C19 Open Discussion Week 26

From the Star Ledger:

N.J. was just approved for the new $300 unemployment benefit. But you’ll have to wait to get it.

New Jersey was approved late Friday for an expanded $300unemployment benefit created by President Donald Trump after Congress couldn’t agree on a new stimulus plan.

But that doesn’t mean the payments will reach unemployed residents any time soon.

It took Gov. Phil Murphy several weeks to decide to apply for the benefit, which was announced on Aug. 7. The state didn’t apply until Aug. 26, in part because of confusion over how the program would be implemented.

Because the funding comes from FEMA, federal rules don’t allow the state to use existing unemployment systems or employees to distribute the funds. That means it will take time before the state can process the payments.

Labor Commissioner Robert Asaro-Angelo said the payments probably won’t be distributed until October, and it will probably come as a lump sum rather than as a weekly payment.

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291 Responses to C19 Open Discussion Week 26

  1. dentss dunnigan says:


  2. dentss dunnigan says:

    Vote early and often …..

  3. NJCoast says:

    Looks like no local’s summer at the shore this September.

  4. grim says:

    Kamala coming out saying she doesn’t trust the vaccine is incredibly reckless, dangerous, idiotic. Politicizing this is deadly. We are already dealing with a terrible racial and ethnic disparity in vaccination rates. We don’t need to have someone that’s looked up to, in a position authority, creating doubt among these communities … which are already seeing massively disproportionate socioeconomic impact due to covid.

  5. homeboken says:

    Grim – it’s by design. A low-informed and fearful voter is much easier to manipulate.

  6. ExEssex says:

    I’m not touching that backdoor Russian vaccine.
    Trump’s anti-science stance isn’t consistent with a trustworthy
    vetted product.

  7. Fast Eddie says:

    Kamala coming out saying she doesn’t trust the vaccine is incredibly reckless, dangerous, idiotic.

    Democrats in pursuit of power will trample their own grandmother for control. Watch Kevin Spacey in House of Cards for lessons.

  8. ExEssex says:

    8:39 tHaT’s a dOcUmEnTaRy …?

  9. RC NJ says:

    How long will it take the state to reprogram that old Univac to pay the extra unemployment? Comrade Phil can buy some vacuum tubes from Russia or China if any need replacement.

  10. BRT says:

    It’s the new left wing talking point. This past week, I’ve seen about a dozen articles on front pages about how the vaccine is bad.

  11. ExEssex says:

    “Un-vetted” take at your own risk.

  12. Bystander says:

    “At the heart of [Trump’s] statement is a lack of respect for those who have served,” he wrote. “A disqualifying characteristic to be president.”

    -Lindsay Graham 2015

  13. Chicago says:

    Ex. Watch Scott Gottlieb on Face The Nation

  14. Fast Eddie says:


    The media has already moved on to the next crisis, get with the plan!

  15. Juice Box says:

    @mikandynothem · Sep 6
    I just found out my uncle, who is a lifelong Republican, is voting Democrat this November.
    This would never have happened if he were still alive…

  16. Fast Eddie says:

    “At a campaign event in Nevada in April 2019, Harris discussed the allegations against Biden, declaring of the accusers: ‘I believe them, and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it.'”

    Does she still believe them? Can someone ask her?

  17. Fast Eddie says:

    Kamala smelled the best!

    ~ Joe O’Biden

  18. Bystander says:

    Easy to skip past when Dumpy’s deep insults keep coming faster than Randy Johnson fastball. This one won’t though, Ed. Your beacon of real news, Fox, confirmed sources that he called Vietnam dead “suckers”. Fox would be covering night and day if D said it and Senate would be screaming for impeachment.

  19. 30 year realtor says:

    And Trump would never stoop to that level? LOL! Eddie, pot/kettle. You are like a cult member!

    Fast Eddie says:
    September 7, 2020 at 8:39 am
    Kamala coming out saying she doesn’t trust the vaccine is incredibly reckless, dangerous, idiotic.

    Democrats in pursuit of power will trample their own grandmother for control. Watch Kevin Spacey in House of Cards for lessons.

  20. IncreaseIQ onMondaythatFeelsLikeSunday says:


    Re This shady Trump Vax and blacks, don’t expect trust – see the Tuskegee Syphillis Study.

    In fact a big questions is being asked, what to do when no one wants you -keep integrating or start separating and minimize participation and cooperation – think Hasidic Jews


    There is article in Time that I can’t find regarding one of the FBI agents that worked and connected the dots post 9/11. He alludes in it how the White Supremacist movement is equivalent to Al-Quada in the ’90s, how there present playground is Ukraine with different factions fighting it out and the US is playing the role that Saudi Arabia played as central connecting hub. And if you think Putin’s game is not a a variation of a White Supremacist/Natitivist ideals you have not being following it closed enough.

  21. Bystander says:

    Can Dems just run Larry and Jimmy Flynt already? Self made super wealthy businessman. I would love to see just red hat dolts start attacking their “characters and demeanors” while digging quotes. It would be a hoot.

  22. joyce says:

    Beautiful weather this holiday weekend.

    Another win for Trump!

  23. Bystander says:

    While I am not a fan of extremities of left right now
    ,what remains of the R party after Trump? You can’t claim fiscally conservative, small govt, military respect, christian superiority nor family values. All gone.Of course you will try but what a laugh supporting this guy just bc he has R. Sum it up, “He attacks brown people, he supports good ole Christians like Roy Moore/Jerry Falwell types limit abortion rights and gave me money back by putting on my credit card. He is a stable genius…derrr”

  24. SmallGovConservative says:

    Bystander says:
    September 6, 2020 at 10:32 pm
    “Corn, Truth, Small are all same person…”

    That’s interesting; I used to have trouble distinguishing between you, ExSex and Libturd — difficult to tell who’s got the worst case of TDS. But I think I’ve got it now. You’re the whiner, the guy that’s over-worked, under-paid and who’s talents are never fully recognized by anyone else. Ex is the drunk househusband who’s posts are generally incoherent and useless. And Lib is the single-issue guy who’s willing to accept malfeasance and third-world governance from any Dem politician that’s pro-abortion. I used to find it odd that you guys wanted to be governed by the likes of Pelosi, Schiff, AOC, Omar and Harris, and are so offended by Trump’s crassness, but it actually makes sense given your highly feminized personality traits.

  25. Hold my beer says:

    Remind me not to move to Oregon. Oregon’s pension seems worse for the taxpayers than nj’s does.


  26. Bystander says:

    Actually, your gay tendencies to be led by a bully personality, disguised as “real man” are quite apparent. We always knew those guys hanging around the tyrant in HS were one half beta, one secretly, shamefully in love. Some of us grew and decided not to be led by such people. You did not.

  27. Phoenix says:


    You can blame this on modern medicine. If it were not for that things would not be so bad.

    “PERS is a particularly egregious case for many reasons. It originally promised retired workers 100 percent of their pre-retirement income for the rest of their lives.”

  28. 30 year realtor says:


    If 25% of Americans suffer from mental illness, and about 33% are unshakable Trump supporters, is it safe to assume significant overlap?

  29. Phoenix says:

    I saw what you did there.

  30. 30 year realtor says:

    Trump supporters are masculine? Like Jerry Falwell Jr? Bet you anything the pool boy was hitting him in the seat! A leader of the evangelical community, Trump supporter and cuckold.

  31. AP says:

    Small, “malfeasance and third-world governance from any Dem politician”

    But that was my point earlier: this administration embodies third-world governance.

    Third-world authoritarians govern to appearance, by shouting, by threats. They govern to continually energize and radicalize a core if supporters who are willing to commit ethical slips in order to fit in with the team.

  32. AP says:

    The fatal flaw with the Democratic party these days lies in the economic arena, not the social one.

    It has ceased to meaningfully align with the economic interests of a large segment of the population, specially in the nineties. Thus it left a gap open for authoritarian to sneak in their unsavory ideas and attitudes.

  33. Phoenix says:

    The fatal flaw with the Democratic party these days lies in the economic arena, not the social one.

    It has ceased to meaningfully align with the economic interests of a large segment of the corporate agenda, especially in the nineties. Thus it left a gap open for the corporate owned authoritarian government to sneak in their unsavory ideas and attitudes.

    Fixed it for ya.

  34. AP says:

    Phoenix, I like what you did there. Nice take, food for thought

  35. AP says:

    It was a double-whammy, maybe triple-whammy, for the Dems and in politics you never want a double-whammy:

    – Supported civil right legislation, lost southern and significant portions of Northern working folks

    – Supported women’s right to choose, losing religious voters in the process

    – Got in bed too deeply with Third Way ideologues in the nineties and still trying to recover from that nightmare, lost more working folks

  36. Phoenix says:

    I must be some sort of Hybrid as I can’t stand either repubs or dems.

    It’s like having a drunk father and a drug addict mother. They both have faults that are never acceptable.

    For me there is no lesser of 2 evils. Both are FUBAR.

  37. AP says:

    Phoenix, I sometimes feel the same way, but have to caucus with the Dems bc they are more committed to the intellectual tradition of classic liberalism, if for no other reason

  38. grim says:

    Trump’s anti-science stance isn’t consistent with a trustworthy
    vetted product.

    Trump can jawbone all he wants, and he should, but the fact is, it’s irrelevant if he does or doesn’t. He doesn’t control the timelines and the study results always speak for themselves.

  39. SmallGovConservative says:

    AP says:
    September 7, 2020 at 1:47 pm
    “But that was my point earlier: this administration embodies third-world governance.”

    Not a completely unreasonable point, and one which I might partially agree with under ‘normal’ circumstances — normal being a state in which critical government and private institutions all work properly. Unfortunately, that’s no longer the case. We know, for instance, that journalism is a failed institution; media companies and the ‘journalists’ that work for them have now taken sides — largely pro-Democrat — and actively engage in advocacy journalism. Unbiased reporting of news is now the exception, not the rule. Likewise, we know that Obama politicized both the federal law enforcement and intelligence communities to the point that, if not quite failed institutions, certainly ones that can no longer be relied upon to be fully impartial. So given the failures of just these three damaged institutions, and the ways in which they have actively and corruptly worked against Trump, it’s no wonder that he has chosen to expose them and to appeal directly to the people. In my opinion, the failure hasn’t been with Trump, it’s been with these other institutions.

  40. 3b says:

    Phoenix: Welcome to the club. I have felt this way for years. Of course since I won’t choose sides I am suspect by both. That’s the environment we live in now.

  41. AP says:

    Small, “I might partially agree with under ‘normal’ circumstances”

    So this is actually the crux of the matter: the attraction of Fascistic orientation is that in establishes a sense of “emergency” (which has elements of truth of course, otherwise it would t be effective) and use this pretext to lurch towards greater extra-legal control of power.

  42. 3b says:

    We could have had Bernie back in 2016, and again this year or Warren, but no the Democratic establishment was terrified of them, so we get an old guy who has been in
    DC for over 4 decades who along with the other Democrats and Republicans watched as our entire manufacturing capabilities was sent overseas and they did their corporate masters bidding. Now Joe is gonna build it back better! What a freaking joke!! We are told with a straight face that Biden is the solution, but he is and has been part of the problem.

  43. ExEssex says:

    4:13 yOu sOunD lIkE aNtIFA

  44. BRT says:

    So, because Trump runs his mouth, we are to not trust a vaccine that has gone through all phases of testing deemed necessary? Fauci laid it out for everybody. During vaccine development, between each phase of testing, there is an investment analysis that goes into the process that takes time. The federal government came in and financially supported it so you can skip the “is it worth the money?” phase. So, you shave off a few months without compromising scientific integrity.

    Speaking of anti-science? Why have they avoided a proper double blind study of HCQ, Zinc, & AZ within the first 6 days of diagnosis since there are now dozens of retrospective studies for tens of thousands of patients that indicate that the aforementioned treatment avoids hospitalization and decreases the time it takes to test negative?

  45. AP says:

    3b, “We are told with a straight face that Biden is the solution, but he is and has been part of the problem.”

    Thought experiment: what if both things are true?

  46. SmallGovConservative says:

    AP says:
    September 7, 2020 at 3:57 pm
    “So this is actually the crux of the matter: the attraction of Fascistic orientation is that in establishes a sense of “emergency”…”

    So you’re upset with Trump for pointing out the failures of these institutions, and bypassing biased journalists to appeal directly to his constituents? Or you don’t agree that these institutions are damaged/broken? If the latter, you really need to open your eyes.

  47. 3b says:

    AP: That makes no sense.

  48. AP says:

    3b, lesser evil type thing? Biden is the temporary solution until we can have better options.

