Buyer must feed the …


Once a New Jersey church, this $650K Zillow Gone Wild home for sale comes with a graveyard

When browsing homes for sale, you stumble upon a swimming pool or a newly built deck. But, have you ever seen a home that comes with a cemetery? Just in time for Halloween, we’ve found one for you: The property at 198 Locktown Flemington Road in Delware Township.

A former church that was recently converted into a single-family home, this property is listed for sale for $650,000. Its current owner, local architect Ralph L. Finelli, renovated the church to include modern living features. Now, a three-bedroom, three-bathroom home, the 1.1 acre property is ready for its next owner — as long as you don’t mind sharing the property with a few former congregants.

The former Locktown Christian Church first opened its doors in 1828, and later became a Presbyterian church in the 1980s. The 19th-century church was sold to its current owner in 2014 for $74,538 after the church’s congregation decided to merge with another nearby Presbyterian church.

This listing, outside of Flemington in Hunterdon County, was featured on Zillow Gone Wild — an Instagram page dedicated to highlighting unique (and sometimes crazy) home listings across the county — for the ancient cemetery that comes with the property. There are as many as 150 people buried in the cemetery, with the earliest gravestone being for Charity Allen, who died in 1843.

If you’re not looking to take on the pressure of maintaining these historic graves, don’t worry. An organization known as the Mount Amwell Project entered an agreement with the seller to maintain the cemetery, said Kevin McPheeters, a realtor with Callaway Henderson Sotheby’s International Realty who is managing the listing. The organization will tend to the monuments and stones within the cemetery, while the new owner will be responsible for mowing the lawn.

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145 Responses to Buyer must feed the …

  1. Jim says:

    First for the third time this year, a new record for me

  2. Fast Eddie says:

    The Church was originally built in 1828; it’s a landmark, it’s historic, it should have been made into a snapshot of time for all to learn and admire. Every original piece should have been restored to its luster. I don’t get it but I’m sure someone will buy it though any young family with kids will be having nightmares during midnight storms as they peak out the window of their bedrooms and see the grave stones during a bolt of lightening. In fact, the housewarming party should include a viewing of the original Night of the Living Dead flick. Children Shouldn’t Play with Dead Things would also work.

  3. Fast Eddie says:

    This chick is messing with us, right?

  4. 1987 Condo says:

    Yes, reality makes you appreciate your parents a wee bit more….

  5. Jim says:

    Jim says:
    October 25, 2023 at 7:45 am
    Boomer Remover says:
    October 24, 2023 at 8:51 pm
    I agree. I think there’s limited runway to quell inflation before debt on the liabilities gets out of hand.

    I absolutely agree! Ultimately, it took a crackdown by cigar-chomping Fed chairman Paul Volcker to break the cycle of rising prices and wages. Volcker slammed the brakes on the economy by raising interest rates to 20% — tough medicine to prove he was serious about getting inflation under control.

    Everybody is crying now with 5.5% interest, the current administration lowers inflation by removing food and energy, what do they remove next rents and real estate? Powell has no balls.

  6. NJCoast says:

    My daughter’s in-laws converted a church in Greenwich. Very cool, but no cemetery.

  7. grim says:

    Whew, looks like a sizable investment.

  8. Hold my beer says:


    Poor thing. She doesn’t even have time to dye her eyebrows to match her hair.

  9. Hold my beer says:

    I was reading home builder NVRs 10-k last night and saw something interesting about their mortgage origination business. 2020 and 2021 2-3% of the buyers mortgages were ARMs. 2022 it jumped to 8%. I just checked their latest quarterly report but they don’t have mortgage breakdowns info on it. Maybe they only include it in annual reports.

    Is that jump in arms an affordability issue, or are people gambling rates will drop over the next 3-7 years. The report doesn’t break down how long the fixed and arm mortgages are.

  10. BRT says:

    we contemplated buying an old tiny church in Burlington in 2007. In hindsight, would have been a fantastic purchase.

  11. BRT says:

    I remember back in 2009, all the adults in my life were saying “you need to buy while rates are low”. Turned out the waiting game was better, getting the best price and then refinancing at the bottom of the interest rate curve. Now, they are parroting, “just buy, you can renegotiate when rates decrease”. They don’t realize the 40 year downtrend in interest rates has broken. They might want to look at the curve from 1964 to 1981 before jumping into the waters.

    My wife and I are giving serious thought to cashing out our home. We could sell now and just buy a very small place for cash and pocket the rest.

  12. grim says:

    Last print on ARM’s last week was about 9.5% of the market.

    I can see specialty lenders, homebuilders, having a far higher share.

  13. 3b says:

    If the Fed reversed course and lowers rates next year due to a recession, then we go back to the 70’s with inflation.

  14. The Great Pumpkin says:

    They will reverse course when economy gets weak….there is no doubt in my mind. It is what it is. Will the economy get weak? That is the real question.

    My calls for roaring 20s 2.o driven by real estate were f/ing dead on. Look at the rise in rates….all to try and kill this economy and it had almost no effect. Wow, what a f/ing call on my part.

  15. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Called roaring 20s 2.0 10 years out…how bout them apples?! Like a boss…

  16. Phoenix says:

    Engines roar right before the crash.

    The Great Pumpkin says:
    October 25, 2023 at 9:07 am
    Called roaring 20s 2.0 10 years out…how bout them apples?! Like a boss…

  17. NJCoast says:

    grim says:
    October 25, 2023 at 8:05 am
    Whew, looks like a sizable investment.

    P.S. Investment paid off, sold the church last year for a hefty profit and moved upstate to be closer to the kids/grandkids.

  18. Phoenix says:

    Fortunately not all are like that. I do deal with some.

    Capitalism made them like this, they don’t want to produce, they want to consume.

    Here is one for you Eddie. Just look at the first comment.

  19. The Great Pumpkin says:

    The sun will come up tomorrow. Probably on Friday too.

  20. Libturd says:

    “Mount Amwell Project” wasn’t that a low-budget horror flick?

  21. BRT says:

    My former coworker was a teacher. He bought his last home 10 years ago Basking Ridge, I’m gonna guess 900k. He signed an ARM and literally said “who cares what the interest rate is, I’ll be 75”. Well, he cashed out at much higher and just retired.

