From Business Insider:
NYC and its suburbs won’t build new housing, so New Yorkers are flooding into Jersey City and driving up prices
New Yorkers have been taking notice of Jersey City real estate for years, and its popularity as an alternative to the ever-less-affordable housing market in the city is growing. These days, fans call it the sixth borough, largely thanks to Jersey City’s efforts to build a ton of new housing — and at a much faster rate than the actual five boroughs.
Between 2010 and 2018, Hudson County, which includes Jersey City, built housing at more than twice the rate that New York City did. Jersey City’s population grew by nearly 60% from 2010 to 2020. Many of the old rail yards and factories on the city’s waterfront have been replaced with luxury high-rises.
But amid the city’s home-construction boom — a “renaissance,” as the city’s mayor, Steven Fulop, previously described it to Insider — rents are rising fast. The rental platform Zumper lists Jersey City as the second-most-expensive US city to rent an apartment, and rents for a two-bedroom apartment are up 25% year over year.
Typically, a big increase in housing supply would be expected to push prices down, but the sheer magnitude of the New York metro area’s housing deficit has kept Jersey City from experiencing that. As the region suffers a severe housing-affordability crisis, North New Jersey is “carrying the entire tristate area’s housing-supply burden,” said Alex Armlovich, the senior housing-policy analyst at the Niskanen Center, a nonpartisan think tank.
“Jersey City is unique. It’s one of the YIMBY-ist cities in the country in terms of actual building permits per person,” Armlovich told Insider. “They’re one of the only reasons that New York, generally as a region, is not more unaffordable than it is.”
First ya old goats.
In my youth, we used to drag a few cases of beer down to the abandoned piers in Hoboken and Jersey City. I used to stare at the NYC side wondering why the Jersey side wasn’t an option. There was wide open land along the river from Bayonne to the GW Bridge, all the factories and rail yards were long gone. A few years later, the construction flood gates opened up. Too bad I wasn’t born a few years earlier and had a few bucks.
apparently Feinstein’s twitter was still posting on her deathbed.
Eventually we will have a recession
Whether Jersey City or Long Island City, everywhere is getting more crowded.
Progressives and rightwingers love the cultural and economic vibrancy of the liberal Northeast and will never move to the conservative Republican south.
Housing ain’t a problem in Oklahoma, Mississippi, Kentucky…Lol
Fast Eddie says:
September 30, 2023 at 8:34 am
In my youth, we used to drag a few cases of beer down to the abandoned piers in Hoboken and Jersey City. I used to stare at the NYC side wondering why the Jersey side wasn’t an option. There was wide open land along the river from Bayonne to the GW Bridge, all the factories and rail yards were long gone. A few years later, the construction flood gates opened up. Too bad I wasn’t born a few years earlier and had a few bucks
Re : “ love the cultural and economic vibrancy of the liberal Northeast”
Fact is NYC the center of the liberal Northeast , but it’s no longer that vibrant it now as it harkens back to the days when people escaped the boroughs to live a quieter and safer life. Housing in the burbs is only going to continue to go up as people continue to leave. When the Mayor says the city is fucked you better believe it, as he already gone hat in hand down to Washington DC like Ed Koch did and got the same FU he did. They could even go bankrupt like the Ed Koch days in the coming years, even with massive service cuts. It might be a time for a Warriors movie remake, where the gangs of today fight to control what little turf is still considered safe these days.
Speaking on NYC. Times Sq data looking good.
Slide 2 foot traffic is up a bit and 10 news stores are opening.
Very Stable Genius says:
September 30, 2023 at 9:27 am
“Jersey City or Long Island City, everywhere is getting more crowded…will never move to the conservative Republican south…Housing ain’t a problem in Oklahoma…”
As ExLax would say: pfft, imbecile…
“Oklahoma’s capital city joined the top 20 largest American cities after 2021… it remains there and is also the 6th-fastest-growing top 20 city from 2020 to 2022.” –
Wall Street Is Going South And Taking $1 Trillion In Assets With It –
I was in lower Manhattan for an event on Wednesday. 8:30 PM when I was leaving the restaurant, it was practically empty.
Libturd says:
September 29, 2023 at 9:56 pm
“… populists who have taken over the Republican Party…”
You’ve got to stop letting the imbeciles on MSNBC define populism for you. It’s not populist to want our borders to be secure, to not want elementary school children to be exposed to trannies, or to recognize that the Supreme Court was correct in reversing what is almost universally agreed to have been a bad decision in Roe, and to correctly point out that it is up to our elected representatives to decide the legality of abortion. Despite your protestations that you’re not a Dem stooge, you’ve clearly lurched to the extreme left with them if you think that these common-sense things represent right-wing populism.
11:04 Maybe, just maybe your cult members might be able to pull you through.
35% of the population. It’ll be fun to watch your side bleat for years about the next election is stolen from you. Ohhhhhh the horror.
I’ll also sit back and laugh as Trump’s dumb ass is ground to dust beneath the wheels of justice. Commander Bonespurs can rant and mock all he wants. It’s ending really badly for him. Next to his rambling, retard ass Biden looks like a Rhodes Scholar.