  49. AP says:

    Small, “you don’t agree that these institutions are damaged/broken?”

    I would say about this that the Liberal order is clearly flawed, and actually reprehensible in many ways, but the other options in front of us are worse.

  50. 3b says:

    AP: understand. I disagree, I think Biden will make it worse in the long term.

  51. Happy Renter says:

    Communist monkeys: more of this, please!


  52. AP says:

    3b, fair enough, sir, that’s how gentlemen disagree ; )

  53. Happy Renter says:

    More of this in swing states – yes, my little commie monkeys! Dance! Dance my little muppets!


  54. ExEssex says:

    bIdEn wIlL oUtLaW tHe sUbUrBs…..!!

  55. ExEssex says:

    or the first six months of 2020 80 percent of residential transactions were residential transactions.

    And experts say many Northeast buyers were looking to purchase in August, concerned that COVID-19 could make a comeback in flu season.

    From Northern states, according to data pulled from 2019, 20 people moved a day from Connecticut, 72 a day from New Jersey and 242 people a day from New York to Florida, as per the 2020 Miami report.

    Jay Phillip Parker, chief executive of Douglas Elliman’s Florida brokerage said the wealthy end of the market swelled ‘across the major markets of South Florida — Tampa and St. Pete are seeing the same amount of activity.’

    New Jersey couple Vanessa Antonelli and Jordan Epstein of Manalapan rented a house in Orlando for a 10-day break with their five-year-old daughter and nine-year-old son, but ended up staying months.

    ‘We quarantined and ended up staying three months,’ Antonelli, 38, an interior designer said to the Times. ‘The pandemic made us reevaluate the way we were living. It gave us the time to reflect.’

  56. Grim says:

    Moving to Miami? Let em go.

  57. homeboken says:

    Grim – Did I get put into mod? Not sure what caught the blacklist

  58. grim says:

    Looks like it, not sure I can’t see the posts when they go into blacklist.

  59. Phoenix says:

    Happy labor day to all of those that work and pay taxes to the cretins that waste our tax dollars, use nepotism to hire their friends and family, that leave moist divots on the couch, that cheat on paying their fair share of taxes, and the corporations that own our politicians. Plus any cretins I may have forgotten, you know who you are.

    Hope you enjoyed your temporary reprieve from the hamster wheel.

  60. joyce says:

    For the first six months of 2020 80 percent of residential transactions were residential transactions

    I would have thought 100% of residential transactions were residential transactions.

  61. Phoenix says:

    2 people stabbed on Jersey Shore beach, suspects in custody, officials say
    Officers were called to a fight involving a knife around 3:30 p.m.

    What do they say, never bring a knife to a gun fight.

    “Thanks to the quick and heroic work of our brave officers”

    Heroic would have been if they dropped their guns in the sand and said “come on tough guy.”
    Of course that will never happen.

  62. ExEssex says:

    It was early morning yesterday, I was up before the dawn:

  63. Chicago says:

    Goodbye Stranger

  64. D-FENS says:

    It’s now looking like the lockdowns may have been a huge mistake


    The new thinking on lockdowns, as Greg Ip reported in the Wall Street Journal last week, is that “they’re overly blunt and costly.” That supports President Trump’s mid-April statement that “A prolonged lockdown combined with a forced economic depression would inflict an immense and wide-ranging toll on public health.”

    For many, that economic damage has been of Great Depression proportions. Restaurants and small businesses have been closed forever, even before the last three months of “mostly peaceful” urban rioting. Losses have been concentrated on those with low income and little wealth, while lockdowns have added tens of billions to the net worth of Amazon’s Jeff Bezos and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg.

    The anti-lockdown blogger (and former New York Times reporter) Alex Berenson makes a powerful case that lockdowns delayed, rather than prevented, infections.

    There are old lessons here. Governments can sometimes channel but never entirely control nature. There is no way to entirely eliminate risk. Attempts to reduce one risk may increase others. Amid uncertainty, people make mistakes. Like, maybe, the lockdowns

  65. homeboken says:

    Phoenix -. You would respect police more if they just had a fist fight with the actor?

    You are a strange dude.

  66. Nomad says:

    WFH discussion, Check out article on P 14, “What will never be the same”


  67. leftwing says:

    “Trump can jawbone all he wants, and he should, but the fact is, it’s irrelevant if he does or doesn’t. He doesn’t control the timelines and the study results always speak for themselves.”

    Thank you for some reason here. It is alarming to see this press created ‘crisis’. In other news Ford reports that the cars they send to dealerships will actually have brakes that work. Whew. Thank you Joe Biden. Dodged a real bullet there.

    “We know, for instance, that journalism is a failed institution; media companies and the ‘journalists’ that work for them have now taken sides…”

    Amazing that they are doing it openly. On Friday, in reporting on Portland shooting, CBS This Morning during their 90 second lead in referred to the shooter – a self declared member of Antifa – as “left leaning”. Once. They referred to the victim – a self declared supporter of Proud Boys – as ‘right wing’, ‘far right wing’, and ‘ultraconservative’ FIVE times. Yeah, balanced. My arse. This moring they report they saw Trump supporters at another rally with ‘automatic’ weapons. Yeah, right.

    Whether by design or outright incompetence this level of reporting by CBS – what used to be the gold standard of news – is unacceptable. Given its prevalence no wonder so many see their bias as intentional.

  68. leftwing says:

    Separately, this alleged military smear has legs.

    Was at one Labor Day gathering with salt of the earth types, firefighters, etc. More than a few actual DJT supporters, not the ‘anyone but the Dems’ crowd.

    His remarks hit home with this group who are likely representative of the typical swing state voter he needs. The Repub campaign needs to get in front of this, fast.

    The other stuff – vaccines, etc – still viewed as liberal whining, overreaction, and fantasy.

    Guess if you throw enough against a wall something sticks.

  69. 30 year realtor says:

    How do the Republicans get in front of the Trump comments on the military? Wiring his jaw may work. He continues to dig a deeper hole with each passing day. The words attributed to Trump ring so true to his nature that one has to suspend reality to deny he said them.

  70. JCer says:

    AP, “Fascistic orientation”, the notion that somehow Trump is some sort of Facist is absurd. A nationalist… yes, an orange moron….yes. The policies coming from this White House are almost anti federal government at times, regulations are going away, the Federal is deferring to the states on issues….that is not how a “Facist” government operates. It seems the left wing is the one trying to expand federal powers and consolidate power, it absolutely appears they have weaponized bureaucratic institutions.

    Lockdowns were absolutely the wrong policy. The impact of the lockdowns, economically, on health and mental health potentially outweigh the benefits of the lockdowns because they were not administered in an intelligent way. More than a few people we know have lost family members to cancer because “elective” procedures were suspended. The number of people lost to depression, suicide, etc has been huge. My brother-in-law passed away, lost his job, then his girlfriend left him, and he fell off the wagon and drank himself to death he had been 2 years sober prior to this. This lockdown has been terrible for people suffering from addiction, they are trapped alone with their demons. The lockdowns really came too late to have effect on the virus, they were poorly enforced and unevenly applied. The half-a$$ed approach we took had none of the benefits and all of the drawbacks. Truth be told we needed to restrict movement more-so than locking people inside, I still think NYC was nuts to run the subway early in the pandemic, they needed to restrict movement in the tri-state early on. We locked down late and it was leaky so not so much of effect.

  71. SomeOne says:


    Here is what’s he said over the weekend. What solution does he propose? Cut military budget?

    President Donald Trump launched an unprecedented public attack against the leadership of the US military on Monday, accusing them of waging wars to boost the profits of defense manufacturing companies.

    “I’m not saying the military’s in love with me — the soldiers are, the top people in the Pentagon probably aren’t because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy”

  72. Juice Box says:

    Nothing new about what Trump is saying. Eisenhower’s farewell address was a long time ago. I have a retired Air Force colonel in my family. They went straight to DC after retiring, there was no thought of doing anything else, the brass always take care of each other.

  73. Juice Box says:

    Not enough woke folks in Northern NJ. The Ridgewood protest over the weekend drew only 100 people. They did not go after the customers dining outdoors and there were no arrests.

  74. chicagofinance says:

    30 year does not approve of the lyrics of this song……. they are misogynistic and perpetuate white privilege.

    ExEssex says:
    September 7, 2020 at 11:44 pm
    It was early morning yesterday, I was up before the dawn:

  75. Phoenix says:

    Just saying that 5 men with guns vs 1 with a knife-how brave is that really?

  76. chicagofinance says:

    BTW WTF? …….. did every set of parents of 6th graders in Colts Neck buy a brand new oversized American made SUV….. these stupid mobiles look like hearses…. I guess everyone had money burning a hole in their pocket….. gaudy and stupid…..

  77. Phoenix says:

    WAP by Cardi-B is one way music is going, and then there is this:


  78. Phoenix says:

    Karen gets WAP from a Suburban, Tahoe or Navigator. Cheaper to keep Karen.

    They are good at running over protesters or neighbors you don’t like. Hold more guns and ammo as well.

  79. chicagofinance says:

    YUKON XL DENALI……. WTF? stupidmobile….

  80. Hold my beer says:


    She sounds nice. Just get a prenup and a Yukon and you are set.

  81. Phoenix says:

    Even with the technology Karen will manage at some point to back over a few of those kids in the driveway. It might be from all of the wine she drank while watching Rachel Ray, or perhaps one of them just became too mouthy for her liking.

  82. chicagofinance says:

    left: is XOM getting there?

  83. chicagofinance says:

    Also TSLA from secondary is 33% haircut….

  84. chicagofinance says:

    To be clear, I am not a fan of Ben Shapiro….. smart guy, but he speaks too quickly…. so don’t pile on me……

  85. JCer says:

    Don’t know who buys those big american pos suv’s. Don’t see many of them up here in liberalville, mostly subarus, tesla’s, priuses or luxury cars(BMW, Mercedes, Range Rovers).

    Ridgewood might as well be a republican bastion, it’s also mostly white, there are more republicans up there than than most would admit. It’s like Morris county, most don’t realize how much support there is for Trump out there.

  86. ExEssex says:

    s well
    You can laugh at my behaviour
    And that’ll never bother me
    Say the devil is my saviour
    But I don’t pay no heed
    And I will go on shining
    Shining like brand new
    I’ll never look behind me
    My troubles will be few

  87. Phoenix says:

    You need at least a 100 foot frontage on your property in order to have a Yukon XL. These are for the Karens who have estates or live in towns like Mendham.

    Do you want them to crash into things EVERY day?

  88. leftwing says:

    “How do the Republicans get in front of the Trump comments on the military?”

    SomeOne, 30 not disagreeing with you guys….just reporting what I see as a tectonic shift that I otherwise would not have suspected. All disclaimers on statistically insignificant sample size, self selection, etc.

    Short answer is they need to figure it out…they have the facts and the personnel. Start rolling out people with bars on their collars and medals on their chest who support and defend him (yeah, I get he doesn’t have many friends there).

    My point is your point Someone….they are playing it like it is a non-issue and like they still have the ‘line soldier’ type (and more importantly their supporters) in their pockets…I’m saying surprisingly among this group – you know, the guys in town who still start their meetings with an actual pledge of allegiance and mean it – I saw a unanimous drop off of support. Like kryptonite.

    All just FWIW.

  89. Phoenix says:

    What mommy in her Suburban thinks about your Subaru. Go ahead, get in her way tree hugger.


  90. Juice Box says:

    It’s not a techtonic shift, the left has finally figured out their concerns are profoundly removed from the lives of most people as most people don’t sign up for paywall news at the NY Times or WaPo. Facebook is the reason why a weirdo like Shapiro has any following at all. To counter that the Dems have to spend spend spend.

    The left have taken their message to Facebook and other social media platforms with their disinformation campaigns. If anyone remembers 2016 Cambridge Analytica betrayal by Facebook when they waded into American politics, they gave the neanderthal conservatives big data tools to compete with the Dems and target people directly with their campaigns.

    That ability has somewhat been removed by Facebook and other social media, but all that means is they just need to spray more money in Zuck’s way to get the same eyeballs.

    No worries Zuck said he will stop taking the dark money a week before the election, he could now buy up an entire by Hawaii island now with this election season spending.

    Follow the money it’s going to be a $2 Billion dollar election season.

  91. BoneSpurWinner says:

    Leftwing and others looking to mellow out Trump’s gaffe.

    You don’t. He lost them for good.
    Several things.

    Honor, Constitution and loser thing like that are for real to those folk.

    In short. God himself – https://youtu.be/2KbsZ2UFw8o

  92. Phoenix says:

    This is America, where money >decency.

