From the NYT:
The Greatest Wealth Transfer in History Is Here, With Familiar (Rich) Winners

Trillions of dollars in family wealth are set to be passed down in the next few years — and the transfer will largely reinforce U.S. inequality. Total family wealth in the U.S. has tripled since 1989, reaching $140 trillion in 2022.
Of the $84 trillion projected to be passed down from older Americans to millennial and Gen X heirs through 2045, $16 trillion will be transferred in the next decade. The top 10% of households will be giving and receiving a majority of the wealth. The top 1% — with about as much wealth as the bottom 90%, — will dictate the broadest share of the money flow. The bottom 50% will account for 8% of transfers. A reason there are such large soon-to-be-inherited sums is the uneven way boomers benefited from price growth in the financial and housing markets. The average price of a U.S. house has risen about 500% since 1983, when most were in their 20s and 30s.
There are few aspects of economic life that will go untouched by the knock-on effects of the handover: Housing, education, health care, financial markets, labor markets and politics will all inevitably be affected.
Going to be a seismic shift in wealth as the boomers die off, youngest is 59. Projections are what about 15 million die off in the next decade.
Boomer death clock… Alive now 57,520,480.
Deaths per day 5,646 a day and increasing.
Vivek trying to win over Boomers by channeling Elvis’s hair last night.
Philly’s influencer “Meatball” Charged with six felonies in the Apple store and other
looting that occurred the other night.
It’s a slam dunk case as they recorded themselves etc. The prosecutor charged them, so perhaps the pendulum is swinging back toward law and order?
“Police used the social media posts of Blackwell and other alleged looters to determine their precise location amidst the chaos, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer.”
Ten 465
The Boomer death clock…
What’s the release date for the movie? Lol!
The top 10 percent will be receiving 90 percent. That says it all.
Pretty staggering numbers
In lower Manhattan for an all day event yesterday. There are people back in the office, but no where near pre pandemic levels. Lunch time quiet, and 5:00 o’clock just a few people leaving, not like the mad rush in the old days. It will never go back to what it was.
How about clubbing silent gen and boomers? Almost 100T held by old f%cks (70%) while 50 and under crowd, only hold (30%). On top of this, 90% of this transfer will go to the Bel Airs, Glencoe, Central Park West, Boca, Potomac, Short Hills, Greenwich further cementing that this country has its embedded monarchy controlling all the money, investments and business. Oh but I am told that these boomers and their younger broods “worked for it” rather than got handed it. Pure BS.
Parking lot in my town has noticeable uptick. I used to pull up at 8:15 and there were still spots in first two rows. This week, I had to park in rows 5/6. Still, this is a huge lot and further from track, the other 40% is empty. My guess is that people have to go into office but it is not 5 days. Some are just getting to 3 days. We have been 3 days for 1.5 years.
They also vote the most selfish, destructive legislation. Very much in favor of infringing women’s reproductive rights, etc.
grim says:
September 28, 2023 at 7:56 am
Pretty staggering numbers
Honestly, does Faux News have a person who is under 55 on-air? Hannity, Conway and Kudlow. Their audience are people with oxygen tanks screaming at TV. I got dumber listening to these people for 5m.
Ten 467
Their audience are people with oxygen tanks screaming at TV.
Get off my lawn, you whipper snappers!
Forget investing in disruptive companies with a high failure rate . Figure out what toys and experiences gen x and older millennials crave and will blow their inheritance on over the next 20 years.
“The average price of a U.S. house has risen about 500% since 1983, when most were in their 20s and 30s.”
Luck. Born at the right place and right time. Didn’t have to do chit except by an “affordable house” that you could afford on one income in the house.
Continuing to move forward, the Ukrainians seized several villages on the southern front in the Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk regions, and, in recent days, broke through Russian lines south of Bakhmut to take the villages of Andriivka and Klishchiivka. During the Russian offensive between November and May, Moscow scored no notable gains except for Bakhmut.