  22. Phoenix says:

    Content creator? Isn’t that a WFH job? Then she could live the life of luxury. Imagine having to drive all of those hours and then pay Pumpy rent payments? Oh the horror!

    Only fans is an option, or being a kept woman. I know a few of the latter. The amount of merchandise one can get tax free from a physician as gifts is amazing if you are the right partner. Not one dime declared to the IRS or the doctor’s wife.

    “Brielle, who lives in New Jersey, shared that she was struggling to find time to have a life outside of her four-hour round commute and her long work days.

    In a video which garnered more than 1.5 million views, the graduate said that she had neither the time or energy to cook or shower after arriving home.

    The content creator added: ‘Nothing to do with my job at all, but just like the 9-5 schedule in general is just crazy.’

  23. Phoenix says:

    Or she could have been a public school teacher in Jersey, teaching marketing classes, working 7-3, no weekends, no holidays, summers off. Padding a future pension for retirement without having to deal with those fee laden 401k’s where you could lose your money-just shift your losses to the taxpayers, have a seltzer Celsius while at the pool. Find yourself a local cop to hook up with and you are millionaires.

  24. Fast Eddie says:

    “Brielle, who lives in New Jersey, shared that she was struggling to find time to have a life outside of her four-hour round commute and her long work days.

    Imagine doing this routine 5 days per week for 40 years (as boomers everywhere roll their eyes and shake their heads).

  25. Libturd says:

    Are we allowed to use the term Indian Summer?

  26. The Great Pumpkin says:

    It hurts doesn’t it….your ego can’t handle that the pumpkin was right.

    While I was calling for roaring 20s and to buy cheap real estate…you guys were crying that the housing market would crash due to high taxes and the millennials would never buy…they were renters for life. Right. How that work out?

    The Great Pumpkin says:
    October 25, 2023 at 9:32 am
    The sun will come up tomorrow. Probably on Friday too.

  27. The Great Pumpkin says:

    These people are f/ing losers. Anyone that supports WFH is an entitled brat. You people just don’t realize it yet. Tell me, you want to invest your hard earned money in a business that hires this individual to WFH? Yea. right…..good one.

    “Brielle, who lives in New Jersey, shared that she was struggling to find time to have a life outside of her four-hour round commute and her long work days.

    In a video which garnered more than 1.5 million views, the graduate said that she had neither the time or energy to cook or shower after arriving home.

    The content creator added: ‘Nothing to do with my job at all, but just like the 9-5 schedule in general is just crazy.’

  28. Phoenix says:

    If your name is Bill Burr, than yes.

    If not, prepare to be cancelled.

    Libturd says:
    October 25, 2023 at 10:32 am
    Are we allowed to use the term Indian Summer?

  29. Phoenix says:

    A script for Adderall might help. Mothers little helper as the Rolling Stones once called it decades ago.

    In a video which garnered more than 1.5 million views, the graduate said that she had neither the time or energy to cook or shower after arriving home.

  30. Fast Eddie says:

    Are we allowed to use the term Indian Summer?

    It’s now called “Evil white muppets attacked the Indigenous People Summer.”

  31. 3b says:

    Goldman expects house prices to fall through the end of the year, and then just like that they will rebound in 2024. It’s amazing, just like that.

  32. Libturd says:

    Last week, I finished my budget for next year. With our new return to the office initiative where my team (not me) is required to be in the office twice a week next year, I had to increase the overtime budget line to about 50% of pre-covid levels (even though my P&L was significantly worse than it was during the Covid period). I also had to increase the private transportation budget by a similar amount. During WFH, our OT was reduced by 90% while our productivity and total amount of work performed nearly doubled. My manager did not like the way the numbers looked, especially after I provided reports showing how often my team shifted their start and end times to align their workday with the times in which we had the most work to perform. Unsurprisingly, the majority of our workload is performed between 7pm and 3am, since nearly everything comes in at the end of our client’s business day and is due at 7am the following morning. Worst of all, since going WFH, our 7am to 3pm lead had moved his hours to 5am-1pm to pick up anything leftover from the night before. Due to transit restrictions, (lives on Long Island) first train into Grand Central arrives at 7:15am. This means he can’t get in before 7:30am. So on those two days a week, everything will have to be completed the night before. Of course this is tricky as the person who worked the 4pm to midnight shift lives in Pequannock. Last train out of Penn is 9:51pm. He will need to leave the office around 9:15pm now. Lord help him if there are MTA issues on the C line. He will now require private car service home probably every night he works in the office. That will cost nearly $400 a week. If my first shift lead needs to come in before 7:30pm, he too will cost us another $400 week. That’s $40K per year, before we even pay any OT.

    Yesterday my manager calls me to tell me that my team will continue as WFH for the foreseeable future.

    I guess we are all lazy.

  33. 3b says:

    Lib: Your team sounds entitled, with cab rides home and wanting to be paid overtime. They should just move closer to the office, like across the street, or maybe sleep in the office and go home on the weekends. Lazy and entitled private sector workers.

  34. Libturd says:

    In other news, those who are used to burning the midnight oil on occasion no longer can if they took the train into work in the morning. Looks like NJTransit has eliminated most westbound trains that left after at 10pm on all of the lines except for the Shore, Northeast Corridor and Morristown lines. Also, NJ Transit is scheduled to run at a 1 billion dollar deficit starting fiscal year 2026. Going to be some huge fare increases the moment the next governor is elected.

  35. The Great Pumpkin says:

    And like you didn’t manipulate it to fit your personal bias and agenda.

    Libturd says:
    October 25, 2023 at 11:10 am

  36. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Just own it, LIB. You like wfh because you like sitting on your ass at home.

  37. Libturd says:


    Believe me, they have already asked me if they can move to salary rather than hourly so they could be included in our incentive plan (bonus). I told them to be very careful what they ask for. In the heavy overtime years (2015 to 2020), most of them were better compensated than I was (with or without bonus).

  38. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Just don’t bitch when you pay for a service and get chit….that’s what is happening to the american worker. WFH is a disease. Make people weak and focused on themselves instead of doing their f/ing job.

    I had to wait 20 mins at taco bell for an order I put in one hour earlier on the app….let that sink in.

