What’s next year got in store?

From Bankrate:

2024 first-quarter housing trends: Rates begin to thaw

“We typically see housing inventory remaining low until February and then ramping up from March onward,” says Lawrence Yun, chief economist for the National Association of Realtors. “Homebuying and open house visits also ramp up starting in March.”

Rick Sharga, founder and CEO of CJ Patrick Company, agrees. “Quarter number one is usually something of a reset for the housing market,” he says. “Prices and sales volume decline toward the end of the previous year, and January is often the weakest month in terms of pricing, inventory and sales activity. But things start to pick up in February and March. I expect the first quarter of 2024 to feel like a continuation of 2023, with relatively weak home sales and modest price increases. Still, mortgage rates have recently dropped at the quickest pace in decades, and will probably continue to decline through the first quarter — bringing more prospective buyers back into the market.”

Shri Ganeshram, founder and CEO of real estate investment site Awning, also anticipates an atypical uptick in buyer activity this quarter, which “could lead to a more dynamic market than usual for this period.”

“We’ve turned a corner, with the Fed done raising interest rates, inflation coming down and modest economic growth expected in 2024,” says Greg McBride, CFA, Bankrate’s chief financial analyst. “This has been beneficial to mortgage rates as bond yields have fallen a full percentage point since October and further declines are on the horizon in the new year.”

McBride foresees the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage loan averaging 6.75 percent this quarter, versus 6.15 percent for the 15-year fixed-rate mortgage loan. Yun’s prediction is similar: 6.8 percent for the 30-year home loan, on average. Sharga also expects rates to fall within the 6.5 to 6.75 percent range in the first quarter.

But not everyone is as optimistic: “I predict a slight increase in mortgage rates, potentially reaching around 7.75 percent and 6.65 percent, respectively, for 30-year and 15-year loans based on current economic trends and monetary policies,” Ganeshram says.

The good news is that home sales likely bottomed out in 2023 and are due to improve slightly in 2024. “We foresee 5.5 million combined new and existing home sales in 2024, up from 4.8 million in 2023,” says Yun. “Days on the market will remain swift at around 25 from listing to contract signing.”

“We can probably expect to see up to 800,000 sales during the first quarter, with many homes continuing to sell briskly — often going from listing to sale in under 25 days,” Sharga says.

The nationwide shortage of housing inventory continues to be an issue for homebuyers. “Mortgage applications have recently increased in response to lower rates, signaling there is still enough demand on the sidelines to continue the supply shortage in 2024,” Chen says.

Sharga echoes those sentiments: “We are unlikely to see the supply of existing homes for sale rise appreciably until mortgage rates come back down in the 5 percent range,” he says. “Housing starts for single-family residences have ticked up a bit, so we may see a little more new home inventory, but not enough to make up the difference in what we would normally have on the market with existing homes. So supply will remain constrained, giving the advantage to sellers over buyers.”

Others see silver linings ahead: “The worst of the housing shortage is over,” says Yun. “I expect approximately 30 percent higher inventory and more choices for buyers in 2024.”

This entry was posted in Economics, Housing Bubble, Housing Recovery, Mortgages, National Real Estate, Where's the Beef?. Bookmark the permalink.

40 Responses to What’s next year got in store?

  1. Hold my beer says:


  2. HoboWithShotgun WasRight says:

    My prediction for short, long and thereby mortgage interest rate is that the Fed’s influence will diminish monthly, while the outcome of mainly supreme court decisions that affect the swamp ass orange traitor’s ability to be elected or be remanded to a Correction Department’s custody will have an increasing effect on said interest rates.

    Overall capital like legal safety and stability, that is what the US offers and that is why we get the worlds money knocking at our door. Take that away and it becomes like China, Russia, Iran, etc where the “great leader” decides. If orange swamp ass takes away that safety and stability we go into the unknown financially and mortgage rates and housing prices will matter to no one.

  3. Fast Eddie says:

    2024: Democrats will make homeownership a hot button issue targeting the privileged class and unfair lending practices. O’Biden will propose a $3.6 Trillion, zero percent loan program for those who ‘qualify’. Those with household incomes between 200K to 400K will fund the program, plus the interest realized. Any surpluses will be used to create urban community gardens equipped with hypodermic needle disposals so that children can play safely and rainbow-colored bike paths lined with methadone and Narcan stations.