“Unfortunately, most of our offensive is now on foot,” said Lt. Gen. Kyrylo Budanov, the commander of HUR. “You could see a mirror picture last fall, when the Russians were carrying out their own offensive, above all in Bakhmut. The same way, the use of heavy armor was minimal, everyone was waging war on foot. I don’t think anything will be different now.”
Def a niche for this…
Hold my beer says:
September 28, 2023 at 8:57 am
Forget investing in disruptive companies with a high failure rate . Figure out what toys and experiences gen x and older millennials crave and will blow their inheritance on over the next 20 years.
I am not defending any news network, but I was forced to watch FoxNews on my last cruise because A) There were a total of 3 channels. B) MSNBC was one of them and all they did was talk about Trump and run commercials promoting their own shows at a ration of 1:3. C) The third channel, I shit you not, was BBC News which was just terrible.
This is how the channel operates. Fox and friends come up with some cockamamie theory in the morning. For example, the election boards, who count the absentee votes must be cheating because they won’t allow any Republican’s to witness the counts. Then, by the afternoon, Neil Cavuto will show a video where the counters put paper up over the windows of a counting office where the local Republican kooks are outside protesting that the election was being stolen. Paper on windows obviously equals cheating. Then come the evening and the real party starts. Hannity and crew now talk about how it’s taking much longer than usual to count the votes and what was once a Republican lead has now switched into a lead for the blue team. They HAVE TO BE CHEATING. There is no other explanation. The entire election is rigged by setup voting machines, election counters who cheat and of course, dead people voting. Then that complete egoist imbecile Gutfeld comes on and he has a round table with three guests who have less of a journalistic background than Mother Theresa who all cream their briefs over their unproven beliefs. This is repeated daily with bolder and dumber theories. Absent each day is any truth or alternative explanation.
Of course, any thinking person knows that there is a paper trail and that the new voting machines are the most thorough machines ever invented. A little digging would have also revealed that in order to witness an election count, the party must assign a witness AHEAD of the election with the Election Board. As for covering the windows? It’s bad enough there were so many paper ballots to count. To do it with protesting gun nuts staring at you 24-hours a day? Yeah, you would cover the windows too. As for the dead people voting? This happens every election within both parties. The numbers are so small it, it doesn’t move the needle at all.
Better yet, so many of these narratives are not just proven false, but Fox News is sewed over them. Though, you will never hear of these lawsuits on Fox News itself.
And yes, MSNBC operates in a similar manner, minus the lawsuits for the most part. They too conjure up theories, but their viewership skews much more academic than the Fox News watcher, so they don’t fall for such asinine ideas nearly as much. None the less, if it fits their narrative, both the MSNBC hosts and their viewers soil their underwear over it too.
Honestly, I could only stand about ten minutes of FOX before I found something better to do. MSNBC, I can’t take for one minute. Especially Maddow and that Lemon guy. Both add nothing to the news but conjecture.
The 10year march is something else! Eh?
7:35 I doubt that fat tub found anything that fit her.
On the WFH tip. Before Pumps creams his tighty whities. We all said there would be a push for a return to the office once management got the upper hand, which would be economically driven. We are most likely in a recession, as I type this. Consumer Confidence has now dove for 4 months in a row. Inflation is still higher than it was pre pandemic and labor market confidence for those in the non-minimum wage crowd is significantly lower as income levels increase among those surveyed.
But will it take? I am a permanent work-for-home. I negotiated this seven years ago when my kid got sick. One of my roles is workflow engineer. It’s actually one of my two titles. I am not client facing nor does this role require me to interact much with other workers. Over the past seven years, I have demonstrated, through example, how my working from home arrangement provides a great benefit to the company. Since the rumblings of RTO have surfaced, I’ve asked my team to document the benefits to the company that WFH has provided. Much of what we do requires the purchase of expensive server based software. To prove the need, we must provide calculable ROIs before executive management will even look at our drastic efficiency and quality improving proposals. My team is performing the same research in regards to our RTO, being careful not to discuss how WFH has benefitted us personally, except when discussing our continued willingness to accept paltry compensation increases. I expect a compromise of sorts to be had. Quite honestly, our team has made it clear that our return to office would be welcomed if it provided any kind of documented advantage to our company. For now, we don’t even have a place to work for most of us.
