NJ fights back on business taxes, then taxes business

From the Star Ledger:

We’ve got sure-fire plan to save small businesses from Trump tax law, N.J. lawmakers say

New Jersey lawmakers who are already offering up a scheme to save homeowners the state and property tax deduction gutted by President Donald Trump’s tax law now say they have a bulletproof plan to protect small business owners.

Under New Jersey’s current tax code, those who pay taxes on business profits through their personal income taxes — such as principals in S corporations, limited liability corporations and other partnerships — would be hit by the new $10,000 cap on imposed on state and local tax deductions as part of a federal tax overhaul.

Democratic and Republican lawmakers said they will introduce legislation to instead allow the business entity to pay the state income taxes of its principals, as corporations don’t face the same cap.

Small business owners in New Jersey reported their income this way until the 1990s, when it was revised to simplify the tax code, Sarlo said, saying that gave him confidence it would pass legal muster.

Also from the Star Ledger:

N.J. Senate President wants this tax increase to replace Murphy’s millionaires tax plan

After declaring his opposition to a tax increase on wealthy New Jersey residents, Democratic state Senate President Stephen Sweeney said Tuesday that state coffers can get the money they need by enacting a 3 percent surcharge on corporate income.

The increase in the state’s corporation business tax rate from 9 percent to 12 percent on businesses with more than $1 million in income is the Democrats’ latest counterpunch to federal tax reform that slashed taxes on corporations but limited the state and local taxes residents can deduct.

It’s also Sweeney’s alternative to a tax hike on millionaires that Gov. Phil Murphy, a fellow Democrat, is expected to propose as part of his first budget next week as he hunts for another $1 billion a year to pump into public schools.

Sweeney argued that the combination of a truncated state and local tax deduction — namely state income taxes and local property taxes — combined with a 10.75 personal income tax rate on income above $1 million would hammer taxpayers.

But corporations were the big winners in federal tax reform, seeing their federal tax rate cut from 35 percent to 21 percent. And Sweeney said Tuesday New Jersey can get a piece of that windfall.

About 2,375 New Jersey corporations earn more than $1 million, and are on the hook for about $1.97 billion in taxes this year, according to the Senate President’s news release.

Sweeney said he expects the new 12 percent tax rate would bring in an additional $657 million in annual corporate tax revenue — roughly the estimated gains of a millionaire’s tax.

Businesses here are expected to save $2.9 billion as a result of the federal tax cut, and they retained their unlimited state and local tax deductions.

Posted in Economics, New Jersey Real Estate, Politics | 97 Comments

And they think this charitable contribution scheme has a chance?

From the Star Ledger:

IRS action on prepaid property taxes slammed as ‘naked political payback’ against N.J.

New Jersey Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr. and other Democrats on Monday accused the Internal Revenue Service of “naked political payback” for refusing to allow taxpayers to deduct their entire prepaid 2018 property taxes and threatening to step up enforcement of those who try to claim the tax break.

In a letter to acting IRS Commissioner David Kautter, Pascrell, D-9th Dist., and the other Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee said there was no legal justification for the IRS to decide that only 2018 property taxes paid in response to an assessment — which would cover just the first half of 2018 in New Jersey — were deductible.

“We view this as a clear case of bureaucratic overreach, and now, as a result, many of our constituents are losing a valuable deduction — and consequently part of their hard-earned income,” the lawmakers said.

The ruling was issued Dec. 28, almost at the end of the year, though Kautter said he would revisit the decision following a meeting last month with Reps. Leonard Lance, R-7th Dist, and Josh Gottheimer, D-5th Dist.

The IRS had no immediate comment.

New Jersey homeowners, who pay the nation’s highest property taxes, rushed to prepay them once President Donald Trump signed a Republican tax bill that curbed the federal deduction for state and local income, property and sales taxes.

Posted in Economics, New Jersey Real Estate, Politics, Property Taxes | 89 Comments

Will transition to rentership put ownership even further out of reach?

From the WSJ, hat tip hoodafa:

Why New Jersey’s Soaring Foreclosures Are Good for the Housing Market

New Jersey’s foreclosure crisis is hitting a peak, and that could be a boon for the state’s housing market.

While bank repossessions across the U.S. fell to an 11-year low in 2017, they reached an 11-year high in New Jersey, according to ATTOM Data Solutions, a housing-research firm.

New Jersey, along with New York and other states, practice “judicial foreclosure,” in which foreclosures are handled through the court system. The process is typically friendlier to owners who fall behind on payments, but it can take years.