  4. JUice Box says:

    Let’s review the predictions-2023 thread.

    I listed out 15 as questions, and was about 50% correct for the year.

    I was wrong on 1, 2, 3, 8,9, 13, 14

    Right on 4, 5,6,7,10,12, 14

    11 (partially right courts just ruled crypto is a security)


  5. Juice Box says:

    Not right on 14 Bills did not even make the Superbowl.

    Ill start working on my 2024 predictions.

  6. Hold my beer says:

    People will Steal anything


    Never heard of a concrete slab driveway being stolen.

  7. Fast Eddie says:


    Wonderful link!

  8. Chicago says:

    Left: Red SOW over UMass at Lake Placid. They have winners game with ASU tonight at 7:30PM. Stick that in your pairwise.

  9. Very Stable Genius says:

    Trump is electable BECAUSE the oligarchs decided so, not in spite of them.

    His antisemitism is irrelevant to them.

    HoboWithShotgun WasRight says:
    December 30, 2023 at 8:46 am
    My prediction for short, long and thereby mortgage interest rate is that the Fed’s influence will diminish monthly, while the outcome of mainly supreme court decisions that affect the swamp ass orange traitor’s ability to be elected or be remanded to a Correction Department’s custody will have an increasing effect on said interest rates.

    Overall capital like legal safety and stability, that is what the US offers and that is why we get the worlds money knocking at our door. Take that away and it becomes like China, Russia, Iran, etc where the “great leader” decides. If orange swamp ass takes away that safety and stability we go into the unknown financially and mortgage rates and housing prices will matter to no one.

  10. leftwing says:

    Love me my Red but under whichever division’s rules they were playing it was scored a tie. Which means for pairwise purposes – which mirror playoff selection criteria – the game in LP for Red was actually scored a pairwise win for UMass….

    Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics…..

  11. HoboWithShotgun WasRight says:


    The oligarchs as you say are a very nebulous group in this country. Is not Russia like where is The Putin mob family or China by its membership in the politburo.

    Their commonality is that, as Forbes magazine said about Mexico and its ruling class, they want to owners not renters of the country. They want to make a phone call and make it happen, not lawyer and lobby up and maybe in 5 yrs it can happen.

    Each has its own interest. Texas oil country wants to kill EV and green energy. Wall Street and Real Estate wants cheap interest rates. The Waltons and all big businesses want cheap labor. Donors and vested parties of any campaign that presently don’t have an ongoing successful concern want to make it more profitable or start something that will be guarantee to be successful, usually with a sweet heart contract deal.

    The thing is that for better or worse they balance each other out and things don’t get too out of control simply because if one side does, it will start stepping in others toes and they will do something about it.

    Trump’s danger operationally is two fold. First, US financially credibility will be shot and once is gone and at present there are many low credibility competitors which can’t come up to our level, but Trump will make us go to their level. That is currencies from BRICS+, alternatives like bitcoin and gold and of course oil and commodities traded in other currencies.

    Rest assure that those business interest that make a living within the present system will act promptly and harshly to ensure their interests are not damaged. But overall the reputation of the country will be damaged. Think of Blackberry, a trusted company that provided secured communication until the Orange revolution. Once those middle eastern dictatorships came calling for secured communication data they open up the servers. Everyone abandoned Blackberry because their security guaranteed was now crap and Android and Apple took up the device market share with apps like Signal, Telegram, etc taking over the secured communication market.

    Finally, my last concern is that is very easy to see that as long as you say the right “MAGA” thoughs and phrases you will be in the administration. Rest assure that if those applicants and newly hired would be off scale with the accompanying criminality if they took this test https://openpsychometrics.org/tests/LSRP.php

  12. Very Stable Genius says:

    You and I go into the unknown financially.
    But the “great leader” and oligarchs will became immensely wealthy. And immensely powerful. China, Russia and Iran have an extremely wealthy, powerful elite; it is by design.

    They already allowed an attempt a coup d’etat! And for his efforts he will be allowed another one. Remember that Chavez was also allowed a second attempt after he failed the first one.

    “ Take that away and it becomes like China, Russia, Iran, etc where the “great leader” decides. If orange swamp ass takes away that safety and stability we go into the unknown financially”

  13. Phoenix says:

    “Long standing Republican allegiance” while bragging he is not ashamed of his “liberal” CalPERS pension.