I think the final result will end up being a once or twice a month in the office requirement for departments that don’t benefit from working in an office environment. Eventually, the office space will again fill up as businesses grow. But I doubt this will occur for quite some time.
That’s a pretty thorough of the FOX operations for someone who can only watch for 10 minutes. ;)
Is it time to buy some Muni bonds in my taxable accounts? I see 5% to 7% tax equivalent yields in investment grade securities going out as far as I want.
Re Fox, I wish there was a news station that did news rather than nonstop editorializing. But talk is much cheaper than reporting.
Gutfeld could be much funnier if he was willing and able to take on both sides. I know he doesn’t really like Trump, but he’s captive to his MyPillow viewer base. I liked Kennedy, but now she lost her show. More a libertarian than a Trump pumper.
Gutfeld show has gotten really stale over the past couple years. Seems like all “news talk”has turned into predictable political spin rooms.
BBC is nice in that it has some traditional world news sometimes. But their problem is they constantly do news about stuff in places that are pointless. They devote more time to irrelevant African news than US or European news it seems every time I turn it on. Or European football IDGAF about.
I’ve got 5 or 6 tv news channels to choose from and they all suck in different ways, but what they generally have in common is a lack of actual world news reporting.
Of the $84 trillion projected to be passed down from older Americans to millennial and Gen X heirs through 2045, $16 trillion will be transferred in the next decade.
Thank you, Boomers!
In real estate related news. I found an absolutely thorough and fair priced exterior home painter. These guys used more bondo than the average Mexican auto body shop. And they caulk like mofos as well. Not only did they scrape and sand for four days straight, but the separate primer they used SW Loxon is amazing with my stucco.
They are sanding priming and fixing up my ten-year old deck for $1,700 in the Spring. Slowly, but surely, making my place turnkey.
This time, I remembered to ask for a porch masonry recco.
Only posting this because I once watched Gov Christie tip the sausage tray at a breakfast buffet and fill up his plate…That man could eat and apparently still can.
It would be cool if fist fights break in house impeachment hearings..
I bought a Windows 11 ultrabook yesterday. I was ready to go Macbook Air, but really needed the advanced power user Office functionalities. While the XPS 9315 is smaller and lighter than a Macbook Air, I spent hours wrestling updates, configuration updates, resetting, rebooting, clean booting…. finally got it to digest all the updates, configurations, etc… It’s crazy that this is still a part of the windows experience.
I did tune to MSNBC for a brief view. It was equally horrendous. A United nations of cacophony, gleeing in delight and speculating about Trump’s demise. I don’t find any of it funny. This country is truly at a crossroads of major issues unrelated to abortion, transgender or any other BS. Economically and strategically the world has reset since pandemic. We need a level-headed person to see this and respond. We need sound fiscal policy and we need to invest in alliances. I would still vote Christie out the pack but I know it won’t happen. I found it very strange that Gavin Newsom is everywhere and apparently debating Ron DeSantis in a few weeks. What is that about? Hopefully, it is a preview that Biden and Harris go away in 2024. I just don’t know anymore.
re: “Gavin Newsom is everywhere”
Part of the playbook.
I remember seeing Senator Menendez and then Senator Obama out stumping for Corzine at the train station in Hoboken. I doubt he was even flying commercial back then as the other campaigns were busy paying to fly their golden boy all over the country to get him to stump for the party candidates and raise his profile for a WH run.
I would still vote Christie out the pack but I know it won’t happen.
What’s funny is that I keep thinking Christie might be the right one for the job. I like Nikki Haley, I think she’s sincere but Christie actually sounds legit compared to the others. From the other side, JFK jr. sounds like an old school democrat and I’d like to hear more from him.