    The country is only as strong as its workers. When people feel like they should get paid top dollar for chit, we have a problem. When you have people crying because they want to work from home instead of actually getting off their fat ass to go to work…we have a problem. They are becoming lazier and lazier…but but my quality of life. Life isn’t supposed to be easy….wtfu.

  39. Libturd says:

    No Pumps,

    My team’s willingness to flex their hours benefits our company tremendously. If it benefits the worker as well it is a win-win.

    You are simply an idiot. And I am being kind.

  40. Libturd says:

    “I had to wait 20 mins at taco bell for an order I put in one hour earlier on the app….let that sink in.”

    WTF does this have to do with WFH?

  41. The Great Pumpkin says:

    I don’t know, genius…..this idiot have to spell it out for you?!

    Libturd says:
    October 25, 2023 at 11:27 am
    “I had to wait 20 mins at taco bell for an order I put in one hour earlier on the app….let that sink in.”

    WTF does this have to do with WFH?

  42. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Right, I’m an idiot because I don’t agree with you. Got it. Thanks for being so kind.

    Libturd says:
    October 25, 2023 at 11:27 am
    No Pumps,

    My team’s willingness to flex their hours benefits our company tremendously. If it benefits the worker as well it is a win-win.

    You are simply an idiot. And I am being kind.

  43. LAX says:

    Luxury Goods sales are down. Upper middle class buyers are opting out.
    Champagne sales down for the first time in 3 years!!

  44. 3b says:

    Lib: Sounds like you have a great hardworking team.

  45. leftwing says:

    “The Great Pumpkin says:
    …You guys underestimate me over and over…it’s laughable…I am an anomaly. Not cocky, just know the truth about my ability.”

    Yeah, anomaly may be a descriptor….lol.

    For those actually possessing financial acumen, what say you about GOOG, Lib?

    Fighting my demons to play the three day rule and not hop into some put spreads now….13% return over 51 days provided she stays above 115…

  46. LAX says:

    I suppose this time it’s more than just “thoughts and prayers” buckle up:

    Israel has agreed to a US request to get its air defences to the region before an expected ground invasion of Gaza, according to a report.

    The Pentagon is working to deploy a dozen air defence systems to the region to protect US troops serving in Iraq, Syria, Kuwait, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates from missiles and rockets, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing US and Israeli officials.

    Israel is also taking into account the effort to supply humanitarian aid to civilians inside the Palestinian territory, as well as diplomatic efforts to free more hostages held by Hamas, it said.

  47. Fast Eddie says:

    The lot was full this morning, had to park at auxiliary street parking. Back to the office everyone! Brielle needs a shoulder to cry on!

  48. Fast Eddie says:

    So, I hate to ask but it’s inevitable; when does a portion of this WWIII reach our shores?

  49. Phoenix says:

    Mass transit in North America has been and always will be a joke, inefficient, expensive, and wasteful.

    It has one purpose. To get you from place to place on time, reliably.

    It rarely performs this purpose, is a hodgepodge of put together crap due to greed and eminent domain laws.

    America can’t even build a high speed rail that goes from NY to California. But it has plenty of tax dollars to donate to other countries.

  50. Libturd says:

    Lib: Sounds like you have a great hardworking team.

    Extremely dedicated and understanding of our company culture. Average tenure is now 18 years. Just like at Taco Bell.

    We all proof each other’s work which goes a long way to ensuring no one is slacking off. Our significantly larger teams in Cambiotore and Chennai be even more dedicated. I currently have a dashed line to them in that I only train and create policy and procedure for them, but there is rumblings of it going solid. I am okay with it as long as I am not responsible for their scheduling and human relations issues. Think NJ Transit is bad, the last bus that runs in Chennai leaves the office campus at 7:45pm. The team there is in a rotating trimester schedule where for 1/3rd of the year, you must work from 8pm to 8am. The rest of the year you work six-hour shifts. This is necessary to account for transportation as few can afford a car or are willing to risk their lives on a moped. Could you imagine trying to hire workers in New York willing to work such a schedule? WFH was wonderful in India. The problem is the leases we have on our corporate offices. Even in New York, the reason for the return to office has clearly been about workspace utilization and not some cockamamie productivity boost.

    I am currently on a project where I am responsible for creating and maintaining G7 color certification at our Union plant, for both cut-sheet and continuous feed printing. I get absolutely nothing done each day as everyone feels obliged to ask about my son, tell me about their medical issues, pets, ingrown toenails, etc. So this results in me leaving work everyday much later than I prefer. As expected, Waze has routed my 12-mile drive home, the back way through the Millburn, South Mountain Reservation, West Orange, etc. It takes 50 minutes for my twelve mile drive if I leave work after 3:15pm. Again, time I could have spent working is now spent driving 15 miles an hour home.

  51. Fast Eddie says:

    But it has plenty of tax dollars to donate to other countries.

    Don’t forget bike paths and s0cial causes, too.

  52. Phoenix says:

    Well, it’s not like they have a pension so why should they care about you or your stinking taco.

    Sorry princess, but the sooner you get it through your head that you aren’t as important as you think you are, the sooner things will become clearer for you.

    This is what happens when you dehumanize and demoralize a large portion of your population with greed and arrogance.

    The Great Pumpkin says:
    October 25, 2023 at 11:29 am

    I had to wait 20 mins at taco bell for an order I put in one hour earlier on the app….let that sink in.

  53. Phoenix says:

    If these “bike paths” and “causes” are American, that is okay. We can handle that here. It’s on us.

    Fast Eddie says:
    October 25, 2023 at 11:59 am
    But it has plenty of tax dollars to donate to other countries.

    Don’t forget bike paths and s0cial causes, too.

  54. Libturd says:

    I own quite a lot of Alphabet. They’ll be fine. But don’t catch that falling knife. Make sure she settles first. Even at the risk of some loss in upside.

    Alphabet has a history of bumpy earnings. The big Xmas advertising quarter is now upon us, and quite frankly, that’s what Google is still about for the most part.

  55. Cancel Culture says:

    I agree when is enough enough

    Chicago says:
    October 25, 2023 at 10:23 am

  56. 3b says:

    Lib: It’s clearly a use the space exercise, nothing more. I see it myself and everyone I know says the same thing about going to the office. We just factor those days as lost, and work more on other days, and or stay late .

