From WalletHub:
Happiest States in America (2024)
Happiness comes from a combination of internal and external factors. We can influence it somewhat by approaching situations positively or choosing to spend time with people we love, doing activities we enjoy. However, other things out of our control, like the cost-of-living crisis or the stress of being in an election year – and they have taken a toll, with only 47% of Americans saying they are “very satisfied” with their lives.

New Jersey
New Jersey is the third-happiest state, with the lowest share of people reporting traumatic events during their childhood and the second-highest life satisfaction rate. The state also has the second-lowest depression rate and the second-highest share of people who have supportive relationships and love in their lives. All these factors come together to create the conditions for good mental health.
Residents of New Jersey also demonstrate their happiness in their marriages. The Garden State has the third-lowest separation and divorce rate in the country, at around 17%.
Finally, when it comes to finances, New Jersey has the third-highest share of households earning over $75,000 per year. It also has the sixth-lowest food insecurity rate, which shows that the state is making progress when it comes to addressing poverty. Plus, New Jersey has the ninth-lowest share of people who get anxious when thinking about their personal finances.
Baa Baa Booey!
Where’s California, Oregon and Washington? It’s only red states where deplorables reside that have poor quality of life. And where’s New York?
Fast: If NJ ranks so high, why do so many people appear so angry. Just saying.
Oh yeah? Fuck you.
Jersey boy:
“I will cripple you and you have no idea what that means. Nobody does,” Daggett said in a video released by the union last month.
“These people today don’t know what a strike is,” “Everything in the United States comes on a ship.”
“First week, it will be all over the news — boom, boom, boom. Second week, guys who sell cars can’t sell cars because the cars ain’t coming in off the ships. They get laid off. Third week, malls start closing down. They can’t get the goods from China. They can’t sell clothes. They can’t do this. Everything in the United States comes on on a ship. They go out of business. Construction workers get laid off because the materials aren’t coming . The steel i s not coming in. The lumber is not coming in. They lose their jobs. Everybody is hating the Longshoremen now because now they realize how important our jobs are now.”
California is great, if you are rich. Have been very happy hanging out in places like Palo Alto, Malibu, San Diego, Napa, etc.
California has some awesome weather and natural amenities … but also a very high poverty rate, relativity low IQ underclass and some industries like show biz are dying.
Couple that with a propensity for huge fires and natural disasters. Viola unhappiness !
An interesting article on Breitbart reference the recent jobs report-
Breitbart Business Digest: The October Surprise Jobs Numbers Aren’t What They Seem
The article discusses how the Bureau of Labor Statistics uses seasonal adjustments to massage the numbers. You have reality and then you have your government stats.
Grim: Really? The people are awful. No one is direct with you. Everyone wears a mask. We are harsh and abrasive, but at least you know where you stand.
10:59 hahaha I think that’s a lot of places but yeah the CA native is a strange bird.
Chi, the teachers on the AP forums have that problem. The west coasters can’t stand when someone from Northeast criticizes the college board policies out in the open. They much prefer to fake their satisfaction for the public
Do you think if Trump wins he’ll deport the Mexicans?
Asking for a friend.
Fast: If NJ ranks so high, why do so many people appear so angry. Just saying.
Too many Soprano, Housewives from Jersey and Jersey Shore episodes. Everybody is Italian American and mobbed up. The latest is the “boss” of the Longshoremen union, sounding like a “goomba”. I can only imagine what the U.S. outside the northeast thinks of Jersey people.
Fast: I don’t understand how the longshoremen have 50k members, but only 25k actually work. The other 25k don’t work but get paid from royalties from the shipping companies. This arrangement was negotiated in previous contracts. So who has to work, who gets to stay home and get paid. Do they take turns?
Free expression of aggression is actually healthier than holding it all in.
A lot of Californians tend to spend too much time in their own heads.
Meanwhile, the breezes are absolutely lovely.
Mets win in Philly 6-2,
No runs until 8th inning for Mets !!!!
A bottle of scotch, a hotel room and a Mets playoff game are a lethal combination.
“ can only imagine what the U.S. outside the northeast thinks of Jersey people.”
They don’t.
The federal response to the disaster down south is absolutely appalling. There are people with type I diabetes, in need of O2 and other medicines, food, water, etc. and the lag by our leaders is just an epic fail. Private entities are using helicopters, tractor trailers and any other thing at their disposal to bypass what’s left of FEMA to step up. What a sad, fucking mess.
Which states in the Southeast voted no on Sandy relief?
Pretty sure that was all of the North Carolina and Tennessee Representatives.
Karmas a bitch I guess..
Which states in the Southeast voted no on Sandy relief?
People were engulfed in mudslides during Sandy? Abandoned on rooftops as they collapsed and drowned? Sandy victims were isolated for a week without water and medication? They tied their kids to a floating device hoping they’d be found? No roads in or out. Isolated. The body count will be 400 plus when it’s all said and done. 12 people died in Jersey from Sandy. The liberal, blue-blooded northeast had enough resources to replace their precious summer houses. How many Sandy victims had flood insurance? Less than 1% of these people down south had it. Oh, that’s right, Katrina Harris made a 20 minute visit. Karma’s a bitch? That’s your response?
Sandy caused 147 fatalities in the US. Sandy damage was $86 billion (inflation adjusted).
Does NC need paper towels? Why hasn’t Trump delivered yet?
Let’s be clear, I’m not against helping here, these regions need aid and support, there is no question this should be provided.
What I’m against is the f*cking hypocrisy that comes out of the Southeast.
Does NC need paper towels? Why hasn’t Trump delivered yet?
Because O’Biden said they have everything they need.