Vegas F1 is sold out and U2 sold $660 million in tix for their 25 week run.
Economy is sizzling hot!
Delta is so overwhelmed with business that only the rich will get status and access to lounges.
Boomer – last I checked Intel didn’t put MS Pluton a security co-processor into their latest chips, so you better be running malware prevention software if there is no TPM. The newest AMD supports it, but run some anti-malware anyway.
And another thing; the fact that the chuckle heads on these leftist “news” shows are talking about Trump 97% of the time, seven years running will be the impetus for new fields in the research and study of mental illness. Never in the history of time has one person damaged so many people for so long. The average lead time for a news story is one to two weeks, Trump has captured the progressive headlines for seven years and counting.
11:13 how can you be so fuuuuucking stupid?
Ed – You forget the product is you and your eyeballs. They must drive you to click and buy. It does not work any other way. There is a 271.2 billion dollar pie in online advertising dollars. TV advertising is only about 1/4th of that….Cable news even less.
Lib, would you be where you are today in your professional career if you never went into an office and only worked out of your home/apartment? I know the answer…this is why your position on wfh is biased and self driven. It’s not good for the company long-term, but it is for you. You and the others pushing this will never acknowledge that. You only care about yourself…and getting paid top dollar to work at home at your convenience.
Libturd says:
September 28, 2023 at 10:00 am
Who is going to train these workers in the future? They are just going to pick up all this knowledge on their own? Yea, okay…
Christie is the only Republican running who is remotely rationale. It’s the truth. And Newsom will be no different than Biden. Enough with the establishment.
The truth Pumps, is that there is nothing than can’t be done remotely that can be done in the office. You just don’t realize it because you work where technology and methods haven’t changed since fire was discovered.
I know. I watched how technology was used during the lockouts. Heck, wait until you are called for remote jury duty jury selection. There you will witness another group of government neanderthals that have no clue how to use tech to improve their jobs.
Pumps – You really think companies train knowledge workers anymore? Mentors maybe but they don’t get paid extra to do it.
Ask Grim who trained him on AI…
Only posting this because I once watched Gov Christie tip the sausage tray at a breakfast buffet and fill up his plate…That man could eat and apparently still can.
You gotta be dedicated if you got your stomach stapled and still have the size. I know someone that got their stomach stapled, was about the same weight. Within 1 year, he was 170 and skin and bones.
I always said…wfh was a result of goldilocks labor market. Market will adjust. It was the easiest time to be a worker…didn’t need a union and got perks like not having to show up for work while receiving top pay. People would just job hop and get 20% increases for doing nothing except switching jobs. It was a complete joke, and it’s coming to an end.
The people that signed up for multiple wfh jobs were the big winners exploiting that labor environment. Did bare minimum, if that, and got paid big time. Some brought in 400-500k pretty much doing chit while at home or at the beach.
Whoever supports this crap, should never ever complain about corruption. You are just as corrupt and self driven as a politician.
If you support wfh, you really don’t want our economy to grow to its potential.
Lib – Office drama is kind of hard to do at home. I mean you cannot even have an exclusive lunch table where you purposely exclude others from joining, or worse steal other people’s food from the office fridge…
Interacting with real people in person is the way. No idea why you can’t understand this. If the future of our economy is sitting at home alone and working, we are f’ed. Truth.
Libturd says:
September 28, 2023 at 11:28 am
The truth Pumps, is that there is nothing than can’t be done remotely that can be done in the office. You just don’t realize it because you work where technology and methods haven’t changed since fire was discovered.
Dude, all workers are garbage now. Pandemic and WFH effect. Slowly getting rid of this by scaring people out of the job that they might not find again if lost.
And what did you expect from remote learning? Blame the teachers or acknowledge it sucks unless you are self driven ap student.
“I know. I watched how technology was used during the lockouts. Heck, wait until you are called for remote jury duty jury selection. There you will witness another group of government neanderthals that have no clue how to use tech to improve their jobs.”
Can’t cop a feel in the supply closet either.