    It’s why families fight over inheritance. Or why business partners split up. Why lawyers are unethical and immoral (ol’ Billy was right), why police kill over a loosie, why car dealerships rip you off, why granny only cares about herself and not the children and the planet/country she is leaving them.

    It’s a country of I got mine. That is the politician and president you will get.
    Guess we will find out soon.

  93. JCer says:

    Phoenix, it’s not just america…..it’s people. Inherently people are self centered, altruism is somewhat not typical furthermore even some “altruism” is driven be self-centered motives. When people engage in “pack” behavior or societal behavior it is driven by self-preservation, people are members of a community for mutual benefit. From time to time people really engage in empathy, charity, etc but it doesn’t

    It is this simple fact that prevents communism from working, people in general will put in what they feel they are getting back. This is the ugly truth about human nature. People fail to realize that if TSHTF many of your neighbors would slit your throat and steal your food, fortunately we live in a place where people have excess resources it prevents us from seeing the ugly side of survival instinct.

  94. ExEssex says:

    Trump is not a fascist, yet.
    He admires and befriends fascists,
    he appeals to the Country’s baser instincts
    with raw populism, some of which harkens back
    to Nixon’s Southern Strategy. 4 more years of Trump?
    I really don’t think so. Not this time.

  95. leftwing says:

    “Leftwing and others looking to mellow out Trump’s gaffe.”

    No action here, not looking to do anything…passive observer. Anyway, I’m doing a deep clean over the weekend of a lifetime of accoutrements and found a voter registration card from 1991. NY, lived in Park Slope at the time. Independent. I smiled.

  96. ExEssex says:

    1991 was a very good year.

  97. ExEssex says:

    I think if anything this blog has turned me on to the other side’s way of thinking, Not that it was a total mystery, but it confirms some things about myself and others. One thing is for sure, I would never pass the litmus test for being “woke”. I think I know too much about how the system is set up for failure to really believe in anything that either is spewing. That being said, I have always voted for a Democrat. Even Mondale.

  98. leftwing says:

    Chi, XOM is watchlisted, still very conflicted…..want to get long some more names but looking for more general downside, my shorts have been champions, KODK again today, trimmed some to keep position size manageable in light of vol, my vertical SPX spreads….

    Obviously not trying to time a bottom in market or any individual stock but there may be other names ahead of XOM…..personally I’d like another look at DIS at 110 as would most people I suspect lol…..Any view on the next couple weeks of big bank performance exclusive of what the market may do? JPM and BAC, and in a separate category WFC?

  99. Juice Box says:

    Wow Govenor Andrew Cuomo must be kicking his dog right now.

    “How Covid-19 made New Jersey’s Phil Murphy the most powerful governor in America
    Murphy’s grip on New Jersey’s political scene has tightened to a point where it’s almost all-consuming.”


  100. leftwing says:

    From the Politico article, and the point at which I stopped reading as it confirms this State is full of morons who get the (fiscally and morally) bankrupt government its citizens firmly deserve…

    “Now, six months into a global pandemic that’s shattered the state’s economy and killed roughly 16,000 residents, Murphy has become one of the most popular governors in New Jersey history…”

  101. BoneSpurWinner says:

    About Cambridge Analytica and Facebook. All they did was a waterdown tech version of how a tough local election in a powerful machine town would occur.

    Part 1- The Survey.
    Political workers visit you and ask do you like the mayor?. They rate you 1-5. A 1 you are theirs, a 3 in the middle, a 5 on the other side.

    Part 2- The Hardball challenge tactics on election day.
    If the election is tight. Every 5 and likely every 4 get challenge at the polls. Meaning a provisional ballot or a have to go to the county court house for a hearing under a judge open just for election day.

    Part 3 – The machine at work.
    If you are a 4 or 5 and your side has no support, you are on your own and likely not vote. If your side is powerful, a rep will be there and arrange for you a round trip with escort to courthouse for vote.

    Most local political bosses have a system like this varying in strength. The county, state, and federal candidate make deal to use it for their own votes. In NJ they use government employees and union people. Down south they use churches, HOA, and other groups. All of them if there is plenty of money will hire college students to do the work.

    And finally – he who owns the senior citizens has a good head start. So you make sure they take trips to AC, Mohegan Sun, and feed them in St.Pats, Mother’s Day, Thanksgiving, Xmas, etc.

  102. AP says:

    I wasn’t going to post today but I noticed JCer is spreading misconceptions so I gotta clarify a couple of things…

    @8:57 “Trump is some sort of Facist is absurd. A nationalist”

    Ethno-nacionalism is a problem. Patriotism is fine.

    “people. Inherently people are self centered, altruism is somewhat not typical”

    This is just scientific ignorance. Collaboration and empathy made the human experience possible. Without it we would have hit an evolutionary dead end like other mammals.

  103. AP says:

    Juice Box, “lives of most people as most people don’t sign up for paywall news at the NY Times or WaPo”

    That’s just the beginning of it. The New Yorker, NYBooks, TLS, etc. It gets expensive, but it’s worth it. Privileged?

  104. D-FENS says:

    The old GOP sucked. The new one is much better.

  105. Bystander says:

    As per my posts last week, Trump is smart enough to know that his goose is cooked if the Big Ten does not play football. The WH is doing everything in its power to cojole the conference to re-vote for a season. He, of course, breathes lies. “Season looking good” yet Michigan, MSU, IL, MD are out. How can they play dumb%ass? He is apparently willing to offer all kinds of things from vaccines to money, I am hearing. Revote date is unsure.

    “Big Ten Football is looking really good, but may lose Michigan, Illinois, and Maryland because of those Governors’ ridiculous lack of interest or political support. They will play without them?”

    — Donald J. Trump

  106. 3b says:

    AP: I agree with Juice, we have a layer of civility and it can be easily ripped away, and humans can do awful things to each other as in Nazi Germany, and Stalins Soviet Union. And in the 90s the slaughter in Rwanda. It does not take all that much to rip it away. And the most educated and sophisticated have been and would be the worst offenders.

  107. AP says:

    3b, I actually agree with you. That layer of civility can easily be ripped away. That’s why it’s important to fully understand it, and defend it.

  108. AP says:

    3b, on this topic, I’m not sure if there are any Christians on the board. But this video by Rene Girard about Peter’s denial of Christ is very interesting.

    It talks about the conflict we all face between blindly following the team vs following our own spirit. It is also very interesting for non-Christians btw.


  109. Juice Box says:

    AP – re: “It gets expensive, but it’s worth it”

    The job of the media is to pander to it’s audience and sell it information. You are a customer and you will be served.

  110. AP says:

    Juice, everyone has a bias, right? Based on their own experiences. I actually like bias. It helps me distinguish the wheat from the chaff. Tell me how you really feel.

    I also read Drudge obsessively and even dip into Zero Hedge occasionally to see how crazy the asilum has gotten.

  111. AP says:

    Let it be said that I only do the New Yorker for the occasional Jill Lenore masterpiece and for Gia Tolentino. And the cartoons!

  112. AP says:

    Jill Lepore, rather : ) the American historian.

  113. Juice Box says:

    AP-re: bias and how I really feel? I prefer to maintain a central stance. 50% either way. To far in either direction will make anyone 100% wrong eventually.

    An example today would be liberal comedians. They are now conservative, and it’s not out of choice it’s because they have been told they will be cancelled if they aren’t. We are not supposed to be able to laugh out loud at the human condition anymore. Since you mentioned religion God gave us laughter, it is one of his greatest gifts, something we need more of today.

  114. AP says:

    “God gave us laughter, it is one of his greatest gifts, something we need more of today”

    Truer words were not said today on this blog

  115. biit.fm says:

    whoah this blog is magnificent i really like studying your posts.
    Stay up the great work! You already know, a lot of persons are
    looking round for this information, you could aid them greatly.

  116. Fast Eddie says:

    When people engage in “pack” behavior or societal behavior it is driven by self-preservation, people are members of a community for mutual benefit.

    The very definition of the modern democrat party. Cheat, deceive, swindle, manipulate and scheme while disguising it is compassion and the greater good. Every move they make, every idea they put forward depends on the money and achievement of someone else. Ask them to build from the ground up and you’ll get a look as though you speak a foreign language. They’re masters at the game as they’ve been practicing for 60 years now.

  117. homeboken says:

    AP – Realize that you are no longer “reading Drudge”

    He sold the website to an anonymous buyer. The details of that have never been revealed but Matt Drudge is no longer the curator of the site that is named for him.

  118. Fast Eddie says:

    From the article above regarding Governor Muppet:

    The New Jersey Turnpike Authority moved forward with unpopular fare hikes at the height of the pandemic, a move Murphy approved. The state Treasury recently increased the gas tax by 9.3 cents per gallon at a time when unemployment is firmly entrenched in double-digits.

    Doesn’t this prove my point? Aside from the 19,000 seniors he murdered escorting them into the assisted death chambers. Democrats will use people, their money and the products and services they create for their own use, like the bloodsucking freeloaders that they are.

  119. AP says:

    home, interesting will have to look into that

  120. AP says:

    Fast, see you posting Objectivist talking points verbatim. Pondering if I should address it or let it slide…

    OMG taxes are theft! I’m a fully atomic individual cooperating with other free agents in a heroic quest for personal glory. Vanity.

  121. JCer says:

    AP your argument lacks substance, you’ve refuted nothing I’ve said. I never commented on the merit of Nationalists, Fascists are Nationalists but Nationalists aren’t necessarily Fascists. That is pure fact, you’ve had Nationalist political figures left, right, and center. I’m saying the notion that Trump is somehow similar in policy to Mussolini, Hitler, Franco, or Peron, is laughable. Again not a defense of his behavior or even policy, I just believe we should view things objectively and honestly.

    On humanity, collaboration is a key part of our evolutionary development, the success of mankind has been dependent on it, empathy is simply considered a good trait in our current society(hence people doing charitable acts) . 3B’s point is very pertinent, that drive to be a member of a tribe drive the worst actions humans have ever taken, many will follow without asking a question or raising a concern. Every dictator, cult leader, successful politician manipulates people’s base instincts. People act for self serving reasons, it is innate, it is part of our nature, the way people have historically acted it becomes very clear people lack true empathy. The way your average German or Japanese or Russian for that matter acted during WII should put any idealistic notions about innate empathy you have to bed……

    Humans are self-centered, vain, greedy, lack empathy and sympathy until proven otherwise. I’ve accepted this fact, most people aren’t inherently good or evil but rather are driven by their own needs and wants, some act with good intent(or bad) due to religious beliefs, others for societal reasons(this is a big group of people). Most people are malleable and neither good nor evil, but rather capable of both given the right motivation. There are some innately good people but they are few and far between, most are indifferent and driven by their own wants and needs.

  122. SomeOne says:

    One more unarmed person shot by cops


    A 13-year-old boy with autism was shot several times by police officers who responded to his home in Salt Lake City after his mother called for help.

  123. JCer says:

    AP there is merit to the notion of taxes as theft. For example when one changes the tax code to harm their political enemies(for example Trump removing the SALT deduction) or to help their benefactors(Democrat tax credits to environmentally harmful green energy, don’t even try to tell me all of these wind farms and solar projects are environmentally positive) that in it’s essence is theft. Herein lies the issue with Taxation in our country, politicians use it as a lever of power(on both sides), it is no longer based on financing and running the government and it certainly isn’t transparent. Personally on Murphy and the gas tax, we shouldn’t fund our road infrastructure this way, repeal the gas tax, we can have toll roads and go to a direct payment system as part of automobile registration out of state vehicles can pay to use our roads(highway’s could either be toll or covered by a vignette like in Switzerland). Road fees should be used for roads and only roads, no robbing peter to pay paul.

    No argument from me we should pay for government services, at the same time our money should go to services for the people not the quid-pro-quo union payoffs that we get. Also the services the government provides should make sense and have value to the majority of society.

  124. leftwing says:

    “Trump is smart enough to know that his goose is cooked if the Big Ten does not play football.”

    Yeah, I’m not sure what logic, if any, you use but no Big10 would be a boon for Trump.

    He’s the one on the record for re-openings, and it is the Dem governors closing their states….MI, MN, WI, IL, PA……..all Dems

    The Left may be able to confuse the voters on certain topics, trying to convince them that white is black and black is white, but you’re smoking better sh1t than SX ever had if you believe your Big10 football fan is going to be fooled that somehow shuttered stadiums are due to DJT and not their local lib guv.

  125. 3b says:

    Jcer: There is your mistake. The days of viewing things objectively and honestly are over. We are regressing in many respects.