In other news the Biden administration authorized 157 million in humanitarian aid for civilians in Lebanon.
Well, a few things. Sandy, we saw coming from a mile away. Sandy, they got an actual federal response. The secondary round of funding was denied by the GOP, and they were later exposed for their hypocrisy. Also worth noting, almost nobody lives on LBI. My cousin lives there year round and has 25 sets of keys from neighbors to tend to their homes in case of emergency.
The people of North Carolina didn’t see this coming. Moreover, maybe they didn’t even vote for those same politicians. They deserved a federal response. They didn’t even get any type of organized rescue effort. And at the very least, they deserve some sort of federal funding to help rebuild the area. Same goes for Maui. They all got absolutely nothing.
The federal response to the disaster down south is absolutely appalling.
Then why are governors of the affected states praising federal relief efforts???
Watching the Jets vs Vikings game on TV. Rogers has thrown some picks today and doesn’t seem protected all that well in the pocket. The game isn’t out of reach but there is a reason the Vikings are 4-0.
Vikings are a different team without Aaron Jones. There is a reason the Packers let him go. The greatest football ability is availability.
Hate to break it to MAGA but the federal response to the storm has been excellent. It is another Trump concoction. When are you fools gonna realize that’s all this fool does. Everything he utters is utter bullshit.
You all forgot how many people were pissed locally with the Sandy response. From what I read, there are so many helicopters delivering supplies to stranded communities that they fear a crash.
And LGM.
Lib: I don’t think there is any hard core MAGA on this site. If anything it’s predominantly Democrats and supporters of Harris. Her shortfalls shall we say are ignored or deemed to be BS. I did note earlier today that the Biden administration approved 157 million in aid to civilians in Lebanon. I have no issue with that, we have always been the first to overwhelmingly respond to catastrophes and wars around the world. The timing does not look good in light of the the hurricane, and I do hope the aid gets to the people who need it, and not stolen. It’s ironic that we provide Israel with military aid, and they are now have no choice but to go after Hezbollah, and the death and destruction that will cause, and then we provide multiple millions to provide humanitarian aid to Lebanon to help civilians which I imagine includes rebuilding efforts. It’s never going to end over there.
Phillies FTW ….
“ Lib: I don’t think there is any hard core MAGA on this site”
This immediately goes into the Dumb Post Hall of Fame.
“Lib: I don’t think there is any hard core MAGA on this site”
haha, wtf?
3b with a typically obtuse post.
Where is the new thread?
Are you that stupid?
3b says:
October 6, 2024 at 7:25 pm
Lib: I don’t think there is any hard core MAGA on this site.
“If Kamala wins, the amount of outcome denial this year is going to be orders of magnitude larger than what we saw in 2020.”
The Stalwart
Re : outcome denial
Larger than 2000? That was some denial, nearly 24 years later still allot of angst.
Larger than 2016? Hillary is still going around claiming she won. Not a few months goes by without some quote about an illegitimate president, or how we need to dismantle the electoral system.
3B – Don’t bother, when you cage rats his is what happens they tear each other to pieces.
But you are right nobody on this board has a Trump bumper sticker or lawn sign. Heck I don’t see many people here putting out a Harris/Walz sign either.
Death toll for Helene is 232 now? That makes it equal to Hurricane Sandy 12 years ago.
They will now need $50 Billion to recover. It’s only fair.
If it were so successful, the media would be on the ground broadcasting it daily, like they did with Sandy. Instead the coverage has been nearly non-existent.
Death toll for Helene: It’s just a bunch of deplorables. Bulldoze the muck and bodies, cap it and forget it. It’ll lead to bigger blue votes in the future. Remember, you can’t let a crisis go to waste.
Now do VP Harris…
“According to a computer analysis by The New York Times, Mr. Trump’s rally speeches now last an average of 82 minutes, compared with 45 minutes in 2016. Proportionately, he uses 13 percent more all-or-nothing terms like “always” and “never” than he did eight years ago, which some experts consider a sign of advancing age.”
If it were so successful, the media would be on the ground broadcasting it daily…
I was chatting with friends about this yesterday. Where are they? Private and Church groups are doing the heavy lifting, FEMA reps are in hotel rooms “monitoring” the situation. And Federal officials standing around on site is useless.
In other news, Katrina Harris was asked if her administration stands with Netanyahu. Her response was the American people stand with the Israeli people. Translation? The left is primarily anti-semantic but we can’t come out and say it.
In fairness, yes there are many right leaning types, and also conservatives, but a hardcore Maga would defend Trump and anything he says. If you accept that general definition of Maga, then it is a fair thing to say.
Very Stable Genius says:
October 7, 2024 at 7:12 am
Are you that stupid?
3b says:
October 6, 2024 at 7:25 pm
Lib: I don’t think there is any hard core MAGA on this site.
The response has been incredible. There is no one complaining about the response besides Trump. No one on the ground is complaining. As to why it was so much easier to deal with Sandy? Well it helps tremendously that the area is heavily populated with hundreds of routes to go everywhere. Where the disaster struck the worst is in some of the most sparsely populated areas. Again, until I read a single repor, just one, that states the response has been anything but incredible, I’m going to stick with the old Trump will make up any kind of bullshit to help him try to win this election. Politicising a natural disaster is on the adjacent page of the playbook where he puts down POWs for getting caught and dead soldiers for getting shot. This is who half the country supports. It continues to boggle my mind that people would vote for this asshole, but I suppose a former DA, AG, State Senator, and VP is unqualified. Better to go with the developer who bankrupts every company he touches, and gives everyone a playschool nickname. Yes, Kamala may be too far Left. That is a valid argument. But everything else reeks of racism. The same racism that Trump flames to try to get votes. The immigrants are taking the black jobs. Geezus.