Other states, such as Texas and Michigan, have mainly nonjudicial foreclosures. After the housing bubble burst a decade ago, those states tended to work quickly through their backlog, flooding the market with fresh supply when there were few buyers.

“The pig is now finally at the end of the snake,” said Michael Affuso, director of government relations for the New Jersey Bankers Association. “We had the extraordinary slowness of foreclosures occurring at the judiciary, and that problem has reasonably resolved itself.”

More than a decade after the start of the housing bust, New Jersey leads the nation in overall foreclosure activity, with 1.61% of the state’s homes in foreclosure last year. The number of new bank-owned homes in December jumped to 2,308 from 1,448 in November, according to ATTOM.

The number of bank-owned homes started rising about a year ago, according to an analysis by Jeffrey Otteau, an appraiser and president of Otteau Group Inc.

The increase in distressed homes for sale is coming as the market is starved for inventory. Homes sold in January were on the market for an average of 72 days, according to data from New Jersey Realtors, a trade group, down from 86 days for the same month in 2017 and 94 days in January 2016.

Housing experts caution the increased pace of foreclosure actions could affect parts of the state differently. Areas where there is already too much inventory—the outer rings of the state and South Jersey, for example—will fall further behind Northern New Jersey and other suburban areas.

Still, the surge in foreclosures is attracting investors looking to buy homes and convert them to rentals.

Christian Schlueter, president of New Jersey Realtors, said bank-owned inventory is increasing for his Toms River-based office. A recent waterfront bank-owned home, he said, attracted eight offers in three days and went into contract for more than the asking price. The home will have to be completely gutted, he said.

“There’s a lot of experienced investors who are buying [bank-owned homes] and some new people are buying them believing they are going to be investors,” he said.

Howard Banker, director of housing finance at New Jersey Community Capital, a nonprofit community development organization, said he is seeing many distressed homes being converted to rentals. There is a growing market of displaced lower- and middle-income former homeowners who are unable to get another mortgage, he said.

“Investment firms have been able to acquire these homes in bulk and therefore at a discount. It is a lovely cash-flow system,” he said.

Posted in Demographics, Economics, Foreclosures, New Jersey Real Estate | 93 Comments

Who is to blame?

From the Star Ledger:

Trump trying to block funding for Gateway Tunnel project

President Donald Trump is trying to block federal funding for the Gateway Tunnel project even though the House has already allocated $900 million for it, according to a published report.

The Washington Post said Trump has pushed House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., to keep the funding for the plan for a new rail tunnel connecting New Jersey and Manhattan out of the spending bill now being written to fund the government through Sept. 30.

The report said Trump delivered the message to Ryan during a meeting on Wednesday. It cited as sources three people familiar with the conversation.

Trump has been at odds with Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer of New York on such issues as health care, taxes, budget cuts, immigration and guns. Schumer delayed the Senate confirmation of Federal Railroad Administrator Ronald Batory to pressure the administration to fund Gateway.

His much-touted infrastructure plan calls for increased state and local government spending on public works, even as he crippled their ability to raise revenue to pay for projects by signing legislation shrinking the federal deduction for state and local taxes.

Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen, R-11th Dist., who inserted the $900 million into the House spending bill, is one of the negotiators.

Gov. Phil Murphy said in Washington Thursday that the retiring lawmaker, who chairs the House Appropriations Committee, is working hard to ensure the money remains in the final spending bill.

The federal government initially agreed to pay the half the cost of building a new railroad tunnel under the Hudson River so that the existing tunnels could be closed to repair damage caused by Hurricane Sandy.

But the Trump administration has appeared to renege on that promise. In a letter sent Thursday to Rep. Donald Payne Jr., a member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Federal Transit Administration Deputy Administrator K. Jane Williams said there is “no evidence of a binding agreement.”

Posted in New Jersey Real Estate, NYC, Politics | 34 Comments

Recovered or back to a bubble?

From HousingWire:

CoreLogic: Housing market nearly recovered from recession

CoreLogic, a global property information, analytics and data-enabled solutions provider, released a report outlining the real estate economy from 2006 to 2017, showing that the housing market has nearly completely recovered from the recent recession.

In some areas, residential areas began to hit their peak levels as early as 2005, according to the company’s Evaluating the Housing Market Since the Great Recession report. The majority of home prices collapsed in 2007.

During the recession, home prices fell 33% nationwide, hitting their lowest in March 2011. Since then, home prices have risen once again by 51%. The average home prices is now 1% higher than its 2006 level and the average annual equity increase was $14,888 in the third quarter of 2017. This indicates the housing market has recovered in many parts of the U.S., according to the report.