  126. leftwing says:

    “There are some innately good people but they are few and far between, most are indifferent and driven by their own wants and needs.”

    As someone who was the former for most decades of my adulthood and has been reamed in many aspects of adult life by the latter, I strongly recommend anyone with any empathy or humanity revert to being cold hearted, self interested, selfish pricks.

    You will wind up there eventually, and if you start there you will save yourself many years of frustration and wind up better off by most tangible and intangible measures.

  127. Fast Eddie says:

    Fast, see you posting Objectivist talking points verbatim. Pondering if I should address it or let it slide…

    First of all, if you’re addressing me then you didn’t let it slide. Second of all, I’m posting nothing verbatim unless I state the fact. Otherwise, I’m posting what’s logical and what makes sense.

  128. AP says:

    JCer, ” there is merit to the notion of taxes as theft”

    Unfortunately there really isn’t, except perhaps as an abstract discussion. That is an extremist view in practice, a not very interesting one, and one that bears no relationship to how human complex large-scale societies are constructed. Good points re just and smart taxation you had though.

    “Most people are malleable and neither good nor evil, but rather capable of both given the right motivation. ”

    True, but I think it’s not that they need the right motivation, but instead that they follow the example of those around them.

    The problem is an excessive identification with the group, along with the scapegoating of outsiders.

  129. AP says:

    Fast, I dig your style, man. Just got to a bone to pick with the Rand.

  130. leftwing says:

    “OMG taxes are theft! I’m a fully atomic individual cooperating with other free agents in a heroic quest for personal glory.”

    No, just real objection to the pendulum moving so far in one direction that the rationale for taxation is lost and abused.

    AP, you so happy with taxes the way they are? You pay them. Or pay even more. If you’re so in love with taxation you can always freely and with no limitation or effort write a bigger check to your government of choice.

    Me? I’m the governed, whose consent is required. And I withdraw my consent and I’m working damn hard to make my view the majority to shut your view down.

    After which, of course, you can continue to pay as much more as you please.

    See? Everyone wins!

  131. 3b says:

    Left: You bring up a very valid but depressing point. Trying to live a right or ethical life is often folly. Do the right thing we are told otherwise you will become just like them. The problem I see is that there is more of them then the do the right thing folks. Unfortunately, as I get older I don’t believe the statement that people are inherently good. In fact I am more of the mind that people inherently suck. And sometimes you have to be just like them, or they will simply run you over.

  132. Fast Eddie says:

    Fast, I dig your style, man. Just got to a bone to pick with the Rand.

    She makes sense. Can’t say I agree with absolutely everything but she’s right.

  133. 30 year realtor says:

    So says the guy in the cult. LOL! Eddie, how’s the kool-aid?

    Fast Eddie says:
    September 8, 2020 at 2:10 pm
    When people engage in “pack” behavior or societal behavior it is driven by self-preservation, people are members of a community for mutual benefit.

    The very definition of the modern democrat party. Cheat, deceive, swindle, manipulate and scheme while disguising it is compassion and the greater good. Every move they make, every idea they put forward depends on the money and achievement of someone else. Ask them to build from the ground up and you’ll get a look as though you speak a foreign language. They’re masters at the game as they’ve been practicing for 60 years now.

  134. AP says:

    left, “I’m the governed, whose consent is required.”

    Me too. I like to play up like a big shot on NJRE (so no one makes fun of me) but I’m a working stiff just like you. If I lost my job, I’d be toast if I couldnt get another one.

  135. Juice Box says:

    There will be screams from the echo chamber if Sleeping Joe loses like Hillary did in 2016. It’s all social media’s fault not enough censorship.

    MIT review folks..


  136. JCer says:

    3b, exactly. Here is the deal most people don’t want to hurt you. But if you need to be hurt for them to get what they want or need they will have qualm with hurting you. The other thing among humans which causes malevolent acts is envy. If you engage with people going in with the expectation that they will disappoint you, you will generally be alright.

    On taxation it is a question of fairness as well as what the government is using tax payer dollars for. Frankly it is out of hand and we receive poor value for what we pay. Income tax is bad enough and now the notion of a wealth tax is even worse. I’m all for the notion that those who use a service should pay for it. What I am against is bloated revenue collection that is used as a political piggy bank to buy votes and support. One of the most scandalous things about the Obama administration was their funding of “Green Energy”, many of the funded projects are now defunct and many others were never really green to begin with. Meanwhile we are all paying taxes to support these boondoggles, high speed rail to nowhere, tax credits to big oil and other industry. political supporters are getting rich and we are getting crushed.

  137. 3b says:

    Jcer: And some will hurt you because they feel threatened, not that you harmed them but because the potential is there so they strike. And some do it because they like it and get off on it. As for taxes they are obscene, and the return is minimal. No accounting for how the money is spent. No real value. Compare NJ Transit and the MTA with train service in Europe, and it’s criminal just how little we get, for the incredible amounts of money poured into these systems. Same with school funding, spend millions and kids are still graduating high school who can barely read. Can’t question how the money is spent or you are suspect. So over and over in NJ keep the public sector unions happy, and just raise taxes. It is simply not sustainable.

  138. JCer says:

    3b, I look at the facilities the schools have in the liberal utopia I live in and ask myself the question not only do they have a capital budget but are they even performing basic maintenance meanwhile all we do is spend. I’m thinking I should retire from the corporate sector as an IT administrator for the public schools, given how poorly they’ve handled the e-learning thing it becomes apparent they aren’t working to hard. in corporate america the way the schools are handling this people would definitely be fired. Again private preschool looks like the swiss army compared to the local public schools. BRT is right teachers in a lot of these public schools succeed in spite of the administration, the superintendents are hapless and make well over 200k per year.

    On Europe, I’ll use the sick man of Europe as an example, Italy. It is literally the worst run European country, they have a lot of waste, graft and corruption. Still their trains are way better than NJ transit, even in Rome you can get from the beach to St Peters in like 20 minutes on a commuter train that does over 100mph, a commuter train not even high speed rail and through an ancient city and unforgiving landscape. You get decent healthcare and higher education for your tax dollars and the local taxes are no where near what we see in the US with State, federal, and property taxes. Heck the third rail of Italian politics is the primary residence property tax credit, everyone there owns their home. When that wholly incompetent bureaucracy starts to look good you know you have a problem on your hands. We can’t even get a decent train to newark airport or a working monorail…..

  139. homeboken says:

    3B – with regard to public transport, or any other utility for that matter, the issue is that far too big of a percentage is used to pay retirement benefits. The retirement eligibilty age is too low and the cash benefit is too high.

    Add in a sprinkle of people living longer and below market investment returns and very quickly you find yourself in a hole that is impossible to work your way out of.

    At some point, the public employee retirement system will fail. The quesiton is when will it fail and what other damage will be caused as leadership attempts to delay that failure.

    Just like social security – The boomer generation gets furious that the benefits may be cut or funding decreased. I’ve heard the saying “I paid into this system my whole life and now they want to take it away??” Meanwhile, those 45 years old and younger, will pay for it as well, and should expect to never receive one dime in return.

    That is true theft. Forcibly take my wages and don’t even try to sell me the lie any more. Just shut up and take it. Grandma needs to play the penny slots in AC before she dies of emphysema.

  140. 30 year realtor says:

    Curious what the blogs reaction is to the proposals in this letter to the NYT. Joyce?

    It Is Possible to Reform the Police https://nyti.ms/3hcPZez

  141. No One says:

    Eddie is far from repeating Objectivist talking points.
    I’d say about 1/2 of the current Objectivist scholars are encouraging voting for Biden over Trump. Of course most of them aren’t making enough money to worry about Biden significantly raising their taxes. I don’t think a good philosopher cannot possibly be an enthusiastic supporter of either candidate. It’s about picking what poison one will suffer in the near term and speculating on which worsening intellectual trends will be aggravated longer term.
    I just watched the Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy this weekend, and it seems timely. DiBlasio working along the lines of the Joker and Bane. But ultimately, bad ideas are even more destructive than bombs, and it takes better intellectuals, not superheros to fight them.

  142. Juice Box says:

    30 year they need to end most stops completely. It’s only fair.

    The tech already exists, no need to stop you for speeding it’s already done, speeding cameras, stop light cameras automatically send tickets automatically no stop needed.

    NYC already has 950 speed cameras are installed throughout the city within the 750 designated school zones and there will be 2000 cameras by next year. More than 10 mph at a speed camera location receive a $50 fine, no tussle with the PoPo needed, and are much more efficient.

    NJ state Troopers have been under scrutiny for decades, and even with all the changes in the law and additional training and monitoring 20% of their stops are still African Americans when they only represent 15% of the population of New Jersey. Just send an automatic ticket already, no more of this nonsense where some PoPo thinks they smell weed on a busy windy highway so they have probably cause to escalate and search.

  143. AP says:

    “bad ideas are even more destructive than bombs, and it takes better intellectuals, not superheros to fight them.”

    It’s 6 o’clock, so cheers to that

  144. JCer says:

    30 year, it is more solutions in search of a problem. The first problem is that we cannot quantify the problem, before we discuss solutions what is the problem statement? What issue are we trying to resolve? Is it overzealous police stops, is it police violence, what is the real issue, how significant is it, where is the data who are the aggrieved(I assure the data they are using is faulty)?, where is this happening?

    The issue of searches is a clear one to me, it’s illegal, the police cannot search your car without a warrant or good probable cause period. Officers should be penalized for for illegal searches and otherwise questionable conduct, no argument there. It should also be made very easy to complain about the conduct of an officer, lets use technology and body cams, complaints can be reviewed by a civilian board, cops who are inappropriate often can be let go….oh wait the unions won’t let that happen. But also more frequently it is the citizen who is inappropriate, almost every case of police violence BLM advanced is one where a criminal assaults police in the process of arrest with potentially deadly force, I’m sorry BLM there is no cure for stupid DON’T ASSAULT AN ARMED PERSON. There are issues in policing that need to be addressed, I certainly concede that the Breonna Taylor case highlights that the police are using no knock warrants and other militaristic tactics more than is warranted. Something needs to be done about that but it does not involve charging the police officers with a crime, unfortunately they were acting lawfully, the issue is the law, the police should have to identify themselves as the police.

    The left always wants to change everything without understanding the impact first, the unintended consequences. Sweeping legislation is rarely the right answer, get the data, try to understand it, find the places that are doing better, slowly enact change, make progress and eventually solve your issue. This is the crux of the problem, complex problems don’t have easy solutions there is always more to it and potentially problems that can be caused by sweeping legislation.

    This is not as easy as the early civil rights legislation, there is no clear fix, how many stops are based on suspected gang affiliation, I can assure you the gang bangers are brown or black, I can assure you the majority of stops in Newark are black and brown people as they are the vast majority of the population in Newark and there are elevated levels of crime. It is important to collect the data and do the analysis and also stops are likely associated with crime rates, you really handicap the police and it will be open season on us, people in NJ should know this well.

  145. Bystander says:

    No left, you don’t get it but Dumpy does. There are enough lowly informed and mostly disengaged voters who simply won’t like that their fall ritual has gone away and they will just vote change. Sort of like swing votes that led Dumpy narrowly into WH, a few counties here and there. You simply try to pin it on Dem govs because that is your hope..but it holds no water. Read Clown’s message, MD is run by Repub, PA and NJ by Dems. It is not party line political issue. Plus if he does blame D govs, expect those governors along with Biden to publicly blame Trump. If Dumpy gets season then votes for him..if not, he is in trouble. No smoking here. Clear as day to me.

  146. Blue Ribbon Teacher says:

    Finished the 1st day. Not difficult at all to maintain safe spacing. The hallway traffic is less than what you would see at the supermarket. We have all our windows open. Smallest class was 6 kids in class today. Largest was 15 (still wasn’t an issue). It remains to be seen how logistical it is to have kids dialed in through google meet during live instruction. Going to try a lesson with both groups simultaneously tomorrow.

  147. Juice Box says:

    Blue, congrats on day one. It’s awfully quiet in the MSM about the Georgia schools, it’s been what 5 weeks? Then there is the European experience, re-openings didn’t lead to a significant increase in Covid-19 infections among students, teachers, or staff.

    Masks, distancing, washing hands etc works without a doubt.

    I have signed my boys up for Soccer first practice is Saturday, they are excited as a
    1/2 year to a kid is an eternity.

    Infection in Monmouth county is negligible and grandparents are now quarantined forever. No trips, no cruises, just 24 x 7 CNN, so watching that they may never leave home.

