pushing prices back toward record highs. Sale prices for single-family existing homes rose in 93% of U.S. metro areas during the first quarter, according to the National Association of Realtors. The median single-family existing-home price grew 5% from a year ago to $389,400.

Yet the market is cooling and prices have started falling in some cities in Florida and Texas, where robust home-building activity in recent years has helped boost the number of homes for sale. The two states accounted for more than a quarter of all single-family residential building permits every year from 2019 to 2023, according to Census Bureau data.

In 10 Texas and Florida metro areas, the inventory of homes for sale in April exceeded typical prepandemic levels for this time of year, according to In eight of those markets, pending sales in April fell from a year earlier.

In Florida and Texas, “we’re starting to get into a buyer’s market,” said Rick Palacios Jr., director of research at John Burns Research & Consulting. 

This entry was posted in Demographics, Economics, Housing Bubble, National Real Estate. Bookmark the permalink.

80 Responses to First to fall?

  1. Fast Eddie says:


    Baa Baa Booey!

  2. Fast Eddie says:

    Yet the market is cooling and prices have started falling…

    Not here. The most you’ll see in the NJ/NY/CT area is a leveling off, especially when 30-year rates weaken a bit. And when that happens, you’ll see the inventory increase as fence-sitters finally make a move and list their house. If it’s not desirable and move-in ready, the price may drop a bit before selling as the line of buyers pick the best “fruit” first.

  3. grim says:

    Latest RTO push has been a disaster. Entirely stealth layoffs at the corp level and blind scrambling for cost savings or otherwise at the associate level.

    Saw the big Walmart push a day or two ago, this is entirely the case.

    We had a client force it, despite our strong caution.

    At least 30% of the team quit, for those left absenteeism is up 3-4x, through the roof.

    Performance absolute shit.

    It’s not even stealth quitting anymore, it’s stealth f*ck-you-over sabotage.

    Good luck backfilling these people, zero chance of even attracting candidates without BIG wage increases. Going to bite a lot of companies in the ass in a really big way then they need the people. This is outright trading 1-2 years experience for zero experience at 15-20% higher cost – and that doesn’t even include training costs.

  4. Very Stable Genius says:

    Maga Boomer is a closeted socialist who receives universal healthcare and universal basic income, sits at home watching Fox News all day and gets hysterical with college kids and with people working from home unwilling to RTO

  5. grim says:

    This is true, largely an old white guy problem.

  6. Very Stable Genius says:


    Scottie Scheffler was detained by police after a misunderstanding with traffic flow before the start of the second round of the PGA Championship.

  7. Fast Eddie says:

    BMW will sell off 20 acres which is really not a secret. It’s been announced for a while. They call it “adaptive reuse” property which is a fancy phrase for more pod rentals. The mixed-use proposal is a bunch of nonsense… it’s housing and nothing more. It means more traffic, more runoff, more flooding, more radiant heating and more pollution. The earth is becoming too crowded. I digress!!

    What all this means is that homeownership has become a luxury while shelter is a necessity. Only the “privileged” have the means to purchase a house, all others will be obligated to fork over the monthly fee to property management a.k.a the housing cosa nostra.

  8. Fast Eddie says:

    Who you putting your money on in a Marjorie Taylor Greene vs. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez cage match? AOC will probably pull a switchblade on MTG while MTG uses brass knuckles to bash baby girl in the face. We could possibly see a tag team swap where a squad member jumps in wearing a bomb vest and Kristi Noem pulls out a Glock 9 and puts a cap in somebody’s head. I gotta go with the left with my money because they epitomize the term ‘radical’ and will murder for their cause. Just ask Vince Foster.

  9. Jim says:

    Just ask Vince Foster.

    Or better yet ask Jeff Epstein….and why was he let off so easy by the Democratic Gestapo in the first place?