But while, overall, the U.S. has pushed past the recession, some states are still struggling to return to their pre-recession price levels. For example, Nevada saw the greatest drop after the housing crash as its home prices fell 60% from their peak levels.

Since then, home prices increased 93% from their trough, but remain 23% below their pre-recession peaks. What’s more, 9% of mortgaged properties in the state remained underwater as of the third quarter of 2017.

While some states saw their home prices fall drastically during the recession, others only experienced slight changes. North Dakota’s decline was just 2% due in part to the energy boom, and home prices in the state have since risen 48% above their previous peak.

“Homeowners in the United States experienced a run-up in prices from the early 2000s to 2006, and then saw the trend reverse with steady declines through 2011,” CoreLogic Chief economist Frank Nothaft said. “After reaching bottom in 2011, our national price index is up more than 50%.”

“West Coast states, such as California, Washington and Oregon are seeing some of largest trough-to-current growth rates in home prices,” Nothaft said. “Greater demand and lower supply, as well as booming job markets, have given some of the hardest-hit housing markets a boost in home prices. Yet, many are still not back to pre-crash levels.”

Posted in Economics, Housing Bubble, Housing Recovery, National Real Estate | 105 Comments

Will it work?

From Bloomberg:

New Jersey Senate Passes Charitable Tax Workaround

New Jersey residents might be able to avoid federal deduction limits on property taxes by converting them to a charitable contribution under a proposal the state Senate approved Feb. 26.

S.B. 1893 would permit municipalities, counties, or school districts to establish charitable funds and allow donors to receive property tax credits in exchange for donations. The proposal is similar to proposals in other states, such as California and New York, that aim to use charitable contributions as a way around the state and local tax deduction cap included in the new federal tax law.

Under the new law, taxpayers who itemize deductions on their federal return may deduct up to $10,000 in state and local sales, individual income, and property taxes (SALT deduction). Previously the SALT deduction was unlimited.

Sponsored by Senate President Stephen Sweeney (D) and Deputy Majority Leader Sen. Paul Sarlo (D), the measure passed the Senate by a vote of 28-9.

The proposal is one of many legislative fixes that New Jersey is considering to counteract heavy tax burdens resulting from the 2017 federal tax act ( Pub. L. No. 115-97). New Jersey residents pay high state and local taxes as well as some of the highest property taxes in the country.

The charitable deduction proposal has support from Gov. Phil Murphy (D), who earlier this month told a gathering of mayors that shifting property tax payments to a charitable contribution system “provides residents with significant deductibility from their federal income taxes.”

Under the proposal, the local government unit would need to pass an ordinance or resolution to establish the fund, set an annual donation cap, and set an annual limit on tax credit funding that could be made available. The limit on tax credit funding would equal 90 percent of the annual donation cap, according to a Feb. 15 statement accompanying the bill.

However, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has cast doubt on such workarounds and has threatened to audit taxpayers who use them. IRS Publication 526 says that taxpayers can’t deduct as a charitable contribution any payment for which they receive a benefit in return.

Several Republican Senators who voted against the bill expressed concerns that the IRS wouldn’t accept the workaround.

“This deduction is worth a hundred million dollars in tax revenue. There’s no way the federal government is going to look away,” said Sen. Joseph Pennacchio (R). “I don’t want to put my taxpayers at risk.”

Sen. Steven V. Oroho (R) worried that “we’re going to give our residents a false sense of security.”

Sarlo said there are 33 other states that have similar programs. “If the IRS rules that we cannot proceed, then I would love to be at the table when we challenge them in court,” he said during debate on the bill.

Posted in New Jersey Real Estate, Politics, Property Taxes | 146 Comments

Top? Anywhere? Anyone see a top?

From CNBC:

Home prices surge 6.3% in December amid critical housing shortage

Sky-high demand and record-low supply continued to push home prices higher in December, far faster than income growth.

U.S. home prices increased 6.3 percent compared with December 2016, according to the much-watched S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller national home prices index. That is an increase from 6.1 percent annual growth in the previous month.

The index measuring the nation’s 20 largest metropolitan markets rose 6.3 percent year over year, a slight decline from the 6.4 percent annual gain in November.