Juice: You are right. Unfortunately even this blog has succumbed to the if you criticize the Democrats then you must be a MAGA supporter. It is amazing how the Democrats on this site claimed they saw no mental decline in Biden prior to his debate speech. He was just prone to gaffes, and he had a stutter when he was young, or it is just right wing and Fox talking points. Of course they were wrong . Harris was a terrible VP, even Democratic insiders knew it. Of course anyone who questioned her competence or knowledge on any particular subject/ policy decision is automatically labeled racist/ sexist. The Democrats immediately fell into line in their support and defense of her. No acknowledging that perhaps she is a weak choice . No, nothing just fall into line and support Harris and the Democrats, just as blindly as any MAGA supporter. So vote for Harris or stay quiet as you will be under suspicion.
In other news. Proving again that Tesla’s are pieces of shit. Besides knowing they are, from being in one and by visibly seeing how shit doesn’t align right off the assembly line and of course the terrible reliability ratings from Consumer Reports…
GEICO, a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A, BRK.B), has decided to cease offering insurance for Tesla’s (TSLA, Financial) Cybertruck, citing that it does not meet their underwriting standards. The decision comes amid reports of various operational issues with the Cybertruck, such as a malfunctioning rear camera and other design flaws. Although some problems have been addressed through recalls, others remain unresolved. This move marks a significant development for Tesla as it continues to tackle these challenges.
Ten 403
Fast: You are not Jewish, so you cannot comment on whether something is anti semitism or not.
You are completely wrong here. It’s not that Kamala is not a great pick, it’s that Trump is abhorrent. Yeah, the MSM leans left. Yeah, they are playing Kamala up when before Biden stepped down, they were unimpressed. And you are right about Biden and his decline. But at the end of the day, people get to choose between two weak choices. And if you can’t understand how people like Kamala? Then explain to me how you are okay with a pathological liar, narcissist and egoist, who is more embarassing to watch than even the feeble old man was?
It’s always the lesser of two evils. But one of two truly is evil and continues to rank as the biggest disaster of my lifetime. As a matter of fact, I never really had much issue with all of the others. But the leader of America should not behave like an ignoramus. Sorry. But America knows this and he’s doubling down on the losing strategy.
Fast didn’t say anti-semitic.
He said anti-semantic.
I think he is fully qualified to comment on any anti-semantic terms there are.
Ten pricing in the end of interest rate cuts. 3b, you should be happy.
As to your anti-semetic remark. Josh Kusnick, former MLB player agent and comic states it best.
post of the day
Phoenix says:
October 7, 2024 at 9:53 am
Fast didn’t say anti-semitic.
He said anti-semantic.
I think he is fully qualified to comment on any anti-semantic terms there are.
drove past Colt’s Neck high school yesterday after Apple Picking at Wemrock in Freehold. What the heck is going on there? Massive construction of townhomes?
To quote Jack Reacher.
“Details matter.”
Looking forward to the new season, and spinoff with Neagley as well.
Lib – choose between two weak choices.
Not really if are choosing destruction. These wars need to end now, if Israel goes after Iran further we could see several thousand rocket launches in the coming days, and in a further escalation perhaps a nuclear strike from Israel in retaliation. It’s bad enough that France is now calling for an end to US shipments of bombs, they are not alone either England is also refusing to ship arms.
Ukraine is now snatching any living breathing man from the streets to send to the front lines, that war is only getting worse too. Ustinov is again threatening a nuclear strike if we keep giving them one range weapons. Sleepy Joe and VP Harris are both weak, and they are dragging us into this war now, we did more bombings today Yemen and unlike VP Harris claimed during the debate there are US Troops in harms way in the hot zone. It has been a complete foreign policy failure and a complete lack of diplomacy that we are here now with WWIII on our doorstep.
Ronald DeSanctimonious is live in Flo-Rida spewing out his fake heartfelt concerns for his constituents.
Expect more flooding.
Eat more chikin’
Good luck Florida.
BRT – Kushner 340 units, they finally got approval after proposing the usage of a massive septic tank since there is no town sewer system. This new soccer field sized septic system is near a brook that feeds our water supply too. What could g wrong?
Putin and Netanyahu have one thing in common.
They say what they will do, and they do it, and don’t care about what the Dopey rudderless Americans think or do.
Biden is currently trying to decide if he should wipe with Ultra Soft or Ultra Strong. Has been in a phase locked loop over this since 7am
Kamala is on the phone with the Joker’s makeup and hair stylists trying to get her look just right for the day, she already has the laugh just about perfect.
Orange hair guy is getting his food tested this morning using DNA analysis to confirm it’s bacon and not Ren and Stimpy.
Libturd says:
October 7, 2024 at 9:50 am
“one of two truly is evil”
Moronic, irrational, hyper-feminized, drivel!
Carmella’s support among men is microscopic because most recognize that she’s an imbecile, that the last 4 years have been disastrous, and that T is light-years more competent, rational and intelligent — and don’t care all that much that he’s a blow-hard. You male Dem stooges who continue to support the idiocy and incompetence that is the modern Dem party, all while being marginalized within the party as it becomes more feminine and more radically leftist, really need to re-evaluate.
Anti-semantic democratic party pres and vp are both married to semitic people. In fact their cabinet is 80% semitic or spouses of semitic people.
The only moronic thing is to follow the mumblings of a prison escapee to repeat the question and not answer anything. How/Why? In the background proj2025 run by Thiel/Musk Heritage is powering the boat with no public discussions.
