Keep Manhattan, just give me that countryside

From the Real Deal:

Why increasing numbers of New Yorkers are calling it quits on city life

According to realtors, there’s a great exodus from New York City that can be measured in New Jersey commuters.

Over the past 25 years, people commuting across the Hudson have increased by 28 percent forcing, in turn, bus trips to grow by more than 80 percent and railway trips to triple, according to The New York Times.

“We can see that in the massive migration in the last three or four years of city dwellers,” said Jonathan J. Miller of Miller Samuel Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants to the Times.

To Miller, the cause of people decamping to the ‘burbs is a result of the climbing cost of living.

“City costs have risen more than the cost of a home,” he told the Times.

This entry was posted in Demographics, Economics, New Jersey Real Estate, NYC. Bookmark the permalink.

85 Responses to Keep Manhattan, just give me that countryside

  1. grim says:

    Green Acres is the place to be.
    Farm livin’ is the life for me.
    Land spreadin’ out so far and wide
    Keep Manhattan, just give me that countryside.

    New York is where I’d rather stay.
    I get allergic smelling hay.
    I just adore a penthouse view.
    Dah-ling I love you but give me Park Avenue.

    …The chores.
    …The stores.
    …Fresh air.
    …Times Square

    You are my wife.
    Good bye, city life.
    Green Acres we are there.

  2. Hold my beer says:

    Too bad not a single train track or bridge lane has been added since Eisenhower was president

  3. Hold my beer says:

    Now I have that song running in my head. Thanks grim.

  4. 3b says:

    I am not seeing it. My train is filled with boomers or old Generation x ers. A few young people probably still living at home.

  5. Grim says:

    Can’t get a spot at Wayne Rt 23 Park and Ride anymore. 5 years ago this was no problem at all.

  6. Grim says:

    I need to make accomodation to either be in the lot around 7 to get a space, or wait until later when the monthly spots become available for daily, even then it’s tough. If I have to leave around 8 or 9, I get a ride there.

  7. Libturd says:

    My trains are over capacity. I could only imagine how crowded it would be if the trains were reliable!

  8. Not Hold my Beer says:

    And nothing else will be built until the boomer locusts are out of power.

    BTW – Anyone notice how China’s Xi is setting himself to be president for life. Add to Putin’s already prez for life. That means 2 nemesis power coordinating against us. The good thing China has a history of earthquake like shifts. So is very likely those that are anti-Xi and get hassle by him, will join force with more liberal/democracy types to get rid of him. Either way, is going to be a doosy. North Korea is the bad cop, in China’s good cop/bad cop game to hegemonize greater pacific to start.

  9. 3b says:

    My trains are crowded too just with the same ones who may have moved out to the burbs 25 years ago!! Of course being short a car every morning doesn’t help!! I will be convinced of this flight to the suburbs when the trains are crowded with young or younger people who have moved out to the burbs like I did .

  10. 3b says:

    China bigger threat than Russia.

  11. Blue Ribbon Teacher says:

    NJ is going to have a massive problem if population significantly increases. The traffic is horrendous throughout the entire top half of the state. The freeway that was cancelled that was supposed to be I95 connecting 295 to 287 is desperately needed. How we actually get it built is beyond me. Building a highway wasn’t a controversial idea prior to 1970.

  12. Libturd says:

    Did you guys know that the GSP is actually route 444?

  13. No One says:

    I was just thinking about how a politician could win some campaign votes by talking about how the Army Corp of Engineers can build half a mile of road per day in Afghanistan at one tenth the price of what it takes 6 months to build in the US, thanks to stifling regulations of modern American government.

  14. Yo! says:

    Reason for crowded buses and trains across northern NJ: New York City jobs up 750,000 since 2009. Yup, up three quarters of a million. And most of these jobs pay well too. Huge job growth. Very big.

  15. Juice Box says:


  16. Juice Box says:

    Anyone here ever rent a house by Disney Orlando?

    I bid on two on VRBO and they both expired, I was wondering if there is some kind of scam.