  148. Juice Box says:

    Astrazeneca crushed in after hours. 30,000 adult volunteers at 80 sites in the United States phase 3 just started literary last week and it’s halted do to only one person with an unknown issue.

    Biden and Kamala owe the president and the scientists an apology. Too bad no reporter will ever get to ask that question.

  149. 3b says:

    Jcer: I was blown away by the Italian train system. Absolutely superior. Clean modern and clean. The same in Ireland and Spain. NJ Transit is an embarrassment. Best and the brightest my ass!

  150. 3b says:

    NJ state troopers look like Gestapo officers. The boots, the hat.

  151. zapaza19 says:

    re: JCer 4:24 and Italian trains

    I don’t know if any of you have been on a train in Italy. I have. Here’s the deal….

    picketpockets galore at the stations..you are warned.

    The bathrooms in the trains have toilets that dump directly onto the tracks. That’s right.
    They have maintenance trains that dump disenfenctants onto the tracks 2 miles before and after every stop. That’s because, obviously, the trains run slower. They do not disenfect anywhere else.

    Pretty disgusting, I’d say.

    And in Belgium, the town that I vacationed at dumps their entire sewage into the local streams. Smells pretty bad once the temperature gets past 75. Residents don’t care.

  152. 3b says:

    Home: I agree. But I also see some of these younger people however that’s defined today , so for my example I will early 40s, who have bought theses massive Mc mansions 4 or more bedrooms, 3 plus baths, huge property taxes and they have 2 kids. Both parents work to afford that, one gets laid off they are dead! Why do this? It’s insanity in my mind. And once you hit 40 in corporate America, you are starting to get long in the tooth, in other words you are old. These same types I mentioned have the leased Audi’s Benz s in the driveway. Young kids college down the line , retirement, and yet they piss money away! Meanwhile my boomer neighbors have lived in the same house for 54 years , 3 bedrooms 1.5 bath.

  153. 3b says:

    Zapa: I was on the Italian train system 4 years ago, and yes it along with the rest of Europe is plagued by pickpockets, primarily migrants from overseas; there I said it. And the ones from Africa selling trinkets target tourists and can be quite dangerous; said it again. The trains themselves were spotless, including the bathrooms on the train, and the terminals in Rome and Florence. And if they are dumping the sewage on the tracks I did not see it, and it did not smell. And every train we took including connections were on time.

  154. Juice Box says:

    Eurostar is great in most EU countries. I did the local train from Venice to Milan to catch a flight. At least it did not stop every 3 kilometres, it reminded me of NJ transit mostly with no A/C, windows open and dirty.

    re: picketpockets galore. I kicked the ass of a pick pocket in Paris once, and then gave him a few Euros to go away.Dejected as he was, I could not hate him for trying to survive. Then word got around Europe not to mess with a boy from the Bronx.

    The drunk guy attacking the bus in Croatia did not get the word apparently and almost paid for it,but the bus driver could not be shown up by an American and decided to talk him down as he saw I was about to lay down.

    Good times in the EU. I will go back again no doubt.

  155. Juice Box says:

    Chi – He is just jealous as the NAC was supplanted by BLM, envy apparently does not pay the bills.

  156. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Told you, for a good percentage of the population, WFH is a death sentence. Don’t underestimate the amount of addictions out there.

    “The Opioid Crisis, Already Serious, Has Intensified During Coronavirus Pandemic”


  157. 3b says:

    Juice: Euro Star is great! Americans can say what they want about Europe, but the train system is impressive! Just hate that Euro electronic music, house music as it was called in the USA where it originated, but died out. They love it over there!! And then of course the graffiti, don’t know why it’s still so big over there. Paris was not that bad, but Rome it was everywhere!

  158. Juice Box says:

    Pumps get off the ledge before someone has to do a Riggs and make you jump.

    Covid-19 will go away.

    WFH is here to stay.

    You really think a fat exec gives a shit about someone’s well being? They are always trying to save their own fat ass. Pretend to be vegan, pretend to be diverse and then tell you they do not eat meat but in the middle of the night cannot resists a hot dog in the pie hole or elsewhere.

    Look I should not vent but I have seen the slides. The management consultants have pitched massive savings by offshoring for decades and now the next gig is operational expense, it’s got nothing to do with right or wrong!

  159. ExEssex says:

    There are times when all the world’s asleep
    The questions run too deep
    For such a simple man
    Won’t you please, please tell me what we’ve learned
    I know it sounds absurd
    Please tell me who I am

  160. Blue Ribbon Teacher says:

    Murphy claims we will know in 10 days whether indoor dining affects COVID, nevermind CT and PA doing 2 straight months without an increase. He timed the opening of indoor dining to the day of many schools opening. Perhaps he doesn’t understand that to study something in science, you would have wanted to do these things independently. If the rate ticks up in the next 10 to 15 days, was it dining? was it schools? was it both?

  161. The Great Pumpkin says:


    For many people, work is the only escape from Harmful addictions.

    My position is this. We are all better off without WFH. If it does come, we all will be worse off.

  162. The Great Pumpkin says:

    But hey!!! We are saving money!!! F’ing idiots.

  163. Chicago says:

    The U.S is a car culture and has vast swaths of open space. It explains everything.

    I think NYC is the only true public transportation city.

    Even when I lived in Chicago I was struck by the focus on the car. Even with good public transport options.

    What other big cities? Houston? LA? Atlanta? Seattle? Denver? DC?

    People need their car.

  164. Chicago says:

    And I LOVE trains

  165. Chicago says:

    When Supertramp plays concerts in North America, they dedicate Goodbye Stranger to AOC. They use alternate lyrics. It’s called Goodbye Sandy.

  166. Chicago says:

    Color me shocked. When I saw a reference to Nazi Germany I was positive we would see the diminutive FlabMax buzzing around here like a fly on a day old deer carcass by the road.

  167. Chicago says:

    It Is Possible to Reform the Police?

    Maybe the police’s behavior is cherry picked or exaggerated?


  168. Hold my beer says:

    My kid’s high school started in person classes today. Already had kids test positive for covid today. And that is with only half the kids doing in person. Half are doing virtual. My kids will be doing virtual for the first 3 months. The deadline to switch to in person for the second 6 week has already passed. Flu season has also started in Texas. Not sure if we will send them for in person for the 3rd six week cycle. Will see how many cases we get in the next month.

    I don’t see how 4,000 people can socially distance in a school that was designed for 3,000. And I would say at least 20% of the people I see when I am out have their noses sticking out of their masks, stick their fingers under the mask or remove the mask to speak, or wear a mask on their chin or dangling from an ear instead of over their mouths and nose.

  169. ExEssex says:

    PRAGUE — Czech authorities arrested a prominent Prague-based independent producer on Monday, raiding his offices and charging him and eight associates with “coercing women to have sex on camera,” over content on one of his company’s casting-couch themed websites.

    According to local reports, Monday’s raid on the Prague offices of local online adult entertainment company Netlook resulted in the arrest of owner Martin Stiborek. Newspaper Seznam Zprávy describes the charges against Stiborek and his employees with Czech words that translate as “human trafficking, rape or sexual coercion,” with a potential penalty of 12 years in prison.

    Seznam Zprávy described Netlook as “the largest producer of pornography in the Czech Republic,” although sources familiar with Prague’s adult scene confirm that Stiborek is merely one of several notable players, and that the newspaper’s inflation of his prominence might be sensationalizing the story.

  170. JCer says:

    Chi, my point with the data, it’s cr@p, not well collected or uniform usually there is a lot of massaging to match the author’s thesis. Let’s get a handle on the problem, where it is happening, what is happening and let’s try to make some small changes to see how we can improve it targeting problem areas. Unfortunately everything is politicized so the answer is always some crazy changes that usually has a different motive or political angle…..

  171. homeboken says:

    Hold – the HS has positive tests on day 1 and you are correlating that to the school opening?

  172. AP says:

    One point I’ve been making on the blog recently, perhaps too insistently, has been about scapegoating.

    The police gets scapegoated, as do minority groups.

    People gel into groups, which is natural and healthy, but then they attack “enemy” groups to show belonging to their group, and to alleviate social pressures by assigning all evil to the enemy group. This is what social media is fostering and goading on and it explains so much.

  173. Blue Ribbon Teacher says:

    My experience is people in NJ have better practices than other states I’ve been to.

  174. 30 year realtor says:

    You are speculating about data that you have no knowledge of. The reason I posted the article I did was these are SMALL CHANGES. No revolutionary proposals. Inexpensive to implement. Likely positive results for everyone. Good ideas even if racial disparities didn’t even exist.

    JCer says:
    September 9, 2020 at 2:32 am
    Chi, my point with the data, it’s cr@p, not well collected or uniform usually there is a lot of massaging to match the author’s thesis. Let’s get a handle on the problem, where it is happening, what is happening and let’s try to make some small changes to see how we can improve it targeting problem areas. Unfortunately everything is politicized so the answer is always some crazy changes that usually has a different motive or political angle…..

  175. grim says:

    Man, Montclair really owes angry loud black man Josh Pray an apology.

  176. 1987 Condo says:

    Why would the Star Ledger editorial Board, who I assume is somewhat educated, say in today’s editorial.. “and his payroll tax deduction proposal would deplete Social Security by 2023.”

    They link to a Forbes article where an expert says that is SS deductions were suspended FOREVER, the fund would run out in 2023. A permanent freeze was never discussed, what was discussed was a “deferral”, a temporary freeze with the need to payback next year (in itself a bad idea).


    This makes me question a lot of the rest they say.


  177. leftwing says:

    “Plus if he does blame D govs, expect those governors along with Biden to publicly blame Trump. If Dumpy gets season then votes for him..if not, he is in trouble…”

    You are entitled to your opinion, it’s yours, but the idea that if the Big10 football season is cancelled fans will blame DJT rather than their own (liberal) governors is likely the most off target political comment posted here in a while.

    I have immediate family in three separate Big10 states and have been to each since the beginning of the year. The overwhelming opinion of these people on C19 matters is, nearly verbatim, that they are so happy to be under “reasonable” government and not in states run by Cuomo or Murphy.

    Hell on here even WE don’t blame DJT for C19 opening policy in our State. The idea that the bedrock midwestern Big10 pickup driving, flag in flatbed fan and voter is going to look through their (liberal) governors’ mandates and blame a national Republican figure for C19 closures is downright laughable….

    Especially when you have circumstances like these…..The Des Moine (Democrat) school district superintendent is defying both the (Republican) governor’s order AND court decisions to send his district’s kids back to school….and you’re trying to tell me if the Hawkeyes season is cancelled this same bunch of Iowan parents are going to blame DJT? Get outta here…..


  178. homeboken says:

    The SS deferral is a timing strategy by Trump.

    No SS tax for the rest of 2020, paid in 2021.

    Trump wins – he will push for an amnesty for all deferred payments. If Biden wins, he will either be forced to collect the arrears or wipe payments.

    But this money is not going to every be due and payable. But Trump doesn’t have the authority to cease collections without congress. So defer and offer amnesty.

  179. Phoenix says:

    “The police gets scapegoated”

    I spent my entire life with the exception of the last 4 years with almost no interaction with them.
    I am not a minority so my interactions with them have nothing to do with any of this “BLM” movement.
    Nothing in my experience was racially motivated at all, yet I felt the full wrath of law enforcement from the minute a false allegation was leveled at me. Guilty until proven innocent.
    If what I experienced is anything like what “BLM” or anyone else experienced I truly understand how they feel. One trip through that sausage grinder and you know exactly what American law looks like and feels like. I will never forget nor forgive.

    You can have them.

  180. Phoenix says:

    This mother is an idiot. Hope she is happy with the decision she made. Maybe she was hoping this would happen- who the hell knows- its well known now that anytime you call your “heroes” that they just might ace you-and sometimes when people call that’s exactly why they do it-someone standing/parking in front of your house, call the police and they will get them to move for you cause you don’t want them there.

    Well she hit the payday now-she can buy a nice fancy home for her and her son-and the taxpayers can pick up the tab.

    Autistic 13-Year-Old Boy Shot By Salt Lake City Police


  181. AP says:

    Phoenix, I feel you. You know I get it.

    All I’m saying is that there’s an orchestrated effort to goad the population into camps.

    Doesn’t mean evil doesn’t take place, but that our natural tendency to scapegoat overtakes everything. So it’s not just “the police has structural issues that need urgent reform” but “cops are 3vil!”.

    And so it goes I blame you, you blame me… America needs to break the cycle

  182. D-FENS says:

    Offensive. You could not be more wrong. At a time when police in other states look like paramilitary units, the NJSP uniform is perfect.