Just more of Kushner’s subscription network. He is the Netflix of housing. Hehe.
Sixteen tons and what do you get, a unit of Kushner’s and deeper in debt. St. Peter, don’t you call me ’cause I can’t go
I owe my soul to the Kush-ner store.
BRT – Kushner 340 units, they finally got approval after proposing the usage of a massive septic tank since there is no town sewer system. This new soccer field sized septic system is near a brook that feeds our water supply too. What could g wrong?
Lib – overblown as usual. GEICO won’t insure Ferraris, and Lamborghinis and other expensive cars either, since the cost to fix them in means they always lose money. They would rather insure five cheap Toyotas over one cybertruck.
Anti-semantic democratic party pres and vp are both married to semitic people. In fact their cabinet is 80% semitic or spouses of semitic people.
So much for details matter.
I should have been an English teacher. Would have had fun and a pension full of fat stacks by now.
Did the brain dead dolt “prepare rigorously” for them landing a few on American soil?
Russia don’t need them to take over Ukraine. They will need them to take on the Great Satan if they keep sticking their noses in where they don’t belong.
I just hope I’m off work when they land here. Wanna see my kid one last time.
In late 2022, the US began “preparing rigorously” for Russia potentially striking Ukraine with a nuclear weapon, in what would have been the first nuclear attack in war since the US dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki nearly eighty years before, two senior administration officials told CNN.
The Biden administration was specifically concerned Russia might use a tactical or battlefield nuclear weapon, the officials said.
doesn’t .
Juice: Don’t worry, Harris is urging Netanyahu to call a ceasefire. She has a plan I guess. I am sure she got a crash course in all the different players in the Middle East in this current crisis. She has served almost 4 years as VP, plus 4 years as a U.S. Senator, and is a former prosecutor. So that means she is more than competent and qualified to be President. To think or say otherwise would be almost racist.
I like the fault divorce feature of Project 2025.
Maybe enough to get my azz off the couch and pull the lever. But it’s a little too late perhaps.
What was your take on the first Gulf War? And then the second? Just curious.
Harris is urging Netanyahu to call a ceasefire.
When hell freezes over.
And Trump’s political knowledge?
You are drinking the Kool-aid on Tesla.
3b -ceasefire?
Biden himself said two days ago Netanyahu is committing election interference by refusing to agree to a ceasefire. Israel has ignored a U.S. and France led initiative for even a short cooling off three week ceasefire.
I would love to buy a BYD car over a Tesla.
But my Communist country won’t let me.
Across the street from my son’s high school.
Everyone is floored how fast he detonated acres and acres of trees in a manner of days. It is a huge pit of dirt. Looks like a strip mine.
Re: Kushner
Everyone is floored how fast he detonated acres and acres of trees in a manner of days. It is a huge pit of dirt. Looks like a strip mine.
I guess Colt’s Neck is now a war zone. Maybe Biden can send the residents there an aid package.
Lib: You are putting words in my mouth. I have never defended Trump, and every negative thing that can be said about him is true. He is abhorrent on so many levels.
My issue is with Democrats, and the media, and yourself who are now portraying Harris is a strong qualified candidate to be President of the U.S. She is not on so many levels. That is what I have an issue with. Your last post was the first time I believe where you have actually said she is a weak candidate. Is she the lesser of two evils, yes, but that’s not saying much in my opinion. If the media was doing an honest job, they would at least acknowledge Harris is a weak candidate, and is saying everything and anything to get elected. Complete about faces on just about every major policy. I can understand people voting for Harris as the lesser of two evils, but what I can’t understand is the BS makeover rewriting of the narrative that Harris is a qualified, experienced strong candidate to be President. She is not.
Milton looks to be a beast. Tampa Bay in the crosshairs.
LIb – First Gulf war was a clan feud started because the leader of Kuwait at the time some King Jaber said he would turn every Iraqi woman into a $10 prostitute, and two days later after the invasion he was hiding in Saudi Arabia because Saddam’s death squads were out for him and his entire blood line. At least we did not stay, we invaded, liberated Kuwait and only lost 292 killed and 776 wounded on our side.
2nd Gulf Iraq war was founded on several lies, that they were involved in 9/11 and had WMDs, and it wasn’t because Saddam tried to have daddy killed when he went to collect his award in Kuwait. It should have never happened…
Re and Trumps political knowledge. You just proved one of my points. It’s always what about Trump. We know that already, and we have had 4 years of it.
But, the Democrats portray themselves as the grownups, the adults who have the knowledge and expertise and discipline to get the job done and produce positive results.
Well, that’s certain not the case now, as we have crises around the world, and our foreign policy appears to be a failure. Of course the news and improved Harris will fix all of this.
Michael Moore weighs in…
Right now, if you know how to really read the polls, or if you have access to the various private and internal polling being conducted by and shared only amongst the elites, Wall Street, and Members of Congress, then you already know that this election was over weeks ago. Trump simply refused to believe that “Sleepy Joe” was no longer his opponent and that there was instead “some woman” claiming she was “Black” who was now going to pummel him on Election Day. He soon became unhinged, ranted for hours about Hannibal Lecter, Haitians cannibalizing your pets, and a nonstop drone of oral diarrhea spewing misogyny, racism and essentially claiming that if he loses “it will be the Jews’ fault.”