  10. Fast Eddie says:

    Nice to see the DOW at lofty levels though we know someone will kick out a leg eventually and a 10% to 20% haircut will occur. It’s happened over the last 100 years and no one is exempt. Though, it does nothing for the lower middle class who have no stake in the game amid shrinkflation on top of ever higher prices for goods, services, fuel and shelter. It’s exponential in pain. Lesser for more equals greater profit. Or, the market simply adjusted for inflation and the new 40,000 is the old 30,000; ergo, not much movement at all.

  11. 3b says:

    Grim: Not all older white guys. Just saying.

  12. 3b says:

    Fast: There may come a point when no one wants the houses. Big house, no kids, why?

  13. JUice Box says:

    re: Scheffler

    He is lucky he isn’t full of holes. Don’t know if there is video but the cop apparently jumped on his car as it was moving into the driveway of the golf club. That is where the assaulting a police officer charge comes from. Respect My Authority!

  14. Juice Box says:

    Here is the rest of the WSJ article on Sleepy Joe’s privilege.

    “The privilege claim is bogus on two grounds. First, once a President waives a privilege right, it can’t be reclaimed. Mr. Biden conceded that the interview wasn’t privileged, and there’s no legal basis to say that a recording is different from a transcript.

    Even if Mr. Biden had first claimed privilege over the interview, that wouldn’t pass legal muster because the interview subject didn’t concern his presidential duties or White House deliberations. It concerned his handling of documents while in the Senate, as Vice President, or as a private citizen.

    Mr. Siskel’s claim that the goal is to protect the Justice Department’s “law enforcement investigations” also doesn’t work. Such a claim of law-enforcement privilege typically attends to a continuing investigation, but Mr. Hur’s work is complete. He has filed his report and closed up shop.

    Mr. Siskel complains in his letter that the transcript should be sufficient and the “absence of a legitimate need for the audio recordings lays bare your likely goal—to chop them up, distort them, and use them for partisan political purposes.” No doubt partisanship is at play, as it was for Democrats on Capitol Hill against Mr. Trump.

    But Republicans want the audio to judge the tenor and credibility of Mr. Biden’s responses and Mr. Hur’s conclusion that the President’s faulty memory was cause not to bring an indictment in the case. The White House claim of privilege over the recordings isn’t intended to protect executive power. It’s intended to avoid presidential embarrassment.

    That’s a political goal, not a legitimate legal justification. If Mr. Trump had tried this, he’d have been denounced far and wide. Mr. Biden deserves the same treatment.”

  15. SmallGovConservative says:

    grim says:
    May 17, 2024 at 7:10 am
    “Latest RTO push has been a disaster…At least 30% of the team quit…”

    Where are they going? Unemployment line? Early retirement?

    We’re back to 4x/week and you no longer hear a peep from the ‘I’ll never go back to the office’ crowd. On T/W/Th the parking lots are packed and the office looks no different than pre-covid. Can’t speak for other places, but the complainers folded like cheap suits here.

  16. JUice Box says:

    We just jettisoned our office out west and consolidated a floor here.

    New CEO drives pretty far, he won’t be going back to 3 or 4 days, still 2 days for now and I won’t be in until the floor consolidation is complete.

    New CTO as well and is WFH from California. He did not like our early morning call yesterday, as he barely said a word on Zoom as he was drinking his coffee. He is still adjusting, it’s tough to manage several hundred in Hyderabad, as well as the slackers here in the USA. I don’t think he is moving to the east coast anytime soon.

  17. Very Stable Genius says:

    On Twitter Maga is very mad a cops for enforcing the law. Its confusing. GOP no longer on the side of cops. Maga is very inconsistent

    JUice Box says:
    May 17, 2024 at 8:48 am
    re: Scheffler

    He is lucky he isn’t full of holes. Don’t know if there is video but the cop apparently jumped on his car as it was moving into the driveway of the golf club. That is where the assaulting a police officer charge comes from. Respect My Authority!