Juice Box says:
September 28, 2023 at 11:38 am
Lib – Office drama is kind of hard to do at home. I mean you cannot even have an exclusive lunch table where you purposely exclude others from joining, or worse steal other people’s food from the office fridge…
Vote please AI post of the day..
Blumpy, you are a true moron. I hope VNO collapses and your little world crumbles. F-off with bashing tech workers. You are too dumb to understand a thing about the corp world.
Chicken or egg. The cult is so obsessed that Orange moron is the saviorand won’t let him go so left stays riled up that he is frontrunner. Useful idiot..that is the term. Media loves him, on both sides. It is no way to run country.
The AI revolution is coming yet it does not need tech workers…amazing. Also, we still live in a world where a jr. analyst can submit requests to delete certificates on our prod server errantly. If am not vigilante in questioning items then system goes down. Sure, AI revolution.
Newsome will be worse.
Yet, I was correct about wfh….was told I had no business commenting on WFH because I did not work corporate. Right, how that work out?
When will you learn that a teacher is all about managing people, esp in the inner city schools. I know people well. I understand human nature. If you think workers can be depended on long-term in a WFH environment, you have another thing coming.
Bystander says:
September 28, 2023 at 12:16 pm
Blumpy, you are a true moron. I hope VNO collapses and your little world crumbles. F-off with bashing tech workers. You are too dumb to understand a thing about the corp world.
Lib – Office drama is kind of hard to do at home. I mean you cannot even have an exclusive lunch table where you purposely exclude others from joining, or worse steal other people’s food from the office fridge…
Someone kept stealing my hummus from the fridge. I sprinkled some ground carolina reaper seeds into one and left it there as a trap. I grow them and spray my flowers with it to prevent the deer from eating my flowers. Works on people too.
I watched on YouTube this year’s Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting. 93 year old Warren buffet and 99 year old charlie munger holding court, telling stories, giving coherent replies moments after the question is asked. And then I see all the gaffes and social blunders our turnip in chief commits even with coaching and teleprompters.
12:31 come on…..get a grip. Your stupid prognostications are needy & embarassing.
Bystander I hear ya on the flawed approval process for certs, keys, ids etc.
I just sent out my thanks letter for the opportunity. I added a little malicious compliance to the thanks process, it was very subtle, and I added in a little zing about FTC mandated Algorithmic Accountability Assessments…..
Off to the next bunch of job applications….
If I am not performing or no longer needed then they can get rid of me, dingus. Nothing changes with work from home. You certainly need better managers and invest in people who perform. Companies that suffer are the ones who cheap out and devalue labor. Do we even need a show of hands on who believes truth on remote workfroce? Grim or Blumpy? I thought so. That you share similar bloodlines shows me that retardation entered your non-related side at some point.
Unionized staff of any kind after a period of time and seniority literally have NO clue how the real working world functions. Imagine after several years never ever bring laid off. Imagine that type of job security. Meanwhile younger and sometimes more qualified candidates will never get a chance to work.
You guys are all older and look at it through biased eyes based on your job and qualifications.
We already tried WFH and it failed miserably….do you understand this? You think you or grim are smarter than musk when it comes to running a company? Why is he against it? Why? Is he clueless? Musk is just an idiot like me….got it. You guys are nuts.
Bystander says:
September 28, 2023 at 12:48 pm
If I am not performing or no longer needed then they can get rid of me, dingus. Nothing changes with work from home. You certainly need better managers and invest in people who perform. Companies that suffer are the ones who cheap out and devalue labor. Do we even need a show of hands on who believes truth on remote workfroce? Grim or Blumpy? I thought so. That you share similar bloodlines shows me that retardation entered your non-related side at some point.
None of us run the company.
Inner city schools are run like corporations. You don’t understand this, because you have not worked in one recently or long enough. There is extreme pressure in these schools. It’s a revolving door of new management….if you know what happens when you always get a new manager(new philosophies and going to save the world mentality over and over), you will understand why what you describe below does not apply to me. Maybe some sleepy small school in suburbia, but not here. It’s f/king hard.