The vast majority of the country, the normal people, have seen enough and want the clown car to disappear into the MAGA vortex somewhere between reality and Orlando. The swift and explosive momentum for Kamala Harris is unlike anything that’s been seen in decades. Which is why maybe at this point in my rant I just need to say out loud that which is being said to me in private by people I respect — and not just in whispers, but in excited tones of exuberance: That a new era is being born, one where caucasian is just one of the options but no longer the bossy pants of the world. Where it’s OK if you’re missing the lower right quadrant of the second X chromosome thus making it a “y” which means you’re never going to have your own fallopian tubes so just deal with it and keep your hands off the gender who has them. Simple.
An aggregate of top polls as of today shows that Harris will defeat Trump in the Electoral College count by 270 to 268.
Let me get this straight. Our friends we hold in high esteem, the Kuwait clan, wanted to turn women into ten dollar prostitutes. So we helped protect this wonderful kind man, had him whisked him away to our other fine friends in Saudi Arabia ( those dudes that took off for home after 9-11) so he could live a good life. Was Epstein there at the same time? hehe
LIb – First Gulf war was a clan feud started because the leader of Kuwait at the time some King Jaber said he would turn every Iraqi woman into a $10 prostitute, and two days later after the invasion he was hiding in Saudi Arabia because Saddam’s death squads were out for him and his entire blood line.
OK. Glad we agree. I have the same issues with the MSM.
Listen, I was just thinking about the lesser of two evils thing. Back when America had to choose between HRC and Trump, I said to myself, “Regardless of his idiotic ‘wall’, Muslim travel ban, etc., Trump shouldn’t be that bad based on my knowledge of him from the Stern show.” I remember trying to convince Gator that he wasn’t who he was making himself out to be and was just hijacking the Republican party since the Dems would never consider him. Then he gets into office. Enriches the rich. Makes a joke out of the SCOTUS. Bullies the FED. Embraces the religious right. Tries to nullify a federal election and completely mishandles the pandemic economically. Then there was J6 and his whole election stolen bullshit. It was like the biggest flipflop in the history of flip flops. And his grifting was legendary to boot. Personally, I voted for NOTA as usual. But I should have pulled the lever for HRC, even though the Clinton’s and their foundation were truly corrupt and probably equally as grifting as Trump was. That is why I trust an unqalified Kamala over a known destructor as Trump. And the project 2025 is the religious stuff that the Taliban was made of. I know we are not supposed to believe it’s not Trump’s playbook. But after 2016, why would anyone believe differently?
As for the Israeli cease fire? Turn over the hostages and Israel will stop. The political backlash Bibby and the Israeli’s would suffer would be truly damning if Israel didn’t stop. But Hamas chooses not too. Sorry, but as long as the hostages are held, Israel has the right and is RIGHT for continuing to dismantle Hamas.
The attack on the Houthis, taking out commercial shippers was 100% the right thing to do.
As for a potential war with Iran. I say it’s about fucking time. We have to stop fearing nukes. If a country was willing to use them (besides us), they already would have. The next country to use them will be wiped off the map by a world coalition. It’s really that simple. In military strategy, you simply have to ignore they exist for anything more than deterrance.
If you don’t believe in fearing them, then why does a country make something like Stuxnet to stop them from being created?
I say bull shite. If you had no fear of them, you wouldn’t care if they had them.
In fact, you fear them so much you want to attack them before they get them.
I can accept that, but not the lie that you don’t fear them.
As for a potential war with Iran. I say it’s about fucking time. We have to stop fearing nukes. If a country was willing to use them (besides us), they already would have. The next country to use them will be wiped off the map by a world coalition. It’s really that simple. In military strategy, you simply have to ignore they exist for anything more than deterrance.
re: ” Turn over the hostages and Israel will stop.”
You really think they are alive? Bombs are indiscriminate, they fire off a blast wave and lethal shrapnel as far as 1200 feet and create large 100 foot wide crater where they land. Israel has dropped more than 70,000 tons of bombs on Gaza since last October, far surpassing the Allied bombings of Nazi German cities Dresden and Hamburg, and what the Nazis did to London during the Blitz all combined during all of World War II.
Only a fool doesn’t take their enemy’s threats seriously.
America has made Putin it’s enemy.
As I understood it at the time. The first Gulf war was a spat between Kuwait and Iraq over Kuwait’s decision to extract and export more oil out of the shared oil reservoir that exists under both countries. As Iraq was fighting wars with Iran and defending Kuwait, it irked the shit out of Saddam. So much so that when the American ambassador to Iraq was told of Iraq’s impending plans to invade Kuwait, the ambassador told Saddam the US would not get involved in what was essentially a border dispute at this point since Kuwait was getting Iraqi protection. Then the invasion took place. Then Bush Senior threw the ambassador under the bus. I was against both Gulf wars, but moreso the second as we all knew it was as much about selling weapons and supporting our MIC than Saddam. The worst part, is that we were happy Saddam was fighting and bankrupting Iran. I really think it was all about the Halliburton contract which enriched Dick Cheney to no end. I disliked Bush Jr. as I thought he wasn’t super bright and just did whatever his cabinet told him. He was clearly the spoiled child, but ultimately, not much changed under him in America besides having to fight GWII. The aftermath of that war and the negative impact it had on our vets is immeasurable. If you thought landmines used to cause PTSD, the IEDs were pure hell on our troops psyche. So many still suffer today. And remember when Saddam lit up all of the oil wells as he withdrew from Kuwait? It really was about oil.
But getting back to Gulf war one and the parallel with the Ukraine stealing NG from the pipeline that Russia ran through their country. You can’t justify Russia’s desire to take over the Ukraine for it and defend our defense of Kuwait. Unless, of course, you are cool with the hypocrisy.
re: Michael Moore.
He just said VP Harris will lose if she now pivots to the center. She has already dialed back her positions on fracking, assault weapons and illegal border crossings.