  57. Phoenix says:

    An example of Un-American. Instead of hiring American youth from American colleges, we hire cheap labor from other countries, then pocket the difference. Kind of like slavery, but since they are employed using laws that wouldn’t pass here, someone gets a cut.

    Just like America did when it outsourced work to China. Now boomer is saying that China is our enemy. Well, Chinese people know how to manufacture, and Americans cannot since their jobs were sent overseas.

    Being “Pro-American” is a chimeric construct in a corrupt system. Process that, and act accordingly.

    Our significantly larger teams in Cambiotore and Chennai be even more dedicated.

  58. Libturd says:

    I’ve been to Taco Bell maybe five times in my life. It tastes terrible and gives me the shits. None the less, I hope you paid attention to their workflow while you withered away waiting for some nose-pierced, ugly-tatted high-school dropout to build you a burrito using a caulk gun and beef laced with soy product fillers.

    Taco Bell is built to service the drive-through. They have two production lines. One is dedicated wholly to the drive-through. The second one is for in-restaurant orders. Mobile orders are not prepared until you get within wifi range of the store. They are then prepared on the inhouse lane. Now if the Drive-through is busy, they will shift some orders from the drive-through production line to the in-house line. This is what moves your mobile order back further and further in priority. Your best bet, if you really want to order remotely (and I always due because you can’t get the app deals inside) is to pick up from the drive-thru lane. It will always be quicker, even if the restaurant itself is empty and the drive-through is long. Though, their app is an absolute tragedy.

  59. Libturd says:

    The problem Phoenix, is that your competition is doing it and you won’t compete with them if you don’t. Then no one has jobs. At least we don’t outsource to another company. Our facilities overseas are wholly owned by us. We even have a team in the Ukraine. Very skilled and very cheap. Of course, power outages have been our biggest problem with them as of late. It’s a 14 billion dollar company that I work for.

  60. BRT says:

    I can walk into the bagel shop by my work, order a Taylor Ham Egg & Cheese, and be out the door in about a minute. Luxury of tipping $2 each time. The guy at the register goes up to the griddle and gives me someone else’s egg & taylor ham slices and puts them on my preferred everything bagel and wraps it up. Probably not an option at Taco Bell.

    Best part is, he goes “Hey I got your mobile order right here”. None of the people waiting around have a clue.

  61. BRT says:

    btw, every once in a while, I try to relive my youth and grab a taco at Taco Bell. I instantly regret it. Is Taco Bell part of that fasting diet you are on?

  62. RealityCheckComingSoon IfTraitorsAreAllowedToBeTraitors says:

    This House of Representative fiasco is heading to one of three ways.

    1- They elect someone whose sole goal is to block everything and makes sure the GOP steals the election by blocking state electoral college votes.
    2-It keeps happening until someone nominate treason boy Trump as House Speaker.
    3-The few moderate GOPrs make a deal with the Dems to get things thru.

    If the first 2 happens, is going to be real ugly few years. Forget about the economy. Look up what just happened in a Brasil where a “right wing militia” burned down trains and busses because their leader was killed in a shoot out with the cops.


    Over the weekend you posted about ATC , enjoy

  63. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Yawn. Give it a rest….

    3b says:
    October 25, 2023 at 12:06 pm
    Lib: It’s clearly a use the space exercise, nothing more. I see it myself and everyone I know says the same thing about going to the office. We just factor those days as lost, and work more on other days, and or stay late .

  64. Phoenix says:

    Ten seconds. That’s all I ask.

  65. leftwing says:

    Kills me that I was long in GOOG sub-100 and got called away…good trade at the time, less so with the 20-20 hindsight….

    I see lines around 120, 102, and 88. May do a smaller trade for end-of-week today, although wild card of META tonight may be a reason for caution…regardless, with a forward p/e just north of 22 I’ll start filling at 120 and would feel lucky at 102…that would be 20% down giving a forward of 18x where I’d be reasonably comfortable…not sure we’ll see that but not sure I want to risk being left behind…

    They did beat top and bottom, only a slight disappoint on the cloud hits them for 9%…fragile market…we’re through the 200SMA of 4238 and base effect on the 50SMA says we’re heading for a death cross unless someone pulls up on the yoke…would seem a flat 4200 is psychologically important and 4170 if breached could be a problem…let’s see where we close and the earnings over the next seven days….

  66. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Wake up.. Service absolutely sucks out there now. Stop making excuses to defend your bias for WFH. It has a cost…it makes people lazy. Don’t hate the messenger, it’s the f’ing truth. Quality of worker has gone to chit. All entitled…all focused on their work/life bs. Can’t believe you support this bs work ethic, but I guess you have no problem because you want it too.

    Libturd says:
    October 25, 2023 at 12:19 pm
    I’ve been to Taco Bell maybe five times in my life. It tastes terrible and gives me the shits. None the less, I hope you paid attention to their workflow while you withered away waiting for some nose-pierced, ugly-tatted high-school dropout to build you a burrito using a caulk gun and beef laced with soy product fillers.

    Taco Bell is built to service the drive-through. They have two production lines. One is dedicated wholly to the drive-through. The second one is for in-restaurant orders. Mobile orders are not prepared until you get within wifi range of the store. They are then prepared on the inhouse lane. Now if the Drive-through is busy, they will shift some orders from the drive-through production line to the in-house line. This is what moves your mobile order back further and further in priority. Your best bet, if you really want to order remotely (and I always due because you can’t get the app deals inside) is to pick up from the drive-thru lane. It will always be quicker, even if the restaurant itself is empty and the drive-through is long. Though, their app is an absolute tragedy.

  67. The Great Pumpkin says:

    And taco bell is not like it used to be….it’s one of the better quality fast food options when you go the black bean route in substitution of beef.

    Also, they f/k it up every single time I go to the point I don’t want to go anymore and waste my time. Can’t believe you of all people defend me waiting 20 mins at a fast food restaurant to get food while i watched them all stand around doing chit. F off, lib. Weak defending this chit. Esp when you are paying over 6 dollars for a cheese Quesadilla.