Get this….they are begging for teachers at my school. So f’ing good that no one wants it. Understand?
ExEx says:
September 28, 2023 at 12:54 pm
Unionized staff of any kind after a period of time and seniority literally have NO clue how the real working world functions. Imagine after several years never ever bring laid off. Imagine that type of job security. Meanwhile younger and sometimes more qualified candidates will never get a chance to work.
1:07 musk is a proven imbecile & terrible corporate leader.
1:12 Schools are paid for with taxpayer dollars and cost big bucks. A pure non-profit.
Tenure is tenure. It doesn’t exist in the private sector.
Regardless of turn-over tenure is job security. Bad management and zero consequences for terrible students is the reason no one wants to work in a title 1 school.
Too much boomer money being passed down and furthering inequity?
Time to revisit the death tax?
Most people who understand just how dysfunctional the schools really are can point to terrible people with tenure in positions of power they aren’t qualified for essentially performing poorly for decades. In a corporate environment they’d be shown the door quickly in schools they stay for decades.
One of my favorite office stories is the time we had a going away gathering for someone leaving the company, a long-time employee who made it to the C-Suite for multiple roles. Invites went around so there was a large gathering and a small cake.
The chairman of the board shows up. He was a relaxed guy who saunters in says hello to a few folks, and then proceeded to cut the line to get one of the first pieces of cake and then hightail it out the door. Never even stuck around for the farewell speech. Sure he was probably the reason the person leaving was “retiring”, but at least stay five minutes…he was not gonna be Milton from Office Space that is for sure.
Get this….they are begging for teachers at my school. So f’ing good that no one wants it. Understand?
I got news for you, nobody wants in the cushy districts either.
I watched on YouTube this year’s Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting. 93 year old Warren buffet and 99 year old charlie munger holding court, telling stories, giving coherent replies moments after the question is asked. And then I see all the gaffes and social blunders our turnip in chief commits even with coaching and teleprompters.
Some guys brains just work their entire lives without missing a beat but a lot of it has to do with them using it daily. If Buffett/Munger retired years ago, they would have been sitting in the corner drooling. Everyone who stops working falls apart. At the very least, find an engaging hobby.
musk is a proven imbecile & terrible corporate leader.
And yet, he’s the richest man in the world with a net worth of $248.2 billion.
Not too shabby for an imbecile.
I am not WFH, dipsh&t. I am hybrid. We go in 3 days and have for 1.5 years. If mostly do 2 because we have 7Am calls and then straight through lunch many days. I am not going into office at 1pm nor am i getting on 6 am train because mgt tries to accommodate Europe and India to detriment of US staff.
Elon will take the controversial side of any argument just because it creates attention for himself. In practice, there are tons of WFH or hybrid employees. He has no choice. Again, you are clueless. The belief that all teams are co-located, innovating product, white-boarding plans in a room is straight laughable. Not surprising as you think Billions is a documentary.
Everyone who stops working falls apart.
O’Biden never really worked… thus the vegetative state. Trump will work until the day he dies. He never stops, can hold court for days, constantly pushing forward. And he just dropped 35 lbs. Aside from the narcissism, he’s as sharp as a razor.
Truth right here…
BRT says:
September 28, 2023 at 1:36 pm
I watched on YouTube this year’s Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting. 93 year old Warren buffet and 99 year old charlie munger holding court, telling stories, giving coherent replies moments after the question is asked. And then I see all the gaffes and social blunders our turnip in chief commits even with coaching and teleprompters.
Some guys brains just work their entire lives without missing a beat but a lot of it has to do with them using it daily. If Buffett/Munger retired years ago, they would have been sitting in the corner drooling. Everyone who stops working falls apart. At the very least, find an engaging hobby.
can you share your exterior painter info?
Looking for same.
Darth Vader worked hard too, Ed. Damn, he created two Death stars in no time.