  17. Juice Box says:

    No shortcut for Trump on DACA, he must appeal to federal appeals court….

  18. Fast Eddie says:

    My train seems to have a lot more younger crowd since I first started taking it since moving here. There are young families moving into every house that gets sold around my town and adjoining towns. They go really quickly.

  19. Hold my beer says:


    I always thought the gsp was route 666

  20. Fast Eddie says:

    The liberal playbook. Any questions?

    1) Healthcare — Control healthcare and you control the people

    2) Poverty — Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.

    3) Debt — Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.

    4) Gun Control — Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.

    5) Welfare — Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income).

    6) Education — Take control of what people read and listen to — take control of what children learn in school.

    7) Religion — Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools.

    8) Class Warfare — Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.

  21. JCer says:

    Eddie, I totally see it as a former liberal. So much of it is a scam, people need to be protected from themselves we need to spend 50 cents to give out a dollar, the disaster of federal housing intervention(section 8, projects, etc).

    On healthcare socialized medicine seems to work in Europe, it wouldn’t work here because the issue isn’t whose paying it’s how much it costs, fix the cost side before we try to change who is paying(there is literally tons of room to rein in costs for the more typical medical problems and treatments)

    Class and race war seems to be the goal of the democratic party. Even bleeding heart liberals like my wife are tired of the Democrat playbook.

  22. chicagofinance says:

    Signs of the peak of the cycle……. can you say 2007?

    All you need to see is the Holland Tunnel jammed with Uber/Taxi/Limo at 7:30PM-8PM on Thursday with consulta-d!icks coming back from EWR, and you have confirmation……

    Grim says:
    February 26, 2018 at 8:44 am
    Can’t get a spot at Wayne Rt 23 Park and Ride anymore. 5 years ago this was no problem at all.

  23. The Great Pumpkin says:

    This is the kind of propaganda ruining America. Yes, liberals are trying to hold people down by demanding a higher min wage. Which side actually advocates for taking away healthcare and is for having the lowest wage possible putting the needs of a business ahead of the people?

    “The liberal playbook. Any questions?

    1) Healthcare — Control healthcare and you control the people

    2) Poverty — Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.

    3) Debt — Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.

    4) Gun Control — Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.

    5) Welfare — Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income).

    6) Education — Take control of what people read and listen to — take control of what children learn in school.

    7) Religion — Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools.

    8) Class Warfare — Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.”

  24. The Great Pumpkin says:

    I’ll add, which side is for forcing single women to have babies by taking away their right to an abortion? Talk about a poverty generator and holding individuals down.

  25. nwnj says:

    Democrats used to stand for working people. Now they stand for nafta and open borders.

  26. Blue Ribbon Teacher says:

    On healthcare socialized medicine seems to work in Europe, it wouldn’t work here because the issue isn’t whose paying it’s how much it costs, fix the cost side before we try to change who is paying(there is literally tons of room to rein in costs for the more typical medical problems and treatments)

    European countries are small. Single payer over 50 states would be a disaster. Medicaid fraud is already out of control. Let each state bankrupt themselves as they see fit. That being said, we could probably waste all the money we wanted to on this stuff if we weren’t installing military bases around the world.

  27. 3b says:

    I am on the Pascack Valley line for years and I am not seeing it .

  28. Libturd says:


    You gotta see my line. One train short and it’s all over. Heavens forbid they cancel a train (which is more frequent than you would want to think it could be), then you can’t get even get on the next one. It’s a mess down here in messy Essex County.

  29. Libturd says:

    3b…you are generally correct.

    Though, ridership tends to increase and decrease mainly in an inverse relationship with fuel prices. Of course, the neglect and corrupt leadership adds flame to the fire.

  30. Libturd says:

    Check out the 4th quarter 2017 scores. The drop is absolutely incredible on a lot of the lines. Only 37% on the Montclair Boonton Line would recommend it. Nice to see I am not alone in blasting them.

  31. Juice Box says:

    re: “then you can’t get even get on the next one”

    Haven’t you ever heard of train stuffing? These guys get paid and get pensions. Sign them up!