  68. LAX says:

    11:50 it did already. 9/11 … no, I’m serious.

  69. LAX says:

    12:44 “some” service sucks. It’s a major differentiator for successful firms.

  70. leftwing says:

    “All entitled…all focused on their work/life bs. Can’t believe you support this bs work ethic…”

    Says the government pensioned ‘worker’ with summers off supported by his corporate employed wife….


  71. Phoenix says:

    Why do teachers become teachers? Because that career gives you the best work/life balance.

    Weekends? Nope. Holidays? Nope. Swing Shifts? Nope. Exposure to the elements? Nope. Work all summer? Nope. Pension for nice retirement, guaranteed by the taxpayer, never have to worry about crashed 401k- YUP.

    The Great Pumpkin says:
    October 25, 2023 at 12:44 pm

    all focused on their work/life bs.

  72. grim says:

    Just the other day I listened to a client CEO bitch about people spending too much time in meetings, and not enough time working. And that people shouldn’t be joining meetings if they aren’t active contributors.

    Ironic, given that he mandated hybrid RTO a few months ago.

    So, now people are collaborating, in person, face to face in meetings, and it’s a problem?

  73. Phoenix says:

    Go over the summer. It’s not like you have to go to work or anything…

    “Also, they f/k it up every single time I go to the point I don’t want to go anymore and waste my time.”

    Or maybe over the summer, you can teach them how to make a quesadilla. First start by teaching them how to spell quesadilla, and make sure they don’t capitalize it at the end of a sentence. Explain to them why they should have a strong work ethic for no money, no health insurance, no paid time off, no pensions, and chronically short staffed.

  74. 3b says:

    Grim: I saw something the other day, Business Insider I believe where the CEO of Dropbox said the company will pay 79 million to unload their massive real estate offices in San Francisco. He also said that ultimately the return to office push will fail. I don’t know anything about the company/ CEO etc.

  75. Phoenix says:

    Saw that link you sent the other day. I guess people process things in different ways.

    Oh well. Not my monkey, not my circus.

  76. grim says:

    IMHO – companies are starting to see some economic headwinds, struggling to adjust, many are thrashing around trying to “fix” the problem, and RTO is often one of the things put on the table.

  77. Phoenix says:


    Father Attacks Indie Wrestler For Spitting On His Child

    As Big Time Wrestling talent Devin Danger was making his way to the ring, he approached a young girl in the crowd and went to shake her hand. As the girl tried to reciprocate, Danger pulled his hand away and spit his gum on her before heading to the ring. The girl’s father wasn’t having any of it, as he ran up to Danger at ringside and started nailing him with punches before the melee was broken up

  78. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Why didn’t you choose to do it if it’s so good? You just love to bitch about the people that did. Got it. You knew the job had summers off, so why didn’t you do it? Just bitch about it now after you made big bucks in the private sector?

    leftwing says:
    October 25, 2023 at 1:00 pm
    “All entitled…all focused on their work/life bs. Can’t believe you support this bs work ethic…”

    Says the government pensioned ‘worker’ with summers off supported by his corporate employed wife….


  79. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Holy chit!! You are obsessed with killing real estate….it’s the only reason you back WFH. It’s wild. Hey, if everyone works from home, it will crash real estate (3b’s thoughts all day)

    3b says:
    October 25, 2023 at 1:17 pm
    Grim: I saw something the other day, Business Insider I believe where the CEO of Dropbox said the company will pay 79 million to unload their massive real estate offices in San Francisco. He also said that ultimately the return to office push will fail. I don’t know anything about the company/ CEO etc.

  80. 3b says:

    Grim: I have said in the past that when there is a recession/slowdown, companies can in addition to laying people off, also dump real estate or a combination of both.

  81. The Great Pumpkin says:

    And guess what 3b, you still won’t buy real estate if it crashes….so why even hope for it? You will never buy, it’s always too expensive. It was cheap as f/k all last decade, and all you did was complain about the price and the taxes. Good move.

  82. The Great Pumpkin says:

    I had enough of your chit. Every time I go to the hospital, I see workers prancing around taking their sweet old time doing chit. Then act like your job is so difficult? You have a ton of downtime. Give it a rest.

    Former colleague of mine quit teaching to become a nurse….she is much happier.

    Phoenix says:
    October 25, 2023 at 1:07 pm
    Go over the summer. It’s not like you have to go to work or anything…

    “Also, they f/k it up every single time I go to the point I don’t want to go anymore and waste my time.”

    Or maybe over the summer, you can teach them how to make a quesadilla. First start by teaching them how to spell quesadilla, and make sure they don’t capitalize it at the end of a sentence. Explain to them why they should have a strong work ethic for no money, no health insurance, no paid time off, no pensions, and chronically short staffed.

  83. The Great Pumpkin says:

    I would not want to own a business or be a ceo under the current labor conditions. It is horrible. Feel like “Idiocracy” is becoming a real thing. Quality of workers has gone downhill real fast.

    grim says:
    October 25, 2023 at 1:03 pm
    Just the other day I listened to a client CEO bitch about people spending too much time in meetings, and not enough time working. And that people shouldn’t be joining meetings if they aren’t active contributors.

    Ironic, given that he mandated hybrid RTO a few months ago.

    So, now people are collaborating, in person, face to face in meetings, and it’s a problem?

  84. Phoenix says:

    Pumpy says:

    “I see workers prancing around”

    Well, I have yet to see the prancing. But you will see this.

  85. Hold my beer says:


    I got into goog sub $100 and added a bit in the $110s and $120s. I’m just going to let it ride unless it gets ridiculously overvalued.

    Got into amzn too around the same time and added a bunch to it.

    Sold my aapl this week to put it into 3 other small cap stocks. Made around 11% on aapl and put it into one stock down 45-50% and the other 2 are down 30-35%. Hoping they become core stocks I can hold for years. Reading 10ks and the competitors 10ks is too time consuming for me to trade a lot or have 40-50 stocks.

  86. grim says:

    For the enterprise IT junkies – Microsoft Co-Pilot is far better than I thought it would be.

    Thought it was going to be a fairly superficial integration of ChatGPT, and it’s far more deeply integrated than I would have imagined.