    3b says:
    September 8, 2020 at 8:29 pm
    NJ state troopers look like Gestapo officers. The boots, the hat.

  183. 3b says:

    Defens: It was not meant to be offensive. I have maintained that opinion since I moved here years ago, long before any of what’s going on today. It’s an observation on my part. The uniform looks like a gestapo type uniform , the boots hat etc It is an ugly uniform. My opinion of the uniform has nothing to do with the officers.

  184. Bystander says:


    Ok, except I went to one of these schools. My bro lives in PA. My bro-in-law is Michigan grad, my wife’s family lives in Minneapolis and all UMN and WI grads. Talking about IA tells me you are not getting it. Who cares about 6 electoral votes? The swing states in this election are same as last time, heavily in Midwest – MI, OH, PA, WI. Dumpy won election because he turned a few counties in those states to him, ones that Obama won previous years. This is a referendum on Trump, not governors. I know your political leanings make this your hope and dream. Like I said, this is one of those under radar things that is a much bigger issue than media will tell you. If SEC and ACC play ball and limited COVID impact then BT probably revotes and plays (good for Trump)..but if virus cripples season, kids sick then cancel games then BT decision looks correct and Dumpy loses many swing votes. This is not NFL, these are 18-20 year old kids so protection is paramount issue. Here is Biden ad, playing around Midwest, if you think politicians don’t get major voting implications.


  185. 3b says:

    Juice: WFH is not going anywhere, as you say it’s a huge cost savings. Friend of mine yesterday told me, they expect to have at lest 50 percent of their employees WFH permanently. People using drugs because of WFH is nonsense, it’s the stress of being locked up, and having social activities curtailed. Those of us who actually WFH understand that.

  186. Phoenix says:

    “America needs to break the cycle”

    Good luck with that. This is like a superheterodyne receiver. 2 frequencies plugged into the media amplifier and what comes out is a destructive wave, perfectly tuned. When it starts to drift off-or breaks the cycle as you call it, a feedback loop brings everything right back into resonance and it is amplified all over again.

    These 2 things are interesting to listen to when you have time. One is short, one is long, but both are theories on where we are headed.
    To me it’s like being on a motorcycle in the rain when a car cuts out in front of you. Dump the bike, let go of it, and hope for the best.



  187. SmallGovConservative says:

    Surprising. But well deserved, unlike the last guy who got the award just for showing up. Not surprising that I didn’t see this covered by the NYT (maybe I just missed it).

    “Trump nominated for Nobel Peace Prize following Israel-UAE accord”


  188. SmallGovConservative says:

    Got to agree with Left on the Big10 discussion. Trump working the phones and jawboning the useless Big10 commissioner and govs to try to get a football season started, has to play a lot better in those states than Joe and the Dems continuing to support the ‘largely peaceful protesters’ of Minneapolis and Kenosha. Having said that, it’s clear that the Biden campaign is paying more attention to those states than Shrillary did.

  189. Bystander says:

    Jawboning to play in empty stadiums, punter playing QB when Trevor develops COVID, cancellations, good ole state U forfeitures. Sure, it will be those evil Dems protecting children..TRUMP, TRUMP. Wait, let’s stop releasing results like Sooners…maybe stop testing football players all together..genius.

  190. Hold my beer says:


    My area has had over 3% of the population test positive and I would think the real number of people with it is at least 5 times that.

    Putting 2,000 kids and a few teachers and staff in a building there’s probably at least a dozen people with mild or no symptoms in the place. The school system is so big some kids have to ride a bus to a different building miles away for a half day class where they take classes with kids from other high schools. They then ride a bus unsupervised back to their main campus. I would be surprised if we don’t have a surge in cases again.

  191. Phoenix says:

    Football, baseball, etc all on the way out. Even the die hard fans I know don’t think it’s fun anymore.
    Here is Americas new sport.


  192. homeboken says:

    The latest Senate stimulus bill contains a large expansion of the school choice program. I haven’t read the details but I love to see that this is getting real attention.

    On the other hand, Schumer, on the floor yesterday, claimed the GOP loaded the stimulus with poison pills that will never get Democrat support.

    The bill will pass thru the senate, and POTUS will sign it. The strategy puts the House in the cross-hairs, voting against stimulus (to block the poison pill) and giving the GOP a fresh new ad campaign going into the last 50 days.

    It is a smart political move by the GOP but they are guilty of the same thing that I complain about in the House. Using the desperately needed stimulus money as a pawn in a election campaign is pretty disgusting behavior.

    Granted – both sides do this but it’s gross nonetheless.

  193. homeboken says:

    Biden in a Q&A interview –

    Question comes in, camera shifts to Joe, Joe tells the teleprompter operator to “Let’s move it up here”

    This candidate has never and likely will never answer any question that is not approved and a scripted response been fed into a teleprompter.

    I understand politicians read from prompters during speeches. But when they pretend they are having a candid conversation or Q&A and they guy has to read, that tells me everything I need to know.

    Again – You may hate Trump. I get it. But don’t tell me that you are voting for Biden. Biden is the name, the suit. He will not be making any real decisions.

    So my question is – Who is really in control? It isn’t Biden, so who are we “really” electing if we vote for Biden?

  194. Bystander says:

    As long as prompter does not say white power, drink chlorine, war dead are suckers then I see no reason to vote against Sleepy Joe

  195. Phoenix says:

    This is how the system really works

    “A cop got caught lying about a drug bust. N.J. prosecutors tried to keep anyone from finding out. ”


  196. Phoenix says:

    “It isn’t Biden, so who are we “really” electing if we vote for Biden?”

    Multinational corporations.

    Should be clear to most by now.

  197. homeboken says:

    By- That is fair but you aren’t voting for Joe Biden. You are voting for an un-named and unknown collection of power brokers, corporations (as Phoenix said), etc.

    That doesn’t bother any of you guys? People complain constantly that the corp. or lobbyists really run DC.

    Is the hatred of Trump so bad that you are willing to double down on the very thing you claim to hate?

    For all of Trump’s faults, and there are many, he is the decision maker. He isn’t hiding behind a front-man.

  198. ExEssex says:

    Donald Trump has told a North Carolina crowd that he invented the Air Force, during a rambling speech at his latest campaign rally on Tuesday.

    He also spoke about appointing “pro-crime” judges and deliberately mispronounced Kamala Harris’s first name several times to widespread boos.

    The rally, a crowded outdoor affair which saw many people declining to wear masks, saw Mr Trump reel off a list of his achievements, some of which were misrepresented or false – and others of which he mangled while speaking.

    “A lot of you were at previous rallies,” he said, “you never heard me talking about Space Force. We built a new, think of it, a new branch of the United States military, United States armed forces, called Air Force. I never talked about that, that’s something we never talked about, I only figured that one out after I became president.”

  199. ExEssex says:

    hE’s tHe dEciDeR.

  200. ExEssex says:

    Elsewhere, he complained about getting even worse press coverage than Abraham Lincoln, claimed the Mexican border wall will be finished “soon” even though only 300 miles of it are in place, and falsely claimed that Joe Biden and the Democrats “want to take away your second amendment”.

    During an extended riff on the theme of rising crime, he said he would be appointing “very pro-crime judges” and segued into a renewed threat that the Democratic agenda included “destroying the suburbs” by allowing low-income housing to be built in affluent areas.

    Mr Trump’s rally took him to Winston-Salem, a major population centre in one of the election’s crucial swing states. If Joe Biden drags North Carolina away from the president, he will only need to hold Hillary Clinton’s states and capture one or two other good-sized swing states – a feat that most polls show is well within his reach.

  201. ExEssex says:

    NEW YORK (Reuters) – Democrat Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump by 12 percentage points nationally among likely U.S. voters, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll that also showed the number of persuadable voters had shrunk compared with four years ago.

    The Sept. 3-8 poll, released on Wednesday, found 52% of likely voters planned to support Biden, while 40% would back Trump. Three percent said they would vote for another candidate, and just 5% said they remained undecided with less than two months to go until the Nov. 3 presidential election.

    The survey showed the number of voters who had not yet backed a major-party candidate to be less than half of what it was in 2016, and that Biden currently had the advantage in securing the national popular vote.

  202. Phoenix says:

    What a different world we would have been living in had Obama put every one of those bankers and rating agency CEO’s in prison… For life.

  203. 3b says:

    Phoenix: Amen!

  204. Phoenix says:

    But he didn’t.
    Neither would Biden. Or Harris. Or Trump.
    And those are the choices.

    Just admit already that this country is run by a bunch of criminals already and be done with it.
    When I drive past a school with a sign that says “BEE KIND” all I think about is what a load of hypocrite feces it is. The adults of America telling their kids to be kind when they are the nastiest vermin running the planet.

  205. ExEssex says:

    The shift to remote work that accompanied social distancing is driving many urbanites to move to less dense areas — and the mountain region is a major beneficiary.
    A report by WalletHub ranks Boise, Idaho, as the best real estate market of 2020, based on housing market attractiveness and economic strength.
    Business Insider spoke to top real estate agents from all over the state — Boise, Sun Valley, and McCall — and each said they’ve seen a massive influx of buyers. Some particularly saw a surge from California.

  206. ExEssex says:

    Wealthy Americans aren’t just fleeing big cities for rural communities amid the virus pandemic, social unrest, and surge in violent crime; some of these folks are leaving the country until the dust settles. Citizenship advisers, government agencies, and real estate developers are pointing out a surge in inbound migration flow of Americans to countries in the Caribbean Sea ahead of the US presidential election.

    Requests for long-term stays at Secret Bay in Dominica have soared 66% this year as Americans seek isolation in the mountainous Caribbean island nation.

    “It’s the first time the U.S. has gone through a period like this and it’s not just the Covid-19 situation,” Gregor Nassief, its owner, told Forbes. “It is the fear of what an extreme outcome on the left or right may look like after the presidential election.”

  207. SmallGovConservative says:

    ExEssex says:
    September 9, 2020 at 10:38 am
    “NEW YORK (Reuters) – Democrat Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump by 12 percentage points nationally…”

    The toxically-feminized men here must be absolutely giddy; so close to the day that the country will be governed by Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, etc and our govt gets back to addressing the important issues of the day — transgender bathrooms, shutting down fossil fuel plants so that we can all be without reliable power like California, apologizing to Iran for backing out of Oblama’s deal. I wonder how long it will take for one or all of them to win a Nobel.

  208. TruthIsTheEnemy says:

    People with lower cognitive ability are more susceptible to fake news. Helps to explain why so many here fell for the Russia and subsequent hoaxes.


  209. 3b says:

    Phoenix: You are new here. I have been saying this for years on this blog. Both sides bought and paid for. Been this way for Years. Biden talking about bringing jobs back to the USA while he sat in Washington for over 40 years and watched his corporate masters send them all overseas. And Trump is a lunatic. And Obama was a self absorbed empty suit. Young Bush an absolute idiot, I can keep going.

  210. ExEssex says:

    11:17 OK Boomer.

  211. ExEssex says:

    With his disparaging remarks and bullying of others like a disabled reporter

    and now the parents of an American war hero, is Trump.

    He appears to need a “safe place” where no disagreement, debate or criticism is allowed.

    Is Trump proving to be too delicate and sensitive to be president?

    He’s so thinned skinned that if he swallowed a flashlight he’d glow like a Japanese lantern made in China.

  212. ExEssex says:

    “You say at the very end of the book that the president and Attorney General William Barr ousted the U.S. Attorney of New York and tried to install, effectively, the president’s golfing buddy as the new U.S. Attorney there because the president, in your view, wanted to arrange for himself to be indicted while he’s still in office because that would give him the opportunity to pardon himself after he lost the election,” she said.

    “Well, my theory is that if he loses, there’s still the time between the election and the time that the next president would take office,” Cohen elaborated. “And during that time, my suspicion is that he will resign as president, he will allow Mike Pence to take over, and he will then go ahead and have Mike Pence pardon him.”

  213. Bystander says:


    Completely agree about corporatocracy. I have posted many times about it but that is not changing with Trump, not changing with Biden. The march towards globalism, rise of China consumerism and the reduction in US lifestyle for middle class are unstoppable forces because capitalism wants it. There would be major economic pain, major political upheaval and major changes to labor/tax/trade law to have even a breeze of change to corp world. It is ain’t coming. In such cases, a president is mostly powerless for long term change. Congress is needed. Trump can’t rule through Congress. He rules on lies, narcissistic repeal, reality TV firings and lame exec orders. He does not just entertain me like alot of morons therefore I will take someone who does not talk like bigoted, narcissistic juvenile.