NewFlash I don’t think anyone believes her on those topics even her own staff.
This is in no fashion an endorsement of her opponent the flatulent liar Trump.
Hope the west coast of Florida heeds the evacuation warnings. Better yet, leave now.
I was suprised as hell at the initial release. I figured they were all dead. Then I realized, it was Hamas’ only negotiating tool. So it wouldn’t surprise me if some were still alive. As to the indiscrimation of bombs. Gaza has 2 million inhabitants. An estimated 40,000 have died. Half estimated to be Hamas militants. Regardless of the claims of genocide, it’s far from it. Or you are really bad at math. That seem math has me hopeful some of the hostages are alive.
Grim, sister-in-law in Tampa is leaving shortly. Gator Jr., will be hunkering down in Gainesville. He moved our old CX-9 to the second floor of a parking garage with three levels. He is lucky. His residence hall is on the same circuit as the hospital and it’s run completely underground. In Helene, the whole town was without power for a couple of days except for the portion of the campus that’s on that circuit which is attached to huge generators. We’ve been watching Milton for days before it was even a named storm. Gator is nearly infatuated with it.
Gainseville has never taken a direct hit from a hurricane since 1888, when it wasn’t even on the map barely. Nobody knows how it will fare. I fear for the flooding. Luckily, no one is on the first floor.
re: Ukraine stealing NG from the pipeline that Russia ran through their country.”
You speak of Hypocrisy? There is still natural gas flowing via that pipeline.
No One’s home is there on the gulf too….
I know. Europe needs their NG.
BTW, enjoying the civil discourse today. Nice to see it can still take place. It fells a bit like a DP debate. No fact-checking please.
Haven’t heard a peep from Lefty. I think like Nom Deplume, he is taking a break from here. Probably wise.
There was a news story this morning the Central Florida highways I-4 and I-75 are jammed.,-80.8727852,360194m/data=!3m1!1e3!5m1!1e1?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTAwMi4xIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D
I think this is the webcam I watched last time. Looking to see if that bench moves…
Flip the > to see some great views around the country…
After Helene and the wide size of the cone, half the state is getting out.
Me thinks property is going to get cheap to buy down there. But so much more to carry. Maybe they need an income tax? I kid.
re: ” property is going to get cheap to buy down there.”
House I am renting on a golf course resort in Florida next month for some vacation RnR has an interesting price history. Last sold in 2021 for $870K, in July of this year says it is worth $1.7 million, surronding homes north of that price for sure too.
If anything prices are do for a correction these aren’t homes to live in anyway it’s a rental on a golf course.
What memories I have of Florida. I think the bar was set fairly low there when all of the bigger firms started hiring back-office type stuff. Customer Service was there for lots of places before it off-shored to parts unknown. You could get a tiny place on/near the water in St Pete for peanuts. I know quite a few folks who stayed & built some solid lives down there. I was never overly confident in the Florida Job Market.
Lib: I believe Left said he was leaving the blog as it had declined into a leftwing/Democrat/ Harris cheer leading forum, and there was no longer any useful information/ discussion being posted by the members. It was something to that affect. Can’t disagree with his thoughts in many respects, but to your point the discourse is still respectful if not somewhat heated.
My only point in all of this back and forth, was the fact that the media is portraying Harris as a strong and qualified candidate who will be effective and do great things. She is not , and won’t in my opinion, but we shall see. If Democrats and Republicans and Independents want to vote for Harris because she is the lesser of two evils, that’s fine and I can accept that. But, if people are saying they are voting for her because she is qualified/ effective, and all of that, I don’t accept that, People should be honest and say, yes, she is a weak candidate, but she is all we have, the alternative is Trump again. I understand that and respect it.
Gotcha. There are certainly asses on both sides. Harris is going on Stern tomorrow at 1pm. He does not give out his questions ahead of time, regardless of what the right thinks or says. Though, I don’t expect him to throw that many hardballs, this should be the first time, besides somewhat at the debate, to gauge her intelligence. The Biden interview was great, albeit misleading. I’m still not sure how Biden pulled it off. He came across likeable and cogent. He really declined greatly between that interview and his debate with Trump.
Trumps almost 80. Hardcore MAGA in here will deny ever supporting him once he dies.
Just wait and watch
I can’t wait until we hear how the election was stolen again. What the heck is going to happen with the RNP now that he appointed his family members into all of the important positions. They will all quit by February.
My guess is that engagement dropped significantly across the board somewhere between Kamala stating she supported border security and her campaigning with Liz Cheney. Or maybe it was when she said she would defend democracy after accepting a nomination that was decided behind closed doors. To say this person lacks substance works be an understatement. It’s not even a person it’s a persona.
And those people who engineer gulf war 2 are all backing Kamala. She’s giddy about the endorsement. Maybe the left can fete Cheney and Fauci at the same time. Members of an exclusive club.
Yikes – Hurricane Milton now packs winds of 175 MPH with gusts up to 200 MPH. Even the strongest hurricanes rarely produce wind speeds of 200 mph.
Storm Surge up to 12 ft for 250 miles of Florida coastline.
Yeah, this is no joke.
Joe, for the most part, I agree with you. Shame our countries savior had to be a grifting bully with the mentality of a third grader.
There will be sheer before Milton makes landfall. The big question is, how much?
From page WSJ:
The Great Florida Migration is Coming Undone
Today polymarket (a crypto based betting market backed by Thiel) shot up the chances of Trump from 49% to 54%. This synced up well with Elon’s Butler rally attendance. Looks like they funneled money in to create an effect for Trump. There is no apparent event that created this divergence. We will see other surveys soon but beware of any mind setting for this election will continue.