Anything I post about WFH is not about anyone on this blog, or anyone in particular. Just a general assessment. It’s just based on what I have seen from friends who worked from home during the pandemic, along with my two decades of working with people/managing them, and my general ability to see the big picture. I truly understand human nature…aka why I don’t trust anyone in this world except for my mother, who is a walking saint. Not saying that because she is my mother, but because she has proven it through years of actions.
Bystander says:
September 28, 2023 at 1:42 pm
I am not WFH, dipsh&t. I am hybrid. We go in 3 days and have for 1.5 years. If mostly do 2 because we have 7Am calls and then straight through lunch many days. I am not going into office at 1pm nor am i getting on 6 am train because mgt tries to accommodate Europe and India to detriment of US staff.
Elon will take the controversial side of any argument just because it creates attention for himself. In practice, there are tons of WFH or hybrid employees. He has no choice. Again, you are clueless. The belief that all teams are co-located, innovating product, white-boarding plans in a room is straight laughable. Not surprising as you think Billions is a documentary.
re: Buffett and Munger…Aren’t they spending a lot of the free cash on buybacks and more shares of their largest holdings Apple, Coca Cola, Bank of America etc?
I am not saying they are losing the magic, but they aren’t even taking massive bets on AI even buy more purchases for example more MSFT, Amazon, or even Google. Might be too old perhaps to understand AI?
It’s the next IBM if you believe what Jensen Huang has to say.
Hah, now this hits home. Speaking of Star Wars..f-in truth
Trump “work” …. delusional
He was known to be the laziest dumbest president we’ve had.
No one even comes close. He ain’t gonna live that much longer.
He’s a lazy, morbidly obese scumbag.
Gary – you are just another mentally challenged cult member.
Darth Vader worked hard too, Ed. Damn, he created two Death stars in no time.
Trump said he’s going to create beautiful death stars if reelected.
1:53 no shit.
Musk is a trainwreck. Pure and simple.
The only reason you admire him is that he says racist shit that
makes you tingle inside Gary.
Bystander: The lot in my town averages 20 to 25 cars a day, like yours an uptick, but no where near pre pandemic.
Anyone realize that pretty much every great novelist in history “worked remotely”?
And that the Game of Thrones HBO series turned to shit in the last two seasons because they had to transition from converting the script sourced from one remote worker, into having a script written by a “diverse and collaborate team” of Hollywood writers?
“diverse and collaborate team”
Translation: No instincts, watered down, narrow-minded, immature, unseasoned, banal, bland, stoic, dull, flat and witless.
Yes, for the best and brightest, a lot of them work better by themselves. They are the leaders and are driven.
The majority will produce nothing if left to their room to produce a novel. UNDERSTAND THIS.
No One says:
September 28, 2023 at 2:29 pm
Anyone realize that pretty much every great novelist in history “worked remotely”?
And that the Game of Thrones HBO series turned to shit in the last two seasons because they had to transition from converting the script sourced from one remote worker, into having a script written by a “diverse and collaborate team” of Hollywood writers?
It’s like teaching. You think the avg individual can teach themselves? I don’t care if they are 4 years old or an adult. The only people capable of teaching themselves are the advanced learners. Individuals capable and ambitious enough to teach themselves, and advance to a level of knowledge not experienced by an human before….these are your einsteins. The rest have to be taught by others and work with others to learn.
Cali Painters.
Here is Wil’s digits. He has an interesting background.
Tell him Stu sent you.
Check out these reviews. I guess I am not alone in my opinion of him. And pay ca$h.
Google them. Paterson address.
Possibly major flooding storm tonight through Saturday morning.
The HRRR which is the high res trustworthy forecast calling for 2-4 with 5″ in some areas. The bulk coming down during the day tomorrow.
2:5o I’ve taught myself nearly everything of value (to me) that I have learned.
Yes, many people are perfectly capable of teaching themselves.
In other news:
A low energy Donald Trump appeared as a “deflated alpha” and appeared to be “slowly beginning to sink” at his bizarre speech to autoworkers in Michigan last night, according to a body language expert.