Your side decides shutting down the government is a good idea.
Now that’s entertainment!!!
Comma might have helped a sentence there, but I stand my statement.
Trump is history’s biggest asshole. Many people will gleefully piss on his grave.
What do NJ teachers and cops with pensions have in common with Wall Street?
Both Going South And Taking $1 Trillion In Assets With them.
Also!!! Notice the more power the GOP gets the worse the Country is run.
Jobs, the stock market, and many other important measures all do muuuuuch better when the Democrats are in power. The GOP will literally destroy the Country if they run things. Low IQ, immoral, cunts = GOP
11:26 the checks still cash. Have you any idea how much you are on the hook for??
Shoulda been a cop or a teacher. In a state like NJ it pays verrry well.
Going to Washington asking for more money, none of it matters. NYC’s only way out of this is to fix it from the inside, like they did before. But they don’t appear to be willing to do that.
They need some kind of huge diaper to catch all the shit in the water there right now.
35% of the population.
Well, you’re certainly right about that. 35% of the population is trying to hold the fabric of a once great nation together. It’s an overwhelming task. I would say the left is masterful but I realized that we have 90% of the media controlling the narrative to a dumb and dumber populace. As a country, we’re descending faster than a jetliner losing two engines. 32 cents of every dollar is now going towards funding s0cialist agendas to disguise the liberal oligarch money laundering operation. Based on the careening, inaudible anger in your posts, you are the quintessential muppet to champion the leftist cause.
Gary have heard the good news?
Seriously the PositiveGrid Spark 45 is the most fun and immersive
Experience you’ll have playing guitar. Trust me .
$900 each for U2 at the Sphere in Vegas.
Wuuut recession??
Boomer show. Where is the surprise? Boomer is loaded thanks to Covid, it was the best thing that happened to boomer.
ExEx says:
September 30, 2023 at 1:09 pm
$900 each for U2 at the Sphere in Vegas.
Wuuut recession??
With the arrival of her part memoir, part manifesto “How to Be a Woman” in 2011, Caitlin Moran established herself as one of her generation’s funniest and most fearless feminist voices. Moran, who is 48 and who first made her mark in the early 1990s as a wunderkind music journalist for British publications, has published four ribald and emotionally honest books of nonfiction and two novels since then and has continued to work as a columnist at The Times of London. Now, with her new book, “What About Men?” Moran turns her eye to what she sees as the limited and limiting discussions around modern masculinity. It’s a book she felt duty-bound to write.
We need to switch to renewable energy and ban gas stoves to increase energy costs for the little folk so our betters fly around the world on private jets costing their multiple properties
Senator Dianne Feinstein’s death leaves her daughters wrangling over breathtaking $102MILLION property fortune and $62M private jet she used to visit her mansions
Feinstein’s portfolio is estimated to be worth upwards of $160 million
Much of her wealth stems from her billionaire second husband Richard Blum the late senator’s children are reportedly warring over.
Just had AAA replace a car battery. Was $216 including $10 card processing fee
The clown show continues
Aerosmith cancelled it’s tour.
Oh well.
Somalia, Venezuela, Russia, Sierra Leone, Haiti, Afghanistan. The poorest of the poor know that only in America their kids will get a fair chance. And those hard working parents dream of New York, New Jersey, California.
But nobody in the world wants the conservative GOP Republican south.
Parents in Mogadishu would feel like living back home in Oklahoma, Mississippi, Kentucky…Lol
Sad day today, I closed my pool but the hot tub is still open for business.
What did we get 6 inches of rain? Lots of posts about flooded basements in the burbs. My sump has been running every 15 minutes for the last week it seems. Still running today ever hour or so, basement is bone dry.
Pulled the fire alarm to disrupt proceedings?Seems like the Jan 6th prosecutors should be taking a look ok into that, one count of obstructing an official proceeding, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, fine of $250,000.
Should be.

. Three works.
Ain’t gonna happen.
Those guys have more insulation than Owens Corning.
Is the onion writing articles for the daily mail now? This has to be satire.
Hold: They know what’s best for us. And because their lives are dedicated to helping us as we know no better, it’s only right that they have the very best. They are a bunch of hypocrites. And the silly people will keep voting for them, does not matter Democrats or Republicans.
It’s a farce. I’m voting straight libertarian or leaving it blank if there are no 3rd party candidates for that office.
Hold: It really is. I have not voted since 2o12. What’s the point, they all blow.
October blows, headed up to Elizabeth to get our butts kicked hopefully no gunfire.
The Business Insider article states information incorrectly.
Jersey City, as a whole, grew by 18% between the 2010 and 2020 census.
Ward E (Downtown JC) grew its population by 60% in that timeframe.
Yahoo’s latest student loan sympathy article. These things always fall flat.
Keith Kruchten had been “incredibly hopeful” that Biden’s forgiveness plan would relieve him of $20,000 of debt, leaving him with only about $6,500 left to pay.