  32. 3b says:

    Lib I don’t doubt it. We are missing a car 3 or 4 days out of the week these days. They don’t even bother apologizing any more. Not that it matters because the PA system sounds like the voice of Charlie Brown s Mother.

    Like I said the majority of people on my line are geritol or pre-geritol age. 25 30 year’s ago lots of younger parents on the trains. My circle of family and friends we all bought our first house in our early to mid 20s. And kids right away. I am not seeing that today. Not saying it’s not happening at all but it appears to be the exception not the rule. This generation is marrying later and delaying having children and many times when they do it’s one and done. And much as some say no, I believe that more are choosing to stay in the urban areas and raise their one or two children there. Right or wrong.

  33. Blue Ribbon Teacher says:

    My group of friends my age, 1st kids are 31/32. The friends that I have that are 3-4 years younger are on track for 1 kid at 38. Even now, I see a lot of first time parents about to enter their 40s. What amazes me is that despite this, none of them even have a house yet. They decided to go on a 15 year spending spree.

  34. Libturd says:

    I don’t disagree with you. But they are doing it in Montclair and Bloomfield. Former burbs which are looking more and more like cities every day.

  35. Libturd says:

    ” They decided to go on a 15 year spending spree.”


    Gator and I resemble a 3b modern family example, but would never live in an apartment building. I had my fill of dorms in college. We had kid one when I was 35 and my second kid when I was 43. And with the cancer issue, it’s a good thing we waited as long as we did. We would have been financially destroyed if this happened in our 20s.

  36. 3b says:

    Blue I see more and more of that. And 50 is starting to be more common as well! Which is staggering in my mind for a number of reasons!!

  37. Hold my beer says:

    When I took my oldest kid to kindergarten on the first day of school I thought some of the dads were the grandparents. Maybe they were on their 2nd or 3rd trophy wife since women have expiration dates.

  38. 3b says:

    Lib I agree in areas like Montclair and Bloomfield that were like little towns/ cities to begin with . This generation wants that urban vibe if you will. There are towns in Bergen Co that fit that bill as well. Rutherford is starting to see it too. Hackensack should be a candidate as well but I at least am not seeing it there yet. Ridgefield Park is another candidate.

    What I don’t see is the young/younger families looking for that traditional 1950s suburban life style. Strip malls shopping centers car dependent and all the rest that we thought and it was in many respects Nirvana in our day, which was not that long ago.

  39. 3b says:

    I know someone first marriage for both, first kid at 55!!

  40. leftwing says:

    “NJ is going to have a massive problem if population significantly increases. ”

    It will. The Jerseyans on this board will have their expectation of rising home prices fulfilled, the “can’t wait to get out” crowd on here will have their prediction of NNJ becoming SI/Nassau/Queens fulfilled. Not mutually exclusive, actually co-dependent.

    “No shortcut for Trump on DACA, he must appeal to federal appeals court….”

    Said it here before….Horrible precedent running to the favorable judges to stall/stop an Executive policy with which one disagrees.

    I cannot wait for a Dem President. With Trump packing the Fed Courts each day a Dem Pres is going to be STUFFED. Absolutely handcuffed. Sucks for the country but payback is b1tch.

  41. leftwing says:

    “Maybe they were on their 2nd or 3rd trophy wife since women have expiration dates.”

    Ideal age for a woman, half your age plus 7.

    Works from puberty to the grave.

    Plan well my friends.

  42. chicagofinance says:

    I have a widow as a client, and she is 67. She is the mom of 11 year old twins she carried.

    3b says:
    February 26, 2018 at 12:36 pm
    Blue I see more and more of that. And 50 is starting to be more common as well! Which is staggering in my mind for a number of reasons!!

  43. 3b says:

    Chgo: So twins at 56!! Wow! Like I said staggering!

  44. chicagofinance says:

    I fcuked up……

    leftwing says:
    February 26, 2018 at 12:52 pm
    Ideal age for a woman, half your age plus 7.

