Where have all the tech jobs gone?

Is a question many of us ask, especially those involved in the high-technology industries in New Jersey. Anecdotally, the last few years have felt like there was a mass exodus of high tech jobs. It seems that it what we felt was true.

Where have all the tech jobs gone?

New Jersey has lost 14 percent of its high-technology jobs since 2000, and the brain-job drain has drilled deep into the state’s once-solid pharmaceutical industry, according to a report by the Commission on Science and Technology.

But the erosion doesn’t stop there. The report said New Jersey has lost high-tech jobs in every category, including life sciences, telecommunications, computers, electronics, Internet service, data processing, architecture and engineering.

But hey, who needs a high paying job anyway? We can all live off our home equity!

Caveat Emptor,

Thanks to the reader that emailed me the link to this article! If anyone comes across an interesting article please forward it to me.

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4 Responses to Where have all the tech jobs gone?

  1. Grim Ghost says:

    In fact, the report says that NJ has lost high tech jobs since 1990 !! Thats a little misleading because it doesn’t take into account jobs in NYC or Philadelphia, and at least some high tech jobs in NYC (not pharma or telco, but IT) have definitely gone up. But the overall picture is correct. With the pharma slowdown, the layoffs at Bell Labs, Japanese companies shutting down their Princeton research labs, the state has lost high tech jobs.

  2. Anonymous says:

    how about north carolina? very well-educated workforce & cheap as hell to live there. probably low corp tax too

  3. Anonymous says:

    If you were looking for geographical locations to put your business, would you select New Jersey? The state is becoming very business unfriendly, and very few people want to move here. My GF and I are both PhD’s working in NYC, living in NJ. We are trying to figure how to get out of here, primarily because the standard of living is becoming very low. I travel to RTP NC quite often, I can’t tell you the number of science/tech types who I’ve met down there from New Jersey.

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