    Going to cement Microsoft’s position as the undisputed leader in the enterprise apps space. Originally I thought the $30 a month fee was going to be a deal breaker, and for some it probably will be, but for the vast majority, if your organization is a heavy outlook/teams/office shop, I would imagine the new features would easily save 1-2 hours a month, easily making it ROI positive for many.

  87. grim says:

    They are going to raise the bar in a big way on AI integration. Google’s probably scrambing in response. For sure Apple is horrified at how far behind they are now.

  88. grim says:

    One feature blew me away, and that was asking it to “Catch me up on (project name)”, which it succinctly summarized, in chronological order, salient project updates from stakeholders, emails, teams activity, etc. It would have easily taken me 20 minutes to go through everything to catch up. Provided links back to people, emails, messages, documents, etc. Super cool.

  89. grim says:

    Or, if you are a pessimist, prepare for the onslaught of documents, presentations, emails, etc. You will be drowning in a sea of wonderfully prepared content and begging for the good old days of 2-line emails.

  90. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Lmao. I can only imagine what they will do to teaching. Already drowning in paperwork.

    grim says:
    October 25, 2023 at 2:16 pm
    Or, if you are a pessimist, prepare for the onslaught of documents, presentations, emails, etc. You will be drowning in a sea of wonderfully prepared content and begging for the good old days of 2-line emails.

  91. The Great Pumpkin says:

    I am sure some doctors and nurses are stressed out at work, but I have yet to meet one in person. I have had surgery twice. I have been to emergency rooms. I never see anyone stressed out. Just walking slowly doing their thing. They sit around for a lot of the time by the computers doing chit. Am I making this up?

    Phoenix says:
    October 25, 2023 at 1:52 pm
    Pumpy says:

    “I see workers prancing around”

    Well, I have yet to see the prancing. But you will see this.

  92. The Great Pumpkin says:


    The surgeon f/ed up on my appendix removal surgery. Gave me nice scars like I came out of war after telling me it would be simple tiny incisions. He f/ed up and I still had to pay. Cool. Thanks, doc!

  93. Boomer Remover says:

    Grim – It pulled the project progress and status from… Outlook? Word?

  94. leftwing says:

    “Why didn’t you choose to do it if it’s so good?…You knew the job had summers off, so why didn’t you do it? Just bitch about it now after you made big bucks in the private sector?”

    Good to see the continued development of your reading comprehension over the last decade or so…/s

    Wasn’t about me where, yes, as a junior I was happy to have a workweek of ‘only’ 80 hours…

    Was about you – with one of the cushiest jobs around and an entire lack of self awareness – berating some young minimum wage lower end demographic worker for desiring some work-life balance.

  95. leftwing says:

    HMB, which small caps you in

    Lib, DG still moving, up a couple bucks today again in a weak market….

  96. Fast Eddie says:

    For sure Apple is horrified at how far behind they are now.

    As I said, insert any of us here into the Apple CEO chair and just keep churning out newer versions of the same iShit. The current CEO has limited vision. A bit of business sense + a bit of odd ball personality + surrounding yourself with some talent at the XCOM level = Innovation. You’ve got a bit of a dweeb in the top Apple chair with not much of a vision. Apple has become Sony.

  97. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Who said it was the cushiest job around? Have you ever done it?

    Cushiest job around is wfh….facts. Why it is no longer available to most.

    Work like balance? I cringe when I hear people use it…same woke individuals. Life is tough, it’s about working hard. If you don’t want to work a 9-5…don’t bitch about not having money.

    “Was about you – with one of the cushiest jobs around and an entire lack of self awareness – berating some young minimum wage lower end demographic worker for desiring some work-life balance.”

  98. LAX says:

    Apple has $62B cash on hand. Wrap your brain around that.

  99. LAX says:

    3:14 Teaching? If you are tenured you can actually do little to nothing and remain on staff for life. I’ve seen it personally. A huuuuge reason our schools suck.

  100. Fast Eddie says:

    I see the Republicans have chosen a new Speaker. This is what democracy in action looks like. This is family infighting to iron out the differences. This is wiping your bloody nose after you made your case. And it still might not be totally over. It’s what the democrats wouldn’t think of doing, though. Veering off track in the democrat ranks gets you cancelled. Stay in line or be punished badly. The message to dems from the lead dog is vote Jeffries on every count hoping that the turmoil continued. It’s not about governing for the dems, it’s about power, control and disruption.

  101. Fast Eddie says:

    Apple has $62B cash on hand.

    At one time, Sony had a cushion, too. Muppets continue to overpay for refurbished iShit. Wrap your brain around that.

  102. The Great Pumpkin says:

    No one gets fired anywhere. Who needs tenure today in this labor market? Why do you think workers suck and majority quiet quit?

    LAX says:
    October 25, 2023 at 3:17 pm
    3:14 Teaching? If you are tenured you can actually do little to nothing and remain on staff for life. I’ve seen it personally. A huuuuge reason our schools suck.

  103. Boomer Remover says:

    Speaking of surgeons: The guy who did my wife’s surgery a while back told us to drive back to the hospital “NOW” after we called him to inform him of what turned out to be a very serious long tail complication.

    My wife stayed the night, when he showed up the next morning he said he “prayed for her” with his family.

    I was STUNNED, and posted as much a few years ago. Thoughts and prayers is not something I want to hear out of a surgeon.

  104. Phoenix says:

    Sony Alpha cameras are some of the best, if not the best.

    Their Exmor and Starvis sensors are fantastic.

  105. Libturd says:

    Pumpkin has really gone off the deep end today.

  106. Phoenix says:

    I was STUNNED, and posted as much a few years ago. Thoughts and prayers is not something I want to hear out of a surgeon.

    Did they work?

    I’m not much of a “prayer” person.

  107. Boomer Remover says:

    Phoenix — Maybe? The wife is alive.

  108. Libturd says:

    I do not agree with Pump’s assessments of hospital staff. At least, not at CHOP.

  109. Libturd says:

    I’ve seen some laziness at HUMC, but not widespread and definitely department dependant.

    Though, after Covid, it does not surprise me at all.

