Welcome to the new home of the Northern NJ Bubble Blog!

Hold on! Don’t go! If you are looking for the Northern New Jersey Real Estate Bubble Blog, you are in the right place

This blog and it’s readership have grown tremendously over the past year. This tool is no longer adequate for managing such a large blog, and is becoming more frustrating with every day that passes. We’ve outgrown this site, so it’s time to move to something bigger and better.

The transition is finally complete, and the new site live, so take a look and make a note of the new URL. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the foresight to register a domain name earlier on, so we’re going to have to pay the price for that mistake now. However, I’m sure the benefits of the new site and blog will far outweigh the temporary hassle of the new URL. Many of you have already taken a peak, but for those who did not:

New Jersey Real Estate Report

Yes, we’re no longer the “Northern New Jersey Real Estate Bubble Blog”. I thought the name was great, at first, until I realized how incredibly long and cumbersome it was. It was almost as complicated as trying to tell someone the cryptic URL. We needed a new name and URL, and this is what I decided on (https://njrereport.com).

But wait, you say, the word “bubble” is missing from the name. Yes. Yes, it is. I feel that it detracts from the credibility of the site and its members, so the bubble reference is gone. However, the real estate bubble in New Jersey will continue to be the main topic of focus for the blog and forums.

With the new site will come new topics and features. Many of you have already started using the forums (https://njrereport.com/forum). With many topics hitting 100+ comments, it becomes very difficult to follow a conversation or branch off on separate threads. The forum will allow us to keep discussions on topic, as well as provide a forum for general discussion and questions.

I’m looking forward to hearing suggestions and feedback, so let’s have it. If anyone is having problems with font sizes please let me know.

Caveat Emptor!

Discuss this in the forumsĀ 

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32 Responses to Welcome to the new home of the Northern NJ Bubble Blog!

  1. Anonymous says:

    No matter where you move or how long the website name, we’re with you!

  2. Anonymous says:

    do you know what happened to Kentucky Fried Chicken when they changed their name to KFC, because they didnt want to be associated with the word “Fried”….?

  3. James Bednar says:

    Main page comments will remain open for the next few days until we make the transition to the forums.


  4. SAM says:



  5. James Bednar says:

    I’m not looking forward to trying to categorize 1000+ topics..


  6. emphaticus says:

    Mr. Bednar,
    thanks for this. I hate to make comparisons, but I’m sensing a wee bit of Nader-inspired fire here (the ’60’s version).

  7. UnRealtor says:

    The green tunnel image is neat.

  8. vb says:

    fyi..The “tools” section is missing.

  9. James Bednar says:

    Will add it this afternoon

  10. Metroplexual says:

    Is that the Holland or Lincoln tunnel? My grandfather and his father and siblings hauled much of the brick used to build the Holland.

  11. James Bednar says:

    I now realize that this site is running an almost identical theme as Jon Miller’s Matrix blog.

  12. James Bednar says:

    Can I have some kind of confirmation from those who use a Blackberry or other mobile device to access the site?


  13. thatbigwindow says:

    Hey, just a suggestion: Can you think about changing the font to Arial?

  14. BC Bob says:


    The site looks great!!!! Can the move to the new site, to accomodate the flow, be a leading indicator to buy???

  15. Brian T says:

    Great new look – good luck!

  16. Still doesnt work for me

  17. southerntransplant says:

    Why is it a black background??? How can i read this?

    I am having withdrawal from the Monmouth/Union county tax records search.

    In the vein of LOW BALL, you should do a comparison of original purchase price and now selling price to show how out of whack some of these prices are. We just moved here from suburban Atlanta and are renting for a year until we figure out this market in north central/east NJ. Sticke shock is an understatement.

  18. James Bednar says:


    What operating system and web browser are you using?


  19. Lindsey says:

    Ahh, the new format got me, I put my comment on the next post.

    Still, happy to see you taking the site to the next level.

  20. Mr. Oliver says:

    Grim, the text of your postings is very tiny. Increasing the font size, only makes the titles and headings larger.

    Otherwise, though, great new site. Great layout.

  21. UnRealtor says:

    My post from yesterday didn’t show up

  22. chicagofinance says:

    grim – not obvious how to log in here

  23. patient homebuyer says:

    nice new look
    keep up the good work grim

  24. James Bednar says:

    I turned off the registration/login buttons and functionality, we’re only using these comments until these topics are integrated into the forums.

    I didn’t want everyone to register for this portion of the site, and then need to re-register for the forum. Having two sets of logins is going to be a headache for non-pc-savvy users.

    Each new post will have a link at the bottom that will take you to the appropriate forum topic for discussion.

  25. thatbigwindow says:

    Good because I can’t post here at all ARRGH!

  26. thatbigwindow says:


    I dont get it

    It just doesnt work

    oh wells

  27. thatbigwindow says:

    Here is my comment….

  28. UnRealtor says:


  29. thatbigwindow says:

    Lets see if this works…

  30. thatbigwindow says:


Comments are closed.