  214. ExEssex says:

    We are all here in one form or another because of Corporate largess.
    Innovative and profitable companies are the one (or two) things we still do well here in the USA. Once our consumer market recovers we’ll be poised for great growth. Trump knows this, he has some grasp on economics though his is the ‘scorched earth’ brand of business that is so adorable. Ya fiiired.

  215. ExEssex says:

    Seriously anyone can tell you who has worked for someone like Trump, they have no business being President. Of Anything.

  216. 30 year realtor says:


    You are obsessed with your hatred of women and the need to show you are masculine. Please explain how having male parts makes someone more qualified to govern than having female parts.

    I tried to use the appropriate words but my post went into moderation.

  217. 30 year realtor says:

    How do you explain the findings of the senate intelligence committee? Your explanation about cognitive ability explains so much about your comments and those of the other members of the cult.

    TruthIsTheEnemy says:
    September 9, 2020 at 11:18 am
    People with lower cognitive ability are more susceptible to fake news. Helps to explain why so many here fell for the Russia and subsequent hoaxes.

  218. leftwing says:

    Bystander, I’ll comment here just to set the record straight but then I’m disengaging. You’re conflating arguments, missing my points, and misrepresenting my positions…

    Conflating arguments and misrepresentation…Yes, I agree this election is a referendum on DJT and not governors. No argument there. Never said otherwise. And, no, I most definitely do not have a ‘hope and dream’ of DJT winning again. For more than a decade on this forum including as recently my posts in this thread noting my Independent voter registration in 1991 I have no affinity for either Party and especially none for the Orange Freak. Anyway…

    Missing the point…..by bringing up the Democrat IA school board supervisor ignoring (Republican) gubernatorial orders and court rulings I was providing a real time example of where local voters may be inclined to lay blame for closures. I could have just as easily used commercial casino openings in upstate NY (which also happened today). In both instances these closures – among a demographic very similar to your typical Big10 fan – are being hung hard around the neck of the (Democrat) official forcing those closures, and most certainly not against DJT. I was not arguing about Iowa’s six electoral votes nor by way of the casino example for clarity suggesting that NY may go Red.

    Big picture, if you want to posit that DJT – who has been on the record forcefully and repeatedly to re-open everything immediately and excoriated in the MSM every single day for that position – is somehow going to catch the blame over a local or state official actually doing a shutdown….well, you go girl. I’d make an outsized bet on the alternative while giving odds.

    As I said in my last post, you are barking mad if you think any population, let alone the group we are talking about, is going to hold harmless the Dem actually shutting things down and instead blame Trump. As I said in the bluest of States – NY and NJ – we don’t even do that. Thinking the midwest will……..smh

    And, lastly, the Biden ad is cute but aspirational. Meaning, its content is trying to convince you of something they wish you to believe. Meaning further, they know the truth on the ground is the opposite, ie. Trump did not ’cause’ these shutdowns.

    Good luck brother.

  219. leftwing says:

    grim a reply to bystander in mod, if you can clear great, if not no big deal. ty

  220. JCer says:

    30 yr, the data is key to what is the problem and how widespread is it. The solution can only come when the problem is incontrovertible and no one can dispute it’s existence or extent. You and I would probably agree there is a problem, there are issues in policing no doubt, but what are they and the extent of this problem remains an open issue. The issue I have is that academics can look a the same data and draw orthogonal conclusions, the data isn’t clear, we do not have good uniform data on the use of force.

    Your suggestion is akin to pissing in the wind to see if it will help. I understand the data better than you think all studies are based on selective data from limited jurisdictions and require making adjustments, unlike uniform crime reporting reporting on police use of force is very uneven. Nothing involving thousands of jurisdictions which have different operating protocols and laws is “cheap,straight forward, or easy”. Perhaps in a problematic city they can attempt to make some of these reforms, we can see if things improve, we should look to places where reforms are working to understand the way forward, blindly making federal dictates on local policing is not sound policy.

    The democrats shutdown the conversation on police reform so the point is moot, it is election issue and nothing else, there is no political will to solve it. Democrats had Obama in the white house they managed to achieve nothing with regards to criminal justice reform, prison reform, or police reform and somehow we are to believe they will take action? We haven’t even taken the initial steps to understand what is happening, how can we make progress?

  221. Bystander says:

    30 yr,

    Toxically feminized men. Let’s see him say that to NFL, NBA and military leaders who will be voting against Trump. He is very obsessed, possibly in a dress and makeup as he writes it.

  222. SmallGovConservative says:

    30 year realtor says:
    September 9, 2020 at 11:38 am

    “You are obsessed with your hatred of women…”

    Wrong. I’d vote for a modern-day Margaret Thatcher in a heartbeat. I just recognize that Dem leadership is now largely female (Pelosi, Harris, Hillary, etc), radically leftist (Warren, Omar, DeBlasio, etc) and thoroughly incompetent (AOC, Nadler, Newsom, Portland Mayor, etc).

  223. homeboken says:

    President Trump has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for his work in facilitating the UAE-Israel deal recently.

    A member of the Norwegian parliament submitted the nomination.

    “For his merit, I think he has done more trying to create peace between nations than most other Peace Prize nominees”

    Confusing to me because the media did not tell me anything about the UAE-Israel deal, how am I supposed to know what to think? It’s good for Trump, so I guess, the Nobel Prize committee must be some arm of the Russians.

  224. Sean Powers says:

    F*ck Maggie. She was a pile of sh*it. The Irish will never forget Bobby Sands. Say a lot about your character.

  225. chicagofinance says:

    Stop with the dog whistle responses….. he uses language to set you off, but his point is worth considering if you discard the language. He is equating feminism with a concept and set of expectations, not women (or womyn, or whatever) in itself. You don’t have to agree, but a watering down of standards and/or a lack of aggression in negotiating with our competitors can seriously erode our nation and economy.

    In a summary response, the “everyone gets a trophy mentality will destroy us when dealing with a winner takes all (or most) situation”

    30 year realtor says:
    September 9, 2020 at 11:38 am

    You are obsessed with your hatred of women and the need to show you are masculine. Please explain how having male parts makes someone more qualified to govern than having female parts.

    I tried to use the appropriate words but my post went into moderation.

  226. chicagofinance says:

    Yep. They view others suffering as entertainment. I think it is called “sociopathy”.

    ExEssex says:
    September 9, 2020 at 11:37 am
    Seriously anyone can tell you who has worked for someone like Trump, they have no business being President. Of Anything.

  227. joyce says:

    The third reform suggested in the NYTimes article was about collecting more and better data.

    JCer says:
    September 9, 2020 at 11:59 am
    30 yr, the data is key to what is the problem and how widespread is it. The solution can only come when the problem is incontrovertible and no one can dispute it’s existence or extent.

  228. 30 year realtor says:

    Dog whistles? There is nothing veiled about what I said. Everyone gets a trophy? What are you even trying to say? I stand by my position, gender has nothing to do with ability to govern, mental/emotional toughness or aggression. Equating these traits with gender is just wrong and speaks volumes about those who do so.

  229. joyce says:

    Pretextual stops should be outlawed. Big let down by the USSC, but not unexpected.

    Written consent to search is good but I don’t think it will help much. Bad cops will continue to invent probably cause whenever they want (smell weed/alchohol, dog alerts, whatever). There are no consequences for a search that comes up empty. There are no consequences for 1,000 searches that come up empty. Let’s track that data as well.

  230. joyce says:

    What if the investigation reveals they didn’t announce themselves as required by the warrant? [It was reported that the Judge changed the warrant from no knock to knock and announce.]

    What if the investigation reveals one of the officers fired blindly into the building?
    What if we find out they misled the judge to obtain the warrant?

    JCer says:
    September 8, 2020 at 6:10 pm

    There are issues in policing that need to be addressed, I certainly concede that the Breonna Taylor case highlights that the police are using no knock warrants and other militaristic tactics more than is warranted. Something needs to be done about that but it does not involve charging the police officers with a crime, unfortunately they were acting lawfully, the issue is the law, the police should have to identify themselves as the police.

  231. Fast Eddie says:

    Looking at the achievements of this administration compared to the last is startling, especially in light of the onslaught by the media to undermine Trump’s successes domestically and abroad. The media reports nothing positive and fixes a magnifying glass on anything that may gain some traction.

    The progressive front will keep trying to the point where they’d rather see the country constitutionally dismantled rather than be a product of it’s achievement. Achievement to them is something in the form of a s0cietal commune, equal distribution to confirm the existence of the weak and lesser masses.

    As for the Oblammy administration, the only score in his administration was getting Bin Laden. Even the losers get lucky once and a while. And as was mentioned above, neutered bathrooms, lollipops for all and padded safe rooms serving coffee and soft music is really not the makings of a strong nation. It’s more in tune with those with clinically, uninvolved hormonal structures; thus, pining for safe, sheltered, impervious environs.

  232. joyce says:

    And unbeknownst to Alexander, defense attorney Joseph Mazraani had surveillance video of what actually happened.

    The video showed that Alexander — with the warrant in hand — was one of the last officers to approach the house and that he was not near the door when officers initially barged in. The video also showed the officers busting down the door of the home seconds after they arrived — not after knocking and announcing their presence, as required by the search warrant signed by Superior Court Judge Colleen Flynn.

    Once Mazraani revealed the information, the Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office dropped the criminal charges against the defendants the next day.

    In January, the New Brunswick Police Department’s internal affairs unit ruled that the allegations made against Alexander of giving false testimony were not sustained

    Phoenix says:
    September 9, 2020 at 10:14 am
    This is how the system really works

    “A cop got caught lying about a drug bust. N.J. prosecutors tried to keep anyone from finding out. ”


  233. No One says:

    Margaret Thatcher had bigger balls than Biden, that’s for sure.
    And much clearer and better principles than Trump.

  234. AP says:

    Margaret Thatcher? But who wants to be stepped on by a bossy lady around here?

  235. AP says:

    Chi, to your point about firmness and authority in international relations.

    Integrity matters. Principles matter. Commitment to institutions matter. People sense that and align accordingly.

  236. joyce says:

    Good breakdown of how the system is setup so that no one is accountable, cops prosecutors judges
    Police departments continue to violate an important Supreme Court ruling — and judges keep letting them.

  237. 3b says:

    Margaret Thatcher was a bully just like Trump, and she has a huge chip on her shoulder. She was the Daughter of a grocery store owner and the elites of the Conservative party never let her forget that.

  238. NJGator says:

    Grim – Re Montclair…..know your audience. Probably not the best choice of video to show for your work event. This principal was also already the subject of pending litigation claiming he discriminated against African American staff members in the awarding of additional class assignments. https://www.montclairlocal.news/2019/08/28/african-american-teachers-montcalir-nj/

    Have you heard about the brou-ha-ha surrounding the rent control ordinance? https://baristanet.com/2020/09/new-jersey-montclair-town-attorney-tenants-organization-respond-to-having-resident-contact-info-released-to-mpoa/

  239. Phoenix says:

    What do you think about taking some of that 4 billion dollars and making sure every officer in the state of NJ is wearing a body camera?

    Personally I think it would be a great start. In the situation I was in I would have loved to have the footage not so much from the officers, but of my “accuser.” More evidence just might have helped my court case.

    Well, probably not because D.A.’s and prosecutors seem to be so busy burying evidence for their departments that they don’t have time to prosecute those who are caught lying in 911 calls, courtrooms, etc.

  240. Phoenix says:

    And Joyce,
    This part of the article you posted. I knew about it.

    “In the affidavit for the no-knock warrant for Taylor’s home, a detective claimed to have consulted with a postal inspector, who confirmed that Glover had been “receiving packages” at Taylor’s address. But the Louisville postal inspector has since said that he was never consulted by the officers and that there was nothing suspicious about the packages.”

    So lying to judges is perfectly okay. Seems to me Joseph Goebbels tactics are still in use- and it’s okay to use in a courtroom before a judge in America cause no one will prosecute you.

  241. joyce says:

    Interesting you ask because in my response to JCer above I was going to include the fact that none of the cops had cameras allegedly (though some pictures have surfaced that 1-2 might have)… but deleted it because I just wanted to focus on the fact that I do think the cops broke the law in that instance.

  242. chicagofinance says:

    If the word “feminized” was replaced with “politically correct”…. would you review the opinion on it’s merits? Not that you have to agree.

    I am neutral on the use of the word, but to the extent that it weakens the persuasiveness of the opinion as it is a distraction, it should not be used.