    The truth is, the decline in the quality of the American worker seemed to occur right about the time of the fiscal crisis. This was also the first time in my life that I realized playing by the rules was a fool’s game. Be it Wall Street or Main Street, the more you fucked up, the more Uncle Sam had your back. This was also when Federal and State Minimum Wage started to increase significantly. It is also the first time I witnessed the government start using serious amounts of previously non-existing dollars (firing up the money presses) to fire up the economy by giving thousands to the under 125K per family crowd. Paying people bonuses for fucking up always seemed anti-productive to me. Especially when you punish the few who made money the hard way.You know, by regularly slaving 70 to 80 hours a week at salary without bonus. I’ve learned my lesson about moral hazard. Now, I ask everyone if they’ll take cash. My next job will most certainly be off the books. There’s just too much government cheese to be had. I really wish I did the PPP for my LLC. Apparently, I am the only fool who didn’t. I’ll never learn.

  110. Hold my beer says:


    I have BOC Boston Omaha it’s a little conglomerate that does billboards, fiber to your home in small towns in flyover country, surety bonds, and asset management. They are trying to raise money for the asset management group. They want to get into build to rent and do more fiber. They have a business relationship with builder DFH and a few other builders and have agreements to install fiber at new developments and have a monthly payment for 10 years built into the HOA fees. It’s about 1/3rd the cost to install fiber in a new build instead of going into existent neighborhoods.

    NNI Nelnet. They service about 40% of the federal student loans, own 20% of hudl, do a little venture capital and commercial real estate (no office stuff in big cities, more like warehouses and storage facilities and small buildings in small cities). They are getting into online banking mostly for lending to student loans, And they own around 13 billion of federal student loans that’s going to provide 200 million a year in cash flow for the next 3 years and around 1.5 billion over the next 10-12 years. Obama got rid of that program of private companies issuing federal guaranteed student loans so they are taking the cash flow from that and putting it into solar. They can use the tax credits to offset income from their other businesses. They also own a payment processor that specializes in k-12 private schools and have gotten into the college market too. Their letters to the shareholders are a good read. They explain all the accounting rules they have to deal with and drop hints about hidden/way under valued assets and talk about diversifying away from political risk. They have 13 billion in debt which is from them owning thr 13 billion in federal student loans. They make money on the spread and they’ve bought loans from other companies. The chairman founder iwns 40% and the ceo owns around 2%. They are huge fans of Berkshire and study buffet. They’ve compounded book value at over 15% since they went public but the stock has only compounded around 10%.

    GRBK green brick partners the DFW/atlanta area house builder

    DFH . That’s the asset light home builder focused on the south, Texas and Colorado. They don’t own any land. They take out options to buy finished lots and only buy the lot when they have a signed contract. If the market crashes they just walk away from the money they put down as a deposit. Have grown earnings and returned equity at over 40% a year since they started in 2009 and just went public in 2021.

    GENK Gen Korean bbq. It’s a 37 store chain that plans on opening 7-10 a year for the next few years out of their cash flow and growing to 250+ restaurants. They did an IPO this summer. The one by my is always full with a wait every time I’ve walked past it on a weekend. They are opening one in Arlington heights in Arlington which is probably the nicest shopping plaza in Tarrant county. They have about 30 million in cash, 5 million in debt. Takes about 2.5 years for them to get their money back after they open a new restaurant. Very cost conscience. They even own the company that makes the ventilation systems. They keep their margins down so people feel like they get a great meal and deal. Like Costco and Amazon have low margins and loyal customers. They are actually profitable which is unusual for a small restaurant chain.

    HGTY Hagerty insurance. It’s a collector car life style brand. They started out as an insurance broker with Markel writing their policies. Their payout ratio is in the low 40s so they want to underwrite their own policies and make more money. They also own a collectible car auction house, classifieds, they have huge garages people can store their cars in, they have a subscription magazine that also acts as AAA car service for collectible cars. Rhey also run I think it was 1,800 car shows a year . They just went public 2-3 years ago and have finished ramping up their IT rollout and are now connected to 9 of the 10 largest auto insurers in the US. State Farm’s owns over 10% of it and Markel owns some too. It’s such a unique concept and backed by Markel and State Farm but who knows if it will take off so I only have 2% in it. It grew its revenue 28% YOY for the first 6 months of this year and expects to lose less than 10 million or make a small profit under GAAP accounting this year.

    SKYH sky harbor. They are a startup. Very speculative trades at like 100x revenue so I only have about 1% of my money in it. They want to build hangars for private jets at regional airports. They own the company that makes the hangars so they are vertically integrated. They have built or are under construction at 5 airports, planning stage for one in Dallas area and just signed a deal with a Chicago area. It costs them a little over $200 a square foot to build a hangar but they have been renting the first deals at $40 a square foot a year and newest deals are over $50. There is a warrant for every 2 shares of existing stock which can get exercised at $11.50-$12.‘don’t remember the exact amount.

    Other than that I have Berkshire, Amzn, goog, and MKL Markel

    Watch list is CAVA, TXRH, USLM, AMR and NVR (the only one over 5 billion on that list). But to pick up one of those in bulk to get to my 5% or bigger holding I’d have to sell some Markel and/or Amazon. So what I’m selling has to get real pricey or the watchlist needs a big haircut. Otherwise I’m done. Just going to focus on adding to my current stuff and if something on the watchlist tanks start building a position and decide if I want to sell a bit of Markel and/or Amazon.

  111. LAX says:

    3:22 no, layoffs occur all of the time. Rarely in schools and IF they do occur they’ll cull the young passionate teachers who just entered the profession. They’ll keep the old hacks who don’t understand technology …

  112. 3b says:

    Lib; Moral hazard my ass! I have seen some ugly stuff over the last few years, with extended family members. Absolutely shocked, but in hindsight I should not be. These people sleep fine at night.

  113. No One says:

    Honestly the main thing people do at the office is expense lunches where we gripe about dumb policies. I have to put on headphones to concentrate on getting work done. Let people think I’m on a call.
    Remote, sure I flex some hours but generally work concentration is higher.

  114. Hold my beer says:

    Also those are recommendations, just stuff I own so do your own research.

  115. Fast Eddie says:

    The truth is, the decline in the quality of the American worker seemed to occur right about the time of the fiscal crisis.