“The rise in home prices should be causing the same nervous wonder aimed at the stock market after its recent bout of volatility,” David M. Blitzer, managing director and chairman of the Index Committee at S&P Dow Jones Indices, said in a release. “Across the 20 cities covered by S&P Corelogic Case Shiller Home Price Indices, the average increase from the financial crisis low is 62 percent; over the same period, inflation was 12.4 percent. Even considering the recovery from the financial crisis, we are experiencing a boom in home prices.”

The boom is strongest in Seattle, Las Vegas and San Francisco, which reported the highest gains. Chicago, Cleveland and Washington, D.C., saw the smallest gains. None of the top 20 markets saw an annual price decline.

Posted in Housing Bubble, Housing Recovery, National Real Estate | 103 Comments

NY jumps to the front?

From Inman:

Home prices reach new peak, NY makes biggest gains

According to the most recent Home Price Index (HPI) report from Black Knight, Inc., home prices in December increased .10 percent month-over-month and 6.6 percent year-over-year to $283,000 — the 68th consecutive month of annual home price appreciation, and a new peak for six of the nation’s 20 largest states and 11 of the 40 largest metros.

On the state level, New York led the way with a 1.71 percent month-over-month home price increase followed by Georgia (+0.69 percent), North Carolina (+0.48 percent), Illinois (+0.37 percent) and Texas (+0.15 percent).

Meanwhile, Ohio had the lowest month with a 1.13 percent month-over-month decrease in home prices, and the state had seven of the nation’s 10 worst-performing metros of the month.

On the metro level, 11 of the 40 largest metros hit new home price peaks in December, while prices fell in another 20 metros. New York City came out on top with a 1.25 percent increase from November 2017, and Atlanta (+0.76 percent), Chicago (+0.44 percent), Miami (+0.21 percent), and Dallas (+0.20 percent) rounded out the top five.

Boston, Massachusetts, performed the worst out of the 40 largest metros, with a 0.21 percent month-over-month decrease in home prices.

Posted in National Real Estate, NYC | 105 Comments

Keep Manhattan, just give me that countryside

From the Real Deal:

Why increasing numbers of New Yorkers are calling it quits on city life

According to realtors, there’s a great exodus from New York City that can be measured in New Jersey commuters.

Over the past 25 years, people commuting across the Hudson have increased by 28 percent forcing, in turn, bus trips to grow by more than 80 percent and railway trips to triple, according to The New York Times.

“We can see that in the massive migration in the last three or four years of city dwellers,” said Jonathan J. Miller of Miller Samuel Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants to the Times.

To Miller, the cause of people decamping to the ‘burbs is a result of the climbing cost of living.

“City costs have risen more than the cost of a home,” he told the Times.

Posted in Demographics, Economics, New Jersey Real Estate, NYC | 85 Comments

Fulop – From Darling to Demon

From the Jersey Journal:

Jersey City residents protest tax reval: ‘You’re taking our homes away from us’

Dozens of Downtown residents protested outside City Hall today to call attention to exorbitant tax increases they could see as a result of the citywide property revaluation.

Carrying signs and protesting the new assessments that were released last month on their homes, the residents said their tax bills could double or even triple.

“You’re taking our homes away from us. People who have lived here for 80 years are going to lose their homes,” said Christina Szpala, 55. “The people standing around me are not millionaires. It’s not our fault you’ve built up this city the way you have and given abatements to all these developers. We’re the people you’re supposed to protect and you’re throwing us out.”

This process, the first citywide reval since 1988, is intended to match every property’s assessment — its value on city tax rolls — with its true market value.

The 30-year delay between revals is leading to skyrocketing projected tax hikes, especially Downtown, where property values since 1988 have risen dramatically. In other parts of the city, like Society Hill and Country Village, homeowners have been told to expect dramatic tax cuts.

One man said today his annual tax bill could jump from $7,000 to $16,000, another’s from $10,000 to $30,000.

“This reval is an insult,” said Alexander Caldron. “This is middle class gentrification.”

Szpala and others said local residents could get pushed out as a result. She proposed phasing in the tax increases, adding that “it shouldn’t happen all at one time, say over a 5-year period.”

“We’re all working class people, we don’t have million-dollar incomes,” she said.

Mayor Steve Fulop has said a phase-in is not possible, noting to a group of homeowners at a neighborhood meeting earlier this month that phasing in tax hikes would mean asking other property owners to wait for their full tax cut.

“This is obviously a very, very imperfect situation,” Fulop said then.