FL hurricanes will get worse every year, it will help for GDP, but will revalue FL properties downward. Nature taking course. I visited Naples region last year and it was a year after the hurricane that demolished Sanibel island. Most of the houses were still being repaired. They will be redone once Milton hits.
We are running an audit this week, and the auditor says he will be in a Hotel in Tampa with backup generators. We told him to fuggedaboutit and evac with family.
Before Oct 7 of last year, the Middle East was quiet, and Saudi Arabia was close to recognizing Israel as a deterrent to Iran. All destroyed by Hamas and Iran on October 7 of last year.
Iran has always been and still is bad news. I was around when they took US citizens as hostages. This is what happens when you mix church and state. Yet that is the underpinnings of Project 2025.
Lib: Well that’s certainly a stretch.
3b says:
October 7, 2024 at 4:53 pm
“the Middle East was quiet, and Saudi Arabia was close to recognizing Israel as a deterrent to Iran”
For those keeping score… Harris/Biden 4 (wars), Trump 0 (wars)
– Russia leads Ukraine 4 provinces to 1, late in the 3rd
– Israel is grinding down Hamas in the 4th
– Israel is pummeling Hezbollah in the 2nd
– Israel with a slight lead over the Houthis, in a war that’s just getting underway
Mexico also looks like a failed state. Biden and mayorkas have been a great friend to the cartels. Providing them with billions from their smuggling. We’ve also let in millions of criminals do well have to be removed. Something so need to clean that up.
Do you think so? When we start posting the ten commandments in schools and require bibles to contain the constitution and the bill of rights? And that’s just for starters. It is a CHRISTIAN Nationalist Agenda.
“Project 2025 is very clearly on a path to Christian Nationalism as well as authoritarianism. It rejects the constitutional separation of Church and State, rather privileging religious beliefs over civil laws. Religious freedom is referenced throughout the plan and is seen to trump all other civil rights which should be subsumed to an individual’s religious rights. The message that America must remain Christian, that Christianity should enjoy a privileged place in society, and that the government must take steps to ensure this is clear in every section of the plan, as is the idea that American identity cannot be separated from Christianity.”
It’s really an obscene piece of work that is as anti-American and anti-freedom as the day is long. God forbid you are gay or a woman, forget about it.
Here is the strategy in a nutshell. You know the rest already. Prayer in schools, restriction of rights, etc. Basically, what would Jesus do if his teachings were radicalized. Kind of like the radicalized version of Islam. We know how well that is going.
“The Convention of the States (COS), like Project 2025, has not received the attention it deserves. The plan is to alter the Constitution through amendments using Article V, which empowers states to call for a constitutional convention. The article reads, “on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments.” It should be noted that almost no rules apply to an Article V convention and the consequences could be dire for our democracy and our civil and human rights. So far, 28 states, six shy of the required 34, have called for a constitutional convention aimed at sharply reducing federal powers through the Convention of States campaign or other convention campaigns. COS has passed its resolution in 19 states and has had its legislation introduced in enough states to achieve the convention should they all pass it. On its site, the COS wants to limit the powers of the federal government, achieve “fiscal responsibility,” and impose term limits. In their simulated conventions, they agreed to seek to restrict the federal government’s discretionary spending authority, land ownership rights, and ability to regulate interstate commerce. It would also remove from the federal government the power to enforce any federal law or regulation with which the majority of state legislatures disagree. Unbelievably radical, this would allow a simple majority of states to band together to rescind any act of Congress, the president, or a federal agency. Furthermore, it gives state legislatures exclusive power to nullify federal laws and regulations, making it clear that “state executive and judicial branches shall have no authority or involvement in this process.” COS also adopted a proposal to restrict the Commerce Clause, which is the basis for most federal environmental, labor, consumer, and civil rights protections, and nullify all existing laws and regulations in conflict with COS’ reading of the Constitution.”
It’s truly forefathers twisting in their graves stuff.
I’m afraid Lib is correct. The underpinning to 2025 is to move the Overton Window toward Clericalism as part of the society and at same time the removal of Freethinking underpinning of the foundation of this country.
I give credit to Lib in spotting clericalism because of his exposure the hasidics. They are a clerical social group, no different than the Taliban, Jim Jones or the Waco Davidians.
I’ll love to be a fly on the aluminum foil hat on the maga jesus freaks on how they process that god is sending nasty hurricanes to the christian red maga areas instead of the heathen sodomites blue tranny areas.
BTW earlier post on opinion on NJ residents. One of my nephew’s girlfriends confess to him that I looked like a Soprano mobster. I was shocked, I’m harmless as a baby.
Biden did not do anything to create these wars any more than Trump did anything to prevent them. What’s next? Blaming these hurricanes on Biden/Harris?
This is MAGA stupid on full display. And moving the US. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalam was one heck of a war detterant. And yeah, I know. The Dems were considering it, but they chose not to do it.
I leave you with this from my daily Bloomberg news update.
‘The Republican-appointee controlled US Supreme Court, which in 2022 eliminated the 49-year-old federal right to abortion, rebuffed the Biden administration in a new abortion clash, leaving intact an appeals court decision favoring Texas in a fight over theavailability of the procedure in emergency rooms. The US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, the most right-wing of all federal appellate courts, said Texas wasn’t bound by a US Department of Health and Human Services memorandum requiring hospitals to offer the procedure on an emergency basis to protect a mother’s health. The administration had asked the high court to order reconsideration of that ruling. The Fifth Circuit has become the favorite appeals court for GOP-run states and far-right groups to press ideologically divisive cases.”