  45. Libturd says:

    As usual.

  46. Hold my beer says:

    Libturd and Chicago

    That is crazy having 1st kid . in your mid 50’s. What are the odds both parents will be alive when the kids graduate high school

  47. Libturd says:

    Trump just claims he would have run into the school building even without a gun. I gotta give him credit. He’s like the old fisherman on that Geico commercial danglingf $1 off the end of his fishing pole for the Dems to compete over like a pinata at a Mexican birthday party.

  48. 3b says:

    You get married once. If it does not work, don’t do it again. Just saying.

  49. Libturd says:

    I’m hoping I’m there for both of mine. :P

    If kids wait any longer, they can share their diapers with their offspring.

  50. Mike S says:

    You should have seen the line on 280 to get into harrison this morning.

    The path train is always beyond packed.

    My commute to Jersey City is absolute hell (19 miles, 55 minutes) even at 6:30 AM or 7:30 PM on the way home.

  51. Mike S says:

    Saw a nice house in Kinnelon yesterday – listing price down about 15% from 2008 sale price. Open house was completely empty, the listing agent said 10 years ago there were 40 people there and multiple offers.

    The commute is so terrible from Kinnelon that no one will even consider it going forward.

  52. Hold my beer says:


    He’s like joe Isuzu with bad hair

  53. 3b says:

    Just wait until they have to stay up until midnight to pick kids up when they get to high school . Never mind the kids can uber home!

  54. Libturd says:

    Midnight is a pretty late curfew. My kids need their beauty rest. 10:30 at the latest.

  55. 3b says:

    Lib you might have to re-evaluate that when they reach junior/ senior year in high school . We were mid night, and we were the earliest!!

  56. Libturd says:

    This place is so nice without Pimpleton and Moana.

  57. Libturd says:

    I don’t keep up with Joneses. If he can maintain honor role, he can come home at noon the next day. Midnight is insane.

  58. 3b says:

    Lib: I was just thinking the same thing. Just a nice discussion on topics back and forth.

  59. 3b says:

    Lib midnight was for junior senior year. We always had to know whose house and verify. You have to pick and choose your battles. My kids were of a handful that had curfews of midnight at that age. It was considered early!! Needless to say we never had parties at our house. More than a few parents bought beer for under age drinking parties.

  60. Very Stable Genius says:


    Manafort left an incriminating paper trail because he couldn’t convert PDFs to Word files

  61. Very Stable Genius says:


    A bank stock is falling on fears of its link to the Paul Manafort scandal

  62. Hold my beer says:

    It was nice while it lasted.

  63. No One says:

    I picture Libturd moving to Costa Rica and starting a colony with 19 year old girls and bouncing babies into his 70s. Sort of like an old-fashioned Mormon. Gator might not mind if they all take care of the cooking, cleaning, and conjugal duties.

  64. leftwing says:

    “Lib you might have to re-evaluate that when they reach junior/ senior year in high school . We were mid night, and we were the earliest!!”

    Can move to the lowest common denominator quickly…we were able to hold midnight except my last one who is 17 going on 28 slides…a bit. Toughest is when the freshman teammate has a later curfew than your junior…

    No uber….keeps him not drinking plus he’s not aware the car has geo-locate for the ‘verify’ part of trust but verify ;)

  65. 3b says:

    Left. I meant Uber as the parents being too old to stay up!!

  66. leftwing says:

    Lol. Been there. Setting the alarm on the phone to wake up at curfew time to pick up….

  67. Libturd says:

    “Gator might not mind if they all take care of the cooking, cleaning, and conjugal duties”

    I don’t think she’d accept the third one. Truthfully, our plan is to buy a small place in Vegas and Spring and Fall there. We’ll do Summers and Winters down in CR. Only wish there was a direct flight. Hopefully by then, there will be.

  68. You didn't build that says:

    Tell Krugman

    S&P 500 2,779.60 +32.30 (+1.18%)
    Dow 30 25,709.27 +399.28 (+1.58%)
    Nasdaq 7,421.46 +84.07 (+1.15%

  69. Libturd says:

    Very good!