    ‘I came here looking for anything that’s not the liberal, socialistic view of the government in California,’ Pike said, revealing how he continues to collect a $123,000-a-year pension from Newsom’s administration.

    ‘This is a free country, you have the option to go anywhere you want,’ he continued, touting his long-standing Republican allegiance he says has spanned 41 years.

    Confronted by the contrasts between him and fellow Californian who arrived in Eagle in 2003 without a pension, the fire captain flat-out said: ‘I’m not ashamed to say that I brought my CalPERS pension to Idaho.’

  14. 3b says:

    A husband and wife and two children were found dead in a house in New City, Rockland Co this afternoon. Police believe it’s a murder suicide.

  15. SmallGovConservative says:

    Anyone used/using a telematics program as part of their auto insurance coverage (such as Allstate Drivewise)? If so, does it provide meaningful savings?

  16. HoboWithShotgun WasRight says:


    Sure sign up for it. This way the liberals or evil corporation or illuminati or space aliens or whoever you think is tracking you will have a way of where your traitor boomer behind is at anytime – as you zip around in your MAGA decorated scooter on the way to score your free Medicare paid massage at the senior citizen happy hour on 1pm Tuesdays at the strip club/casino where they have the mid career change 45+ years old dancers.

    I can believe you ask such a question. You huff and puff about the vaccine mandate by the liberal, Biden or big government, when frankly you could have been bought cheap with a Target gift card, a llollipop, and a Trump faced Band-Aid when you got your shot.

  17. Phoenix says:

    Expect more of that. Had to be almost ten this week alone that I read about.

  18. Phoenix says:

    Just read the story. She was probably out Monkey Branching. Just a guess.

  19. 3b says:

    Phoenix: I have read quite a few recently too, and people killed by trains too. Either there is more of this, or they are reporting it more. The one I referenced the guy was a Sargent in the Bronxville PD , which is a wealthy town in Westchester Co.

  20. 3b says:

    Had to look up monkey branching; I had no idea what it meant.

  21. Juice Box says:

    3b – Phoenix has gone to the dark side.

    Time to ignore? Perhaps?

    And I mean this well Phoenix. You might need to shift gears. Not to say your transmission is broken but we all know you can shift to a higher gear, as many of us have. It’s not really hard, like anything else in life you have to want it.

    Another way to put it. Overexcitabilities trigger a stress response in the body, so how stressed are you now?

    I am not looking to fix you just want to understand.

  22. BRT says:

    2015 Article in Nature: Only four friggin citations. This is why academia has lost all credibility.


    Engineered bat virus stirs debate over risky research
    Declan Butler
    Nature (2015)Cite this article

    162k Accesses

    4 Citations

    10497 Altmetric


    Lab-made coronavirus related to SARS can infect human cells.

    An experiment that created a hybrid version of a bat coronavirus — one related to the virus that causes SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) — has triggered renewed debate over whether engineering lab variants of viruses with possible pandemic potential is worth the risks.

    In an article published in Nature Medicine1 on 9 November, scientists investigated a virus called SHC014, which is found in horseshoe bats in China. The researchers created a chimaeric virus, made up of a surface protein of SHC014 and the backbone of a SARS virus that had been adapted to grow in mice and to mimic human disease. The chimaera infected human airway cells — proving that the surface protein of SHC014 has the necessary structure to bind to a key receptor on the cells and to infect them. It also caused disease in mice, but did not kill them.

    Although almost all coronaviruses isolated from bats have not been able to bind to the key human receptor, SHC014 is not the first that can do so. In 2013, researchers reported this ability for the first time in a different coronavirus isolated from the same bat population2.

    The findings reinforce suspicions that bat coronaviruses capable of directly infecting humans (rather than first needing to evolve in an intermediate animal host) may be more common than previously thought, the researchers say.

    But other virologists question whether the information gleaned from the experiment justifies the potential risk. Although the extent of any risk is difficult to assess, Simon Wain-Hobson, a virologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, points out that the researchers have created a novel virus that “grows remarkably well” in human cells. “If the virus escaped, nobody could predict the trajectory,” he says.

  23. Phoenix says:

    3b says:
    December 30, 2023 at 8:55 pm
    Phoenix: I have read quite a few recently too, and people killed by trains too. Either there is more of this, or they are reporting it more.

    So are you “dark side,” or are you just reading what I read? I wonder what you wonder, is it more, what is the reason, and how can you fix it.