Posted in Economics, Gold Coast, Politics, Property Taxes | 25 Comments

If we learned anything during the last bubble, it’s that this is a sign of a bubble

From Builder Magazine:


ATTOM Data Solutions today released its 2017 Environmental Hazards Housing Risk Index, which shows that median home prices in U.S. zip codes in the highest 20% for environmental hazard risk appreciated at a faster pace than the overall U.S housing market over the past year, past five years and past 10 years.

For the report, ATTOM Data Solutions analyzed 8,665 U.S. zip codes with sufficient housing trend data for risk related to four environmental hazards: superfund sites, brownfields, polluters and poor air quality.

Median home prices in zip codes in the top environmental hazard risk quintile increased 7.4% from a year ago on average (compared to 7.1% increase nationwide); increased 57.1% from 2012 (compared to 51.1% increase nationwide); and increased 22.2% from 2007 (compared to 12.3% increase nationwide).

“With housing inventory in short supply, even homes in higher-risk zip codes for environmental hazards are in high demand from buyers looking for lower-priced properties and investors looking for the next up-and-coming neighborhood,” said Daren Blomquist, senior vice president with ATTOM Data Solutions. “Buyer demand does seem to have a bit of a limit when it comes to environmental hazards, however. Homes in zip codes with superfunds on the EPA’s national priority list have seen weaker home price appreciation and have higher foreclosure rates than the overall housing market.”

Posted in Housing Bubble, National Real Estate | 133 Comments

No homes left to sell?

From CNBC:

Tight supply, rising prices weigh on US home sales

U.S. home sales unexpectedly fell in January, leading to the biggest year-on-year decline in more than three years, as a persistent shortage of houses pushed up prices and kept first-time buyers out of the market.

The National Association of Realtors said on Wednesday that existing home sales dropped 3.2 percent to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 5.38 million units last month. It was the second straight monthly decline and reflected decreases in all four regions.

Economists polled by Reuters had forecast existing home sales rising 0.9 percent to a rate of 5.60 million units in January.

Existing home sales, which account for about 90 percent of U.S. home sales, declined 4.8 percent on a year-on-year basis in January. That was the biggest year-on-year drop since August 2014. The weakness in home sales is largely a function of supply constraints rather than a lack of demand.

House price increases have outstripped wage growth, which has remained stuck below 3 percent on an annual basis despite the unemployment rate being at a 17-year low of 4.1 percent.

While the number of previously-owned homes on the market rose 4.1 percent to 1.52 million units in January, housing inventory was down 9.5 percent from a year ago. That was the lowest inventory for January on record. Supply has declined for 32 straight months on a year-on-year basis.

At January’s sales pace, it would take 3.4 months to exhaust the current inventory, up from 3.2 months in December. A six-to-seven-month supply is viewed as a healthy balance between supply and demand.

The median house price increased 5.8 percent from a year ago to $240,500 in January. That was the 71st consecutive month of year-on-year price gains.

Posted in Demographics, Economics, Employment, National Real Estate | 163 Comments

Governor who?

From NJ Spotlight:


Major changes to the federal tax code recently enacted in Washington, D.C. may have significant and unexpected impact on the state economy, according to state lawmakers — particularly in a high-cost place like New Jersey. That’s why Senate President Steve Sweeney has ordered a broad review of the state’s entire tax and fiscal policy landscape, and he’s named well-known outside policy experts to participate.

Sweeney (D-Gloucester) yesterday named two dozen members of a special working group, made up of both lawmakers and these experts; they’ve been charged with coming up with ways to help New Jersey deal with any economic challenges the federal tax-code overhaul poses.

But that’s not all. Other areas will be subject to the group’s discussions, which will primarily only be held in private, according to Sweeney’s announcement. The group will look at everything from how New Jersey funds local schools and other government services, to what can be done to control high property taxes and stop residents from leaving the state for cheaper alternatives.

The effort will be led by state Sens. Paul Sarlo (D-Bergen) and Steve Oroho (R-Sussex), and Assemblyman Lou Greenwald (D-Camden). In addition to several other lawmakers from both parties, the working group also will include more than a dozen outside policy experts, including economist Mark Zandi of Moody’s Analytics and former state Treasurer Feather O’Connor Houstoun.

The formation of the working group comes just weeks before Gov. Phil Murphy is expected to put forward his first state budget message to a joint session of the Legislature. It also comes as Murphy and Sweeney have publicly disagreed about whether the new governor should go forward immediately with his plan to hike New Jersey’s top-end income tax rate on earnings over $1 million to bring in more revenue to fund core priorities like K-12 education and public-employee pensions.