    Since you direct your retort THERE, and not at the theoretical concept…. it is a dog whistle

    30 year realtor says:
    September 9, 2020 at 12:44 pm
    Dog whistles? There is nothing veiled about what I said. Everyone gets a trophy? What are you even trying to say? I stand by my position, gender has nothing to do with ability to govern, mental/emotional toughness or aggression. Equating these traits with gender is just wrong and speaks volumes about those who do so.

  243. No One says:

    Are schools allowed to measure which teachers are actually good at teaching and then ask the superior ones to teach more classes? Or is rewarding good performance with more responsibility an alien, possibly illegal concept for teachers unions?
    Seems like they want all “qualified” teachers to be put in a random draw, or maybe in an affirmative action influenced draw.

  244. chicagofinance says:

    So you don’t think I’m parsing bullsh!t…… I also draw a line between Amazon the company and AMZN…….. they are very strongly related, but they are not the same thing….. feminists and women are not the same thing….. feminism can be a pejorative and not be insulting to women.

  245. chicagofinance says:

    You know the real answer to the question, unless the administrator is a racist scum, then the answer is easy.

    No One says:
    September 9, 2020 at 3:03 pm
    Are schools allowed to measure which teachers are actually good at teaching and then ask the superior ones to teach more classes? Or is rewarding good performance with more responsibility an alien, possibly illegal concept for teachers unions?
    Seems like they want all “qualified” teachers to be put in a random draw, or maybe in an affirmative action influenced draw.

  246. chicagofinance says:

    No One:

    Kyle Smith
    That thunk you heard coming out of La-La Land on Tuesday was the sound of the Academy grandly planting its face in the sidewalk by announcing it was formally rejecting the pursuit of artistic quality in favor of a byzantine quota system.

    Starting with 2024 films, your project can’t even be considered for a Best Picture Oscar unless it meets a set of diversity targets of the kind you’d normally expect to see credited to the Oberlin Freshperson Student Social-Justice Initiative & Sustainable Vegan Hemp Co-Operative. Good news, whoever staged that Rob-Lowe-meets-Snow-White dance number: You’re now the second-most embarrassing thing ever associated with the Academy Awards.

  247. Blue Ribbon Teacher says:

    The entire structure of the teacher’s union is predicated around preventing from any sort of rewarding of work. They have it written into the contract that you cannot ever move beyond 1 step per year. The very idea of rewarding teachers for their standardized test scores are discouraged. That’s how I was the teacher who delivered the highest AP scores in the history of a very high performing district by far and still paid $40,000 less than the next highest Physics teacher. I did that in year 3 of teaching btw…

    At one point, they tried to come up with some sort of stipend for teachers who had to write a large amount of letters of recommendations. That year, I had to write 45. The other teachers in lower grades write 1 or 2 at most. It was going to be like an extra $300 total and the union shot it down because their argument was, that it wasn’t fair that gym teachers didn’t get an opportunity to write that many letters.

    The biggest joke was when they in contract negotiations and couldn’t settle, they asked us to do a “tutoring blackout”. I threw a fit at the meeting because the last “raise” was $0 and a step freeze with increased duties. And they wanted us to forgo several thousands of dollars in tutoring income so they could settle for a 3% raise for the year.

    To your last question, most districts have some sort of compensation structure for teaching an additional class. My last district was a joke and they gave you $15 a class. My current district gives you 20% of your salary. But it’s not used as a tool for rewarding anyone. Unions don’t want that. If there were 4 classes open, they could easily have us all teach another class and pay us each 20%. The union wants them to hire another person. It means more dues for them. The idea of getting a 20% raise negates the idea that they (the union) earned the money you got from their collective bargaining negotiations.

  248. Bystander says:

    Lord above, if Trump is the dark prince, usher of all evil in the world, please send us a sign. Shake the earth beneath us, lord.

  249. The Great Pumpkin says:

    WFH rules!

    Imagine your job is dealing with people and being forced to be on google meet with them all day. Tell me again how fun WFH is 3b. You must not deal with people or you get a lot of free time with your job at home to advocate for this nonsense. Being stuck behind a computer, having to constantly intermingle with people through a screen from 8-330 everyday is a living hell.

  250. Bystander says:

    Also, send the spirit of the highest dufus, Lord.

  251. 30 year realtor says:


    Pardon me? I was supposed to take his comment seriously? Do you?

    SmallDckConservative says:
    The toxically-feminized men here must be absolutely giddy; so close to the day that the country will be governed by Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, etc and our govt gets back to addressing the important issues of the day — transgender bathrooms, shutting down fossil fuel plants so that we can all be without reliable power like California, apologizing to Iran for backing out of Oblama’s deal. I wonder how long it will take for one or all of them to win a Nobel.

  252. Hold my beer says:


    I think you just got your sign. 😂

  253. 3b says:

    WFH does rule!! Just finished a very productive Zoom meeting, everyone relaxed and focused. No one on opioids. WFH, the future is now! It’s here to stay!
    I must say I am glad you are obsessed and terrified of WFH; you should be!!

  254. JCer says:

    Pumps you are describing my job, I spend approximately 4-6 hours a day telling developers/ba’s how to do their job or that they are taking too long to do simple tasks, another 2-3 hrs posting senior leadership, project managers or the client and the rest looking at what was done incorrectly that somehow passed through swiss cheese QA.

    I guess for some of my developers it’s great they are doing god knows what and never have to hear from me.

    Oh and 8, no the developers in india want 7am calls. The way banks and their ilk do technology is so bloody inefficient and most offshore tech workers aren’t worth the $15 dollars an hour they are paid….

  255. SmallGovConservative says:

    Hold my beer says:
    September 8, 2020 at 11:11 pm
    “Good luck getting the Big Ten to play this year.”


    More bad news for the nattering nabobs that want everyone to remain hiding under their bed until we have a cure — or Kamala and Nancy take over. Pathetic how eager some people are to run with bad news — and then run away when shown to be wrong. Nothing Trump has done is more important than calling out the existence of ‘fake’ news — it’s everywhere and no one owns up to it.

    “Mr. Stephens’ death was initially believed to be from COVID-19 complications, according to a Facebook post Tuesday from Central Catholic. But on Wednesday, the school said it “mistakenly attributed his death without official confirmation on cause” and apologized for the error.”

  256. Phoenix says:

    ” I stand by my position, gender has nothing to do with ability to govern, mental/emotional toughness or aggression.”

    I agree. Some women can be extremely aggressive. Until they get around law enforcement or judges, then they play the victim card way better than any man could.
    In fact, I would say they are unsurpassed at playing the victim card.

  257. Libturd says:

    Just caught up on the last 5 days of political drivel here. The bias displayed by so many of the poster’s here is kind of embarrassing. It’s like Pump’s complete lack of self awareness, thankfully, to a lower degree.

    Home(bre) asks,
    “Is the hatred of Trump so bad that you are willing to double down on the very thing you claim to hate?”

    The unequivocal answer is yes. I can’t stand the DNC and they decided to rig the primary to make sure the gravy train would keep rolling. I would have been happier with any of the other 19 candidates. Even that crazy Williamson lady. Really. But I would rank Trump down at 21. Not sure why this is so hard to comprehend. You need not agree. But it shouldn’t be hard to understand. Trump is the epitome of a bully. I get it that you like him. Heck, the right extremists here proclaim their love of hatred. That comment about being in touch with our feminine side was clear as day. For many Trump voters, if this was said to them in a bar, a complete reenactment of Roadhouse would have ensued. Trump is alpha male. He bullies the disabled, he dishonors the war fallen, he praises white supremacists and he grabs women by their puzzies. Read that sentence again. If you support Trump, you are actually admitting that being owned by corporate interests (and trust me, Trump is his own grafting corporate interest) is worse than bullying the disabled, dishonoring the war fallen, praising white supremacists and denigrating women. Now do you understand all of those signs you’ve seen on people’s lawns. And don’t waste your time conjuring up a response that essentially says, you give his lack of optics or personal differences a pass since you support what he is doing. It simply does not pass the smell test. He is as much a hater as a bad cop. And it brings out the worst in everyone he denigrates. Do I see any massive change with Biden? Absolutely not. More of the same old sh1t. Gifts to donors, gender equality garbage, subsidized “green” crap and more crumbs to the base. But the madness that Trump brings out in those he baits and bullies will subside. To me, it’s worth it. It should be to you too.

  258. 3b says:

    Jcer The clown is a teacher, and from his discourse on the blog I wouldn’t say he is a good one. He pontificates on work in corporate America whether it be WFH or otherwise, with absolutely zero experience, and then proceeds to tell those that do we don’t know what we are talking about. He then wraps it up in how he is concerned about people’s mental health, and drug addiction from WFH. Then when that does not work and he gets no attention he lashes out at me. I am worse for responding to him, but it is fun!! He does not give a flying feck about people or their mental health, or that WFH is a quality of life improvement for many, more so when kids are back in school on a regular basis. All he cares about is how this can negatively impact his wife’s corporate real estate career as she is the primary breadwinner, and the value of his highway house. He might have to get a part time hustle on the side, maybe a greeter at Walmart.

  259. 3b says:

    Lib: Well said, and that’s why I am staying home. I get the anyone but Trump, but Biden no thanks. The Biden supporters on this blog won’t even acknowledge he is a weak candidate. There is a 3rd way, and that is stay home. If the majority of voters stayed home on Election Day it would send a powerful message.

  260. SmallGovConservative says:

    3b says:
    September 9, 2020 at 4:42 pm
    “Lib: Well said, and that’s why I am staying home…”

    Disappointing to hear that. You know that Trump’s governance is far more competent, and effective than the Dems, but you’re going to withhold your vote because he’s a bully? You should take a very close look at Trump’s accomplishments and vote for him — holding your nose if you have to — because the difference in caliber of candidate has rarely been more stark.

  261. Bystander says:

    Voting in NJ? ok Small, his vote matters for Trump. Delusion.

  262. Hold my beer says:

    Anyone know how long it takes after you apply to get into the World Trade Center health program? I started gathering the documentation last week.

    Once in, getting treatment do you have to go to their doctor, or do you go to your own and get reimbursed for the deductible and copay?

  263. 3b says:

    I expect my President to comport himself in a manner that is reflective of holding the highest office in the land. Since he does not, I cannot in good conscience vote for him.

  264. Refi says:

    Just locked in a 1.99% 15 year fixed … no points. That’s going to save enough for one of my kids college tuition, sweet!

  265. ExEssex says:

    Junior College?

  266. ExEssex says:


    Trump knew far more about the threat of COVID-19 than he publicly acknowledged in the early months of the outbreak, newly released recordings revealed.
    In conversations with veteran journalist Bob Woodward, the president said the virus was “more deadly” than the worst flus.
    Publicly, Trump said the virus was under control and nothing to worry about.

  267. JCer says:

    3b here’s the thing, work in the office wasn’t terribly different as we’ve been using offshore labor for years. It’s horrible but the money’s good so it is what it is. Pumps doesn’t realize the reality of a worker or middle manager in corporate america, it’s not fun, in fact it is tortuous.

  268. Libturd says:

    Both parties suck. It’s setup so there cannot be a third. See you in Costa Rica.

    I really do hope some of you will visit. I plan to get a place with 3 bedrooms. Bring the kids. I’ll pick you up in Liberia. 45-minute drive to the beach house.

    Gonna build in here most likely.


  269. ExEssex says:

    8:12 wow. Stunning!

  270. Fabius Maximus says:

    “30 year does not approve of the lyrics of this song……. they are misogynistic and perpetuate white privilege.”

    So 30year, now that you have pricked his fragile ego by pointing out the obvious, you will continue to get this garbage thrown at you. I have to admit I didnot expect it to extend to days Mansplaining of Feminism.

  271. Fabius Maximus says:

    Fast Eddie says:
    September 8, 2020 at 2:10 pm
    “When people engage in “pack” behavior or societal behavior it is driven by self-preservation, people are members of a community for mutual benefit.”

    No Gary, MAGA Pack doesn’t work that way!

    The big difference here, BLM protesters get carted off to jail for felony charges. These guys were lead away and released with Misdemeanor citations.

  272. Libturd says:

    Taxes are under $1,000 a year.

    Transfer cost on the sale? $6K.

  273. Libturd says:

    HOA $135 a month mainly for water share and 24-hour security for gated community.

  274. homeboken says:

    Lib – here I am debating a move to a no income tax state and realize I’m playing checkers to your chess. Nice spot on earth to call home.

  275. AP says:

    Phoenix, that PBS doc you posted is spot on. The analysis of the rise of the Tea Party and the utter demolishment of the tradition of at least occasional bi-partisanship for the common good is chilling.

  276. AP says:

    Although, putting my media lenses on, they did have an ominous backing track : )

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