    I like fixing things. But it seems society is fine with this, they choose to ignore why, they choose to implement a fix. In fact, they choose to double down.

    I guess you can choose to ignore it. Or the Middle East, Or Russia/ Ukraine.

    Ignoring all three is why all three are happening. But hey, let’s all count our fat stacks and see if we can make ourselves richer and put the country deeper into debt.

    Gotta keep up with the Jones’s. And guard our property from those Alzheimer patients:

    Shocking moment Texas man and his friend head-stomp and beat frail Alzheimer’s sufferer, 67, who got confused and mistook their car for his daughter’s.

  24. Phoenix says:


    Read about Monkey Branching. Oh, btw, I didn’t invent it nor did I coin the term.

    Just pointing it out, so kill the messenger, right??

    It’s happening either way. Deal with the volume of people I know and you will hear story after story.

  25. Phoenix says:


    I guess with enough engineering you might be able to, in the future, create a virus that will infect only the select few you want it to.

  26. Phoenix says:

    Juice Box says:
    December 30, 2023 at 10:28 am
    Song for 2024? F- Your feelings…..


    In her bio, she claims that” Her influences include Kacey Musgraves and Brandy Clark.”

    This Kacey Musgraves? I could be wrong, but her type doesn’t seem to be acceptable with this: (purposely time stamped here.)


  27. LAX says:

    10:20 that’s….really….stupid

  28. LAX says:

    “Feelings” aren’t so bad. They tend to be an accurate indicator of your place in the
    Ever-expanding universe.

  29. LAX says:

    In fact I think intuition tells you everything you need to know about people and situations. I find that when I ignore “feelings” I get burned. It’s when you decide to blindly enter into something without listening or thinking about the way that particular place, person, or agreement makes you “feel”, you are about the get https://youtu.be/bI7MCmIihqQ?si=agixq3CsMvvXxUO7

  30. 3b says:

    Phoenix: I had just never heard the expression monkey branching before, as for why people engage in it, I have no idea. As for people in general, I am coming to the realization that many of them truly suck, and are awful miserable people. As well after this year I have seen what families will do for money, and it’s shocking, but really not surprising I guess. I don’t know how they sleep at night but they do. And for those that do the right thing or at least try, they pay a price.

  31. Phoenix says:

    Want to make people like you, tell them what they want to hear. The master manipulators where I work do exactly that. Always sweet, always fake kind-I watched them set up a new girl who was having problems disarming her pretending to be her friend.

    One thing I noticed is that men’s power is in the number of mates he has, a woman’s power is in her ability to eliminate or deny someone into a group.

    LAX says:
    December 31, 2023 at 2:28 am
    In fact I think intuition tells you everything you need to know about people and situations. I find that when I ignore “feelings” I get burned. It’s when you decide to blindly enter into something without listening or thinking about the way that particular place, person, or agreement makes you “feel”, you are about the get

  32. LAX says:

    Men’s power is the “quality” of mate …. there fixed it.

    Quality might be one thing, but bag the Uber Babe (not the car service)
    and the world is your oyster. No pun intended.

  33. Very Stable Genius says:

    Nowadays there are countless shows on cults. HBO series on NXIM was insightful. The number of wealthy, highly educated women throwing themselves with complete abandon at Keith reinieri was unreal.
    One can see parallels with “smart” people exhibiting sexual adoration for political leaders, etc.

    Phoenix says:
    December 31, 2023 at 10:32 am
    Want to make people like you, tell them what they want to hear. The master manipulators where I work do exactly that. Always sweet, always fake kind-I watched them set up a new girl who was having problems disarming her pretending to be her friend.

    One thing I noticed is that men’s power is in the number of mates he has, a woman’s power is in her ability to eliminate or deny someone into a group.

    LAX says:
    December 31, 2023 at 2:28 am
    In fact I think intuition tells you everything you need to know about people and situations. I find that when I ignore “feelings” I get burned. It’s when you decide to blindly enter into something without listening or thinking about the way that particular place, person, or agreement makes you “feel”, you are about the get

  34. Libturd says:

    Happy Jew Year

  35. 3b says:

    Happy New Year to all.

  36. LAX says:

    Happy Nude Year

  37. Juice Box says:

    You don’t have to wait until midnight to see my balls drop. Happy New Year!

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