Yup, you MAGA assholes would rather your wife or daughter die rather than perform an abortion even if their life is at risk.
And you think a Burka requirement is THAT different 3B?
No One: if you are out there, hoping for the best under the circumstances….. we will be waiting to hear from you……
The Republicans have turned our courts into the Sunday School Director already.
No One should have evacuated by now, but it’s slow going. My SIL hasn’t made it to Gainesville yet from Tampa and she left at 1:30pm. One look at the Webcams in northern FL and you’ll see that every major road now resembles the GSP from 2-7pm daily.
6:05 Don’t forget the School Voucher scam where religious schools get Tax dollars in lieu of the Godless public schools.
Radicalized rightwing Supreme Court is the only hope for MAGA.
They will accept any and every lawsuit to help elect trump.
Another step into turning us into a fundamentalist religious society like Iran.
trump a cleric supreme leader
Marco Rubio voted against funding for FEMA
“If you are in Florida right now with a Cat 5 hurricane bearing down and you walk into a voting booth next month and vote for any of the GOP Representatives who are at this moment claiming they can defund NOAA in the future, and that they don’t need to return from vacation immediately to authorize additional FEMA money during one of the most traumatic storm seasons in recent history, well, we are still hoping for you. Human life is precious and this coming blow is frightening.
But Darwinism itself is slack-jawed in wonder at what the fuck is in your brains, such as they are.“
David Simon
Libturd says:
October 7, 2024 at 6:19 pm
“you MAGA assholes would rather your wife or daughter die…”
Very Stable Genius says:
October 7, 2024 at 7:02 pm
“turning us into a fundamentalist religious society like Iran.”
Are Dem men naturally prone to hysterics, or is that something that you’ve learned since making the decision to emulate the women in your lives? More likely it’s desperation as you realize there might not be enough toxically-feminized dopes like you guys to give us our first fat-bottomed girl prez.
Libturd says:
October 7, 2024 at 6:05 pm
“It’s truly forefathers twisting in their graves stuff”
More nonsensical hysterics; just as moronic as the rest of your drivel today. But I’m sure it’s reassuring when you get a pat on the back from dingbats like LACKS and Unstable. In any case, I’m going to say that Joe having topless trannies at the WH is more likely to have caused our forefathers to twist in their graves.
I think that liberal men are wired a little differently than conservatives.
I know I live in a bit of a bubble, but it’s nice. I don’t have to tax myself too much right now. Life is pretty darn good.
“Lib – overblown as usual. GEICO won’t insure Ferraris”
No, they wont insure it as it is complete garbage. I remember the first time I saw one up close. Mrs Fab dragged me into a showroom to get the $100 deposit back on the reservation that they canceled, but the refund never showed up.
I’m looking at the Front suspension and it just doesnt look right. Then it struck me, the control arms are stamped and not forged. One hard hit and that thing will crack.
Compare the Cybertruck with the F150
Why does this matter, here is the result.
I like the fault divorce feature of Project 2025.
The one where she cant divorce you and you are stuck with her?
“My issue is with Democrats, and the media, and yourself who are now portraying Harris is a strong qualified candidate to be President of the U.S.”
That’s you opinion on Harris and you are entitled to it, just as I am entitled to my opinion that she is qualified.
Part of this issue is that you rail that others don’t call out the same things you do. Maybe its because
a) We just don’t agree with you.
b) we dont see it as a big an issue as you do.
“re: ” Turn over the hostages and Israel will stop.””
Juice, one of the few times I agree with you and Hamas will not cry Uncle, no matter how hard they are pressed. Bibi, will not stop his push so we continue.
This was calculated on both sides.
“It really was about oil.” Absolutely, its always about the oil. Do you think anyone would care about Yemen and Somalia if they didn’t have reserves and the oil had to go past them.
“NewFlash I don’t think anyone believes her on those topics even her own staff.”
And the electorate dont care as there are bigger issues on the ballot and the orange one on the other side.
“it had declined into a leftwing/Democrat/ Harris cheer leading forum”
Gary crossdressing as a cheerleader is not an endorsement of Kamala.
He said he was talking a break, but I think he realized that he had a lot of heavy lifting with his positions and is looking at the end result.
I suspect if Project 20205 came to fruition he would be happy with the outcome. Doesn’t directly affect him and he can probably make money off it.
Fab – that was after they blew it up with C4 and drove it over the concrete smashing the rear bumper, hard enough that they probably damaged the bolts that snapped.
There is a difference between towing weight and torque weight anyway, still not a
fan of that truck, and it makes no difference GEICO like many car insurance companies does not insure exotics like a seven thousand pound stainless steel truck.
Fab – “ the electorate dont care”
Seems somebody is worried, besides Michael Moore.Again I am not a fan of trump but if the democrats don’t get about 70% of their registered party member voters to care and show up then apathy could rule Election Day.
“What the heck is going to happen with the RNP now that he appointed his family members into all of the important positions. They will all quit by February.”
The RNC the day after the resignations.
The RNC the day after the resignations.
(corrected timestamp)
” move the Overton Window toward Clericalism as part of the society and at same time the removal of Freethinking underpinning of the foundation of this country.”
I had this exact argument with Eddie Ray (Nom) way back in the day. We were arguing over the separation of Church and State, and he came out with this gem “Don’t you realize that we are a Judeo Christian Nation!” That was my first introduction to the view that there are many that have studied for a JD and have a view that, its just an interpretation and as I know how the system works it will be my interpretation of how it works. Thus my understanding of Scalia and now Project 2025 was enhanced.
If any of you are talking to Nom, tell him I would like to know where he lands on Project 2025. I suspect we will be on opposing sides