  18. Phoenix says:

    Guess you buy your way out of jail these days:

    In 1996, Alex Adjmi, the husband of Frieda Adjmi, was convicted of money laundering after being caught in a government sting operation where he helped wash over $22 million for a Colombian drug cartel. He served 44 months in federal prison. Adjmi was pardoned by President Donald Trump at the request of leaders of the Syrian Jewish community in New York. Adjmi contributed $100,000 to a Trump-related PAC, Make America Great Again.

  19. Juice Box says:

    Coast that is some allegation. These folks are illegal aliens and registering to vote?

    “housing shortage in Deal has led Syrian Jews to begin buying and renovating summer” and “registering to vote”

    Yes I am kidding about the illegal part, but the voter fraud? hahaha Jail Time!

  20. Phoenix says:

    Very Stable Genius says:
    May 17, 2024 at 10:17 am
    On Twitter Maga is very mad a cops for enforcing the law. Its confusing. GOP no longer on the side of cops. Maga is very inconsistent

    JUice Box says:
    May 17, 2024 at 8:48 am
    re: Scheffler

    Maga loves it when police enforce laws they like, and hates them when police enforce laws they don’t like.

    And Scheffler is a white guy at a prestigious event. They don’t shoot white people at these type events. It’s not a trailer park. Scheffler is still their friend, he will donate to the PBA and they will be shaking hands soon in a press release.

    Here’s a goody

  21. Phoenix says:

    Or better yet ask Jeff Epstein….and why was he let off so easy by the Democratic Gestapo in the first place?

    Umm, he had dirt on them?

  22. LAX says:

    ( )( )==D — mmmmmeeeellllllanka

  23. Phoenix says:

    Corporate leaders are like Vlad Putin. Those old white guys are fat, full, and overpaid. That’s how they could walk so easily. Management doesn’t care, they just want younger and cheaper.

    Haven’t you realized yet that no one gives a f ucc about anything anymore? I mean, other than J Lopez and Ben Affleck breaking up?

    Latest RTO push has been a disaster. Entirely stealth layoffs at the corp level and blind scrambling for cost savings or otherwise at the associate level.

    Saw the big Walmart push a day or two ago, this is entirely the case.

    We had a client force it, despite our strong caution.

    At least 30% of the team quit, for those left absenteeism is up 3-4x, through the roof.

    Performance absolute shit.

    It’s not even stealth quitting anymore, it’s stealth f*ck-you-over sabotage.

  24. Phoenix says:

    Juice Box says:
    May 17, 2024 at 10:28 am
    Scottie Scheffler this morning

    He will pay a fine and it will disappear like invisible ink.

    Money solves anything and everything.

  25. Phoenix says:

    Love how they yanked the poor guy’s Ring doorbell and threw it in the snow.

  26. Juice Box says:

    He is out…

    Scheffler was released at 8:40 a.m. ET Friday without bail. He arrived at Valhalla less than an hour before he was scheduled to tee off at 10:08 a.m. ET

  27. Phoenix says:



  28. Very Stable Genius says:

    Life of privilege is beautiful.

    Juice Box says:
    May 17, 2024 at 10:38 am
    He is out…

    Scheffler was released at 8:40 a.m. ET Friday without bail. He arrived at Valhalla less than an hour before he was scheduled to tee off at 10:08 a.m. ET

  29. Juice Box says:

    Scottie eagle’s the first hole.

  30. Phoenix says:

    Broad runs over 2 kids while on booze and prescription drugs, hires attorney who is friends with the judge and connected to the DA who is accused of a whole list of crimes.

    Bet she gets two years at most.

  31. Fast Eddie says:

    Those old white guys are fat, full, and overpaid.

    They’re on the way out but be careful, the youngsters and DEI group are not nearly as creative nor dedicated to maintaining the level of production even as recent as a decade ago. We’re now Rome in the latter stages and I wish I could say otherwise.

    And you liberals should also lower your rhetoric on the Boomers getting s0cial security and healthcare. They’re the ones that were feeding your entitlements for the last 40 years. Again, the newbees are nowhere near being up to the task of keeping that level of production. You’ll be fighting among yourselves for the scraps.