    Ushering in the transformation of America according to Oblammy. History will define the turning point in America’s greatness beginning at the onset of his regime.

  116. LAX says:

    4:53 my guess is that America’s decline accelerated under Reagan.

  117. Hold my beer says:


    It’s ugly in families too. Amazing how many relatives start visiting the elderly once they get sick and decrepit.
    Trying to talk their way into or higher up the will or angling to become the executor.

  118. 3b says:

    Americans paid a record 130 billion in credit card interest and fees last year, up from about 88 billion last year. 2023 is expected to be be even higher.

  119. Hold my beer says:


    I meant those are not recommendations, just stuff I own or am watching. Do your own research. I’m a moron. Some of you already have realized that.

  120. 3b says:

    Hold: It certainly is, even uglier when some of them band together and do it as a group, they will eventually turn on each other, but first they try and silence the ones who challenge what they are doing as wrong. And as I said they sleep well at night.

  121. Hold my beer says:


    I think it started earlier than that. Probably during Vietnam war when the masses started to realize how often they are lied to or given half truths by the powers that be.

  122. Hold my beer says:


    The world is full of liars and sociopaths. If you want a true friend get a cat or dog.

  123. 3b says:

    Hold: True. There just seem to be more of them walking around today.

  124. The Salty Pumpkin says:

    Why didn’t you choose to do it if it’s so good? You just love to bitch about the people that did. Got it. You knew the job had summers off WFH, so why didn’t you do it? Just bitch about it now after you made big bucks in the private thought you were outsmarting everyone by getting a job in the public sector?

    The Great Pumpkin says:
    October 25, 2023 at 1:34 pm
    Why didn’t you choose to do it if it’s so good? You just love to bitch about the people that did. Got it. You knew the job had summers off, so why didn’t you do it? Just bitch about it now after you made big bucks in the private sector?

  125. Bystander says:


    Don’t look. Your “Republican” speaker of the house. I am dying laughing, thinking of heads exploding on Faux News

    Fab, EX, VSG..enjoy. “Systemic change” is coming from the Rs

  126. Hold my beer says:


    I think it’s always been like this. The empowerment of social media is making it more obvious and causing people to remove their masks of civility.

  127. The Great Pumpkin says:

    My brother had surgery on his leg that the surgeon f’ed up badly with….he had to have another surgery to correct the hacking job done by the previous surgeon. Don’t get me bro had to pay for the surgery that was done incorrectly. What a joke.

    Boomer Remover says:
    October 25, 2023 at 3:34 pm
    Speaking of surgeons: The guy who did my wife’s surgery a while back told us to drive back to the hospital “NOW” after we called him to inform him of what turned out to be a very serious long tail complication.

    My wife stayed the night, when he showed up the next morning he said he “prayed for her” with his family.

    I was STUNNED, and posted as much a few years ago. Thoughts and prayers is not something I want to hear out of a surgeon.

  128. The Great Pumpkin says:

    Oh, you mean the six months to a year vacation paid? That’s what happens to individuals laid off in this market. They then go get another job. Unemployment rate is low…so nice try.

    Schools used to play dirty. The minute you were up for tenure, they let you go. Did it to my sister in Waldwick. Know plenty of others too. Also, a lot of teachers just quit within the first 5 years. Not a ton of lifers out there.

    LAX says:
    October 25, 2023 at 4:41 pm
    3:22 no, layoffs occur all of the time. Rarely in schools and IF they do occur they’ll cull the young passionate teachers who just entered the profession. They’ll keep the old hacks who don’t understand technology …

  129. LAX says:

    5:58? No, that’s kind of ridiculous seeing the nimrods earning tenure on a regular basis since time immemorial. Where did you get so adept at understanding corporate America?

  130. LAX says:

    5:03 my Dad is a really deep thinker regarding all things historical and political.
    He once said that Eisenhower was the last decent President. FWIW

  131. 3b says:

    Lax: A lot of truth in your Dads comments about Eisenhower.

  132. Hold my beer says:


    Your dad is right. 1960 was when tv started to play a big role with ads and debates so we got the charismatic/ looks good on tv candidates and substance took a back seat.

  133. Bystander says:

    “Where did you get so adept at understanding corporate America?”

    Blumpy is as dumb as they come. When I was let go from IB 5.5 years ago, we got thrown off healthcare plan at end of month. They paid for 1 month cobra and 2 weeks severance for each year. I got 1.5 months of pay (as I consulted for 1.5 years before hired) You also had to cross a full year to get 2 weeks and no partial year in severance calc, which I missed by one month. Guess how much COBRA is for a family of 4 over 3 months, dickhead? It took me 3 months to land a job after looking for 2 months on WARN (where I still had to work). Five months to land a job in Dumpy’s “greatest economy”. Right now it is horrendous 6-8 months to land anything comparable. Lot of desperation. Job salaries have moved down 25-40%. I saw a company repost a job on LI for 60K less than the job on their own website. Clueless, dufus

  134. 3b says:

    Hold removing masks of civility, and the masks showing who they really are and what they are capable of. And they sleep well at night.

  135. Fast Eddie says:

    Is systematic change the same as systemic change?

    Ah, po ta toes, po tot toes.

    Pour me another bourbon, will ya dear?

  136. Bystander says:

    I was wondering myself. I’ll just summarize Johnson’s beliefs ‘ His black son has been treated unfairly due to color of skin and we need systematic and transformative change due to systemic racism that exists in America” You know, the Republican platform and all. So, what bill comes first Affirmative action in higher ed? You can’t make this sh^t up.

  137. Bystander says:

    Oh, and also Johnson believes George Floyd was murdered. was fentnyl. Faux News told us all so.

  138. Bystander says:

    Damn, mass shooting in Lewiston ME. White man with AR-15 of course.. Estimated 22 dead. God help us.

  139. Phoenix says:

    God isn’t going to help, he is a slacker. It’s the people who don’t work from home, don’t have holidays, weekends, and summers off that will be helping.

    Bystander says:
    October 25, 2023 at 10:09 pm
    Damn, mass shooting in Lewiston ME. White man with AR-15 of course.. Estimated 22 dead. God help us.

  140. Boomer Remover says:

    Phoenix – You have a real female arrest kink.

Comments are closed.