The disgraced former US President and defendant in multiple criminal cases spoke at the Detroit, Michigan facility of Drake Enterprises, an auto parts supplier, in a room full of MAGA hats and pro-Trump signs. Although he was meant to address striking autoworkers, the workers of the company at which he spoke are not represented by the striking union.
He displayed lower energy, bitterness, self-pity, and compromised gestures as he addressed his supporters, according to body language expert Judi James, who told The Mirror how Trump’s body language conveyed his emotional state and communication style during the speech.
The expert noted that, at the beginning of the speech, Trump appeared to have lower energy levels. He leaned heavily on the lectern with his hands and had his shoulders pitched diagonally. Judi told The Mirror: “This was a very different Trump for the first half of the speech: lower in energy, close to rambling reflectively, bitter at times and even suffused in self-pity at others.”
In other other news:
BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) — The award-winning U.S. guitarist Al Di Meola suffered a heart attack during a performance in Romania’s capital but is currently in a stable condition and receiving treatment, a hospital spokesperson said on Thursday.
Di Meola, 69, began playing a concert at a venue in Bucharest at 9 p.m. on Wednesday night.
Dragos Cristescu, a photographer who attended the concert, told The Associated Press that he saw Di Meola clasp his chest during the performance and that the guitarist struggled to walk off stage. The other two members of Di Meola’s trio continued to play for several minutes until they announced the show would be cut short.
Berkshire might be investing in AI to improve its insurance businesses. I know Markel Group, another insurance company that invests in the stock
Market and buys non insurance companies outright is spending on AI for insurance modeling. They’ve also added to some of their tech positions last quarter.
Here’s Markel’s latest stock holdings
For you buy and hold value investors Markels letters to shareholders are a good read.
Autocorrect messed up “diverse and collaborative” team.
And now the Hollywood writers union has won a deal to increase the number of writers per show. Probably end up adding at least one more “diverse” writer per show to help reach new lows in TV creativity. To help conclude that trans dwarves of color is what Snow White needs to resonate with today’s audience.
Get better Al. One of the all time great acoustic players.
Nonsense. Majority are not capable. Majority are helpless without others. You give the avg human too much credit.
Aka homer simpson. His character is representative of the avg american dad. He is mocking the avg American male. Ever notice that most characters on the simpsons lack any deep intelligence?
Why did human society advance much quicker under a public school system? That’s when all these advances really began to take place…when the populous was educated as opposed to working in the fields as a child.
ExEx says:
September 28, 2023 at 4:03 pm
2:5o I’ve taught myself nearly everything of value (to me) that I have learned.
Yes, many people are perfectly capable of teaching themselves.
Educated: Lib. Gets deal from Cali Painters.
Mike Rowe educated: Will from C Painters: Just like Mike Rowe, isn’t really doing the ” Dirty Work.”
Uneducated: The poor skilled saps working for the other two with (my guess) no pension and no healthcare insurance.
No One
I’ve pretty much given up on new US tv shows. I watch mainly Korean and Japanese dramas now.
$10 million for that tiny lot?
The real vegetables:
Republicans struggled to put forward any evidence of wrongdoing by Joe Biden during a hearing on Thursday that’s part of a newly launched impeachment inquiry.
The hearing did not go well for Republicans, who control the US House and allege Biden was connected to his son’s business dealings that could have resulted in bribery and corruption. They have been investigating the matter for months and have yet to produce evidence linking the president to his son’s financial affairs. They failed to do so again on Thursday. Instead, the strategy appeared to be to lay the groundwork to justify a longer fishing expedition.
Long Jersey shore, brah!!
Juice Box says:
September 28, 2023 at 8:41 pm
$10 million for that tiny lot?
I am going to work on getting 1 or 2 bitcoin…depends on which goes lower…dna or btc.
Digital property is real. FOMO will hit again.
Juice: They will probably put up some monstrosity, which takes away from the whole idea of simple beach house.
Storm looking potentially worse.