  32. Phoenix says:

    Hey guys, let me out.

    I can get ‘ya front row at the next PGA tour with plane tickets and free accommodations.

    You can sit at our table. Is it a deal? Bring your wives, girlfriends and kids too.

  33. Phoenix says:

    I am in a different industry, where precision is important. And let me tell you something in three words.


    Every week there is a plane with a part falling off of it. A cop raiding the wrong house, a mechanic that doesn’t torque a lug nut, a worker that puts cheese on a hamburger, a bank that is busy laundering money…

    There is no pride, there are no morals, there is no ethics. It’s all gone, it’s all fake.

    Social media has shown every American what other Americans are really like. Just look at AOC and MTG. That’s what our government has become, and now it’s broadcasted to everyone. Or Schleffler- the entitlement, the narcissism.

    Future is gonna be fun.

    Fast Eddie says:
    May 17, 2024 at 10:49 am
    “They’re on the way out but be careful, the youngsters and DEI group are not nearly as creative nor dedicated to maintaining the level of production even as recent as a decade ago.

  34. Phoenix says:

    Just a good ‘ol boy, Never meaning no harm….. Hehe

    The world No 1, 27, was later booked into jail and a mugshot released via the Louisville Department of Corrections. DailyMail can confirm that Scheffler has since been freed from jail after being charged with the following:

    Second-degree assault of a police officer
    Third-degree criminal mischief
    Reckless driving
    Disregarding traffic signals from an officer directing traffic

  35. Phoenix says:


    That last link is for you. Your love for motorsports that is.

  36. Phoenix says:

    Houston got hammered.

    Do they still want to secede or will they have their hands out in the Federal Government Treasury?

  37. Fast Eddie says:

    The General Lee… a ’69 Dodge Charger… with Catherine Bach along for the ride. ;)

  38. Juice Box says:

    re : Houston

    Yes hammered literally…by a large tree.

    A 31-year-old woman who had recently given birth to her fourth child was killed when a tree fell across their car in their driveway, according to FOX 26 Houston. The station reports the woman had concerns about the stability of the tree in the storm and had gone out to the car to move it out of the way when the tree toppled, pinning her inside.

    Should have retired. Hammered by a crane..

    A 73-year-old man was killed while working inside a cement truck when a crane toppled into the cab, FOX 26 reported.

  39. Phoenix says:


    That was brutal. Yet funny. Then when you get to the article where the comments go:

    “The comments below have been moderated in advance.”

    They will need to be.

  40. TraitorJoe says:

    Every day we’re reminded what a banana republic we’ve become with these radicals. Bad idea for the left to build their campaign around defending democracy when they have weaponized every function.

  41. Fabius Maximus says:

    Forget AOC vs MTG, Jasmine Crocket threw the best shade.

    “”I’m just curious, just to better understand your ruling,” Crockett said. “If someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody’s bleach blond, bad-built butch body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct?””

  42. TraitorJoe says:

    Someone needs to tell Scottie and king Biden that no one is above the law.

  43. Very Stable Genius says:

    Life of privilege is beautiful.

    Boeing shareholders re-elect departing CEO Calhoun to board
    PUBLISHED FRI, MAY 17 202412:10 PM EDT

    Boeing shareholders voted to re-elect the outgoing CEO Dave Calhoun to the board of directors, a preliminary tally on Friday showed, as company leaders sought to reassure investors that the manufacturer is on the path to stability amid its latest safety crisis.

  44. Traitorjoe says:

    Butch body is h funny but how doesn’t that get you canceled? Double standard again? Seems like it.

  45. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Are you referring to the people that “work” from home?

    I will never back down from my position. WFH is a joke and eventually it will lead to inefficient businesses long-term. Who care though, my quality of life matters more. Just don’t cry when the inefficiencies bleed into your standard of living.

    Nobody wants to work in America anymore–that’s what the WFH movement exemplifies. Entitled pussies that don’t want to get their hands dirty with actual work. Instead it is on their time and at their schedule…and it’s not about pushing innovation, it’s only about maintaining the status quo.