  70. 3b says:

    Lib Viagara is probably cheap in CR were to you to get the Ok, and in the event you needed it. Just saying.

  71. Libturd says:

    I am aware.

  72. Fabius Maximus says:

    I see Eddie is projecting again.

    1) Healthcare — Control healthcare and you control the people
    Why not give everyone basic services and there is no control. Stop bankrupting people with basic care.
    2) Poverty — Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.
    If you are providing everything for them, then they cannot therefore be in poverty.
    3) Debt — Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
    Umm, those tax cuts that were just rammed through are paid for how?
    4) Gun Control — Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.
    You go ahead and defend yourself against government and let me know how that works out. As for me, I’ll take the government side.
    5) Welfare — Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income).
    Provide basic services and standard of living. Lets get the Wal-Mart full time employees off welfare.
    6) Education — Take control of what people read and listen to — take control of what children learn in school.
    I would rather my kids learn actual science based on fact and not Creationism based on Faith.
    7) Religion — Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools.
    What happened to respect for the constitution? Do you skip over the first amendment to get to the second? Repeat after me “Separation of church and state!”
    “I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ‘make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’ thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.”
    8) Class Warfare — Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.
    This does not make sense. So if we tax the wealthy and support the poor, do you not in fact level the playing field. In that case there is less division between rich and poor and therefore no class warfare.

  73. Fabius Maximus says:

    Trump just claims he would have run into the school building even without a gun. (If it wasn’t for the Bone Spurs!)

  74. Fabius Maximus says:

    “You should have seen the line on 280 to get into harrison this morning.”

    I did that commute for a year. Winter driving on 78 or 80 is a pain with the sun always in your eyes both ways. The new path station in Kearny is just going to make things worse.
    Looks like they are gearing up for a big Park and Ride push.

  75. Fabius Maximus says:

    Getting back from vacation and still catching up with a lot of this. This one is priceless. I read somewhere that Donnie never get the hang of email. The EA printed everything for him and he wrote his responses on the printouts in Sharpie for her to type back.

    “Manafort left an incriminating paper trail because he couldn’t convert PDFs to Word files”

  76. leftwing says:

    Guy I worked for ended up in front of a Senate Committee during one of the scandals. Never typed or sent an email, ever. Everything came from his secretary. Worked well. Still not sure whether that was intentional or if he was actually that technological deficient.

  77. Fabius Maximus says:

    I really do feel sorry for those Shore types, the last of the moderate GOP.

    “In the latest charming story to come out of the larger narrative of Modern American Conservatism, the conservative syndicated columnist Mona Charen was booed by activists at the Conservative Political Action Conference for stating, in the course of a panel about feminism, that “I am disappointed in people on our side for being hypocrites about sexual harassers and abusers of women, who are in our party, who are sitting in the White House, who brag about their extramarital affairs, who brag about mistreating women—and because he happens to have an ‘R’ next to his name we look the other way.” Charen, who had to be escorted out by security (though she says she never felt threatened), also criticized the event’s organizers for inviting Marion Le Pen, niece of the far-right French politician Marine Le Pen.”

  78. Blue Ribbon Teacher says:

    The guy is addicted to twitter. I doubt he had trouble with email.

  79. 3b says:

    Fab and there is a moderate Democratic Party? You can’t be serious?

  80. Regards Retards says:

    Clinton was a centrist. You probably in middle school then.

  81. The Original NJ ExPat says:

    A lot of idiots text while their driving but it’s just about impossible to do while you are mowing the lawn. Suburbs would be well on their way to dead already if it wasn’t for fracking.

    What I don’t see is the young/younger families looking for that traditional 1950s suburban life style.

  82. The Original NJ ExPat says:

    Donald Rumsfeld never used email. I’d vote intentional.

    Guy I worked for ended up in front of a Senate Committee during one of the scandals. Never typed or sent an email, ever. Everything came from his secretary. Worked well. Still not sure whether that was intentional or if he was actually that technological deficient.

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