“It felt incredibly doable,” said Kruchten, who earned a bachelor’s degree in business from Northern Illinois University and a Master of Arts in higher education administration from the University of Mississippi more than a decade ago. “I was hoping to replace my 21-year-old car and hopefully jumpstart retirement savings.”
Seriously, 26k? Wait a few tables on weekends. He didn’t need that masters.
Rachel Gripp, a mother of four, said she owes about $21,000 in student loan debt, about 50% more than when she started because of interest. The pause on payments “was definitely a huge relief,” she said, as she and her husband worked to provide for their children, ages 8, 6, 4 and 18 months.
So she only owed $15k but never paid off any principle, now it’s $21k. They got their payments paused for 3 years, coulda paid it off, had another kid instead.
Rhiannon Dodds Funke said she and her husband have nearly $1 million in student loan debt. Dodds Funke is a law school graduate and her husband, a former philosophy professor and cancer survivor, recently went back to school to get a law degree to help support their two teenage children.
1 million? GTFO.
If the boomers hadn’t overpriced the colleges and fattened their wallets, the student’s debt would be much lower.
If they hadn’t given themselves such large pensions, the debt would be much lower.
If America could stop sending money to places like Ukraine, and take care of it’s own instead, or working on regime change around the world, it’s debt would be lower as well.
It’s amazing to read history, and find out that it was American and British meddling in the middle east that caused 9/11. Had you just stayed home and watched football those twin towers might still be standing.
Henry Kissinger was such a sweetheart. He must have taught Neulander, the next Satan.
Welcome to the Jungle. At least he played the appropriate song.
College tuition is almost exclusively a function of the fact that the loans are not dischargeable. It is easily the dumbest decision we’ve made as a nation. But if you read the article, each of these people had an easy solution that would involve minimal effort. For those that owe $20k, that’s not burdensome. For the professional couple holding law degrees, the idea of going to law school to help support your two children when you are already a professor makes them the poster child as to why we should never bail these people out.
Safe for everywhere. This is what a 14 year old woman wants. Just wait till she turns 30:
Song is already a hit.
Ex, you sure everyone is capable of learning and taking care of themselves? This is disgusting…1 million in loans and then crying about it?!! F’ing losers.
Rhiannon Dodds Funke said she and her husband have nearly $1 million in student loan debt. Dodds Funke is a law school graduate and her husband, a former philosophy professor and cancer survivor, recently went back to school to get a law degree to help support their two teenage children.
1 million? GTFO.
And I used the word “woman” cause using the word “female” is taboo.
Great capitalist song though.
Trump should ask her if she will let him use it for his renewed run for President.
I have no sympathy for the people in that student loan story. Most of them could probably cut their online subscription services and eating out budget by 1/3 to 1/2 and cover their monthly student loan and do stuff like shop at Aldi or have no brand loyalty and only buy sale items.. They could have set aside half their normal payment during the pandemic and been able to pay off 1/4 to 1/3 of the loan. The guy with the parent plus loan him and his wife could have delayed retirement by a year or 2 and paid off the loans or at least cut them in half or ask their kids to kick in $100 a month. The million dollar in student loan debt leaves me speechless. The one who quit her teaching job because she couldn’t afford her lifestyle yet now makes $200 a month also left me scratching my head.
What Saul Goodman type law school are they going to? Why do we even back such institutions with our tax dollars? Because it is consumption and jobs..we need to roll-over debt and print more money. Write off bad and keep system going. Why get in a huff? Financial responsibility is long gone in the country. We are in end game money printing era. Just enjoy ride and stop picking fellow man apart. There are too many hypocritical bailout and funding policies to even have a valid discussion anymore.
Besides Chifi and Grim, Republican members of Congress who took taxpayers loans:
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Florida) with a $476,000
Rep. Greg Pence (R-Indiana) for $79,441
Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-Florida) for $2.8 million
Rep. Kevin Hern (R-Oklahoma) for $1.07 million
Rep. Roger Williams (R-Texas) for $1.43 million
Rep. Brett Guthrie (R-Kentucky) for $4.3 million
Rep. Ralph Norman (R-South Carolina) for $306,520
Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pennsylvania) for $974,100
Rep. Vicki Hartzler (R-Missouri) for $451,200
Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-Oklahoma) for $988,700
Rep. Carol Miller (R-West Virginia) for $3.1 million
Some charts for fun.
A dumb little bird made prediction that NYC is greatest real estate investment in world and will never go down. Read this..twice..three times until it sinks in how f-ed this country is.
Meanwhile, affordability is at record lows. The median American household would need to spend 43.8% of their income to afford the median priced home. That’s the highest percentage in history, worse than the peak of the last housing bubble.
Michael Lewis on 60 minutes pumping his new book about FTX. Says SBF was going to pay Trump $5 billion not to run in 2024.
Damn that’s nuuuuuuts.
Taylor Swift is our new lord and master.
Shake it Off
For the professional couple holding law degrees, the idea of going to law school to help support your two children when you are already a professor makes them the poster child as to why we should never bail these people out.