    Go teach the young workers…nah, rather stay at home and do the bare minimum. My quality of life will be impacted. ….Losers.

    Very Stable Genius says:
    May 17, 2024 at 10:43 am
    Life of privilege is beautiful.

  46. Fabius Maximus says:

    “Someone needs to tell Scottie and king Biden that no one is above the law.”

    Can you tell that to the Orange Messiah on trial in New York.

  47. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Perfect post for what I just posted….wfh anyone? Is there not a bigger sign than that? Can’t even get people to go to work…

    Fast Eddie says:
    May 17, 2024 at 10:49 am
    Those old white guys are fat, full, and overpaid.

    They’re on the way out but be careful, the youngsters and DEI group are not nearly as creative nor dedicated to maintaining the level of production even as recent as a decade ago. We’re now Rome in the latter stages and I wish I could say otherwise.

    And you liberals should also lower your rhetoric on the Boomers getting s0cial security and healthcare. They’re the ones that were feeding your entitlements for the last 40 years. Again, the newbees are nowhere near being up to the task of keeping that level of production. You’ll be fighting among yourselves for the scraps.

  48. Phoenix says:

    Traitorjoe says:
    May 17, 2024 at 12:23 pm
    Butch body is h funny but how doesn’t that get you canceled? Double standard again? Seems like it.

    Skanky Greene did start it. So it is deserved.

    Bill Burr made a ruling that Cancel Culture is over.

  49. TraitorJoe says:

    It looks to me like Biden is the one obstructing and weaponized the state. This trial are all political motivated by rabid leftists. They are the criminals. If your one then then I guess you don’t see it.

  50. Phoenix says:

    You mean the Boomers that Grim was talking about this morning?

    The Great Pumpkin says:
    May 17, 2024 at 12:23 pm
    Nobody wants to work in America anymore–that’s what the WFH movement exemplifies. Entitled pussies that don’t want to get their hands dirty with actual work. Instead it is on their time and at their schedule…and it’s not about pushing innovation, it’s only about maintaining the status quo.

  51. Traitorjoe says:

    Okay, so it ended when the left got a taste of their own medicine. That’s my hope for woke now that the snake is eating us own tail on college campuses.

  52. Very Stable Genius says:

    South always subsidized by the Northeast

    Phoenix says:
    May 17, 2024 at 11:08 am
    Houston got hammered.

    Do they still want to secede or will they have their hands out in the Federal Government Treasury?

  53. Fast Eddie says:

    Yeah… the butch body remark was funny as hell.

  54. Phoenix says:

    Sorry boys, you can’t do this WFH. Chinese know how to produce. Plus now they have Russia on the ropes. Gonna be a fun future.

    The German defense industry depends heavily on Chinese raw materials such as rare earths, with Beijing mining 69% of rare earths globally and processing 86%, according to official figures.

    China also dominates the mining of other resources crucial for the defense industry, with a share of 74% for graphite and 78% for wolfram, according to the figures. China also accounts for more than 90% of global magnesium processing – essential for the production of aluminum – and more than 80% of germanium.

  55. Phoenix says:

    TraitorJoe says:
    May 17, 2024 at 12:33 pm
    It looks to me like Biden is the one obstructing and weaponized the state.

    Obama did too. Clinton sent American jobs out of the country. Slo Joe with his classified documents parked next to his Vette. His son connected with Ukrainian gas companies.

    Dirty the whole lot of them.

  56. Very Stable Genius says:

    Reagan moved US manufacturing to China. Made executives rich, destroyed middle class, and in exchange gave universal healthcare and universal income to boomers.

    Phoenix says:
    May 17, 2024 at 1:06 pm
    Sorry boys, you can’t do this WFH. Chinese know how to produce. Plus now they have Russia on the ropes. Gonna be a fun future.

    The German defense industry depends heavily on Chinese raw materials such as rare earths, with Beijing mining 69% of rare earths globally and processing 86%, according to official figures.