In fact, such working groups are usually organized by governors, and noticeably absent from the panel assembled by Sweeney — who once considered running for governor himself — is a member of Murphy’s administration. It remains to be seen exactly how receptive the governor will be to any of the group’s findings once they are released; Murphy’s press secretary did not respond to requests for comment yesterday.

Sarlo stressed that this new effort is putting “everything on the table,” and Greenwald promised it would not be just an “academic exercise.” Oroho suggested the group’s eventual policy proposals would help the state deal with a potential crisis.

“We are facing a crisis — a crisis of competitiveness, a crisis in housing values, and a crisis that undermines our prospects for future economic growth,” Oroho said.

In addition to Zandi and Houstoun, the experts from outside the Legislature are Dr. Joel Naroff, Naroff Economic Advisers Inc.; Dr. Michael Lahr, Rutgers Economic Advisory Service; Dr. Ray Caprio and Marc Pfeiffer, Rutgers Local Government Research Center; Richard Keevey, Rutgers University Bloustein School of Planning & Public Policy, and Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School; Dr. Henry Coleman, Rutgers University Bloustein School of Planning & Public Policy; Dr. Donald Moliver and Peter Reinhart, Monmouth University’s Kislak Real Estate Institute; Dr. Spencer Levy, CBRE Group Inc.; Ralph Thomas, New Jersey Society of Certified Public Accountants; Frank Chin and Ray Kljajic, American Public Infrastructure Inc.; Kurt Stroemel, H&RHS Financial Services; and Jerry Maginnis, accounting executive in residence at Rowan University.

“Blowing up the system, and putting it back together in a way that makes it work better, requires total discussion amongst people that can speak freely, and not be concerned that they’re going to be criticized until we get a product done,” Sweeney said.

Posted in New Jersey Real Estate, Politics, Property Taxes | 67 Comments

NJ’s tax scheme … will fail

From the Star Ledger:

Here’s how N.J. lawmakers propose to save your property tax break

The state Senate began its work Thursday devising a way to prevent New Jersey taxpayers from losing a popular property tax break as a result of federal income tax reform.

Following the mold of other high-tax states looking to skirt the new $10,000 cap on state and local tax deductions taxpayers can claim, the state Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee advanced a bill allowing municipalities to set up charitable funds to substitute donations for property tax payments.

Under the scheme, taxpayers would make donations to the charitable fund and receive a credit against their property tax bill. They could in turn claim the payment as a charitable contribution, which is not subject to a cap.

It’s a maneuver championed by Gov. Phil Murphy, a Democrat who urged the Democratic-controlled state Legislature to act.

While local officials don’t have to wait for the state to pass a law before establishing charitable support funds, Murphy said he believed they would be on stronger footing with it.

The bill would give property owners a 90 percent tax credit — ostensibly to stand up to IRS scrutiny — for their contribution to the town, county or school district’s charitable support fund. And if an owner’s tax credits exceed their net property taxes owed, the fund would roll the credits forward for up to five years.

State Sen. Steve Oroho, R-Sussex, warned state lawmakers may be sending taxpayers down a risky path, as it’s unclear whether the Internal Revenue Service will bless these moves, which resemble a quid pro quo.

“The way the charitable contributions work is you’ve got to give something and get nothing in return,” Oroho said. “I’m not really sure how we can argue that you’re not getting anything in return.”

In fact, U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin last month called the idea, also considered by California, “ridiculous.”

Posted in New Jersey Real Estate, Politics, Property Taxes | 167 Comments

At what point do we say “recovered” and at what point do we say “bubble”?

From CNBC:

Home Prices Hit Records in Almost Two-Thirds of U.S. Cities

Home prices jumped to all-time highs in almost two-thirds of U.S. cities in the fourth quarter as buyers battled for a record-low supply of listings.

Prices for single-family homes, which climbed 5.3 percent from a year earlier nationally, reached a peak in 64 percent of metropolitan areas measured, the National Association of Realtors said Tuesday. Of the 177 regions in the group’s survey, 15 percent had double-digit price growth, up from 11 percent in the third quarter.

Home values have grown steadily as the improving job market drives demand for a scarcity of properties on the market. While prices jumped 48 percent since 2011, incomes have climbed only 15 percent, putting purchases out of reach for many would-be buyers.

Sales of previously owned homes, including single-family houses and condos, increased 4.3 percent to a seasonally adjusted rate of 5.62 million in the fourth quarter, the Realtors said. At the end of December, only 1.48 million existing homes were available for sale, 10.3 percent less than a year earlier.

Posted in Economics, National Real Estate | 121 Comments