    China also dominates the mining of other resources crucial for the defense industry, with a share of 74% for graphite and 78% for wolfram, according to the figures. China also accounts for more than 90% of global magnesium processing – essential for the production of aluminum – and more than 80% of germanium.

  57. Fast Eddie says:

    “Oh, girl, Baby girl. Don’t even play.”

    That was some good street stuff, haven’t heard or seen it in while, not since the Heights days when the Puerto Rican guys were running up the hill from Hoboken and we were firing homemade cannons made from this old-fashioned soda cans. They were thicker than car fenders. Defending Bower Street Park was like defending Little Round Top. Fix bayonets!! Lol. We threw everything down the hill… old truck tires, shopping carts, small boulders… it was like a scene out of Monty Python and the Holy Grail when the French were flinging chickens and cows over the wall. Lol.

  58. Jim says:

    Very Stable Genius says:
    May 17, 2024 at 7:25 am
    Maga Boomer is a closeted socialist who receives universal healthcare and universal basic income, sits at home watching Fox News all day and gets hysterical with college kids and with people working from home unwilling to RTO

    grim says:
    May 17, 2024 at 7:55 am
    This is true, largely an old white guy problem.

    Two peas in one pod, Grim is that how you would classify your own father??? How about you two take a field trip and go to Home Depot or Lowes and ask those old white men how old they are. Home Depot in Newton has one guy @71 working because his wife passed…still has to pay his mortgage. Shop Rite has at least 5 cashiers over 66.
    By the way I paid into SS over 55 years I will never get it all back…but the illegals get free room and board , clothing , food an Medicaid. My first wife paid into the system from 20 to 42 never got a dime out before she passed.

    Right now I am paying over $1500 a month for my healthcare as is my wife, Where is all our free stuff????
    Oh thats right Grim got free money from the government , Very stable idiot isn’t telling what he gets for free but we know he is getting kicked in the stock market with Coin down $80 bucks and NVO also down what a clown especially in this market. After you have worked and paid taxes as long as me , then you can gripe .
    People in glass houses should not throw stones, favorite saying of my Dad. Take the advice you won’t look as ignorant.

  59. Phoenix says:

    Andrew Kudrick, 50, will be banned for life from public employment and will receive probation instead of prison time in exchange, state Attorney General Matthew Platkin said.
    Hope it was worth it. Hehe. Don’t dip your pen in the company ink. Hehe.

    Kudrick, of Farmingdale, lied to Howell Township officials about the affair and “threatened to launch an improper internal affairs investigation” of a captain who called him on it, the attorney general said.

    A confrontation between the chief’s wife and his alleged mistress during a 2021 retirement party “raised suspicions about the possible existence of the improper relationship,” Platkin said.

  60. Phoenix says:

    Very Stable Genius says:
    May 17, 2024 at 1:11 pm
    Reagan moved US manufacturing to China. Made executives rich, destroyed middle class, and in exchange gave universal healthcare and universal income to boomers.

    No argument from me. Always said both sides abhor the “pesky middle class.” It’s too expensive. The American government stopped working for the average American decades ago.

  61. Phoenix says:

    Ya gotta pay the slaves something or you have to go back to calling them slaves, and you can’t have that.

    Guess you can call them the Uyghurs of America, or UOA for short.

    Jim says:
    May 17, 2024 at 1:22 pm
    but the illegals get free room and board , clothing , food an Medicaid.

  62. Phoenix says:

    Right now I am paying over $1500 a month for my healthcare as is my wife, Where is all our free stuff????

    Just jack up your rent. Then you tenants can pay it for you.

    And your healthcare costs, well, you can thank Private Equity for that.

  63. LAX says:

    ( )( ) =====D — freeee stuuff

  64. Phoenix says:

    The word is living up to its meaning. Going to be even more accurate thanks to Boomer Greed for everyone who is purchasing today.

    Jim says:
    May 17, 2024 at 1:22 pm
    ask those old white men how old they are. Home Depot in Newton has one guy @71 working because his wife passed…still has to pay his mortgage

    The word “mortgage” comes from the Old French words morgage and gage, which literally translates to “dead pledge”. The prefix “mort” means “dead”, while the suffix “gage” means “pledge”.

  65. Phoenix says:


    For you, time stamped, your Heights days. Hehe.

  66. LAX says:

    ( )( )===D — hehe— hehe–

  67. 3b says:

    Very Stable: Seriously, Regan got rid of our manufacturing jobs and sent them all to China?? And where were the Democrats when this happened? Were they fighting valiantly against this, and then of course NAFTA, and Glass-Stegall, were these all opposed by the Democrats?

  68. Very Stable Genius says:

    Jim what are so angry about? The current system works exactly as designed by you. The illegals ain’t gonna mess up your socialist universal healthcare or your socialist universal income. Be happy like 3b.

    3b says:
    April 26, 2024 at 1:36 pm
    Fast: As long as you don’t drive recklessly, you can continue to drive your BMW and be confident that penis issues do not apply to you.

  69. Jim says:

    Very Stable Genius says:
    May 17, 2024 at 5:33 pm
    Jim what are so angry about? The current system works exactly as designed by you. The illegals ain’t gonna mess up your socialist universal healthcare or your socialist universal income. Be happy like 3b.

    Not angry just being honest, something you have a real problem with, many boomers are not living the high life… but why let the truth get in your way. Has that Coin treating you LOL

  70. OrangeTraitorAndMenendez CanBeFoundInCellBlockC says:


    I agree with VSG. You got very little to be angry about.

    So your health insurance premium is high? At least you can afford the premiums. Your premium breaks down into 50% paying for old geezers, 10% paying for everyone not a geezera and 40% for C Suite comp/benefits and corporate profits.

    BTW – interest rate need to go higher. Witnessed accidentally an open house in 2 hours. 25 people total. 2 serious flippers. 5 jokes of flippers. 15 couples with no chance in hell. 3 in-laws buying for kids.

    Bloomberg Surveillance was addressing the interest rate issue. The consensus is the fed screwed up with too much too long and now they are still behind in increasing and slowly losing control as we drift into the Stagflation swamp. Real rates at 2.08% and inflation increasing. Too much money still speculating away.

  71. 3b says:

    Very: It’s Ok. Like I told you , love is love.

  72. 3b says:

    Orange Traitor et al: Bloomberg is a little late in their analysis of the Fed and keeping rates low for so long. I have been saying that for years.

  73. Jim says:

    OrangeTraitorAndMenendez CanBeFoundInCellBlockC says:
    May 17, 2024 at 6:33 pm

    Sorry I am not angry, just pointing out that VSG is full of shit, I probably pay more than he does for insurance…and I am a boomer. He is absolutely misinformed. I assume his attacks on boomers makes him feel better , but reality is he is wrong on facts.

    I also would be very happy if interest rates would go higher, I scrimped and saved my whole life and wish they would be raised. Except the government will not let that happen. Real estate needs an anchor to slow it down, people cannot afford the current prices.

    I am not saying I cannot afford it, but instead tell him to get his facts straight. If I got all the money that I put into SS over my 50 plus working years I would be getting a lot more. Instead our politicians spend that money for their pet projects.

  74. OrangeTraitorNeed LotsOfButterInCellBlockC says:


    If you got all your SS contribution back with market rate interest or higher risk investments, it will pay you for a few years and then stop. This experiment was tried out by the fans of Univ of Chicago Business School Milton Friedman in Chile under the Pinochet Dictatorship. The last president elected there Michelle Bachellet’s winning point was the replacement of that system with a Social Security like system.

    How do you pay for? Well present working population pays for present retirees in perpetuity. How do you keep it again? With tax policy that make the promote the social well being of everyone so there is an incentive to be pro-social. Read the article below, but at heart is that boomers took the best and crapped on the system that ensure they had it good.

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